The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, July 31, 1877, Image 8
HefcaageawBasacwManaa THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: JULY 31., 1877. PLAIN AND FANCY Ithe southern side; JOB WORK.i — In MHDOLPH SIHEHSOH. M, D.. MEW SPRING GOOBS. j . ^ Notuhhstninling tho li:ml tiim s, ANDERS8NVILLE PRISON:ithe undersigned is receiving a full SUPPLY OF ALL KINDS OF Spring and Summer Goods THE GEORGIAN FOR 1877. ! Compiled from Official Document GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. OFJVAKIOUS styles, Having Secured the Services of .A. FIRST-CLASS JOB PRINTER, i • ''' ’ We are enalileil to tnrr out as good work as car be done r 9 *fj 0 ?■ ' r “' IN THE STATE. We call the attention of all our eit zens to the following Price List: Bill Heads, per Thousand* Assorted, $5. Canary Colored Envelops, Furnished to Merchants and Business Men, with their ~~ cards printed on them, At $3 PER THOUSAND. LETTER HEADS, -$4 50 to $5 Per Thousand. Common 75c per Hundred, -AND— $4 50 to $5 per Thousand. Fancy Work Proportionately Higher. VISITmC CAB.3S, BLANKS, NOTES, Foters, Circulars, Handbills, Pamphlets, etc., Printed in any color desired, and as cheap as can be done in the Stale. GIVE US YOUR ORDERS SAVE MONEY, And get good work, and sustain a home institution. Call at the A'lTi ENS GEORGIAN: ftfce, iBmnd «trcct, Athens,Ga. Formerly Surgeon in the Army of the Con federate Suite!* of America; Cliiet' Surgeon of the Confederate Staten Prison Hospital!., Ander- souville, Georgia; Surgeon ami Medical Pur veyor of the Confederate Stales Prisoua East of the Miroifirippi river. Together with u review of a eortion of the testinumv of the witneMe* in the celebrated “ Wira frul,” and brief notion. of some of the works that have appeared on Southern Prison* by Northern Authors, V5TT2A1T •&PPEXTX>I2E, Containing tbo names of about l i.OiW Union Soldiers who died at Andersonvilie; giving number of their graves, their rank, the Com[>u- nies and Regiment* to which they belonged, and the date of their dea b, a* registered by the author and others. Also, Cause and Claaaification of the Diseases incideut* to Prison Life; Comparative Stil. - ments of Prisoners captured, and deaths in Northern and Southern Prisons; _A » liaptcr imi the Exchange Burfcm, etc., clc.^s COBTDXTIOJffS = Tliis work is printed from new, clear type, in One La rye Octavo Volume of nearly 500 Pay ex, WITH SEVEN FULL-PAGE ILLDStUTMS m A MAP It will be delivered to subserbers at the following prices: Ueaatifallr Ihmml In Knelish t loth,..... $3 00 •* *• Shrcp - 4 00 “ •• tuir-cair,—...... r,oo {^“Payment to be made c n Re ceipt of the TFbrfc. Persons giving their signatures to these conditions, will be considered subscribers to this Work. But no obligation wiil rest upon any sub scriber to receive the book unless it equals, in every tespect, description given and sample shown. TURNBULL BROS., Publishers. Ji E. R1TCH, AGENtT ATHENS, QA. NOTICE. JOFFICE OF COD NT,Y JUDGE, I Athens, July 28d, 1877. ) To the Road Giinmimontm of Clark* County: The term* of the Road Commissioners for tlie several Districts of Clarke county having ull ex pired, some previous to this date, and some on to-day, 1 have deemed it advisable to make all the appointments outlie same day, and for that reason have postponed making appointments in any of tne Districts tilt they could be made iu all. In making the new appointments 1 have attempted to select men ■well qualified for the position, and who will faithfully discharge the duties of tiie office. It is a universal rule that the better the facilities for transportation, the more pri eperous the comity. It is to be hoped that each and every Commissioner will enter upon the discharge of his I'utics promptly, and cxi-rt himself to accomplish a* muuh for the public good asjmssiblo. It being an otfice of much labor and no pay, I have endeavored, whenever practicable, to’ro- lieve at least two of the old Commissioners, so that the burden may not all rest on tiie same shoulders. The following arc the new appointees for two yeurs from Julv 23d, 1877: Fhr Athens District. 2Kth.—James S. King, Samuel If. Kinney and Win. J. Hassell. For Georgia Factory District, 217th.—John K. White, John Sansom and YV’m. C. Rice. For PuryearV District, 218th.—John Billnps, W. K. Tuck and W. H. Morton. For Sandy Creek Diatricksnith.— 1 Thomas F. Hudson, Jos. F. Comer and M.L. D. Pittman. For Back Brandi District; 220th.—William F. Matthews, W. II. Hull and R. T. Pittard. For Barber’s Creek District, 241st.—T. N Lester, T. D. and J. E. Bradbury. Their commissions will be ready for them whenever called for. The last Grand Jury expressed a desire that I should personally inspect the roads of the coun ty. 1 now notify the Commissioners and their overseers that 1 expect to ride over every road in tbo county during the mouth of September, and liuiie to find them in perfect order. W. B. THOMAS, jnly24—2t County Judge Clarke County. Lar est Weekly in the State. Blouglit at Panio.Prioes! lie most earnest ly'im ites his old customers and the public generally, i .— Anb E§FBOiAiiLY Cask Oustomers, j to call and examine mss | With increased facilities for carrying on the publication of our paper (JO 13S A ND P RlCitS | for the New Year, the Georgian will be found, as heretofore, Before purchasing cl-ewlmre, ns be is confident he can plense both with goods and prices."; ! Athens, Ga. ap]7-8iii; S- G- DOBBS- Rock Bottom Prices. M***++"+*-+*S~5-4~i-+’++-! f+-r-i-r*:—*• + -5-F-r-i WORKING ON A CASH BASIS. 1 Strictly Democratic, I And will endeavor to supply its readers with the most careful, com plete and trustworthy accounts of current events. It will * vcinaiu its usual size, eight pages, and has i Readina iilter In Its Holms ■ ■!- 1 •••-7—<r - :Z3— Headquarters for | Thau any two weekly papers in the State. We have the largest bona fide subscription list in Northeast Georgia, and we intend to make it, as heretofore, an interesting FIRESIDE COMPANION. , MEAT AND •JKtfn'JK'jnwjr. '/r. -Jr.-m xn-xr.wir.yr.zir.&n&fi S — ——— § § § - § uk'/avk -xn'tr.'JA '.ar. vcr-ja -Jf. ur. ur. un-v/s >/■ -/sx/n una/n sr. ■Jrx/r.-Jn-J/i-jmvr. uaut: FLOUR DEPOT ! Competition Invited From all Quarters. Regular Bulldozers Against High Prices. Cajsh Against Ti’m^e! .. A.A-. ‘ AND CASH ALWAYS WINS. ’• Tf/ i7T77^i«*u r ^. h >;i7/:*in . COME AND SEE HOW WE CANgSELL'GOODS. * Mp- * 3 <i’> : • * *«* 'Ll < W v -T'Vv. • , Hodgson & Co. -- Connected with our newspaper, we have a Cottrell & Babcock Press, The finest Book and Job Press, together with the best selection of Job Type, all new, and ordered within the last six month*, and sire prepared to do all kinds of Rabun Gap High School. Located in the beautiful Valley of Head o Tennessee. Ba/bkaxi Gcnxrty, Ga- W. a. CURTISS, Principal. The Ninth Consecutive Session will open on Monday, July 16th, ls77, and continue, without intermission, for twenty weeks. Tuition—$6, $8, $10, $12 and $15 per session. Board, $0 per month. Beautiful.and healthful location, pure water, salubrious atmosphere, mild climate, and atten tive and devoted teachers, render tiie school attractive, pleasant and lust nn-tive. For particulars, address If. A. IT*HIT-*. Principal. Head of raasssee P. O., Ga. jnlylO-tf. Here for You. Being the City Constable, I have concluded t« do a general collecting business, all parties want ing notea or accounts collected I will give them prompt atu ntion on commission. Also buying and selling property at private or public sale septl2-tf. W. A. ENGIAnD, L. C. Auction! 1 have associated W. A. England with me in the Auction business, who will give prompt attention to the sale of property and goods of all kinds. VERONEE .fc ENGLAND. julyl7-lm< LEGAL BLARES, Neatly printed and for sal t at thia office- PLANTERS’ HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. * , INTES^W' Hs.tes deduced to §33 per Day. HAYING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, 1 enter upon its management by Reducing Rates, and asking of the Travel ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a continu ance of that liberal support they have always given it. 33. F. BE5.0WKT, jan23-5m / KORMF.K..Y OF CHARLESTON, PROPRIETOR. Olpift With a new supply ot Rules and Figures, wo are prepared to tmn ’out all and every kind -* ., ;-a . Railroad Blanks, Abstracts, Tags, WAY BILLS, ETC., TOGETHER WITH tmeWex »&&&■&> statement** As Cheap as they can be doue in any city iu the South. The Work- •Den in our Job Department cannot be surpassed in Excellence and. Flr»isH. ft^*Give us a c«H at our old stand, Broad street, Athens, Ga.