The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 02, 1877, Image 3

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How to Sit for a Photograph. ] •“f » . . , * !»• * l1 ** « - wf A fJ VJ* ^ \sX ^ Alter having arranged the prelimi> naries as to style, price, eto., enter ■ - i.ldOi .H ■ ; » . . “•> THE ATHENS GEOKGAIN: * \U) ■ / .iin a OCTOBER 2, m 1877. 3 the operating room anil inform the operator that, you liavb but three minutes to catch the train—persuade him if possible to sit you in advance of two or three others who have been by patiently waiting—get vexed and jj, pout if' he declines to do so without their consent. Then retire to a seat in the reception room and cultivate a view of thought best adapted to make you miserable. When vonr turn ccines, suddenly recollect that your hat, cloak, etc., must be removed, and that your hair needf briinptng or re-arranging, tvon-i der why you had not so employed yourself while waiting; but, uo mats ter, console yourself with the idea that you are paying Mr. Skylight back in his own coin by making him wait. If your face is long and slim be sure to do your hair up high “ a la pompadour;” this may make the face look a little longer and slimmer-hut, no matter, follow the prevailing style and blame the operator for all that is not as your fancy pictured it. Should your neck he a trifle long, ; wear a dress cut low or a turn down collar. It it is the reverse, wear a high rufy “ a la Queen Elizabeth.’’ Should ‘ “ Old Glasscye ’’ suggest a ruffle for No. 1 and collar for No. 2, . think how stupid he must be not to know what folks are wearing this fall. > If the figure is tall and slim, wear a long waisted dress with a skirt a® scant as you can, but possessing a long trail; this will make yon vail in appearance and rail at tho artist too. If the extremities of your mouth should be unfortunately near your ears, don’t allow the artist to make a profile, because such a view would only show half of its-actual capacity for hubkwheat cakes, etc. Jf the case is otherwise, insist on a profile, became a lady friend of yours bad a side view taken which every one admires. Should there he a lib eral supply of humanity in the make up of your nasal organ, object all the a full view.ol the face. When you are about 'to be sacri ficed, surprise your tormentor with some new and original phrase, such as, “ I would rather have a tooth ex tracted-’’ When he attempts to pose you, object to the position, or, better still, bring in three or four lady friends and induce them to sustain you in your objections, get them to luss around you as much as possible, and don’t for a moment forget you are seated in a dentist’s chair. To tally ignore the artist, so he will be responsible only in case the picture is a failure. If a child is to be photographed, wait till about sundowu or rise unu sually early and come before break fast—you are aware that the best light for “the little ones” is between 10 a. m. and 2 r M., but no matter about the light, suit your owu con veniencc. If tho child is less than tno years old, insist on having it taken standing, and, to make matters still more difficult of accomplishment, put ou a dark dress. If the child ia older, commence a week or two be fore the picture is to be made to drill it in positions; teach it how to hold its mouth, and don’t forget to tell repeatedly not to be afraid of the ar tist, thus conveying to the child’s mind tho idea that something terrible will happen and that a monster will will have charge of the ceremonies. The above is not a rare experience in the profession, but quite a common one, and the moral is obvious. If yon expect a natural picture, do not get yourself up iu a style entirely for eign to your everyday appearance. Discard gew-gaws and so on; dress the hair and person becomingly; and, finally, assist the artist in his by no menus easy task. He must have yonr entire support and confidence, and t: e utmost good feeling must prevail throughout the operation, or the inevitable result is a failure. AHUERSOaVILLE PRISON: Compiled from f Official Documents in the bands of RANDOLPH STEVENSON, M. of Lcct 1*77, and Atlanta Medical College, ATLANTA, GA Tho TwentietWAuimal Coj Mta-5fa=4!«W*-Lll. . , . Faculty—J. G. Westmoreland, \V. F. more laud, W. A. Love, V. H. Taliaferro, Jolm Thad. Johnacrtjt-W. ^jalhoOn, J. 1L.Logan; Demonstrafor or 'Anatomy, r. W . Jthtnrfe. Send for Announcement, giving full infonna- -_l r U■ : — “i-'L 1 ■ ... - College, The Georgia State Pair Oconee CoTxxrb^, Clarice County. AND CONTINUING ONE WEEK a ivi lifii Wi * i: Formerly Surgeou in the Army of the Con federate States of America; Chief Surgeon of tho Confederate States Prison Hospitals, Ander- sonville, Georg# I Surgeon and Medical Pur veyor of tlio Confederate States Prisons East of the Mississippi river. Together with a review of a portion of the testimony of tho witnesses in tin- celebrated “ Wire Trial,” and brief notices ot some of the works that have appeared on Southern Prisons by Northern Authors, WmiAU APgEXTPgg, Containing the names of ubout 13,000 Union Soldiers who died, ut AndcrsonviUe; Riving number of their graves, their rank, the Compa nies and Regiments to which they lielonged, and the date of their dea h, as registered by the author and others. Also, Cause and Classification oftho Diabases incident to Prison Lite; Comparative Stit - incuts of Prisoners captured, ’ and deaths in Northern and Southern PrisonsA Chapter on the Exchange Bureau, etc., etc GOXTDITIOJtfS = from new, This work is printt-d clear'type, in One Large Octavo Volume oj nearly 500 Pages, WITH SEVEN FULL-PAGE HLPraraKi row hip- It will bo delivered to snbsci'bers at the following prices; \ Reanllflilly Hound In KngUah Cloth, $300 ** ” Slirep, tOO “ / | Unlf-falf,.— 5 00 {^Payment to be made cn lie? ceipt of the Work. Persons giving their signatures to these conditions, will be considered subscribers to this Work. But do obligation will rest n)Kiii any sub scriber to receive the book unless it equals, in every tespect, description given and sample show it. . , , TURNBULL BROS.,??: Publishers. J. E. HITCH, AGENT. ATHENS, GA. A LL persdns bavin-? demand's against 'Wil liam P. Talmudic, decceased, are hereby notified tp present the same to me tor payment, within the time p-Aeribed by law, mjid those iu- ’-iebted to said deceased are requested to make immediate pavmeut. ELIZABETH A TALMADGE, Admtr’x. June 12—ft w , -■ ST. JOSfPIfS ACADEMY, Wanhinetou. Wilke* County, Wa. Bearding ad Pa; School For Young Lapis. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF The Sister’s of St. Joseph. T his institution is pleasantly situated in the suburbs of the beautiful towu of Washington, one of the most healthy spot* iu Georgia, liaviug a delightful climate, free from aU malaria. A beautiful and retire:! grove, adjacent to the Academy, will afford ample facilities fcr healthy recreation. Parents' and Guardians may rest satisfied that the Sisters who direct the institution consider themselves bound to respond to their confidence by strictly it Urge and Liberal Premiums for Stock, Man ufactures, Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Fancy’'MfZrk of Ladies, Fine Arts and Farm Pi oducts, ere _ offered. Premium Lists and other information can be obtained ,by application to i\ A MAfyCOj^FJOHNSJON,'Secretary, sept4-7t. Atlanta, Ga. fjEORGIA-CLARIvECOUNTY. , Whereas John E. Pope, guardian of his J wife, Mattie A1 Pope; applies to mo for letters » of dbuiissioin from said gnuidianship— !„ Tlicse'hre', therefore,'to cite arid admonish all persons concerned,-to show, cause at iny. office, on or before tho first Monday in Novembet next, why said letters should riot be grantod. Estate of Maxy M. Adams. P -.rsons having demands upoa Mrs. Mary M. Adams, deceased, or upon bet Estate, wiilpre- sent them, inierms Qf the law, at Sparta, Geor- U..J. AifAMSpIruatee. ber 8th, 1877. . ■ scptll-St. attending to the moral and intellectual improve ment of tbeir pupils, and giving them that physical care they would receivoatbonUL Eaoh yonnfc lady must be provided with shrtowefc, four table r.apkius, knife, fork, spoon t tumbler, toilet soap, etc. Tiic Scholastic Year is divided into equal sessions ot five months each. Fall session begins on the First Monday in Septem ber, Spring session begins on the First Monday of February Pnpiis are, however, received at any time during the year—their session com mencing with the date of their entrance. • COURSE OF STUDIES: Orthography, Reading, Writing, Grammar, Rhetoric, Composition, History, Natural Phil osophy, Geography, Botany, Arithmetic, Alge bra, Geometry, French and Latin Languages, Music on Piano and Oigan, Drawing ana Paint ing in Water Colon. Fancy Work. .Embroidery, Wax Flowers, Lace, Plain and Fancy Needle Work, form no extra charge to Boarders. TERMS—Payable in Advance. Board, Tuition, Washing, Use of Bed and Bedding, for one session of 5 months.$30 00 Music on Piano, including use of instru ment 15 00 Crayon Drawing and Painting in Water t Colors . ... Ilf 00 Vacation of two months, if spent at the t Academy 25 00 Terra* for Ray Scholars, per quarter In Advance. Tuition in English and French: Elementary Class. $ 6 00 Intermediate Class 9 00 Senior Class 12 00 »opll-4w j STOVES. The House-Keepers Favorites G. S-XHTSS'S Fine Whiskyand Brandy. Parties desiring to purchase, by wholesale, pure Brandy or Whisky, will find it to their in terest to purchase from the undersigned, sole agent of G. S. Duke, to aell by wholesale his Fine, Pore Whisky and Brandy. The pipes through which the G. S. Duke Whisky and Brandy are dist.iled, are made of wool. Every gallon warranted pure. Address, . G. R. DUKE, Agent, dec5-tf Jefferson, Ga. Given under my hand, at office, this 19th day of September, 1877. • ‘ ' 11 ’ ' 6ept°5-lus AS A Paltry,, QflORGIA—CLARKSCOIJNTY. Whereas, Eugene. W. Brydye, adminis trator of SamueL Freeman, (colored,} deceased, petitions in terms of the law to he discharged trom said administration— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause at my office, on or before the first Monday in January next, against said discharge. Given under my hand, at office, this the 4th day of September, 1877. aSA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. sept25-8m. G EORG1A 6 CO N E R CO "U NT V.'—O k din a i< y V Offick.—John mil-pkins has applied for exemption of a homestead of realty and per sonalty, and I will pass upon the same at niv office, at. Iff o'clock, m., Oetolicr 13tli, 1877. . JAMESR. LYLE, Ordinary. ' sept25-3t. , GEORGIA CLARKE COUNTY. ^. Whereas, Edward E. Ilodgjir.n ,-ippilcs, la me for letter* of administration on-tho estate of Lafayetto Manpin, late of said county dcceasod- Thcse arc therefore to cite and ndindnish all concerned to show cause at iny office on or be fore the first Monday in. October next,; why s»kl letters should riot be granted. ' ' T Given under my band at my office this lltli dsy of August, 1877. ASA M, JACKSON, Ordinary. augl4-S0d 3STOTIOE1. A fter this date, county adveb tisements wliicli have heretofore been pub lished in this paper, will hereafter be nnblished in the Sun, a Gazette published in Hartwell, Hart county, G*. *^4*4 " ane*9, THE BEST. H. O. SOVGLASS, il-blan-ba^ Ga. Bargains in Dress Goods. Sbccilcrj Must to Rcducod. Aa I shall be compelled to vacate ray pre -Cut store on the 1-Wi of July, to allow the owners bu'ihl a new one, 1 shall commence on Mon day to reduce my entire stock, and will offer goods at great reduction. Everything,will be marked down and will be sold cheap,- as tb» stock mnst be reduced by the 15th of July, the time I r.hnll move to new store. No use to qwitc prices, as everything will tie sold much under thn market prices. R. O. DOUGLASS NEW SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods. Mbs. T. A. Adams would most respectfully inform the Ladies of Athena and of counties ad jacent, that she has now received and opened a most choice and select assortment of Spring and Sumriier Millinery Goods, comprising in part the latest styles and tashious of I ( §1 * - i ! I ( fT | ( it / Hi Data, Bunuets, Ribbons Lace*, Flower*, Olore*, which she will sell at reasonable prices. Give her a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a distance carcfriliy filled. Store located on Broad street, one door above National Bank, april 21, 1875—25-tfr 2Totic©. >> The undersigned bav'jg rented the Hempbil shop, is prepared to do all kind of blacksmith- ing,making and repairing wagons and bnggies. Having procured ; tbe best of white mechanics, he hopes to secure the public patronage. J. 8. ROBISON, Jr King Marks” Exchange Saloon, COLLEGE AVENUE. The best Cincinnatti Lager Beer, Cigars and all kinds of Liquors sold cheap decl9-Iy. * FOR CASH. O' Ry’s Office, September 14th, 1877.—Or dered that sixty per cent, be levied npon the State tax for the year 1877, for county purposes, to be divided into specific per cent, to each particular object and purpose hereinafter speci fied so ob to raise for the several objects and purposes below enumerated the following re spective sums or amounts: To pay interest on bonds of the county.$ 2,500 To build or repair Court-House or jail, bridge or ferries, or other public .im provements, according to contract.. 500 To pay Jailor’s, Sheriff’s, and Other officers’ fees that they may he legally r entitled to ont of the county, inclu ding salary of County Judge... 2,200 To pay Coroners all fees that may bo due them by tho county for holding inqnests 50 To pay. expenses of Bailff at court, non resident witnesses > in criminal cases, fuel, stationery, servant hire, Rnd tnc like: To pay jurors. To pay expenses incurred in supporting tbo poor... To pay any other lawful charges against the coririty............ the THE MOST DURABLE! Kentucky Horses and Mules Look ont! On or about the 15th of Septem ber, I will be in the market with a fine lot of horses and mules. All in want, can find me at Gann & Reaves'- stable, septll tf. W. 8. HOLMAN. IKON KING. The Cheepest and Best T offer the above STOVES to the citizens of Northeast Georgia, besides Tinware, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc., etc. Call and you will be satisfied. J. c WILKINS, Brond Street, SION OF THE Bit'. COFFEE POT. auft7-Sm _ ! . LEGAL BLANKS, •sieuy printed and tor tele *t this offi \\ T3CA.HmiS, Boot ajad Shoe-Maker. ATHFN8, GEORGIA, (Ovk.b Jacobs A Miciiaxl’w^toiue.) Flint ola»s work ont on short notice, at liber.d prices. Give, ma a call and material and fine work. gatge chlf march 18-tt Fun for tk& Boys and Girls- The High Fly K'te, the DiammiA Kite, Skip-, cheap may22 tf. J OB WORK OF AU, DESORIP till!' *».'•;7 t' Jit 700 1,650 1,000 400 *9»«>0 The balance of this levy, ifany, to be applied to legal indebtedness of the. coonty due or to become due daring the year, or post due. A true copy from the minutes. .. ; ASA M, JACKSON, Ordinary. aept25-80d. —: :a C LARKE MORTGAGE SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold before the Court-House door, ip the city of Athens, Ga., on the first Tuesday in October next, 1877, within tho legal hours el sale, the following property, to wit: The entire stock of jewelry, silver ware, plated ware, hardware, fancy goods, jewelerV tool* and fixtures, show cases, safes, and all other property belonging to and connected with the jewelry store and business ot Frank V. Talmadge, at No. 8, Broad street, Athens, Ga. This stock embraces fine gold watches and chains, silver watches, all kinds and atyles of ladies* and gentlemen's jewelry; gold eye glasses, gold pens and pencils, silver and plated forks, silver and plated table services of al - kinds, pocket-knives, pistols, guns and accon-. trements, clocks, card stands, toilet stands, cake baskets, fruit stands, vases, guitars, banjos, violins, hnrmonicona, and a large number o? articles of jewelry ana fancy articles too tedious to mention—such os arc usually kept in a lame, first-class jowelry establishment in a city. The stock is very laige and full, and the goods new and oftho latest styles, and of the best quality.. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi. fa. issued from Clarke Superior Court ir. fav<r of Asaph K. Childs and Ruths L. Moss, versus said Frank P. Talmadge, to satisfy said fi. fa. Property pointed out tu the fi. fa. and two distress'war rants, one in favor of A. K. Childs and the ether in favor of R: L. Moss, against said Tal madge, ^ J. A. BPQWNING, Sheriff;,. i PUINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Pursuant to J\ order of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke County, will bo sold before the Court House door of said county on the first Tuesday in November next during the legal hours of sale the following lands to wit: one tract lying In said county known as the Helicon Spring place, containing 64 acres more or less, (reserving one aero,' embracing the burial ground) also one other lot, lying in said county containing 100 acres, more or less, lying East of aQd adjoining the above and. kuown in the plat of the survey of the lands of Everett Yerny deceased by the No. 1. Also at the same time and place one note on J. C. Turner A Co., for principal amount 82G0,41, dated June 13th, 1867, and due four months afterdate, on which has been paid at divers. times S252J16; one note on J. H. Wilson A Brother’s for 8789,000 dated 1st July 1866, and due one day alter date. All to be sold os the property of Everett Yerby deceased, for the benefit ol bis distributors. Terms Cash. THOMAS K. HUDSON, Ailm'r. Sept. 25—30d.—Printers Fee 85.00. JbhpJO XTc jrLAS -f— y otice. Jefferson, Ga-, August 14, 1877. Owing to sickness in Prof. Glenn’s family, to exercises of Martin Institute will not be sumed until August 29th. ang21 2t. AHTara. EVANS, PracticarW atchmaker. H ATS removed to his old stand at the Xtw Drug Store, where he will be glad to see his customers, old and new, who wish fine whrk done on Watches, Clocks, And Jewelry febaO-Om. ’ ARTHUR EVANS. Important to Cotton Planters. tVe liavc on hand Cotton Gins, made up i: good materia},'which v lot of first-class e best style and of we will sell at the lowest OCONEE COUNTY terms of the law, to be discharged from said administration— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish aft persons concerned, to show cause at mv office, ou or before the first Monday in Novem ber next, against the granting of said discharge. Given uuder my hand, at office, this !0th dav of July, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, * july24-8ra. Ordinary.. Q.EORGIA—CLARKE COU N TY. Whereas, Nathaniel Richardson, adminis trator of June G. Richardson, deceased, petitions in terms ot tho law to be discharged from said administration— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail persons concerned, to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Moudav in Jamiarv next! against the granting ot said discharge. * Given under my hand, at office, this 81st dav of Angust, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, septll-3m. Ordinary^ market prices. All planters wishing to buy a cheap and good Gin, will find it to their interest to correspond with us, as we mean business to auit the times. We have over twenty years’ experience in tho Manufactory of Gins. Write for prices, terms, etc., and we feel cer tain we can satisfy you. By ordering direct from us and giving satis factory reference, yon can thereby aave your selves Agent’s Commission. J. D. A B. T. HAXMACK, July24-lm.Crawferdrllle, fla. Miss C. Potts, Fashionable Dessmaker, (pru University Bank.) -. ~ ji y * r - % i w ** Sxoad S-fcreet, Athena, Gfau Would respectfullv inform the Ladies and her friends K cnerally, of Athens and vicinity, thatwne ra now prepared to do Dressmaking in the Neatest and most fashionable styles. With her experience in the badness, die feels sore ol giving satisfaction. nay 14,1»'6—28-tt ^Augusta, Ga., May 1st, 1876. On after Monday, May 1st; 1876 the Passenger trains on thy Georgia Railroad will run as follows, viz; D>v Passxxqir Traih wilt I^ave Athens at 9.00 a.m. Arrive at Augusta at 4.00 r. m. .Arrive at Atlanta at.,.. 4.00 p.m. loave Augusta at.... .;. ; 800 a.m. liCave Atlanta at *. 8.00 a. m. Arrive at Athens at.... .......... -.55 p. Niout Passenger Train. L^ave Athens at.;...... , 9.30r.ii. Arrive at Augusta ut 7.35 a. m Arrive at Atlanta at ;5.S5 a. m Leave Augnstaat.... 8.2op. m !,eave Atlanta at 10.50 p. x Arrive at Athens at...... * ; 6.50 a. m. i’assengera from Atlanta, Athens, Wash ington, or any point on the Geoigia Railroad Mi l Branches, by taking the Day Passenger Train, will make close connection atCamak with Train r or Miiledgeville and Macon Sleeping Cannon “ apriiW-tt $50 Edward. Will be'pdd for the approhendon and deliv ery to the Sheriff of Madison eo'nhtyof Jim Long, colored, who knooked down the jail-r and escaped from jdl on the night of the 4th instant. Sdd Long is about 80 or #0 years of age, six feet one or two inches high, weighs about 200 pounds, complexion black, wdks rather stooped shouldered, veTy large white eyee, and foil front teeth. I)t charged with assault with intent to murder; is a notorious bad oharucter. Look out for him * ‘ s on Night Passenger Trains., S. K. Jobnoon’ Superintendent. Bol-fcoxx Qoorgiat. Situated 66 miles on Hie Atlai.ta, Richmond and Air lane Railroad from Atlanta, and within one mile of thejanction of the North East Rail road of Ga. The Proprietor is now prepared to serve nil who eaU npon him with meals at the following rate*: Single meal ’.Me. I Per week ...$8 01 Per day ...$1 50 | Per meuth $20 0 jnly!8-ly S. H. HUGHEN. Executor’s Sale. By virtue of an order of tho Court of Ordi nary of Oconee county, and in pursuance of the last will and testament of Jehu O. Thrasher, deceased, will be sold bcihro the Conrt-IlouFe door, in Watkinsville, of said county, ou'the first Tuesday:in November next, duiiug the legal hours of sale, the following propi r.y, to- wit: one tract of land known as the John O. Thrasher home place. There is a good two story dwelling, a gin house, packing screw, and all necessary ont-buildings on said place, 'here arc three hundred and sixty-five (365) acres more or less iu said tract ot land; two hnndred acres original forest, a few acres of good branch kotton, the remainder iu cultivation and old field pine. Also, at the same time, before the Court- House door, in Athens. Clarke comity, Geoigia, three lots in the city of Athens, formerly owned by John Bird—one known os the Bird lo% and one as the Aiiron lot, improved; one vacant lot :—one acre in the Bird lot, and one-half acre in each of the others. Said property sold for tbc purpose of paying the debts of said deceased. Terms—note with approved security, payub'e 25th day of December, 1877. sept25-4t. H. K. MURRAY'. TTEORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY^—Wherea*. VK Kisia Harris, wife of Burt Harris, applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Burr Harris, (late of stud county,) de ceased— These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in October next, wlw siud 1 etters should not be granted. Given under my ban ‘, at office, this first day of September, 1877s ... r J. R. LYLE, sept4-4w.' : Ordinary. Notice. QEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. Whereas, Nathaniel Richardson, adminis trator of David Richardson, deceased, petitions in terms of the law to be discharged from said admiatration— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause, at my effiee, on or before the first Monday in Januarr next, against the grautiug of said discharge. Given under my hnn l, at office, this 3lst dav of August, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, septll-Sm. Ordinary. G EORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY.—'W hereas, Thomas A. Hodgson applies to me for let ters of Administration on the estate of William V.'P. Hodgson, (late of said county,) deceased— These arc;therefore, to cite ana admonish all concerned, to shew cause at my office, on or before the first Monday ir> October next, why- said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, Jmi- 5, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON. Ordinary. scptl 30d. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. SoratE Whitlow, vs. —OR— CLOTH FOR WOOL. The Athens Manufacturing Company are now making a much larger variety of Woolen Goods than ever before, and propose to. Exchange them for Wool, believing it to be more'to the interest of the Planter to Exchange the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Cerded and Spon at home. Call for Samples and Terms ot Exchange. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent, ^may 19.18T5-M-tf Whereas, 'Mary A. Thrasher, administratrix of Barton. C. Thmhef,jdeoeeiK^, app}}<* iff le ve to sell a portion of the rea- estate of said deceased—therefore, all persons concerned, re hereby notified to ahow.cause, at my office,. <m or befbre the first Monday in October next, *d. ' this first day . LYLE, y sept4-tt. Ordinary. THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED'TO IURNISH MARBLE OR GRANITE Cat to any designs they are desired, Plain ot Elaborate Monuments, Head and Foot Stones with side pieces. Marble or Granite Box Toombs, Cradle Toombs, Vases or Statuary. Marble or Granite Vaults for Cemetaiy other purposasdesigns and prices ftarnished at * b * • A. R. ROBERTSON, Athens, Ga. . ITo-tice. . Ljetiir 1 ' Whereas, Barton S. Thresher, executor of Isaac Thrasher, deceased, applies for leave to sell a portion of the real estate iff stud deceased— therefore, all persons ooheerr jd, are hereby notified to shew cause, at myo cc, ou or before the first Monday in October next, why said leave should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this first day of September, 1877. ■ J. R. LYLE, Libel for Divorce, ia V Clarke Superior Court, Gilbert Whitlow. ) Angust Term, '1877. “■ It appearing to the Court bv the retoru cf the Sheriff, that the defendant, Gilbert Whitlow, does not reside in this county, and it further appearing that be does not reside in this State, it is on motion ordered that said defendant, appear and answer at the next term of this Court, or that the case be considered in default, and the plaintiff be allowed to proceed. It is further ordered that this notice be pub lished iu the Athens Georgian onee n month for four months, before the next term of Com".. Dune in open Court, i JACKSON & THOMAS, '. Attorneys for Libellant. Grafted: GEO. J). RICE, Judge 8. C. f .. -I*hereby certify that'the above is a* true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Clar e County, at August term, 1877. JOHN I. HUGGINS, Clerk. • ——«——— i^EORGIA-CLARKK COUNTY. Whereas, Albert H. Edwards, administrs. tor of Richaad Hnghoa, deoeaaed, petitions in terms „ f the law to be disobtugea from said '«dminbfr«6pn-a' ■ • '■ -A ’j - These are, therefore, to, cite and admonish ail persons concerned to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Monday in January next,, against the granting of said discharge. Given under my hand; at office^ this 11th of August, 1877. “ . ASA-M. JACKSON; septll-3m. Ordinary. iept4-4t. Ordinary. XvSadisozx Cotin-by. I^IYKBT A5D SALS STABLE. Carriages, Buggies & horses for hire. Terms reasonable. . E. M. WH1TEHFAD, Washington, Wilkes cuunty, Ga. *iot26-1875-tf fJEORGIA, Madison County.— Present, tlie Honorable E. U. Pottle, Judge Superior Court, N. C. John J Dove, ) Libel for Divorce in Madison, vs. V Superior Court, March Term, NaScv Dove, J 1877. ...It appearing to the Superior Court bv the return of the Sheriff that the defendant Nancy Dove does not reside in this county and it further rppearing that she dues not reside iu this state, it is on motion, ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this court, or that thecae*-be considered in default and tho, plaintiff allowed to proceed. It to further ordered that this notice he publish ed in the Athens Georgian once a month for four months before the next Terra of Court. Done in open C.'nrt. JOHN T. OSBORN, • Attorney lor Petitioner. E. H. Pottle, Judge Superior Court N. C. • I hereby certify that the above is a correct 'extract froib the minutrsof the SiiperiortODnrt of Madtoon Conuty at Marc’* Tern, t877. S. C. O’KELLY, C. 6. C. marc ! .'20-m4.m. f ' • Uotice- All iiersoiis having demands against John F. Streckfuss,. deceased, are hereby notified to present the same to me for payment within tl e time prescribed by law, and ihose indebted to said deceased are requested to make immediate* payment. Sept, tth, 1877. CHARLES F. STRECKFUSS, AdminisUator with the will annexe-1 of said decej-.d. septll-6,w. STOTZG2!. Alt persons having demands against the es tate oi John Kin patrick, deceased, are hereby notified to present the same to mo iu due tom far payment within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said deceased, are re quired to make immediate pavmeut. REDDEN T. PITTA RD r jaiy3-80d: Administrator- ITotico-. All persons having-demands against Mrs Lucy Y. Deoprec, (lite * demands of JClarke county,) de ceased, are hereby notified to 1 present the same for payment to either of the undersigned within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said, deceased are requested to make imroc- diate-pavnicnt. • August 18th, 1877. • 'Si' 4 JOHN A. HUNNICUTT, I THEODORE E. ATKINSON, f “ b * sept4-6w. ‘ *