Newspaper Page Text
Having Secured ike Services of
Tlio Sewing: Machine.
ri.KIt. KTT.
! The elaborate unj very i-ouij'lete review of
the Honing machine business, which vie have
just ivml in u cujiy of tlu‘ *• Scw'iug Muchiue
; News,” >ettlcs the following |>.»int~;
] 1. There bus never been uuy combination
| mnyiur sewingmachine mau-’-Ijic'-urers to li\ the
I j^riqp# of sewing machines for the public. lu-
! deed, there lias e.ver been an unusually heated
' competition between the makers, anti eaeb lias
( Itfen at I berty to sell a* such priin* as lie could
j #«»• '
2. Ample provision was maJe for lieeusing
j other inventors, so that the public l.iis bad the
j advantage of every meritorious Invention and
I Improvement in scwlhg meehanisa tliut genius
I has devised.
i it. Since the expiration of Wilson's feed [nt-
i ent in 18751. no efforts have Ua-n made by, the
■ combination for its extension, the many pub-
j lishcd statements to the contrary nit withstands
! iug
' 4. The. lapsing, May 8, o; a license li e of £3
per machine, did not oan«l* tl:e reduction in
j prkies of machines.
it also corrects un e rroneous impression \\ hieh
has been produced by the recently announced
reduction .in prices i f sewing machines, from
which the public seem to liavc inferred licit the
imyuifiictnrcrs urc anxious to almost give away
their machines. Such is not the case. Good
standard sewing machines are bat a trifle
King Maries’'
TO x oli a it "e Saloon, ;
The ties! i.'ineinnul'.i Lager Berr, Cigars aud all j
kinds of l.iipiors sold cheap
dccllt-ly. FOR CASH.
' J. II. ltKAVKS, t
; Havid Uass, J
( If. A. I OWRA.NCK, !
i Wii. h. Wood. j
All persoua having demand# against., the e»-
i tatc of John Kirkpa'rk-k, Jyg*u»cd, are* hereby
i notified to present the sumo to tne in due form
Glaurlse Ooiaaaty-
A an i^rder from tlie 'Court of Ordinary of
(.'larks cjmrv, will t*o sold before the Court-
.. , ; »>r payment within The time prescribed by law, j the citvof Athens.' • , the first
Furniture Manufacturing i arur v v*rAngu>, 1.0.0*,. .he«*»»!
Practical Watchmaker.
H AS removed to his old stand at the 3*«r
It, a,j St-, i , w here he will be glad to see
his customers, old and new, who wish flue
work done on Watches, Clocks, a’.ul .Ie'.y elry
Ail work irarraiitod. •
lidrtO-.iui. - ARTHUR EVANS-
The Copartnersiiip
Heretofore exist’ng umler filename and style
Believing that Athens, and, the section of
country around, should have, and would cor
dially support a first-class
! quirod to make immediate pavnient.
I Furniture Store and Factory
V L1. persons having demands against Wil
liam 1*. Tttlniadge,, de^eensfd^ areherehy
’ notified to present the. same to me for jiayuient,
: within the lime p-escribed bylaw, and those in-
! debted to said decease 1 are requested, tauvake
1 we have cuU-ruil into a jiartuershijs bought out , immediate payment.
1 the Machinery ami store of G’dlelant?. Wood ‘ ELIZABETH A IA1.MADGE, Admit’*.
. Co., ond the store of J. F. Wilson it Col, mid ! June 12—6 vv
determined to give the business a fiiir trhd under i —-: • • r -—,t*
j the firm name ot the Athens Furniture Muuu- OTlCf). "
i ftiptiirimr ^'DQlDaiiv. %: * ** l'r l * *•' I . > _ i !*•»_•* tl
hours of sale, toe followiii;
belonging to t lit- esljtfe g>]
di.viibed pioperty
* Center.
taeturing Company. -
At the store occupied by J F. Wilson dc Co,
, .li mv s.v.« -.vHpeu uj v » • MIIMIII Ql>CO m
- „ .. ; wc propose to keep a stack of Furniture winded I i
ofDoroiigli A: Osborn, inthelumber business, is 1 >, v tVwnnd sntT-essedbr none in Ilie Stale. Mr. i J
tiseinents which havy fleretofqre been pub-
ished in this paper, will hereafter be published
Wc are i-n.qliloii to tun out :is ooo<l
work its par bo don**
• f i ‘
Wc .-all tin- tl•otitpui of all our fit
/«ii- to tin* following
Price List:
Bill Head*, per Thousand,
Assorted, 85-
Canary Colored Envelops,
Furnished to Merchants and ,
ed AH orders for lumber or laths left with
Wiley F. Hood or W. B. l'ruitt will be punc
tually filled. Orders addressed to Harmony
Grove will be delivered uliv where on the
will k*cp all goods of our own manufacture,
such as Bedsteads, Table-, Chairs, etc., and in
addition will keep a large and well selected
stock of Cotfine, Burial Cases, etc. Mr. W. I,.
Northeast Railroad. Thankful for past favors Wood wiUgivfe his personal attention to this
r« respectfully solicit the patronage of the
lublio in want of lumber or laths to tlie new
April 12. is;
J. W. l’RUITT «k GO
i cheaper for cash tlian t‘ ij
past six months. 2
The machines adveili.-cd for the lowest price
ure net sucli as tlie public wants or will
ally buy. The ino.t pipniur style, the inn -hine
with cover, drawers and drop leaf, varies in
; price for cash from $10 to $5o, according to its j
1 system unit finish and the locality of its sale, j
An addition of about $•> is made to the price if !
it lie delivered at some distunt point, and in
struction given there, and about $50 is added
to the price if it be sold on time. Formerly, a
larger addition was made for lime and install
ment sales, when greuter ra>ks were taken, and
large allowances made for old machines in ex
change. The luck of cash or credit will prevent
many purchasing, even at the nominally re
duced rates, since the scrutiny of responsibility
1 will be more ligarous.
i C Another erroneous impression prevails, too,
1 that pi ices of good machines will be materially
• redgivd. ■Sueb'eaimot he the ease anJ the Lus-
: iness reinsin healthy. The present cheapness
1 of lab r an 1 material favors hov prices. With
increased activity in business, and the conse
quent advance in the price of Sis*, .rand niatetial.
the priees of sewing machines are more likely
1 to advance. They must cover a fair profit on
i the cost of manufacture and the commercial ex-
1 peusoof putting them into the hands- of pnr-
I chasers, giving instruction, gnaranty, etc.
j From thews two joints, the inference is clear
; and legitimate, that the prices of good machines
, cannot go lower. Kxtraordinary offers should
I be carefully scrutinized. Gold dollars cannot
1 ; be had for fifry cent* a piece. Many who prom
's iso most jierform least. Deal With the standard
: reliable concerns, which* arc likely to continue
j and Ik ablo to make good their guaranty.
A third error is tlie expectation of agents and
i middle men to have, ihe same di-count or cotn-
. mission »s heretofore allowed f. r sales. S-uch
' cannot be the case. It is well understood that
I sewing tnachiue manntacturers have not rt-
| cently dona a profitable busineas. How then
! can they materially reduce their prices to the
' trade f Every one has now a days to work lor
less pay or profit than heretofore, and why not
' sewing machine men l Teus ot thousands now
| stand idle with literally nothing to do. Thank-
: jul should those he who find employment now
At *3 I*RR THOUSAND. | at moderate pay. We must all work harder
" | and live cheaper, and hope for “ the good time
Millinery Goods.
We have erijcHgt-d with Mr. Vim. A. Reming
ton to superintend the Manufacturing and Re
pairing Department. His. kill as a workman
guarantees success. All kinds ot repairing done
at short notice". Our machinery for Dressing,
Sawing and Turning will Ik kept runuing as
usual. Give us a trial anil tie convinced that
Athena can compete Successfully with uuy city-
in the South in the saie of Furniture, etc. *
Oconee County.
|^J.E011GIA, Oconee . County.—
^"^Ordnnry’s Otfioe— Whereas I.. L. Fam-
brough executor of James Willoughby deceased,
applies to me tor letters of dismission from said
executorship. '1 his is therefore to cite auM ad
monish all concerned 1. ue ami .ijijiear at my
office on the first Monday in October next to
show cause vchv said letters should not bo gran
ted. ' J AMES K. l.YLK, Ordinary.
_ 5n the
Wilre1iouse’*.i , id'Kt' ois 'tTi^sdiitli side of Broad
street, in Atbei s, opposite tlie store of Reaves
& Nicholson, including, the storehouse on
northwest corner of snrif Ibt, used ns a tiu
store bv A. K. Childs & Co.
A!*,, two thirds undivided interest in the
rtirete'storV’brick' -t'orchouse, and the lot on
which ii is situated, on the comer of Thomas
imrt Broad streets, in the city of Athens, now
occupied by Reaves A Nicholson, including the
woatco store home on the womteu storehouse
o;i the corner of Thomas iiud Clay ton streets,
now occujucd by 1.. Muupin, and the storehouse
now occupied by Jacobs ife Miehud, i.ttnehid
to the main budding, uml two frame houses
on Thomas street, now used ns shoe shops.
Two-thirds undivided interest in me tract ({
land in Oconee county, containing seven
dred and twelve acres, more «<r less, being tin
same whereon John B I'atuum now lives, about
one mile from Wutkinsville on tlie SiuioutonV
Bridge road. This property is well improved,
good dwelling house’and outbuildings, and the
whole place in a stare of good repair and culti
Also two thirds undivided interest in a tract
of land in Oglethorpe county about one milt
East t f Wluterville station oil the Georgia Rail
road, known as tin* Chris Winter place nmv oc-
oopied by Mort Johnson Col., containing one
hundred and twenty acres more or ji bs, alxiut
one half of saiil land iniprvvv-1, the half
original tbrest.
Also, two third- undivided interest in u store
house and lot in the village of Curucsviili
T | < r ii n I j*i — - i Frunklin comity on the street leading to Clarki f -
The Athens Furiiture Man. Company. ■“ ta » lsoa county. yuie amt Tcai-oau it>- known a- the <. h.mosi.
Mas. T. A. Ap.vus would most respectfully
inform the Ladies of Athens aud cf counties au-
'cncr- j uce „t, that slie lias now rci-eived aud opened a
most choU-e and select assortment of Spring anil
Summer Millinery Goods, comprising in part the
latest styles and fashions of
Hats, B.innets, Bibtons, bares, (Tuners. Gloves
wide'., lie will sell at reasonable prices. Give
her a call before jmrehasing elsewhere. Orders
from a distance carefully filled. Store located
on Broad street, oue door above National Bank,
april 21, lsTo—2.VLf,
Americas and Imported Waitbes, Clocks, Jewelry,
Htwio*l Inatrumento, Grv-ina,
Pie-tola, Etc.
And warranted t-i give entire- satisfaction.
U/nammtal •/,«./ Pbiiii Lttfn- Knetsttcii-j
8S0AS CI2SET, sio leer frjx Luu & VTiri,
All Jiersona Indebted to the late firm of J. F.
WILSON & (So. will please come forward and
settle at once. Tlie accounts will he found till
the 16tli January, 1S77. in the hands of Jay O.
Ouiley, at the old stand. A word to the wise.
deelS-tiin J. F. WILSON & CO.
Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest!
Elementary Spelling Books. $1 20 per dozen;
Thomas’ Black Ink, in 2 ounce cases, 50 cent#
per dozen ; Flagg and Moore’s Ink, iu 2 ounce
eases, 40 cents jier dozen. 1’iiper, Steel Pens, ,
Pencils Ate., as cheap a# they onn be bought j of table ware, one large ehes% one lookiug-
M adison county sheriff's sale.—
Will lie sold on the first Tuesday in Au
gust next, within the lawful hours ot sale, be
fore the Court-House door iu Duinelsville, iu
said county, the following property, to-wit:
One hundred and fifty aervs of laud lying in
said county on the road leading from Daniels-
-'••lc to Athens, adjoining lands of J. D. Mat
hews, Mrs. Sarah Yerhy, and others.
Also, at the same time and pluue, one roau
trie, oi e bureau, two beds and bedsteads,
i -. .e coverlids, one eounterjiane, one quilt, two
sheet* and two pillows, one tablo, eight chairs,
one trunk and contents, one cupboard and lot
Give me a trial.
. ^ T. A. BURKE, Bookseller.
glass, two roythes and eradlf.s, one shovel, one
spude, one jiair bshmues, one lot of jugs and
jars, two boxes, one empty rice barrel, two sets
of (How-gear, one baud-aw, one drawing knife,
two augers, one grindstone, one churn, one
I bucket, onei strainer, oue wash pan, one water
! bueket, one dipper, one jiair fire-dogs, one corn
I broom, one pair tongs, one set two-liorse
| wagon harness, one oil can, one washstaml, otic
I wagon sheet, one half bushel measure. All
| levied on os the property of George C. Matthew*
The Athens Mauufactnring Coiiipnnv are now'l «> satisfy fi. fa. i-sned from the Superior Court
loakiiiz a nniob larger variety of Woolen Gomls '• of said county, March term, W77-, in tavnr of
than ever before, and jurojiose to ; W. .1. Matthews vs. George C. Matthews iu
a'taehmetjt. Pro;ierty pointed out by the
plaiutiff, Juno *'rh,- 1277.
julyS-30d J. W. KIRK, Sheriff.
Exchange them for Wool, !
.. » ...i-v
believing it to be more to the interest' of .the
Planter to Exchange the Wool for (Toth, rather
tlum have it Carded and Spoil at home. Gall for
Samples and Tenns ot Exchuiigc.
umy lt». 1676-2fMf
Fun for tlie Boys and Girte |
The High Fly Kite, the Diamond Kite, Skip- | | i > |
ping Rope , New^ Styles, Grace Hoops, Top*, impOfuilll 10 uOuOR
*avr|»- | nun vi t »v.-, uiqcu AiUUjR'. AOjir,
Marbles, Croquet Sets. Base Balls, &c., for sale
m*y23 tf.
Bu.'-inoss M<*n, with their
oartifl prinleil on ihein,
r - i
CurrlngcM, Buggies & horses
for hire. Terms reasonable.
Washington, Wilkes conn tv, Go.
The nndersigned i* now running u splendid new
Mail and Passenger Coach
Wc have on hand n large lot of first-class
Cotton Gina, made up in tlie liest style and of
good material,, which we will sell at the lowest
wwbinw to huya Ihniiel/W. M. Smith and the Hbertoii road,
cheap and good (Mil, will find if to tnetrtnterest Levied on a* thapreportgof. David JLiMoaeley
84 50 to 85 Per Thousand*.
Common 75cper Hundred,
mo sentihL
It Published Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly,
At AyLgoasia, Go-,
BY Walsh & Wright. Proprietors.
Full telegraphic dispatches from ail jioints.
. Latest aud most ucenratc market reports, ln-
; tcrestiug and Reliable Correspondence from ail
i vii of Georgia, .South i.vrolina and Wtudiing-
1 i ton City. Georgiu utid Carolina news a specialty.
• j Daily, one year, $10, six months f5; Tri-
| Weeklv. one year, $■">, six mouths $2; Weekly,
84 50 to 85 per Thousand, 3ec5 ,
and would be pleased to carry passengers (who
have such baggage a# they c-in handle them
selves) to uml ironi the Depots and all other
points on their route. The coach will eall at the
hotels with nil out going mails. No drumming
for passenger*. Fare 25 ceuts.
meh87-lu» J. ft. WILLIFORD.
to correspond'witlb us, as we mean business to
suit the times.
We have over twenty year*’ experience in the
Manufactory of Gins.
\V i ile for prices, terms, etc., aud we leel cer
tain wc- can satisfy you.
By ordering direct from u» and giving satis
factory refereuee, you can thereby save your
selves Agent’s Commission.
J. I>. * H. T. HAMACK,
julvgl-tin. CrawBwdtlHe. jja.
Tlie undersigned having rented the Hemphill
slioji, is prejiared to do all kind of blucksmith-
i ing,making aud repairing wagons and baggies.
1 Having procured tke best of white mechanics,
1 he liope# to secure the public patronage.
S50 Howard.
11 House deor, in the town of Dauielsvllle,
tn the first Tuesday in July, 1876, withiu Un
lawful hours of sale, the following property, to-
wit: One Promissory note on John Scott for
one hundred and fifty dollar*, one promissory
note on T. F. Baker for forty-four dollars, one
S romisBory note on J. H. Cheek lor twelve
ollars. Also, one house and lot in the town
ot Danielaville containing two acres, more or
less,.adjoining lots of 1*. 11. Furgerson, J. O.
ley property. Tin; store lionsu i.-a Urge te
st orv trame building, and constructed tor
dwelling house iu connection with store. Th<
lot contains two acres ol land more or less, sl.-o
two thirds undivided interest in the two story
frame dwelling in ('amesv.lle known ns the
Doctor Rodgers projierty, and the lot on which
it is situated containing about two arris more
or less, and iu a tract or parcel of haul known
os the Rodgers tract containing seveutv tlirci
acre* more or less, about one mile from
villo on the Elberttra anil Hartwell road, »rijoin- •
ing hinds of Thomas Grimes and others.
Also two thirds undivided mtere»t in let
number (Hi eleven in the 82nd ili-trict ot
Gilmer county and in lot number (5) five in the
11th district of same comity each lot containing
one hundred and twenty acres inoro or less, un
improved. aud known ns the West property.
Said property .-old for |>ayincut ot debts' -net
for distribution. Term*
l*A AG FoWKI.L, Aniiuistratin'
... of George XV. Center, dii-cn-w-1.
i 1LAKK K!*HEBIFK'S S ALE.—Will t*-. ( .lii, fcc-
' fore UicCourvHuusedoor, intliecity ol Athens,
Clarke count}-, on the first Tuesday in Aui;iivi
next, wil.iin the legal tuiurs igsale, liw lotir-v itig
property, to wit: Two uiiimprovid lot- in Ho-
city ot Athens ; one fronting on JaekMin *iioh fi-.
ly-four feet, anil extending tia-k 71 fi-et, tei.u.ilwt
oh 6onlh by Jackson street, oti the Wes! bj 1.. •.
Him| kin'.- lot, on tho .-orlti by lot ol l!ev. C. AV.
spci r, mid on East by J..If. Newton's lot.
Tlie other lot fronting ou College Avenue 1. ..
feet and run -ling back westwnrdly 84 feel, Isiuratisl
by College Avenue on East, ■ ev. E, tv. .-peer in
North, J. II. Newton on West, aud Talranti;.,
Hodgson & Co. ou tlie South. Levied on tin-
property ot John U. Newton by \ trfue of one 8 tat-
aml County tax fi. fit. for 1176, v». Sumiuey A New
ton, and one State and County tax fi. fa. tor 1>76,
vs. J. H. Newton. Both of said fi. fu*. Issued t>-
John IV • Johnson, Tax fblhder of Clarke e*unty,
Georgia. And also one (1. fa. l—ucd from Clarke
County Court—C. W. lfoodts. J. H. Newton-is
sued April, 1S77. Property pointed out by J. It,
Newton, defendant in fi. fa.
jidyij J. A BUOWNINCi, i*h*tf.
> the property of David IC-Moscley
to satisfy a n. fa. issued from tl o superior
Court of Madison county, at Uareli term, 1877,
in favor of Jiihnsor, Craws & V s. David R.
Y / before the Conrt House d-v>r v iu the city ol
Athens, Giurke county, Georgia, ctTT?> first
| Tiesilny in Angus: ji. at, within the legal l.itrs
The ubove-netned proniissory notes j of sale, tlie firilowing projierty, to-wit: One
pointed out by defendaut, the house and lot house and lot with all the uppertiner.oes thereto
by plaintiffs’ attorney, notice served on tenHUt i belonging} s id l -t o ntainmg one ni-ro, more-
in jiossession May 38th, 1677. 1 of less; sitnate, lying and tic mg iu the city of
T. F. BAKER, Deputy Sheriff.
fJEOUGIA, Madison County.—
PrnuBiih tit
Athens, frotd'mg on Barber street, adjoining
Messrs. Cobh Davis' lot on the north, Stephen
Hubbard’s lot on tlie east. Prince Hodgson’s
the south. All levied upon as the j*rop-
lot on t
jtvvxizA, iu.iuiBoa bilUSH.— erty of the defendant bv virtue of a State and
x-sentj the Honorable E. II. l’ottle, eountv tux fi. fit. for 1876. J. W. Johnson,
sujienor Court, N. C. Tax ('ollcctor, vs. R. II. Lampkin. All to sat-
Judge Sujierior Court,
John J Dove, 'i for Divorce in Madison, ,
vs. > Sujierior Court, March Term, j
Nancv Dove, j 1877.
isfv the above stated fi. to.
.1. A. BROWNING, Sheriff.
Fancy Work
Here for ’7qpi>
Being tlie City Constable, 1 liuvo coueluded to
do a general collecting business, al! parties want
i ing note* or accounts eollected 1 Will give them
i prompt ntti ntioii on commission. Also hnyim
Foters, Circulars,
Hew Jewelry Establishment,
The Jewelry House of Childs Ac Moss, late
L. Scheveuell & Co., was this day sold to Mr.
Frank P. Talipadgv, he will remove lfts stock
from College Avenue mid consolidate the whole
into otic at the stand No. 8, Broad, St., Athens,
Ga. - - ' --
R. I,. MOSS.
To iJam PvtUio- ‘ ’ v ' -
Returning our thanks for recent favors from
our jiatrons, we bespeak for oar snooeasof a
continuance of the same
iiufidfc - IR. t- MOBB. '
ip. wstaT/;,'"
Boot and Shoe Manufacturer,
Will be paid for the apjirehctision and deliv
ery to the Sheriff of Madisou county of Jim
Long, colored, who knocked down the jail- r
aud escaped from jail on the night of the 4th
instant. Said Long is about 30 or 85 years ot
age, six feet oue or two inches high, weighs
about 200 jwmnds, complexion > black, walks
rather stooped shouldered, very large white
eyes, ond lull front teeth. Is charged with
assault with intent to murder; is a notorious
bail character. Look out for him, and stop tlie
scoundrel. JAMES W. KIRK, ,
juiylb-lu. . \Sheriff.
It appearing to the Superior Court bv the !
return «f the Sheriff that the defendaut itauey | /1 EORGIA—CLARKECOUNTY.- Whereas,
| Dove does not reside in this county and it , \T Il.-well G< bb, administrator d*- bonis non
; further appearing that she does not reside in , of Mrs. Sarah K. Hunter, deceased, tq plii-s ti*
this stote, it is on motion, ordered that said j me fur leave to sell twenty share* of the capital
it ' ■
Having rented the Blacksmith Shop so long,
occujiied by the late William P. Tulmadgc and
etuployed comjieteut workmen from the North,
I am prepared to do any and all work in tke*
Slachsaaa-i-bla. JLtin.e
at the shortest notice nud at tlie lowest prices ot
any slioji in the city. 1 have
defendant appeur and answer at the next term
of this conrt, or that the ca«s be lousidured in
default and the plaintiff allowed to jiroceed.
It is further ordered dint this notice be publish
ed in the Athens Georgian once a mouth for
four month* before the next Term of Court.
Done in open Court.
Attorney tor Petitioner.
E. II. Pottle, Judge Superior Court N. C.
I hereby certify that the above i#' a correct
extract from tlie’minutes of the Siqwsrior Cottrl-!
of Madison Onnty at March Term, 1877.
n inarch20-m4io. {.. • • h;- ’'
fkCONEE SHERIFF’S^.VLlvrFfU be sdld
\J before tlie Court-House doofriit the town of
Wutkinsville, on the’ first Tuesday in August
next, between the legal hours-of Hale, the fol
lowing projierty, to-wit: One hundred acres
of land, situate, lying and being in Oconee
county, adjoining lauds of Durhltni, PonUain
aud others. Levied on os the prois.-rly of Joel
; J. Morton to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Cl- rke
Superior Coart, retumslW • to August term
stock of the. Augusta <fc Savannah Rhilrond
Comjiany, these are to notify all concerned to
show cause at my office, on or before the first
Monday iu August next,-why said leave should
not be granted.
Given under mv hand st office, this July 2nd,
july8 4w. Ordinarj-.
eoimty, . ,
door of said umnty oo.tfaa' ’ftraLZueulay iu Au
gust, next, during the •legaPlK/uYs tirsifiiq'TSl
share* ; of the enpTtnl stock of the (PripfCton
Maiiufacttirhig rirfeijdiuy.J Li be sold as the
Juno 12—4w
Vlitv’s t>rru-R, June 28,18,7.—June P.Suin-
ini-y. wife ot Peter A. Buiiiniey, her said'hus
band refu-iiig, lias ;.j>pliud lor exemption cf
jicrsonaltv mid setting anmt and valuation of
i xuivnor coon, reiurnaixc to August term, t . , , -n -—
Shall od. Sdge-tool X^altor 1 j 8 67, of said Court, in favor of Wm. 6. Puryear i « ,ld \ *'»> W* "JP*" !••«»“«' « 1(
. , . -T e A vs. said Joel J. Morton. Property p-mled out j “ c, ‘^' A ‘ M " ,,n " ,0 5i0th d: ’-' ol 1(, ‘ '>"
and make specialty of Axi^, Mill Ptcks,. Mut- I „ ttohlev f( . r pUlint5ff in * ,n -' u,t!< ' c -
locks, Picks, Garden Iloes aud tools ot ah Ues- , • julyl(K80d . . W . W . PRICE, Sheriff. I’ , ■
cnj.tiim and of the finest temper. ! •’ J j juli3-2w
ASA M. JACK*ON, Ordinary’.
lluH.lbills, Fnmphlcls, do.,
IVnitol in any color tlcMrcil, and as
i-ln-ap as can be done tn tiit- Stale
I have iissociated \V. A. England with Hn i:
tlie Auction business, who will give j-roinpt
iittention to tlie s,.lu of prop<Ttv and roods of
>11 kinds. VERONEr. A- ENGLAND,
j julyl7-lm.
For the Bfnefit of the Trwe of
And Northeast Georgia.
EDWHT 357 itbwtoxt,
j salesman fob
i Messrs. Qpdycke, Terry & Steele,
! White Goods, Notions, Litmus, Laces and Kin
t-rvtd tries.
Ironed urd Repaired, Tire Shrunk,
I O l tlie estate of Isaac Wilkerson, lute of said ,
. . . . . L ,c - 1 county, deceased, is unrepresented and uot likee j
,, , , .. .. T A _ Plows of all kind# made and repaired at low j j v to be represented, these are therefore to cit-
On hand I ww tor making Low Quartets, | pH.o-s. Also j and adm-i ish all eoLeereeil to show cause at
Congre-s, Alexis-Tles, aim Prince Albert#. Re- [ ! my office on or bc.ore the first Monday in An-
JJlTSt; Class liOrSO-ouOBLig j gn#t next, why the administration of said estate
done by a northern sheer, Trotting i.| lltes , | ^h.u.ld n..t>-ves ed in tlm ( lerk of the Suj.i-ri-
Concave Slioeing Etc..
by any. All new vui
! tion guaranteed. Gtt
I t.iarch-20-lv.
pairing jiromptly executed. Send tea dollars,
er muil or ex press au-.l you sliall receive a til’s!
lass pair of boo’e. jnsje 30 1 *75-85-11’.
At'.tl get good work, and nwtain a j Oenei'al Merchandise Broker.
Jiotno institution. Cnll fit tlie ATFl
stiet’t, A llienp, Ga.
office, fBrond
37S Src udway, ITow *STorlx
—AK1> WITH—.
! Messrs. Thomas & Fleming
Cut to any design# they are desired, Plain o:
Elaborate Monument*, Hea t and Foot Stone*
with side, pieces. Marble or Granite Box
Toombs, Cradle Toombs, Vase* or Statuary.
Marble or Granite Vaults for Cemetarv and
other pur poses, .designs and juices furnished at
tlie Marble Y'ard.
A.K. ROBERTSON, Athcus, Ga.
Public Scbiools.
1 jERSilNS wishing to contract with the
I Board of Education of l 'larks county, for the
purpos • of teaching in the Public Schools of
said county, will meet the undersigned at the
Court House on Saturday, June 23d, t» o'clock
A M.
II. R. BERNARD, Comity School Commis-
siouerJO GdtS3_ iiJJune 12— 2t.
( 1 EO
I Stepney Jones, (colored,) administrator of
John Jones, (colored,) d- oease-l, petitions, in
terms of the bin, to lie discharged from iqdd
tidtuibistrution— - .
T-.c.-e ate, tlii-refore, tq.'eite taid uumonii'h
nil persons concerned, to show muse at iny..
ctfie.-, on or before tli" first Monday in Novcni-
the granting ot spul di-charge,
hand, a' .iffiec, this- tilth Jay
.A&lxex&si, Georgia.
Will bo found at their old stand,-rear Frank- tii
liu House building. Thorras street. Keep al- j
ways on hand good Turnouts and careful dri
vers. Stock we'.l cared for when entrusted to
our care. 8t<xk on hand for sale at ull times.
\ T Richard D. YYitiii suil Young K. Mitclie-ll
applies to in-.- for Letter# of Administration, be
.... . , bonis non, with 1 Do will annexed, on the estate
t* ti-re tlici ourt lluuse iloor, 111 t tie city ot Attn-ii* ! .... .... • .. ,, i , ,
Glaike county, Gc.,nu the firstT esday in August f blUltis Mituie.l, i lu,. Ot suldce.l llti,.(lc-
uexl, within tin-legal hnursnfsale, the I’olliiwiBg c ‘-'?8 e *— .
pro,H.-rty, to-wit: One houte and Jut wlicreon ite- i Iltese-arc, I lit ri-fore, to cite and sdmotlls.h
■endaat new lives, the projierty ofCarolineTlioinas, i nil concerned, to show i-anse, al my; ottiee, on or
irniiting on Broad street bouth, bounded t-st by ! before tlie first Motidav in September next,
Mrs. ewnn, North WvGeorac Davis, East by Henry w ltv said Letters should r.ot be granted.
cJSutt. fa trom V .he S “fSS ««•’ ! > a “ d . •» d “>
fy the uimve. T. w. Kuekcr vs. Caroline Thomas. I ASA M. JACKSON,
This Jnl\ At, 1677. ■-* 1 julyl7-SOU. Ordinary,
julya * J, A. BROWNING, Sh’ff. p
~ . - -» - 7- ’—' j /GEORGIA-CLARKE COUNTY—Wlierea#
JLSOJ. IvjU rTflTfYl ^ ! JI Elizabeth A. Tulmadgc, Administratrix ol
At the solicitation of many of my former j>at
rons, l resume the
l?ractico of Medicine
Sel-ton Georgia.
i William P, Talmudjle,‘ deceased, ar.piiea to me
I for leavo to sell one h-iiidred and tuer.ty-six
Situated 66 r miles on the Atlanta, Richmond of Week of the Pioneer lrqjor
and Air Line Railroad from Atlanta, and withiu 1 Mdl Company and the Wneksmith saoo and lot
one mile of the junction of the North East Kail- 1 •" Athens, pnq-eity ofsaiddeceascc—therefore,
: road of Ga. The Proprietor is now prepared " dl oonccrned, are hereby notified, to st-ow
from ttiis date. I will 1 icy espeoiai attention ;o i to »arve nil wlio call upon him with meals at tlie i "* t shiuld
the disease of Intant* and Children, and the following rates: - • Monday in Ang.irt next, why sant leave sin OU
Ghrouie Diseases ot Females. ! Single meal 5<V. 1 Per week tC 00 | Given under mv hand, this 22nd day c-f Jin',
WM. KING, M. r.
junc 16. 1875—38-ly-
Per dav....
.<1 50 Per mouth $20 00
jutU-26 4w.
Ordinary. ]