Newspaper Page Text
^rimvillt, G*.
Alliens, (In..; *
Office Sotitli West Corner nt' College Av< ni;-
Clayton Street, also nt tlie Court l!,v> .
AU parties Jesirinj' Criminal Warrants, cun yet
them at any time by npplvtnjz to the County
Solictor at this office. ' deolil-l^! t1‘
The Convention.
As is well known tn every
render of tlie Georgian, v.e were nn
earnest advocate for the call of the
ilahlc and proper, hut a long session j Constitution
sit a small per diem is as costly to the I pie did us
State as a short session at :t high per . It is prot
the State. The peo
desire a netv one.
Ratio oven if tlicv
Minns, On.
Prompt attention jriven to all bnsincs* atul
tho ».une n »;i oliully solicited. janH-ty
l>. C. Ha ninny, ,lM.
Por* Rahhow.
Jbitow Itrom.,
' nm stiff L ’ .I- r*» eft
* ^ Athens, Ga;
Office o\ur Talmadgo, Hodgson A t.’n
diem. There is no excuse for this ! desired a revision of the old one.,
unnecessary and exliorbitant i expend- j The incessant agitation of the capi-
present Constitutional Convention, for ! itnn.- of the puhlie money. ! tal question utlcnirth forced the call
reasons which we deemed good and 1 The following letter, publi bed in j ol a Convention through the Legisla-
sufficient. We are still in favor j t i, c chronicle ami Constitutionalist | tore hy a feAe majority. A very
ot.a Convention whose object it would 1 of t j„, 2ll j instant, presents so aptly ! small popularvbte after much person-
be to make the primer and n.-cessarv | t j, w astounding course noiv living i al persuasion and the appeals of the
alterations and amemlmenU to our or- J p lirstuH j by t | l0 Convention, that we I press sent yo]f to revise a good organ-
ganic law. j g*, v e it the benefit of an insertion in ! it law as to tini-c portions in which
But the fact cannot be disguised that j our editorial columns: 11 "' aH defective or object ionablo.
g li Tit 11AH11E1U
Wstklnsvillii, (1s.
Office in farmer Ordirnry’s office.
Special ntb-ntlun
For reference apply to
sn>l lion.' l»a\M Ropu
Office over I’b-uOmce
ii, M
. Tocoa City, Ga.
Will practice in all the ccnntk# of the Weet-
ern Circuit, Hart and Madison of the Northern
Circuit. - will giro special attenlon to nil elahna
entrusted to hi* care. Oct-JO-lM.Vly.
the Convention is treading upon
dangerous ground and that the people
aro becoming alarmc:! hy their revolu
tionary measures and their wasteful
expenditure of the public ntouev. A
body which was chosen at an election
^trwltftffi lose titan gq<» half tbevoters
6f the State voted, have no authority
to incorporate the entire subject matter
of legislation in a pretended embodi
ment ol fundamental principles. And
tvhilp it is proper that guards should be
thrown around the improper use of the
public money and credit, the people do
not intend that these wise-acres shall
put them into an iron straight-jacket
which wijJJcaytLthpiy nq .umvetoLsplf-
vemtncid. A iCopMitAtikJ which
kes awpyj fnu& the peopfc tljp |fiw<y
of self government and the regulation
oi their own affairs according to their
wishes and the necessities of tl#|>artic-
ular times, is as much an engine of
tyranuy as the machinery of an abso
lute despotism. It is an insult to the
people, and assumes and declares that
| Ami under Ijfis warrant you have
To the Convention, Greeting! dipped your hands into .tho public
i purse and haVoxesumed to: dig down
A ItiseiSnl iwirnln VritHn Oku Letter tutlir 1
luasi Rational Convention.
Lamar Cobb. Howei^Cobb. 'j tbe y have not ,he intelligence * nd
virtue necessary to govern themselves,
> soli
AT UtfcH Y,0
Office '
Athens, 6a
n Denpm- BnllUin^,
( For the Chronicle and Constitutionalist.]
Gentlemen of the. Convention :
A friendly word or two with you.
Yoi» do not constitute the “ ablest
and most intellectual body of men
ever assembled in Georgia.” The
provincial press has told you this, and
it is cruel to undeceive you. But it
is necessary. Your autobiographies
in pamphlet form have deceived no
body, not even yourselves. This de
vice of an Atlanta hoheiniau was a
pleasant little prelude your lal*>n»,
and overtoppfccthe social and political
fabric of&gfae. Yonr boast that-
you are doing^Ayork to last,for geuqr«
atious is bosh ^jnd balderdash. Con
stitutions do ftot outlast the parch*
ment upon which they are written.
The world fffeves, society flanges
and States grtjjfc/ Courts, the special
guardians of e^istitutigna, do not JLeft
irs would not stand
iiys your, sessions are
not without' matters of interest and
amusement to the lookers ou. Bpt,
them stand,
a minute belt
In these dit
he averse to your assembly, though
he voted an open ticket as a .•’latter
of policy. He has a strong following
of henchmen inside and outside the
Grange. He did not mean anything
by trying to preside over your or
ganization. Bob Ely told him that
such was, the law, and like Avery
assured him it had been the etiquette
of all similar occasions. Don’t imag
ine that Colquitt is a fool. Some in
telligent and discriminating people
may have so thought after looking at
liim anil listening to hint talk. Bnt
I know him, and such is not a fact.
Another : threat from yon in regard
to tlie Agricultural Bureau, and the
State administration is on your back.
But I weary yonr patience, andper*.
hapit intrude upon the precious time
of men engaged as you are. Aly , on
ly excuse is. your good and the wel
fare of. t the, people.. After, a careful
reading of your proceedings and
speeches, my heart goes oat to the.
poor victims of your economy, from
old map Warner who will pot,, have,
money enough to buy, a “ black veil,*'
which he sq dejighta ,.fo wear, to the
v page who will have to forego die
In this, issuer we publish in fait the
speech of lion. A. O. Bacon, Speaker
of the Houss of Representatives de
livered before the literary societies oi
the State University at. the recent
annual commencement. The subject
chosen by the speaker is one of peculiar
aptnc&j for the times, and while die
address speaks for itself mid needs
not commendation nt our hands, yet
tve cannot forbear saving, that ” The
Ideal Statesman” as ap essential to
good government was so ably, elo
quently and forcibly presented, Uiae
all who were so fortunate as to near
the honorable . speaker w ere deeply
impressed .with the. iinpoutaitce of
reform in the governing power of our
land., Mr. Bacon, on this occasion
fully sustained bis reputation as «
sound thinker, a -true, patriot, a safe
counselor and, a wise statesman, and
we commend his. speech to the care
ful reading of all, who feel ipi interest
in good , and honest government,tyid
who desire to ; sce “ Tlie Ideal States
man V the boast .and honor of oar
country^. /
gentlemen of^jho Convention, then pleasure of peanuts. Am) M l(an-
every Constitutional Convention, save
that of 1867, were your peers in ev
erything, your Superiors in many.
Even that military mulatto hybrid
contained men who have proved
themselves to be better Constitutional
thinkers than yourselves. They have
left* upon reoor&the draft 1 of an tw
in office only fey suffrance, j ganic. law which you seem nnafele to
At lien*, Ga.
Office on Brand Street, between Center A Nieh-
olson nn«l Orr A Co.. un-^Uirf>.
ATTomrrr jat law,
(•ainmville, (in.
j intend to oonstitute tbcm.-elvcs guar-
i dians for these foolish and imbecile
Georgians for all time to come. Now
if there is one thing fully settled iu
this country, it is the right and ability
of the people to govern themselves,
and to make their own laws mid to
change both laws and law-givers as
[often as they see fit The attempt
equal or Kiirpa*». You have lifen in
session eighteen days, have nearly
exhausted the legislative appropria
tion, and have accomplished but one
certain result, viz.: the rejection of
yonr work by tlie people, of whom
you arc but a fraction, and a vulgar
one at that. You are not ready defi
cient iu intelligence or patriotism.
his dogmatic a$sumacy and. bald as
sertions. It is tlte first time since
the war that tie has had an andienoc
so respectable in numbers and iutelli-,
gence, and h|j5fe<wi the most of tfeel
opportunity. AitdGus Wright, as a
|rd»gio-politJ^ f ^<-yost, is unequalled.
Kthe -andifuHu>f
tingencies, by ap enlargement of thq
Stafe i^stic Asylum..,, r , - .1, . ;
Good-bye, friends! Give Nat Ham
mond, Gu? Reese and. Aleck Lawtop
fair compensation and a competent
clerk, and they wil) make a revision
of the Constitution in three days that
SWrfci.v lithe and tfttll jofjvwifl give ur^ivCTsal- and entire satis-
liotious and idcan, which | faction. AS for the balance, come
with a grace.and agt'ity ! home, and come at .once. We hove
An Important Fact for the
j Jr . Time*.
III (i..v. H. Y. JtlhnsoiiM mertWgte
td tlie-biennial stnsshwr of the General
Aiisetnbly' in '1855 mid 1866, under
the igeaeritl head df : treasury, page
12, of the journal of- that date; we
find tlie* following i -
- “Tito Committee of Finance on the
State of the Treasury &a, called my
attention to the'imiiicnsu item of ex-<
pensc for the services' of derks in
both branches df the General Assem
bly. M have investigated this sub-
, h^fac^ffiU exami nation-of rhr
rusident'rt and Speiiker’s Warrantn
Konl Kstnt<- :ui.l (ieuorul l^imt Agent forth*
.inrohn-.e nml iciln of Mineral and Fanning
Land* in Hall, mid tlie other counties of North-
•jast tieoiyin. Minornl ore* tested and titles to
property invest lasted. Special attention given
totfie pu * . • - -
! under the disguise of a Constitution ' Among you are some eminent men.
to fasten perpetually upon the people 1 You all had been iu the habit of going
purchase and sale of city property,
ys—6m J. N. DORSET. Attorn
lie gets off
novel and pleasing. Tlie mere polit- j not looked on a picture ao pitiable as j fmni 1883, down t*» the present time,
ical student can find no better 6chool j that presented by you, save the one»including the last session. 'The ngi
than that afforded by Squire Wofford, i uncovered by the strikers in the North. g ro gute expenses of tlie two Houser,
who, true to tho instincts and tradi ! There States, weakened by a central- j p er sess'ioo, on this score, from 183lf,
tions of tlie Cherokee, skilfully Lays ized Government,* quailed'and cowered I ^ ow „ lo t | t0 nession of 1849 50 rang-
before a mob. Here, the sons of a troni $1,290 00 to )|8,833, the lat
ter sum lieing the largest expendi
ture <»f any one session dtiriug that
the pipes for a Gubernatorial cam
paign, by calling to Cuftcc to come
up to tlie ballot box without money
Attomoy- a-fc Zaw,
IIartviill, Gxorqu,
Will practice in the Superior Courts of North*
«**t Gcoi^in mid Supreme Court at, Atlanta.
A'i<* S. 1 **70 if
.Iamk* It. Lyi.b,
Aux. S. Ekwiv,
Commonwealth are shearing her of her
strength and glory just as the Ameri
and without price The political j can people are beginning to see and j, y ,- 10 d. For the session of 1849-50,
economist and financier may ponder j appreciate the ttue theory of State ! t j, e ox p l?nSi . for clerks’hire of tba
certain laws which are within tho legit- ; among your neigliliors without | upon and learn wisdom from the sol- j governments. | two Houses was818,280 00; for 1851-
imate scojie of ordinary legislation s|M?ciul eare or espionage, and your etrn sentences of the Hon. Josiah i Cotne home! Georgia Joes not i o ; t was §17,212 00 and for 1858-4,
1 constituents and inasi.ers had come j Warren, of Chatham, as he anticipates
to ljelicve that you were capable of j the thunder of Toombs’ 1 strike at
attending to tlie ordinary duties of; railroad corporations. It is funny,
every day life. Because you desired j but even my old friend 'Jack Guer*‘
to go to the Convention, they reluc* | rani, of Savannah, who is apt io‘jerli
tantly sent you with foar and trein* j out his chunks of legal lore very much,
bling as to tlie result, and tlu-ir worst ; after the fashion of chucking uice
and which they ought to have the
! power of changing as they may wish,
1 is as much of a usurpation, as would
: be the nttempt on the part of these
delegates to perpetuate themselves in
office for he next fifty years. And
these gentlemen may rest assured that
need politicians and Constitution-1 w{ls $33,1.06 00. The enormous
patcher?. Come | The plow stands ! expenditure of the three last session*
in the furrow, f.Hh|er ripens under a t j ie l^gighiture evince extravst-
harvest moon, the cotton boll smiles to
tlie kiss of an August sun, and the
crow-feet from the crest of potato
ridges', waves defiance to tho sable
statesmen of the land.
(,'uurt of
lo ;;!l hasiucs* ini rusted" to their Wp.
tlie jieople intend In retain sonic por- j forebodings have been more than real- I from a box, lias caught the infectious
* vt,k * KKWlN, tion of their freedom, and will indig- jized After a grt-al waste of wind, j afflatus, and upon so dry a point as j inviting. Your Stute calls,
* J j VK’ S' i T IA IF nautlv spurn this eflort to bind and let- : you have framed a bill of rights which j imprisonment for debt, indulges in aii
* practice in partncrsliip in the Su^riar | ter them. If a Constitution limited ; would have reflected credit upon the j undulating eloquence and a volnptu-;
if o-.vay < »iiiit\-, .<■»,: ^ logitinr.itc J scop^ gf ,-Altp fuuda- : compoMiig powers of a hoy of tliirteeii.^ «iw rhetoric which recalls the best
I mental law is presented, th4people wHUj II t. erg is.a Iniy of-rtbirttevo iir-the j efforts of Tom Hardeman and
j doubtless disregard minor objections i State who-would father its gTtmmtar,! Lochrane in presenting tin tnunphets
! and ratify it overivlielminglv, but if j no argum nt is ueeded to prove our j al # fireman’s tournament. And
i the present -florts in tlie Convention : common school si stem a failure, and j where, permit me to nsk, in the an-
find their ic- ilts in tho leatnres ot the ! the educational bureau an expensive ! ,,a l s ot tlie world is there to he found
J Constitulii r tliat instrument will ! aiul usele.-s exere.'e ic>. You have I n nobler example of misdirected com*-
' certainly be thrown hy the nonuhir tackled the Kxecutive Depart ment J a » u 5,1 the discharge of duty than
verdict in the tra-!i basket where it [ article, and with pragmatical igno- j ** ,al nftbrded by Mr. Key, who rallies j J 1
lance have plastered it all over with an, l rises, and rises and
Tho field is
A Sovereign.
ganec ahd call for fefreBchirteir'atiA
reform.” ’ 1 * v i'
The most' reinarkablb flict <ttbout,
the nitovn'iiumt disgraceful, of>rrupC~
»nd wnWefhl expenditure iif the’]**>-
pies’. money in these honest, golden-*
days'of tlie njiublio of which tve
Collun I' t'-lon *!■<( (.. h.-imI 1 iMaml*»tfln JIm,-tcint«. •
S.ivannali, Ga.
BoMixg,Ties, «h1 xthrr nuppii,- far- \ nropCliv will lulling.
utslird. Also, liberal cash advances maJ.i on , r ' . , . i , . ... ,
.•*insi!?nmciits for eiile or shipment to Liverpool j A proper constitution should have 1 the proto-plastic notions
or Nortbom port*. m»y SO-lwTft-tf franud and the conv<-!ilioti * which seem to pervade year
rp a. 11,vn. I alioulj 11:1 v • ml joai iievl two reeks *; all points of Constitutional law.
W-'fcsb.vaxlKar 3e JTowalor, j since. This could and would have | Indeed, you set-in to be animated.
U Michnol’ntore, next door to BeaTe*& Xlch- 1 been dole if the work had been io:i* ' tint by a single purpose, viz.: to
ol.’ou’*, itroaJ etreet, Athene, Geonria. All . , . , | , . „ -i. .. . 1 : 1 r
irork warranted 12 month*. | fined to constitution 11 king, and • emasculate a great State WHICH lor
had n* it be-11 pu-hed into tie-geiu-n! ! the tin..- being, unhappily lies pi os-
field of legislation. This v us the di-! trate and powerless in your hands,
red promise to the poo],1c when the Mv |h*h has done you rank injustice
delegates were seeking their election.
Tlie SUo.OllO appropriated by the
Legislature has been nearly exhausted,
and aa much more will fee consumed
by these wonderful economists. The
sincerity of their professions of regard
amendment in hand, to be immedi
ately and incontinently floored by
Pagltt hniiilredf Monivuiites an iced : hear -o niuch ot late, is thnLtlw*
in this country last week from Russia, j imm-iculato bi*n. W. _ o or .
Tlie.v* emigrated thence to avoid eon- j wl *° the present c-nstirntt con-
and have determined t( , j vention set unco,nproniismgly abuses
K-uisi^ jlhe profligiev ot tbe present tunes,
* aiyl who is mm tlie modern eh-impi
Peunsylvaniil. Probably they wmld i'" 1 ,,r Tetiem huient. reform, and
have come to Georgia and Foliid-i it i u "> ‘ n, ’ V:VH 1,1 W
( they had been sufficiently instructed i W54 Clerk o. the house ol rep.eseo-,*
I in the advantages oft’..•red to settlers |
rallies,!. , , . —— = — --
j in those localities.
script 1011,
si-ttle at, vaiious points in ivuns s,
Nebraska, Missouri and Western
The Jews arc determined to sY
tliose par’iamentary athletes, George \ Mr. Hill on that they can get on
Pierce and Porter Ingram? Pardon
this diversion, and I proceed with the
matter in poiut. As I have already
Toeoa City, Go.
i»r WinshiF*
eo iKiid for cotton. A«ent
1. oe80-l»76-tf
i*rr 1—:
Caroeaville, Ua.
in that last paragraph, and I hasten
to make amend. You all seem to be
candidates for something, from Guv*
emor duwu to Justice of the Peace.
It is safe to say that not more than
half a dozen of you*- body have
1 iniiit'-diato withdrawal ot their own
EMPLOYMENT oitW a* b Tanner, Engl- " , .... ,
nx*r, or CArpenuir. Goal ri-fcnnoee eiveu, and j hands ! the public money drawer.
r«woa»h!o. Adarons, J. H. K., c*re of J ... ,i
Atncn* Georgian, Athens, Ga myiMf ‘Thesu ..i-m 18 all very ciid
for the pecuniary interests of the part d with political at d official aspw
public can be best proven by tlie rations. And you seem altogether
ohliv'ous of the crand tt|K>n wfiioh
you were sent. The call under which
vou have assembled was lo revise the
Oli, s tints oi the departed, ketlij"
days, j i>l io iliiuk of ii, that
1 tii.- pur**,'im ,1 •-■•til te-G.,:ulva J. Jen-
| kins should luve read lr.itn the desk
of the pi\ sidliig ofli J-*r of Georgians
ciitivil'itioual coiivontioii letters from
well in life without him. A commit
tee of I-realites, appointed hy some
of the leadi g houses of New York,
observed, it is 1 unpleasant necessity have visited Staten Island to find a | iho holders of Baiiock’s bonds, wjiett
to tell you the truth. But outside of suitable site upon which to build a ! oollv mfo-, XV :.s called to p.irily
the fact that you ha.-o driven Her- l :l rge h. tel. They do not intimate, j t j ie l oco , j v f a „ uectiraed and politi-
1PT..1 J * _ I! .• 1 * .. 1 t- _ ' v ’ Al.-i. *1...... —*ir.. .. t.t a 3
bert Fielder to his inkstand, you have
accomplished nothing so far .beyond
tho certain rejection of your “ oils
podridq ” by a popular vote '
The Republic :ns will rally, organ
ize, and strike it solidly. They will
be actively aided by all of the outs,
and by all o*. those officials and th«:r
friends to whom you have applied
the salary guillotine. Colquitt is not
partial to you. He was supposed to
however, that they will follow Mr. [ (>a || v corrn pt commonwealth. And
Hilton’s uncharitable example, and j t0 think, that he wcatt nefore.
adoiittanco to :it, when finished, to j t], e fiaiuice cornin'ttce In advocacy of
“ trade Christians.”
Wonder* of tlie oge^ That Gen.
W. T. Woffowl, .who recently so
vigorously attacked the lobbyist in
tlie Con. Coo., should have been a
feed lobbyist in behalf of the “Stone
chums the much abused legislature
of 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876 nnd 1877
had repudiated. - u
That, resolutitnt—that College- de
stroying resolution—of G- >1 • . John
..lou-'tain penitentiary project” re- I Sureven’s!. Why, really, what ii to
vived iu 1374. More anon.
beovnie of our Stale University