The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 18, 1877, Image 8

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"1 THE Q uto a startling revelation now | exorcises the M<>rn»ni people out in Utah. A telegraphic dispatch to the‘ New York Herald, <l:ite<l Salt Lake, Utah, September lOih. 1877, says: “ The Twelve Apostle* have ‘o^day issued au epistle to the Mormon peo ple, claiming to have received a reve lation * from God on the 4tli irt»i.\ di> , rooting them to preside, overwrite Church without olecung-.a new’Pro- phet. The promulgation' here of the extraordinary document has created excitement, surprise among the Mor- nious, and disgust among the Gentiles, wlio art too-NrCll aware of the past nets of several ol the Twelve not to believe that tiro Almighty -had but a small part in the matter In point ol boldness, this “ revelation” goes I'm beyond anything that Joseph Sm tli ever dreamed of, and is equaled only by the disgusting bulletins whieli Brigham Young sent forth front time to time.” This credulous, fiiolish *>nd deluded people in Utah are now discussing, and will doubtless accept this epistle as though it were what it really is not—a “direct cnmmni-d from God.” London, September 6. — A special dispatch from Rome to the Times says the health of the I’ope is improving. . ...I ■ - — ■ Railroads. „ ^BOSPBCTUS OF ST.. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY, WaxUaftna. Wilkes (rmntj, (la. B -arding ad Da; ScM F«r Vonng laps. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF The Sister’s of St Joseph. T ilts INSTITUTION IS PLEASANTLY »ilnoted in the suburb* of the beautiful weru of Washington, one of the mort |m>Ii> iu Georgia, having a delightful climate, free from all malaria. A beautiful and retire i frove, adjacent to the Academy, will afford tuple facilities tor healthy recreation. Parents and Guardians may rest satisfied that the Sisters wild direct the institution consider themselves bound to respond to their confidence by strictly attending to the moral and intellectual improve ment of their pupils, and ffiviu# them that physical care they would receive at home. Each young lady mast be provided with six towels, four table napkins, knife, fork, spoon, tumbler, toilet oap, etc. The Scholastic Y.-sr is divided into equtu sessions ot five mouths each. Fall session begins <m the First Monday in Septem- her, Spring session begins on tlie First Monday of February Pupils, however, received at any time during the year—their session emi nieiifing with the date of their entrance. COURSE OF STUDIES: . _ ... '.ting, < Rhetoric, « omposition. History, Natural Phil osophy, Geography, Botanv, Arithmetic,. Alge bra, Geometry, French and Latin l-auguages. Music on Piano and Organ, Drawing and Pali Schedule Northeastern Railroad. Change of Schedule. .On aud after MpNDAY, .Tune 23d, 1877, the morning train on tbo Northeastern Railroad will be discontinued. The evening train will run as follows: EVENING TRAIN Leave Athens ... Arrive at I.ula Leave Allauta via A. L. R. Leave Lulu. Arrive at At Hons 4.W P. M. 8.50 P. Hi 4.00 P. M 7.20 P. M. 9.45 4*. M Amnio time at Athens for passengers on up- day or Athens Branch Georgia Railroad, to eon uect with this train. Close connection at Lull, with North bound train oi. A. and C. Air Liu. Railroad. J. M. EDWARDS, ~ je5-tf Snjieriutendcnt. ATLANTA & CHARLOTTE. r Air-Totine. CONDENSED TIME ATLAN TA —TO- RLA.STJUB.N OITHuas;! VIA BICUMOND. leave ATLANTA ....4.00 r x Arrive at Charlotte 6.15 r x Arrive at Danville 1.16 r m Arrive at Richmond S.2S r si Arrive at Washington. D. C., Via. R.. F. & P. R. R 1.10 a >i Arrive at Bal. imore 8.15 a si Arrive at Philadelphia ; 6.40 a si Arrive at New York 9.45 a si Arrive at Boston 8.30 pm Leave Atlanta 4.00 r si Arrive at Charlotte 6.15 a si (VIA. Yir.OIXIA SUULAS>D JIO.TK.) Arrive at Danville 18 r si Arrive at I.vnchburg 4.0o r si Arrive at Washington C.ty 1.30 a si Arrive at Baltimore.; 3.15 a si Arrive at Philadelphia 6 40 a si Airive at New York 9.15 a si Arrive at Boston.- S.30 p si Tnrongh Tickets on sale alUuion Passenger Depot. »:igg ge Checked Throrgh. G. J. KOllKACRK, General Manager. W ..1. HOUKTON. Gee-, »fa-s. 'Picket Aif’ . ^ NOTICE. Augusta, Ga., May 1st, 187<J. On after Monday, May 1st, 1876 the Passenger trains on the Georgia Organ, . mg n Water Colors. Fancy Work. Embroidery v\ nx Flowers, Loco. Plain and Fancy Neo it Work, fonu no extra cmtrgc to Bo-nlers. ; TKBMS—Payable iu Advance. Board, Tuition, Washing, Use oi Bed and Bedding, for one session of 5 months. $80 Oi) Music on Piano, including use of instri- ment..... 15 00 Crayon Drawing and Painting in Water Colors j<) 00 Vacation of two mouths, if si>ent at the Academy 25 00 irrms for II.Jr Srhotirx, per Qasrter In Advance. Tuition in English and French: momentary Class 6 00 Intermediate Class.i y 0 Senior Class... . ]» ©0 nepll-4w GEORGIAS: SEPTEMBRE 18, 1877. KOBE HEW GOODS. FOR COMMENCEMENT. A Large and Beautiful Assortment of ^iuc Flowers. Hew Silks, Hew Ribbons, AND NEW',’. • ■ r HATS! mhl HATS! suns irnnmed frorr> so cent* tip. Untr turned from 25 cents up. ALL GOOUSSOLIt aT COST. Call early au MISS t.’. JAMF^. MISS C. Athens, Ga. Fob the Bfiefit of the True of ATSBXTS And Northeast Georgia. Hill HD MCI JOB WORK. fiREDT REDUCTION m PUBES. SDWHT D. X7SWTOST, SALESMAN; FOR THE SUNT. 1877. NEW YORK. 1»77. The ditfereut edirious of Tub Srx during tlie icxt year will be the same as during the vear hi list bus just passed. The daily edition wifi ou seek days be a sheet of four.', pages, aud on suudays a sheet of eight' luges, or 58 brand weekly edit columns; _ while the weekly edition will be n -> h ct of eight puwof the same dimensions uid character that are already familiar to our friends. Tub Sni will continue to be tlie Ftrenaous advocate of reform and retrenchment, ami ol the substitution of statesmen-‘hip, wisdom, and integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, and fraud in the administration of public affairs. It will contend for tba government of the people by tiie people andfor tlie people, as opposeff to government by frauds in the ballot-box nnd in the counline of votes, enforced by militarv violence. It will endeavor to supply its readers —.i body now hot far from a million of so Is— with the most careful, complete, and trustworthy accounts of curreut events,- and will cmplov for this purpose a numerous and carefully selected .staff of reporters and Correspondents. Its re ports from Washington, especially, will be foil, accurate, aud fearless; and it will doubtless continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred *»t thorn who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurping what tlie law does not give them while it will endeavor to merit the confidence of the public by defending the right? of the people ■gainst the encroachments of unjustified power. The price of the daily Srx will be 55 cents a mouth «r |6.50 a year, post paid, or with the Sunday edit on |7.70 a year. Sunday edition uloae, eight p.cge3, f 1.L.I a year, post paid. The Weekly Bum, eight pages of 58 b.osd columns, will be foiraished dori.ig 1877 at tiie rate of fit a year, post paid. Tne benefit of this large reduction from the •revioiis rata for die Wesklt canbceojoved by individual subscribers without the necessity ol making up club-. At the same time, if any ot our friends clus se to aid in extending our circu lation, we shall be grateful to them, und every such person who sends ns ten or more suL- scribers from one plate wilt fco entitled to one opy of the paper far himself without charge. Ai one dollar a year, postag paid, the expenses of paper and printing are barely repaid; and, cc shirring the size or the sheet and the qnalifa <>*' its contents, we are confident the people will eonsiderTiiK Weekly Sun the cheapest now-s pa >er published iu the world, aud we trust also one of t lie very best. Address, decl9. THE SUN, New York City, N.Y The Gainesville Eagle. Has tli.' largest Circulation la Northeast Georgia. And ii Bead by over 9,000 Persons! Railroad will run an follows, viz Day Paabsngeb Tbaix wilt Leave Athens at 9.00 a. m. Arrive at Angnata at 4.00 p. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 4.00 r. m. Leave Augusta at 3.00 a. m. Leave Atlanta at 6.00 a. m. Arrive at Athens at .'. i.55 p. m Ntear Pawexobr Tbaxx. leave Athens at..... U.80p.m. Arrive at Augusta at 7.85 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta at ; 5.25 a.m. Leave Augnstaat 8.2np. m. Leave Atlanta at 10.30 r. k. Arrive at Athens at... 6.5o a. k. . Passengers from Atlanta, Athens, Wash ington, or any point on the Georgia Railroad and.- Branches, by taking the Day Passenger Train, will make dose connection at Carnal: with Train- for Milledgcvilla and Maoon. Sleeping Can on Night Passenger Drains. " 8. K.- Joaireoa’ Superintendent, aprilo-tt Messrs. White Goods, Notions, Uu broideti.-jL ,Nj KO w luff». & Steele, Kras Secureothe Seims of Read the Hews! Strike in Athens! Talmadge, Hodgson l Do. HAVE STRUCK 39S. LARGE ARRIVALS DAILY OF Com, Flour, Meat, Sugar and Coffee, AND ALL KINDS OF Groceries and Provisions. We control the product of the Finest Mills in the South. Laces and Era i e Broker. —AND— General Merchant 'iFFICEai: STS Bxsadway, p . -and wrip- Messrs. Thomas j& Fleming, OCX. ATHENS, GA T«r1g. CIGAR hAClTORY. ANTICIPATING to reopel oar Cigar Factory ou a larger Mate then ever before, we ofl'er the A. FIRST-CLASS JOB PRINTER, We are enabled to turr out aa'good work as car be done IN THE STATE. following brands of Cigala st 19 per cent, di?- count from oar usual prices eo as to -ell our j immense stock— 15,000 Plantations. 16,000 Phi Kappa land Demos. 8,000 Big Bonanzas'. 9,000 Our Favorite brand. 5,000 H. Upman.i 5,000 Flor do Mejiuel. 5,000 Key West- 4 9,000 Choice. , | 5,000 Figa:>. . .1 ^ 8,000 Partagas (Concbia.; 5,000 PUrtagas (5'inch.) 5,000 Ready Relief., We call the attention of all our.eiti* zens to the followin'? 5.000 Lji Espanol^ 10,000 No Brand, i Kalvariusky & Liebler, ATHENS, GEORGIA. 4- TIIK NEXT TERM OF THE ATHENS HIGH SCHOOL WILL PEGINi Monday, September 3,1877. r nahl olus.i end of each month, or $50 a iRcliotii»:ie yeui (ten months) if payment for ihi wtiole time be made in advance. Price List: Bill Reads, per Thousand, Assorted, $5. Canary Colored Envelops. Furnished to Merchants and Business Men, with tlieir cards printed on them, At *3 PER THOUSAND A. B. Brumby, A. SL, It. B., PB1NC1PAL. ^goinxtifio a&cxieulfcuxe, —BY—^ Prof. Agriculture., University ofGa. Sbcons Eoiyjoh, Etoimm asd Revised. I'abliihed by A. 8. Barnes & Co., Now York for sale by Burke* Hancock, Atlanta, Ga. and T. A. Bwke, Athetw, Ga. Price |2.9 . tvfi-tf 1 Miss C. Potts, TasMonable Dessmaker, (Oror University Bank.) Sroad Stafot, Athama, C.a_ It is the best advertising medium of any pa per in existence, for seven large couutien, and equal to any other paper in ten other comities. it docs tlie county advertising for Hall, Bonks. Towns, Wbite, Union and Dawson coun ties, the city of Gainesville, and the internal revenue department for the division of the 2nd district. Now ia the Time to Svbbcribk.—The Consti tutional Convention will assemble on Wedties- dsy, 11th day of July next, and it is the inten tion of the Emu to watch the proceedings and post its readers. It will contain a weekly let ter from an able correspondent, who will not only rive the proceedings of tlie Convention, in a condensed form, hot the current news-of the foa^itol, in the most attractive and interesting » .«• Vawablb as a Family Pafsb.—Farm and household interests are care-folly provided for in its columns, vrliilc the education and the momis of the country receive, and will coutinue to receive, the moat careful consideration <Jf the editorial management. Mining, mechanical and manufacturing industries will on no account be ne * ,ort *1t. “ ld Mercantile and market In terests will also W. B. COX. w. E. U!LL. JOS f TIIOMTSOX, JT. COX, HILL & THOMPSON, Wholesale D - be particularly atteixfod to. Tub News Dzmmajtr will be kopt up to the highest standard pf country journalism, and neither enterprise nor expense will be spared to make the Eamb one 6r the very best weekly newspapers in all the land. Iw PoLmoa, Oio Kauui will adhere to the “ Old Guard” Democracy, approving whatever is ;good, andrY<ui$r-ng wha5ever -y bad, in State and Foderal ^hiam «urations; and, on the progressive thccr.. . f a-“Solid South,” will drive etrslgh: ^head-for the complete rescue ot American uistitntiwns,a _ * i return to constitutional methods, and tbo aUction.©f a ronreecntative in }880k fopecnnwuMiwucBi- Ono veer....................... Sin months Three mouths.. .,.,.*3 00 ..... 1 00 60 Remit by Postal Order, Registered Letter, or through Agents, at oarrMt. Ad8ress7 ' CAREY W. 8TYI E8. q Editor and Proprietor Eaqix. Grinearillo, Ga. respectfully iefonn tbo Ladies and da generally, of Athens nnd vldnit her trfende generally, or Atncns nna vicinity, | xtuit that she is nosv prepared to do Dressmaking m for hire, the Neatest rad most fashionable styles. With f her experience in the business, she feels sure oi; Ws - wiving satisfaction*. may 14,19:6-3«-tA j vnM-lWMf AND SALE STABLE. Foreign ub Domestic No 39 PEACHTREE 8T m A' And octl4-ly DistiUem rt tN<*. Stone Whiskey THE GREAT i Human >1isery. Just PabUsbcd, -iW. a Sealed six cents. lelope. Price A Lecture on the Nat Radical cure of Seminal W torrhcea, induced by 8elf,, Emissions, Impotcncv, Nervous ‘Debility, Impediments to Marriage generally; Consump tion, Epilepsy, and hits; Mental and Pliyeica 1 Incapacity, &c.—By Boobby J. Culvxrwxil, M. D., author of the “ Green Book,” Ao. The world-ronowned autlior, in ^ib admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience tiigi the.awfuleunstqiienci-H of Self-Abuse may e oe effectually removed without'.medicine, aud " without dangerous surgical operation?, bongite, instruments, rings, or oordishi; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain aud effectual, by which every sufferer, no majter what; his con- ditioc. may This Lfcture-will ppove a. boon to tbottsands and thousands. *..r V -'Tt . 1 ' ~ Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cent?; or, two ; postag« st&mp^a T . Address the Publishers, : MEDIC THE CULYERWELL MEDICAL'CO,. 41 Ajvn E*., NvW Yorx ; l'ost (iffioaBox, 4686 wotioeTtcT L IVEBY Carriages, Buggies Jb. horses, or hire,. Terms'reasoneble. | - w E. M. WHITEHEAD, Washington, Wilkes county, Ga. Clarke County Bondholders. The interest due July 1st, will be promptly paid in coin, at the National Kink. 1 am also prepared to take up bonds to the amount of one thousand dollars. ! 8.0. REESE, Co hty Trees. LETTER HEADS, $4 50 to $5 Pei* Thousand. Common 75cper Hundred. CHOICE. KENNESAW, MARIETTA & EXTRA JSvery Sack Warranted tu give Satistaciior Bagging and Ties a Specialty. Special Arrangements made for Supplying Grangers and Gin- r.ers in Large Lots Cheaper than Anybody. HEADQUARTERS FOR ATHENS FACTORY GOODS. — • •~ '■ L U > Jeans, Yarns, Linseys, Kerseys Miirting, Sheet ing, Checks, and Stripes at Factory Prices. We Can’t Be Undersold. BRING US YOUR COTTON AND GET THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH. WE HAVE JUST BUILT M #JBW' CQTTQ# And have the Finest Facilities for handling Cotton with Speed and Accuracy. . AGENTS yci: THE CELEBRATED Orange Rifle Powder, The most satisfactory l’OWDER ever sold in Atiier. -T17 It once and you’ll not use ray ctb»i PROarOR & GAMBLE’S CELEBRATED SOAPS -40M) AT PACTORY TLICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ON EVERYTHING. REAVES & NICHOLSON, AGENTS. Iron. Cotton Ties—Xaaaporteuat Special XTctice. TiltllK MAI1K—Jtrt'OJIB. AT<r COTTON TIB LIMITED. K. W. RA'STITE «& CO. General Agents 47 eARONDELET STREET, NEW ORLEANS. Arrow Cotton Ties—The Best and Cheapest. “ For Sule Here and hv Mirchauta Generally. X la view of thecOMtautly tncreastagpopularity demand for tliet.ELEBBATED AltBOW TlF. ‘ I riMUteis, t 01 the universally recognized favorite lie el Planters, t ottun Pie-ftuen and Mii].pt-ia ot t olten yecerally the AiuerU-aii ( otton Tic l'o., limited, role pu ^rielors ai.d DiuDulacluids el said 1 ie, ci muiardisv m:equaled facilities, have, in addition iu ll.eir large stock new ou hat d, conlracicd lor iucrcsred quar - lilies, sufficient tu meet the laigcal demand l'ur (otton lies, 10 conr ti c cntiie ciu) the ctniit g rccicn; and now, ibruugh their Agents generally, offer the |<r-ul»r and Impresril.le ABBOW T f at £2 5<v pee bundle, liss 2}£ per cent, discount, for cash,in Lundies c< mplete.l-eiiig li tstian tlie maikel ra!u<- of plain h<H<p iron ; and it being the eurpose of th< ('< tuj any ti- merit, the ccminned patronage of tb-- planting community and to dely all competition that may arire, iLeiT Afcnta are insliuclcd to cent ran with Dealers, factors and Country Merchants at the above named price, and tern-s for ftiltire deliver j up to tlie 1st uf August in quantities as may be requited from time to time, settlements being made '-a delivery. junc7-tri-w4wCn-. -AND— $4 50 to $5 per Thousand, fancy W«k Proportionately Higher. VXSXTX2TG GAMS BL\NKS, NOTES, Handbills, Pamphlets, etc., - ESTABLISHED 1865. THE CHEAPEST BOOK AKB STATIONERY STORK ££F QSQStQIAa ORDER EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE DIRECT TO Fillips cfc Crew, Atlanta, Oa. PIANOS AND ORGANS tiTOF' EVERY GRADE. SEND FOB PRICES.^ PHILLIPS, CREW & FBEYER. taSritriw-Sm ATLANTA. GA. . .. A splendid nt?w stock Parlor and Chamber Suits From Twenty-five to Five Hundred Dollars complete: i . ,l(P - * r-U*” ••••>• if: ’Printed in atiy color’ 'desired,^*! ifis cheap'ap <?nn be done ir» the State. • . . * «) - ' -ft • ! otr. -' - •• • ’ ilhy GIYEUS YOUR ORDERS, SAya4SibNKy, And get good work, and sustain » homo institution. Call at the ATL . - • *- *■ GEORGIAN office, Biono iune28-lm. ENS I street, Athen»,Ga DINING FOOM AND , . <• ;; .. ,-r.i i©!":.- ’’ **;:j t vn. - • n JPricfis as cheap, as apy Fii strclass RoHse inc the South. a. s: sEsaromo* & jr©.. •r • 2teMa«p|tRi.»trfe€t J Attanta, Ga, .h l(3r'iGUtf v ) {' . I - sj]»„; Cotiage Suite.$25 to tfiO. .Send orders, or ktters if inquiry. "ML. Atlaaia, a©Qrgia* Wholesale Liquor mSwAtriw-Cm ,- 19 Alabama Streat. i'S : : i .il -Nf i ■i 1