Newspaper Page Text
the Athens Georgian : august 7, 1377
..f them m>» ihuM* m «■•** mghost offices, me almost as ignorant ot law. hiT [ The T»«s e *i>il : tv of aiHi reform mav so<
Ioin amt .he \ast M-i-m-e of pohlirnl economy as if the authors of the hooks i nracticahle, by if so : t is onlv impractical*!
e . .tins to these snbjec s had followed the example of an ancient ruler, and I refuse to exesci*e it. To secure this area
The possfcbifity of an-rh reform may seem altogether chimerical a-.*l im- i
icahle lietattse those having the power ;
„rta* ri*f#IVIU* If. IS Olllv liit.-.'va.iri' llml
graced l»y a corruption the mere mention ol which causcs the chock of every
. ... of being
miration of youth, he is more olten held np as a warning than as an example
to l»e imitated. The evils of the system which make the highest offices at
tainable to the ignorant and the vicious, have brought what should be the
noblest calling into such disrepute, that honest men actuated by pure mo-
fives, actually wince at the application to them of the name of politician.
It is hardly necessary for me to disclaim an intention to apply these terms
• o all men in political life. As in the one case, the object was to present
the standard of a perfect statesman, to approximate which should he the
.iim ot every man in politual life, so in this ca«c the effort is to show the
vicionsness ana the incapacity of a character, to which unfortunately in this
country lit ill office is attainable, and by which it is frequently attained.
by gift or .inheritance. And thus it is with us in the use and preservation
of great political rights, the acquisition of which has .cost us neither blood
nor treasure; as from our familiarity Vith the life giving sunlight which is
ours without price, we seldom reflect upon t,he endless night and certain and
- . ., , frequently attained, i universal death wljicli would result if the great Sun should be striken from
that the picture is not overdrawn each man’s personal knowledge will at- 1 the heaven’s These rights were achieved centnrtarsince by people who
t08t * j thonglit and felt earnestly, and who were ready to die for their opinions.
which will look clear getting and party struggles, to the gr^at
principles and benefits of good government; with a spirit which tyiU value
the elevation of an officer, only so far f»e it .'gives tup aasurance'-of the pre
servation and maintenance of these invaluable principles; a spirit wich will
not honor the mere occupancy of an office btit^ the ability and fidelity dis
played in the disch n,L “ ‘ t: '" ‘ ’ ’ •*
interest necessary
those who thems^Iv
divisions of political spoils.
I Dcuia uV >tr» enrtuli 1C. Pope.
1 This good woman died at her rest-
deuce on Dougherty Hill, last Satur*.
Monday Mitht unct J ,j av r>|,c was a most estimable lady,
MnuptnThnrs- ja good Christian, and was loved by
n,n *f- j all who knew her. Her remains
were interred in Oconee Cemetery
Monday night at about 11 o'clock Sunday evening, and was followed to
the ’alarm of lire wa- heard, and im their last resting pirn* by her rela-
jrqei^iately after flames were observed . lives and numerous friends. She waa
Iwirsting through the roof of the sUtc ‘ bom in Virgin'3, but had lived iu
, . hou re occupied by Mr. L. Maupin, on i Athens for a number of years, and
discharge of its duties When this is accomplished the active j Thomas street. The fire companies were j was 8‘2 years of age at the time of her
isary to control the selection ot rulers,'will not he limited to; , , , . . , ! , .. ™ .. . r . . , ■
emsplves wish office, or are interested in the demoralizing ! P rom P‘>y han<i . but beyond con- • death. To the grief-stricken rela.
j.ylitical spoils. — -- j fining the fire to the building, they : lives, we offer our sympathies.
It is notorious that men arc prodigal and indifferent with that which they | were unable lo do any thing towards :
ve not won bj thrir^wn labor or sacrifice, but rthich they have acquired . extinguishing the flames, and' in thirty j
>1 this class swarm into these positions almost to the exclusion ot men of j ures and searches, and from unwarranted arrests, freedom of the press, the i
proper character and qualification, is it not sufficient to startle into refine- | right to representation iu the government, and the freedom of religions !
t oil every man who loves his country and who rests in it his hopes tor the opinion and worship, these are the grand, the splendid trophieU which in the • conflagration was the suicide of the
future? If it be truly stated it is an evil the magnitude of which can ' * ‘ * - -
(.'ommenoumeut Week.
Athens was crowded with visitors
minutes after the alarm was given the • j ur j,,g |f, e W eek to witucss the excr-
entire building was a mass of ruins. | ^ at the diversity. Among the
Everything in the store was destroyed j ^ u , at arrived , inceour !aat i88ue
except the books and two hundred | w@ not iced on our streets, Hon. .TohnB,
dollars jn money which were iu the I Gonloll> United States Senator; Hon.
goods was valued j B M Hi „ IJnitcd State3 gk-nalor;
insured for *1,200 Rev ThoS Uoytf „f Nashville,
utim nsuranct , orator before the alumn^; and
| Juntos D. Collius, Esq., dork of Ful-
The saddest part of the story of the i tm Superiur C „u,t.
be measured by the evils consequent upon tho loss of good government; and
it is a solemn duty to enquire into the cause, that it may be eradicated if
possible. .
In a republican government, when the rulers are habitually ignorant or
contests of a thousand years liberty has won from tyranny ; and to prest rve j proprietor of the store, which occurred | F1, ' Bt l’uiiman (Steeper,
unimpaired this priceless heritage of civil ami religions liberty, all classes j Thursday between <> and 7 o'clock in ! A Pullman palace car eanie over the
from the minister at the altar to the laborer in thfetRllil, are interested in | , h J Northeastern Railroad last Wednea-
determimng the character and of the offiecials who are to bo charged j . eve!lin - • 1 • ,,,e ' tl ' **• 1MaH ,hL
with the preservation ami administration of this great trust
.‘orrupt, one ot two things is true: either the people do not exercise their | In addressing young men, I know of no subject-
fret: choice in the selection of their rulers, or they are also themselves igno- J the duties of citizenship which they arc soon to un
rant and corrupt. If people are enlightened they understand the inqior-1 the most important duty of citizenship is involved
mineral spring. He was on
Broad j day evening, and left Thursday morn-
It may be assumed that our people
.tor vicious. The masses whet l.qp orbi
Statesmarriiip, ebrlaiuly have an
eapa* ity and learning m their ruler ; and even if there were no marked
public virtue, the reasons would still lie ample to excite the. desire for
honest administration. The conclusion-tnay therefwrebe accepted that the
existence of so much official incapncitvand dishonpsty is Cue to the fact
that the seleetion of dar o^eials 'ia iidtf^ffe rea^K_ i|f ^jfty^c^pire by the
people, and the enquiry tnay be proceeded with, why this IsiTo.
If tin: law gives to all the people a right to a voice in the selection of
.•uleis, and they can be so <-ontrolled against their wills by cuiUMiig schemes
And as you
office and
so important to them as j street as late as live o’clock in the I > U S ' v *th twcntV'five or thirty through
undertake, and to my mind, I evening, and was seen by this reporter j passengers for Atlanta and other points
.... Ms H«l * h '«* 1 I an hour before lie oimmitled ehe rash j heronU. This is Ihc first car of tho
In an absolute monarchy, ir^which j „ | , pMIHllra j kin.1 ever brought to, our city. Th.
iu, upou-j he seemed to hear his loss and misfor-enterprise displayeii by the Scperitt-
part t-*’C j tunc with cheerfulness He visited i tendent and officials of this road for
Mr. Me.Kie’s itoff sb irdy alter tli’* iml | the comfort <*f the traveller over their
iepusited s>»n»*' |)a]>e. > in i-i^t pali- and j route is conuneudsble, aud we trust
iu go forth, whether as private citizen*, deaf to the allurements intnialiatelt left and went in ihedireo- j their efforts will meet with that re
political power, or.Su aspirants for official honors, von can render | tion.-of .the uiincra! spring, hut turned i wanf they so justly
each citizen accot’dlllgto Ins abilities and his opportunities, rests in part t'e ti
ipfe as a community artt^ieith.ey ignoi'ant j responsibility for tho purity and excellence of the government. As gradii- i y
arm"t qualified fhr the higher dutips of | ates of this University which should he t he for.ut-.iiji of edtuv^od ihoaglu j, t j L
*«*ll:g< nt appri o 'WKW. (if thr iilfpcvr-arieip of, the: Slate, public resj uiriilti iiie'iv w ill rest upon yurt with annsual weight. )
aspire will earnestly qualify themselves for its difficult duties; and what is
ami corrupt intriguers that they are unable to freely exercise the right, then j not less important, experience shows that in practice -with rare exceptions
it is plain that such a people -are unfit to be entrusted .with sueh power, j only aspirants are cliuseu to office It is ,qot t' y language of cxti avaganqe
Such inability, however, ermnot be attributevl to opr |Se<*le, |«>r wliife it is ! to say that there » net a. man in the Suite, however small may be his physi
& ,1. & . t - ,t.z f ^ . . ..#tf 1 i..... 1 ■. /it*.., -k. ..I ■ 111 tMv *K.i — a k . ■ At..«k j 1 1! * _. I T A- * _ — .. . a i . O 1 * _ . - * 1 1 . If 1 . *
learning should aspire to public position; for generally only those who thus j dence, placed a pistol to the back ot j ^ u^gnificeiit double store r
^ head and deliberately took his life, j ^Gmnk Building,([next totheCap-
Tbc report attracted the attention of a j 40x105 feet, No. 38 and 42.
colored man who was working iu a | M;uk . lta ' 8frtet , ’ Atlanta, Ga. He
field near by, and in going in that i a | :iri rg and . well assorted
direction he discovered a nmn,lvii g in ^ (> ck, and 1 bis carpets and curtains
the . thicket seemingly in much | rh .^ 1 ^ >or;jnyL . a V^ tt . sla bli 8 hmeiit
ea*l the despoilers from the high places which they prostituted and dis- j immortalized the name of Ciiiciuuatus. In this place and upo.i such an 1 he _colored man \viu< aiiai<l | u ^i , |||( | vvh.eiher di siring goods
graced In doing so they have demonstrated their ability to cope success- j occasion, the opinion may be considered heterodox that it is legiti- j to approach hirp, '5nd turned h )W,,n \? i J j,j s ]i,, u not. it will well repay
fully with those whose strength lies ip trickery and qumiing,* who have not mate and jtraisawoHliyfbr «n« to »»l»*va^*pi»«n*fdy »«•.U»e^pubib^s*w*igJ4 the swing to-inform any one passing - . - • i,r 0
capacity for,office and who aeeb U: fdr Utpf-and/i^ilblf: imposes-t WHlo] 6f th|.4m^t- ^ f such ...‘L, _.. He onlv wo,d a W ** f • f
t!;en the power exists for the prevention ot the evil, its continued presence j mcni From a putmc speaker to the youth of the land. j : g ,* t t f handsome stocky, .Inlying { ipcreased
e.iin only be attributed to the voluntary neglect to exercise the power ; and ! On the contrary, since early boyhood, from this rostrum and from others, | s *’ ort distance, however, before he met j.^ floi)r . ltld business capacity,
'this in truth is the fact which furnishes the fundamental reason why so 1 I have continuously heard the reiteration of the advice of the tiimous Oardi-j two young meii, apd after telling his J hi the bitnre to more
I U ‘ ey rc 'J^ , ^ h ^ : ^'!l. e i t ha l ,>MH t ainhis r ep t »toli6 n a»thecare
»|qupin b‘ u kipj,. . uioreli.titi of Atlanta. *He cm*-
oozing from j j,j,, ys oll j v nu .„ of nhigh inord cxcel-
tl»c head, and i-p L , lK . u SU |<erior business qualifica-;
to his , r. sidevev-. A
. . ... _ . wa- sunimotied aud an inquest held, !
who have won distmetion in tije public,service. Tliu looks of ighttoi. . • • ., , „ , . . , ,, ,, i
the children whom she has-e^^^fo^^'li^fift'l.c, cliano o„s in ! but ro,h,I, « 04,01,1 1,0 ,eai,,t ’ 1 a » to tW '
<it‘at, untrammelled free choice. I am not here for the purpose j his all. , having*> thosn, who have ttriuii^ered njifo fib ^
>1 critieisir."' diflercut methods of polities, either to advocate the cue or j versity preioji-e-lmily amc’itg the long*nst’of hi-r^otbf, tV r tileniury of thosi
- umleititi the other. Even if the occasion did not forbid the discussion, it
would he entirely foreign to my design. The idea which I seek to impress
altogether higher anil more important. It is that the standard of char- j ev
•.cicr and Capacity of the* rubra is ulw-u}* wl>: t t, the people tlicmsclves make her
t. and that whatever be the methods of politics, in a free government, where spl
lie p lV ph; are intelligent and honest, if they trill it, their rulers will ho her noble living, and in the memories of her illustrious detuj. re me pride ; c | mr j t a|)J e ei)ntl „|, jf
p, ot ^avanmin, can be
io o e. s jury I p. UU( } ..fca'.l hours at his house. See
his advertiseioent in.aiiother eolunin.
tent- and 'be ignorant, the crtifty and the avaricious,
If the wise aud the good exert au active influence in the selection of their
rulers, they will certainly seek for those jxwse*sing : the highest, men al and |
moral qualification* for the important trust, *1,4 tho»e who iepire will speed- i
•ly learn the necessity for character and learning to secure to them the prizes j
they seek, and what is not less important, those possessing these qualifica
tions will feel honored h, entering the lists for noble preferment. But if
•bis important duty is left to those Having no appreciation of the high func- j
cions of government, indifferent to the claims ot virtue, and ignorant ot the !
Yt-h qualifications proper for the ruler, all those things essential to true!
r..tton dull at 8J<e.
cate> to treaa wiutiii u. *»«*«• , , , . .. T i eom.prsu.
nreternieut, the ennobling struggle will be to reach the standard ot excel-1 Pea?, “
Vuce Now when logrolling and buttonholing, ami the distnbutmn of j .. r.=7Z=ZZ:
•lino, offices and other personal favors are the means ot success, men culti-
m tli.-se accomplishments, and snap tm-ir fingers at virtue ami learning. wl o thus debase what shomd bean honorable and dignified cubing,
io not merit .neuter condemnation than do the large nttinbo. ot me better
■as- of tin.- coniniiinitv, whose neglect and indifference to the active duties
t citi/.'Usliiii >>ivc opportunity and eiicomagenieiit to their cllorts. lltey
•aimot act,mi t°fiemselves of the resj.oiisibilitv, by drawing titeir robes around
•.hem to escape the coiitau, nation of “dirty politics;'’ t-r pohucs m some
Jia ,e I and Will remain as the jiraclieal means by w.-l.-li civil government
• sustained and operaied ; and if tout, the highest "«ty noting on each eiu
aii i. io assist iu cleansing politics. .
This cannot Vie acco .-pUslicd by simply condemning the corruption, or
•V a:: in,locriaiimile abuse of politicians. Toe only effect ol the latter ex-
letli.-i’i i- lo drive goo.i men out of political lift,; ami those xylio really
loo v.. ,| it; abuse, will be more than willing to receive it, it h » the on y ui offered to tl.eir continuance in positions profilab o to their pock-;
lice, flic great CI|A*
his iu tiie lau ’
llacoD, Side,,..
bams -
■ rial,, Pataloes -
S» eel “
i. ,-EATHFU.
>1 00 m 0b
10 a 1J
9 a It
10 a 12
¥10 a 13
1 00a 1 -25
1 25
I 00
1 78a2 00
9'4a 10
"7a t>
i,h 15
1 la 15
*2 Ul« 00
I leal 25
20 a 20
English Dairy..
Onlous, per bu—
Starch-...._— _
Klee, per ....„
Mackerel; No. l.Wta.
.“ No. 2, Kits.
•• No. 8, Kit*.
Salt, Pur Back ...
Chewing tobacco——..—
snuff, Maccaboy.
Howdor... per lb ....
Shot “ “
Cape, per bvx
Coru wbiskey. —
r bramly
rfollaml oin
tmr-ricau 'Jin
■lourlKm whiskey
Alnn.. — _
Iron. Swedes, i.r lb
English ....
Nails, pr keK
Cut,on Cards.
one tin
a man’s house
burns down, to accuse
Such reports we learn
and was, no doubt,
20a 25) (|, e cause that led him to raise hi* hand
25a SO : ,. , .
t ooai 20 | against bis own life.
‘ Mr. Maupin was born and raised in
8a io
a io
o oo
o oo
Hanover comity, Virginia. He has
IIow i.r is Done.—The lirstobject
. j in,life with the American people is to
. j *• get rich the second, how to
icgain good health. The first can
he obtained by energy, honesty and
saving; the second, (good health,)
hv using Green’s August Flower.
Should yon be a despondent sufferer
from any of the effects of Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint, Indigestion, etc.,
such ns Sick Headache, Palpitation
of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habit*
o oo f lived in Athens ten or eleven years and
** * ' was married to Miss Rosa Holmes ot! nal Costiveness, Dizziness of the-
this city, about six months ago. He J Head, Nervous Prostration, Low
was looked upon bv our community as j Spirits, etc., you need e**t suffer
an honest, upright business man and j another day. Two dost - of August
a Christian gentleman. All of his re- .Fi.OWKK wifi relieve \ o i »t once,
latives are dead, we believe, except one Sample bottles, 10 ec,i>. Regular
brother, C. F. Maupin, who fives: at J rize, 75 coins. Positively so d by all
^ooimluu ‘ Miller’s, Essex county, Va. I Hist-class Druggists iu tin- United
« SS 4 w 1 The funeral of deceased was preach-! States. junefi.
i oo* 4 uo i e,l at the Presbyterian Church yester
3 ObatO (A) | _ •
t day evening, and his remains were fol
lowed to the crave hv
75*1 50
60al 00
430 00a 50
. 75 01*100
lou 1C
75a! (A) | Honw
Nuils- .
.la# t
4a5 i
C a 7
5 5<«t 25 :
75:, 1 00
H a 10
20*25 1
many sympa
thizing friends.
Our AkciUn.
Win. .1. G -,ss is our
is a* : .! : '••■iced by tjicir incompetence and .Igt
lie accompiitiicd is to enlist tlu», inteliigent^and
■ neii among them as are iiot'lfsuaUjr
licians, ill the e;
k^olc* Leather
l*pr. Leather
llarn. “
Calf Skins...
Ilry Hides -
Orwn Hides...
BKgging pr yd
Rope, colton..... — —
Rope,gras* : ,
The above arc retail price*. Special
vrholesale buTer*.
3ba35 '
•MfcS* i
. M)a75
•Hlaot [
(jK) 0oa!00 Ol- i
50 00a d 0i> j
10a!1 :
New and Second-handed
Goi»i* \nv\--No more f'l.iil-and
Ague iti this section. Our Druggist
is selling an article called Ague
CONQUEROIt." It is about tm: only
salisfactorv preparation sold for the
, Mr * ' V "‘- ' L r ’" ssU :,t ' cure of Fe'ver ami Ague, Dumb Chills,
Hunnony Grove, Jackson county.. IllU .,, ilUt . int or Billions Fevers. The
,l. T. Adams. Esq., i< authorized ! n • . ,•
j • . . . ! Proprietor of the Ague CosqCEROR
t to receipt subhciipt ions for this paper, i . . ,, ... . ,
* * 1 ,, 11 lias »tseil but little energy l » make
I at Morgantown, rniinm countv, i»«. . , *,
° * medicine known, and yi, its.
is immense iu Agne Distriets.
,11’ort to elevate the standard of character and attainments ot thoM who arc
v.) be entrusted with civil office, and to determine the chums ot aspiran y | Sugar, crushed- standard. With such elevation, will conic a correspo.«liug supeuority i ;;
ft »fii tnw disiijipcK.— — • ■ • . • . * —
vili/.-ais will no longer shrink from aspiring to those positions which should ; ^euno..^
only bu adorned by those who rival the cnaraeter and the accomplishments | CsDdlM ^j£™"
o (tic idea! statesman.
12a is
n* 12H
11* 12
10a ll’l
!2Ka 16
23a 25
28* 33
33a 37
t 25al 50
75*1 *
50a &) i
■Wa 50 !
20* 25 I
25a 20 ;
Atlanta Mcdh'nl CoIIckv.
1 Lrikb Wheel. •
4 Tyler Water Wheels, now ruiuin". ,
Genrinjr, Shnltipe. Pulley*, etc. :,.,\ ff
One 18 ins. x 14 ins. Cano Mill, horizontal, !
good as new. j ,, , . „
Horse Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Caue j *\ e call the attention of all bCCKmg
Milts, Evaporators, at the ! ji medical education to the advertise- 1
jnnesr-lm. i ment of this college It enjoys an un
years. Entirely vegetable prepara-,
tion. Price, 50 cents and $1 per
bottle. Two doses will stop the
* ! chills. jnne5.
Wc claim the best cigar, three for
Vntly pTir.tod and f*A -u'c- !.t tl i?
’ surpassed reputation for aifording ojf i 25 cents, in the city. Tryjthcm.
portunity for scientific attainment*