The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 04, 1877, Image 8

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: SEPTEMBRE 4, 1877. GE Hates of Local Advertising A Job Work Local Notice* 15 cent* per line, 10 cent* for «aqh nlditional publication, no display allowed in tbo local column* of this paper. Marriage ami death notioea aw • published fr <)bitu*rie?u^ lor at the rate* of ten cents per line. ... Anusanoemcntsof candidates and cou.'° u, i . cation* favoring individual candidate*, must be paid for in advance. ‘ ... ■ Advertisement* not marked for any specified } time, will lie charged for until ordered out. Al) Mi wOrk iniMt b* paid for sy° n delivery. Mention tlekct*. wall upon delivery.' l-*vva Relating toNew*p*per.3ub*orlP' tionv «nq Arrearage*. bfccmos or TH*u K rran*TAT«, Wxonr. 1. Subscribers who do not give expres.notiee to the contrary, are considered wishing to con- *’a?*If#ub«oribar* l0 «ndef Ui# discontinuance of their periodicals the publishers may continue to send them until *11 arrearages are paid. 8, If subscribers tteglcctor refusetoUketheir periodical* from the office t# winch they are directed, thev are held responsible until they have settled’their bills and ordered them dis- continued ' 4. If subscribers move toother places without notifying publishers, and the papers are eent ti the fbrmer direction, they ate held respon- 5. Tho courts have decided that “refusing lo take periodicals from tho office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for is prima tacia evidence of intentional fraud.” 6. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes nseof it whether he lias ordered it or not, is held in law to be a subscriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advanoe, they are bound to give notioe to the publisher, at the end of their time; if they do not wish to con tinue taking it; otherwise the publisher is authorized to send it on; and the subscribers will be responsible until an express notice, with payment of all arrearages, is sent to the publisher. V -.*>.*, v ^[ Personal. Judge Jim Collins, Clerk of Fulton. Superior Conrt t was,iu the .,ciyr Suip*_- <lay, and was the guest of Ilia broth- 1 er-in-law, Cicero Chandler, Esq. Dr. John Johnson, of Atlanta, w *e also on onr streets during the week. Mr. H. C. Erwin, a rising young ]lawyer of Macon, Ga., and a ?radii- ate of the* gave us a pleasant call last Friday morning. Wc trust his sojourn in Athens will be both pleasant and agreeable * Col. P. A. Stovall rctnrned to Augusta yesterday morning. TheFlrstllaleofNcwCottoii. The first bale of new cotton was : brought to the city last Saturday | morning by Kobt. T. Brittain, and . sold to Messrs. Reaves & Nicholson j at 13 cents per ponud. While Boh is a dashing young fellow, he is also one of the best farmers in Georgia. X^oeal Blendings. —Less soda is being gargled down. —A small mantle called the vistie will be very popular this fall. —Pierpont oils his hair rind curls it under at tho ends, —Silk aud(T clothing is quite the go in Paris society. —The Matrimonial News is a fresh weekly at Baltimore. —Stylish dress fabrics for the fall are downy surfaced, —If this weather continues, the next thing you know it will be coal. OfT for Annapolis. YVe are pleased to announce that Mr. Amos Griffeth received *tlie ap pointment tor the naval cadetship from this district last Saturday, in the competitive examination held at Gaiuesville. He will leave in a snort time for Annafiolis and will. ^, rrv with iiini mftuy warm wishes for his success in his new field of honor and renown. ESTABLISHED 1865. t-t* To —How would Capt. Rucker suit you for Mayor? —The Commercial Reporter is now issued every Sunday morning. —Judge Rice is still 'ceremonies in Jackson county Cotton LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Tito Supreme Court. Last Tuesday Hon. B. II. Hill appeared before the supreme court and made a fine argument in favor of the Northeastern Railroad for State aid. The Outlook. The outlook for a healthy fall trade is encouraging. Merchants are hope ful andi anticipate a lretter demand than usual. "Slippery Joe." “Slippery Joe”Porter, an Atlanta convict, who escaped from the Dade county coal mines about a year ago, is now an officer in the Russian army. Fine Bains. The city was visited with a fine rain Tuesday evening. In conse*» quence, the air is pleasant and cool and blankets are necessary to make our morning nap comfortable. B. O. YV. Rose planted beans six weeks ago and had the pleasure of eating si line of them lor dinner yes terday. They are known as the six weeks’ beans. Back Again. Mayor Tolmadgo returned from New York Tuesday night. He made a quick trip, having been gone only about two weeks. But then this not to be wondered at, for he is full of business and always does everything he undertakes with lightning spead. l'lie Georgia State Fair. In another column will be found the advertisement of the Georgia State Fair, which will he held in Atlanta, beginning on Monday, Octo ber 15th 1877, and continuing one week. Premium lists and other in formation can be obtained by appli cation to Malcom Johnston, Secre tary, Atlanta, Ga. Sound. Philosophy. If you want your business known throughout the counties of Jackson, Banks, Madison, Elbert, Hart, Frank lin, Hall and Habersham counties, and in fact all Northeast Georgia, you should advertise in the Athens Geor gian. Returned. Mr. Rufus Reaves, the head of the mammoth store of Messrs. Reaves & Nicholson, has just returned from New York he where has been to pur chase liis fall stock of goods. He is now at home with his coat off' and hurrying up the workmen on his store so as to be ready to receive his freight. This house has fifteen car loads of goods en route for Athens that will reach their destination over the Northeastern Railroad in a few days. Col. P. A. Stovall. YY’e were glad to pieet this gentle man in onr office yesterday. The Colouel visits his home for rccieation and rest, which he so much needs after his laborious service in the Con stitutional Convention. liis reports of that body were accurate and inter esting, and the gentlemanly proprie tors of the Chronicle and Constitu tionalist recognizes his valuable ser vices by giving him a leave of ab sence to visit the “ old folks at home” and the yonng ones too. The Colonel Is a sparkling writer, and always makes liis department fresh and newsy. YVe trust his sojourn in uur midst may be pleasant and agree able, and that he will return to his post of duty in health and with re newed vigor. Brloic Store Fall*. YVe are under obligations to Mr. John E McConnell, member of the executive committee, of the Brick Store Agricultural Fair for 1877, for invitation and premium list, and hope to lie able to attend. The premiums arc liberal and cover field crops, home industry, machinery, horticulture, floriculture, fruits, wines, fine arts, cattle, swine, stock and racing. The fair will open Tuesday, October 9th, aud continue four days. I m prove monte- The well-known business house of Messrs. Reaves & Nicholson is under going repnu^ and when fii give a more extended notice of this and Are put in : Davenport’s Balm Prewirv- Ing Process. Mr. M. S. Cohen, the agent for this celebrated Preserving Process, is in our city, where he will remain for a few days for the purpose of exhib iting specimens of this “Art Pre servative” and selling county or ter ritory rights. The specimens may be seen at the store of Col. J. H. Huggins, on Broad street, and Mr. Cohen may be found at the residence —The belle of YV est End rises at 5 o’clock in the morning. —The showy and I'tncefttl Gains borough is the favorite hat of New York belles. • —The color in nearly all dress materials, as well as in gloves and tall hats will lie dragon-green. —How to keep your nose from bleeding—keep it out of other peo ple’s business. : - —YY’Iiat a man calls hard luck is frequently looked upon as laziness by his neighbors. —There has been 60 much rain in Iowa tho past summer that the grass hoppers wear India rubber boots. —If it’s not premature, we would like for the next Mayor to step for ward and put iu his claim. —Fires were comfortable in this section Sunday night and Monday morning. —lien DeBar, who played the “ Merry YVives of YVindsor” at Den- pree Hall last season, is dead. —Ham is not so anxious about the adoption of the constitution. The Capital is the question that troubles him. —Fur trimmings are to be exten sively worn this winter, silver fox, raccoon aud Russian hair beiug ♦ * favorites. r —Slashed shoes wi’« ejntiimein Vogue, and are intended to display hose with elaborately embroidered insteps. —Miss Maria McCartney will leave for New York to-morrow and will return in a short time with her fash ionable stock of millinery goods. ' —Mr. Van Estes will shortly com mence the publication of a new paper at Gainesville. He will call this new Journal the Northeast Geoigian. —The mantles, paletots and jackets for the coming antnmn have never been surpassed for quietness ofdesign, and are intended solely for comfort. —Fashionable ladies in Paris have begun to wear dresses that permit the feet to be seen, and there are rumors tl at the day of long trails is over. Merchant* and Brokers. Our office is now supplied with the liest and most fashionable type and presses, fine material for circulars and cards, and the best experienced job printer in the South, and are pre pared to duplicate any work done in inasti r of i Augusta or Atlanta in the shortest possible time. Merchants, cotton brokers, and business men generally would do well to consult with us be fore giving their orders to any oilier house. YVe guarantee satisfaction in every instance. ■■-.iV l'M' 7 ' 1 'i ’• THE CHEAPEST BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE ORDER EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE DIRECT TO Pilllps c*3 Crew, Atlanta, Oa, PIANOS AND ORGANS ggpOF EVERY GRADE. SEND FOR PRICES. PHILLIPS, CREW & FREYER. m8w4triw-3m ATLANTA, GA. the -Tho Northeastern. From- appearances around Northeastern Depot any one would be convinced' that this ro\d is doing a paying-business. All trains homing this way are loaded down with freight, and the drays are kept busy from morning till night hauling goods to the different houses in the city. And even while this is so, the depot-, ware house and the platforms adjacent thereto are crowded with merchan dise of every discription. Let the good work go on until every nook and corner in Athens is filled with bread and meat sufficient to supply all Northeast Georgia, and then let the merchanti patronize their home papers and tell the farmer and citizen where they can buy the most for the least money. Thcu when the Gov ernor signs our bonds and this road is extended and completed, Athens will be on the high roau to prosperity and commercial greatness. —The vices of the rich and great are mistaken for errors, and of those of the poor and lowly for crimes. A splendid new stock Parlor and Chamber Suits From Twenty-five to Five Hundred Dollars complete. DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. {Prices as cheap as any Filst-class House in the- South. E. & 1©., 21 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. Cottage Suits $25 to $60. Send orders or letters if inquiry. FRAUK :m:. POTTS', Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 19 Alabama. Street. mSwAtriv-Sm REAVES & NICHOLSON, AGENTS. Iron. Cotton. Ties—Important^ Special XTctice. -A.MDBCRXCA.asr TRADE MARK—XcCOXB. COTTON T1X3 COMPANY. LIMITED. XI. W. HATX7E <& CO. General Agents 47 CARONDEI.ET STREET, NEWfORLEANS.? Aitoyv Cotton Ties—The Best and Cheapest. For Sale Here and by Merchants Generally. In view of the constantly increasing popularity aud demand for the CELEBRATED ARROW TIE, the universally recognized favorite Tie of rl.nteis, Cotton Pressmen and Shippers of Cotton generally ; tho American Cotton Tie Co., Uinitod, sole pinprietur* and manufacturer, of tuiid Tie. commanding uuequaled facilities, have, In addition to their large stuck now on hand, contracted for increased quan tities, sufficient to meet the largest demand for Colton Ties, to cover tho entire crop the coming season, nnd now, through their Agents generally, offer the popular and irrepressible ARROW Tifc at 82 Stf per bundle, leas 2% per cent, discount for cash, in bu-nlfes complete, being leas than the market valne of plain hoop iron; and it being the purpose of the Company to merit the continued patronage of the planting community and to defy all competition that may ariw, their Agents are inatmeted to contract with Dealers, Factors and Country Merchants st the almve ■ limed price and terma for future delivery up to the 1st of August in quantities os may be required from time to time, settlements being made en delivery. june7-tri-wAw6m. XTotice. Whereas, Mary A. Thrasher, administratrix of Barton C. Thrasher, deceased, applies for leave to sell a portion of the real-estate of Mid deceased—therefore, all persons concerned, . re hereby notified to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Monday m October next, why said leave should not bis granted. Given jtnder my hand, at office, thU first day of September, 1877. J. R. LYLE, aef>t4-it. Ordinary. ; ITotice. Whereas, Barton E. Thrasher, executor of Isaac Thrasher, deceased, applies for leave to sell a portion of the real estate of said deceased— therefore, all-persons concerned, an hereby notified to show cause, at my office, on or before the first-Monday in October next, why leave ehonld not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this first day of September, 1877. J. R. LYLE, sept4-4t. Ordinary. EORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY^—Whereas, Kiaia Harris, wife of Burr Harris, applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Burr Harris, (late of said county,^ de- —A fourth avenue New York lady received a telegram that her father was dead. “ Now,” said she, “ John can’t help baying me some new clothes.*’ ft - r ) —The greater part of this column is dedicated to the latest styles for autumn, and the girls, God bless ’em* Death of Mr. Mr. Robert Langford; of Madison county, was hilled by a hick from a mule last Thursday. It seems that be was turning the animal in a lot and gave him a Kck with the bridal reins to aooelerate his motion, when the mule looked him in the abdomen whioh resulted in hie death. Mr. Langford was the aim of Langford and son-in-law of Judge Collins. He was much reepeoted 41 Who knew him u» them latest news in tho fashionable world. —All job work in our line, such as ciroulara^ ^cards,posters, handbills,, etc, can YVe of Mr. James Galloway. -W. -will appreciate our efforts to give This process of preserving meats, vegetables, fruits, etc., has been ex amined by some of the best chemists all the^Mtmfoy, anct received their ighest commendations. Prominent mong this number is Dr. Means, of our own State, whose reputation and character as a man of science is snffr. ; nstan c C ciently well known to i make his commendation a satisfactory eadoi ment as to the safojy and value of this process. YY'e have examined the articles preserved by this process, and knowing the method, can assure our peoplo that there is nothing inju rious whatever in it, and we are for. ther satisfied that it is a most useful and valoablo discovery. Let every 'one interested in household or do- affairs, as well as those who interested in preserving tbo arti- above-mentioned for market, oall Col. Hoggin’s etore end e: i bo done in Augusta or Atlanta, guarantee satisfaction in every l»! •*,- >M r- ■ Pipings will take a leading place among dress trimmings. Gray dress es will be piped with two cordings, one bronze, the other red; brown dresses with a higher shade of brown and golden yellow and prune with two shades of straw color. To Correspondent«. All communications forwarded to us and intended for publication must be accompanied with the author’s, or some other responsible name. This rule we never depart from. Whenyou write to ue govern yourselves aooord- These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in October next, why saifi Letters should not be granted. Given tinder my han<l, at office, this first dt of September, 1877. J. B. LYLE, eept4-*iv. Ordinary. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. Sornim Wnmow, 1 libel for Divorce, _ vs. • > Clarke Superior Court, Goaxar Whitlow. 1 August Term, 1877. It appearing to the Court by the return of the SheraT, that the defendant, Gilbert Whitlow, does not reside in thia county, and it Anther appearing that he does not reside in this State, it w on motioa ordered that arid defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court, or that the case be considered in default and the plaintiff be allowed to pressed. It is farther ordered that this notice be pub lished in the Anxn Georgian once a month for four months, before the next term of Court. Done in open Court. JACKSON & THOMAS, Attorneys for Libellant. Granted: GEO. D. BICE, Judge S. C. I hereby certify that the above is a true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Clarke County, at August term, 1877. «r, JOHN I. HUGGINS, Clerk. ■Universi+v of Georgia. The Seventy-seventh Annual Session of this Institution will begin on the 8rd of October, 1877. Scholarships in the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arte are granted to as many students, residents of tho State, as there, are members ot the General Assembly. In addition, fifty beneficiaries are appointed in the Academic Department. Every branch ef a liberal and practical education is taught. The annual session of the Medical Department, at month. address For catak^ues and farther particulars. attgSl-4w. , WADDELL, Secretary of Faculty, Athens, Ga. G 1 Thomas A. ffiSXSf iliea to me Air Let- V P. Hodgson, (late of said county,) deceased— These are, therefore, to rite ana admonish all oonosmad, to show ohm at mvoffio*, oa or before tbo first Monday in October next, why - Id not be said Letters be grwited. ■ Given under A8AmTjACMON, J ' 5,1877. Ordinary. Read the News! Strike in Athens! Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. HAVE STRUCK The Very Bottom Prices. LARGE ARRIVALS DAILY’ OT Corn, Flour, Meat, Sugar and Coffee, AND ALL KINDS OF Groceries and Provisions. YVe control the product of the Finest Mills in the South. CHOICE, KENNESAW, MARIETTA & EXTRA Every Sack YVarranted to give Satisfaction. Bagging and Ties a Specialty. nrsn ft •- V.ff, j ,( t Special Arrangements made for Supplying Grangers and Gin- ners in Large Lots Cheaper than Anybody. HEADQUARTERS FOR ATHENS FACTORY GOODS, Jeans, Yarns, Idn&eys, Kerseys, Shirting, Sheet ing, Checks, and Stripes at Factory Prices. We catft Be 'Undersold, BRING US YOUR COTTON AND GET THE HIGHESTMARKET PRICE IN CASH. ^ YVE HAVE JUST BUILT dt JTMW QQ&TQJt WdtMEMQWSSn • And have the Finest Facilities for handling Cotton with Speed and Accuracy. .; ? -1 £1 ' AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED The moat satisfactory POWDER ever sold in Athena—Tty it once and you’ll not use any other PROCTOR & GAMBLE’S CELEBRATED SOAPS SOLD AT FACTORY PRICES. BOCK BOTTOM PBICB8 ON EVERYTHING.