The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 04, 1877, Image 3

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_ /'i pi 7 / n v ho*! n >y r u\T/ THE ATHENS GEOHGAIN: SEPTEMBER 4, 1877. MI! In n«r opinion, tho Athens Gear- jail prohal>iIity will meet with a rati* fiian is d ing an unwise tlnnsr in con- fication on the part of the people, (lemmncr m advance the constitution now being made. Is thp editor of the Georgian not influenced somewhat by prejudice?—LaGrange Reporter. Our brother of the Reporter cer tainly does us great injustice in the above paragraph, which we clip from his issue of the 23rd in«t. In the first place, we did not condemn the constitution, for not until this date did we know what this would be. We, of course, could not speak in commendation or condemnation of wlnt we had not seen or known. We have, however, been very frank and free to condemn that unjustifiable course of tho convention when it so far forgot its high duty as to con sume t*>e time of the body and waste the public money, in meddling with those things which alone belong to the legislative branch ot our govern ment, and especially in abusive, dem agogical and buncombe speeches. If our brother Waterman tailed to set his seal of condemnation on these tilings, he then failed of his high duty as a journalist. While we have not part of the peopl This result is made all the more prob able as regards the Constitution sub mitted as a whole, since the questions of “ Homestead’’ and “ Capital 5 ’ have been submitted as separate ordis nances. Now that the Convention has ended and its work has been submit ted to the adjudication of the people, and while much of the proceedings of the body brought both disappoint ment and dissatisfaction to the public mind, it now becomes the duty of every citizen ol Georgia to rise above these considerations and placing him- s If upon a just and impartial plat form, to examine well and wisely the proposed organic law, that in so doing he may be enabled to cast his vote in accordance with what he honestly conceives to be best for both the present and future interest of our Stale. University of ueorgia. The Seventy-seventh Annual Session of this Institution will begin on jhe 3rd of October. 1877. Scholarships in the State College ol •Vgrienltnre and Mechanic Arts are granted t«> as many students, residents of the State, os then; arc members ot the General Assembly. In addition, fitly beneficiaries are appointed in the Academic Department. Every brunch of u liberal and practical education is taught. Board $12 .V) a month. For catalogues and furthei particulars, address WM. H. WALDELL, Secretary of Faculty, aug21-4w. Athens, Ga. Arm;: The* With a Tomahawk.—The Ath ens 67<'r<jiau concludes a very bitter tirade against tne Constitutional Convention gentle men, as follows: ‘•i til, l eek less retreuehets, ruinous reformers, contentious Const tutiou makers, how far short disguised our dissatisfaction, :md wo } yyu [luv.- of ,!l ° '■xpoctations of the peo- might safely say, the dissatisfaction and disappointment of the whole peo ple as to these features of the con vention, we have distinctly staled that, we should reserve our final de cision upon the merits ami dc.ncrits <>f the Constitution until it was sub mitted as a whole, and advised such a course on thg part of our whole people. The editor of the Reporter pie. \\ do not believe that ihe people will indorse so harsh ail arraignment of their public-servants at Atlanta.—Te’nji\iph & Metnenye r. W ell we suppose there is no more competent judge in all the country than the Teleg/aph and.Messenger as to what the disposition of the people would likely Ire towards harsh journal istic arraignment ol their public serv ants, ior certainly since our connection with the “ fourth estate’’this journal asks, “ Is the editor ol the Georgian j has taken the lead in wholesale abuse not influenced somewhat by preju- j <>f this particular class. Now, brother dice: 5 ’ Now, this amounts to almost j Telegraph and J Tesssenger, wesub- a direct imputation of prejudicial con • mit, is it not in bad taste, to say the detonation, of unfair judgment. It • least of it, for yuo thus to take ns so icr alludes to the fact that ; severely to taw for simply exercising a our to wo ha \ ■■ the honor to belong to the i J••st retaliation towards that body, f° r !l!lv - much abu.-ed and retired legislature, j which in its abuse, its unkind, unqual- wo will slu e for bis information, that! died and “harsh arraignment 5 ’ of the while the General Assembly calling ■ legislature has only been excelled by the convention did not expect such your own journalistic self. Why, the Telegraph and Jfessenger lias become notorious throughout all the land as the great legislature abuser, often' unrest rained, unmeasured, uneompro- rtuising and wholesale abuse from the body it had called into existence, -•yet it was almost unanimously ad- neaping Us unsparing^ milted, expected and accepted byI and withering anathemas upon the the members of tho legislature that i body before ir, .vas fully organized or CHARLES P. STUBBS, (Successor to Groover, Stubbs & Co..) OOTTON FACTOR —AND- General Commission Merchant. AGENT FOR THE Quitman Factory Yarns, 1*4 KAY STREET, Savannah, Georgia. Bagging, Ties, Rope mid oilier supplies fur liished. Also, liberal cash advances made 01 consignments for sale or shipment to Liverpco or Norti.ern pors. Mr. A. A. N Inn, Cashier and Correspondent of ttie late firm of Groover, Stubbs «fc Co., lim an interest in he bus ness. ,uig21-ti. THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO!£*r3?.A.3Kr'Sr, 21T22EITS, GEORGIA. YOUNG L. O. HtvHRIS, Pi-eshdent i e STEVEN'S Til 0*1 IXi Srcrat «rj. hr..-- Assets, April 1. is;;, . . $;si.tit Flesidont Directors, •wit John H. Nkuion, I»k. IIenry Hull, Albin P., • Col. Kuiiert Tuomas hi 22-wly • iitMl L. N.-.WTON, Kkroinanp I’iiin 17. r “Tiff; It M. Smith, John W. Nicholson, Fun for the Boys and Girls- The Iligb Fly K : te, the Diamond Kilo, Skip ping Hop- , New Styles, Grace Hoops,’ Tops, Marbles, Croquet Sets. Base Bulls, &e., for sale cheap at BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. lllitjfco tf. > V . STOVES. The Hiuse-Keepers Favorites! THE BEST. THE MOST DURABLE! IKON KING V The Cheepest and Best! I oiler the a bon: STOVES to tho citizens of Northeast Georgia, besides Tinware, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc., etc. CaH and you will be satisfied. L !VK RY AMI SALE STABLE. CarrluKi-H, ItngglescV. hoi-ics Terms reasonable. E. M. WIUT EM- AD, Washington, Wilkes comity, Ga. iov2iM875-t' U.S. MAIL LINE. unmeasured The undersigned is uow’Tunni.-fg .-.VpTen.nj new Mail and Passenger’ Coach BETWEEN THE Georgia and Northeastern '.Railroad,, . ,, , , ... , , und would be pleased to Curry pnsse»gtrs,(u-iu> an inevitable result • >! ea.ltng the I burly unde^ way with its work. have such baggage us they cm handle thein- 1 I.: ...i „ : • ,, ,. ! selves) to and ,rnm the Depots ce l ult other l^t hull who t> innocent he the j point* pu their romc.. The eoiK-i. v..l callutAhe first to cast a Stone.” I ‘ l0tcls With ult out going mulls. No drumming ‘ | for passengers. Fare z5 eents. - me!i27-lin eonveiitiou wnmd t o to tl.o ptvsi-nt General Assembly. Titus, it will be seen that the time for the exercise of prejudice or selfishness Would have been while the question of trailing a convention was before lie legis a; utv. As for ourselves, and ve think we can salely sjieak for ev- irv member of the legislature who favored calling the eouv ntion, that when we voted for it, we confidently cxpeeled the assembling of the con vent ion to re ult in ending our term Telegraphic Sparks. J. S. WILLIFORD. Kx-Governor E. F. Noyes, the new Minister to France, has arrived !n Paris. The indications are that 10,000 Knights Templars will be in line to day, in Cleveland, Ohio. Jarius Ware, ex-Justice of the Su preme Court of Massnenusctts, and s 8 . u .|, Therefore, the action of the j ) lic author of several legal text books, .•oiivoiiiiou was neither unexpected 0 s dead. sui jiii.-ing. No,brother Waterman, | ^ ,e ^ay Hah at Oaklanu, Califbr- . t t i,i, result, we are neither disap- j h:ls been burned. All important Pointed or dissatisfied, but on the coil- j books and papers were saved, but iiidi- | the building is a total loss. Henry Williams, who killed two men in the country near Memphis, Friday last, and then forti- trarv, gratified, so far as we are virtually concerned. The only preju dice we have is towards the unmanly, colored iinstatesmanlikc, unwise, unjustifiable •„,d unparliamentary portion of the .m ention’s proceedings, which » j to surrender, was captured last night. < .indeitr ed by all intelligent, well- The Ohio Republican campaign .*; n kin.- and well-meaning people, I opened Saturday afternoon, at Athens, fied himself in his house and refused New Jewelry Establishnrent, Tlio Jewelry House of Childs & Moss, late L. Schcvencl! it Co., was ttiis day sold to Mr. Frank P. Tahnadge, he will remove ids stock from College Avenue and consolidate jd,whole into one nr the stand No. Broad. St.,.Athens, Ga. .U..-.T. ’ A. K. CHILDS, R. L. MUSS. ' To •fcla.s IPtablic- Retnrning onr thanks for recent favors from our patrons, Are - bespeak for our successor n A. K. CHILDS, K. L. MOSS. continuance of tho same ian9-tf. ap.-wsix. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, COLLEGE AVENUE, {NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, SIGN uus7-Sni J. C. WILKINS, Broad Street, OP Ttll. BIO COFFEB l’OT. Madison Govurby. M adison sheriff’s sale.—win be sold belore the Court House door, in ti e town oi DauieisviHe, on the first Tuesday in Septem ber, within the legal hours of sale, tlie following property, to-wit: one iract of laud in said county, on the wuters of South river, adjoining muds of Thompson Caritbers and others, eon Lining one hundred acres, more or less, levied on us the property of Charles Purora, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued lVom Hart Superior Court in favor of William McCurdy and others. Legal uotieo served on tenant iu possession 25th ..ay of July, 1877. J. W. KIRK, Sheriff. julv81-lm. Clarlse Co-cm.'ty. Q.EOKUIA, Madison County.— Present, the Houorablc E. H. Pottle, Judge Superior Court, N. C. John J Dove, "j Libel for Divoreo iu Madison, vs. V Superior Court, March Term, Nancy Dove, J 1877. It appearing to the Superior Court bv the return of the Sheriff that the defendant Sm. Dove does not reside in this county and i't further :ip]>caring that she does not reside in this suite, it is on motion, ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of tuis court, or that the ease be considered iu Icfuult and the plaintiff allovrod to pv> cee I. it is further ordered chat this notice be publish ed iu the Athens Georgian once anion h for four months before the next Term of Court. Done in onen C- urt. JOHN T. OSBORN, Attorney tor Petitioner. E. H. Pottle, Judge Superior Court N. C. 1 hereby certi^’ that the above is a correct extract from the minutes of the Superior Cotiri of Madison County at March Term, 1877. s. 0. O’KELLY, C.S. 0. march EO-nvim-. Clarice Cc-unty- G eorgia clarke county.-(kuna, i.Ts i rrcB, August 6th, 1877.— * nonius (Oon’u) tins applied ti-r c-xempiii.u of personalty and setting epuit and valuation of homestead. >md 1 wil< pass upon the si.ii'u io o’oioek, a. x on the 81st dav of August, 1877 »t in' offie . ASA M. JAtKsUA. nugli-2t. Ort'sunn*. (JEOUGIA CLARKE COUNTY. W hereas, Edward R. Hodgsi.n -ppties to me for letters ot administration on tl.e i.-mte of Lutayette Manpin, lute of said countv deeui-ed l!:ese are therefore to eiie ami idmtuiah ult coneermd to s!;ow o-ause at my ■ fflee o. or Be fore the first’Monday in October next, wl \ letters should nor be gn.nt'x!. Given under my timid at my offi-. ;],; s nth day of August. Is77. m.gl4-80d A * A M ’ JACKS ° N ’ ° rii " iir i - ri EORG1A CLARKE COUNTY. -( rmxa- vIby s Office, August 6tli. 1877.—lu.l* n if L uiipK'ii has applied :or exemption < fi.eiM.n- altv and seiPng apart aud va.nation ot iioine- st.-ad im 1 will pass upon the Mime „i m o clock, a. x. on thedili d.-v of Sei.ti nit. r 18~; at iny ottiee. A8A M. J At Km .X atlgl-l -t. Ordinary. STOTXOE. THE SOUTHERN SIDE; OR. AHDERSQMVILLE PRISON: C6mfKlnt - 4ViiiVE O^cImI Documents in t-lid Imnds of R. RANDOLPH STEVENSON. M. 0, Form.-liv t-’.iitf'i-on iii ii.. .\nr.y-»f tile Cou- fcdersit.- Mates Am >' : Chief Surge->n of the I V...federate States 1 i .-.-.i iiospitids. At.dcr- sonvilie, Georgia; Surgeon and Medical Pur veyor of the Confederate States Prisons East of the Mississippi river. Together with a review a in.-i ti.rn of the testimony of the witnesses iu the celebrated “Wins Trial.*’ and brief notices of some of the works that have appeared on Southern Prisons bv Northern Authors, SfSf» wrrs-i ait aj?2'-e2T3d:e£, Containing tho names of about 13.000 Union Soldiers who died at. Anderson vine; giving number of their graves, their rank, lh,e Com| n- nies and Regiment* to which they belonged, and the date iff their den h, as registered by the author and others. Also, Cause and Classification of the Diseases incident'to Prison Lite; Comparative St: t - ments of Prisoners captured, an 1 deaths in Northern and Southern Prisons; A Chapter on the Exchange Bureau, etc., etc COITTCTIOTvTS = On liand, Uppers for making Low Quarteis Congress, Alex'is-Ties, and Prince Alberts. Re puiriug promptly executed. Scad ten dollar*, ior mail or express and you shall receive a first Inss pair of boo’s. juiie 30 1875-35-tf. KTOTIQB. in l whi h shoulil iiurt unmeasured I J l, d.4° 'Vest and Stanley Matthews e ,mien.nation at the bands of every "peaking. Mr. Matthews discussed j. 'irnalist who seeks to serve the Hayes’ title to. bis t.ffice, hi- Southern public good. Tin* Constitutional Convention fin- Iv j c | ; ls work and adjourned tine die y on S:itnrday last at 11 o’clock A. m. TIh; Atlanta Constitution publishes the instrument in lull, but as yet we have not been able to give to it that thought and study which we desire an d intend and which is necessary Before bringing into question the merits or demerit- of this the Consti tution of 1»77. We will, eo soon as possible, furnish to the readers of the Georgian tho “New Constitution ” in lull that they may r °ad it, il and thus delibcra.ely and advisedly make up their judgments as to its re jection or ratification. So far as we have been able to ex amine the document, we find that it has been so shorn of many of its ob jectionable features, its unwise ex- orestnees as to maku it a much more pr<*eotatfsi inurnment f finst apprehended, and one ttrhlch in policy and c vil service reform The New York Evening Post snys it is reported that the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad have negotiated a loan in Lnmlou of sufficient amount to fund their floating debt and leave a surplus. Whether the report is true, is not yet known. At a mass meeting of workingmen held in New York yesterday, roolu- tions were adopted sympathizing wilh the late strikers. The meeting was held under the auspices of furniture makers, who are agitating the ques tion of increased wages to the extent of 25 per eent. Their preseut rate ot wages is from #6 to $12 per week. The Merchants’ Exchange Bauk of San Francisco announces that it will go into liquidation immediately. The liquidation was caused by a plethora of idle capital, stagnation, in mercan tile and stook circles, and decreased business under ruinous circumstances. Hie bank is conndc^t perfectly sol. vent, and wilt pay every doliar. t ITER THIS DATE, COUNTY ADVER x\. tisements which have heretofore been pub lished in this paper, will hereafter be published ' ' ~ ~ H ' in the Sun, a Gazette published in Hurt county, Gu. F. C.STEPHENSON, Ordinary, aug i-9.t t. ilart county. Ga Miss C. Potts, Fashionable Dessmaker, (Over Untvorsity Bank.) Sroad Street, dS.'bb.ezas, Ga. Would respectfully inform the Ladies and Ler triends generally, of Athens and vicinity, that she is now prepared to do Dressmaking in the Neatest and most fashionable styles. With her experience in the business, she feels sure ot giving satisfaction. may 14, 1875—28-tf. The Kexmesaw Gazette, A Monthly Paper, Published at ATLANTA, <3- Devoted to-Railroad interests, Literature Wit and Humor. Fifty cents a year. Chrome to every subscriber. Address ‘KENNK8AW GAZETTE, mcbS7-tt i . Atlanta, Ga. T—" 1 *»TT MEDICAL NOTICE. At the solicitation of many of zay former pot rons, I resume .the Practice of Medicine ClwskDhesass w flti^tsi WH. M. D. ttice 14. 2975—83-ly This work is - printed from new; clear type, iu One Large Octavo Volume .nearly 500 Pages, oj WITH SEVEN FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS AND A MAP It will be delivered to subserbers at the following prices; Reantifully lion ml ttJ Cloth,... , •*. ■/ Sh.-i-ii, “ 4 * ^ r Half-Calf, $3 00 400 5 00 Payment to be made c n Re ceipt of the IFofAr. Persons giving their signatures to these conditions, will lie considered subscribers-to- Allis -Work. But no obligation will -rest upon any sub scriber to receive the hook unless it equals, in every lospcct, description given and sample shown. TURNBULL BROS., Publishers. J. E. R1TUH, AGENT. ATHENS, GA. Atlanta Medical College, ATLANTA, GA. The Twentieth Annual Course of Lectures will commence October 15th, 1877, and dose March 1st, 1878.—J. G. Westmoreland, W. F. West moreland, W. A- Love, V. H. Taliaferro, John Thad. Johnson, A. W. Calhoun, J. H. Logan; Damonatuator of 1 Send for Announcement, giving fall infer tkm. JNO. THAD. JOHNSON, ang7-lm. Dean. June J8—«w A TALMADGE, Admtr’x. , A If person* hnviu,' demands against ttie es- i tate of John Kirkpatrick, deceased, are hereby notified to present the same to me in due form for payment within the time prescribed bv law, ind those indebted to' said deceased, are re quired to make immediate pavnicnt. ' REDDEN T. PlTfARD. jutyO-SOd. Administrator. Notice- Aii persons having demands against Mrs. Lucy Y. Denpren, (late of Clarke county.) de ceased, are hereby notified to present the same or payment to either of the undesigned within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said deceased arc requestoJ to make imme diate payment. * . August 18th, 1877. -JOHN A. HUNNICUTT, Ip . THEODOREE. ATKINSON, f K sept4-Sw. A DMiX.STR ATOK’S SALE-Pursuant to 71 an order ot the Court of Ortlim.n- ,.f Ciar r voiiuty, will be sold bt-lhro the Conn Hi.u-e door ol said county, on the first Ttn-smn ii f'.-ptetuber next, during the loiml |i«,„ r v of s„te t;,e f.l property, to-wit: o llt . j,., lll ‘j ri J 1 ’went.' six shar.-s of the slock of the Pi,., lrtjwr Mill Compmiv y one lor ot* fun,j e.ty ot Athens and .-aid conntvj •inutaining id>. : ur t„ree quarters of an aetv.* mon-,“ ic-L me.luting the hiaek-rnitli *!i„„, ,.(>..1 wiKid shop, and all the tinprovemet.t.s t en--ii , xccpt the b.ri , being the iilaeaMnitii slu.i, tot latelv oeeupied by Wm. Talimwge,. « cLrd . Also,-at tile same tinie aud place, v.-'ll !> '>„* one red, no l, W! u.,| cow. Al-d, th-> fr tool* dceca-ed us-d ^'ti V Also ad the ready made work ' utul'ilfk hi... i, consist,,ot axes, grubbing hoes U, links, steel and iron, und all : be cm.ic.i j;' *a;d shop. All to he s„l,I ns ,|.c properP “f said deceased, lor ttie benefit of j./s u . (1 creditors. . Perms cash. 7 T u, a ELIZABETH .\. TALMADGE augV.30d-pr-.-at,,. . ^»u,»trutrix.. / jKORGIA-rLALKE CoUNTY-Wh reus, V 1 ! ? tr< 'Cstnss applies to me for Lcrtcrr ot Adimmstrat,ou, witj, the wid annexed cn tec estate ot John E. Str.ckfuss, flute of sa d county,) deceased — ’ ■ 01 Ka a These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish nil concerned, to show can*,, it ) belore the first Monday in feeptnnber i-exT why said Leturs should not be granted ’ Given under my hand, ,,t offle-? this n*h d.v, i»4&' MW*™*,* 1 Un.ii iiar v. of Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest! Etcmentury Spelling Books, il 20 per dozen ; Thomas’ Black Ink, in 2 ounce eases, 60 cents per dozen ; Flagg and Moore’s Ink, in 2 ounce eases, 40 cents per dozer. Paper, Steel Pens, Pencils &e., as cheap us they can be bought, elsewhere. Give tne a trial. feblS-tf. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller. ^ l wm K n m ’>«TGAGK .-HER'lFF’S SALF. ■ ‘G ' ,0 ! * ,, ld before the Ceurt-Ho-*- d, <,r ««•». ?n the find Tn-ldsv “te “ lne entire Mock of jewelrv, si; Vl r ware j.lutcd Ware, hardware, fancy goods, pwelei’a lOuls and fixtures CASS FOR wool., -OR- ... ^ s-i CLOTH FOR WOOL. The Athens Manufacturing Company arc now making-a nuiuii huger variety of Woolen Goods than ever before, and propose to Exchange them for Wool, b-.-tievi. to be more t-" 1 : . .o ii.u-rest of tin- Planter to Exchange the Woo! for Cloth, rather than 1 mvc it Carded and Spun at home. Call for Samples and Terms ot Exchange. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent, may 19. 1875-29-tf mol* and fixtures, .show ^e?;^7nd.n other properly belonging to and conn cted Mth the jewelry store and lnisinc.-, ot Fra, k i .Iniumiite at a,,. 3, , rout street, Atl,ei,s Gr ibis st< ek embraces: fine gold watcl es ai d chams, silver watches, all kinds and stiles .f I Indus and gentlemen’s iewelrV ' .-nit ll ! fwfici)?, s^vcrmici pint d ikhui-’ itJ'i" 4 - U,bW ' service* of* It ! h." t r - k o ,,,VC - and accor.- I r 1 "' 1 ,’ tJocks, card stands, toilet standr I cake baskets, but stands, vases,gaitara bn io-’ vm ms, harmonieon-, and a large nmnherxf ! u n;emid- ^’^ " ,ul thwy artMc * ‘ '>tt-dioi b ! , '*•’ sr,! usually Iccpt in a large I b ,, . rf 7;' ‘’^“hlishment in a eit v. 'id « T A V C 7 ! - v r T° niI1 - =">•! the goods ihw -nui latest -fv. and of the I -t unlity. I>n ' K -** i! mortgage ii. fa. issued from Clarke SutHri.^ (C X!: ^ Tr ! p' H'.Vln'uiV'"*’. 1 I " Mobs - v cr.-:uss«id Frank i 7°t to . *ai<l fi. fa. Pronirtv Important io Cotton Planters, * as I'- mfc-. ’ L A ‘ DOWNING,Sheriff.-i \Tc -j\^\-ja ,<tn hand n large lot of firet-elnss fjot.vm Gin.«, made tin ju the best style end of good ihafered,' whieli we will sell at tlu, lowest market-prices. All planters wishing buy a cheap and good Gin, will find it to their interest, to correspond with its, as we mean business to suit tlie times. We lmvc over twenty years' experience in the Manufactory of Gins. ’ Write for prices, terms, etc., and we feel cer tain we can satisfy you. By orJering direct from us and giving satis factory reference, you can thereby save your selves Agent’s Commission. 4. L\ A II. T. IIAUM.M K, julv-2t-lm. fr.-infonlTtlle. <ht. / H-ALKE riHsRIFF SALE.—Will be sold t ilon.-e door, in thet-itv of ftll.t..., < hirke eoiu.ty, e.:t., on the first Tues- 1 d»\ in heptember noxr, within tlie legal hours A - , '-.-mo me :egai no , ot -ale, the following property, to-wit: twelve horse-power portaLh, steam engine, n m possession of R. Nickerson, Agent oft ow the. AM-en- Foundry. All levied nmm bvvh-tGe of !}, “• ,a * , £ ( ! ni 1 i'anklin Superior Court, Octobc lerin, lo<o. Janies Wilson, plaintirf, v«. J. J ( i nlntw aid t II . . I l V * ... 7 . J. , , i v»ii, IlitlHIl 111, >n, J , e i- en ^?- t *. A " 801,1 to satisfy the above stated ft. la., tins August4th, 1877. a„ 8 7S»,. j . *• M:oA-MXG, SlaHff. $50 Reward. Will be paid tor tho apprehension and dcliv cry to tlie Sheriff of Madison county of Jim Long, colored, who knocked down the jail- r and escaped from jail on tlie night of the 4th instant. Said Long is about -30 or 35 years of age, sis feet one or two inches high, weighs about 200 pounds, complexion black, walks rather stooped shouldered, very large white eyes, and titll lYont teeth. Is'charged with assault with intent to murder; is a notorious bad character. Look out for him, und stop the scoundrel. JAMES W. KIRK, julylO-lm. Shcrift". i 1LARKE SHERIFF SALE—Will he sold beiotorc the Court-House c’oor, in the city ot Athens, Clurke county, Ga., on tlie firs't iuesday in September next, within ti e legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One house and lot whereon Capt. A'S. Erwin now lives,, fronting north on Hill street, east find sou ill by the vacant HuxtiT 1< t, and west by Street intervening this and G»v. Cobb’s lot. Levied n. on by virtue of a Justices’ Court fi. t.,, from the 216th Dist. G. M. R. M. Smith & Co., vs. Joseph \V. Murrell. All to satisfy the above stated li. fa. Lew made and returned to me by W. A; England, Lawlul Con stable, and legal notice given to tenant in pos session, this August 4th, 1S77. J. A. CROWNING, Sheriff. augl -30d. King Hlxchangre Saloon, COLLEGE AVENUE. The best Cincinnati! Loger Beer, Cigars and all kinds of Liquors sold cheap FOR CASH. deeltMy. ARTHTTR SVA2TS, Practical Watchmaker. C i EORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY —Whereas, I Stepney Jones, (colored,) administrator o ; John Jones, (colored,) deceased, petitions, in , terms of tho law, to be discharged from said 1 administration— j These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause at mv : office, on or before tlie first Monday in Novem ber next, against the granting ot said di-chnrge. Given under my hand, a» office, this 19th dav of July. 1877. ASA M. JACKS* >.\, ' july24-3m. Ordinary. H AS removed to his old stand at tlie Ac if Drug Store, where he will be glad to see his customers, old aud new, who wish fine work dono on Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry All work warranted. teb20-iiiii ARTHUR EVANS. SPRING AND SUMMER Milliaoery Goods. Mrs. T. A. Adams would most respectfully inform the Ladies of Athens and of counties ad jacent, that she has now received and opened a most choice and select assortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, comprising in port tho latest styles and fhshions of ' ,. Rat*, Bonnets, Ribbons Laces Flowers Btores, which she win sell at reasonaote price*. Give hsracaU before pnrdbaalng ijMpfimt Order* from a distance carefully filled. Store located on Broad street, one door above National Bank. Tapril 2HII “*** Wanted. Employment either as a wet or dry none. EiM*i*S*W* ^JUldrees Bfrs. J. A. BOBHEMANN. •^91-St. Winterville, Ga. ( 1 EORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY.-Whereas, T Richard D. Winn and Y'oung K. Mitchell applies to me for Letters of Administration, de bonis non, witli ihc will annexed, on the estate of Thomns Mitchell, (late of said couulv;) de ceased— , -rq-T. These are, therefore, to eite and admonish oil concerned, to show cause, at mv office, on or before the first Monday in September next, whv said Letters should not be. granted.. Given under m3 hund, at office, this llth day of Jillv, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, ini'17 Sod. Ordinnr . f 1 LvMnA, LLlYi^KS t ObATj .—Whcre.S VTtbe estate of batfa Wilkerson, late of said county, deceased, i» unrepresented and uot likee ly to be represented, these are therefore to cit- aud adino ish all concerned to s! ow cause ut . my office on or be,ore tbe first Monday in Au gust next, why the administration of said estate should not be vested irathe Clerk of the Superi or qpnrt of said county or anch.otl,er person or persons that I may deeps proper and. fit, under • the statute in such cases made «nd provided. i Given under my hand at office this 25th das of June, 1M7. . ao . ; . . ASA M.JACKSON, itme2R-4w v , ,>rd;r.»n .mu4* .utS .*> -t • -K« I <4- fc. Rooties. „b, 1 vwunii ana Havipr procured the bcst,o^white m, -banks ha hope* to eecure the public patronage RJ.^jOHSON, j r