The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, August 07, 1877, Image 8

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the Athens Georgian : august 7, is?7. STOVES. > I The House-Keepers Favorites! | ]'HK BESJ. Attention! Cotton Planters. t Sear (Vitim H Mfliiitw In .Him! • -Taliusila*', J3oiI.j-o.iA (V.— Vllim- a- ■ <■«»»» Mark* I. TiieuUlVd Ituno iMit. i-prWnir firm siilnnitimg l<> Uie tlvnwud o» ’ ,CI1 • larsrely iiim-.wny: an l fl-mrisliinp? - ' buifiK-**, :We again cttundhits tlaelr \> border* .V ll,0l, J{**« ?•»'* ot ciipyiiifi. i^ one of the largest mid best arruiginf stores i:i Uio Suite, they find >» m oes- j Kiry t<» add anotlier large wareroom j lo their establishment. This new : buildius; we learn, is huilt for the |)ur|H)3e of iiaudlino notion to which department they expect to devote, attention • this fall, find if they . Imv cotton like they sell groceries, ,»ur country trieudfi will do will to see them t.efore. disposing of their! ipj££ JJQgJ DURABLE! cotton. In this connection we might ad<l f that Athens is fast increasing in im portance as :t cotton market and man} merchants and planters along a|,e line of Hailmad who have been shipping their cotton to Augusta, Savannah and Charleston, heretofore, find that tliey realize more money (rum shipments to Athens. This a a ! fact well worthy the attention of surrounding countries, and thritiy planters, watchful ot tlieir interest, will not forget this article. THE GEORGIAN FOR 1877. * sfieedid 0 Atlanta and Augusta Underso^, r- .f • •’ ■ 4 J j •; f * !J C i> j v- r >1 The “ Baby’s Best Friend’’ is the most appropriate title for Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup. It is absolutely free from Opium, Morphia and other pow erful agents, is peifectly safe and re-, liable aH icifcim^tances. and by allaying the -usual Stomach- and Bowel Disorders of Babyhood keeps the child from fretting and crying, so injurious to itself and annoying to all. Price 25 cents. With increased facilities far Carrying on the publication ot onr paper . for the New Year, the Georgian will be tound, as heretofore, . ( 1 * ' . ’ : ' .L'Of/TiC flcrx/CX *T i Strictly Democratic, j i And will endeavor to supply its readers with the most careful, com plete and trustworthy accounts ot current events. It will remain its usual size, eight pages, and has The Cheepest and Best! I ..Her the above 8TOVKS to the ..Bi/ens ol Northra-t Georgia, besides Tinware, Sheet Iron, Cupper, Zinc., ejc. Call and you J*»H he >*‘.IUmA : Ttr witKfehv - More Readtna Matter In Its Columns Thau any two weekly papers in the State. \Y o nave thela * j bona tide subscription list in Northeast Georgia, tpid we ; x intend to make it, as heretofore, an interesting AND WAGONS, " OF THK jjOLli RELIABLE FIRM VF HODGSON BROS MARKED DOWN. FHXCES GREATLY HEDXXCEiD. We have on haml the l.urge*t STOCK SOUTH OF BALTIMORE, and It niu-t and w\j -, v sold without delay. Good Bngsric-». IIOIXSSON MAKE for mE Hiiieice The Celebrated Hodgson Wagon, Sitnte Hunday Neliool vcivtlon. Broad Street, SIGN or IHK #u; COFFEE POT. a'.ig7-4ra For Sale or Rent! \ # A small house, convenient to the bittiness portion of tjie city. Also, For Sale Only, rooms, with two BOOM Of ‘. BLF.DGK. College, •'A. CA. ... . Knoanloll over the State for their durability mid strength, and uvo beyond question the best WAGONS ever sold in this section of the Country, forties wishing sny sort of Vehicles are respectfully invited to look through our stock. FIRESIDE COMPANION. AM| WORK GUARANTEED. Hkp&i&wg smw Job Wqbb i- its i Atlanta '■ ' A :v-- TUe Twentieth Annual Course of Letturea will commence October 15th, 1877, mid close March 1st, 1878. Facvi.1T—J. G. Westmoreland, W. F. AVest- iBOtvbftdp-W. A. ZMcV. lhTrtlsodrrn. John ‘fUd; Johnson, A. W. Calhoun,. J. II. Luen: boinonatrntor of AniTwny, C. W. Nutting. Send for Annonnotment, giving full informa tion. JNO. THAI). JOHNSON, bu,'7-lm. Dean. The State Sunday School Convenv tion meets in this city on the S4th of. „ . ostnig one, and will no doubt be largely attended. The Convention sermon will be ^reached on 8uuday, 26th of August r by Rev. W P. Har rison, D.D., of Atlanta, and the music will be conducted by James W. Wallace, of Angola. _ Among the speakers that will .be present, arc Rev. Warren A. Can dler, Religious editor of the “ Sunny South;” Hon. W. H. Branch, of Greensboro; W.' E.. Reynolds, of Union Point; W. A. Hay good, of Atlanta; J. T. Osborn, of Klbcrton, and probably Rev. A. Means. Wc learn that Marietta, Griffin, Dalton and Newnan will petition for the next meeting of the Convention.! ( d-\KKK MORTGAGE SHERIFF'S sale. t „ , ,, _ . _ 0 . . | \ - W ill be aold before the Court-Hon^e door, All the railroads in the State, Will:-! in the city of Ath.:,.*. Or.., on the tirrt Tueeday . .L- A ,... , I ia Octob.r next, 1877, within the legal huurs of out exception, ha\ e agi ctd to ti ans . a .j e> t j ie f 0 ;i,. w i, 1J? property, to wit: port delegates for half fare r.ites. , , .T* 1 ? «itirc_ stock ot jewelry, aip Gov.‘ Colquitt’, 8eimtor Gordon and lion. M. A. Candler arc expected to be present. A delegation tVoin thp Young Men’s Christian Association Convention of the State, will also he present. P 5 T 1 .niiaaoTy^K3 asAJotroa .o Connected with our newspaper, we have a A SPECIALTY. h) Skilled and Finished Workmen in Every Department. have Special attention will be t0 ?. Uli *!'? bcb1 ° , 0> prices in this branrh i work allowed in our shop—all Firat^lwa Cottrell & Babcock Press,! The finest Book and Job Press, together with the best selection', of Job Type, all new, and ordered within the Iasi six month*, and are prepared to do all kinds of BOTTOM PRICES. julyj-Sm 2Toti.ce! per.-ons havinp demand.' e.tate of Tlu.inoa 1’onlTaiii, deceased, are hereby notified to preaeiit the Mine to me for payment within tlie lima prescribed by law, and.those indebted to sui.l deceased are required to make hmntdinte iiiivnunt. EM ELIZA l'OCLLAIN, Adm’r. ung” 30d. , er ware, plated ware, liarrtv/iire, fan.y Roods, jeweler’s tools and fixtures, show cases, r-atw, and ell otln-r property beloaipnj; to and conne:ted wilh the jewelry store und business ot Frank F. Tulr.)a«tjre, at No. day School Convention will be elected daring the session, ami nil other bus iness pertaining lo this organization will be attended to during its s»-ssii>u. 8, Broad i treet, Athens, Gii; *' “ id of Thi.%wtoflk <ni>mdta fiuo gold watches ahd IminS, stiver, all kinds and styles of iidhu und gentlemen'a jewelry, gold eye- glpss.js, gold pens and pencils, silver and plated forks, suVar and plMtt table of all kinds, pocket-knives, pistols, guns and awuu- ' clocks, card atunds, toilet stands,*’ Delegates lo the International Sen- SSS5tSBi2f'«S« rt&jWtdSii, WjZs A man suddenly broke up a beau tiful oratorical address from his wife the other evening simply by remark ing that Ben. Franklin once said that ‘the worst wheel in the cart makes ! the most no se.’ . ( violins, harmoiikone. and r. {urge number of articles of jewelry and fancy articles too tedious to mention—such as are usually kept in a lanrc, first-class jewelry establishment in n city. The stock is very large and full, and the goods new ami of the latest styles, and of the best quality. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi. fa. issued from flurkc Sti|s-rior Court ii: favor of Asaph K. fluids and Rufus L. Moss, versus said Frank I’. Tulmcdge, to sa'isty said fi. Is. Pront-rty pointed out in the fi la. and two aisticss'war rants, oi.e in favor, of A., K. Childs and the other in favor of R. L. Moss, against mid Tul- nuidge. J. A. Rl« * W NING, Sheritf. uug7-9w. Schedule Northeastern Railroad. Cliange of $5ol»<edul«. On aud after MONDAY, June 23d, 1877, the , morning train on the Northeastern'Railroad will 1 be discontinued. The evening train wi’l rtn »8 follows: EVENING TRAIN Leave Athens 4.50 P. M. i Arrive at Lula '3.50 P. M. ! Leave Atlanta via A. L. R. K 4.00 P. M. : Leave Lula 7.20 P. M. ! Arrive at Athens 0.45 P. M. j Ample time at Ath-ns for passengers on np- duy of Atluns 1 .ranch Georgia ltailroad, to con- ! ncet with this train. <’!t>se connection at Lula ! with North bound train or. A. aud C. Air Line ' Railroad. | ATLANTA & CHARLOTTE CONDENSED TIME CAED. .HV-tl J« M. EDWARDS, * Nnjierintendeiit. With a new supply ol Rules mid Fi"iweB, WQ qre; : prepared-t^ tury i ^out tdl and every kind .-*■ , . j - - yr:'! r\ NOTICE. Augusta, GA.,May 1st, 1876. On alter Monday, May 1st, 1876 the Passenger trains on the Georgia Railroad will run :ts follows, viz: ■- Dav Passkxgkb Train wilt 0.00 a. a, * Leave Athens at. i Arrive at Angustaat 4.00 r. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 4.00 P. m. Leave Augusta at 9 00 a. m. Leave Atlanta at j.Oo a. u Arrive at Athens at i.55 r. n NllillT P.VSSKXOEK T«A1X. WAY/BILLS, ETC., TOGETHER* WITH Leave Athens at Arrive at Augusta at.... Arrive at Atluuta at .... Leave Augusta at Leave Atlanta at Arrive at Athens at :*.S0 P. xi. 7.35 A. M. 5.25 a. M. 8.2* 1 r. m. 10.30 p. m. 0.50 A. M. Wash- iV. uu order of the Court of Ordinary of Chirac county, will be sold before the Court House door of said county, on the first Tuesday iu September next, during the legal l.otirs of sule, the followin'/ property, to-wit: One hundred nn.l twenty six si.urc sol the stock of me Pioneer Paper Mill Compauv, one lot of laud in the city ol Athens and said county, containing «b< r.i tiiree quarters vj an acre, more or less, including the blacksmith shop, coal house aud wooii shop, aud idl the improvements tlicrcou except the hiiriy b ing tin. blaesMiiitli shop and lot lutaly occupied by Win. Tidmodge, deceused. Also, at the same time aud place, v.ill he sold 020 red, no horned ouw. Also, the set of blacksmith tools deceased uned in said shop. Also, all the ready made work and stock on baud, consisting of axes, grubbing hoes, lap liuks, steel ana iron, and all the contents of said shop. All to bo sold oa the property of stud deceased, for the benefit of his heirs and •creditors. Terms cash. ELIZABETH X TALMADGE. Administratrix. «ug7.S0d-pr’t$10. iLARKE SH RIFF SALE.—Will be sold j before the Court-Hou-e door, in the city of Alliens, Clarke county, Go., cn the first Tues day in September nexi, within the legal hours of sale, tiio following projierty, to-wit: A twelve horse-power portable steam engine, now in possesnion of R. Nickerson, Agent of the Athens Foundry. All levied upon by virtue of a fi. fa. from Franklin Superior Court, October Term, J976. James W ilson, plniulitf, vs. J. J. Owen, defendant. All sold to i-ulisfy the above stated fi. fa., this August 4tli, 1877. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. aug7-SUJ. Public Schcols. P ERSONS wishing to contract with the Board of Education of Clarke county, foT the purpo# • of tcaclui%f in't lie' Public Schools of said oonnty, will meet the undersigned at the Court House on Saturday, June 23d, 9 o’clock A. M. II. R. BERNARD^County School Comtaii- ^ioner. JJ»nc IS—3t. pLARKE SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold \J beiofore the Court-Mou-*- '‘'.tor, in the city of Athens, Clarke umtntt •.!»., on the first Tuesday in September •.> . '. within tuc legal hours of sale, the foUuA-.agv : ;*ipeTiy,-to-sfit: One house and lot wherooti Cant. A. S. Erwin now lives; fronting north on llill street, 4aat and south by the vacant Baxter lot, and west by etreet intervening this and Gov. Cobb’s lot. levied u.on by virtue of a Justices’ Court fi. fin. from tb« Xl6th Dial. G. M. R. M. Smith A CO., vs. Joseph W. Mnrrcti. Ail to satisfy the above stated fi. fit. Levy mode and returned to me by W, A, England, Lawful Con stable, and legal notice given to tenant in pos session, this August 4th, 1877. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. J9iv .& JEaC - W v* For Sale. A second-hand Wheeler Si Wlleon Sewing Machine; has been but little need aud is iu per fect order. Far sale cheap for oaah. Apply at argSfi-tf. THIS OSFICI nug7-80d. T*|fn, 3J; .• - vt*. Passengers from Atluuta, Athens, , iugton, or any point on the Georgia ituilrouu and Brunches, hy taking the Day Passenger ! fnun, will make close connection at Cutnak with Truiu for ^Mdlcdgcvillo und Macon. I Sleeping Cars on Night Passeng. r Trains. S. K. Johnson’ Superintendent. ! uprilP-ti* J ‘ " ; Fob the BfhefiT of the Trade of ! ; And Northeast Georgia. SDW1H »- 1TEWTOXT, SALESMAN FOB Messrs. Opdycke. Term It Steele, WhiU; Goods, Notion*, Linens, Lacan and Kin broideries. - - - i ‘ * As Cheap as they cau be done in any city iu the South. Tho Work men iu our Job Department cannot be surpassed in ^ ^ Excellence and. Pir»isH. ft^Give us a call at out old etantj, Rroftd street Athens, €te. ^ —AND— General Merchandise Broker. OFFICES: 375 Broadway, ZTertr ?orl» —AND WITH— Messrs. Thomas & Fleming, OCX, ATHENS, GA ATLANl’A —TO- SSASTjalRXsT CITiauasi! VIA RICHMOND. Leave ATLANTA 4.00 r a Arrive at Charlotte 6.15 e h Arrive at Danville 1.16 r u Arrive at Richmond 6.23 «■ m Arrive at Washington, D. C., Via. I!., F. & P. R. R U0 a m Arrive at Baltimore 3.15 a m Arrive at Philadelphia 6.40 a m Arrive at New York 9.45 a m Arrive at Boston 8.30 r m Leave Atlauta 4.00 v u Arrive at Clinrlotte 6.13 a k (VIA. VIRGINIA MIDLAND ROUTE.) Arrive ut Danville..- 1.10 p » Arrive at Lynchburg 4.00 p m Arrive at Washington City 1.30 a * Arrive at Baltimore 3.15 a u Arrive at Philadelphia 6.40 a m At rive at New York, 9.45 a m Arrive at Boston 8.80 p u Through Tickets on sabs at Union t’asscngtr Depot. Baggage Cheeked Through. G. J. FOREACRE. General Manager. W .J HOUSTON, Geo. Pa-s. & Ticket Ag’i, THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD. J.IJIKS tillltllOX HbSNKTT. Pmprlpto-. Tho Best and Cheapest Newspaper i’ublislir.1. POSTAGE ONE DOLLAR f'liR VEAl> 50 CENTS FOR G MONTHS. An Extra Copy to every Club of Tea. The N. Y. Daily Herald. Published ovary <lay in the you Postage Free. $ 10 pays for one year, Sundays included. SS pays fur une yeai, without Sundays. S3 pays tor six months, Sundays included. $4 pays for six months, without Sundays. SC pays for one year for any specified day of the week. * S1 pays for six months for any specified day ui week. ... St pays for one month, Sundays Included. NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED. Postage Free. Daily edition. 2J$ cent* per copy. Sunday edi tion 4 vents per copy. Weekly edition S cents per —fMW i Broad wav and Ann etreet v Y. Wool Carding Factory. The undersigned has liU new Custom Wwi Cards now in operation at tlte Faeton-, nt the eastern terminus of Broad street, Athens, Go. Work done satisfactorily and with dispatch. H. F. FOWLER, Agent. afiiUO-dsa.73