The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 11, 1877, Image 8

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: SEPTEMBRE 11, 1877. T : JE DOCTOR’S HAND. [For the Georgian.] A Itnmin hand in a wonderful |'itre Of hi* ch inism; Inn we see it so eon* stint'y, that it makes no ini|>ression on ns. Yet, we can scarcely calculate its power, nnmber its offices, or ap* pnviste its capahiliti“H of being taught. We can scarcely fathom the power by which it is under the con trol of the brain, so that no throb* bin of the heart can cause the least trein«T. No anguish of soul can de ter it from tlie performance of its d ity, and a dmuor’s h ind has the sam • number of hones—they are moved by the a une exqusite combi* n ilion of muscular tissue ; the same bright and thmhhing arteries send the red, *ieh bloo l to snpply the Waste. The palmar arel’esmiperfiml and de p—beautiful beyond desurip* lion, are there. Tins same delicate nerves permeate 'every fibre of the bone and muscle, receiving constant orders from the brain. Bnt the doc tor’s hand is something more. By his touch, information ot vital impor tance is conveyed which could come through no other sense, and only through this as the ivsfilt of cdtioa- i turn. ' • Look at this liand 1 i You can de toot no difference t-? 1 does not show on the surface that it is entirely ; uudcr the control of a central ivill. Feel it—perhaps itmay be softer than turn’s generally is, but its gras]) is just as Jnu, when In, the waiwt and lovrog grasp bfit cherished friend or grateful patient, it shows none of its peculiar and great power. Yet, this hand has stood between death and humanity full many score of times. One finger is placed on the pulse. In a few moments, ii realizes if there be fever, and its type. It knows if the vital forces are in dull vigor; it knows if the nerve power is exhaused. A touch to the •surface, and it sends to the mind a flood of information not otherwise attainable. It takes the mediciue which is to relieve the path nt. Full well the brain knows that a slight error will summon a human soul to eternity. The heart is in full sympathy with the agony of the patient; yet this hand so delicately formed, delays not, and without u tremor, adiniuis'ers the potion on which a life depends. Called to the bedside of a dyi g Child, tlie hand, with uneqnaled ten derness, administers the cordial to its dry and parched lips. What other hand could lilt so gently that weary little head and sotlen its dying pil low? Even the mother with her boundless love, gives way to the % -nder hand of the doctor as lie per forms thislabor of love. She looks to him almost as the Savior of her pre cious one, as she asks in whispered. c agonizing accent-', “ Is there no k >pe?” The quivering lip and mois:- ened eye of the doctor at tests his ful sympathy, as.he nigst say,! “There is none.” But even with her cry oi anguisrj ln iiis ear ai d Inert, the -steady, gentle hand turns the little, weary, groaning ; offerer, and as im pure spirit answers tl>« AliurterV eummons and. joyfully rises to tin chining world atiove, the doctor*' baud closes its bright eyes. At the bedside of the Riving -na- inun the doctor atatids. Bis patient divides life from death. A whisjier ' «n the patient, “Doctor are you praying for me in my fearinl peril?” See the quiver of agony expres-ed by his few; see, if you can, tlie rebellions bound of the well trained heart as lie niters tinottgh trembling lips, “God knows I am.” And yet, the doctor's hand shows no sign, but with nerves of steel, continues its work. A grave and formidable operation is to be performed. See that feet* — it is pallid almost as a corpse, but the eye burns with an intense fire. See the lips compressed almost t«» bloodlestn ss. Hear the s i 1 •»’ th"»le bing of the doctor’s heart as it 8' lives to 'hrow off the <k.utni' of the ill He places his hand on a <_*li:tering knife. No instrument of steel could lie more firm. The keen and relent less blade enters the skin and stipes fi cial fascia down through the quiver ing flesh and shrinkh gu -rves. L ok! •in artery is exposed. Full well the brain knows that the slight < «t •n-inn" will cost a human lift* The heart rives one great throb, as it almost seems io leap from the dnetn-** moiilh. S 're?v no-v ill the preo-m-e of,tliif ^WU’ tliat ihap.l \v! ] tremble But no—steadily md snre'y ii drives the b-artless kni'e in its wav. Sudd mlv the bri'ht arteria' blood spout* in hi* feee. Tho-e quiet, watchful eyes close for au -instant that they may rent-in el.vir. The assistants spring’back* in da-m the friends shriek in hormr ■ Now sur-tv the doctor’s hand will tremhli. No so. The left hand, with the speed of light, seizes the font* s and app'ies them to the arterv His voice even hesut oyer Itiudeiied with rates and t.lixieties longs for rest. The bead grown may i,e i>ic i»s tiin>. be* i> • S'-ll amo;i_. its fellows The Doctor -inks nit • :iii eailv grave—but on it* veiy v. rge the D ct< r’- 'hand points upwards to the bright lighl o she hfe-sed world, as a smile rra<li:itett his worn features—the and fills slowly—slowly - mitil it' resis whhoiit 1 tremor over Ids faiihtul heait now stilled in death. Skek. Rabun Glap High School Lot at*.! ip tlm lienor,t*nt Valiev of Head of Teniipimee. - ~ Rabun Gouaa.’fcy* Ga* W. A. CURTISS Principal. The Ninth Consecutive Session will open oi- alnnd iv, July 16th, 1871. and contiune, withon' intermission, for twei’tv weeks Tuition—$6, $8. $li», $12 and $16 per amnion Boird, $8 ner month. Beautiful a d lienlihfnl location, pare water, salubrious atmosphere, mild climate, and atti-u- tivo an l devoted teacher*, render the rehoo iltractive, pleasant and instructive. For particular*, address IV. . i |) tn-S. Prinrfpnl. Ileel <-f enm-sw-e H. I. Us. jnlylt’-tf. *»- WEIt Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, COLLEGE avenue, n ekt j^iob iC) tuk post uffk-*/ '•u liau i, Uppers for mukiatr Low Quartet* -louare**, Alext*-Tie*, and Prince Aluert*. Re yi<ir ic promptly executed. s>end tea dollar*, er tna'l or expr.-s- and yon shall receive a firat cIum pair «*f boot*. time In 1875-85-11'. Belton Hotel, Sol-ton, Georgia. H*»w soft and gentle it sottnds Sound ing the sweeter heesnse k rimssnre* the al-irmed attendantR. Hut tin* doctor’s hand proi-eedswit h its work. \’l his life is centered in the present. Tie h:is no «*arili,' no 'ife; m» death no Heaven—his whole twing is ct-n- ’ered in his band. He lives years in ihose few. fi-affnl mom* nts. F**r ’* wo live in deed-*, not, years. In thoughts, not in figures .,n a dial.” returned to a life of h s'th and tt-e. “iliiess. Perhaps around the doctor’s heart the arteries may have hiwoni enfeebled bv the blood forced back on them, and that organ does not .vork so well as he presses his band to bis side. Perhaps that active brain feels that it has s'tffen-d a shock and knows that its time has been CHARLES F. STUBBS, (Successor to Groover, Stubbn & Co.,) COTTON FACTOR —AND— Gtnerd Commission Merchant, AGENT FOR THE Quitman Factory Yarns, 94 BAY STREET, f'avminah, Oeorgia. Bmriring, Tie*, Rope and other supplies flu* iiisued. Also, liberal cash advances made on nrigumetiui for sale or aliipment to Liverpool >r Nort. ern per.a. Mr. A. A. WInk, Cashier and Correspondent •i tlie late firm of Groover, Stubbs & Co., has .it interest iu -lie bos ness. aug21-tf. THE SQUTHEHN MOW IHSURMCE ao3m>-A.2sr'sr, ATHENS, GEORGIA. YmUNO U. O. Harris, Preeiden* •r»F ' ; ' srt:vt„\h mo >%*, Secretary. •riMw Aaael*, Apnl I. ‘ STJ, - . $784,687 t)2 Resident Directors. Vouno L. M. Habris, John 41. Newtox, ■ in. Hexby Hcll, U.BIN P. HEARIXO, OL. Kobebt I'hobax. .4 72-w I y stevess Thomas, Kliza l. N..WTON, Kebdinand Phinizt tlx. R. U. Smith, Jons W. N iciiolsom, Read the News! Talmadge, Hodgson HAVE STRUCK The Very Bottom Pri ees.j, LARGE ARRIVALS DAILY OF Com, Flour, Meat, Sugar and Coffee, AND ALL KINDS OF Groceries and Provisions.., <i«rghtj-wsgr«,*. «..* j-nT- rtulv a branch—bum!-- me a lt*»aHtre " one mile of the junoUun of the North East Esil- road of Ga. The Pro, netor is now prepare) to a^rve all wlto call upon him with meals at the fonowiug rates: Single meal 50c. I Per week ...$5 0>- Per lav $1 6o | Per lueuth $a) » iulyis tv S. II. HUGHEN. Tiie Copoarbnarsliip ileretof re exist ujt uuder the name and style of Ut.rou: ii & Osborn, in the lumber business, i this day dissolved by matual consent. Tlie bit dues* iu tlie future will be continued undei i I :e uaine mid style of J. W. PRUITT & CO. -p. - . . , , - I to whom all orvlers tor lumber must be uddrea- 1 he Operation i< over and thc pa’nmt K<i All order* for lumber or laths left with - * * -* * •-■ * Alley F. llooil or W. B. I’ruitt will be punc tually filled. Orders ad reused to Harmony Grove will b delivered any where on tin Northeast Railroad. Thankful for past favoi> we respectful v solicit the patronage of tin public iu want of lnuiber or latbs to the net firm. A, Til 12. 1877. »i>17-3 J. W. PRUITT & CO 3STOTIC.EJ. HI8 DATE, COUN’ tisemeuts which have heretofore been pul. A fter this date, county adver tisemeuts which Imve heretofore been pnl. .............. *v ’ ™* ,n u " “i p-«nn;i« la, ,ed in this paper, will hereafter be published I low gn-v hairs now nesth* in his j i.1 tie .V»A, a Gazette published in UartweL, locks. But the doctor’s hand now -h-ansed from Wood, shows no sign. See again. The doctor iu going to the bedside of affliction in poverty. The d rest place on earth that mortal 'oot ever tr- d. The t atient looks at him. She cannot stand, and as he approaches, burst* into tears. Thai hand so ventle is laid on her head, as he inquires the cans<* of her distress. She has sent for him to tell him, not that she is worse—for thank God »i nmgh his skill she is better. But tell this receiver of so many ha* men woe-*, that strangers have offered to adopt her child. As the hitter, burning tears roll down, she says, “Oh, Doctor,. J cannot give up my c ild.” Bdt in the next breath, she civs. “I cannot feed it—it must lierish of. starvation.” See the Don or’s hand as^pv takes hers almost > ra< spared j|ii. its eimu*i»ikm. a-id •ently soothed by tlie touch she lis tens as lie tells her of God °nd poinis vith the other to that home where all ter cares will cease. See her tears dried under the magic of h s tonch snd the sweet tones of lis words _ Bnt V at hand empties the eird earniu :k j (*f-. bis (scanty purse into her hands, and hegoesout into the iarkness with heart bo'ved down tin ier tliis new harden. - To his home, ah! now on the night he goes to milk' tiilteep tiie life in this little o: aty, < F.O.STEPHENSON, Ordinary, ang.29.tb Hart county. Ga iLgrtgagiitae L xeW iuaiu F1AN0 & ORGAN WKFOl Phillips, Crew & Freyer ^.-teauovba, Georgia. Solo Apents for the World-Renowned rnfeAhi his’life/^Watch^Wm. • Yon Cannot see in his heart that he leek* that hi Inst moment has perhaps come. . Yoi -cannot seel hat His brain wonders how Grand, Square and Upright r m. mi w These instrument* have been before tbepublie lor more thau tony years, and upon their ex cellence alone have attained an Uupurvliascu Pru-eimneneo which cstabliahes them as un equalled tor their Tune, Tough, \\ orkmuushii and Durability. Ttiey have received seventy-five gold ami silver Medals overall other competitors Endorsed by “Thaiberg,” *• Gottscha'k,’ “Strakosh,” “Panline Luvca,” “Clara Loui i Ke.logg,” “lliua DeMarska,” “Muzio” Mills, and otner*. Also securing the first and higbes' premiums at the , • t-1»i* •‘ i TlSrT3aiEtTSr-A.TI03Sr-A.Xs Centennial. Exhibition. PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER, 1876. The prices of these instruments are as low as the exclusive use of first-cla&s materials wil- allow. Catalogues and price lists mailed free ou ap plication to «. PHILLIPS, CREW & FREYpK, Gentrai Agent*, Atlanta, Gil. '1 MARTIN JNSTITUTE. ^OS^^O^TSilBlTT X fr illl Term of 1S77, Will open on the 29ili of August. The price >f Boai u, with Tuition in the highest class, will be about $52, ux-ordiug to Dividend. pg°Send tor Circular u* J. ’ W. GLENN, asSSs‘-it “I® ttRSSf The Quarte Blaolgwood.’ the Leonard 41BAKlhtr* Continue theil sal FOUR LEAPING QU. Edjxuckou London Quabtxslt West-1 -istbu Bsmsu Qdxbtxslv BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. The British Quartet lie* give to the reader well-digeated information upou the grout events in ooutemponuieous history, and contain master- y criticisms on all tliatia fresh and valuable in . iterators, as well as a summary of the triumphs of science and art. The war* likely to eouvutse .ill Europe will form topics for disenesion. that will be treated with a thoroughness and ability .-owhero else to he otxnd. Blackwood’* Magazine is famous for stories, essays, and sketches of tbe.highest literary mem. TERMS (Including Postage): Payable Strictly in Advance. For any one Review *4 00 For any two Reviews 7 Ov For any time Reviews 10 00 For alllhbr Reviews 12 00 For BMckwoOd’s Magazine 4 m For Blackwood and one Review 7 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews...... ..10 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 18 C"J For Blackwood and the four Reviews 15 Ot 1 CLUBS A discount of tweuiy peroeiN. will be allowed to duhe of four or more persons. Thus: fou.- copies of Blackwood or oi oue Review will be sent to ono address for $12.8<fc tour copies or tlie four Review* and Blackwood for $48, and so" on. PREMIUMS. ' Now subscribers (applying early) for the year 1877 may have, w.thout charge, the unmbers for the last’quarter of 18i6 of such periodicals as they may sub-bribe for. Neither premium* to subscribers nor dis count to clubs cun be allowed uuless the tnouey is remitted direct to the publishers. No pre- former particulars miyjbe had nprulUHt. 41 York. We coutrol the product of the Finest Mills in the South. CHOICE KENNES AW, MARIETTA & EXTRA Every Sack Warranted to give Satisfaction. Bagging apd Ties a Specialty. Special Arrangements made for Supplying Grangers and Gin- ners in Large I*ots Cheaper than Anybody. HEADQUARTERS FOR ATHENS FACTORY GOODS. Jeans, Yarns, Linscys, Kerseys, Shirting, Sheet ing, Checks, and Stripes at Factory Prices. We, Be Undersold. JDCR COTTON AND UETTitE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE l.« CASK- ; WE HAVE JUST BUJLT armed with a weapon, rises inturia c A few tnori gray hairs, a few more with 4lie efpressediufenMsn of faking ••hPiihbihga of iho lieart—a harder fce shall escape fironi this demoniac Ilia lipa move.’ Perhaps ne utters - -short prayer for his wife and IHtH -*>nes a his terrible jieriL He ap proaches the beifekie with quiet yet prompt step. With one hand that bbows no fear, he presses tin madman back on his bed, and will the other he removes the weapon The patient feels the power of th doctor's band, and, yields without . struggle. Sro him engaged in an operatioi cn whioh a human life i angs. Look at that contracted brow, showing that all bis brain power is centered In that work Well, that brail: Itdowb that a hair’s breadth, only, •train on lhe hrahf,dbat the Doctor’s ten down in the midst of a dependent imily. The Doctor is there. No ■o well soothe the anguish of that tour, as he gathers the little one* •vith bauds upraised to Heaven-he wurs rortn his soul iu prayer, to the •rphaiis’ God. Thus day by day the Doctor’s •and leads its quiet, useful life. Now -and in band with death. Then •caching fer over the dark river uitil it rlmost touches ita cold water*- grasping a sinking body and draws t back slowly and steadily into God’ •rijjbt sunlight. Now covering from lie hignt ot men the sins of then- ellows. Theu driving the steel into fie quivering fleali. Now wiping Be tears aud souibiug the sorrows oi arths afflicted Theu feed some starving patient. This does ita woik. But the nerve er of the man h exhausted, the OcLSLtfi SOLD ON EASY TEEMS. GREAT CAUSE : 'f W ' Human Misery. Just PuWiahed, m .Sealed Envelope. Price I A Lecture on the Impoteusy, Nervous Debility, ami Impediments to Marriage generally; Consump tion, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and t’hyeica Incapacity, &c.—By 'Robert J. Colvbrwkll M- D., author of the “ Green Book.” &c. ’ The worfd-ronotriifd author, in this aduiirabU Lecture, clearly pruve* from hit own experieuc- that the awful oomequeuces of Self-Abuse may be effectually remoVed without medioiue^UKi instrumeuta, rings, pr cordials; pointing out a mode of cute at oii*e certain aud offe lual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his oon- Uiiioi may be, may euro himself cheaply, ^Tto'ierturewmprove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under eeaij in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt .of six cents, or two postage -tamu*. Addic&a the Publishers* THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO., 41 AsnS8.,Nkw Yobk; Foet office Box, 4586 And have the Finest Facilities for handling Cotton with Speed and Accuracy. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Orange mile Powder, The moet satisfactory POWDER ever eold in Athens— Try it once and you’ll not use any other PROCTOR & GAMBLE’S CELEBRATED SOAPS SOLD AT FACTORY PRICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ON EVERYTHING. REAVES & NICHOLSON. AGENTS. Iron. Cotton. Ties—Important Special Hctice. TKADK MARK—Mcl'OMB. -A.3VIEJ^tXC^V 1ST COTTON TIB COX^F-A.JSr'ST. LIMITED. •: XL W. RAYZTS <£c CO. General Agents, 47 CARONDELET STREET. NEW ORLEANS. Arrow Cotton Ties— 1 The Best and Cheapest. For Sale Hero and by Merchant* Generally. THE SUN 1877. NEW YORK. 1877. •rue difforeut editions of guf pRrjJ<miig«ic next year will be the name a* uurmg tlie year cuat baa-jo* poMed.; The daily edition will ou week daya be a sheet of four page*, aud on Sunday* a sheet of eight page*, or 56 broad columns; while, the weekly edition will be a a u-et of eight pages of the kaure dimensions and character.4nat are "already familiar to our flrieud*. . . . The Scs will continue to be the strenuous advocate of reform snd retrenchment, audoi Uie substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and integrity for 'hoUow pretence, unbecility, aud Jhuut in the administration of pnblio affairs. It will contend for the government of the people by the people auditor the people, aa opposed to S vemmentoy frauds in fee ballot-box and in e counting of vote*, enforced by military violence. It will endeavor to supply its readers —a body now not for from a milusn of so is— with the most carefhl, complete, and trustworthy accounts of current events, and will etnpl oy for thiapnrpose a numerous and carefbUy selected of reporters snd correspondent*, ltare- i from Washington, especially, will be full, accurate, and fearless; yind it will doubtless continue to . deserve and enjoy the hatred ot those who thrive by plundering the Treason- or by usurping what the law does not give them while it will endeavor to merit the confidence oi the publie by defending the right* of the people against the encroachments of unjustified power. The price of the drily Sox will be 55 vents a month or $6.50 a year, post paid, or with the Sunday edition $7.70 a year. The Sranar edition mono, eight page*, $liJ •X*". Uotice. Jetyewost, Ga., August 14, 1877. Owing to sickness inPTof. Glenn’s> family, the exercises of Martin Institute will not be resumed until August 29th. augfilSt. eekly Son, eight page* of 56 b.osd column*, will be foruiriied auri.ig 1877 at the rate of $1 a year. p<wt paid. . . The benefit of this large reduction from the previous rate for the Weekly can beeujoyed by Individual subscribers without the necessity ot making up clubs, At the same time, if any ot our friend* cIhm sc to aid in extending our Circu lation, wo ahull be gnitefoltotbem, and every such per*on who send* us ten or more sub scribers from one place'will be entitled to one copy of the paper for himself without o-iarge. At one dollar a year, posing paid, the expenses of paper mid priutiug are barely repaid; aud, abiished iu the world, and we trust also paper pi one of tho very beat. dcci9. ddrCS ^ , HE8UN, New York City, N.Y tne American i otton lie lo., limited, role piopnetonand manufartuierr of raid Tie. o mmandlbg uncqualcd facilities, have, in addition to their large stork now on liand. counseled lor inert seed quan tities, sufficient to meet the largest demand for Colton Tie*, to eortr the entile crop the c< mine neuron and now, through their Agents generally, offer the jinular and irr< preseil.le ABl.OW T h at 82 60 per bundle, leu 2H per cent, discount for cash, in bundle* complete, being loss than the market value of plain hoop Iron; aud it being the ourporo of th: Com) any to merit the continued patronage oi the planting community and to defy all competition that may arise, their Agents are instructed t< contract with Healers, Factors and Country Merchants at the above named price and terms for' fiiturr delivery up to the 1st of August in quantities as may be requited from time to time, settlements being made on delivery. : i Jan*7-tr*-w*w«m. B , :R,.A_2sr:K: isa;. potts, lA.tleuvfca, @eoeg&ft. WKMeeal©- • -Liquor Dealer, mSwdtriw-Sm 19 Alabama. Street. ,-AO ,3V. H — BCOTJS Georgia. r The proprietor of the MARKHAM HOUSE takes this method „ inforaiftig'tfefr travelin" ptiBHc, that notwithstanding the great Euro pean war, his htitel will continue to entertain with its usual hospitali ties and first-class accommodations, such us he flatters himself has given great popularity and success to bis house, aud general satisfa^ tiou to those who have honored him by becoming his^gnesta. Board reasonable anu accommodations first-class. - •*' jreha S. ©weae,, ^xc»cieier. A splendid new stock . Parlor and Chamber Suits From Twenty-five to Five Hundred Dollars complete. DINING VOOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE OF ALL K#NDS V Prices as any F ist-class House in thv. Soul E- P. 21 Marietta sfrecfe^^BtPr Ga. Cottage Suits $25 to $60. Send orders o&^ers * inquiry.