The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 04, 1877, Image 7

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN; bjytl - X 3 if TA IH I SEPTEMBER 4, 1877 HAYES’ HOUSEHOLD. ; . j - < 1.1 ■ l *Y TKAJI OK IIOItSKS...PRESIDENT CiRAM'S OLD SERVANTS DISOL'STKD. [Inter-Ocean.] Washington, August 15.—The President*!! household row consists of Mrs. Ilayes, Miss Platt (a niece who ias for a long time made her home viih them), Messrs. Webb, Buiihaid, ;md Rutherford Hayes (yourtjjMp'-o iron 18 to *24 in age), and two lit'lc children—Fannie, aged 10, and Scott, 7. Almost any morning you can sdu. a carriage load of the President’s family driving about town. Some* times the ladies are shopping; some times they are making calls; some* times they go to the Cumjiessional Library to get books to read during tlm long summer days at the Sol ders’ Home. Mrs. Hayes generally dresses in black, quite plainly for this city of elaborate costumes, and she often carries a large palm leaf in her hand. Her carriage is quite handsome, but the horses is decidedly shabby. Nothing is quite so distinctive a mark ot social position ns the turn-out one goes about in, and President H: •yes’ horses are criticised than they otherwise would have been had not President Grant been so fastidious in the choice of ids equip* ages. No person ever had in Washington a handsomer turnout than General Grant used to drive, ne had a pair of horses which went before bis car nage that could not be surpassed in this or any other country. They cost 83,000, and wore selected by their owner himself, who has as good * ire a melancholy expression on his countenance, to Which, in degree of blackness, a coal isn’t a circumstance. He holds the lines carelessly in one hand, and he doesn’t sit up so erect and dignified as he used to, but sprawls aU o'vcrjrthivjsdat like a back driver. His coat is ball unbuttoned, his boots are tmpolislicd, andhe dontt seem to care whether he wears his": | gloves pi* lint. And it’s ajl on ac count of those horses*!?ogers bought. If Albert hadn’t a large family of pjcaiiiniiics dependent: ou him for support,* ho wonld’t drive that team for love or money; but necessity knows no choice, and lie is holding on iu hopes the team may die and be n placi d with a better one. Albert is seriously suspected of a conspiracy to lame those horses so that they will have to be gotten rid of Jerry, who was Mrs. Grant’s foot man, is about the handsomest d.'.rkey that ever rolled his eyes. A mag nificent figure, over six feet tall, and broad in proportion, but lithe and active; a finely shaped head, well poised ; a moustache and impe rial that a prince would be proud of, and finely cut features; face as blaek more as midnight. But it is not Jerry’s manly beauty alone that makes him eminent as a foot man, but his general accomplishments and perfect mans ners. When there is business in hand, people of importance to usher in or escort out, Jerry blooms in all grandeur of his magnificence. When there is a delegation of citizens and cili/.enesses from the country, who are su.-peeted of having loose change concealed about their persons, inspect- GRAND SPRING OPENING OF Charlie Stern’s CLOTHING EMPORIUM! ! . Kll .K> l< I wouTd call the attention of my patrons anil the public treneraliy to uiy flue stiick of Clothing For Men Youths’ and Boys’. Consisting of French Diagonals, Worsteds, Cheviots, Cloths, Melton’s Scotch and Nnvy Blue Flannel Suits, all of the "Finest Material and the most fashionable atvies. Also, a first- class stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in all branches complete. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Umbrellas in Silk Alpaca and Ssotch Gingham, Trunks, etc., to width 1 invite the inspection of the public, guaranteeing my prices to compete with any house in the State. Aitgusta or Atlanta Prices Duplicated. OUR SPECIALTY — Unlanndcrcd Shirts, made complete, Hue Linen Bosom and Cuffs for $1. A call is all we ask to convince one imdall. diaries Stem, Popular Clothing Emporium, Broal street, Athens, Ga. Next door to Long & Billups Drug Store. np3-lv ,, .• „ .. . . „ .,-h ln 8 D*° W1um>. Uopse, Jerry rises an eye lor the fine points of au am- - • ,, , , . , r ... with the occasion, aud Lord Chester- mal as any jockey that ever bandied a whip. When he left the White House, President Grant sent them as a present to George W. Childs, A. M., of Philadelphia, and they are now pointed out as the finest team in Pennsylvania. But President Hayes has intro duced into their stalls pair of horses that look as if they came from a country livery stable, as they did. Mr. Rogers, the President’s private sccretrry, paid $300 for them in Alexandria. Now, Mr. Rogers is an excellent man ; he studied theology, and he has studied Jaw; he knows about all that need bhiknown pf phil- osopliy and art; lie 'can see Tne ftnfe* points in a legal argument or a doc«« trinal sermon, and can write a letter as politely as a letter can be written, but lie has one important weakness, and that is his ignorance of horse flesh, lio ought never to have been trusted to buy a team, 'l he horses are ill matched and clumsy. They trot each on his own hook without * regard to the other. They . have | both been accustomed to be hitched on the nigh side, and £very horseman knows that to hiteh trvo nfgli ftoiTes together will spoil a team One of them is a dark-mottled chestnut, with a white foot; thc.otber is a bright bay, with a whit6 nose. Any or.o can see in a moment that those two horses ought never to be . harnessed together 'any more than a blue bonnet 'ought to be worn with a gieen dress. Besides, they arc lazy. President Grant’s old-choachman and footman, whose faces arc as well known in Washington as Presi dent Grant’s own, are retaWd at tfie White House, but neither of them take a real active interest in their business any more. Albert, the coachman, drives alone, but be looks like a widower, and 'aiptaj^ff fjt^was thinking of killing himself. And it would not be a surprise to persons who know the facts if both Jerry and Albert were found some morning with their throats cut and razors in their hands. Before the 4th of March, as they rode on the box of President Grant’s carriage, with their long blue coats and silver buttons as large your hand, their stovepipe hats and white gloves, they looked the pgpqgyCIgen the sun shone on. But since this civ* il service reform in the carriage lino was introduced, they hare found bill that this world is a hollow mockery their work and pi and filled with saAvdust. :A you see Albert driving, a$d> you i TUTPSPILLS A Noted Divine says They are worth their weight in gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS: Dk. Tutt:—Dear Sir: For ten years I have Fcen a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Filer. I-art spring your pills were recommended' to me; I used them (but with little faith). I am now a w..!l man. have good appetite, digestion perfect, regular s-ools, piles gone, and I have pained forty pounds solid flesh. They are worth their weight in gold. Rev. R. C. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. Dr. Tutt has been en gaged in the practice of medicine thirty years, and for a long time was demonstra tor of anatomy In the Medical College of Georgia, hence, per- ror.s using his Pills run ii nun JOB WORK. il t U it: '/!,!• nJiit IN PRICES. mm PILLS CURE SICK HXAD- ACHE. TUTPSPILLS CtraX DYSPEPSIA. field would blush al his own boprish- ness. On reception days at the White House for the last eight years, in swallow-tail and white kid, gloves, Jerry assisted Mrs. Grant, and was the most (listbufue feature of the en tertainment. He knew the face and name of every person worth know* iug, and had penetration enough to see that it pleased the average mem ber of Congress to hear his name spoken by kb eloquent an usher as he entered the White House door. “ Ah ! a colored member of Con* gress*' strangupi j^^S^Ytliey 1>U yMpBHIUpw i ° distinguished p«fyle ; “ a fine look ing mau, isn’t lie ? and lie seems to know everybody, too.’’ To «co Jerjy usher .a ‘party of la dies front the White House vestibule to their carriage is worth a long journey • and it was better than looking at a king to see him on the box of President Grant’s carriage, with bis arms folded, bis eyes straight I before him, as calm as Buddha, and i as motionless. I ICJbtjL this is a. pleasure of , the past. I Jerry is dying of a-brokendiWrt.' He j ia still retained at the While House, j but is compelled to perform menial I labor, and goes around with a long checked apron tied about him, rub- bing Tip the door knobs and* mantel ornaments with a piece of chamois skin Humiliated, depressed, broken iu spirit, he is drooping like a wilted l 'c"*’ r lilli. Q.UH BURPEE & BRO., Carriage, Buggy and TOTS PILLS CUBS CONSTIPATION TUTPSPILLS CURS PILES. TUTPSPILLS TOTS PILLS CUSS BILIOUS COLIC TUTPSPILLS CURE TORPID LIVER %«-• j vtvuuttv pnrc.:..c\ and'are tree from all quackery. He has succeeded la combining in them tire heretofore antag onistic qualities of a strengthening, fttrga- lived turifyiugtcnic Their first apparent effect is to increase the appetite by cauringthe food toproperly assim ilate, thus the system is nourished, and by their t -rile action on the digestive organs, regular* healthy cv- icuulioorare produced The rapidity with which persons take an fletk, while ni-dcr the inflow** of these pill*, cl itrclf ir dicutes tlieir adapt ability to nourish the body, an 1 lienee their clfieafy ’ n curing TuminfeS clcs, sluggishness of the liver, chtonic con. uipntion, ar.J impart ing health and strength to the system. Sols cv- «rywhere. Office,3; Mu Tay Strcc*. New York. TRIUMPH OF SCIENCE- Gray Hair can be changed to e glossy black by a single application of Dr.Tvrr'aHatrDyc. It acts like magic, and is warranted as harmless as water. Price |ixo. Office 3j Murray St., N. Y A. K. CHILDS. It. NICKERSON*. Y. H. WYNN CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO., wholesale; and retail dealers in /><f* - At i'4 ' >3 HOUS'K MXD ;'mule shoes, :.(/ !/. >j HORSE- SHOE NAILS, ■ *- > •; ' —•» -• *r *i«i:' >*dn8 Agricultural Implements, Leads, Oils, Glass and Varnish, Harness Leather, > *, :o J.-«t -.1 • Read t±Le Answer It is a plant that grows Jn the Southland is specially adapted U> the cure of diseases of that climate. It is L NATURE’S OWN REMEDY, „ Rnteriug at once into the blood, cxpelung'all scrofulous, syphilitic, and rheumatic affections. Alone, it is a searching alterative, bnt when combined with Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and other herbs, it forms DR. TOTS SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT, The most powerful blood purifier known to med ical science for the cure of old ulcers, diseased joints, foul discharges from the ears and nostrils, abscesses, skin diseases, dropsy, kidney com plaint, evil effects of secret practices, disordered kverand spleen. Its use strengthens the nervous system imparts a fair complexion, and builds up tne body wtih .1 “ il ■ ■ t- HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH, -r . As an antidote to syphilitic poison it is strong ly recommended. Hundreds of cases of the worst type have been radically cured by it. Being purely vegetable, Its continued use will do no harm. The best time to take it is during the summen*tid fall; and instead of debility, head ache. fever and ague, you will enjoy robust —- ---- .jfiaee, (t.oo. health. Sold by all __ Office, 33 Murray Street, Having Secured the Services of -A- OTRST-CLASS JOB PRINTER, We are enabled to turn out as good work as car be done IN THE STATE. We call the attention of all our citi* ■ ;*:!,] art Ifcii -U «-M . zeus to the following .* I J i-Sii l!l il Price List: Bill Heads, per Thousand, Assorted, $5. ; <%.(.*> Hit. » **fv» *»wl* Camary Colored Envelops, Furnished to Merchants and **' , i0 . 9 t m i 'fix •/ »..:■«:> VL kittW *-M Business Men, with their lvl j ri>.dn * m mti cards printed ou them, ' ..It .... , ■ U lliw i if - At $3 PER THOUSAND. t-%. ,; 4 . \\in l ill’/" iliLX LETTER HEADS, > •/lit v 1 ftHTUK'4 $4 50 to Per 'Thousand. ... . ■ vl-.i.-a i -f-mtO: • ' OaRDS, Common 75cper Hundred, Cotton, Manilla & Jute Rope, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE,! HUBS, SPOKES, BUGGY WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, VICES BELLOWS, HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., Manufacturer’s Agents for the sale of ° ! > : I Fairbank’s Standard Scales. * (WINSHIP AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED ■ - ,7 MI ill*-" Cotton Gins, Cider Mills, Syrup Mills and Evaporators, Watt Plows Farmers' Friend Plows, Pumps, Circular Saws, etc. fcSTAny article iu our line not ih stock, will be ordered wlienS desired, withVthe lea* possible delay. . : . . declftlv Call and Examine Our Stock and Prices. STOVES ! STOVES! STOVES! -* I am now offering for sale at] ’ LcJwI>iloes, The following celebrated .Cook Stoves, all of which are warranted equal to any offered in ,,r. ; this market. IRON KING, m! GATE CITY, BIST/ CRICKET, PALMETTO. Call arid see before purchasing. J. C. WILKINS. sfl w™ ft bA&M* Gann & Reaves’ stable, ATHENS, GA-, Are prepared to do all kinds of work in their .Um at abort notice, ia the most SUPERIOR STYLE, and at os RATES Wanted. i i - ■ ■ 1 TO RENT or bny a small cottage home, con *onient to the bu-mess portion ofthe city. Ar. unimproved lor, if desirably, looued, might be sold. Aprlv a* Georrian office ’ aa the same class of work can be done. They are prepared to put up Carriages, Bng* fries and Wagons in ANY STYLE, and invite WM hairing new work .put up, to call before ita imperfections are oovered with paint, and -- j.jjj, are of Ute VERY REPAIRING AND PAINTING A SPECIALTY. All work done in this line wwwu^b^give satisfaction, both as to stylo Harness Making and Repairing. J They are alio prepared to make or repair Harness. Having secured the services of a jnlySl-Sm. XiCdriwsth.or <& fsw, BLACKSMITH’S TWO SHOPS FOB 1877. One at the old stand in front ot Messrs. GANN & REAVES, The other on the road to the upper bridge and opposite » Mr. JOHN Z. COOPER’S, Livery Stable. "We have first class workmen vjBBOSISE SBO^TG , of every description, Plating and Concavb Siiobs | m,< Altnufaatured to oirier: !'* - Atwii A -AND— u/. itu.'tJ i rijiwo'l / $4 50 to $5 per Thousand. i i* h * . •< • tun yiftt/cJ Fancy Work Proportionately Higher. •i r VISITHTG CAEDS, ■*!»»> MjrJwtq BL\NK8, NOTES, ‘ v-L iu Handbills, Pamphlets, etc., Printed in any color desired, and. as •t qtq ; 1 cheap as can be done in the State. ' ,.i , laii'Jid A Mi* ■ prVEFS YOUR - - WAGONS, BUGGIES' CARRIAGES A,M * S et WQrk, find I fcr. . -k-v.;-. .1 . to ' .And all kind pleat' jan»-tf. wpg Mael^. # p d d ou snort notice. "TOB~'WORK‘ 'GEOnCHAN n***^ o ecriplioii doue at this ofiitv -bUdMa-oGt A thens. Gn. SAVE MONEY, k-». 'X L’taai*wnr.'tov un‘; rqr;w>t Qine institution. *''■ • fiMtaanW * % oet, A tliens, Ga. to Call. Broad Street.- Over Burke’s Book Store. " " rrnrr- Foundry and Machine Works. ATHEBSTS, gAJ Pattern IJVERY, FfED HO Jf HjIBLE, ^.•fclaeru3, Georgia. <_ |GANN & REAVES, PROPRIETORS. Will be fonnd nt their old stand, rear Frank lin Hofise building, Thomas .street. Keep al ways on hand good Turnouts and careful dri vers. Stock well cared for when entrusted to onr care. Stock op band for sale at all times. dctflStf. : '' -r>j""" RGeneral Founders and Mhchinists, Making, Smithing and Repairing, Mining and Mill Machinery, Manufacturers of Circular Saw Mills, Steam Engines. IIora6«tPowers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Burk Mills, Cane Mills, Gin Gearing, Cotton Presses, etc., etc. : f- - Agent for Cook’s Celebrated Evaporating Pans, Cardwell’s Separators, Turbine ‘Witter Wheels and Agricultural Engines. Prices sent ripon application to .>->.* -m* i ‘ B. MCKEUSOX, Agent. , june2C-2m. ;* i - at t, ‘y* ; A second-hand Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine; has been bnt little used and is in per fect order. Far sale cheap for cash. Apply at acg29-tf- THI8 OFFICE 1877. Boots . rioiiu,.. 1877. and Sno^ft TO ORDER. a ’ XT. W. Saudrup, Artist. ' 1 Has removed his shop to the McDowell Boild- ing, on College Avenuo. Prices liberal and rat-class work guarantceo. jM. If, 1875—M-ti : • ! RL.VCK.SM1T1ILVG.. Having rented the Blacksmith Shop so long / occupied by the late William P. Taluiadgc and employed competent workmen from the North, V I am prepared to do any and all work in thejg SlacksraitliSXLiiaae. < at the shortest notice and at the lowest prices ctili any shop in the city. I have a , ,u..».itinal;/- --ic Shrillod. 23rigo--fcool ZyCakssr and make spceialtg of Axes, Jiill Pkdcs^ Mat tocks, Picks, Garden Hoes and tools of all dee- • cription and of the finest temper.- ' . ‘1 wagons and BiJaGiES • > :i ■ - a-,.- ’ * ' t.i n fi Ironed and Repaired, Tiro Shrunk," tl E{c. Plows of *11 kinds made and repaired iiliir ,<Ui I-j&'U irtu. First Class Horae-Shoeingr ^ done by a northern shoer, Trotting Plates, Concave Shoeing Etc., in a manner unsurp 1 by any. All new work warranted and sati tion guaranteed. Gr ~0I1N march20-ly. *t ! **it' <’ - -ml—ro.-* ?* iii.... ’. .■ a- Millinery & Fancy Goods MISS O. JAMF13 Has just received direct from New York * chaste and beautiful assortment of • ’ ‘ 3E»^VTTB3Itigr HATS, ii which.wiU be opened for the inspeotioabf hn ^ " friends and patrons Os Wednesday sad TharsdSy; April 11th and 12th Also a choice atock of att the Noveliies of the season, consisting of Neck Tics, Lace,Bib! Ruchings, Sick Combe, Rowers; Ribbons, Or the best all silk materioLused in trimmiif/ 1 A88ETT. .. nt 1 THE MARBLE ORGRiNITE Cut to any desii witn aide Ttibmha; Marble ^or the Magbts i jnp<tfi.tfc «r tll.'.lt _)4> JllW (few'fotl . LEGAL BLANSem+* 'catty Drinted and for sale at this offi c | oi &at&t ine fi?' S%V*" P.igi&I HlJi ss .in Profr Glenn’s'family, ^ Martin lnsfflJlu^wfir*nol“ i August ang21-