The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, August 21, 1877, Image 8

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN : AUGUST 21, 1877. Massachusetts Fanatics. he may choke himselt with a large «lice of pudding, but if lie-dues .neither I 'From the New York.WorUl^J , , , shall lie forced to load hifU wjth chains Steps,have beet) Jaken.ioitt^ak re ^ d a j| myl<j<*ArlM him. That community of fanatics at Petersham, xy ;|j finigh him. His hoots may re- Massachusetts, by the arrest of their, j ^atn. liut the rest of him will have leader, one John C. Howe. This * me , is Mi rd ci&.4*T “Atoi-SMuo,’' ("(lie 1# Ihere”); it has eighteen members and is empowered to hold property up to the value of $500,000. It is an out growth of the Millerite excitemente of some twenty years ago, being founded in 18 5 by a Quaker named Howland and two women, sisters, Sarah Jane Harvey and Caroline Hawks. They went some twenty strong to live on a farm two hundred and ten acres, at at Petersham, which they have worked in common to advantage. They were first called Howlandites, from their “ prophet,” but when ho was killed by a runaway horse (leaving, by the way. a gospel something like the llook of Mormon) they became Fullerilos, j Leonard C. Fuller becoming their j leader. The married perished miserably long ere JLM ve = ot through! * V; !■' J J i I ■ A si !f f£u must be it good little girl,' ^nd always mind your mother. Never let your excellent mother feel sorry that she is acquainted with you. If it hadn’t been for her you might have got drowned in a soup plate "lung 'ago. And if you hadn’t ever had arty’mother you might now be in Turkey with the oth r Turkeys. In fact, my dear Amelia, so conduct yourself that even on dark and rainy days, the blight sun juay shine wherever you are, and that I the stars (which are next to the sun j in brightness") may never Hash so bril- | liantly, but tliat you can look steadily and hopefi lly towards them. Faithfully, your friend. A. Ward. i estahusheivw. $ imam THE CHEAPEST BOOK AND.. STATIONERY STOKE s’nrxei ■ * •' XJjgT’GtSOSUmCAU' t/. rr<>? * j * V/ ' ■'QliDElt EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE DIRECT TO ptiups db crew, r PIANOS AND OfcOANS £0^OF EVERY GRADE. SEND FOy-'-PRieES._g3 PHILLIPS, CREW & FREYER. tu8witriw-3m ATLANTA, GA. Beautiful Tribute to Woman. Judge T. J. Mackey delivered the their arrival were separated and had a higher marriage relation like brother j anniversary address before and sister. The community was all right until about six weeks ago arrived a prophet (indeed, he blasphemously called himseii* the Savious), one John C. Howe, of Worcester, a mechanic of unsavory reputation. By “ revela tions from God ” he reformed the womeu’s dress from its Quakerish style to the modern fashions, did away iF’TTIR.IIsriTTTIRIE I ’ 1 A splendid new stock Parlor and Chamber Suits From Twenty-five to Five Hundred Dollars complete. DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS Prices as cheap as any Fust-class House in tht. South. E. S, SEXTOSU.Q& & 10., 21 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. Send.orders or letters f inquiry. i ¥*2II • Jf ' Cottage Suits $25 to $150. ; With increased facilities for carrying on the publication of our paper j for the New' Year, the Georgian will be found, as heretofore, i • !_ v- . Strictly Democratic, j And will endeavor to supply its readers with the most careful, com plete and trustworthy accounts of current events. It will * remain its usual size, eight pages, and has Erskine JUC. POTTS, &tXax3.%e.„ Georgia- College at tin* recent commencement exercises of that- institution.- It is spoken of ns a capital production, | »-y- « . J » -y • •* exhibiting great depth of thought and j W HOIGSSLXG LlQUOP DGSLL&T, vast research, though not of a char- j . . actor to please popular fancy. In his msw.tiriw-am 19 Alabama Street, address, the Judge pays the following | beautiful tribute to woman: { "MT A I-T A T~TQ Q SIE In its Columns Every benign revolution among I with the vegetable diet, sold off die | ln;ll ,Und that has lessened the sum i simple furniture for- more costly, and | 0 f human suffering, or extended the j Atlanta, Georgia. Thau any two weekly papers in the State. We nave the large-t bona fide subscription listliri Northeast Georgia, and we intend to make it, as heretofore, an interesting ) in woman a most potent agent for its j achievement. Her strong in-tinct, i unclouded bv passion, leads her I quieklv ti. disc.rn the right, while j she possesses the enduring fortitude j tio » u > those who have hpnorcd him by becoming his guest-', and the unquenchable thith to main tain her convictions with unswerving practically persuaded the people to j area of human knowledge, has found give up their farming, “ ns the Lord would supply all their needs.” \ ari- ous scandalous rumors have been re cently spreading about these people, whose morality had not lieon boforo much called into question. Under Howe things have been getting had rapidly, until the authorities got evi dence enough to werrant his arrest. He is charged with waltzing naked for the purpose of obtaining a communi cation from the Lord, and with other indecent practices. Howe had no counsel or witnesses, bat gave out that divine power would interfere on his behalf. Fresident Fuller, Sister Hawks and Steward Biiggs, however, harangued for him, claiming that he was the holiest living man and born of God. They added that Richard, Treasurer of the community, who testified against Howe, was spiritually low. In spile of this vigorous appeal Prophet Howe was held in thiec thou sand dollars bail. i The proprietor of the MARKHAM HOUSE takes this method ot ! informing.the traveling public, that notwithstanding the great, Enro- j pean war, his, hotel*will continue to entertain with its usual hospitali- , ties and first-class accommodations, such as he flatters himself has j given great popularity;amVsuccess to his house, and general -atisfac- FIRESIDE , 111 \ Board A. Ward to a Little Friend. [From the Elmira Gaifette.] Wehave hnen permitted to publish a letter written by Mr. Charles F Browne (Artemus Ward) to a young friend of his, a little girl, then of the 4ge of eight and now the wife of a prominent, merchant in a neighboring -city. The lot&r- never before has ap- piihid in printj and' the original is in pamnioa of a gentleman-of this city. We vouch for Its genuineness. ’ u will at once strike the reader as being emi nently characteristic—“ trqe to life Saijsk, Mass., Juno X8,1864. My Dear Amelia: I cannot tell you bow much I miss you. L ^ though J hadlorft all my relatives', including my grandmother and the cooking stove. Why didn’t I put you in a bottle and bring you down here with roe ? But I aiu always forgetting something. "The other day I went off and foigot my Auut Sarah, and she’s a good deal bigger than you are. Mr. Ramsey is also a very forgetful man. He fre quently goes off and forgets his wash erwoman. Mr. Ramsey is a very fine looking man. Ho reminds me of Mr. Green, the Maiden murderer. When Mr. Ramsay goes to the penitentiary, which will be very soon, we must send -him doughnuts, pagauncs-and other IVrary oMmlK* or. Ramsey can read print verywell. loyalty to the last. Whether wield- j ingthe avengeful sword of Judith to j redeem her people from the grasp of j a tyrant; or as Lncretia, immolating ; herself on the altar of virtue, and thus tiring the Roman heart against Rome’s oppressors; or as Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi, teaching with her lips and exemplitying by her life the lefty virtues illustrated j •by her sons; or as Mary, standing unawed by the Roman guards, at the cross, and subsequently the first to proclaim the resurrection of her Di vine Master; or as did recently the true and noble women of Carolina, who fanned by their words aud deeds into a brighter flame the fires that were burning bat dimly on the last altar of Anglo-Saxon civilization within this Commonwealth—in every age, the hand of woman has pressed heavily upon the balance-wheel of the w orld’s destiny. While her res cord is lustrjoua with acts,of the most exalted courage, the purest and most self-sacrificing patriotism, .an reasonable and accommodations first-class. JTplvok EL Qwests, E^xopsietoa?. REAVES “& NIClKlLSON, AGENTS. Iron. Cotton. Ties---Important Special Uctice. A.ivEBrEt.xcA.isr XL W. HAY2TX TR.tUE MARK—HrCOJIB. COTTON TIE! coixiEA.isr'sr. LIMITED. <& GO. General Agents. 47 CARON DELET STREET, NEWfORLEANS. • Arrow Cotton Ties—The Best and Cheapest. For Stile Her** .n<l by Merchant* Gen-rally. InViewof the constantly increasing popularity and duxurnd for the CELEBRATED ARROW TIE, ■e universally recognized favorite Tie of Planters, Cotton Pressmen and Shippers of Cotton generally ; most splendid epfampks dSP fld duty in evgfy sphere qf.hpu^q.aution, the . _ .. _ . the American Cotton Tie Co., limttod, sole proprietors and manufacturers of said Tie, commanding uncounted facilities, hare, in addition to their Hrxe stock now on hand, contracted for increased quan tities, i “ ‘ - and dot w , ,, per bundle, less 21; per cent, discount for’cash, in bundles complete, being less than the market value of plain hoop iron ; and it being the purpose of tho Company to merit the continued patronage of the planting community and to defy all competition that may arise, their Agents with Deaden, Factors and Conm arc instructed to contract the above named price and tenus 6>r future delivery up to the 1st of August in quantities as may he required from time to time, settlements being made on delivery june7-tri-wJtw6m. virtue, whether in triumph or diBas ter, has always found in her its trtfe and most fearless chartipion, and no great cause has ever met its betrayer in a woman. [Applause.] A Well-Behaved 8kctiojj. —The New York Journal of Commerce bestows deserved praise upon the or derly and law-obeying conduct of the Southern workingmen during the re cent strikes. It 6ays: “ It is true that the cities of the South arc not as crowded as those of the North with men who cannot get work, or tramps or dissatisfied laborers. But the real reason for the quiet of the South when all the other parts of the country were overrun by mobs was the peaceful disposition of her people. That they went through all that week of crisis and kept the pe n ce in Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile New Orleans, and other large cities of the South, where there were few regular ' lor volunteer soldiers on haud to keep order, is a test proof of their willi CIGAR * ACTORY. ANTICIPATING to reopen our Cigar Factory on a larger than ever before, wc offerthe following brands of Cigars at 10 per cent, dis count from our;usual prices bo aa'.io eeil our " n Tn^A?rA2 ffvsx m ¥*4 Dews* > BdnajittM. . ‘ 9,000 Our*Favorite brand. ‘ 5,000 H. TTpmaar ' ilf JJJWOLKey'Weit! 4 ; B$0$Ghdioe. |,000 Figtf j. 8,000 Partagns (Conchia.) 5,000 Partagas (5 inch.) 5,000 Ready Relief. 5,000 La Espanola. 10,000 No Brand. j Kalvarinsky & Liebler, ATHENS, GEORGIA. -like you just as well if you were . .. . „ . 1 -IJ— f -ni oaro mW R llVIDg, RlldJlO dwell 1U Rlrtity With twelve yews older. 1 am very mngu- .. • r-• . t u c • J ]af jpbout same things. ‘ . jbotj.Bpolw to roe about a boy who i» iuy rival. I should feci very sorry 4o kill that boy, but he may drive me toiL I am in hopes thut he will take -^itoaolf into a premature ,tomb—that uruGi) u» <9 ivai prooi oi ineir willing* nese W obty the the laws, to \*S&frr > PIANO & ORGAN DEPOT Phillips, Crew & Freyer ILtaxileix, GSeorgia- Solc Afcnts for the 'World-Renown,^ ras m-'wmhi Grand, Square ami Upright.^ . These iastnuneirayCVa beeS bahrwtWynblio for more than forty year,, and upon their ex- ocllenoe afono have attained an t-Unpuibha-ed Fre-cminenoo which establishes them as un equalled lor their Tone,. Teugb, Workmanship and Durability. They have received seventy-ive gold and silver Medals overall other competitors. Endorsed by "‘Thalbeiw,” GottachaJk,” »♦ “fPsutTno T.rnSi.” •• Clara Louiae “Muiio" Mills, first and highest Connected with our newspaper, wo have a Cottrell & Babcock Press, The finest Book and Job Press, together with the best selection of Job Type, all new, and ordered wirtiin the last six month*, and are prepared to do all kinds of KeUogg,’ aud othei premiums at the i3srTBrR3srATiojsrA;x. Centennial Exhibition, PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER. 1876. The prices of these instruments are as low os the exclusive use of first-class materials will allow. Catalogue* uud price lists mailed free on ap plication to PHILLIPS, CREW & FREYER, General Agents, Atlanta, Gu. SOLD ON EASY TERMS. • THE NEXT TERM OF THE ATHENS HIGH SCHOOL WILL BEGIN Monday, September 3,1817. Terms: $6 a Scholastic month, if paid at the end of each month, or $50 a scliolas ic year (ten months) if payment for the whole time be made in advanoe. A. B. Brumby, A. M., K. D., ^ tltTNCIPAL. IM Mil Tha following ueurbrawttghfr^m wo offer for sale: Poplar Bluff; Flor de Alma, Diamond Crown. AU guaranteed full Havana. Kalvarinsky & Liebler. X. W. H. HILL. THOWraON, jr. COX, HILL & THOMPSON, Wholesale Dealers ik fora and Domestic liquors &c., No 2» PEAChTREE BT., ATLANTA GA. And Distillers 01 tbe Stone Mountain Corn Whiekev ootl4-ly vy ith a new supply ot Rules and Figures, we are prepared to turn , .» *1 - * “ O-X *- *• ; r ; . _ : . i*--. •> >»■ • - j; i 1 s> • k out alheuidevery kind : • j«>i •m htii. !'1 Ralrtad Blanks, Abstracts. Tap, WAY BILLS, ETC., TOGETHER WITH ■■if ■»*': . ■ *ffr< ?y* ■ Ui<s .»' THE GREAT CAUSE 0¥ Human Misery, JnsOPuWished, in a Sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sptrma- torrhosa, induced by Self Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Consump tion, Epilepsy, and Kits;. Mental and Phvsietd, Incapacity, 4c.—By Robsbt J. Culvebwkll, M. iV, author of the “ Green Book,” Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from hlaown experienct that the awful consequences of 8elf-Abnse may to effectually removed without medicine, an<i without dangerous surgical operations, bougies Uheap as they can be done in any city in the South. which every sufferer, no matter what bht con ‘ pr!vateijMtnd mdiodiy. cw ei»e»p>y tucu in our Job Department cannot be surpassed in ! This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands | and thonsanda. • , . I Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to 1 address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage i stamp*. i Address the Publishers, THE CULVEBWEI.L MEDICAL CO.. . 41 Ajw Ss., New Yore ; ' Post office Box, $596. The Work- .11 L Bxcielleno© and. Flnlsli. |^*Give ue a call at our old stand, Broad street, Athene, Ga. 4^