The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, August 21, 1877, Image 3

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THE ATHENS GEOliGAJN: AUGUST 2J, 1877. M }«r Tom Ochiltree. [Mas.ella (New Mexico) Independent-.] was the I amazement. “ What!” she cried, xii«r i .u.n wnmiCTZ... ! “ are you Tom Ochiltree?” “Major MIMK (•(Kill Mlililt.S AHOt T THE AMKItICW ™ , itK \ i' r.nivMKi i lom Ochiltree; at your service, Miss, reply. The young lady Everybody knows TiTonght U j tUrned ’ and ’ rushln 8 {S* V> the othtr know Tom Ochiltree, of Te»as. Mu I r °° ni ’ crie, V 0Ut: Slo P ,noth ' jor Tom Ochiltree, the American i Cr ’ 1t ’ 8 aI1 nght ’ George is a,ive and Bean Brmnmel, a confident of Jeff Davis, a bosom friend of Grant, who made him n United States Marshal foy j , Texas. The most cotnpans well. Why, that fellow is lying Tom Ochiltree, the man who would rather lie on credit than tell the truth for / • 1 We have nothing but Tom’s word for the truth of the above anecdote, so you can believe it or not, ns y King Sharks’ ICxcliange Saloon, COLLEGE AVENUE. The best Cineinnntti Lager Boer, Cigars aud ull kinds of Liquors sold cheap leclO-ly. FOR CASH. Eastern *exas. me most compans ionable, jollicst, good-for-nothing fellow that ever lived on oilier peo ple's money, is Tom Ochiltree of the auburn locks. Tom served hi the Confederate army during the war, and in the Federal service after the war. He “accepted the sUtalionV after the “break-up.” Toiti alwajtj 4 i to Mr.Jtindlill^aBdjlns accepted the situation, or anything ' Modifications for the Speakership of else that would be ol any benefit to tlio next House of lu.*presentfiti\ os: Millinery. LZadisosa Ootan-by. Clarice County. Hamlall’s Qualifications. The St. I.ouis Republican tlnifiputs Major Ochiltree. As a : tory-tel'er, a stump speaker, and a good fellow generally, he has no e<pial. lie is. always impecunious, always flush. How l.o “Those who wish tore elect Mr. Randall speaker, talk a irroat deal of his superior qualification* in the routine of legislation,” hut even if he were a’l in lies respect that they AHTHTO EVAN’S, Practical Watchmaker. H AS removed to bis old stand at the A< w Drag Store, where lie will be glad to see his customers, old and new, who wish fine work done on Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry A:1 work warranted. f«b20-9m. ARTHUR EVANS. The Copartnership Heretofore existing under the name and sty 1— of Dorough &. Osborn, iu the lumber business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business in the futnrc'will lie continued under the name and style of J. \V. PRUITT & CO., t» whom all orders tor lumber must be addreas. ed. All orders for lumber or laths left with \\ iley F. Hood or W. B. Pruitt will be punc tually filled. Orders addressed to Harmony Grove will be delivered any where on the Northeast Railroad. Thankful for past fuvors we respectfully solicit the patronage of the public in want of lumber or laths to the new firm. April It*. 1877. .'•>17-3 J. W. PRUITT & CO MORE NEW GOODS. FOR COMMENCEMENT.^' A Large and Beautiful Assortment of Fiue Flowers. New Silks, New Ribbons, AND NEW HATS! HATS! HATS! ,uns trimmed from 50 .cents up. Untrmmedfrom 25 cents up. ALL GOOllS SOLD AT M . bciore the Court-House door, in the town of Danielsville, on the first Tuesday in Scptem- ‘ ber, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: one tract of laud in said county, on the waters of South river, adjoining lands of Thompson Curithers and others, con taining one hundred acres, more or less, levied on ns the property of Charles Parora, to autisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hart Superior Court in favor of William McCurdy and others. Legal notice served on tenant in pcaaeaaion 25th day of July, 1877. J. W. KIRK, Sheriff, jalyjl-lm. —1 L Claris© Co-maty. COST. Call early a. MISS JAMES. lira. G eorgia clarke countv.-obdina- ky’h Office, August Cth, 1877.—Caroline Thouius (Colr’d) has applied for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upou tile same at lu o’clock, a. u on the 31st day of August, 1877, at m> office. ASA M. JACKSON. aug!4-2t. Ordinary. gets nionov to spend, no there-arc hiirlipr quati- .... n ‘jnibaliot'8 Shan n;cb ns relate merely one eail tell; liotv lie manages to live i. i-ra . *• i . r . ’ ° to niolions ana points ot order to be mu style it would require a million^ ■ considered in selecting a man who hire’s income to support, lie probably will have so much power to control cannot tell himself. On one occasion I legislation, f lie speaker ought to be he was in England, the guest of a ; ? ,na " s,,d ' Prindple* «ich opi* country, and who had fallen an easy ; Cetorm and <Mher reforms which fro victim to Tom’s‘imsurpassed WprJW Dcr*o6rAtic .. .. *. ,J, U I j)layonps A and ^Onc^^>nghj^t° find deuce and powc-i-? of Englishman had taken Tom to Lon* j House of Representatives. 1 dull and \\as friends as a SPRING AND SUMMER Mi.llisa.ery Goods. Mrs. T.- A.-Adams would most respectfully inform the Ladies of Athens and of counties ad jacent, that she tins now received and opened a most choice and select assortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, comprising in pail the latest styles uud fashions of !.* Ilalm BoiwK Kibbins, l«arrs, Flonerx, lilom, wliich sho will sell at reasonable prices. Give her a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a distance carefully filled. Store located ou Broad street,.one door above National Bank. - april 21, 1875—25-tf. 1877 THE STJJST. ■WEW YORK. 1877- hinfeelf ... this surroundings, or make him act lorn was plentifully supplied With fight.ujjon wittBl* {concerning which f'Hids by his noble frielid, and was j j, e thinks wrong. The important cutting a grand figiy-A .Oy«:>>? «theretbre,: jrij fffrj Tom and his friend met pie Prince of jRitnditn free onr coriimcieo from tne .... . , , . . laws with which he has for fourteen Wales at a clnh. I he nobjemnn | ye 4 s { )eon ’, ieI| , in . the Republican asked permission of the to in- .nnit vi jl,luBUUCr 4- iL „C;yh.inv yne i rod nee his AnWtfcan friend; leave ! ntlnrhas iV.-ulliis G:m4>!<^anW«tterVSh having l*.*en obtained, 'l’om was , ihissnlijeel tell us? W ill lie remove, .. „ ■ , i . ,i i • ' ! reduce t»r adjust tarilf-taxes whieh, • 11 i during fourteen y< ars, lie has persist- rent. He grasped the royal: hand l ently yotod, with the Rejmbliean oif, and did lav on, Itkof"feerii^ox, r oorliees, Marshall, and e associates in Congress? The horror ot the nobleman was Philadelphia papers, Democratic, Rc- changed to amazement when the I publican and Indejicndenf, insist oi Print-: gave Tom’s hand a hearty j the present taritt* and on Mr. Randall , , i ..u n„„u ;r*i : for speaker, and it is not to be siat.a. p *-'» t - * doubted tliati they favor hint because d°.” Cheek carried the day. ] fie fiolds the same views they do. But that is not the anecdote i Until fie failed ito ho nominated and started to relate. I tell it’'as Toi* elected speil-.r, fie bad never failed himself related it to me. During the Vote »»easare of extrava- , I gance, lor the fiigliyst salaries and war lie was aido-de-campe on t ‘ ,e i greatest sum^, and, as lie oftende- statTof General Dick Taylor and was j clared, from principle. Since then, sent to carry dispatches to Richmond he has been with his party for econ- repoiting a severe engagement fi, orny it must lie believe^, from policy. 1 7- .Would lie, as a sneaker, act from Arkansas, lie was compelled to cross j j„i„ c ij,l e from policy ? Where it do-.vninto 'lV.vas in order to make 1 is supposed to improve bis chances make his way through the Federal for the speakership, it is quietly hinted One night he stopped at a n, 1 ,w . i; ‘ vo, : s . t, '« : .. , ‘ ‘ , n i j ex is l acitae Railroad—lad ed, it is mansion «» Northe«VJ Wlt fi fi ow nni ,fi truth it is not only mtinbersof tndTTniW ai ; k:.«wn, that he lias capitulated and were an old lady and her j come over to its support. Yet, the and lovely danghtiit Tfie i « York Sun says he must be • , . .i i i c .i i , * elected because lie is the uneonipro* only son ol the lady of the house was , misi „ g 0| - tll!lt , >rojectj ' !lnd ab-ent in the Confederate ayiuy. |-will strangle the Pacific railroad Tom s C.'onfederatp uniform secured j “job,” while the Richmond Dispatch him a hospitable reception Tue I : :, . vs 1,0 muA be elected because lie is *—■ l.' fi, tfivor of it, and, as speaker, can do F- F. TALMADE, —HEALER IN— • The ditVerent editions of The Sl-x during the next year will be tlio saino ai during the year tiiat naa just passed, The daily edition wifi on week days lie n sheet of four pages, and on Sundays a sheet ot eight pages, or 50 broad columns; while the weekly edition will lien sheet of eight pages of the same dimensions and character that are already familiar to our friends. Tux Sls will eomiune to be the strenuous advocate of reform and retrenchment, and ot the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, and fraud in the administration of public affairs. It will coutcud for the government of the people by the {>eople and for the people, as opposed* to government by- frauds in the ballot-box and in the counting of. votes, enforced 'by military violence. : It wilhendeavor to supply it*'readers —a body now not far item a million, of. soils— with the most careful, complete, and trustworthy accounts of current events, and will employ for this purpose a numerous and carefully selected, staffnf reporters* aud correspondents.- Its re ports from Washington, especially, will be full, accurate, and fearless; (and it will doubtless continue to .deserve; and eiijoy the hatred ot those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurping what th.e law docs not give them, fZJ-EORGIA, Madison CoLnty.— Present, the Honorable E. 11. Pottle, Judge Superior Court, N. C. Joiix J Dove, ") Libel for Divorce in Madison, vs. V Superior Court, March Term, Nancy Dove, J 1877. . It appearing to the Superior Court liv the return of the Sheriff that the defendant Nancy Dove docs not reside in this county and it further upbearing that she docs not reside in j this state, it is on motion, ordered that said defendant appear aud answer at the next term of tliis court, or tiiat the ease be considered in defuult and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. It is farther ordered that this notice be publish ed in the Athens Georgian once a month for four months before the next Term of Court. Done in open Court. JOHN T. OSBORN, Attorney lor Petitioner. E. H. Pottle, Judge Superior Court N. O, 1 hereby certify that the abov extract from the uiiuutcs of the Superior of Madison County at Murch Term, 1377. S. C. O’KELLV, C. S. C. niarch20-m4in. QEORGIA CLARKE COUNTY. IVlitrea, Edward R. Hodgson applies t« me for letters of administration on the estate of Lafayette Manpin, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite uud admonish all concerned to show cause at iny offlee ou or be fore the first Monday in Octolier next, why said letters should not be grunted. Given uuder my hand ut my office this 11th day of Augnst, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. augl4-30d Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest! Elementary Spelling Books,- $1 2t>per dozen; Thomas’ Black ink, in 2 ounce cases, 50 cents per dozen ; Flagg aud Mooye’s Ink, in 2 ounce cases, 40 cents per dozer. Paper, Steel Pens, Pencils &c., os cheap' as they can be bought- elsewhere. Give me n trial. febl3-tf. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller. CASS FOS. wooi* € 1 EORGIA CLARKE COUNTY. -Okdjna- I kv's OrncE, August 6th, 1377.—Robert IJ I.ampkbi has applied for exemption of person alty aud settmg apart aud valuation ot home - ’ stead, and I will pass upon the same at lo o’clock, a. it. ou the 4th day of Septeuiter. 1877. at my office. ASA M. JACKSON, uugl4-2t. . Ordinary. 4 DMINISTRATOR’S W.lT-Pursnaiit to ^ V an order of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before the Court House door of said county, on the first Tuesday iu September next, during the legal hours of sale, the following properly, to-w'it: One hundred | and twenty six shares of the slock of the Pioneer 1 Puper Mill Company, one lot of land in Ihe i city of Athena and said ' county, containing re is a correet 1 about three qunrters ot an acre, more or less, Superior Court j including the blacksmith shop, coal house and wood shop, uud all the improvements thereon except the barn, being the blacksmith shop and lot lately occupied by Win. Talmadgc, deceased. Also, ot tiie same time and place, will be sold one red, no horned cow. Also, the set of blacksmith tools deceased used iu said shop. Also, ull the ready made work and stock oil hand, consisting of axes, grubbing hoes, lai, links, steel and iron, and all the contents of suid shop. All to he. sold ns the projiertv of said deceased, for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. Terms cash. _ ELIZABETH A. TALMADGK, Administratrix. aug7.30d-pr’e#10. ...... SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Mmriotl Xausrfcrumezrtes, Ghana, . Fiarbola, E-fco. , WATCHES, CLOCKS AM) JEWELRY RE- PAIRED IN A NEAT, WORKMAN LIKE MANNER, Aud warranted to give entire satisfaction. ■ aud Plain Latter Ktuitaving- SprciaUy. S2GAS S7SEXT, cat deer frea'Lteu £ Were, AmsriMB and liritairinl WdrksQ flarU isuslrv while it will endeavor to merit the confidence 01 American ana imported liaitoes, uotks, jeweirj, the puWic by defending the rights of the people against the encroachments of unjustified power. The prioe of the daily Six will be 55 cents a month or $6.50 * year, post paid, or with the Sunday edition $7.70 a year. The Sunday edition alone, eight pages, $ a year, post paid. . . Tiie Weekly Sun, eight pages of 56 bioud columns, will be furnished during 4877 at the rate of $1 a year, post jesivl. The benefit of this large reduction from the previous rate for. tiie Weekly cuu lie enjoyed by individmd subscribers without the necessity of tnukiug up clubs. At the sutue time,' if any ot our friends choose to aid in extending our circu lation, v.c shall be gmteful to them, and every such person who sends us ten or more sub scribers from oue p ace will be entitled to one copy of the paper lor himself without charge. At one dollar a year, postag< paid, the expenses of paper and printing are barely repaid; and, 'sidcring the size of the sheet and the quality ople will Fuii for the Boys and Girls- The High FIv Kite, the Diamond Kile, Skip ping Ropes, New Styles, Grace Hoops, Tops, Marbles, Croquet Sets. Base Balls, <tee., for sale cheap at BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. may23 tf. JrtVKUY AND SALE STABLE. CarrlngcH, Buggies & horses for hire. Terms reasonable. E. M. WHITEHEAD, Washington, Wilkes county, Ga. •uiv26-lS75-t , ‘ cor si* .. of its contents, we are confident the peopl consider The WeekltSun the cheapest news- paver published in the world, and we trust also one of the very/^IU. Address, CS*J: ■ y dec 19. TRyS^N, Ne w York City. N.Y lines. live The Inune voiinjr U.S. MAIL LINE, The ucd ih uow riiunuig s splendid new Mail and Passenger Coach (BETWEEN THE and Northeastefn Railroad. and would he jilcased to carry passengers (who have sueli baggage as they can handle them selves) to and from the Depots and ull other points on their rente. The coach will call at the hotels with all out going mails. No drumming for passengers. Fare 25 cents. moli27-lm J. 6. WILLIFORD. lady hud heard rumors or a* groat bat tle having lit-on fought, and was anxious to obtain tidings of her son, and finally, after Tom had given a glowing description of the battle, she hesitatingly inquired if. he knew of a young officer named , in the army. “ Know him, madam.” cried Tom, “ why, he was my bosom friend, we were intimate as brothers; in the heat of the battle he fell by my side; I was with him during his last mo met its; he breathed his last breath in my arms.” The old lady stared at him wildly for a moment then she cried, “ My son ! my son!* arid fill faijitin^ffito the arms of her daughter. Tfie two ladies left the rooin. and tbfctout3 Tom could hear their hitter sobs in an ad joining apartment • When copious tfi<ods of tears had alienated their grief, the young lady re cnt. red the room, her eyes red with weeping, and with tear stainod cheeks, sho approached Tom and said between her sobs, more for the Pacific railroad, “a measure of justice to the South,” than any Southern mao can do. The truth is that Mr. Randall is on the wrong side, or both sides, of so many ques lions that his position is 110 longer.a matter of importance. Those who support him will subordinate public to individual interests, and still he will not be elected speaker.” New Jewelry Establishment. The Jewelry House of Childs & Moss*, late L. Sehevencll & Co., was this day sold to Mr. Frank I*. Talmadge, he will’remove his stock from College Avenue and consolidate the whole into one at the stand No. 3, Broad, St., Athens, Go. A. K. CHILDS, • . .ILL. MOSS. H To thn Fxablio- Returuing our thanks tor recent favors from our patrons, we bespeak for our successor a continuance of the same A. K. CHILDS, J i*n9-tf. R. L. MOSS. . PIANO & ORGAN DEPOT Phillips, Crew & Freyer A’tam.’fca, Georgia. Sole Agents for the World-Renowned Grand, Square and Upright m ai These instruments have been liefi.rg.Uie public for more than forty years, and npon their ex cellence alone have attained an Cnpurchased Frc-ein nence which establishes them'as un equalled lor their Tone, Tough, Workmanship and Durability. T;.cy have received seventy-five gold and silver Medal- over all other competitors Endorsed by “ Thalbcrg,” *• Gottscha'k,” j “Strukosh,” “ Pauline Lucca.” “ Clara Loui-e Kellogg,” “lima DeMurska.” “ Mario” Mills, and others. Also securing the first and highest “ Both my mother and myself desire j premiums at the to know your namo that we may al- j INTERNATIONAL wavs hold it in kind remembrance for i 0^,, tellII i111 Exhibition, your friendship and devotion to our PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER, 1876. ilonorto.l Gonrrrp ” “ Miss ” rlle of I,iese instruments arc ns low as .10 u, tloparte.1 iveoige. miss, l)lQ cx ^asive ur.e of first-class materials will s:ii>l Tom, “ I only done what was re- allow. • . ... , j Catalogues uca lists mftilca free on i»p- <juirc(i ot mo as a irieno, a soliiier ana j pjicntionto a gentleman. I am Major Ochiltree. I PHILLIPS, CREW & FREtEB, of the Confederate army.’ Fhe younj J sold ON EASY TERMS, lady steppdd buck and respondetl with i COLLEGE AVENUE, JNEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, On hand, Uppers for making Low Quorteir Congress, Alexi*-T5es, and Prince Alberts. Re pairing promptly executed. Send tea dollars, ■er mail or express and you shall receive a first lass pair of boo's. inna 30 1876-35-tf. ITOKCIL “ All persons having demands against the es tate or John Kirkpatrick, deceased, are hereby notified to present the same <0 mo in due fouqi for payment within the time prescribed by law, aud those indebted to_ said deceased, are re quired to make Immediate pavment. REDDEN T. PITTARD, julv3-S0d. Administrator. R. O. DOT7GLASS, ZLtlcm-fea, Ga. Bargains in Dress Goods. , Steels IL^xia’fc co XteclueecL As 1 s' nil be compelled to vacate my present ► lore on the 15th of July, to allow tiie owuers to build n new one, I shall commence on Mon day to reduce my entire stock, and will offer goods at great reduction. Everything will be marked down and will he sold cheap, jus th« s:ock must bo reduced by the 15th of July, the time 1 shnll move to liew store. No use td quote prices, Ha everything will be told much under tb® market prices. The Gainesville Eagle. Has Ik.'Unad rirenlatlna 1 Xoribi-ast timrjrfa. Anil is Read hj over 9,000 IVmona! It is tiie best advertising medium of any pa per iu existence, for seven large counties, and equal to auy other paper in ten other counties. It does the county advertising for Hall, Banks. Towns, W bite, Union and Dawsou coun ties, tlie city of Gainesville, aud the internal revenue department for the division of the 2nd district. Now is tiie Time to Si:d» r:bf..—The Consti tutional Couvcu’.iou will assemble 011 Wednes day, 11th day of July next, and it is the inten tion of the Eaolk to wutch the proceedings and post its readers. It will jcontaiii a weekly let ter from au able correspondent, who will not only give the proceedings of the Convention, iu 1 a condensed form, but the current news of tiie . Capitol, in the most attractive and interesting style. ‘It is Valuable as-a Family Paper.—Farm and household interests are ear fully provided for in its columns While Ihe education and the morals of t he count jy receive, anil will contiitue to receive, the ifiost eareful consideration of the editorial management. Mining, itiech&pical and manufacturing industries will on no account be neglected, and the mercantile and market in terests.will nlso be Qartiqularly attended, to.- ■ ■ Tax News Department will be kept up to the highest staudurd. of country journalism, And neither enterprise nor expense will. be spared to make the Eagle One of We f v<ry best weekly newspapers in ail the laud. „ {* ■ la Politics the KX’a'uc will adhere to the “ Old Guard” Democracy, approv4ng whatever is good, and censuring whatever is bad, in State and Federal Administration*: add, on the progressive theory of a “Solid South,” will drive straight ahead for the complete rescue of American institutions, a return to constitutional methods, and the election of a representative Democracy in 1880. . c acBacBimox price One year .t....$2 00 Six months.^ I 00 Three months. 50 . Remit by Postal Order. Registered Letter, or through Agents, at our risk. Address, CAREY W. STYLES. Editor and Proprietor Ea«lb, Gainesville, Ga. ( J EORGI A—CLARKE COUNTY—Win re**, T C. F. St reck fuss applies to me for Letters of Administration, wrtk the bill aUnex-ed, Ym the estate of John F. Streckfuss, (late of said county,) deceased —' . These are, therefore, tqgiite and admonish all concerned, to show cause, at hiy office, ou or before the first Monday in September next, why said Letters siiould.not be granted. Given under my hand, at offlee, this 17th dsv of July, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, ' Jdly8i-S0d. Ordinary. C LARKE koRTGAGE SHERIFF’S SALE! Will be sold before the Court-House door, in the city of Athens, Ga.. 011 the first Tut-dr.\ in October next, 1877, ivitfiin the legal hours oV sale, the following projiertv, to wit: Tiie entire stock of jewelry, silver war:-, plated ware, hardware,: fancy ’goods, jeweler’s' tools and fixtures, show cases, salts, and all other pro^arty, belonging to and connected with the jewelry store ami business ot Fruuk P. Tuliuadge, at Ni>. 8, Hr$ad!*treet, Athens,'Ga. This stock, embraoes tine gold watches and chains, silver watches, all kinds and styles of ladiea’ and gentlemen's jewelry, gold eye glasses, gold pens and pencils, silver uud plated forks, silver and plated table services of all kinds, pocket-knives, pistols, guns and accou trements, clocks, card stands, toilet stands, cuke baskets, trtiit stands, vases, guitars, banjos, violins, harutonicons, and 11 large number of articles of jewelry and fancy articles too tedious to mention—such as are usually kept in a large, first-clots jewelry establishment in a cily. The stock ig very large und full, and the goods new and of the latest styles, and of the best quality. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi. fi>. issued *■<;■»:» C’urke Superior Court in l'uvoi 01 Asaph K. Childs and Rufus L. Moss, versus said F'rank | P. Tajtnadget to su'isfy said fi. fa. Property Will be paid lor the apprebeasiqn.and deliv , I pointed out_ in the li fa. and two distress war- cry to the Sheriff of Madlsoti county of Jim I runts, one in favor of A. K. Childs and the Loug, colored, who knocked down the juibTi other in tavorof K. 1,. Moss, against said Tal- aud escaped from jail on’Hie night ofthe 4th • tnadge. J. A. BROWNING,Sheriff’, instant. Said Ixmg U about SO or 35 years of ! aug. -8w. age, six feet 011c or two inches high, weighs [ .... ..T.7T. 7.. ubout 200 poAMf>( ootiijilexion’Wltok, walks I i 'i.AKKh MH.Litt BALL.—Mill be sold rather, stooped sl;oul*lexe<L vnrv large white . \d before the Court-House dour, in the city 01 eyes, and full front teeth? is’charged Wit* Athens, Clarke county, Ga., on the first Tues- assault with iutt ii: to murder;- is U uotoriotw i *•}’ September next, within the legal 1.ours bad character. Look out for him, and stop the °t sale, the following property, to-wit: A 1 1 *—1—1.- - table sti •; —ok-— CLOTH F(Mt, WOOL. The- A\h6ns M anufucturihg Company arc uow making a much larger variety of Woolen Goods than ever before, and propose 'to . - - * •!'.. tf ,»«t i. Exchange them for Wool, «c ‘ ’ believing it to be more to the interest of the Planter to Exchange the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Ctlrded and Span abliouir. Call for Samples and Terms ot Exchange. R. L. BUXtMFIELD, Agent. may 15^ 1875-29-tf ? ... . Important to Cotton Planters. ' We liave on hand, a large lot of firet-claa? Cotton Gins, made Mp in tiie best style Und of good material, which, we will sell at the lowest market prices. All planters wishing to buy a cheap and good Gjn, will find it to their interest to correspond with us, as we mean business to •nit the times. We have over twenty years’ experience in the Manufactory of Gins. W rite for prices, terms, etc., and we feel cer tain we can satisfy yon. By ordering direct from us and giving satis factory reference, yon. can thereby save your selves Agent’* Commission. j»i>. & ti. r. ironi tcK. july24-lni. I'rawlonlTille. l.n.' $>50 Howard. scoundrel. julylO-1 m. JAMES W. KIRK, . Slieritf. < : v\ . rM , »1 ■ THE NEW YORK ; t WEElvEV HiCliALP, JAMES UOUII.OA IthSN'KTT, Proprietor. The Best and Chei ped Nfwlpuiwr Published. POSTAGE 'IF’IEVSBIH!- i twelve horse-power portable steam engine, now iu possession »f R. Nieb.-r-on, Agent ofthe ! Athens Foundry. All levied upon by virtue of t a li. fa. from Franklin Superior I’ourt, October 1 Term, 1376. James Wilson, plaintiff", vs. J, J. 1 Owen, defendant. .VII sold to satisfy the above ; stated fi. tii., this August 4th. 1877. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. aug7-30J. Rabun Gap High School. Located in the beautiful Vallay of Head o Tennessee. ^ ’ PLaTs-oa. Covm.-by, Ga- W. A. CURTISS, Prino^l. The Ninth C-onsecntire Session will ojien on Monday, July 16th, 1377, and continue, without intermission, for twenty weeks. Tuition—$6, $8, $10,‘ $12 and $15 per session. Board, $6 jier month. Beautiful and healthful location, pure water, salubrious atmosphere, mild climate, and atten tive and devoted teachers, render the'sehool attractive, pleasant and instructive. For particulars, address . . ff. A. fC KTiSK. Prinrlpal. „ Head of remiessee V. O., G«. jnlvlC-tf. VEX*AM w; ciSNi^T^te 1 ft ,x An Extra Copj \o every Club ef Jen. . Tho N. Y. Daily Herald. Published every day in tbc yeai 4 , ^Postage Free.! $10 pays for one year, Sundays Included.! $8 pays for one peat, without Sundays. . S8 pays tor six months, Sundays Included* $4 pays for six month, without Sundays. $2 pays for one year for anyspeclfledday of the week. , . 1 $1 pays for six months for any specified day ot week. % 1 paya for one month, Sunday. Included. NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED. Postage Free. Daily edition. IH «®n».'per ebpy; J Sunday edt- tlon 4 cent, per copy. Weekly edition 2 cents per copy. Address KKWYORK (IUUCP, fan23-4u. Broadwav and Ann street v Y. jenelP. R. O. DOUGLASS. .ilLARKli; SHERIFF SALK—’Will be sold . V. liefofore' the Court-House Joor, in the city 3,1 of Athens, 1 Clarke couuty, G*., . 011 the first 1 Tuesday in September next, withiu the legal hours.of sale, the .following projjerty, to-wit : One house and lot whereon Cant. A. 8. Erwin fiow lives) tVonting north on Hill street, east and south by the vacant Baxter lot, and west by street intervening this and Gov. Cobb’s let. Levied u, on by virtue of a Justices’ Court fi. fi, from the 316th I)ist. G. M. R. M. Smith & Co., vs. Joseph W. Murrell. All to satisfy the above stated fi. fn. Levy made and returned tb me by W. A. England, Lawful Con stable, and-legal notice given to tenant in pos session, this August 4th, 1877. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff aug7-30d. , ' EORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY.*—Whereas, Stepney Jones, (colored,) administrator 01 John Jones, (colored,) dtceased, petitions, in terms of the law, to be discharged from said administration— These are, therefore, to rite and admonish all persona concerned, to show cause at my office, on or before the first Monday in Novem ber next, against the granting 01 said discharee, Given under my hand, a* office, this 19th aay of July. 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, julj24-3m. Ordinary. NOTICE TO Clarke County Bondholders. The interest due July 1st. 1877, will be promptly paid in coin, ut the National Bank. I «m also prepared to take up bouda to the thousand dollars. S. C. REESE, County Treas. Millinery & Fancy Goods MISS C. J^ZMKEBS Has just received direct lYomNew Yc'k a chaste and beautiful assortment of PATTERN HATS, which will be opened for the inspection of he> friends and patrons On Wednesday and rhursUij, April,fltii and 12th AI-o n choioe stock of all the Novelties of the season, consisting of Neck Ties. Lace Bibbs Kuching*. Back Combs, Flowers, Ribbons. Orn aments. Jewelry, etc. Real Hair Switches at Cost. Strict attention given to orders. Only the best all silk material used in trimming. An oarlv cal! is solicited liv AIISS C. JAMES, ai.-3-Sm Athens, Georgia. G eorgia, clarke county.—wiiereas, Richard ,D. .Winn and Young K. Mitchell applied to me for Letters of Administration, d bonis non, with the will annexed, on the estate of Thomas Mitchell, (lute of said county,) de ceased— • ■ 1 These are. therefore, to rite and admonish ull concerned, to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Mbnday in September -next, why said Letters should not be granted. Given uuder nn hand, at office, this 11th day of Julv, 1877. A>A M. JACKSON, juiyl7 Sod. : Ordinary. 1 also amount of one tane2G-lm. Auction! - 1 hare associated W. A. England with m« in the Auction business, who will give prompt attention to the sale of property and goods of all kind*. VERONEE & ENGLAND. *ulyl7-lm. / t toKGiA, CLARKE COUNTY.—Where,is. \JT the estate of Isaac Wilkersou, late of said county, deceased, is unrepresented aud not liUee ly to be ri presented, these are therefore to eit- aud aduiQ .ish ull concerned to show cause at my office ou or bciore the first Monday in Au gust next, why tiie administration of ..aid estate should not be vc* cd in the Clerk ofthe Superi or Court of said county or such other person or persons that 1 mav deem projxr aud fit, under the stutnte in such cases liuule and provided. Given under my hand at office this 25th day of Juue, 1877. ASA M.JACKSON, >uiie 211-4 a ■ Ordiuar, 3STotico. The undersigned buying rented the HeiujihU! shop, is prepared to do nil kind of black.mith- ivg.making aud repairing wagons and buggies. Having procured thn best of white mt-nlmnics, lie hopes to secure the public patronage. J. 8, RQBJ§0N, Jr.