The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, August 21, 1877, Image 5

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: AUGUST 21, 1577. Hates of Loco? Advertising & Job Work Local Notices 15 cents per line, 10 cents for • sell additional publication, no display allowed :n the local columns of this paper. Marriage and death notices arc published t'rcc of charge. Obituarica arc charged for at the rates of ten cents per line. Announcement* of candidate* and communi cation* favoring individnnl candidates, must be i »id for in advance. ' Advertisements not marked tor any specified time, will be chnrged f>r until ordered out. All Job work must be paid for upon delivery. Election tickets, cash upon delivery. I.awn Helming to Newspaper Subscrip tions and Arrearages. bocutl lllcndlnipi. —Let no member of the Conven tion escape. —We haven't any line —Ten days till September. —C G. Talmadge and Myer Coln-tr are in Netv York. — Col. James Baldwin was in the CELEBRATION turnout, | . „ . , ,, . • . . . r., . . 1 citv Saturday and Sunday, bntfthe way we can walk is a caution. * J —Judge Rice will hold court this .It-.ISION OF TKK UNITED STATt* Sl'I'KEME COURT. 1. Subscribers who do not give cxpressnoticc < o the contrary, are considered wishing to con tinue their aubseption. £. If sobscribors order the discontinuance of their periodicals, the publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 8. I f subscribers neglect or refuse totaketheir periodicals from the office te tvliich they are directed, they are held responsible until they have settled their bills and ordered them dis continued 4. If subscribers move toother places without notifying publishers, and the papers are sent *o the former direction, they areneld respou- -ibli. 5. Tim courts hate decided that “refusing to take periodicals from the office, or removing .sn_d lent iiig them uncalled for is prims taeia evidence of intentional fraud.” 6. Aov person who receives a newspaper and makes u»e of it whether he has ordered it or ■-Vit, is held in law to be n subscriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are ! tund to give notice to the publisher, at the t r.d of their time; If thev do not wish to con tinue taking it; otherwise the publisher is authorised to send it on; and tlio subscribers vill be rsspenslble nntil an express notice, with payment of all arrearages, is cent to tke publisher. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Admitted. After a creditable examination be fore Judge Rice^Mr. f!cary’Mitcho|l, and A. J. Oobb,£tq., of this city, were admitted to the bar last Monday. lH-ath «»f Mrs, MoClcstty. This lady died in this city last Tucs-' «iay iu '-he 36ih year of hcv age. She ; *-* Vt ’ r yl*«dy ^se c;ls ^- —Clarke Superior Court will, it is presumed, adjourn to-day. —Now, lor true, arn’t we having a little too mncli law. —Speer and Ham will issue “The Old Capital” next Saturday, 25th inst. —On the banks of the Ooonee the buzz of the busy;wheel is hushed. —The click of the hammer is heard in the land. —Hon. 11. II. Hill and wife are at New Holland Springs. —The Commercial lleporter will j hereafter bo issued weekly. j —Has the warm weather took the spirit out of our handsome soldiery ? —The Athens Manufacturing Com pany have suspended for a few days. —Marcellus Thornton signs himself respectfully, but independently. —Has the Athens Blues been heard from since the Pittsburg riot ? —Our northern cities are still cry ing, “ tramp, tramp,” the boys want grub. —A few weeks more and the fleecy staple will be in market, and our city will then present a lively picture. —A New York firm hung out a sign reading: “In God we trust— was the wife of Jame3 XI. McClesky, deceased, and-was the mother of* Dr. G ; L.‘ M<cie4/;^fii^*dah; grandmother of James R. Lyle, Esq. Her funeral was preached yesterday morning at the Methodist Church by the Rev. Dr. Lane. New Cotton. Montgomery, Ala., received two bales of new cotton last Friday, the first of the season. One sold at I3i, and the other at 15} cents per pound. Col. P. \V. Jones, of Southwest Georgia, carries ofl the palm for the first bale of cotton marketed in Geor- = ia * . Died lu Oconee county, Friday morning, Mr. Burr Harris. The deceased was well known in Claike and Oconee --The Fourth Ward rioters have this 'inscription on their banner: f&*r'&a*#*** — Mendil Morris is -fixing up bis storeroom so as to accommodate his many friends. —Improvements are going on all over the city, and ere long Athens will be—well, she’ll be Athena. —If a man asks for higher-wages to keep him and his dear ones from starving, “shoot him on the sjiot.” —The belle of West End usor pink tint paper, and bis effusions go in a Northwest direction. —Young man, yon can go np hill as fast as you please, but go down hill slow. —If the saloon keepers are pre- counties, and was respected by all! vented from selling beer, how are who know him lor his sterling worth and honesty. The deceased was sick for only a short time and his demise was unexpected. Mr. Harris, we learn, was near 55 years old at the time of his death. He leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to rnourn his loss. Peace to his ashes. they going to make a living? You wouldn’t have them to work, would ye? week in Walton county. —The grand jury presentments will be found iu to-day’s paper. —Chancellor Tucker is spending a few days in Atlanta. —Judge rice is not partial to pro fessional jurymen. —The Sunday School Convention sermon will be preached next Sunday at the Presbyterian Church. —The successful merchant and business man puts his trust in prin ters’ ink. —The stove and tin warehouse of j Messrs. Childs & Co., has been re- j painted and otherwise improved. — The singing of the School children last Sabbath cveuing at the Baptist Church was very fine. —Major Henry Hill, Street Com missioner, is putting the different thoroughfares in excellent order. Rev. Mr. Potter has returned from the Hall county Sulphur springs considerably improved. —J. G. Zachry, of Conyers, and A. O. Murphy, of Bamesville, are at the Newton House. —It is thought that the Convention will complete its lalmrs this week. Saturday is the day fixed for adjourn ment. — Quite a crowd will be iu the city to witness the Sunday School Convention, which convenes next Friday. —It is said that martins fly with their mouths open, and in this man ner tney scoop up the festive mos quito. —The Sunday School children will practice their hymns each evening during the week, at 5 o’clock, at the Baptist Church. —The Indian doctor lias removed his office over J. Morris’ store, where he will be liappy to see all who wish to “test his healing powers.” —The man}* friends of Edwin D. Newton, Esq., who contemplate vis iting New York this fall for- their goods, will find him at the well-known house of Messrs.’ Opdycke, Terry & Steele, 375 Broadway. Be sure and j an increase of the army would not j j so any way toward the settlement *>f j the very grave causes which lay at j the bottom of the recent troubles, i It is said by some of the friends of ; Mr. Cox that he is rather low spirited ! on the subject of the speakership, i He lias supplemented his Southern sasgarjgsLr 1»'•'«■«** '■>• lo—Report* of committee*. j (reals to members from that section. ons between the SanUay School Jhe result limy l»0 Conjectured from of X ouns Mens' Christian Associn- • J the plaintive manner in which he speaks of the extreme reticence of Southern members on the question of the speakership. PltUUiaflXK OK SI'Ml a Y St II001. I'll* WIN. Tins. Alkm-.tsjnsl iltii. Kri li). S:ilC to 0 A. M.—Knrollmeut ot <1.legates 9 A. M.—^Devotional exercise*. 9:15.—Address of welcome. 10:30—Relations work and that tion, by W. A. llaygood, Atlanta. 11— PcJjnory classes—Emily Huntingdon Miller, Indiana, (paper.) 11:30—Discussion of topics.—Reception of fra ternal messengers. 12— Election of officers.—Adjournment. 2:30 P. M.—Derutional exercises. ifcrSr. m.—Installation ol officers. 3 P. M.—llow shall we keep our older children in the Sunday School—Rev. Warren A. Candler, Watkinsvill (is. 3:30 P. M.—Paper by Rev, S. Bo) kin, Macon. t p. m.—Tke Sunday School of the past and prev ent.—Rev. J. U. Iteascr, of Mo. (paper.) 1:30 F.-x.—The Sunday School* and the "temper ance pnrWem—Jennie Power Willing, Illinois, (paper.) 5 to 6 P. x.—Discussion of topics ami reports ot committees. S P. M.—How to increase the leaching power of Grand Jury Presentments. YVc, the Grand Jurors chosen for the August Term Superior Court, Clarke county, make the following presentments: Through appropriate eo.nmit'ees we have examined the books of the various County offi cers, and find them satisfactorily und correctly kept. Mr. 8. C. Keca >, onr County Treasurer, re ports a balance on hand of #3,708 50. Great the Suoday School.—Rev. J. II. Vincent, 1>. J>. of j credit is due him for the neatness of liis books, New Jersey, (paper.) 3:30—Election of delegates to the International Sunday School Convention. 9 r. x.—Discussion ol top»< s. 9:S0--IJpporta from the field. Saturday, Angus! 25th. 9 A. X —Devotional exercise*. 9:05--Duty of parents to Sunday SckooV- J. ».. Clements, Summerville, (paper.) 9:30— A plea for the Sunday School—W • E. Reynold*, Unton Point. 10 a. M.~How to form county nseociatione—Hop. J. T. Osborn, KILerton. . . 19:30—The child rer* 1 service—R*r. J.ewellen Pratt, Indiana, (paper.) 11 A. and the accuracy of corresponding vouchers We are confident he makes an efficient Treas urer. After a careful examination, we ore fully | satisfied that the office of County Solicitor is ! indispensable, so long an wc have a County ! Court. As his salary is paid from the fines and I forfeit ore* of that Court, lie is ..’ uo expense to j the county. We desire particularly to reeom u-.end thn present incumbent ss a faithful and energetic officer, and one worthy to be re tained. After a <air*fii] examination of the working* i of the Cocnty Court, and without wishing to X.—The importance of instructing tbo . . ..: , . .. _ , .. ., reflect anything whatever on the present In young sad it* reflax influence on those engsfed in V, , * . I cumbent of thnt afnr» whom wc find has wn- tsaching- Hon. W. H. Branrli, tiresiieboro. 11:30 life -»rt o:' Keep t U:ty—Msrgara! K. sangstar^Jowa, (paper.) 12 x.—Adjournment. . 2:30—Devotional exercise* 2:45—Seb-etiou of next place of meeting 3 r. x.—Address by Rev. II. (}uigg, Conyers. 8:*©—Heart paver In the teacher—Bet. W. Windeer, Minn., (paper.! 4 p. x.fylfow can we secure more pupils from church—Rev. H. M. Parsons, Boston, (paper.) 4:30—How to secure more efficient corporation of the Home— Rev. J. H. Vincent, New Jersey, (paper.) Juv i-od the aftiir* of „is office in a correct and j and iroportiai manlier. We recommend that our 1 Representative in the legislature be requested { to have a.bill passed by that. body, abolishing i the County Court of Clarke county, and what ever coses aro there pending ir. said County Court, transferred to the Superior Court for trial, and to hare provision mudo for enlarging the jurisdiction ot Justices of the Peac ro a* to enable them to try all"-criminal cases now- tried in the County Court. The roods are in good condition with one 5 to 6 r. x.—Diccurcion of topics aud reports j exception, the road leading from Athena to from the field. j Lexington, aa far as the three mile post. Some 8 p - x.—Experience meeting, in w hich Sunday j portion, of it should be repaired without further School workers generally aro expected to give : short talks on any subject connected with .Sunday i . Scbrjol. Believing that the interests of the county 9:30—Hand-shaking and adjournment. ! wil1 ,u;,ttr subserved by changing tiie time Kaaday, August 28. I of holding our Superior Courts, tve rccom- il a. x.—Sermon by Rev. W. T. Harrison, i>. I>. I mend that our Representative in the Lvgisla- 3 p. x.—Sunday School moss mesting of Sunday j turv be requested to have the terms of Court Schools la Athens and Clarke county—Addresses j changed from February to May, and from Au- by mewbenof the Convention. will be conducted by James W. Wallace, ef Augusta. Next —Wc hatl a pleasant call from j give him a call. K XV. Gmail, Rsq -This gentleman is now receiving more praise from hi3 untiring quill than any other young journalitic iir the South, and deservedly so. He hits won his way to fame by hard work alone, and we feel proud to place his name among the great newspaper men of the country. We knew him in the Crescent City when he first launched his boat oil the sea of journ wism and have watched his upward and onward progress with admiration, liis reports of the sessions of the hig, Convention are said to be the most eialiorale and correct that were ever published of any similar body in Georgia, while as city editor lie stands Col. James O’Farrell, of Lnla Ciiy, yesterday morning. Jim is sunburnt and fat. —Mayor Talmadge left for the metropolis last night, and will pur chase a mammoth stock of goods be* fore-he returns. t —Heaves & Nicholson are putting their house in order to accommodate their large and fresh stock of'lall goods. —How pleasant it is to dwell to gether in peace. Observe the golden role—do unto others as yon would be done by, and try and be happy. —The first number of the Atlanta NieJcel appeared hist Tuesday even* It is a bright, newsy sheet,. —Little Carolina Gordon, the in fant daugh^yr of Gen. J. B. and Mrs. Fannie Gordon, of Kirkwood, died at their home on last Friday. She was born in Washington City on the day of the removal of the federal troops from the capital of South Carolina, and this singular ooiiici* deuce induced General Gordon to name his child. Carolina. Thrash’s Consumptitk Cure.— Sure cure for consumption, bronchitis, coughs, croup, colds, and all lung af fections. Restores lost voice, ect. Call at Dr- Ed. Smith’s drag store, Dr. King’s old stand, and get a trial bottle for 50 cents. Large size $1 50. without an equal, to say nothing of} day last. The convention was called his sketches of “ Uncle Si.” Htruok by X^lshtnlnir Oh Monday 13th inst., while Mr. Joseph Boyd, Jr., whose busiuess it was to keep tiie telegraph wires on i ’te Air Line Road in order, was at work on the wires near Longview, at the seventy-five mile post, was struck by lightning and instantly killed. Mr. Davia, also an operative, who was working with Boyd, was also rendered senseless from the effect of the stroke tin- twenty-five minutes. Mr. Bc.yd was a native of Atlanta, where his remains were taken. The Ct-lcbrntlou. In another column of onr issue to- Jay will be found the programme for the Sunday School Celebralion, which (tkes place in our city on the 24th, 25th and 26th instants. Let the schools «.f Clarke county be well rep resented. A Boston man thinks fish sleep. lie and is presided over by M. E. Thorn- jSft y S . •« \y e discovered a large school ton. Success to your enterprise. | of trout on the bottom of iho pond, —The Georgia State Agricultural j apparently perfectly dormant.. With Society convened in Newnan, Tnes* j a good degree of caution we dropped our well-baited books down to them. They did not appear to take any no tice of it, or of us, who were so anxi ously waiting' for a bite with all the anxiety only known to those who are accustomed to that kind ot sport. We continued to induce them in every imaginable way to notice the bait for about an hour, but to ne effect. When patience ceased to be a virtue, I no ticed there was one apart from the rest, of good size. I determined . to try an experiment with him by awak ening him. I dropped the hood aud sinker directly upon him. He started to order by the president, Hon. Thomas Hardeman, of Macon, and proceeded to business. —“A scrupulous Boston lady who abhors slang, when asked ftt the boarding house table why her hus band was not down to breakfast, re plied bashfully, * Oh, dear, Willyiui was upon a—neck last night.’ ‘A what ?’ said her interlocutor. ‘A ()—bosotn,’ she explained, coloring to the roots of her hair. ‘ A which ?’ said he. A—a—a b— bust!’ she whispered behind her napkin.”—Ex~ change. “ ‘ What are those purple poises jfu-t to N.oveinber. V e »l*o recoinmeiid tlia^ llnrtj -oeo the teni-a be lengthened to two week* cachet Lndi-rwooJ. List ot IJ.'lt’K.tU'*. First District—A K .Lawton, YV T Timing son, J M Guerard. John Screven, .1 I, Warren, Wailing Russell, A G Smith. Second District—W Robert Gipnililirt, Hcnr> F Howe, Wm M Conley. Third District—Seaboru Hull,C C Grace. Fifth District—J S Spence, YV A McDonald. Sixtli District—It L Stephens, J D Knight.«£ Seventh District—James L Seward, Augus tus n Hansel!, Bryant Cnsicu, Henry Gay. Eighth District —J B Twitty, 15 E Russell Join) E ])onal*oti, J S Clifton. Ninth District—R J Nisbet, J II Hand, P K Boyd. Tenth District—Ncl-oti Tift, John A Davis, YV C Gill, R R Jenniligs, Eleventh D.strict—L JC Hoyle, R E Rennon, •irthur Hood, II A Crittenden. Twelfth District—J L Wimberly, Isaac YV Stokes, T L Guerry, D B Harrell.- Thirteenth District—George F Cooper, TM urlow, Joseph B Scott, A U.Grecr, J C El lington, John H Uespass. Fourteenth District— R YV Anderson. D F McCrimtnon, Ihiv.d Sapp, O P Sweariugeu, Hiram YY’illiums. Kiftcentli District—M N MoR i«. Sixteenth District— B I. Stanley, Neil Mc Leod, J D Meadow*. , Seventeenth District—H A Perry, Justin B Heath, W B Jones J C Dell, W’ D Kranner. Eigiiteentii District—Charles J Jenkins Robert II May, George R Sibley, Adam. John ston, J G Gain, D O Phillips, YV O Brody. Nineteenth District—John S JnhttiftBW, O F Bristow, M YV Ia;wis, C N Hurd, D N Snndcrr, Twentieth District—R L Wartben, H S Hol- lifluld, Ft: Furman, Tliotna* Newell, A M DuBosc, Geo F Pierce. Twenty-first District -ii C Grier, A S Hamit ton, F Chamber*, E J Coats, 1* W Edge. Twenty-second District— W H Roe*, W A Loftcn, T J Simmon* A D Hammond, T A Ponder, YV H II Bu*h, T J Hunt, J A Barrett. Twenty third Di*trict—B F Thorpe, J M Davie, John Troutman, YV S YVnlloce, M D Stroud, B \Y' Sanford. Twenty-four,h District—YV A l ittle, Porter, Ingram, Francis Fontaine, J D Howci), J D- Wilson. t wenty-firth District—K A Flewelien,-John Dickey, J M Mobley, W I Hudson, J T Willi*, W R Gorman. Twenty-sixth District—Jno II McCallum, FjD Dismuk*. C8 Westmoreland, B R Rod gcr*. Twenty-seventh District—Pope Barrow, An* drew .tocRson, T A Gibbs, J M Pace, Ot* Porter, K B Rosser. Twenty-eighth District—Augustus Reese, Joshua Hill, T G Lawson, R B Nisbet, J C Key. Twenty-uiulh District—Robert Toombs, Wm M Bee* J N Merrier, Paul C Hudson, H R Casey. Thirtieth District—J D Matthews, YV G Johnson, W YY' Scott, YVm H Mattox. Thirty-first District—Dr Underwood, 8 H Mosely, J II Skelton. Thirty-second District—YY'ier Boyd, Mr The Speaker of the House. The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, under date of the llth, sends that paper the following: Representative Randall, who -has been in Baltimore, came over to Wash ington to-day to put his house on Capital Hill in order for his permanent occupation about the first of October. Mr. Randall was only here a few hours and then went t<> Philadelphia. He does, not expect to 1* it* Washing ton again nntil he comes back in Oc tober for the meeting of Congress. Mr. Randall does oot talk about the .Speakership, simply became he does not come to gossip on the subject, but be and his friends here are entirely sat isfied with the outlook. Iu conversa tion with' the correspondent of the -V<m to-day Mr. Randall said thnt the fair undoubted legal Democratic majority in the House on its organization would be fourteen. He did not think it anil that one act of Jurore serve for each term. We recommend that the lot adjoining the J»ii, now used for a horse lot, be turned over to the Sheriff for a garden, as was orii inally intended; and tout the hitching posts be re moved to the lot west of the rock wall, and the water pipe lie so changed u* to be accessible for watering horses. Tiie committee or. public buildings rvj»ort tli* same in good condition. We earnestly recommend that the County Judge be requested to make a detailed state ment U tiie next Grand Jur> of all receipts and disbursements ol the public funds passing through hit bonds. W. P. .'uck and YVm. H. Morton, two of tiie Justices of the Peooe of this county have foiled to present their bosks for examination. * YY’e e.rueslly recommend that the Vagrant law be rigidly • f-to-d. We recommend that the County Judge be au thorized to furnish thu various Rond Commis sioners with such shovels as may be necessary for the workings of tit* roads. YVe return thanks to his honor Judge Rice, (or his uniform kindness to his body, and also to the Solicitor General for his kinducss and courtesy. YY’e recommend that these presentments to published in the Southern Watchman, a(td the Alliens Georgian. JOHN A. HUNN1CUTT, Foreman. James E. Bigger*, Jaine* T Powell, Elijah S. Lester, Jesse J. Head, John R. YVliite, , James C. liar.lie, Henry Bishop, Rufus C. Ridcn, ] Peter A. Summer. James YVuges, Thirty-third District—Messrs Sheppard, An derson, Owen, Langston. Thirty-fourth District—B F Veal, James Polk, Dr Tye, 8 G Howell, R D Wynn. Thirty-fifth District—J YV Robertson, L J Gartrell, N J Hammond, P L Mynatt, John Collier, B E Crane, J T, A C McIntosh, G W Roberts. Thirty-sixth District—John J Glover, .John T Lungino, Hugh Buchanan, L li Featherstor* W A J Phillips, R D Reudcr. Thirty-seventh District—YV fl Tuggle, N G Swanson, L L Hardy, Sr., 8 W Harris, & L Rowe, T M Awbrey. Thirty-eigth District—X J Turalin, W J Head, Mr Dentou. Thirty-ninth District—A YV Holcomb, James R Brown, Elia* Reids, Oliver Clark, Haw kins (independent). Fortieth District—Mr Wellborn, Dr Stephens. Forty-first District—Mr Day, D Garren, Mr Henry. Forty-second District—W T Wofford, John II Kitten, Abda Johnson, A R Wright, D B Hamilton, Nathan Bass, 8 Hawkins. , Forty-third Pistrict—L N Trammell, Wm K Moore, 8 M Carter, J C Fain. Forty-fourth District—Mr McFarland, Mr Paris, Mr Lowe. THK NEW YORK WEEKLY HEllALD, J tJtKX COItnOY BK.YNKTT, Proprietor. | The Best and Cheapest Newspaper Published. POSTAGE ZEnJELIHLHL ORB DOLLAR retan veap*. ... • c * ■- * • ., > • 50 CENTS FOR 4$ MONTHS* ' .( An Extra Copy to every Club of Ton. The N. 7. Daily Herald. arouud and came back tvith great would he either expedient. or proper for Mr Adams to put the name of any ; George w. Richardson, Democrat on the roll w hose right to ; peter A j, nmmcy be there was unquestioned, nor «!id he I Marcos A. Cheatham, Obadiah T. Echo!*, think that Mr. Adams would put any j YVeelcy YV. Puryear, Henry IL Palmer, such name oil the roll. He would ftd* j Fw5C - l#H . Simms, Alexander M. Rcudder, vise and he believed it to be the generl j william H. Lampkin, William H. Dean, sentiment that in the organization of i Clarke Superior Court, August Term, 1877. the House the Democrats would take | by v . tho "7 G “' e -t .. , ... i Preoentment* be published in accord.mce with, no unfair advantage nor do anything the reconwrendstion of the Grand Jury. An*, that would necessitate a defense. Four teen majority was amply sufficient for every needful purpose, and there was J in fact no incentive for the Democrats j were they disposed to do so. j As spirituous liquors _ Mr. Randall said that as to any idea j bo opium or morphia will harm-; u,t on* "°* n r fcr ^e^rifleddiyof too pf 'a defection, however slight, among; fully effect the baby. Dr. Bull’s Baby } *, {*",?&,« iaont u a for «n 7 ,peeing -lay ot .the House Democrats, it was simply j Svrup is the remedy for the baby. It j , *y?r u 'r..ncmonth, Sundays included, preposterous. The majority would be j j« f t . ira opium. Price 25 cents, j ’ newsoealers supplied. firuiK r»it>s>i r e. uiul would be much I : — ! ivw.u»f,o Frc«. • copy. Sunday edl- y cditioi the recommendation of the Grand Jury, gust 16th 1877. GEO. D. BICE, j Judge Superior Court, j A. L- MITCHELL, Solicitor Gvm-rul. 1 [ Si O pay* for one year, Sunday* included.! •II i S8 jays for one yeat, without Sundays. Will llljurc 1 SO pay* tur six mouths, Sundays included.* Published every day in the ycoi, - Postage Fzm. off about six feet, when he turned ! more easilx ii:uuHed than the cumber down by the brook ?’asks Gu8. 4 Ifeagerness and took the hook, and I you mean,’ replies Clara, 4 those glo- r'ous masses of empurpled effores- cence, that bloom in bosky dells and fringe the wimpling streamlets, they are campanula rotundiflora.’ Gus plays billards for a living, and Clara j caught almost the entire school, to the goes to a girls’ college.” i amount of six or eight pounds.” haulted him out, a fine trout of about twelve ounces We then came to the undoubted conclnsion that they were all asleep. We continued the same experiment with each fish until we stone and no wieldly majority in the last House. In regard to the propo sitions for an increase of the army which have grown out of the occur rences of the late strikes, Mr. Randall indicated his dissent thereto, and men* Serenade: “ Home, Sweet Home,; ilfcy *.iui..n, 2*^ cent* per , , _■ . ,, , , I tionUcents per copy. Weekly edition Scent*per dah am no place like home. ’ ( olored | copy. A<i.irr-*. skw vokk ukiulp, , , . .. • i ,, . | [*n23-tUi hrotulvav and Ann Ktreot V Y. lady at the window— 44 \\ ell, you jes i _• better git alone somefin.” home, or I’il frow ! LiTEitAitv Friend.—“Have vou tioned some Republican members of! got Longfellow’s new Ode?” Friend the House who would also oppose j “ No. But,I got long Owed’a from any increase of the army. He saM try Jailer an.! to.k:i;:*ker." Scientific Agriculttare, —BV— 2*5' ■••4 dr. e. us* murDUEftaxr, *•>’? Prof. Agriculture, University ofOai \, ijHooxD Edition, 'Eni.aroed and Revi^bd.