The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, August 28, 1877, Image 6

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6 •k ~ ■ r fm-twr... Wj A lexnude r All)l»i.n.- Hut THE ATM HNS GEORGIAN: AUGUST *3. Ls,7. H. Stephens. i in • i n -niarj Vico »f b Ore ti'u-manarr. {Charlotte Ob-u-rver.] Every newi»paiier contains a notice now that Hun. Alexander H. Stephen- is entirely renewed in health, and will return to Waeliinutont -ia Fall looking better than ever; and now that he is? on hiit regular monthly parade before the public gaze, we contribute our tnite toward keeping the hall moving by copying with our hearty endow ment the folicwinir pen picture drawn bv our good brother Cameron, of the Hillsboro Recorder, and made true to life: *' Stephens was always right at the wrong tithe. He lagged to the tear when ids services were wanted. He rushed to the front when the bat tle was‘lost and could not be restored He was a peace man when his position and his duty constrained him to lie for war, acd lie was the ablest exponent of the principles which led to the war when the piactical failure of those principles hail been irretrievably decided by wager of battle, lie was a Gram ■“» when Grant trod most heavily ‘-Me South : and he is u tipon a prom..-. ""it sen>e ol llayCs mall when the n«»u— (he Smith rebels against the recogni tion ot his legality.’’ Wanted to Get on the Jury. Presently the stillness of the couvi room was interrupted by the entrance ot a man, who catue in with d. shut- fling, uneasy step, and with bis hat i:t his hand. lie halted, leaning against the railiug. Nobody took the slightest notice of him, however. At last he took courage and spoke; » “ Is the Judge in ?’’ The clerk immediately awoke his Honor. “ Well, what do you want ?” J “ I’m looking for a job, your Hon or. I’ve been looking for work over a month.” “ There's nothing for you here.” “ l thought you cccassionaly gave jurymen ft Job. r 1 don’t read n§w?na- 'pefs flnj\ and bein' it siH4tiger in town I haven’t got ilfly prejudices flgiil any body, A purd of mine wrote down to ■fee at Reno, last week, and said that the jury business up here was brisk an’ it would pay to come up. As I’m a stranger to you, and a little hard up. I’ll start in and serve for a case or two for half price, and yon kin see what I kin do.’’ “ What arc your main qualifica tion ? ’ agree. on *er „ the first ballot, then jine the majority and argue the rest into it. I can din count any lawyer talking. I can show ’em points they never tumble*! to be font. Sometimes I have to use force, but seldom. Once down at Truckee, in a murder case, there was a couple of.fellers standin* out agin hangin,’ and after arguing with ’em as smooth and gentlemanly as I could for over a quarter of an hour, I went for ’em with chair8,and by the tin.e I’d busted half a dozen pieces of furniture ove* ’em they was glad to cotne in with a Verdict of ‘Murder in the first dpgree. and the feller was hung not long after ‘ ward. In these Juatties courts I can get on a jury, and if yot ’ll just give me a winkas to bow you want tin- case to go, I’ll guarantee to fetch in the verdict you want, or not take a cent.*’ The man was told to drop around again in a day or so and they would try and make a vacancy for him In onler to do it, however, some regular juryman will probably have to be' dia» oharged — Virginia City Chronicle About tite Name of h Flub. Apropos of the camp meeting at Martha’s Vineyard, the Methodist newspaper tells a story of some of the brethren who arrived early and sought to while away the time by going3i fishing. Several kinds of fish wore caught on the trip, an*! on their re turn, one of the fishermen, with a laudable desire for information, in quired of the skipper the names of the different specimens. “ This,” said he, “it » black fish, that iajt blue fish, the next is a soup, and that fellow ia a Baptist ” “ A Baptist!” exclaimed the go6d brother; “why do you call those fish Baptists?” * Because they spoil so soon on being taken out of water,” was the satis- factory explanation. Last week a man 60 years old walked 19 miles on the railroad to town to buy bis marring*) license. The case is hardly eo bad that occurred in Suramor county, Tenn., some time ago. A roan walked to Gallatro, 30 miles, to get his license, but after making application be lathed 20 cents of having money enough. He walked back home nhd tried to borrow 50 coots, and failing* walked book to Gallatin, and spent three days trying to beat down the clerk. NKWH HU.U .*1A BY. Some expert lias estimated that 17,000,000 grub worm- and 100.000 rats peri>hed in the conflagration of the Hittahurg elevator. The rioters should ask a discount on that. —Ten car loads of ammunition, 140 tons in all, have been loaded upon the steamer John Bramhall, at "the Winchester Rifle Works, New Haven. Destination—Turkey. —The shipping of Southern fruit to tlio Northern market, by the way of Petersburg, is noticeably on tho in crease over former years.- Largely over one million pounds of fruit .have, within the past several weeks been carried mirth through Petersburg by express. —The lightning behaved strangely at Jamestown, N. Y., when it went through a church without harming any one of the congregation, and killed a small boy on the outside of the church. It was an unjust discritui- ' '■ of those who attend nation tn church. Bt t there is Mm r*tiwu m strikes ol any jkinti. —Puring his visit to Au- gust) HisibftKh told an Ameri can gOttlUman that Prince Gorchakofl was, in his opinion, the greaters states man of his time, and expressed the belief that history would confirm that jjdgment. The American hinted that among his own countrymen pub lic opinion inclined to award the first place to Bismarck himself, to which the Count modestly replied: “ No; I am only (he pupil, He is tho mas ter.” —The shrinkage in attendance at Saratoga this year, taking in all the hotels and boarding houses, w about twenty per cent. on last yedK The Grand Union Hotel is less popular this year than heretofore j Congress Hall is the favorite and doing the largest business, while, the United .States is full. It is estimated that fully 1,500 wealthy Jewish people who previously spent the summer there have gone eltewhere. Sharon, Richfield and Long Branch have profieted by the Hilton-Seiigman affair. —During the hoodlum attack upon the Chinese quarter in San Francisco fifty horses were taken from horse-car -tables for the use of the citizens’ cav alry. Much difficulty was experienced in preventing the animals from charg ing up Sutter street whenever that Thoroughfare was crossed. Finally Captain Tlrittenden conceived the idea ot strapping a car bell to the pommel of his saddle, by the aid ot which TiiH entire command was started, halted, and otherwise maneuvered with the greatest precision. —The detectives at Constantinople find it extremely difficultto enforce the sumptuary laws against the use by the women of their yashmaks, fashionably cut frajees and high-heeled French boots. The officers were instructed to stop any woman who did not con form to the law, to demand herad- dress, and, having obtained it, to proceed to her house and when there to wain her relatives of the impropri ety of her conduct. The women proved themselves to be more than a match .for the police. The dectec- lives now- complain that when they have accosted a culprit and have ob tained an address from her they have almost invaiinbly found, on visiting the house named by her, that she had given them a talse direction, and that nothing but derision and c -ntumely awaited them. It is now- announced tbal in the future the police will fol low' every culprit to her house, and thou and there demand speech of her lord and master. Chinese women have no sense. Every night they pray to their goda to change theta into men. Ob, foolish woman. . By the time you. had walked a mile and a half out of your way in the hot atm and. dived down eleven alleys aadl rambled through three lumber yards on your way to the office, In order to keep cot ot. - the way of men who are looking lor you toduu you would be happily content to sit at boioo behind closet blind a and locked doors in an upstairs room: and sew all day. Want - to be a man, in- died. Mischief in Wail Street. Benrji tiew- Tonu sl o..a fniliuc Sachin# by I e icy \. -with and bln Ureters. Several days ago, when business was dull iu the Stock Exchange, Hen ry N. Smith, Jay GoUhiVold partner, stepped into Henry Clews*'office, in New Street Mr. Clews was absent, and Smith, while sauntering around, noticed a fine painting in a corner. Watching to. see that Mir. Clews did not return, Mr. Smith hired two boys to carry the picture across the 3treet to Timpson & Gillespy’s. After hang ing it, Smith went out among the brokers, and, after bringing them in, offered to raffle the work of aft at one dollar p-r chance. The painting was a valuable one, ai|d in a shigt time the chances were nearly all" taken. Smith went (gttsidc and, finding Mr. Clew-, persuarj&d him to take the re maining chawies, and then took him j in to tec tho picture and attend the raffle. When Clews recognized his proper ty he pretended to be indignant Ar* officer and eav " oraitli into custody. The pris oner urged the crowd to go down to O’Brien’s and all take a drink, ns a preliminary to his incarceration. Smith stood treat out of the raffle money. A pulling machine stood in the comer, and Smith challenged Clews to a trial of strength, and tak ing the handles made a good score. Clews took off his cot>t, '■braced against the foot board, seized the me tallic handles, and suddenly became convulsed with pain. His arms twisted and his legs gyranted. “Let me oft,” he cried, but Smith winked and the barkeeper turned on more electricity, , Mr. Clews «ritiicd iu awful agQpy. “0 won’t I make you pay for this!” he yelled, as an extra amount of power was turned on behind the bar. “ Send away your policeman and we will let you off,” said Smith, and Clews told the officer to vanish. Then he was let off and after an other “ smile ” and the divison of the raffle money the crowd eeparat^ST’But Henry Clews says be will be yet even with Henry N. Smith. ^ ThW .New York Worid thus an nounces the death of tho last of the sensations: “ The strike is over; so is the Benningloh. centennial; ’ the. dog ordinance eas been muzzled; the excise raids are t laved out; the Eastern war is peace; G.’W. B. has gone down the harbor; there hasn’t been a savings bank or an insurance company bursted during the past twent-frur hours; General Howard hasn’t caught Cliiel Joseph, and there are no more con ventions till next week If anybody connected with the Tweed busiuesshas any statement to make, now is his time.” Wto. i;>. If we die to-day, the sun wilt shine as brightly, the birds will sing as sweetly to-morrow. Business will not be suspended a moment, and the great man will not bestow a thought upon oar foemories. “ Is he dead ?” will be the solemn inquiry of a few, as they pass to their work. But no one will miss ns, excepting our immediate connections, and in a short tinoe.tbey will forget and laugh as merrily as when we sat beside them. ' Thus shall we all, now active in life, pass away. Our ^children crowd close beh&d nsiT and they will soon pan away, jin a few a years not a liviug being cahsay, “I remember him.” We lived in another age, and did business with those who slumber in the tomb. Thus is life! How rapidly it panes. * A workingman’s convention was recently held in Galveston, Texas, and the principal resolution adopted looked to the regulation ot' every labor rmtikvt by Congress. “ We will petition that body,” d*-clares the resolution, “ to pass a law making it a pengl offense for any corporation or firm to advertise • tor men, either la borers or mechanics, w hen the supply is equal to the demand in their own localities.” STOVES. The Hatse-Keepeis Rmmtcs! k SPLEilBiB ©FPhRTbMIf Atlanta and Augusta Undersold, THE TREMENDOUS STOCK OF THE MOST DURABLE! The Cheepest and Best! i otter the ah.,vc STOVEa to the citizen-! Cf Northeast Georgia, In-sides Tinware, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc., etc. Call and yon will l,e satisfied. J. C, WILKINS SICS OK THK P aiuT-Sui Street, COKKKE fOT. TffP j SIDE; Tho authorities of Oakland, Md., are evidently of a festive and accom modating disposition. One of its municipal scaudals refers to the fail ure ot i he Common Council to light ihe streets properly one niglit. bwAu-e they had loaned the city’s lamps to the proprietor ot a beer garden ill the outskirts. OR, ANOERSONVILLE PRISON: Compiled from Official Documents iu the hands of It HUMPH STHEHSOH, M. (L Formerly Smyeon ill tha Army of the Con federate States of America r (Siief Surjrton of the Confederate Staten Priron U<«nital», Ander- eonville, Oi-.'tvrin; Surgeon and Medical l’ur- veyor of the Confederate Statue Frison!* East of the Miesirnippi river. Together with a-review of a nortion of the testimony of the witneeaca iu the celebrated “ Wire Trial,’' and brief notice* of acme of the works that have apixaired on Southern Prisons hy-Northerfl-Autliors, WITH AST APPENDS^ Containing the names of alwut 13.OU0 Union Soldiers who died at Audersonvilfe; giving number of their craves, their rank, the Coiu|w uies and Regiments to which they belonged, and the date of tlteir den li, ns registered by the author and others. Also, Cause and Classiticatiou of the Disease incident to Prison Life; Comparative Sfat • meats of Prisoners captured, an-1 deaths in Northern and Southern Prisons; A Chapter on the Exchange Bureau, etc., etc OOtfSrrXOSTS: This work is printed from new, clear type, in One Large Octavo Volume oj nearly 500 Pagea, WITH SEVEN PULI,-PAGE . ILLUSTRATIONS AND A MAP It will be delivered to subaerbera at the following prices: BeaatlMly BoaadlaEadUih(lath,...... $X<W “ tiling, 4 0*1 “ Half.('alr,... 500 {^Payment to be made on Ile- ci ipt of the Work. Persons giviiig tiieir signatures to these t-oaitir.ons, will be coiisiiiered subscribers to litis Work. But u > obligation will n - npo any kmIi- -i-riber t«» tvci-iw th- •«»!» -m t-ss it iHfiials, in every ; «*-(•• o. ..s-i-ripiion given and -.imple -■ • vn TURNBULL BROS., Publishers. 4. E. UlTUH, AGENT. ATHENS, GA. Atlanta Medical College, Ai LANTA, GA. The TweutWtii Annum Course of Leclnr.s will commence October 15th, 1877, and eloaa March 1st, 1878. Pacultt—J. O. Westmoreland, W. F. West moreland, W. A. Love, V. U. Taliaferro, John Thad. Johnson, A. W. Calhoun, J. 11. Logan; Demonstrator of Anatomy, C. W. Nutting. Send for Au. ouiioemsnt, giving full informa tion. • JNO. TH AD. JOHNS* N. an 7-‘m. T*. •. A LL persons having, dchiands ugiun.-t Wil liam P. Tatuimjgc,.. dtcccsseo., re lieiehr nmilied to present the same to me fur payii .-ot, withinthe t.uiu v escribed by lawi'tmd-theuu >i Ve.blcd to siud drceawri.ure .mjuiv-.ted .to make iiiiDietliatc hjclt. • KLlZADKlll A TALMArGr,’x. June 1 jJ—G w r • ■■'•vw.iw, AND WAGONS, OF THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF HODGSON BROS MARKED DOWN. PRICES GREATLY PEDTJCEB. f . / i f / if! 1 ; ONE ttSNBREB BOttAftS. The Celebrated Hodgson Wagon, Kn0,VI Wagons ever sold in this^ert^oum' the Countn-!’’ question the W \?hicles are respectfully invited to look thro- WiNhing auy sort o| *• • ' -rfgn our 9toclt. RspmmNG Job A SPECIALTY. Skilled and Finished Workmen in Every Department. Special attention will be given to- KEPA1K WORK, and the scale of prices in this bran -t have been reduced fully one-fourth. No BOTCIl uoik allowed in onr shop—all Firet-claes jul>3-8m WORK AND AT B01T0M PRICES. NEW SPRING GOODS. . - withstanding the hard times, THE UNDERSIGNED IS RECEIVING A PULI SUPPLY OF ALL KINDS OF Spring and Summer Goods OF VARIOUS STYLES, Bought at Panic Prices! He most eaniestlyjnvites his old customers and the pnhli& generally, And Espbcully Gash CHjstom£b% t TO CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GOODS AND PRICES Before purchasing elsewhere, aa he » confident he can phase, both with goods and prices Athens. Ga. apl7-8m S. C. DOBBS* PLANTERS’ HOTEL. \ " ' * AUGUSTA) GEORGIA. States Reduced to $3 per Day. HAVING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOT£L, I enU? upon iti» maoagemoDt by Reducing Rates, and asking of the Travel ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a contic j- ance of that liberal support they have always given it. jan28-5m FORM ELLY OF CHARLESTON, PROPRIETOR. o - , 111 > ■” 111 ill/: