The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 02, 1877, Image 6

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■#****:. :.*ue* f-.' .Don't G(vc up tlie Sbij). . The Dear’* Trootileit—Ucatcnut tltrli—iawl»c ':_» l Around Plevna.-.'IV "t it. o London, •■■September ■>22.- l A;-dt«‘. patch from Bucharest &iybUhc CznTe- Hvitch lias been reinlarcetl by two MiViMoni'' fnmn ,J Wilwwa.* G«*n-iisil Kauffman has 1 received a bi-b com mand in Bulgaria: A dispatch from Corrsiantinopfo says the victory of Mehemit Ali over the Russians at Bicla is confirmed. Twelve thousand Russians were placed horse de combat, and two thousand prisoners were taken. Chefket. Pa sha and Osman Pasha have effected a ’junction around Plevna. . It is ru mored that the Russians have evacu ated Grantza. London, September 28 —No offi cial ititellig'dnco has yet been received "fVonVeither side, concerning the re ported battle at Biela on Friday. Vienna, Septeinber'28.—A special dispatch 'from Bucharest to t he Polit ical Correspondence, dated Saturday, says there lias been severe but inde cisive fighting lor two days between 'tbo C/arewitch' and Mehemit Ali. ' The Russians still hold Biela. Ah- 'other report, howevhir, states' that the Russian headquarters have retired to Sistova. k London, September 2$!— 1 The pit- iflil stories of the condition of the ' Christian population south of the ' Balkans are beginning to create un- easiness and indignation in Europe. The dispatch of Ahmed Veflk to Adrianople, at the instance of Minis ter Layard, has not had the effect of putting a stop to the executions. The Italian Consuls arc sending to thtfiir Government fearful accounts of the doings of the Ottoman officials. They say that the executions are de populating Roumania. The Italian consul states that two thousand Bulgarians landed at Trip- oli from Turkish transports and have been sent to the borders of the desert in the interior. A correspondent of tho Times, engaged in one, of the Tclief agencies at work among the A bn* (ball uitlue this afiernoon bmvei-n t\$vSt. Lbhis and Athletic C'lubs v wasWk>)irby tlieMonncr, score ten to none/ The- game was rairera- l»ly played'throughoutj 1 ‘ The expirtrdjgyls fin- Europe .to day. were., much*'heavier than last f? E ;Sp£01lGIAN: 1 fi. ABUT l > '-■«*- urr. JM OCTOBER .2, Saturday, ai*«I thi^^eanicrs leavinj ionic out* K6hv> v Cai . The expe rt mer.t of exporting oysters has thriv ed si. snCCos^fnlly that another batch qffitty barrels was sent out to-day. The cheese and batter shipments foot Up si large total. Uf grain there were 255,800 bushels. One of the special features this week was the export ot b’ue Kentucky urass seed, destined for the pasture lands of Germany and Hungary. The funeral of John Earl Williams, of the Metropolitan National Bank, took place to-day at Iryington, and was largely attended by bankers and others. The funeral services were very simple, and Were conducted by Rev Dr. Bellows, who read the burial services of Unitarian Church The remains were interred in Tarry- town Cemetery. Fiendish Indian Squaws. - .1../ ' tflh > . t« ’ Our special correspondent - with General Howard writes that the wounded were fearfully tortured r.nd mutilated by the Ne* Perees squaws oh the Big Hole battle ground. The soldiers had taken the Iudian villiagt, but, being overpowered by numbers, tliey were obliged to fell .back and fight their way to a position on the other side of the mountain, which the enemy had already taken, possession of. They had a desperate encounter, but carried the point, and immediate ly dug trenches with their trowel bayonets. In the meantime, the wounded had been left on the bottom by the creek, and while the bucks set fire to the gjass and tried to bum the little band of soldiers out of their trenches, the squaws mangled and tortned the poor fellow's who were still alive, but unable to help them*, selves. The atrocities perpetrated upon the helpless boys in bluo by Bulgarians, sends an Account offlhe) these slic devils can hardly be real CHARLES E. STUBBS, (Sticceaior to Groover, §tubha & Co.,) OOTTOK- ' FACTOR —AND— General Commission Merchant, Agent fob the Quitman Factory Yams, ’ WEAYSTBES£ -'civj-i nilali, (S eoi’gia. Bagging, Ties, Hope and otlier supplies fur- oiafu-d.; Also, liberal cash advances made on cu.isiiniineiits tor sale or siiipmeut to Liverpool or Northern ports. Mr. A. A. WInn, Cashier and Correspondent of the late firm of Groover, Stubbs & au interest in lie business. ang31-tf. TUE SOUTHERN , HUm. INSURANCE coMgpaA.isrsr, AT HENSf GEORGIA. YOUNG L. G. Harris, President , STEVKX8 TIIOJHS, Secretary. . UniM Awets, April 1. 1S37, . . $784,M.‘ U2 : — • Resident Directors. Youko L. «. list Jons H. Nkv Dr. Henry N 4uni P. Hearing, Col. Kobkrt TuoMAf. tuv22-wly , HTiT. 18/7. ill A PLi AHD «f h W&mHi trWlIfllilf ¥ •'ill! oy»A,‘12 U • ft;.. Atlanta and Augusta Undersold. Lt’l- Stevens Tuomas, Eliza L. Newton, Ferdinand Phinixt Dr. It. M. Smith, John W. NicnoLsox, **■ and sFiue Manufacturer, COLLEGE iVENUE, {NEXT DOOB TO THE POST OFFICE, On band, Uppers ffe making Low Quarteia Congress, Alexis-Tles, and Prinoe Alberts. Be pairing promptly executed. Send ten dollars, ier ma*l or express and yon shall receive s first ebas pur <*f boots. jane 30 l875-854f. state of the province. |Heis atprh*^ ent established at Oirlova oh the Southern slope of tlie Balkans, twen ty miles w*est of the Kazanhik. In this place the population, which lie estimates must have been nearly 20,- 000, there is not a grown man left alive. - For six weeks the place has been at the mercy of irregulars of the Turkish army. There now remains among the rains .of what was once a beautiful and thriving town, only five or six thousand women and children. These poor creatures hide themselves as best they may, dreading the outrages of which nightly some of them are the victims. They can hardly be eaid to have shelter, clothing or food, and have sustained life by furtively gathering the vegetables left iu their ruined'&apdens NEW YOKK NOTES. > New York, September 22. - The steamer Wyoming, which, arrived last Pince ’ night from' Liverpool, brought among her passengers Orson Pratt and Jo seph Smith,-the Mormon apostles. Thoy leave for Salt Lake City to night. * . Intelligence was reoeived in this city to-day thftt' the steamer Diego, froin New York, September 1st, for Liverpool, was burned at sea on the 8th ^i8t., ii\ 'lalitude 46^ degrees, y. lopgjpidf} 87 degrees. There p-as no luss, of life, the cretv being rescued . ,by the British hark Arklan, bound from St. John’s N. B., for Dublin. A part of the crew were transported to the steamer American, on the 19th inst. There were-no passengers on the Diego. Her cargo consisted of grain, tobacco, cheese, leather, and 1,000 bales of cotton. The agent of the line here is unable to say whether the vessel and cargo were insored or V not In. thep cricket match to-day at Kidrapre, between the Merrion Club of this dty. and the Staten Islanders, the former won in the first inning, with a score of <70 to 62. A second inning was commenced, the Merrions scoring 82; ‘ the ■ Staten Islanders closed with 26 points, four crickets * down. ATLANTA & CONDENSED TIME CARD. CTTIIHJSi! W|A RICHMOND. Leave ATLANTA... 4.00 r w Arrive at Charlotte..................6.15 p it Arrive at Danville.......; 1.16 r it Arrive at Richmond 8.S3 v u Arrive at Washington. D. C., Via. ' F. & P. 1.10 a x Arrive at Baltimore/.i, 8.15 a m Arrive at PI Arrive at New Y' 6.40 a m ..--SL....9.45 a u GREAT REDUeilGK m PRICES. Having Seme Services of “T hfcg* ‘ m ' \ r* v * J ViaAi ' -A. FIRST-CLASS i »4* Piviri FOB PRINTER, We are enabled to turn out as good work as car be done. IN THE STATE. We call the attention of all our t-iti- .... "zens to tho following Price List: Bill Heads,"per Thousand, ized by any one unaccustomed to tales of savag- t barbaritj’. They heat - ed their c:unas-hooks red hot, and (lien thrust them in the bodies of the wounded; mangled them in every conceivable manner, and slowly tor tured them to death in ways known only to red devils. Early in 1 tho ac tion a bugler, a mere boy, was .woun ded in both legs- One of his com rades carried.him . off the fi« Id and then returned to the fight, the bugler saying that lie w’ould rest there a few’ minutes and then try and walk off to a place of safety. The Indians got possession of the creek -and bottom land, tho squaws discovered, mutila ted him and burned both his eyes out. The boy’s sufferings can be im agined, and death was certainly a welcome relief to him —Solt Lake Tribune. .. : -♦-• r Met Her Match.—Some time on one of the Hudson river boats, a lady who had attracted much attention for the masculine turn of her manners and conversa tion, was seated at the table opposite a gentleman, who, in taking some butter, in the. absence of the usual., knife, used his own which the lady observing, called aloud to the waiter: “ Wait-ta l'bring. another plate of butter; tliat man (pointing to tho gentlemen) had his knife in this!” The unfortunate wight Mmo8t sank under the curious gaze of the company, but said nothing determined to watch his opportunity to return, for the cruel mortification, change in her Awn coin. He waited but a moment, ere a -plate of dried beef was hnnded to r -the lady, who unceremoniously took some in ber fingers and placed it upon her plate “Wait-taP exclaimed the gentle man in tbrn, '* bring another plate of beef that woman has had her fingers in this !** A most ungallant roar from the company fairly turned tho tables against the lady, and she had thogood sense to acknowledge its desert, and joined heartily in the mirth created. Almira P. Paul of Stoughton threw herself before a locomotive to obtain release from illness. Aul* U lib IVLW 1UI n <• y ArriveatBoston4..-W....<^£#t.,5. 8 - 80 *, v Leave Atlanta...> j....J..T.;..4.00 m Arrive at Charlotte -. 6.15 a x (via. viroim* Mtnr.ASD rocte.) Arrive at Danville .'. i .10 r u Arrive nt LVnchbmy. 4.00 p n Arrive at Washington City ,,.1.80 a x Arrive at Baltimore. ! .3.15 a x Arrive at Philadelphia A.. .6.40 a x. Airive at New York ....9.45 a x Arrive at Boston .8.30 f x Through Tickets on sale at Union Passenger Depot. Baggsge Checked Throrgh. ... G. J.TOREACRK, General Manager. W J. HOUSTON. Gen. Pa<». & Ticket Aa’4 ■ -■* TllU~ntEMENDOUS STOCK OF - AND WAGONS, -OF THE; OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF- HODGSON BROS MARKED DOWN. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. sold wil Assorted, Change ot Schedule. On and after MONDAY, Juno 28d, 1877, the morning train on the Northeastern Railroad will be discontinued. The evening train will run as follows: EVENING TRAIN Leave Athens 4.50 P. M. Arrive at Lula 6.50 P. M. Leave Atlanta via A. L. B. R 4.00 P. M. Leave Lula. 7.20 P. M. Airive at Athens 0.45 P. M. Ample time at Athens for passengers on np- day of Atheils.Branch Georgia Railroad, tocon- nect with this train. Close connection at Lnla with North bound train on A. and C. Air Line Railroad. J. M. EDWARDS, je5-tf Superintendent. The Gainesville Eagle. Has the Largest Circulation la Nectheaat Georgia, ■ Aai’lsRead bjover 0,000 Peraona I It ia the best advertising medium of any ps> per in existence, for seven large couuties, and eqnal to any other paper in ten other counties. It does the county advertising for Hall, Banka. Towns, w bite. Union and Dawaon coun ties, the dty of Gaineaville, and the internal revenue department for the division of the 2nd district. - Now is tbx Tixx to Subscbibjj.—The Conati- tntioua) Convention will assemble on Wednes day, 11th day of July next, and it is the inten tion of the Eagle to watch the proceedings sad post its readers. It will contain a weekly let ter from an able correspondent, who will not only give the proceedings of the Convention, in a condensed form, but the current news of the Capitol, " In' tho mobt attractive and interesting is VaUiarle as a Faxilt Paper.—Farm and household interests are carefully provided for in its columns while the education and the morals of the country receive, and will eoutiuue to receive, the most careful consideration of the editorial management. Mining, mechanical and manufaetnring industries will oit no' account be neglected, su'd the mercantile and market in terests will also be (Mrtionlariy attended to. .. The News Depabtxebt will be kept tip (• the highest standard of country journalism, and neither enterprise nor expense will be spared to make the Eaglk one of the very beat weekly udwa papers in all the land. . Is Politics, the; Eaole will adhere to the •- Old Guard” Democracy, approving whatever is good, and censoring whatever is bad, in State and Federal Administrations: and, on the progressive theory of a “Solid South,” will drive straight ahead for the complete rescue ot American institutions, a return to constitutional methods, and tho election of a representative Democracy in 1880.. . One year ..,....$3 00 Six mouths 1 00 Three months.. 50 Remit by Postal Order, Registered Letter, or TVLE8. Editor and Proprietor Eaole. - Gainesville, Ga. Canary Colored Envelops, Furnished la Merchants and Business Men, with their cards printed on them, At $3 PER THOUSAND. TOTTER EADS, $4 50 to $5 Per Thousand. Wolhave on lpiOd the Largest STOCK SOUTH OF BALTIMORE, and if most and will be without delay. Good Buggies, HODGSON MAKE for “ The Celebrated Hodgson Wagon, „ Knownkill over the State for their durabbity and strength, and are beyond question the best WAGONS ever sold in this section of tho Country: Parties wishing any sort of Vehicles arc respectfully invited to look through onr stock. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BEP&mmG Job Wq ®k A SPECIALTY. Skilled and Finished Workmen in Every Department. Special attention will be given to REPAIR WORK, m d tlie scale of prices in this branch have been reduced fully one-fourth. No BOTt 1J v oik allowed in our shop—all First-class ' WORK AMI) AT BOTTOM PRICES. julyC-t'm t 3 LA^FTERS ! Common 75c per Hundred, —AND- $4 50 to $5 per Thousand. Fancy Work Proportionately Higher, «* ,* -I 1 • VISITING CARDS .;JK:\NKS, NOTES, Handbills, Pamphlets, etc., Printed in any color desired, and as cheap as can be done in the State. giveus your orders, SAVE MONEY, And get good work, and sustain a homo institution. Call at the ATP, ENS GEORGIAN ''flfee, 1 'Broad street, Athens,Ga. ■ HOTEL, AUGUSTA. (iEOROU. 4 - tsx’etsjst Rates Reduced to $3 per Day. HAYING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I enter upon its management by Reducing Rates, and asking ot the Travel ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a continu ancc of that liberal support they have always given it. B. F. BROWN* jan23-5m FORMERLY OF CHARLESTON, PROPRIETOR. MEATS. J. J. Heard & W. P. Hood, Corner Fcdndrv and Oconkx Street.. FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, and SAU- aags,( Fresh and Bologna Sausage). Our So licitor is always ou the street ready to snpply the wants of the citizens of'Athene. Please give us your, orders <md. we willgiiarnntce per- iect sauafactioL'. 'The liigliest market price* paid for Bcaves, Sheep, Goats and Hogs. june20.1ig*i-Iy- *1- HEAD & CO. Mitlinezy & Fancy Goods MISS C- JA-IsaiES Has jas* received direct from New Yc-k a chaste and beautiful assortment of PATTBJBN HATS, which will b ? f ^^ d ^ > a r ^?>| peCti0n of hw On vredaeaday and Thnnida,, April 11th and IStb Also a choice stock of nU the Novelties of the season, consisting of Neck Ties, Lace Bibbs Rucliings. Back Combs, Flowers, Ribbons, Orn aments, Jewelry, etc. Real Hair Switcbee at Coet. Strict attention given to orders. Only the best all silk material used in trimming. An early call is solicited by MISS C. JAMES, 0 p8-3m Athens, Georyia. MEDICAL NOTICE. At tho solicitation of many ofihy former pat Tons, I resume the Fraotic© of ]M©dioin© attention to and tin- from this date. I will pay especial att< the disease of Infimts and Children, C1,ro " 1 ' , I > '“““^£“KINO. M. D. *nne 16.1375-}83-ly MARTINJOTUTir POSTPOWpMBMT'T! Fall Term of 1877, Will open on the 29th of Aughst. 'The price- Board. •Waxvfced-^'-’r Employment either as a wet or dry nnwe. •■"St. j. ang21-2t. Wmterville, Cht.