The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, August 14, 1877, Image 5

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Pules of L.t-eal Advertioinfl A Job Work Local Notice* 1.' ecnt» per line, 10 cents for esc I > udilitiouid publication, n«> display allowed In the local column* of this paper. Marriage and death notice* arc published free of charge. Obituaries arc charged for at U*e rates ot ten cents per line. Announcements of candidates and communi cations favoring individual candidates, must be paid for in advanco, . . Advertisement* not marked tor any specified bass VOICO 10 the City, time, will be charged fjr until ordered ont. All Job work must be paid for upon delivery. — - — Election ticket*, cash upon delivery.* Rclnling to Newspaper Subscrip tion* and Arrearage*. A * PKOtSIOS or THE UNITED BTATK3 lirXUlt. COCM. 1. Subscriber* who do not give exnreaanotice to the contrary, arc considered wishing to con tinue tlieir subseption. 2. 1 f subscribers order the discontinuance of their periodicals, the publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 8. If subscriber* neglect or refuse totaketheir ■ taar,. tl>n t* «• IIIoVl tllAV UFA continued. 4. If subsoriViers inovetootlier place* wilhodt notifying publishers, and the papers are sent to tlie former direction, they are held respon sible. 5. The courts have decided that •‘refusing to take periodicals from the otlice, or removing and leaving them uncalled fori* prims taeia evidence of intentional fraud.’’ fi. Any person who receives a newspaper and make* use of it whether he bus ordered it or nit, is held in law to be a subscriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they arc bound to give notice to the publisher, at the and of their time; if they do not wish to con tinue taking it; otherwise the publisher is authorized to send it on; and the subscribers »ill be responsible until an express notice, w ith payment of all arrearages, is sent to tke publisher. l^o«>al lilcmliiiKN. a fair test, and nrd satisfied that it is the best flour we ever used. Reaves —Who will be the next Mayor ? —The Indian doctor lias a jiet anaconda. —John Hope Hull has the finest •£? —Prince Hodgson has been stump- j A Nicholson, the largest dealers in ing the State of Madison. ! Northeast Georgia, keeps Noel’s Best FJT j always on hand, and can supply fami lies and dealers on short notice. Give, this flour a trial, and we know yon will be we!L pleased with —Burns’ hand will summer Holland. —Our roof is being repaired, and the cold, chilly winds of December | will find us snug and pleasant. The infant daughter of Mr. and j this country is the telephone. By its Telephone. The latest scientific invention in Mrs. II. 8. Hughes died last Wednes- 1 wonderful mechanism, sonnd* can he day morning. | transmitted for hundreds of miles— —The cigar manufactory of Kalva- j h y " st S y°« «>n whisper sweet rinsky & Liubler turns out the best 1 ' vor, is ot love to Evangeline though , and cheapest cigar in the State. ; a thousand miles apart—all the lovely j P lac f’ ^T*** 1 * we [ e v ® r - v “ght, and ions of your heart, you can j>our * tlunk ► nrih wore high-heeleu shoes. THE ATHlix^ GEORGIAN: AUGUST 14, 1877. Xocl’s llest. | -V Hart-Broken Lover. We would remind our citizens, ;>. ( ] j [To thj Editor of the G.-orgian.] the people generally, that there is no j As one of a hundred luckless swains better family flour on sale in this C’ty, I whose happiness has been wrecked or anywhere else in the State, than j upon the unimproved, beuchless the above brand. We have given it grounds o the Ferro-Lithic Spring, 1 beg that you will awaken the City Fathers to i sense of their remissness in not provi ling doable the number of seats for tip use of lovers who love to sit beneath I lie whispering trees of that pleasant neat Last Sunday even ing I escorted a young lady, with whom I was walling, to the Ferro-Lithic, in tending to ieat her in some sequestered nook and tlcre propound the rnotnen- CITY GOVERNMENT. Council Proceedings. ) tous The benches were like angeU yisits, and every one ^was occupied. Wearily and drearily I trudged up and dowu the grounds in a desperate rpdeavor to find & resting People learn wisdom from expo, j ^ ^ ^ f J ( . t _ you ca * toH i icr 'tliat | M J’ c”™ 8 kurt like the , and nencc A man never wakes up his , ^ ^ ^ ^ ch . irnii|ll? . that the i the dear girl limped; *»«t with un- second *a •} to see it laugh. I .1... :...i c i. i„._i daunted hitast, I wandered through —W e have known men to embrace ; b|l ‘ le c .yes; that the sunshine is dazzled | the groves,* ‘determined to find a scat religion and then cross the street to j by the brightness other smile; that her and P°P ‘he Question or perish in the avo "l llK-t ' UM - ° ,MS ,,f ' teeth flashes I ke ocean foam and ! «ttempt. <W*ionally we would see chums in sin. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. teeth flashes I ke ocean foam and ! attempt, , her lips, like two ripe cherries, are | 11 bench loonj up ahead and with heat —We hope the city fathers ivad : only made to kiss. By this inven-1 il >g heart straight would 1 make for it; the touching appeal made to them J tion, you are enabled to s;iv all this j but, ala- ■ ti-invariiihly was oecopio<l in our last issue by a “ Disappointed ' and not feel embarrassed. If V ou | "b en wcgniUiere. And then, oh my. Swain.” I wish u , lest t }, cse telephones, go to j Eiist we St*r>T awlule on one foot, i ... , , n , - ill Then stood awhile on t’other, greatest cosolation some I 1 alma,, g e * Hodgson & Co., and ask j And on wh *, one wo faU the wust , We couldn't a tolJ ye iiutlicr. Hot, dusty and tired, with aching 1>ls*trIot Grnnil I.oiIko TVintli Dint riot. ] —Th The Grand Lodge of Good ' rein- men find in religion, is in the reflec- j 1,10 gentleman with Burnside whis. i ,'lar.s for the Ninth Congressional tion that thev are lictter off than their . ke rs for them, and we are convinced : District will he held with Beltcn neighbors. Lodge, at Belton, Ga. <Sit Safnrdaj the 1st day of .September, 1*77, at 10 o’clock, a. in. All Lodges in the district arc earnestly urged to send representatives—one for every fifteen members in good standing—as it will be an important session. M P. CAi.nwEt.L, Dist. D« p’y. A. A. I.amaster, Sec’y. Sii vannah NVecUl y >’rws. 'l'liis able and influential journal comes to oar sanctum each week tilled with interesting stories, miscel laneous matter, Georgia items, to. getlier with a summary of Florida news, that is not excelled. l»y any other paper in the State. Wo would call ispecial attention to the Agiicul- tural Department in this papei\w hich * carefully coltid by an experienced fanner and agriculturalist, Capt. L. ('. Bryan, of Thomas county. Those 1 our country readers who wish a paper from a city, full of interest and information, we would suggest the above paper. T'hnuki*. Our thanks are hereby ttmlered Mr. II. W. Cobb, of Oconee county, ml- a basket of delicious fruit, consist- •ng of California plums mid peaclu-s Chinese clings.) This sample of fruit, as well as many others with whieh we have been favored this sea- 'on, go to prove that blips jfe a flue •Vuit section, and it turlherrhorc dc> monstrates that our people have found out that act, and are giving tnore at tention to fruit culture than in former lays. Let the good work go oil—it —Tin- Athen* Glee Club is a new Organization. A majority of the members have fine voices and their songs and ballads are well rendered. you won’t go home without one. 'I’ll A- I ,«»«•;! I 10 titor. ; The local is supposed to know everything about other people’s busi ness, and is expected to show-np all corns and ditto heart, I forgot the sweet thing* 1 was going to say ; and when, Sarah, gathering up her dusty skirts and limping heavily, remarked that “ she was a fool to come.” the cup —The man who could do all the 1 the actors in family broils in town, j ot n, y miser >’ overflowed. At the business he wanted to without adver- i H ‘be vile tongue of suand.-d finds a j door of her house she bade me a frigid Using, has been compelled to adver. tise at last. The new advertisem. nt is headed “ Sheriffs Sale.” —Sturdy old Dr. Johnson said, it was a deal better for a woman to paint her own face than to blacken another woman’s character, but some women do both. —A Detroit woman has been think ing over the matter a good deal, and she has concluded that the best way to keep furs through the summer is victim, people wonder wrliy lie don’t | tjpod evening” and I felt that she run about with a note hook and gather up the vituperative hits of slander for the paper. If lie steps into the billiard saloon, he Is requested to make a note of the astounding i fact that Bill Thompson has just made j ; a run of eleven points.. When the > 'minstrel troupe arrives in town, the j agent immediately rushes for the [ i printing offioo. Calling,forAhe local, I | he slips three or four tickets in his j , . .. baud and whispers: “Draw .us aL . 1 'It ; big h.ousi-! lit* it ill strong 1” and j l he hutu ecu happiness j pitting him on the shoulder, the and wisdom is, that the man who j agl . nt iU \ lu \ X!i the inferiority of the thinks himself most happy, is so; I troupe, but “ we are mot to let on.” It is no sin for the local to lie. To while lie who thinks himself the most wise, is generally the reverse. —I’atti will receive $2,000 in gold for each night during the season in this country the coming winter. Why managers will persist in paying please the lecturer, the local isforccj^j to sit two moral hours to hear him through he can “ write linn uj And so it goes. All are anxious to an insipid discourse so that j 1 write bun up.” this high price when Major Pruitt : appear well in .print, hut few are would fill the engagement for fifteen I willing to pay for it. The local’s time hundred in currency’, is beyond our j is worth nothing hut to 1,other his brain conception. - writing pufF> for-ambitious in-rsdns. —Isaac Malone, of College Avenue,! Il ,]o "' 1 co>t Kim ««> thing to live, brought a three legged chicken into 1 nt-vt ‘ r vats or drinks or travels, o\ir offlee last Thursday. The third mo,;ov is ,ir> ,ISf - bim. was lost to me forever. Disappointed Swain. Ring Solomon oxad -fclxo Anta. btjous-o. wurrr Ei;. Out from Jerusalem The Kiuy: rode with his |fre t .t \V*r chiefs nail lords of state, Aud Sheba’s Queen with them, .. Proud in tiie Syrian sun In gold and purple sho The du^ky Ethiop Queen Smiled ok-K^ng Solomou. ; -, W5-?;*; of men, he kne -v Tin- languages of all The creatures great aud small ’bat trod fhc earth and flen - . Across an aut-bill led Tho King’s path, and he heard Its small folk, and their word He thus interpreted: “ Here comes the King men greet As wise ami good and just, To crush us in the dust. Under his heedless feet.” The great King bowed his lit-: ’.. And saw the wide «nrpris-.- Of the Q.lei'll <-f S - *- tv .*, As lie told her what . «. -M. 1 0 King I’’ s’.ie whi-j-er d sweet, “ Too happy fate have they Who perish in thy way Beneath tby grseion* feet ’ leg is not. sis long us the other two, but is perfect, except the foot, it having only one toe. Isaac content, plates raising this chicken on a—fork. — Pittsburg is quiet—the rioters ot only furnishes a wholesome lux. j have returned to their homes and nry to onr whole people, hut may be white winged peace waves her smiling banner over a happy people. We might enjoy the same blessing if a regiment of Cossacks would dis perse the Georgia Constitutional Con vention. —Young man, don’t attempt to carve a turkey when your girl is watching, you can’t do it. We tried it once, and whisked a drumstick on her silk waist, and have been paving damages for the last fifteen years. —A Cincinnati widow advertised for “every Christian in the city” to send her ten cents. She realized twenty cents, indicating an uncx. peotedlv large number of Christians in that city. ■»ade a most profitable crop. Hummer Itesi rts. .Says the Gainesville Southron: The grand Piedmout and Richmond Hotels are strained to their utmost apactity to accommodate the con. Mainly arriving guest s. Other hotels • ml hoarding houses are well filled. Un-re is yet room at the While Sul* ;•Imr, New Holland, and Gower ■'piinixs; so ti e flood of visitors need ot ebb for another week or two, and ‘ 1 <1 oat inn can’t eat us out.” Front the enterprise and thrill ot e people of Gainesville in building -•M-i-lass hotels and hy the judicious > A et rising done by’ the same, her '••■’els are crowded with visitors fill ' ■ ’’ summer months, and her v n.'s nrosent a lively and pleasing • ictnrc. Well done, thy motto is •vaward and upward. Thrash’s Consumptive Cure.— '’lire cure for consumption, bronchitis, roughs, croup, colds, and all lung af. h'Ction.a. Restores lost voice, etc. ‘-'all at Dr. Ed. Smith’s drug store, l ' r - King’s old stand, and get a trial 'hide for 50 cents- Large size $1 50. We call the attention to the No Brand cigars, which we offer at $1 80 per 100. The best cigars that has ever been sold in this or in any other city for the money. Kai.varinsky & Lif.klkr. For the best five cent cigar, call at Kalvarinski & Liebler. We claim the best cigar, three for •25 cents, in the city. Try them. Kalvarinsky «fc Liebler. Hulcn fur Home Kdueatlon. The following rules are worthy of being printed in letters of gold, and being placed in a conspicuous place in ever; household: From your children’s earliest infan cy inculcate the necessity of instant obedience. Unite firmness with gentleness. Let your children always understand that you mean what you say. Never promise them unless you are quite sure you can give them what you say. If you tell a child to do something, show him how to do it, and sec that it is done. Always punish your children for willfully disolieying you, hut never punish them in anger. Never let them sec that they vex yon or make you lose your command. If they give way to petulance or ill- temper, wait till they are calm, and then gently reason with them ou the impropriety «•! tin ir conduct. Remember a little present punish ment when the occasion arises is mm effectual than the threatening of .-t greater punishment should the fault be renewed. Never give your children anything because they cry for it. On no account alkiw them to do at any one time what you have, under the same circumstances, at another time forbidden. Teach them that the only way to appear good is to be good. ' • N»y,” Soloiam replied, “The wise nndstrong should seek Thewelfsreoftlie wesk,” And turned his horse aside. His train, with quick alarm, Curved with their leader round Thu aut-hil!’* peopled mound And left it free from harm. The jew* led head bent low; “ O' Kins!” she. said, “ henceforth The -••ere: cl thy worth And wisdom well j know.” “ Harpy must be the state . Wh*>se r ili r heedeth more Toe murmur.'- of the jhw Thau flatteries of the it nut." Council Chamiikk, -ithens, Ga., Aug. 0, ’77, 4 o’clock p. m. The regular monthly meeting'of Council was held this evening. Pres ent, his Honor, Mayor Tahnadge, and Aldermen Luca*, HuU, Hamilton and Hodgson. 1 E. R. Hodgson w:js sworn in as Alderman from the First Ward, to fill the vacancy occasioned hy the resignation of Aide! man O’Farrell. The miuutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Petitions of Dr. J. 8. Hamilton, Mrs. S. Rucker and others, asking Council to place a lamp post at junc tion of Broad street and Milledge Avenue, referred t > Mayor with power to act. Of Edward Bancroft, complaining that no move had yet. been made towards opening the street petitioned for by him, and granted by the Conn- el about two mouths ago. He asked that the Council take immediate ac tion in the matter. Oil motion of Alderm >ii Luc is, ilie Mayor ^ was instructed to notify Mr. I\. L. Bloomfield, George Bancroft and Edward Bancroft, to arrange tln-ir fence, so that Pope s’reel may tit once hi opened up, and continued through premises of Edward Ban croft, in acc irdjinee with a resolution passed by Council, June 4th, 1877. Alderman Hull, Chairman of Spe cial Committee on Street Intrusions, made a verbal report, recom'i endiug that iii the future, no Street Intrusion Tax he assessed or collected on intru sions on Hancock Avenue ; but that parties on that street, against whom Intrusion Tax had already been assessed, he required to pay the amounts due and unpaid up to the first day of July hist. The report was received aud adopted, Alderman Lucas reported favorably on hill ot C. I). II'.llj Esq. The bill was ordered to be paid ; amount, $5D. The monthly reports of Treasurer, Chief of Police, Lamplighter and Clerk of Market,, were lerul and ro- The following hills weiy ordered to he paid: J C. Pituer, $62 50; J. C. Wilkins, S"6 75; Athens Fund tun* Matmfaet uring Company, $1450. The following bills wi*re ordered paid on approval of the. proper committee: Henry Hill, $30 ; Athens Gas Light Company, $70; Bell Co., $13 75; Hopy Pinknqv^ J$13 15; M. B. MeGinty $28 X Council adjourned, AY. A. Cu.i.iXANii, Clerk Wliun t lie Blossoms Cover IT** Darllnpr. This is the name of another of the popular Charlie Baker’s new songs can be had # from any music dealer in the United States, or from the publisher, F. W. Helmick, No, 50 West Fourth Street, Cinciunati, O., by sending 40 cents. w bun the blossoms cover us, dbriing. With bh*>ni of white and gold, And our faces are hid fr< m each other In the church yard, to white and so cold, Of the many dear ones who will never Sot- our fact* or gteet a* again, Are there any ltiud heart* in that day, love, W l-.o will think of ns, cure for us then f STOVES. The House-Keeps Favorites! THE BEST. THE MOST DURABLE V IRON KING. The Cheapest and Best! I olt'sr the above STOVES to the citizens or Northeast lieonda, besides Tinware, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc., etc. Call and you'wilt be sat lifted. J. V. WELKINS, Broad Street, SION or THE Bit. COFFEE TOT. au«7-Sm THE SOUTHERN SIDE.; OR, ANDERSOHVILU PRISON: Compiled tVdm Official Documents in the hands of R;; .RUDOLPH STHERSOH. M; D, Vornurly Smfeoii in the Army ofthu Con federate States of America; Oliiuf Surgeon of the Confederate State* Prison Hospitals, Ander- sonville, (ii-orgia; Surgeon and Medical Pur veyor of the Confederate States Prisons East of the Mississippi river. Together with a review of a t-ortion of the testimony of the witnesses in thu celebrated “ Wit* Trial," and brief notices of some id’the work- that have appeared on Southern Prisons bv Northern Authors, WITBAIT .aPZ’EX&DaE, Containing the names of about 13,000 Union Soldiers who died at Andersonvillo; giving number of tlieir graves, their rank, the Compa nies and Regiment* to which they belonged, and the date of their dea It, as registered by the author and others. Also, Ctt-Jse aud Classification of the Disease- incident to Prison T.ife; Comparative Sr- tc- iii-tit* of Prisoners captured, and death* in- Northern and Southern Prisons; A Chapter c-u the Exchange Bureau, etc., etc COITDXTIOI^S = This work is priutA'd from new, clear type, in .j i. One Large Octavo Volume of nearly 500 Pages, WITH SEVEN FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS AIlO K MAP. • It will he delivered to subserbers at the following pricos: News for Medical Nudenta. A* the medical renders ot ihis pa per have, on different occasions, been informed of the Beneficiary .Scholar ships created hy the Trustees of the Louisville Medical College, Louisville. Ky-, tlu-y may he under the impres s'd! that these Scholarships are still to he obtained as usual. The College mentioned is now a member cf the Asscc'atiou of American Medical Col leges (organized at Chicago, III., June, 1877,1 ai d this Association has iiu-iie-i !Scholarships to tiv.- j.-t-r i—-it. t.i -.he class. There is much « great interest to every med ical aiud ii’. iu the regulations estab lished by the American Medical Col lege Association, and it will be im portant to every student to read these carefully. These regulations can he obtained by writing to the Dean of the Loui*vilio Medical College, Lonis- ville, Ky. These are facts of interest, anti are therefore given to onr medi cal readers. OTATE OF GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. Tliis i* to certify that we bnve this tiny dis solved copartnership by mutual consent, and that S. iternstinc is to take the whole stock, hooks in hi* possession, and topsy all indebted ness of the rfrin made up to dnto. The c.-l!ec- tion of the aeeonnts can oulv !>.- made hv S. Burns tine. S. l’.ERNSTlNE, 8. JACOBS. Witness: Abraliani Jacob*, M. Joseph. Athens, Ang. 7,1877. - augl t It. lit V.itifuil) Uiiund in knalish Cloth,.. “ -‘ Slipep, .—..... *• “ lutr-t'air, — $s oo 400 u 00 G eorgia v'Larke county.--okoin-*- RT’i'Ornoi, August Cth, 1877.—Robert II. Lniipk’ui na. applied for exemption of person- ulty and sett'-ng sjwirt and valuation ot home- ’ steed, aud 1 will puss upon the same at 10 o’clfx-k, a. v. on the 4th day of Septemtcr, 1877, i at mV office. ASA M. JACKSON. 1 Payment to he made cn Re ceipt of the Work. Pors"n« giving their signatures to these i-omli'on>, will he considered subscribers to this Work. But no obligation will rest, upon any sub scriber to receive the hook unless it equals, in every i expect, description given and sample shown. ^ , TURNBULL BROS., Publishers. • «„14 2:. G lEORGlA CLARKE COUNTY.—Obmxa- liii's OjrrrcE, August eth, 1877.—Caroline Thoiuus (Colr’d) lm* applied f«.r exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will |wss upon t he same at 10 o’clock, a. at. ou the 31st d*y of Angnst, 1877, at my otfice. ASA M. JACKSON, ungli-ilt. Ordinary. LIVERY, FEED ND SHE STABLE, Athena, Ghaorgia. GANN & REAVES, PROPRIETORS. Will be fonnd at their old stand, rear Frank lin House building, Thoiroa street. Keep al ways on hand good Turnout* and oareful dri ver*. Stock well cared for when entrusted to our care. Stock on band for sale at all times, deciatf. J. K. IMTi’SI, AGFNT. ATHENS, OA^ Atlanta Medical College, - ATLANTA, GA. The Twentieth Annuul Course of l,ectnrra will commence Uctober 15th, 1877. and dose March 1st, 1878. FAoei.iT—J. O. Westmoreland, W. F. West moreland, W. A. Love, V. H. Taliaferro, John Thud. Johnson, A. W. Calhoun, J. H. Logan;- Demonstrator of Anatomy, C. W. Nutting. 1 Send for Announcement, giving fall informa tion. JNO. T11 AD. JOHNSON, aug7-lm. Dean. NOTICE. t FT Eli THIS DATI-, COUNTY ADVER A tisement* wliicli have heretofore been pub- ished in this paper, will hereafter be pnblished in the Sun, a Gazette published in Hartwell, Hart- countv, G*. V. 0.STEPHENSON, Ordinary, aug.«Wf. ItaKl