The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 18, 1877, Image 3

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THE ATH^JJS GEOHGAIN: SEPTEMBER 18, 1877. rapt’Ze l to steady his logs, hi* '■ Jr.n, your inoilmr ami I thought, yon were going into consiunpi'.on, aud Dr, —7^-, lie backed us. up in it. ThnvV why I sent yp# to learu gym nastic 4|nj, I’m a tpol, your mother is an aw till good woman, and if we 0.111 get the, doctor up here long enough to Jet you: feel for his etytet Lqt»s of Caps. PmMou'h LaW-Tho Revival or the Headgear of ■ ■ '*•*■> JeslumVTImc. ^From tKc New’York Sun.] AVe are tofd that both ydung and married ladies are again to wear dress ea^; hi>t lUt7e l 'orhfthfflKl affairs peiched'on the crotfn of* flie head,' such as matrons have been affecting, but’ genuine mob caps 'and turbans, _ such as ^rdre Wdrn ; bytbe' beaitRek I don’t care how soon I dle !’’ depictedon thc canvas by Sir Joshua Reynolds and Sir Peter £elv,' siu-h as Lady Mary iVortley Montague and Angelica Kauffman, and her d : stin*» guished patroness, Lady Wentworth 5 , wore. At Stewards we have a hint of what these caps avc to be. Among the Paris novelties are fomid. break fast, dinnof, reception, and opera caps. They are all made with drowns sutiieientiy largo to cover all the hair except the front crimps or love forks, an.!, perhaps, si little fringe in the back of the neck. The break last rap is usually of nv’slin, organdy or Swiss; it has ruffles of wrought muslin or lacc, Torchon, Valenciennes or Smyrna, and a hand and hows o! ribbon—in cohirs and combinations suit the ihVlividiinl fancy Two had tips to colors of ribbon are frequently so 11 on tnq “dressiest breakfast daps, and ‘the contrasts* in 'colors are' very marked--shy maroon and pale "blue, o¥ rose i>i>ik and oseille cute, dr tilleiil "ttfrid bronze green. The dinner and reception caps are also ot muslin or lace net for the crowns ; have lace borders, and are trimined With gauze ribbons, striped or plaited or crape woven ribbons, frequently two kinds on the same cap, flowers, small fruits, such as cherries, elderberries, grapes, plums, and dwarf oranges, the fruits mingled with the leave*• and flowers of their kind. The effect is far more pleasing than might be supposed. Upon the opera cap there is the most lavish expenditure of material. The crowns, of fine sprigged laces, or of striped gauze or light damasse silk, in all shades of color, rise, turban*, like, above delicate frills of lace, Muliucs, Valenciennes, or revived Venire pointed Anglcterre, forming a ricll and delicious frame for the face. The* trimmings, of gauzes and fancy ribbons,' V.vnli’ning s*. wrnl colors, or in one rich shade of color woven, with crape and basket effects, .’ and occasionally shot with a thread of gold or silver. The trimmings are massed over the forehead, consisting of poufs in the crown piece, loops of ribbon orgauz’, and fruit and flowers intermixed. His Only Wish. • » #■*'" 1 1 j Gooif Mannurs Illustrated. ' .auJgsei!;*. , —ihich jewelry is vulgar. 1 Dp' npt smack While eating. '—Do not run after, famous people —Do not cut you# nails in compa ny 1 : : d —Cheese "should'he eaten --•with a fork. * -- ’ —Feeing waiters is paying black mail. —Unsweetened eoftee cures breathy —Short nails make the finger grow broad. —In going np or down stairs pre^ cede the Indv. —A forntal call is very longif .it last half an hour. v —Only a haughty brunette should wear yellow colors. —It is impolite to keep a musician constantly playing. —Address your wife as your husband as “.Mr.’’ —A girl should not stroll with a gentleman at a picnic. —A lady should not stretch her foot out iu company. —Let the wife deal with the female servants. . , — A pink ribbop under the chin makes a pale woman look brighter. —No man respects a girl who flirts though he may flirt with her. —The lady of the house should re ceive the guests at a formal recep tion. —Always take the last piece of anything. There is supposed to lie / /. 1«)} ; Notice. ! 1 f w f, strain* i applies for of Barton O. Thrasher, decease!- _ _ i* ,ve tg mil a portion ortho ri»- estate of aaid deceased—tht-rdpre, all persons concerned, re hereby notified to show ihv office, on TITf# Tlie (Quarterly Reviews aWft- ft t‘v. i Blackwood's LGagazin.© Ite Leonard Scott Publishing Co., « '»? i1“Tliriif 'fi 'T'BlW'' Coutinrie their authorised Reprint* of the sept4-4t. nij >1- '"Ordinary,! FOUR LEADING QUARTERLY RF.V|£W/S Edikccboh Review (Whig)-- ... London Qd*rtebi.y Review (Conservative), ' Westji.isteb Review\liib.-ral), :v. ‘ ; British QmrKgfX Review . (Evangelical), RLACKWOOD'S .EOlNBURGil. The British, lQ»irrt«ri;ys,^ivvtp the read,-! well-digested information 6pm t is /feat eveiUs inca.itemporaueonvliistdry, a ulyoinaiti master ly criticisms on uiljiiut is Jn i valuable ill literature, as well n- a sum-nnr- of thi-trittuip is of science and into Tl-v warsjikely to couvuise all Europe will form topics for discussion, that wdl lie treated with a thoroughness aud ability <>■ here else to he ound. Blackwood’s Magazine is. famous for stories^ essays, and sketches of the highest literary merit. TERMS Unoltullng l’ostage): Uatauus Stuictlt in Ahvance. ITo-bice. '* Whereas, Barton' E. Tlrresher, executor of Isaac Thrasher,. demised, applies for leave to sell a portion of the Teal estate of said deceased— therefore, all pc:sons coneerrjd,- ore hereby notified to .shew cause, at my o ce. on or before he first Monday in October nestjArhy said leave should not be gcUUed. ’ 'eiVeli under tny blind; id office, this first * W* . J, 1L. LYlrK, , j septl-it. . , . Oidinary. “ Mrs For any one Review.......... $4 C«i For any two Reviews 7 *> .For any three Reviews ; v 10 00 For^ull four R,-views. :Id 0 For,wood’s Xlugitziuc ..... 4 o- For Biaekwood and one Review 7 0.t For Wackwoihl uud two Revi ws........In 0< ■ ‘ Foi Blackwood and three Reviews..... ...13 V.3 Foi Blackwood and the four Reviews.. .:.15 tie CLUBS A discount of twenty percen». will !>e ailowc., to ciubs of four or more jietsous. Tims: four of Blackwood or ot one Rcv.ew will t« scut to one address for ^Id.Sh, tonr‘ copieso. •the four Reviews aud Blackwood for.fIfi, auyi so on. PREMIUMS. New subscribers (applying early) for the year 1877 limy have, without charge,' liie hnmbers-for the last’qtrnierof 18iC of suqb. perioduLids ai- they may sub-cribe for. Neither premiums to subscribers nor <Us- eouul to ctulis cun be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to, the tmliiishcrs. ' No pre miums giveu to ciiibs. , , Circulars with furt.‘er'particnlars tnny bo Ifi.l on application. /....j The Ijeonaru Sc.irr 1'iibljshino Co., upriiio-tt 4t Baroluyi tit., New York, G eorgia—boon be county.—wi.creas. KVa Harris; wife of Burt'Harris, applies to me for Letters, of Adnuuisjtration-on the estate of Burr Harris, (late of said cotm'y.) dtf- CCaSCd— ' ' » |h. / ,*(] Tiiese are, therefore, to cite and adtnonts'i all concerned, to show cause (if, atiy they have) on or before the first Mond v in October next, why said 1 ettera should not be granted. Given under my:ban , at office, tills first day of September, liji7. J. K. LY LE, sep4-4w. : Ordinary. liXadisozi Cousi’by. OfAPISpHSIIERIFF-S SAUf.—Will be sold ltt befoW tmi Court House door, in the town or Danielsville, on the first Tuesday in Septem ber, within the lecal hours of sale, the following p*op*%, one *ratfc of .land, in. aaid county, on the waters of South river, adjoining tafids of Thompson Caritliers and others, oo«j tuining one bundled acres, more or less, levied 4>n aa the property of Charles Parofa, to Butisfy a fi. fa. waned from Hurt Superior;,Court in favor of William McCurdy and Otlicta.''* JFgal notice served :on Unaht in possession 25tli day , J. W. KIRK, Sheriff. r 3ulyhi-iii». Claxlse Ootim.'by. away GEORGIA—CLARKE CCftJNTY. Sopiita Whitlow, j Libel tor Divorce, in vs. > Clarke Superior Court Gilbeut Whitlow. ) August Term, 1877. It I'ppeariiig to.the Court by the return of the Sheriff, tliai the defendant, Gilbert Whitlow, dues not reside in ibis county, and it further app aring that he does not reside in-this Stat.-, it is on motion ordered that satff defendant .ippear and answer at the. lqx( term of this Court, or that the case be considered iu default and the plaintiff be allowed to proceed. *• ! . It is further ordered t"at this notice be pub lished in the Athens Gr. uibiAV once a month tor four months, the next term of Court. Done in open Court. - JACKSON dr THOMAS, Attorneys for Libellant, Granted: GEO. D. RICE, Judge S/C. 'I hereby e-'rttfv that'tlio above is a tree extract from the minutes of tho : Superior.Cpnrt of C!ar cCountv, at Aderist lertn', f»7?.“‘'’''' JOHN I. HUGGINS, Clerk. G EORGI A—CLARKECtlUNTY.—W hdteas, . Thomas A, Hodgson applies to me for let- tern of Administriitibn on the estate of William V P. Hodgson, (late of said county,) deceased— These are, there('cne, (o cite and admonish all concerned, to 'show cause at m.v office, on or before tho first Monday in Oetober next, why- said Letters should not be granted. Given under tny Jiaud, at office, J un 5,1877. ASA M. JACKSON. Ordinary, sept! 80J. : {ZJ-EOItGrlA, Madison County.— '^ Present, the Honorable, K- II. Pottle, JpfigeSdperior Oourt, f.C.; Jottfi J Do\x,.d Libel fpr Divoreci ih Mad'tson, ’ vs. _(! j-Suptridr Court, March Term, Nance Dove,J 1877. Jt appearing to, the Superior Court by the rctnrri of the Sheriff that the! defendant Nancy Dove does not reside in this county further appearing that she' dfies hot reside in this state, it is- on motion, ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this court, or that the case be* considered In default and the f plaintiff allowed to proceed: It is further ordered that this notico be poblisb- ed in the Athens Georgian once a month for four months before the next Terra of Cohrt, Done in open (J-urt. JOHN T. 08BORN, Attorney for Petitioner. E. H. Pottle, Judge Superior Court N. C. I hereby certify that the above is a correct extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Madisou County at March Term, 1877. S. C. O’KELLY, C. S. C. murchSO-m-Jm. Clarice Co-uzrfcy. rtEORGIA CLARKE COUNTY.-l,buna- VJ XT's OzfIok, Augfiif «th, 18771—(’mount Thotuus (Colr’d) lias applied for exemption of »ad setting pfeirt, and. valuation oif bwnestend. and I wih.-pass-upoh the aatpc aVlt’. o’oloek, a. m. on tho 81«t dnv of August, 1877. ar. mvoffle- . . -• i ASA M. JACKSON. m'*-?: ■ •■.(*.■ m'. Ordiiypy.. (GEORGIA' CLARKE CGUiifg Whereas, Edward K, Hodgson -j'pHcs to nteibr letters of admitijstruti(hioi) the tdfcge'k* Lafayette Maupin, late of siud oouhty. deveasia. These are therefore Jo eile and sdiiHmGli Ml concerned to show cause at my office oi. ur be fore the first Monday in October next, wi y sold letters should not-begnmwd.. ••■sc*- ; Given under tny hand at'itfF ofilee : ti is- jyflF day of Aggnst. J877. : ' „ S - "ITowajr, Spisjr, R^liablo-" The Atlanta_Constitution. Under its new nr.unagcmei t, The Atlanta Co-.stitct.on has won tbr its I* th > title of the leadiug journal of the soutu. Its cutcrprise. during the recent election excitement, iu send ing correspondents to different portions of the couutry, and its series of special telegrams from Washington wliile.the electoral omniis-mm w eugaged iu eonsumating the traml that pbbed radicalism ir.ore in power iu our nationa) councils, are evidences conspicuous enough to. prove that no expense will b - spared to make The Constitution not only a leader in the dis cussion of matters of public concern, but a leader in the dissemination of the latest and |^JEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. VClioron* Nnthnnipl Pinlti.r.lsinn ailntinla. ens>a»enient of snored than a:i marriage most reliable news. There is no better time than now to subscribe for A Fresh sail V'gmias >.■'•«•«*• Albeit, there lias been a ] ui settlement of one of the most difficult aud dangerous pro blems of modem federal politics, tl<e discussioi s spring therefrom and the results likely to ensu.- havelost nottnugof their ebsorbing iuterest. In addition to this, the (ample of Geo-.gia ar now called >i|iou to settle The Convt-uliui. v(uesiiu». aud m the discussion of this important snbjee! (in which The > oxsrrrrirriox wiil take a lendi’i; Estate of Mary M. Adams. P rsotss having demands upon Mrs. Mary M, Adams, deceased, or upon her Estate, wifi pre sent them, in terms of the l.iw, nt Simrta, Geor gia, to II. J ADAMS, Trustee. Septc . ber 8th, 1877. septll-8t. •mil ni'irf f I ,arl ) cv ‘ r ' Georgia .isi.iu-rosted. If aeoi‘ on- EORGIA-CLARKECOUNTY. 1 ’ ' tion is r'.iileil its pTod-e '.iiigs w'” find their j Whercus. NatUottirMF.-iisrdson, ndoiltiis , eariiesi uml falx st . uib-idi.iiuut / .ie voitnnna : tr«*'• t •-•f JmieG. Riehui i* de.-vased.: —An little less 1 la ^ e ' i of The Conct.totion, and this tact alone will If it is nacessarv for you to use ! make the paper indispeusabieio evei veituen ot , .' J , ! the ante. To bj brief, your handkerchief sonorously, leave j The Atlanta Dally Coastfiatioa the room quietly. I "ill endeavor, by ah tlie means that the pro- 1 j gross of modern journalism bus made poss.ble —If you lUCCt a gentleman friend j and necessary to hold its place as a 1 -adcr of | southern opinion aud ns a purveyor of the latent with' a strange larlv ou his arm, salute ; news, its editorials will i« thoughtful, timely , , " | and vigorous—imIiq mul argumentative in then methods and thoroughly southern iyid demo- j cratie in their sentiments. Its news will b* | fresh, reliable and carefully digested. It will ; be allert and enterprising, and no expense will Whereas. Nathaniel Richerdaon, adminis trator of David Richardson, deceased, petitions in i eras of the law to be discuarged from said admistratiou— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persona concerned to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Mouday in Jaunarv next, agarasi the grunting of said discharge. Given uuder my ban I, at office, this 31st day of August, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, soptll—bi.. ') Ordinary. NOTICE. All p'-rsons liriving demands against the es tate ot John.Kiri;putrick, deceased, are hereby notified to present the same to mo tn due form for payment within the time prescribed, by law, aid those indebted to said deceased, arc re quired to make inuned'ate pavment. REDDEN T. PITTARD, jnly3-80d.' ' 1 Administrator. p ICORGIA OI.ARKE COUNTY.-t iu wt- \Xby’» Office, August 6th, 1877.—Robvii II. • Lampkm hits applied ibr crfeinprioti*«f^fi.isoii- altjr aud:setting aputl uud valuation «» l„mte- stead. aii I will puss upon tin* -aun* mqo o’clock, a. it. on the 4th d->v of Sept «mu-r. 1377 at m.v office. ASA*M. JACKmiN, ’* angl4-2t. OrOiuiiry^. , \ I) :.. n j:?- Tf !-~h T0K ’ S SALE —Puranani~R. eouuty, will be sokp before the Court llow.e and twenty six shares of the stock of tlie Pioneer Paper Mil) Company, one lqt of land, in the city of* Athens and said,* containiuir abc.ut three quarter., of an acre,'move«r less, including the blacksuiith shop, coal hou-e and wood shop, an J all too improvements ti.creoi* except the barn, bring the hlacKnnith shop siv.d lot lately oecnpied by Wm.Talma.ige,.*tcF;:ne j_ Also, at the same,time and place, wiX !>.• sohT one red, no horned cow. Also, the set op blacksmith tools deceased used in said shop Also, all the ready made work and , toek hand, consisting of axes, grubbing, la links, steel and iron, and all the content* u ( said-shop. All to lie sold as the property of; said deecased,, . for the benefit of his heirs unu creditors. Tefms cash. ELIZABETH A. TALMADGE. I • ^ Administratrix- nug7.S0a-prisfU>. ■ All,person?, having donumds against Mrs. Lucy Y. De'ipree, (Iate of Clarke county.) de ceased, afe hereby notified to present the same hr payment (o either of the undersigned within the time law, and those indebted to said deceased arc requested to make imme diate payment. ' 5 August 18tb, 1877. JOHN A. I1UNNICUTT, 1 v . THEODORE E ATKINSON, f sept4-6w. Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest! Elementary Spelling Books, 41 20 per dozen; Thomas’ Black d»k, in 2 ounce cases, 50 cents per dozen ; Flagg and Moore’s Ink, in 2 ounce ease^ 40 cents per dozer. Paper, Steel Pens, Pencils dee., as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere. Give men! trial. . feblS-tf. T. A. BURKE, Booksollcr. -CLARKE COUNTt-Vl, Veas, V Ps . Streokfiiis applied to we for Letters of Aamipistration, with tho will annexed, or the estate of Johu F. Streckfass, (hite ef said cennty,). deceased—, These are, cite ntid admonish nil- concerned, to show my office/ oa or before the first Monday iii hcpit lubcr neat— why said Letters should not be granted).! Jr* • Given under iny hand, at office,' this 17th dav of July, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, ' july8l-30d. Ordinary. C LARKE.MORTGAGE SHERliE^iSALL Will bo sold before the Court-House dost in the city of Athens, Ga., on the first Tmsdav b)th. The Ooparhn.ersliip be spared to make it tlie medium of the latest and most important intelligeuc . The Weekly tonstilstian t^Bt sides tiubo lying everything of interest in the daily, Thk Weekly ('onstitetion will eon- tain a Department of Agriculture, which will he iu charge of Mr. Malcolm Johnson, the well, known Secretarv of Georgia State Agricultural vu. o, Jf ™ 1»ii™! 2K>jatS!%’Sit5Slk*«: Grove wdl be delivered any where on >'■« i farm V r will find iu it not onlv all the current in- Heretofore existing under the name and style of Dorough «fc Osborn, in the lumber business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The bnsiness in the future will be continued under the name and style of J. W. PRUITT & CO.. to whom nil orders lor lumber must be address ed All orders for lumber or laths left with Wiley F. Hood or VV. B. Pruitt will ho puuc- tn " Northeast Railroad. Thankful for past favors we respectfully'' solicit the patronage of the public ii> want of lumber or laths to the new firm. April 12. 1877. onl7-3 J. AY. PRUITT & CO The Kennesaw Gazette, A Monthly Paper, Published at ATLANTA, GA. Devoted to Railroad interests, Literature Wit and Humor. Fifty cents a your. Chromo to every subscriber.' Address * KENNESAW GAZETTE mcl)27*tt Atlanta. Ga. Some iiioiitlis ago a fotul Detroit tV.vhor imagined that his only son, a voting man ot' twenty, was going into consumption. A doctor was consulted, and he advised rimt the smi he put through a course of gym nastic training. Tho young man seemed to like the idea, and for two or three months he was in daily at tendance at a gymnasium. Then he Began to grow eareloss, and finally quit it altogether. The father lliongt he could see signs of failing health again, and to induce the son lo go back D» rings, liars and gloves once more, he fitted up a private gymna sium in the barn and began a t^itirse of exercise himself Tito other morn ing he remembered that he used, to be a boxer in his yonttger days, mid be remarked that he’d give the son a few leksons. He was hal-meine himself on hiW heel ami f olitlg otti with both hands, when s 'meihiug him, and half a minute'nftnrwards dimly realized that some ‘one ’ bonding over hinrnud shying 1- ‘ ‘•'Pnt’lftdy-’float* -fatlmr ! ■ are'•; ttelffr? - ::: • ■ ' 'If.*' Snt: bp. lodkt'fl ftrouud, a I’rs^Mistivit.\sictVWiowrUflBu»j:ts;4«lil»ducw C&Cll “ Why, flit her, T got ih h love Tilt- UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED - TO FURNISH MAPLE OR SRAIhl'E formation on tlie subject of ajiricalture, but timely su/irc-tions and wcll-Aijiested advice. Subscriptions should he sent in at once. Terms for the Daily S 1 month 81 00 3 mouths 3 00 0 months 5 30 12 months.... 10 Oe Terms for the Weekly ; C months $1 ] 12 mouths 2 20 Money may be sent by post otfic-e money order at our expense. Address: THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. iu terms o. tlie law to lie discharged from said administri.thm— Tiiese arc, therefore, to eite and adtqouiah all persons concerned, to show cause, at rav office, on or before the first Monday in January next, against the granting ot said discharge. Given uuder my hand, at office, this 31st day of August, .877. ASA M. JACKSON, septlt-3m. Ordinary. USTOTICIEI- 4 FTKK THIS DATE, COUNTY ADYEH tiacmcuts which have heretofore been pub lished in this paper, will'hereafter be published iu the Sun, a Gazette pub ished in Hartwell, Hart county, Ga. r. C.STEP11ENSON, Ordinary, ang Hart comity. Ga CASS FOR WOOL, —OR— CLOTH FOR WOOL. The Athens Mtnufaeturing Company are now making a mucli larger variety of Wooleu Goods than ever before, and propose to Exchange them for Wool, believing it to be more to the Pbe-ivi in Exchange' than have it I ,’urded and spi Samples and Terms ol Exenaugo. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent, may 19. 1875-29-tf tools and fixtures, show cases, sates, and alt other property belonging to aud connected with the jewelry store and business ot Frank P. Talraadge, at No. 3,1 road street, Athens, Ga. This stock embraces fine gold watches ami chains, silver wutches, all kinds and stilts ot ladies' and gentlemen’s jewelry, gold eyt- glassee, gold pens and pcuciis, Rilverand platec! forks, silver and plated table services of oft- kinds, pocket-knives, pistols, gnus- and accou trements, docks, card stands, toilet stands, cake baskets, fruit stands, vases, guitars, banjtw, violins, linrmoi.icons, and a large numl-i-r tf articles of jewelry and fancy articles tootediry? to meution—such as nrc usually kept iu a large, I first-ciass jewelry establishment in a cilv. The I stock is very largo and full, and the roods new. | and of the latest styles, and of the best quality. . . . , ... j Levied on bv virtue of a mortgst’e fi. fa 5®scadi lore to the uitcrest of l.e hv „ m darke Cm* i? f-% cf the M col -or. noth re m r ; K 4JWM8 aU: ; R, lt . l8 t. Mow> ,,, ^ *&*£££ b0mC ' tuU ! P-.Tahur.dge,’ to sa'isty raid fi. fh. Proi^rty j pointed in the fi fu. and two distress w«r- ! rants, cne in favor of A. K. Childs and this, j other in favor of R. L. Moss, against said Tat. ■ madge. ■ J. A. BROWNING,SheriCL aag7-3w. Important to Cotton Planters. ■Chicle, ako * sehiihL h Pnbli«y l>aily, Tri-lLc!(ly anil Weekly, A-b Ga., , , UY Walsh tt-WEftiirr. Proiirictora. C .. !» „t»j -'.-signs lu$y an-■ desired, 1’iiiiu ot 1 . • ' .*■ Kl-.tairste, Mouutncfars: Ilea i add Foot Stones ! Fnll teleetophic dirantches from all points. 1 r l ” ’ yifle ,1'twtw. Marhq «r Granite B..x j .Latest imJ im>.-t accurate market i . i.ib*, Drillh- r>>omhs, Vases or Statuuhv. 1 -• -'• '••*'■* - *- - j. 3! . ... * Ths Georgia State Fair Will be held in ATLANTA, beginning Monday, October 15th, 1877, AND CONTINUING ONE WEEK. Large and Liberal Premiums for Stock, Man ufactures, Machinery, Agricultural Implements. Fancy Work of .Ladies, Fine Arts and Farm P: oducts, are offered. Premium Lists aud other information ean ha obtained by application to MALC< >LM JOH NSTON, Secretary, scpt4r7t. Atlanta, Ga. a. s. otks’s Fias Wluskyand Brandy. Parties desiring to purchase, by Wholesale, pure Uratifly or Wlii-ky, will find it to their iu- toresl to purchase from the undersigned, sole agent of G. S. Duke, to sell by wholesale Ids Fine,Pure Whisky and Brandy. The pipes, through which the G. S. Duke Whisky and' Urandy.are dist.iled, are uuule of Jfoo !. Every gallon wutrantod pure. Address. - fi. R. DUKE. Agent, •; decS-tf - . Jefferson, Ga. tain we can satisfy yon. | stilled fi. fa., this August 4th, 1877. By ordering direct from us uud giving satis- j. a. BROWNING, Sheriff - factory reference, you can thereby save your- j atig7-30J. selves Agent’s Commission. july24-lm. J. I), ill. T. IIAjINAOK. ’ f brawfiirdfille. «*. dfr- $50 Reward, Will be paid lor the apprehension and deliv ery to the Sheriff of Madison county of Jim Long, colored, who knocked down tlie jail r and escaped from jail on the.night of the-lth instant. Said Long is about £0 or 35 years of age, six feet one. or two inches high, weighs about 200 pounds, complexion black, walks rather stooped shouldered, .very large white eyes; and full front teeth. Is charged with -issault with iutent J to.iiiurder; is h notorious bad character. Look out for him, and stop the scoundrel. JAMESW. KIRK, julylo-lm. - Sheriff. CV o:t your'nasril—just, a little lyrler. ti> sve if' yotl .were sVi^Yfl on your pins.” “ Dinii’t yon strike :ts barfl as you could?” “No, not hair, not a quarter. It was wliat the lioys call “ feeliiifj for claret.” Tour n we will spring hack to position in less than httlt' a flay,” Tho father got tip, let v llfe glovf-s fall fcoai liis hand, an l as lie can Hit BETWEEN THE Georgiy and Northeastern Railroad. ..mi pleased to carry ppsscngera (*ho u.ivu such bag-gage as they .can-handle t licm- selves) to and trout the Depots and all other point* on their route. ' The coaeh will cull «t the ■otels with all out going .mails. No drumming for passengers. Fare 25 'cents. tnoUST-lni J. S'. WILLIFORD. SCO. h f F w.'Jk'tla.'ct'fc.a, Gsu : ’ ii“r|'niiis tfi Dress ^'6?>bilS. } . ’■ !X* .1*1 *.* ;> * i *1 . ;Si:ss3ss. LWC-va-at - ,to ZtecL-ukoed. ( As Tsliall be tftn.peUed to vauutu ipj- pro ett store- .ou tlio lSrti' of July,'to allow the owner* 4o btillJ a iietv' one, I shall eommciioc on Mon- J. j. Heard-& W. F. Hood;* ' COffitB Fcc.vpliv AX» OfOXES StKOTs. . • FRESH BEEF, MUTTON,d’ORK",and SAU- . s 'gc.(.Fresh -atid Poiogna Sausage). Vlnr- So-. ” '■ ’ -v.i tho street ready' to supply lip citizens of, Athens. Please! - ' iv ® u-youroroer* aud we will gnaiimtee per- I stock must be. reduced by tbe 13th of July, the ect Mtistactioo. The bighwt market prices tnha-1 shall move to new store. No ure to - quote prices, as everything vyill bo sold much tuuler the market pricer. R. O. DOUGLASS. jenkio ’ offer be K1 x c^i nnge B al oo ri. COLLEGE AVENUE fofore the Court-House door, in the eit> of Athens, Clarke county, Gn., on tho first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wk: One house and lot whereon Cant."A. S. Erwin now lives, fronting north on Hill street, east and south by the vacant Baxter 1.1, and west by street intervening this and Gov. Cobb’s lot. to-vied- < on by virtue of. a Justices-' Conrt fi. f . from the 216th Dist. G. M. R. 5f. Smith A Co., v». Joseph W. Murrell. All tc satisfy the above stated fi. fa. Levy made and returned to me l-y W. A. England, Luuiul Con stable, and legal notice given to tenant in pos session, this August 4th, 1877. J. A. tROWMNG, Sheriff. aug7-50d. -Whereas. I Stepney Jones, (colored,) admihUtnitor o ■ha Jones, (90’ored.) <1 ceased, petitions, ii rms of the law, to be discharged from said F.0RG1A, CLARKE COUNTY.- J Join terms admini.-trntion- Tiie.-e are, therefore, to. .cite and sdiucnish all persi fis ‘.(.r.cenied, to eliovv wiuse atmy The btgit Cincinuatti Lager llcl-r, Cigars and all office, on ord-ofore the first Monday it) Noveir- ■ -1-1—1- i-n^rs sold,cheap •--** — lay Practical ^Watchmaker. H AS rc.nov ! od 13 ills' old stalltl- at the AV.C' ■thug-where he.y.ilf he gl.< i to s ms‘customers, old «u T’hfw, wh-> wis . :i» y ti'orW duiic on- >Vrttcn>5, Cli.cks. r.tjtFJtf "i lr. Ail- work wamuited. • I m T-.’ - t -ARlilUR l.V W -. p-ffolrw5«3EBT©!Sr ^ -.•< . .. - .. in Nov b r next, a ainst tlie granting 01 sjuil discharge Given under my hand, 1' office, (!;is l‘j;h dfs' cfJaly. IS77. ASA M. JACKSON, ' jii!,v24-Biii. Ordinary! /GEORGIA. CLARKE COUNTY. 4t5hicrees. ^1T Uicii'T I D. AVinit and Young K, Milchi-n applies t‘d me for Li tters 01 AdriiitiistrAfon, d« 1 unis no;- r \viI*- 1 t!3 w ill riinexcd, op the estate of T' iiuiss .MTtc’.p*T. (late of shk! comity,) de ceased™ i- . ’ T'.r-: are, therefore, to cite and nelniccisl. '.■ii eoud riuilMo slit*- ejnse. a: my ufirccdon t-r before tba. firs.t' Monday in S-j>t< ; m|ier,next. why t;»ul-Lrtt'dls S'... jjd hot'bfi gr-nteef.' G-ven aii let.«i» Jtard, st this, uth day . bf Julv, TS77.■" ’ 'A’A-M. JAcKstlN, if.ijjpvliRktfl- • . -. ,I{ Offlbfajry. XTo'bico. .1:un-ox, Ga , August 14, U77. Owing lo sickness in Prof. Glenn's family, tiie exeiylsi-s of Martin Institute will not be resumed until August 29th. ung21 2t. SAM Boot: cuid Skoc-Maksr. ATHENS, GEORGIA, (OvtB Jacoeb & MtoHAEira Froax.) First class work tnrueil oat on short notice, at liberal prices. Give u>e it call and get go»’ i cheap at material and fine work. nwrehlft-tt. mav2? tf. Fun for tlie Boys and Girls* iciu, jm.'o iwnri UiVm >»u BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. G FtvRatA. OLAKKE COUNT Vi-#*Vr Wirtes., the e-tate of Isaac Willtersontilato of said 1 "coCttitV, dhetst-efi; itiniiTcpresrhttd.fiud’itt-t likee ' ly to be gj-pr-'sptdc.d, thc^uap, thfOTfpje lo cit- iuj'd udthd ishnU»-onitrtfdcftb sl ow' orttcu at Jiv tlie cierk'of tha Superi or ConrI of said county or men other person or . '•" ’’ '* ^i^j,2^exry' ?: CaOOdi3 Mas. T. iA..Adaxi? would most rv-|w Yal« inform ^0 Lnffitauf Athen^aud of - | of5ce w th ** wl A«- jacentj shd liaa uoiir recftreed aiu ‘t.wtae< * ; g.. st 0( .^- -s-hy the administration of said estate latest ( style^ aud fi^hions.qf , . IDG. BaaacD, .Rttbaas, latccs, Flow. <;l .v„. Vcnd at tfife 2 g th ^ which she will sell at reaaonamo pi ecs. Give her a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a distance carefully filled- fStort* h-.ntcd on Breed street, one door above Nat'mnal Bank, april 21.1875—25-tf. ■Wa23.-bcd- Employinent either as a wet or dry jiur.-e. Wages reusonable. Address Mrs. J. A. B0RM1 MANN, aug21-2t. M’int, rv,l!», G.i of June, 1677. lune 2C-4w. ASA M.JACKSON, Ordiuarv SToticQ. The undersigned hat .'2 ranted the Hemphi^h-. shop, is prepared to do all kind i f blacksmith—' in",-n; and repairing wagons and buggies. Having procured tlm best of white mechanic*,, he hones to secure the public iiatronage. J. >. ROBISON, Jr)