The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 25, 1877, Image 7

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN; SEPTEMBER 25, 1877 The Bankers* Convention—J if we were to discard tlie greenbacks.- Speech of Sir Francis the greenbacks were made to play the same part. in our currency that Bank of England notes do in that of [From the New York Heraid.l I Britain our circulation might be The most noteworthy thing in the gound wUh a in0ller atc stock of gold proceedings at Association Hall yes- Ba „k of Englam , notfi8 are a lega i terday was the speech of Sir Francis tender everywbera except at the bank Hincks, of Montreal. He was F* L*, and Safeguards our IS® Domin, ° n ‘" greenbacks might continue to be a The Seventy-seventh Annual Session or this Institution will begin on the Srd of October. 1877. Scholarships. in the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts are granted to as many students, residents of the State, as there are member* or the General Assembly. In addition, fifty beneficiaries are appointed in tb* Academic Department. Every branch of a liberal and practical education is taught.' The annual season af the Medical Department, at Augusta, will begin on the first-Monday in November. For Circulars, apply to the Dean of the Faculty, Augusta, Ga. Board $13 50 a month. For catalogues and farther-particulars, basis in pursuance of his ideas. His solid cast of intellect and mature By reducing - their amount to $300,000,000, or less, they , , , „ „ . could always be kept at par, and for •now e ge o sea an monetary every domestic purpose would be just MtlniAfita ahaKI 1,,1. .Za 1. ..I * * * subjects enable him to speak with a weight which does not belong to men who lack his large experience and practical knowledge. An as sembly of eminent business men is no proper place for gushing declamation or wire-drawn arguments on points of constitutional law. There was nothing flighty or strained in any part of Sir Francis Hincks’ remarks, which were throughout an example of clear statement and pertinent sug gestion as good as gold. No Great Standing Army. Thia Country Will Never be Governed by Military Power. [Judge Block'* Letter to the Editor of the Pittsburg Post.] York, Pa., Septftpiber 3.—James P. Barr, Esq.: My Dear Sir—It is quite out of the question, with my present engagements, to write ftilly address ang31-4w. Secretary of Faculty, Athens, Ga. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN SARGAINB Z2T New and Second-handed Articles. I order. >•& on the labor question, or even to give, Of course there may be a I as requested, a few thoughts which difference of opinion as to the value arise from a superficial look at the of some of his suggestions, but there situation. I have barely run over can be none as to the fitness of his | the article of Col. Scott, which is char- manner in audience. Sir Francis Hincks has a natural 1 AH. P. Port. Engine, Bookwalter, good 1 IS H. P. Port. Engine, Wood & Man.: 1 6 IL P. Port. Eng., but little oaed.t 1 40 II. P. Stationery Engine. S 3u inch x 88 feet Cylinder Boilers, with front. 1 6 H. P., Schofield patent, Portable, new. , 1 Eclipse Water Wheel, good order., 1 Loffole Water Wheel. 4 4 Tyler Water Wheels, now ruining. Gearing, Shafting, Pulleys, etc. One IS ins. x 14 ins. Cane M good os new. H°nre Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Cane Mills, Evaporators, ut the ATIIKXS FOUNDRY A M VCIIIM: WORKS. june2Min. addressing a business j actcrized by his remarkable ability as a practical man. He means business, no doubt. I should like much to partiality for the Canadian system, I hear from Mr. Gowen. He has all of of whieli lie is the author, and which j Scott’s fidelity to the interests of the has thus far worked well. Whether I corporation he leads, is his equal in some of its characteristic features can energy and force of character, while h« sticcessfuly transplanted to this I lie looks through all human dealings country, as Sir Francis recommends, with a more learned spirit. Besides, is a question which deserves the re spectful consideration of the Ameri can bankets. In the Dominion the I there are others who ought to en lighten the public nr ml. Have you read the article entitled ** Fair government issues poles, as our gov-1 Wages,” by a “ Striker,” in the last eminent does here. But it issues J number of the North American Be- none in dciiominnt : ons between $50 I view ? He makes some suggestions and $4. The banks have a monoply ] that ought to be considered and of the intermediate denominations. I thought of before they are altogether The large notes of the government— I rejected. Of course, I have no con- 350, $100, 8500 and $1,000—do not ception who the writer is, but jiulg enter into general circulati .n, but are ing liim by his production, I expect used by the banks as a pan of their to see him a power. It cannot be necessary to tell yon In accordance with this plan Sir I or any other sensible man \liat this Francis suggests that it might be country will never consent to be '.veil to,continue tlie greenbacks, but I governed by a standing army until suppressing all denominations be-1 tlie people make up their minds to tween $50—or, perhaps, $100-and abandon republican institutions nt- $5. We fail to see any advantage in terly, and submit without murmuring continuing the greenbacks of lower I to an absolute despotism. The cne- denominatious than $5. When bank mies on both sides of the water have notes are issued on tlie mere credit offered many excuses for maintaining i Mill, horizontal, . OF—— Cliarlie Stern’s CLOTHING EMPORIUM! I would call the attention of my patrons and the pnblic generally to tny fine stock of Clothing For Men Youths’ and Bojs’. Consisting of French Diagonals, Worsteds, Cheviots, Cloths. Melton’s Scstch and Navy Bine Flannel Snit*, all of the Finest Material and the most fashionable styles. Also, a first- class stock of Gents’ Famishing Goods in ell brandies complete. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Umbrellas in Silk Alpaca and Scotch Gingham, Trunks, etc., to which I invite the inspection of the public, guaranteeing my prices to compete with any bonse in the State. Angnsta or Atlanta Prices Duplicated. OUB SPECIALTY — Unlanndcred Shirts, made complete, fine. Linen Bosom and Cuff* for $1. A call iivall we ask to convince one and all. diaries Stem, Popular Clothing Emporium, Broa-1 street, Athens, Ga. Next door to Long & Billups Drag Store. a»8-lv i Wool Carding Factory. Tlie undersigned has his new Custom Wool Cards now in operation at the Factory, at the eastern terminus of Broad street, Athens, Ga. Work done satisfactorily and'with dispatch. II. F FOWLER, Agent. apnll0-4m. Notice! AP KI?° nB l*“ v * n S demands against the estate of Thomas Poulfaiu, deceased, are' notified to present the same to me for within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said deceased are required to make immediate payment. EMEL1ZA I’OULLAIN, AJn.’r. aug?-39d. ’ TUTPSPILLS A Noted Divine says They are worth their weight in gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS; Ti tt:—Dear Sir: For ten years I hove ...... i (but with little faith). _ a W .:i mna, have good appetite, digestion - ' rs-mlar rods, piles gene, and I have gained forte round* solid flesh. They are worth v-i-f-.t in cold. Rev. R. L- SIMPSON, LouUvillc.Ky. THE SIDE; OR, of the banks ii may conduce to the safety of the laboring class, whose wages arc paid in s.«nall notes, to substitute government notes in their place. But in this country all bank notes are issued on the credit of the government, which is responsible for .their ultimate redemption. The small large armies in times of peace, but never anything so weak as they set up now. Hundreds of thousands of laborers find themselves unable to protect themselves and their families from starvation, and they become turbulent, as every other people lias done under the same circumstances. ANDERSONVILLE PRISON: Compiled from Official Documents in tlio bands of % R. RANDOLPH STEVENSON, M. 0., Formerly Sntgeon in the Army of the Con federate States of America; Chief Surgeon of the Confederate States Prison Hospitals, Ander- aouvillc, Georgia; Surgeon and Medical Pur- veyor of the Confederate States Prisons East of the Mississippi rivtr. Together with a review of a portion of the **£l! n0, W. 0 .' f .. Ul0 witnesses i„ the celebrated 4 »> irz Trial,” and briof notices of soma of the works that have appeared on Southern Prisons by Northern Authors, WITH JhXT APPEITDiag, Containing the names of about 13,000 Uni Soldiers who died at Andersonville; givi number of their graves, their rank, the Com; _ nies and Regiments to which they belonged, and the date of their dea h, as registered by the author and others. Also, Cause aud Classification of the Diseases incident to Prison Life; Comparative Strfo ments of Prisoners captnred, and deaths iu Northern and Southern Prisons; A Chapter on the Exchange Burean, etc., etc notes are just a9 safe as any part of To maintain a standing army for tlie the bank circulation, all of which is purpose of keeping them in o^der, is COUDXTIOETS = This work is printed from new. clear type, in amply secured by doposits of govern fnent bonds mid redeemable by tlie government if the banks fail. With tliis rectification Sir Francis Iliucks 1 plan might be worth a trial. By suppressing all the greenbacks below $50 or $100 and requiring the nation al banks to keep a considerable pro portion of their reserves in green backs, they might perform a useful office in our currency after the re sumption of specie payment-. This plan would economize the use of gold. It would render resumption more easy and probably niore safe by preventing severe drains on tho bank reserves under a heavy foreign de mand for gold. But would it not lie simpler to reduce the greenbacks to n fixed moderate sum, but permit them to be issued in all denomina tions, as at present ? •- If legal tender notes are to be retained it would be expedient to allow the banks to re deem their own notes in them, which they oould not very well do on Sir Francis Hincks' plan. A man bring ing a ten or twenty dollar note to a bank ior redemption would ordinarily prefer a government note of the same denomination. There would, un doubtedly, be a larc economy of gold in retaining some $250,000,000 or $300,000,000 of greenbacks, requiring the banks to keep two-thirds of the * reserves against deposits in greenbacks and allowing them to redeem their own circulation in government notes Os this plan we could maintain specie payments with less than half the amount of gold that wonld be required the wo: st remedy that could be de vised for tlie evil. This reduces the workingmen to a state of mere slavery, where the bullet and the bayonet of the soldier come in place of the overseer’s lash. If they submit, they will be fit instruments to make slaves of us all. If they resist, civil war will become the chronic con dition of the couDtiy. The United States have no right to intermedle with this business except in certain contingencies, well defined and careful ly provided for in the Constitution. The old excuse that these limits ought to be disregarded’because they confine the powers of certain persons within limits inconveniently narrow, is not one which ought to find acceptance in the judgment of a free people. But if the General Government must settle the controversies between the railroad corporations and their laborers, let its interference take any shape but that of a standing army; for that would be not only cruel and dangerous, but the most expensive that could be adopted. believe none of these corporations think that less than p hundred thou sand men would serve their purpose; and that this is a gross miscalculation, for three times the number would hardly he sufficient. It would be much better, easier and cheaper to take out of the Federal Treasury as much money as will pay the railroad em ployees fair wages and let the corpora tions have the fruits of their labor as dear gain. Of course, I don’t say that, we ought to be taxed to free the railroad companies from the burden of payi ng for the labor they employ, so that they may increase their profits or be saved from losses, but we had bet ter do that than worse. Yours trotyl J. S. Black. One Large Octavo Volume nearly 500 Pages, oj sum RUS lilt PS Pills CITS S 3! TUTPSPILLS CUBS SHOES. TUTPSPILLS croaigvMAiro tutpTpills CUBS BILIOUS COLIC. TUTPSPILLS TUTPS PILLS S CUBS TORPID LIVER CHILD, NICKERSON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IEOH, STEEL HAILS, HORSE JA-N3D MULEBHOES, HORSE 8HOE NAILS, Agricultural Implements, Leads, Oils, Glass and Varnish, Harness Leather, Dr.Tutt has been en gaged in the practice ef medicine thirty years, and for a long irae was demonstra tor of anatomy In the 'icdlcal College of Georgia, hence, — tons using have .tWM_ that they are prepared onsdcnuficprincsnlct, and are bee bom all quackery. He has succeeded tn combining in them the heretofore antag onistic qualities of a strtvMcning.turga : iiveipurtfjingicnic Their first apparent effect is th# appetite by caucing the food to properly assim ilate, thus the system is nourished, and by their *mic tr" the digestive regular & healthy ev acuations arc produced 'I he rapidity with - which ftr.'ons tale on Her’/, while urdcr tlie influence of these pills, c( itrclf irdicates their 1 adaptability to nourish thebody, ani hence, their efficacy > n curing icrvnus dchu ity, mcl- ncTiolr, dyspepsia, watting oT the mus cles, sluggishness of the liver, chronic con. slipation, and impart- health and strength to the system. Sold ev. .I Vwhere. Office, Mu ray Stree». New York. Cotton, Manilla & Jute Rope, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, HUBS, SPOKES, BUGGY WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, VICES BELLOWS, HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., Manufacturer’s Ageuts for the sale ot Fairbank’s Standard Scales. WINSHIP AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED Cotton Gins, Cider Mills, Syrup Mills and Evaporators, Watt Plows, Farmers’ Friend Plows, Pumps, Circular Saws, etc. Anr article in oar line not in stock, will be ordered when] desired, with (the leas possible delay. <lecl9-ly Call and Examine Our Stock and Prices. 1UMPH OF SCIENCE. Gray ILir can be changed tn a block by a single application ol rr’sHair Dye. Jt set* like magic, I is warranted as harmless as water. I Price $1030. Office 35 Murray St., N. Y Broad Street. Over Burke’s Book Whatis Queen’s Delight Irload tne Answer It Is a plant •at prows tn the Swth, wad to •penally adapted to the cure of discu»cs of that cJim-.m*. It Is WITH SEVEN FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS AND A MAP. It will be delivered to stibserbers al tlie following prices: Beautifully Bound In English Cloth,-.-.. $3 00 * “ Sheep, 4 00 “ “ llalM-air, 00 Payment to he made on Re ceipt of the Work. Persons giving their signatures to these conditions, will be considered subscribers to thia Work. But no obligation, will rest upon any sub scriber to receive the book unless it equals, iu every respect, description given and sample sliou;n„ TURNBULL BROS., Publishers. J. E. BITCH, AGENT. ATHENS, GA. scrofulous, syphilitic, and riu-umanc affections. Alone, it is a searching v.k-r.tiivc. but when combined with Sarsaparilla. V illow Dock, and o:her herbs, it forms BR. TUTPS SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT, T.-.e most powerful blood purifier known to med ical science for the cure of old ulcers, diseased bants, foul discharges trom the ears and nostols, abscesses, skin diseases, dropsy, kidney com plaint, evil rflects of secret practices, disordered bveruud splt-cn. Its use strengthens the nervous system imparts a fair complexion, and builds up tne body with . HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. As nr. antidote to syphilitic poison it is strong, ly recommioded. Hundreds of cases of the worst type have Imn radically cured by it. Being E nre’r vegetable, its continued use will do tto arm The lu-rt time to take it is daring the summer and fall; and instead of debility, bred; ache, fever and ague, you will enjoy ramtsc health. Sold by all druggists. Price, $1.00. Office. 33 Murray Street, S/t-rwYoek. JO 6^ STOVHSS! ST0V1SI STOVES! I mn now offering for sale at Low Prices/ The following celebrated Cook Stores, all of which are warrauted equal to any offered in this market. LBON KING, GATE CITY, BEST/ CRICKET, PALMETTO. Call and sco before purchasing. si. C. WILKINS. oct.31.Cm. Athens Foundry and Machine Works. AA.TI3HHnJTS, OA.. ’ General Founders and Machinists. Patten. Making, Smithing and Repairing, Mining and Mill Machinery, Manufacturer* of Circolar Saw Mills, Steam Engines. Iioree Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Bark Mills, Cane Mills, Gin Gearing, Cotton Presses, etc., etc. Agent for Cook’s Celebrated Evaporating Pans, Cardwell’s Separators, Turbine Water Wheels and Agricultural Engines. - Prices sent upon application to R. NICKKIfSOX, Agent. june2G-2m. LIVERY, FEED ND SHE STABLE, Athena, Gsoxgia- GANN & REAVES, PROPRIETORS. Will be found at their old stand, rear Frank lin House building, Thomas street. Keep al ways on band good Turnouts and careful dri vers. Stock well cared for wllbn entrusted to our*care. Stock on bund for sale at all times declStf. TOTaxrbecL TO BENT or buy a small cottage home, con > cnicnt to the business portion of the city. An unimproved lot, if desirably located, might be sold. Apt*lv at Georgian office nir^-t* Foi THE BflEFIT OF THE TlUE OF ATSZNS And Northeast Georgia. EOWW ». XTEWTOXT, SALESMAN FOB Messrs, Opdjcke, Terri & Side, White Goods, Notions, Linens, Laces and Em broideries. —AND— General Merchandise Broker. OFFICES: 375 Broadway, 2fffcw —AND WITH— Messrs. Thomas & Fleming, OCX, ATHEJfff. SA Meriwetlier <& Few, BLACKSMITH’S TWO SHOPS FOR 1877. One at the old stand in front ot Messrs. GANN & REAVES, The other ou the road to the upper bridge and opposite Mr. JOHN Z. COOPEK’S, Livery 8table. We have first class workmen HOnSB SSOSZXTG of every description, Plating and Concave Shoes Manufactured to order. WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, And all kinds of Farming Machines and Im plements repaired on short notice. jan9-t£ For Sale. A second-hand Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine; has been but little used and is in per fect order. Fer sale cheap for oash. Apply at scg2*-tf THIS OFFICE 1877. Soots 1877 8hoei For Sale or Rent ! A small house, convenient tt> the business portion of the city. Also, For Sale Only, A cottage house containing seven rooms, with all necessary out-buildings, and two acres oC land attached. M. C. SLEDGE uug7-4t. Wanted. Employment either os a wet or dry nurse.. Wages reasonable. Address Mrs. J. A. BORMEMANN, nng21-2t. Winterville, Ga. Auction! I have associated W. A. England with am in the Auction business, who will give prompt attention to the isle of property and goods ot all kinds. VERONEE & ENGLAND. *ulyl7-lm. and TO ORDER. XT. W. Haudrup, Artist. II** removed his shop to the McDowell Build ing, on College Avene*- Prices liberal and first-clssa work gaaranteeu. june 16,1875—83-ti ISrOTICZHS TO Clarke-County Bondholders. *’The interest doe July let. 1877, will be at the National Bank, take up bonds to the dollars. S. 0. REESE, Co nty Treas. inne38-lm. LEGAL BLANKS, lastly printed sad far sola at this WB <>. Belton Hotel, SoLHsosx Georgia. Situated 68 miles on the Atlanta, and Air Lins Railroad from Atlanta, and wil one mile of thejunction of the Nortn lust Rail road of Ga. The Proprietor is now prepared to serve all wko call upon him with meals at the Allowing rates : Single meal We. I Per week HN Perda^.~....$l WI Pcrrasoth^ Millinery. MORE NEW GOODS. FOB COMMENCEMENT.? A Large and Bsantifnl Assortment of Fine Flowers* «' • Few Silks* Few Ribbons ^ AND NEW HATS! IIAT$I HATS1 nsis trimmed from 60 cents np. Untrmmed from 26 cents up. ALL GOODS SOLD AT COST. •' Call early al MISS C. JAMES. Atheqa, €hu : ; — J OB WORK OF EVERY DE- •criptioa don# at tHiaoffic#..