The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, August 21, 1877, Image 7

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN. AUGUST 21, 1877 How Schurz Has Made Mo: SKI.MXG HIS THICK TO BILL KF.XBI.K AT A FIXED PRICK PER HOI B. ney Tho-eotire spirit< f? , of lhe group h intcnr r tnartw w,,llout ex ' hibitine iw*™"? tawdry or «t raining cl. The work is well calculated fiir <' <eC •o suit the material yet refined tone and taste of the Southern }»eople, and Mr. Sheahan may well expect success .citing competition. JJJI f - —the 15 nisi 3 v lusinna and A-r - 'A id. Alabama mails, which have been sent South via Lynchburg, Va., tor the past week or t wo, are restored to the old route, via Cincinnati. Vroai tin'll Hamilton’s Letter in the Tribune.] If raising money for a political |»aign be an improper t* ,n K» I *1° n °t see why alb those who knowingly |i n the ap| spend and use rffoaefr ' so raised not pariicqtscmninla'. In’ the pub 1 papers I hare seen the statement itei ated and reiterated that Mr. Scliuik has asked and received from the Re publican State Committee of PennsyL* vania one thousand five hundred dol lars for making a single speech thrice in a political campaign. | ^he Philadelphia militia man I have again and again heard it stated ! 8 ‘"hs f° r other worlds to conquer, and as a fact so current that no onethought i 0, ^ er P eo H e to lay out. Meeting men of denying it, ihnt Mr. T-'churz hnhitu- : w ^ 10 throw brick-hats fills him with ally, as a regular busine-s, charge«t, | disgus*. and charged very highly for his poiiti- ■ —The silk crop of France for the cal speeches ; so that the one thousand j present year it is estimated will be •ivc hundred dollars he received in : more than tlirci times as great as Pennsylvania was not exceptional, was j that of last year, when it was gener- bnt a small part of the. gross receipts i ally a fi.lure. for all his years of stump speaking. 1 . Where did Mr. Schurz think this j 4 u-in. i agriculturall mono, oam. Iron,? Wm i, any ° r,s '' 1,0 ’* ** „ C T> II- c. . J crop in Burgundy and or. the banks of worse for the Kepubhcrn State Com- . . . L 1 a , ,,, A _ j the Loire troin its rise to it< mouth as unus'.ially promising. i nit tec to ask a custom house officer to pay five dollars toward carrying the Pennsylvania election than it was for Mr. Schurz to ask the Republican State Committee fifteen hundred dol lars to put into his own pocket? All the partisans and politicians and cr.r* ruptiouists that I know make their ; packing season, political speeches without money and Republican editor has dis- without price, and never even n^ked charged :l horny-handed typo, lor to have their expenses paid. Mr. I making Inn say: “ We have tin- Schurz enjoys and is said to deserve bounded faith in the rapacity of the —More than five million cans of com are now packed in Maine annu ally, and sold in various parts of the world, giving employment to from 8,000 to 10,000 persons during the the reputation of being alone in the business of selling his voice at a fixed price per hour in aid of the Republican cause—a cause of which he is so much Ohio Republicans.’’ Tile editor al leges that the word was written “ capacity.” ’ BURPEE & BRO., Carriage, Buggy and Wagon JVIakers, At the shop lately occupied by P. Benson, near Gann & Reaves’ stable, ATgSXTS, GLft.-. Are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line at short notice, in' the most SUPERIOR STYLE, and at as REASONABLE RATES asiha'amne dauof work can buduue.1 - r - They arc prepared to put up Carriages, Bug gies and Wagons in AKY STYLE, au-l invite those having new work put iip, to call before its imperfections are covered with paint, and see that ALL .Material* used are of the VERY BEST QUALITY. REPAIRING AND PAINTING A SPECIALTY. All work done in this line warranted to give satisfaction, both as to style and price. Harness AEaking and Bepairmg. They ure also prcjaired to make or repair | lla* ness. Having secured the services of a Thorouylily Comjietent Workman , in tltis branch of tlx- hasiness, all they a. k is u trial, that ull may he convinced of the SUPE RIORITY OK THEIR WORK and the Reason ableness of their Charges. t-iv'iic sure to call ou them and examine their work uud prices. julySl-ttm. Athens Foundry and Machine Works. ATHENS,;GA. S General Founders and Machinists, Pattern uking, Smithing and Repairing, Mining and Mill Mn.-hiiiere, Manufacturers of Circular Saw Mills, Steam Engine.-, Horae IV Threshers, Fan Mills, Bark Mills, Cane Gin Gearing. Cotton Presses, etc., etc. Agent for Cook’s Celebrated Evaporating Pans, Cardwell’s Se]>anitors, Turbine Water Wheels and Agricultural Engines. Prices sent upon application to It. MCKKUSO». Agent. juneM-Xui. j. BL.U'KSMITIILVG. Hnviug rented the Blacksmith Shop so long oeeupied hv the lute William P. Talmudge and employed competent workmen from the North, I am prepared to do any ami all work in the^ Bla.clssra.vbh. Line at the shortest notice and at the lowest prices ot any shop in the city. 1 have a GRAND SPRING OPENING! A. K. CHILDS. R. XICKERSOX. Y. II. WYNN -OF- CJiarli© Stern’s CLOTHING EMPORIUM! I would call the attention of my patrons and the public generally to my fine stock of Clothing For Ma Youths’ aid Boys’. Consisting of French Diagonals, W orsteds, Cheviot*, Cloths, Melton’a Scotch ami Navy Bine Flannel Saits, all of the Finest Material nnd the most fashionable otvle*. Also, a first- class stock oi Gents’ Furnishing Goods in all branches complete. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Umbrellas in Silk Alpaca and Scotch Gingham. Trunks, etc., to whL.i 1 invite the inspection of. the public, guaranteeing my prices to compete j with any house in the Slate. Augusta or Atlanta j Prices Duplicated, i OUR SPECIALTY — Unlanndered Shirts, j made complete, fine I.iuen Bosom and Cuff* for j cl. A call is all we ask to convince ouc utidull. I j Charles Stem, Popular Clothing Emporium, | Broad street, Athens. Gu. j Next door to Long fi Billii[>s Drug Store > up3-lv _ TUTPSPILLS! A Noted Divine says i They are worth their ! weight in gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS: i I>«. Tctt:—Dear Sir: For ten years I have ! h . :i n ■ lartyr to Dyspepsia. Constipation, and P:I.r. List spring your pdlswcr* rucommctufcl In me; I r-y.t ij.etn (but wfth little faith). Tdtn now a w.-ll-wnn, have gord appetite, ttig.-stlon p;r f -et, regular s'coll, piles gone, ar.d I have :a:n d forty pounds splidflesh ' Thev r.rr wer h ’g.'.t in "old, r. R. £. SIMI CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO., WH0L.h3.lLB AND RETAIL DEALERS If* HARDWARE, IRON, HORSE LA-ND MULE SHOES, HOUSE SHOE NAILS, Agricultural Implements, Lends, Oils, Glass ami Varnish, Harness Leather, more p'ire, unselfish, ami patriotic an j ,u ,n " Dieh they conslnict apostle than his political compeer?, if platforms in Oliin reminds one of the we may believe his Chamber of Horn* I method in which the old negro put tnerce speech, that it is only after his j on his ti ,,|, t conf First vo „ ® own accession to place that the Aniei-: , . . , , • , 1 , . . , |. ( .. . • giii* :irm *nt4> it a?i«| then the t t 4 **r • lean people believe once more that, l,,L ruai > tliey can }»et an honc.-t go.-eriiment. | :m ‘* *hen you “try lo stand on your .Mr. Schurz has chosen to attack want head and hah a genera! conwulsion.” only the leelings and pride of native- 1 horn Americans by traversing the At Constantinople t!ieSoIias(j?riesisj whole country, and for the sum oi one ■ ..av^ demanded tlril dhe standard of hundred -dollars an evening, less rtr the Prophet be laiscd for a holy war more, denouncing the corruption and |. . , „ . , , ., , depravity of our government ami our j _ nc0 ,as decided to post- people. ' : pnno tl, is extreme step till the Ilus- I attribute no dishonor to Mr. ! sian? arc nearer Adrianople Schurz, but if Mr. Wm. II Kemble’s j Gej , Howard’s bulletins arc playing assertion is (rue thst lie paid Mr. | . u fe Schurz five hundred dollars a night j ,,nvoc w,lh Joseph, who does not seem for his speech, Mr. Schurz is certainly . to be aware of hfs"sufferings by tele- estopped from characterizing Federal ! R raph. Howard lias struck Joseph upon the front ami Imth flanks, and now announces that | operate in his rear. J. ^ r . Mackev draws out of his sil- v^r mines in Ncva<la an annual in* tii-’r w*i Ret. Turns OT cuse orxn$mun. Tinrspiiis CVSS DYSPEPSIA. TUTPSPILLS CUBE CONSTIPATION IPSOX, Loolsvillo Slsillod Sdg3*'bo3l Msfcwr uiul make specially of Axes, Mill Picks. Mat tocks, Pieks, Garden Hoes uud loo's of all des cription and of the finest temper.* ; wagons and buggies Ironed a: d Repaired, Tire Shrunk, Etc. Plow- of all kind* made ‘‘and repaired at low prices. Al-o First Class Horse-Shoeing done by a norti.ern slioer, Trottiug Plutyt. Cowave Shoeing Etc., ill a manner n;i*ur)ias^erl' by any. All new work warraiitetl and salistiic- lion guarautved, (iuus and Pistols twooired. ■ • - BiWETT. uiarcliSd-ly. I TUTPS PILLS CURE PILES. TUTPSPILLS TUTPS PILLS CURE BILIOUS COLIC. D^.Tutthasbeenen- rysed in the practice Of milk-W-thirty y-ars, and for a looj •Vac was demcu.-.ra. : - r cf anatomy in t):e Medical College of Georgia, hence, per- ro:.s using hi. pillj have the guarantee that they are preparad on sdcnufiepnnc’iplca, and are Ircc from i'll quackciy. He has succeeded In comblr.lng in them the heretofore anUj- onirtlc qualities of a . CUR— TORPID LIVER ! I -* i TUTPS PILLS CURE KIDNEY COM- t'.’.'.if CftCl^flCUriRg TflTTS PIUS' effect is toinc-. .—e'.he appetite by can: ingths food toproper'y :e.V ha. ilate, thus the' is nourished, m*.d by theor y ooc action.on the d:„-i rvc organ*, regular dt healthy cv- ae.vgi.'ir orr-ta-.a'-d 'I he r.tpiili-.y with which perrons :akt em fie'!:, while order the ih.ii ofthescj.ilU, 1 it-i'.f i-dhaates their ndar-abili'yt* -.ce.rish t'-.e bodv, an 1 hence their t fnca: y 1 o curiui Cotton, Manilla & Jute Rope, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE,3 HUBS, SPOKES, BUGGY WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, VICES BELLOWS, HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., Manufacturer’s Agents for the sale of Fairbank’s Standard Scales. WIXSIIIP AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED Cotton Gins, Cider Mills, Syrup Mills and Evaporators, Walt Plows, Fanners’ Friend Plows, Pinups, Circular Saws, etc. Ur-Auy article in our line not iu *tock, will he ordered when derired, with the hua t«»**ii)!e tiel»v. tleclO-lv Call and Examine Our Stock and Prices. pstssa vtxm M c!c3, t’uggir'inera cf t]ie liver, chiocic cor., r.ipatlon, addai :i::r-V i;::; health and strength to tne system. St.l.: cv- tr\ where. Ogive. 33 .mi r.ivStree*. Now V'ork. poliiiedl mercenaries. The Lee Monument. THE UNDEKSIGXKD IS l’RKl’ARF.D TO FURNISH ; •*“ MARBLE OR GRANITE lie illlemls to Out to any design* they are desired, I’lain 01 ! ! Klalmrate Monument*. Head uud Foot Stunt-: 1 Granite Box I BTR1UMPH OF SCIENCE 1 Gray Hair con. he changed' to 1 -lossy black by a staple apn'ication ofl dr.TcTT’sIlairDye. Itactsl.kemapie,] and is warranted as harmless us water.I Price Office 3$ Murray St., N. Y.f Broad Street. Over Burke’s Book Store. m -i uiriiitN oi Til llllOitKI.V (From the Wilm At his stmlio, -i reel, D. B. Shodgft, the sculptor, has nearly eotnine^D his model the projtosed equestrian statue of General Lee to be erected at Rich mond, Virginia. A number of Amer ican and European sculptors were invited by the committee having in charge the erection of the proposed statue to compete and have their models iu Richmond by the first of Jkqitembe* > fcext, amiuaj&M of all madfjiwy a coinrSittee of experts and the contract awarded to the best model. Mr. Sheahan is the author of the “ Custer Group,” ot the well known “ Hamlet,” and several other J.Z^p/lOO, which i« equiva lent to five jk^r come 01 ://// rent on a capital of 275,000^00. This surpasses the Rothschild. Senatm Jones ot the same State has an income of five mil lions per annum. “ The Russians on Thursday^of last week attacked Rauf Pasha at Eski* *1iJc“ptrWir,--1irhTTS?l f Toomh*, Coulht TihsiiIm Ya*(» uivhtutinryi MarWo o* Urunitu Vjutta fur ‘f'Mhrf and other tiiiri.o*'-*, dtsigus mid .price* furui*lie(Lat th<;Al«rblc. , 'VrU.' r *• a.r.Robe»T*5n, ^ - . * ■ AtKtn*. (ia. ■ imm m stoL-** ?ublL«hf4 After seven hour’s fighting Rauf Pasha retreated upon Karabu* nar, but 8uleiman Pasha coming up repulsed the enemy and recaptuflSi’ Eski-Pfeha . catifuri —The San Fraiic : sco Chronicle comments on the strange fact that although in the last three years the Belcher, Crown Point, Justice, Choi- successful and popular works of the lap Potosi and Ophir mines have sculptor’s art. The work represents j produced $18,000,000 werth of ore, Gen. Lee bareheaded but otherwise in ; stockholders have netted not a full uniform seated on a full-blooded i cent, but have had to contribute -tallion, sword in hand with body and | $2,314,000 in assessments, and still head turned to the right. Bearded , haven debt of $1,000,000. grim and stern, every nerve and | . I —When the federal Government faeullv awake, he looks intently into , . , . . ... - , j shall have esiablismd Judge West’s t part of the held, all alive to ] . ¥ . , f. 1 , , .. .. .i i , i Bureau of Industry and other Com io where the crisis of the bat* ........ ,. munistic institutions, it would mate* distant the scene tie evidently rages. His figure is erect and finely modeled, every limb being in proportion. In the progress of bis work Mr. Sheahan has received constant suggestions, from Goneral Roger A. l’ryorof wKat he knew of General Lee in his lifetime, and the General says that not only is General Lee correctly portrayed in the work but that tho horse, also probably the greatest feature in equestrian statu ary, is a correct likeness of the horse Lee rode. The horse and rider are tho very personification of spirited animation rially help our Minister to France to earn his salary by attaching to his JELt August** Q*., .- *• . .*• a * vt . - BY Walsh & Wright, Proprietors. Foil telegnphio dispatches from all point?. Lateat and most acoarato market rrp UrMingaud Reliable Correapondenc Wwit$’, one /ear.t?, *fx niontha fT; ofie year, 92, aiz month*, 91. * * decs THE GREAT 'CAUSE - Human [Misery, Juat^Pnh’iahed, ill a Sealed Envelope, six ceut*. Priea A LecUiro on the Nature. Treulmeiit, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or tiiH-nmi- torrhiKa, induced by Self Abase. Invofuntary Kmissions, lm(«tcucy, Nervon* Itabittty, and B Hoad tJae Aas It H n plant that prows in the So-ith, and is adajUcd to the cure of of that . NATURE’S OWN nf AIEDY, „ Rutenng at once into tiir !»*•-«, npclnnriil scrofulous, syphilitic, and rhuu-ootic affections. Alone, it is a Mhliinr alu-ratire, l«t when combined with Sarsaparilla. Yellow Dock, and other herho. It forma . STOVES 1 STOVES! STOVES! 1 am now otTerin? for Mile nt' Low Prices, Tiie following celebrated Cook-Sloven, all of whirti are warranted equal to any offered in this market. IliDN KING, . ’ GATE CITY, BEST, CRICKET, ' PALMETTO. Call and see before purehaaing. J. C. WILKINS. oct.81.tim. syatenL imports a fair complexion, a^d M)4s up As an antidote to .. It recoraraoHdcd. Huudredi oiciMsoftht>voat type have bam rsdiSnyeWdV^S <^»35r purely vesctahle, its continued um will, da mo harm. The best time to hU Ik Ua dunMK<Ua summer and fall; and instead of < aeho. fever and sguo. 7«w WS talth. Sold by all dnqfgists. Jj Murray Slritet, Now Yof*t. Wanted. TO RENT or bny a small cottage hon \onicnt to the businera portion of the ell unimproved lot, if deeirublv located, ml aohl. App'v'b’ Georgian office iny office a Bureau of Parisian Novelticn, aU £ charged with the duty of communi- catfng Ench information to the Wash ington authorities as would enable them to dictate the latest fashions of ladles’ wearing apparel. The husbadd who informed his wife six months ago that he would let her put out the washing as soon m times improved, has kept his promise. He lets her put it out—on the line. And still she is not happy. M. !»., author of tho *• Green Book,” Ac. , Tnc world-renowned author, jn this admirable Lecture, clearly prove* from hi*own experience that the awful conrequeucea of Self-Abuse may be effectually rcuK'.ved*witliout medicine, anil without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, iustrumeiita, rings, or cordial*; pointing out u inode of care at once certain and effectual, by which ev. ry sufferer, no matter what his oon» may be, tnuv cure bim*ulf cheaply, privately rnd radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousand* and thousand*. Kent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six ceut*, or two' postage dfdresa the Publishers, VKRWELL MEDIC THE CULV :al co., 41 Ak« Ea, Nzw You; Peat office Box, 458*. cfis.iF***, TWO I0i< BXaA-OiSisakdciTiac’s SHOPS The Kennesaw Gazette, A Monthly Paper, Published ht j ATLANTA, G iA-. f 1 Devoted to Railroad interest*, Literature , Wit uud Humor. Fifty cents n year. Clirotio l to everv subscriber. Address KEXXE&AW GAZETTE, mar, feed u sie sum, inch27-tl, < ti , | , Atlapti^s-I SeiexL’biiic AgricTal’fcure, —BT— SR. S. PSXTBZsCZOSr, Prof. Agriculture^ University ofOa. Second Edition, ExiAnosn and Rnvhid.-, I Published by A. S. Barnes & Co- Now York For sale by Burks A Hancock, Atlanta, uf. and T. A. Burke, Atheu*, Ga. Price 4 92.50. . liinLmaJi . Uii'S-tf. OANN A REAVTiS, PROPRIETORS. • mat^oW «twdirtair»mnl- lln House butltiinjr, Thomoa atireqt.. Keep al- oa. hand good Turnouts and careful dri ver*.. Stock waif cared for when entrusted to our care. Stock on hand for male at all times. declStf. ! • l HEfilCALffOOCBr At the solicitation of many of my former pat runs, l resume the Practice of Medicine from this date. I will pay especial attention to the' disease of Infants nr.d Children, and the Chronic Diseoies ot Female*. WM. KIN<i. M. D jnne 1«. 83-ly. 3STOTICSL. ; hta Afiich have Ti'eretofore h«n ^^ HMVMktfitt" - 1 -Xi «i ' r. C.STEPUEJiSON, Oyding Hart eomitj rcfrrff FOR I VI* Oue at the old stand in front ot nu Messrs. GANN & REAVES, J The other ou the road to the upper bridge and op|K>*ite W. B. COX. W. R. I1IIL. TUI. TROKPSOK, IT. COX, HILL & THOMPSON, Whoizoauc Dxauu is 11 No 29 PEACHTREE ST., ATLANTA, GA. And Distillers oi tl » Stone Mountain (\<ru Whiskey octl4-ly 20F.SS SHOEZ27Q of ever} description, Plating and Concavs Shoes MannfkcturedtbcidtrJ ^ WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, And all kinds of Fanning Machines and plemcnts repaired on short notice. }sn9-tf. .r>r Sale.,., A‘ second-hand Wlieeler <fc Wilson Sewing Machine; 1ms been but little used and is in per iod order. For sale cheap for cash. Apply at Mgefotf. THIS OFFICE Fo» TH£ BfHKT W TM TlUIC If ^rsssm^:'- And Northeast Oeorgi* EBWisT sTxtewtqxt; SALESMAN FOR ' Messrs. Opfycle, Terq S Steele, \ Mr. JOHN Z. COOPER’S, - Johnson, A. W. Calhoun, .1. H«-Log*n Livery Stable. We Atlanta Medical College, ,V . ATLANTA, GA. • The Tw'cutieth Anuual Course of Lectures' will commence October 15th, lf*77, and close March 1st, 1878. at—J. G. Westmoreland, W, F- West- id, W. A. Love, V. II. Taliaferro, John A. W. Calhoun. > J. H<-Log*n; tlo I abgT-ltn. 4 .uttnir ,'hlte Goods, Notions, Linens] Laces and Em broideries, £ AND— k . • :,d: . 1 Merchandise Broker. ' OFFICES: 375 vBroadway, Slew *STorkc -AND WITH- , . • 7 * Messrs. ■ Thomas & Fleming, tt? OCX, ATHENS, GA fo-ri-.l-'Ut n r A {)h'T LEGAL BLANKS. Neatly orinti-d and for sa’e at this off e 1877. <| i^ o o ils ‘ and dlitQejf TO OBRER. XT. VT. S&udnip, . ( Artist. ' Has removed bis shop to the McDowell Build ing, ou College Avene*- Prices) liberal and first-class work gnarautead. jane 14, 1877—84-tl C. S- ntJHUBia nig to pnrcbsse. bjl. Whoftsa?4*' **" ' ’ vilLfind it-to.their im-> the undi ‘ Plrties' ,Bmndy < DtA curt — , >t of <i. 8. Duke, to aell by WteliMIk RtM< , Pore Whiaky and Brandy. The pines ,whicli the G. 8. Dike WMakg ffid Tv are distided, are made of wood. Every., i warranted pure. Address, G. R. DUKE, Agent,.. < 4 Jefferson, Ga. J.— decii-tf TOB WORK OF EVERY DE* ' d voription done at tkif