The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 18, 1877, Image 6

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*•»» vonniiivuusj iuu u iu . thercwaA a great gathering,. L andjnsw'e ibftrrt from the Sr, Louis l 2E y O0'X , *71 > ^>r ^3CfS^E]B2^ , T X Democrat, the leading Radical paji)#f! ‘ *Y‘" tr \ -•*'•' hw I- .: {*| ■'■ west of thc/Mississippi river, its par- j ‘ ^ ‘ j Printed iii any coin:- «l»isired,-and a: . cheap as can be dime iii t he State. rdlug toDividcdd. lar. to J. W..GLENN. ADOLPH, Secretary ol sopt4-iw. GIVEIS YOblt ORDERS, MEDICAL HOTICE. SAVE MONEY, At tho solicitation of tuny of my former put ms. 1 resumo the rons, 1 resume tbo . « - Practice of Medicine from this date. I will pay a the disease of Infants and Chronio Diseases of Female*. WM. KINO, M. D. hraMG 1975-W-ly Atid get good work, and sustain a A LL persons having demands against Wil liam P. Tali nudge, decceased, are hereby notified to present the same to me tor payment, withintfcetune prescribed bylaw, and those in debted to said deceased arc requested to make immediate pavmcnt. ELIZABETH A TAT. MADGE, Admtr*x. June IS!—Gw homo institution. Cali at the ATh ial attention te idren, and the. ENS GEORGIAN street, Athens,Ga. Atlanta and Augusta IME^DOIJS ft’I Ot K OF THE [From tho BaMglifN; C.)Oh-*rver.] It'is indeedft pleasant and :i“h*au- tiful thiair for hrefhren t«» ;lw I’t-*- gothcr in unity and hnn.non'-. ft is a lovely sight and one- Uk‘- v'm» to raakc the heart of man s»l.-t*t, twb’ik*' •ihto give him.ii' chei-ilV tin *»• - naiioe, to make, tjio hiP- V hands for joy.aud alLth- r . Rat conciliation is trot VY grows tip of. itself oi* liy fact, one man can iv»Tnnr than he can make a eotit h •> *'hn : * tv, ■ er* . t r .> are twp sides to eyepv <j • parties to every contract < ’ » •"*» *•» every eoneilr»tt*r». • Were i' lr»t tor this .-tubbon. ae , the North and the South would long ago have lnen a one united country. The Suitli f»r twelve weary years has been holding out olive Ir:mV*h v *% so long and so many of them indeed that if the supply was not well nigh inexhaustible, there* would not hi* any left to hold out, that is to saA none green and nnwMieivd. Ev**rv olive tree in the South has time and again lieen stripped ofils hr mele-s by .reodv hands, eager to lin'd them out in token of peace find gi»*d will and •Jiarmony and. jeonuilialiou, bin fo'iu- natcly, they keep growing oil! again, ‘'picre is no iii-ed to multiply proofon this score. That huge olive, branch t vffcheld out under the name of Horace , Gfcdey is sufficient to tell the whole »-story. "V-., :» And what do we get writ ‘ all? Have we been met in the same spirit «.and temper by our brethren of the North, or, to use a homely phrase, have we not uniformly gotten more kicks than coppers ? Have we been met and treated as brothers and equals, or as traitors and rebels and criminals of the lowest degree ? It needs but little knowledge of the history of the last dozen years to answer this question. Nor does it need to go hack a dozen years or & dozen months, nor even a dozen days. Within a week past the South bas lost a son whom it delighted to call its own, ami of whom any countiy •night be proud, for Adjnirn! Sein e was a man who did honor to the whole English speaking race. That lie was held in this esteem by us was well known to the whole North, and that reproaches heaped upon him ere his body could he lowered into tin- grave would wound and anger us was equally well known. What then I'll icJriwflll m.-lsl r». T- - hm cited thesiatue in the yt In of mini) -jitd apoV'dhi" |!iojis:md**. l»u* I’h-t* \V*|S l«Ot !lU. The a !• <n ti- 'i**n i-nPin ' tjiwm fey^fitlir- ""** «3K»m Jar) z.A ?an'x >r? • Kansas i o nn:j ■ *>> ney or ft •Intne'ofl • h-' 1 v»fb ><* n.<iHt»i!rs W>sl,i*- ••*’« ’is" •> l ih»yi/njp« t»*b>K»r’. hf{|Vi*'‘ -*-•♦**> A«d till* *. rrit» •’ iW *-*V !?! “••••!' **' <n !**<*Sl »«’ *|* w .Vfssi■&■«<! ’ ’ • N; s Mr VAsJkn-^V* # :•••*-» >• *:i ■•]sh1m* r%s { in'hii a« •> ni"H' -K” Al«n» hh*., . An ♦ x .ij bwtth *•» %’ u»V*J. < V*Uflt ,, f;f UA U ! S'Uifhtm T\ •i>’;«*s<*>(ta , i!v(‘s is tly* an, sn’iir we n*c»*iv.e.: from west <»' ..lhi; . | Almissiroii . ' Nor is this'll 1 1 w'lyis if, p."r]t;ips, the wnNt:;.ins'ill of the fvi*i*k. The \5ow York a nqh«v withon* politics mid widi'uit, a siva 1 in t’ j* Nr th. gravely institutes «‘'im)itiri- 'sin boinvmn Riflin'wall: •♦T ic’-'s >u am' »M John B -own. d ■••hiri'i r i.liym both to he *• ii'dq ■" t.Tifes of A'U*'rh nil character especially, being “to:ivi\ re’igious, ndb'xih 1 \v*lb a beart iis fendeVas a uhuhau’s.’' Ts tiie' i'l'tenMonal' auH Itit’lie' insult in coliYiiarmg'oiir idoliz 'd Jfivk son "itli their hffd light murder h the uinif ivlio pint!*'<1"the'■ iicasertifr nut'e sl:m;J liter Af WfilpIt^’wdimirffA' \ G^:()HGIA|\: ( SEPTEMBER 18, 18/7 ATOVES. .hilitrenY . y.'-' * There nifty We tbdse wlri can hold tlieTr peace wlc-n thtA ‘ graded—-wi are frank to say we are iiot o'f thai sort.^ '• CHARLES F. STUBBS, ■ (Successor to Groover, Stubbs & Co..) _ COTTON FACTCiR —AND— 4 General Commission Merchant, AGENT FOR THE Quitman Factory Yarns, 94 BAY STREET, Savannah, (j eorgia. Bagging, Ties, Rope and other supplies fur* uialied. Also, liberal cash advances made on consignments tor sale or shipment to Liverpool or Nortliern porta. Mr. A. A. VVIsx, Cashier and Co rosyondcit of the late firm of Groover, Stubbs & Co., has au interest in the bus uess. migil-tf. THE MOST DURABLE! IRON KING. REDUCTION • * • ' ■ ; t ■ IN PRICES, ; ■iv ir *. • *•-. f ’*•: vi; Segureothe Services of -A. FIRST-CLASS PRINTER, We':il*e enabled to lit iff oftt as“g«jod THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL co^vts’-A.isr-sr, iVTUEITS, GEQF.GIA. YOUNG L. G. HAHR1S, President STUVKXS TUOUIS Secretary. liru.v> Ass. ts, Ai>s si 1. ISJJ, - - StHl,;,;:; Gj Resident Direetors. AND WAGONS) -OF THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF- HODGSON BROS MARKED DOWN. . PRICES'' SEDUCED. IF 'BALTIMmE.-awH \Yc51iavc qu hand the I^irg'sjt >T(>f K Jit ohl without dilay.• Qood'Buggies, Util. I.'MIK *|~-y < y y j mi Mmmm'BMlmMi Vocxft L. (I. Kauris, , i o r» i ii i John H. Skwton, do we hear i Reproaches to madden I t> K . Hknby iiui, . c . , , I ,. I A 1.111 N 1*. UKARINO, a griet stricken people, ot kindly col. aomcnT tuomax. ui>22-wly 1 ‘ Stkvess Thomas, KLI7..1 L,. N..WTTOS, FERKINANI) I’lllNI/lt Du. It. M. Smith, John W. SlcHutstiji, words to soovhe their lacerated feel ings? Tlio New York Times, iier- haps the leading Radical paper at the North, announces his death in the following terms: Rabun Clap High Softool. Located iu the beautiful Valley of.Head of Tenucssec. Fla.'bvm. Ooiarkty, Ga- W. A.CUKTISS, Prinoijxcl. The Ninth Consecutive Session will open on Monday, July 16th, 1377, and continue, without intermission,' for twenty weeks. Tuition—$6, S3, $10, $12 and $15 per session. Board, $4 per month. Beautiful and healthful location, pure water, salubrious atmosphere, mild climate, and atten tive and devoted teachers, render the school KTt-S. Principal. , lh iil "t U“. I. Ha. “Raphael Semitics is dead at till age of sixiy-eight. Ilad he followed tho tiade of pimoy against a b-ss generous people he would have died twelve years ago. The foreign pow er which gave hint the means to sink, burn and destroy the mercantile ves sels of the United Stat es has paid lor its disregard of the law of nations; the domestic rebellion which fur- j attractive, pleasant and instructive, nished him an excuse lor taking up the trade of murder and robbery has been forgiven.’’ That is the Northern idea of “con ciliation.” To ns it seems the utter- j aoee rather of a brute and a fiend. We cannot believe that it is the duly of Southern people to submit in si lence to .sue.) insults as these. j On hand, Uopers for making'Ir.uvGuartci a , A'f ihe,, fcflisal. of, our . Norihenx brethren to let'by-gones be by-gum Last week at Osawaloniie, a town in For particulars, address tV. v. tTltl julyl.Mf. 3P» Boot and Ska college: AVENUJv, INEjfT Dooii Th THE POST ivi’FICE, cominemoratQ the’%»5tlTcriiigs, the life i.vrill beidiout and the triumph of a martyr, whose J Y name will never perish from tho re- Board. ’ cords of humanity, and whose mem ory will gain lustre with the passing years as one of the choicest heritages of our posterity." The “ martyr ” was uono other than John Brcwit, who paid the penalty of his crime on a Virginia gallows, the orimo .of uicitiu£ ttlaves to mur«lcr The Cheapest and Best! 1 offer «\e above STOVtS to ilie eltizenii of Mortheast (ienrgla. besi<t<~* Tinware, Sheet Iron, Oip|>er, Zinc., etc. Call uoil you will be satislied. * J. G. WELKINS, Broad Street, SIGN OK l'HK BIG COFFEE TOT- aug*-Siu ‘ 1__1 THE SOUTHERN SIDE; OK, ANDERSOBVILLE PRISON: Compiled from < Iffici:»! Documents iu the hands of H. RANDOLPH STEVENSON. M. D.. Formerly Sar/c n iu tha Army <«!'tlio C«m- fr-lenite Mate* ' 4 ti tin : Cliii-t' S'l-'u.m of the Confederate S:.,"..- t r.-o.i lit - •’-.ui.-, Ai.ijtr eonville. t}.i>rgia; Surgcou and Medical 1‘nr- veyor of 'lie * Vmled," Mute- Fri-oli- East of the Mi>six-ippi river. Together with a review <f a lorlion of the te.-timonv ol* tho witnesses in the celebrate’I Wir/. Trial,** mid brief notices of sonv- <U tite work.- -5ait have aniioared ou Southvru p!\>ou- bv Northern Author.*, WITH J5JST AX’S'SSimiX, Containing tho names of about 13,h(K* t uion Soldiers who die i at Audcrsonville; giving number of rh *'r graves, their rank, tin* Compa nies and Regiments to which they belonged, and the dale of tl.c-ir deA h, as registered by the author and others. Also, Cause and Clnssifica*ion of the Disease- inbident to Prison Life; Comparative St: t - nients of Prisoners captured, an 1 d'-aths in Northern and Southern Prisons; A Chapter on the Exchange Bureau, etc., etc coanDXTioitfS = This work is printed from new, clear type, its One Large Octavo Volume . oj nearly 500 Pages, WITH SEVEN mi-m ILLUSTRATIONS ISO A MAP It will be delivered to sttbserber^ it the following prices; BiMtillfuIly Uvugi! iu haullsh t lntli, $:t 0<t - ” Mie.-ti ... 4(»'i “ ” Hsif.t iif.. . 5 DO Payment to he made on Re ceipt of the )Vorh, Persons giving their signatures t<* these conditions, \yiU l«*,‘h-re(i stihscriber.vto this, Work. But ti obligation’ will re.-t upon any' siJi -critter to recidbtvtllo'.tV^ok'untrfwjp, (equals,, in •evjjry resja-ct,^■“|los , Ji , fpti^n. V( given and saigjilc showing ' j’. TURN HULL BROS.' f T< * • j . Pub}\jiS<:rs. ;■ i r ‘ . n • A’^tlKN8 t G4‘y*’< .H 1 ph Atlanta Medical. College ATLANTA,-GA. * ' This Twentieth AnbiWl' Couik' of dj-et uf.-s sSraste m***. FaocitY—J. G. Westaiorcland, W. F. West moreland, W. A. Love, V. IL Tuliaferro, John Thad. Johnson, A. W. Calhoun, J. II. Loran; Demonstrator of Anatomy, C. W. Nutting. Send for Announcement, giving full informa tion. JNO. THAD. JOHNSON, ang7-lm. \ Dean. » work as cai*: bo*done" ‘ *;.*rrti'» *> » '?»■ if ■■ .i!->«1t*l Me irtf/dl -I.l „(•(' IN THE STATE. »; l ' We call the attention of all our citi- *; *i. . zenS to the following Price List: Bill Heads, per Thousand, Assorted, $5. Panary Colored Envelops, Furnished to Merchants and Business Men, with their cards printed on them, At t8 TEH THOUSAND. LETTER HEADS, $4 50 to $5 Dcr Thousand. CaiEiDS, Common 75c per Hundred. —AND— $4 50 to $5 per Thousand. FancyJWork Proportionately Higher. yiSXTXBTG CAEDS JU ANivS, NOTES, 1 l)f I fr The Celebrated Hodgson Wagon, Knownldl,over the State for their durability viid -treugth, and are beybiid 4® e *tMn the Tk- . WAGONS ever i*old in this section if thi* Country. Parties wisl hig any sort of Vehicles are respectfully invited to look through our stoek. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Bspaisuea Job Wqsk .... V !" V v; ».»•--*•> .t-i /ff b-'fr * • 11 1 ... [>i ‘j'jf not: ; .« A SPECIALTY. * Skilled and Finished Workmen in Every Department. Special attention will be given to KKl'All! Yu.EK, ni.d the scale of prices m this have been reduced tully one-tonrt! : N«> 1 • >T* li i- «*• k allowed in our shop—all First-class WORK july3-rim A.Ml A! BOTTOM PRICES. NEW SPRING GOODS. ^Notwithstanding the Bard tiims, THE UNDERSINID IS RECEIVINU A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL KINDS OF Spring and Summer Goods OF VARIOUS STYLES, :Bo-us.®l3L-fc a.t E 3 *£5,33.10 Prices! He most earnestly'invites Bis <*l<i msioimrs and the public generally, And Especially Cask Customers* TO CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GOODS AND PRICES Before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 e Athens, Ga. ap!7-3m - cot fidiiit 1 (• can please both with goods and prices. S. C. LOBES. PLANTER 4 ’ HOTEL, AUGUST A KORC4IA. NEW ^^^APO‘<3-3ESM;E3P<r , TC t . Sls.’tos Reduoee. +o 33 per Say. HAVING LEASED THIS WELL K^OWN HOTEL, I enter upon Us management by Uedtieing Rates, and asking ot chc Travel ing Public, especially my friendsHf Carolina and Georgia, a contimi auee of that liberal support they have always given it. • . j:it)2S-flui ' - ,f F-RMRK..T OF T^dpRlK'fOI;. vO "■ lifrH rtou ,i’n< ■ 'A tGiT WW'i - % n % 'Suit J as ■ I i s •-[. * f! 1 ' l’ fiS" V to *- 1 H tC o 1 X ”1 i ? hi ■ ■ m i “ i ii m 1 % |J £. ’ B < S g s 2 1 slit