The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 18, 1877, Image 7

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EvMtnrn on which .!.■ n 4. I'lUti-rson hits hern lnllftfil-U'f?blitaf« tl.ijj it I'p—riio Tc-i- i'V orsjSt [tribe, •tta $- 1 From the Baltimore Sun.] Columbia, S. (\, Sept. 2.—It has just trnnepifti fh.t the inaiii evidence UPi>li which thq^Grand Jau-v_fotyi«l a, t^as,to the in wki»b4j twfr-hiH JJttolt U*it»-fl^ta3wC^|[tJ(C l/r' ]{@M|Li :s 4* ' SS u testimony before th liranA f ‘‘Jiirj'Tt-otn ex members of the Legisla- Patterson was a photographic enpv of a letter which lias'll enrioits'lvrto’rv One night in Msrp.h. 1872, there was a ppliterinu tjft p ! |»jt.»r-«in?^**bf| l |^'i,i this city of -onte of the leaders t»f the King who then controlled legisifttbyn in South Carolina. At the close of the consultation Pattcramt save to .Tuilae T. J. Mackev a iettef to hi'ifetivowT in person to Kimpton, the fin.vbci i) apei.t of Srtutli (’nrofm’t in NVv York, j who \yns then visiting Colombia. Mackey went to'Oov. Scott and urged that they ought to know the character of the communication; Scott con curred, aifcl thq two proceeded accottl inulv to investigate the contents of the envelope, which they found, as one of thorn subsequently expressed it, to contain “all hell itself.” Fully sat- isged Owhfcs, Hayiiu- and Xus It having got five thousand dollars each, and cheap-, je>|/ators i j j | f ; \ J XOVATZ AND THE LOM. t "ujfo'ro*, itocoiii|X*.uy him, out original, ami by the testimony of! ha 1 eiaitablc wagon to travel in ttii:..,, L.-.1 ^ . and as I can’t nde aid Elliott, black ex Congressman, whose | iiiture, k The npidJibkKiIiTtTit> chnin of cvi.! don tbese clothe* and not' after I lust left <uL , dren with a friend, and started on horseback, without telling the neigh burs anything about it. We expected 1 .. t i- o -1 to be. gone a week or ten days. 1 M 11 einnrt % ^‘>110, SnatiS, t h e disguise was perfect, and uever was more surprised in my life isgetl now tte^ importance, they ine ^ z < ar ® deter^Hrd M?&«t»b^cqpX, !M>4 uffc'T* 1 inrr thnt. snmothinrr mi»Kf aaau. A UrKISn Q< £ eribuo t*) Losnox, September G.—The Pats* sian Success r.t f>hyafz places Osman Pasha itv tIk* awkward p.-itiou of hnv- tug a hostile force on‘ fiotfi flanks. Either a defeat at Plevna or an at tempted withdrawal might result in -thejjd|atructiq-.i of bis army,mnless the Kua sians are compelled to weaken their forces on that side, in order to meet Mehemet All’s advance from Wasgrad. The latter seems to place the Czarewitch’s army in a position ilar' to Osman Pasha’s, it accounts may be trusted, and tan uotiv been found out, I will have to go straight home. Whatever else yon may. say ithfltllVtsC , qrtb'st? / rir!!;''t publish our nain^AVk' , iwi*ul(ifi^Tiortify in most dreadfully to see my name in print in connection with this affair.” A responsible Austin avenue liter chant vouched for the respectihility o’ the couple, and the Indy was taken b> her husband to the Burch House, where she soon was transformed to lady of fashion. I w m!! tfip attention of my -jmtTQijs nn'i tw© y»Hb ! ic stock of h ; W or«t a 0 .vviwts^ fflo*. 1 --./A**l’wi A Nnvy L. . ; v. I*!, .SN-U. 4 * 5 ' 'Matorial - u.u ni-^t f.-*’*'» t| M*<>. n first- t TnlviUns in Silt; Alon.-idni -S'-htfih Gingham. Trunk*, etc., to wridc’i I invite ft,,. Inspection of tiie/'UHie, "innu'.tf-eii. ; -my i«r‘c - ' to cnmppfp with any lion-ta in * lie Slate. An *«**;-. i.r A-*': • nt- Prioss ID’velicaiQd. OUK SBECIAT.TT —r -hou-ter. ’ m-e i-t>rn|)l' , te, <t:ie JVfl r ‘3iHi .".ft " §1. A eat! is at! we as!: to c;»ivi <t Cnagjcla'a Popular <!;r,11 ia ' Pmporiiim, • Itroa ’ street, Atti***!*;, G». Next <’oor to bon!:’* BiPnwr f)ru<t Store fpy^t'oph - f■ it n i lno*n rz j Agricultural Implement^, tibads, Oils,- Glass and Varii&h, ,llat|i08^ r ■A - - i ?••• L hi Wli her,’ ing that something might occur to to render such a copy useless unless it ^ seen * to 1)0 confirmed in these were a fae-simile of the original, they decided to have it photographed. Judge particulars by Russian admissions. A Turkish force has crossed the Mackey personally superintended the ar *d reached the neighborhood of jo\>5 and. after receiving two photo- l° b ‘ r ‘a»». while ^another force has graphic copies himself, destroyed the ! cro?so ^ ^ ie Kara Lom to Palomneka. negative. One of the photographs TI,US0 Cor l ,s a1v understood to be op- Mackey ratained, the other ho gave to Scott, and the. original was deliv ered, securely rescaled, to the unsus pecting Kimpton, who, in turn, delivered it to Treasurer Parker, in the two copies at the time, and the fact of their existence long remained a secret known only to Mackey, Scott, and one or two others. The secret leaked out lately, however, and Mac- key was called before the Iuvcstigat- ihg Committee, to whom he delivered tin* tell-tale proof in his possession. A copy was made and attached to the bill of indictment lately found against Patterson, and from tHis again I have the following exact copy: ^ VU I>Puis! I)K^T’S Ol KICK GrkR*VH.J.E and") C'OI-ttMBlA lUltROAD OOMfiSY, Columbia, S. C., March -1,1S72.J University of ueorgia. The Seventy-seventh Annual Session of this Institution vrul begin on tlie Srd of October. 1»77. Sclioinrships in tlie State*Collegc of Ajfricnltnre and Mechanic Arts are granted to as many students, residents of the - State, as there nre members ot the General Assembly. In addition, fifty beneficiaries are appointed In the Academic 'Department'. Evtiry branch of a liberal nnd practical education is*taught. The annual session of the Medical Department, at Augusta, will begin on the first Monday' in November. For Circulars, apply to the Deau of the Faculty, Augusta, Ga. Board *12 50 a month. For catalogues and farther particular*, aldrcss WM. H. WADDELL, Secretary of Faculty, nng21-4w. Athens, Ga. lion. Niles G- Parker, State Treasurer, South Carolina: a r Please deliver to II. II. Kimpton venue bund scrip due the Blue Ridge Railroad Compnny, ncconling to act passed March 2, 1872, amounting to S!14,250 at par, upon the following conditions: That $42,8. r >7 of said scrip at par value is to he used for paying the expense of pasti tg through tin; House of Representatives bills styled a bill relatimr to the bonds of the State of South Carolina, nnd bill t<> authorize the floant al board to settle the accounts of the financial a. ent. Now, if these above named bills are passed and become laws, this oMer for $42,8a7 in scrip at pur is to hc.pajd to said Kimpton, and if not passed, then this order for that ainttuiit to he void. ernting against Biele, blit they jeopar dise the whole Russian cautpnigu cast of the Yauta, as well as communica tions withTirnova. RUBBER GOODS AND SEALING WAX. New York, September G.—The fall trade sale of India subber goods is to take place October 4tb, at Boston, and will embrace about $3,000,000 worth of stocky Mails which arrived this morning from France and Germany by steamer Suovio, reached the Postoffice so hot that the bags could with difficulty lie handled. i A large .number of letters bad been sealed witfa.^ wax^j.vhich had melted, and the letters were badly torn and ‘mutilated. Iu being separated, in some cases, it was impossible to deci pher addresses. In one bag there were about five hundred registered letters, with heavy wax seals, and the n citing of the wax had fftsed them into an inseparable mass. By great care the postoffice clerks were able to get most of the letters separated, and those for addresses in the city were delivered. Letters for other parts of the country were re- enclosed and forwarded. The mails nre supposed to have become over heated by being carelessly stored near tlie steamer’s boiler. THE I’OI’E RECOVERING! Manchester, September G.—The Guareian’s London correspondent says: The Pope has definitely re solved to restore the Roman Hierarehv SARGAXirS X2T New and Second-handed Articles. .1-1H. P. Port. Ensrinc,Bookwalter. good order. 1 12 II. P. Port. Engine, Wood & Man. 1 C II. P. Port. Eng., but little used. 1 40 H. P. Stationery Engine. 2 80 inch x 86 feet Cylinder Boilers, with front 1 6 11. P., Schofield patent, Portable, new. 1 Eclipse Water Wheel, good order. 1 Leffelo Water Wheel. 4 Tyler Water Wheels, now ruining. Gearing, Shafting, Pulleys, etc. One 18 pi' 1 - X 14 ins. Cane, Mill, horizontal, good as nop. .? - Horse Powers, Threshers, Fai Mill*. Cam- Mills, Evaporators, at the ATHENS FOUNDRY A MACHINE WORKS. juue26-lm. A Noted Bivine says They are worth their weight in gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS: D i. Tutt:—Dear Sir: For ten years I have hr. n a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Piles. Lost spring ynRrpillswcre recommended to me; I isol them (Imt vritli little faith). I am now a w-M man, have good appetite, digestion perfect, regular s’ools, piles gene, r.nd I have ps.-n -d forty pounds solid flesh. They arc worth their weight in gold. Rsv. R. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. Dr. Tutt has been en gaged in the practico of medicine thirty can, and for a long _*ho was demonstra tor of anatomy in the ’icdical College of Georgia, hence, jper- ror.j using his Pills have the guarantee that they are prepared onecicmilic principle:), and are free from all quackery. He has succeeded in combining in them tire heretofore antag onistic qualities of a mm PILLS CURB eiCK JXSAB- 4033. "HTTPS PILLS CHEZ STSPSF81A. TUTPSP1LLS CURE CONSTIPATION TUTPSPILLS ctraa piles. Wool larding Factory. Tlie undersigned lias his new Custom Wool Curds now in operation at the Factory, at tin eastern terminus of,Broad street, Athens, Ga. Work done satisfactorily and with dispatch. II. F. FOWLER, Agent. aprilHMin. BL ACKSM1TII1N G. Having rented ‘the Blacksmith Shop so long occupied by the lute William 1*. Tnlmadgc and employed competent workmen from the North, I am prepared to do any and all work in the^j Sla.clssxxii'blb. Line at the shortest notice and at tlie lowest prices ot any shop in the city. I have a SkciUed 2 ££ iTxor and make specialty of Axes, Mill Picks, Mat tocks, Picks, Garden Hoes and too's of all des cription and of the finest temper. WAGONS AND BUGGIES Ironed aid Repaired, Tire Shrunk, Etc. Plows of all kinds made and repaired at low prices. Also] First Class Horse-Shoeing done by a northern shuer, Trotting Plates, Concave Shoeing Etc., iu a manner unsurpassed by any. All new work warranted nnd satisfac tion guaranteed. Guns and Pistols repaired. John M. Bassett. marehSO-ly. in. Scotland. Cardinal Manning will soon no to Rome on a confidential iJiii and the serin i< not, to he delivered. AW. at payout iSt4llht connect ion! .1 shall deliverlo said K'inpton if said bi;U shall become laws, and provided that Jie,shall pay the sym id' $50,0(10, the 'pritM^ly of** raid 1 VWijil, ht 70 cents on the dollar. In paying the expenses incurretl in ]mssing through the 8eifaie<1i|c ki^nvf asja biff to relieve the State of all liability on account of guaranty dd -Blue Ridge Railroad bonds, &c.,.passed March 2, ton has contracted to pay, and if said Kimpton fails or. refuses to pay said BURPEE & BRO., Cactjpge, Wttjron Makers, apparent effect is to increase the tppetitc by cauring the food tojwoperiy acoim- Hate, thus the system is nourished, and their unic action on the digestive organs, regular & healthy cv- acaf.tioccarcprer.ueed T i c rapidity with which ferrons'tnir on flesh, white urdcr the usfiucnce or these pills, cl ifcelf indicates their adnntnfcUl'y to nourish the’bt'dy, ar. 1 hence their cfacai y' n curing nervous debit «ty, mel ancholy, dyspepsia, wasting of the mus cles, sluggishness of the liver, chionic con. siipRtion, and import ing health and strength to the system. Sol i ev- vrywhere. Omcc,3.<; . u rayStree-. Now Yii-S. TUTPS PILLS TOTPS PILLS OTOE BILIOUS COLIC. TUTPillLLS TUTT'S PILLS CXmETOBPH) LIVEB CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, HUBS, SPOKES, BUGGY WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS,'VICES BELLOWS, HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., . / i ■ Manufacturer’s Agents for the sale ot Fairbank’s Standard Scales. WINSHIP AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED Cotton Gins, Cider Mills, Syrup Mills aud Evaporators, Watt Plows % Farmers’ Friend Plows, Pumps, Circular Saws, etc. SSfAny article in our line not in stock, will be ordered whengdesired, with [the leas possible delay. decl9-ly What is Queen's Deught Head tb.o Answer It Is a plant that grows in the South, and is specially adapted to the cure of di - .t »es of tnat NATURE’S OWN REMEDY, Entering at once into the blood, expelung all scrofulous, syphilitic, and tl-eonintic anections. Alone, it is a searching att.-r.utvc, ‘’ u t 1 whe 'l combined with Sarsaparilla. AUlow Dock, ana other herbs, it forms . DR. TUTT'S SfiBSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT, ^ The most powerful blood purifier known to med* ical science for the cure of old ulcers, diseased joints, foul discharges troin the cars and nostrils, abscesses, skin diseases, dropsy, kidney com- plaiot* evil tweets of secret practices, disordered »nVelaiKl fcpleen. Its use strengthens the nervous svstem imparls a fair complexion,and builds up the body with ■ _ _ at HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. Call and Examine Our Stock and Prices. $»or. #• bodv i:i $030$ vited to Call. i f \iK- Broad Street. Over Burke’s Book Store. STOVHS! STOVES! STOVES! I am now offering for sals at Low 3E 3> ra.o©s, The following celebrated Cook Stoves, all of which are warranted equal to any offered in this market. IRON KING, GATE CITY, BEST/ CRICKET, PALMETTO. Call and see before purchasing. J. C. WILKINS. oct.81.6m. Athens Foundry and Machine Works. Mh.xia;Ei3srs, OMh.. General Founders aud Machinists, Pattern Making, Smithing and Repairing, Mining and Mill Machinery, Manufacturers of Circular Saw Mills, Steam Engines. Horse Powers, Threshers, Fun Mills, Bark Mills, Cano Mills, Gin Geariug, Cotton Presses, etc., etc. Agent for Cook’s Celebrated Evaporating Pans, Cardwell’s Separators, Turbina Water W’heels and Agricultural Engines. Prices sent upon application to It. Ml'KKKSON, Agent. junc26-2m. amount m defrgyine eaid expenses vheu required by me, then this order to be void., If said conditions are compHadjrith *n< delivered to b« held Iwhlfifor or ta Nocqpnt for its value. Tito above two aunts of 842,- 857 and 871,414 hi scripit^par make -^fcnottd ir President Blue pany in South Carolina. WitneerR. B. Com Travelling .Man Fashion in Texas. [From tl*p. \V a’co Examiner.) Ti e attention of Marshal Compton was attracted to n pet son whom, polish dressed in male attire, lie tec ognized as a woman. The officer ar rested and conveyed her to the polic- station, where, after some ..esitation, Site Acknowledged her seX. W hen ar rested she was in company with a stalwart looking mun, aged about forty yeftia, who, she said, was her husband. The lady’s statement to a reporter is ns follows: “ The gentleman who walked out as you came in is my husband. He is gone to find an acquaintance who will help me out of this scrape. My bus. hand a*nd I are from Albanv, N. Y. radically up the atnouifFflPWfiirfiliPMdl'i8BH8P' We came to Texas two years ago and The aubient!cItyo^^ifs*cs a sheep ranch near Perry- station, in this county. Our home on the ranch, seventeen miles from Waco. We have a thousand head of sheep there. We concluded to move our sheep to one of the western coun- At the shop lately occupied by P. Benson, near ■ (Sum As Beaves’ ttahle, ' ATHENS, GA-, : Ale prepared WMp all kindnoCwwHMa their Hue of short nbrtce, in* tile ftUsrSBPfelOR STYLE, mid at an t -j REASONABLE RATES :u< the same class of work can be done. Tuty urc prepared to put up Carriagea, Bug gies and W agons in ANY STYLB, and invite those nuviug new work put up, .to cMLbefore hs imp»r%Moua ore covamkWHmM ace that ALL Materials used ore oTvhe VERY BEST QUALITY. t REPAIRING AND PAINTING A SPECIALTY. All work done in this line warranted to give aaUafhotion, both as to .style and price. Harness Making and Repairing. They on also prepared to make or Harness. Having secured tig atrvicea, Thoroughly Competent Worlcppan iu this branch of the business, all they ask is „ trial, that all may be convinced of the SUPE RIORITY OF T1IEIR WORK and the Reaoon- iibleueiw of their Chaises. pTite sure to call on them and examine their work and prices. jnlySt-Sm • Ul.'IU-i »<*U | UltU , o - , . uche. fc^cr nnd njruc, you will rpnu-t health. Sold by all druggists. Price, fi.oo. Oflice, 35 Murray Street, New York. . He ll} TO KEN t'g'r tir.v i, small outage liovne, scM M carefully drawn contract-ijQ 4 liqy«ntl cavil, as it tieg^Jiroyided a suitable location could ib attested by the two photographic be found. My husband made up his XToti.ce X All i>cr,on* having' demands against the t .ie of Thomas Poullaio, itecessed. are hereby miiifi.-u to preseut the same to mu for pay mi 'within tlie time prescribed bylaw, ana th< moot oso i 4 Fe w, 3 . Ak. 3K3.M: TVYO loi*- . 'S 1877 M: sat . GANN & BFAVBS, Tbo ! ur <•. . e rba hi .’ :e upper brt Ige and (tpitu&te Mr JOH>* Z. GOOFF «’S, Liver Stsble. We orktuen iuJebied to said deeeased ore required to make iui.i.eiliuie p.ivm nt. - - EM ELIZA PGULLAIN, Adm’r. aug7-30d. -fivr.t HOHSE SEC-^HiTG «‘f f t* *ry , - • > * ■ -’1 i * If A.\ + ’ • •• x f j ' PLating and Coxuavic Siioks Mauufaoturec. to'order. V. AGONS. BUGGIES', CARKlAfiEE, Abd a pt ian'J-ti LIVERY, p. NO SM STABLE, iL-blieaa, Goos-gicu. GANN & REAVES, PROPRIETORS. Will be found at their old stand, rear Fntuk- liu House building, Thou is street. Keep al ways 6u hand good' Turnout J oudcarefttl dri- vors. Stock well cared for when entrusted to our care. Stock on hard for sale at all times. declStf. . ... * For Sale or Rent! A small house, convenient to the business: portion of tho city. Also, For Sale Only, A cottage house containing seven rooms, with ail necessary out-buildings, and two acres of land attached. M. 0. SLEDGE augT-4!. * For Sale. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, j.VjU.N GGSU.CN BV.SM.TT, Proprietor. Tho Rest and Cheapest Newspaper Published. POSTAGE! A »»cond-hand Wheeler As Wilson Sewing Machin -; lias been but little used mid is in per fect order. For sate cheap for cash. Apply at acg29-tr ' * THWOIWCE 1877. 1377. Hoots and Shoes TOPBD^iti. XT- W. Satidrup, Artist. , , Has removed bis shop to the McDowdl Build ing, on College Avenue- Price* liberal'and firetclssH work guarantee. . t jane 16,1875—03-ti . .. ^ ^ , 50 CENTS FOR 6 MONTTHS. f An Extra Copy to every Club of Tee. The N. Y. Daily Herald. PuMUbed every day in the year Millinery & Fancy Goods MISS O* 0T-A-IMCEJS 4. % ! :V.. .. v ->i • ■' i >• -A ; '• ’ 1 Has just ♦ received direct from a ohftBte and beantifiil fcsnrtftiont ot * i $8 pays for one yea*, without Sunday*. $8 pays tor Hz months, Sundays included. SI pays for six months for any specified day oL Si pojrxroraaia mouth, Sqndays included. NE’OvsDEA.L.ERS SUPPLIED. i * -toi kinds of Fanning M-tc tine- and lm- rep-tired on « on notice. HATS, i inspeotion-of which, will bet opened for the inspection- . . friends and iputrons On Wednesday and Thnrstlay Alcoa choice stock of nil .season,- consisting of Neck hot ago Free. .1 O.’U .: Sunday edl— Daily edition, 2)4 cents p«r copy*: _ linn « centn per copy. Weekly edition 2 cents per- copy. Aaantta , Nl irvtIEk tfiRXLP, Bi^sdjiraffgAnnatieet v Y. Cost.. a, 1 - I ■: l.t.^ . a iiS.swww-.™ -- ■ — • —»tll ITlt lifc ,, . h- -m the Auction business, who will give prompt o-eiiy. «£• ui-nk, S-4-, ? itrict attention riven to orders..' Only the best all silk material used in trimming. An early «sdl is solicited by < . ■ * w/rT=«<=j r~> .tsiiirvta apS-ltri .Tvcxss c. j&l&as, Atheiis,. Georgia. Ori WORK Ol EVERY OE- M-|i|llio • , ill-- LEGAL BLANK*v. Aeatiy printerl and tor sale it ‘ • l^tvakl A.v Mb; tABLI.. v Carriages, Itu* gles& horses totI'iri-. \Vashjiviwij,Wi.ltep«tP«^, Go. rov26-187M