The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 09, 1877, Image 3

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THE ATHENS GEOllGAIN: OCTOBER 9, 1877. it i ^ fight of September lllh to 13th No hearts are really broken by it; ' t>r >tarkab!y. As the Imperial Guard, merely a game carried on bv two I nn,n l>eriug 56.000, is said to be due persons of thoppposite $ex, and bv 1,e * ore Plevna by the 5th inst., it is no means n bad way- of'’passing' the ’*** ^ “ time. The girl of the period is al ways being attacked. I prefer bet* to the typical character good girl of fnr.onn C2K.. 'zJ _ i former periods. She is accused of occasionally, using a word or t\yo of slang, lint the slang of one century is tin* lamruago of the next century. Sh<* is : accused of liking* tb :<driHv her person. All tilings else being equal, a well-ilressed girl i preferable to an HI dressed girl. KhSfeis JtWs^to in a vague,' gen(4aI'sffrtr*Sit^ a\ being fast. JVacliqaHj’, thi.\, means tbat a girl has good animal spirits. And why should she "ot? The rule is absolute, hut quiet g.rls are gen erally far more likely to come to grief than what atv tohnetl fast girls. Ji ! had*daughters, I should keep my eye on the quiet daughter, with pro-. Raphaelite proclivities, so good, that s,1<nv she would regard her papa as a sin ner, with doubts as to the propriety of balls and theatres, and always dis cussing doctrinal questions with the curate, rather than on her “ fast ” sisters. Life is short, but youth js. far shorter; let a girl make t he most' of it; let her ride, and dance, and flirt to her heart’s content. If her parents can afford it, let. her dress highly improbaldo thjat the Russians have made a general assault without them London, October 1.—A dispatch from St. Petersburg, says tli >t mede** tat ion is impossible, that Russia will diseeuiitcnanqe any diplomatic inter vention, and that a settlement of the /*a|f:»jjp^bptt|k-e^th& contending coun tries can only be effected by force of arms. A dispat h from Bucharest of Roum^nia.before PJpyjja. dispatch from Bucharest says Gereral Todle- heji in. his report, of the defenses of Plevna recommends extensive siege operatic jfor its reduction. A dispatch from Constantinople says the Shipka Pass is covered with thus impeding operations, flie Turks are fortifying for the win* tcT T.mihe plains below. A dispateir from Bucharest, says there arc doubtful rumors in circnla- >f the defeat of the Russians before Plevna SRsdlxoads. well, and dress often. Let her not pretend tout she cannot say “bo” to a goose; on the contrary, let her say many “ bo’s” to many geese. Let her join in amusmeuts whenever she gets a chance. If a man ^rics to turn her bead, let her accept tie challenge, and, having turned his head, laugh at him. He will not be the for the lesson. After all, the business of a girl is to cease to be a girl by becoming i wife. Here, too, the poor girl is ad monished and abused by her censors, Theoretically, a girl is expected to take no account of the position of he future husband, but to marry the man for whom she feels an inclination. This view of life is diligently inculca ted in novels and plays It is, how ever, an absurd view, and those wlm act upon it are exceedingly foolish. A gill should never sac itice her whole future to a mere flouting far.ey. What are termed love-marriages are seldom happy marriages. In ninety- nine cases out of a hundred,love in a cottage means misery in a cottage. The French proverb is true, that in love, Van aitnc et Frnttre sc laisse (timer. In tl ie love of wotner, there is far less individuality than in the love of men. The fact is, that to most women, men are but hooks, upon which they hang their general desire to be affectionate, and between one hook and another hook, they have but very little choice. Habit, too, is a very potent spell. Love is but a fever, of very temporary char acter. Married people who get on well together, generally do so be cause they arc united by a communi ty ot interest, and they have acquired a habit of partnership. If I were a girl, and I liked a rich man, but loved a poor man, and could marry "cither, I should not hesitate a minute be tween them, but I should marry the rich man, and- be, if the occasion presented itself, a kind sister to the poor man. Nothing is more ridicu lous than the theories of marriage that are propounded for the benefit of girls. [etna cy Friday, DnriflSj y^jssiyis will entrench their line fram Sistova, Bicla and the Jautra to Seloi, Lovatz and Paiyopolis. ^ The Electoral Commission. Schedule Northeastern Railroad. Change of Schedule. On and after MONDAY, Oct. lrt, 1877, trains n Northeastern Railroad will run as follows. All trains daily except Sunday: MORNING TRAIN Leave Athens 2.55 A. M. Arrive at Lnla 4.50 A. M. Leave Atlanta via A. L. R. R 8.35 A. M. Leave Lula...... 5.45 A. M. Arrive at Atneus 8.15 A. M. EVENING TRAIN Leave Athens.4.00 P. M. Arrive at Lula 6.30 P. M. Leave Atlanta via A. L. R. R 4.00 P. M. Leave Lula 7.15 P. M. Arrive at Atheus 9.80 P. M. Close connection at Lula with passengers trains on Air Line Railroad. 4. M. EDWARDS, je5-tf Superintendent. NOTICE^ Augusta, Ga., May 1st, 1&76. On after Monday, May 1st, 1876 the Passenger trains on the Georgia Railroad will run as follows, viz: Dav I’assexoeu Thais wilt Leave Athens at 9.00 A. It Arrive ut Augusta at 4.00 p. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 4.00 P. m. Leave Augusta nt 8.00 A. M. Leave Atlanta at.... 8.00 a. m. Arrive nt Athens at..., £.55 p. w Nmiht Passenger Train. Leave Athens at 9.30 P. m. Arrive at Augusta at 7.35 A. m. Arrive at Atlanta at. 5.25 a.m. Leave Augusta ut 8.20 p. m. Leave Atlanta at.... 10.30 p.m. Arrive at Athens at 6.50 a. m. Passengers from Atlanta, Athens, Wash ington, or any point on the Georgia Railroad and Brandies, by taking the Day Passenger Train, will make close connection at Camak with Train for Milledgeville and Macon. Sleeping Cars on Night Passenger Trains, K If .TAnvonv 1 finnorinfpnd Lla-dison. Goiaxvby. /2J.EORG1A, .Madison County.— Present, the Honorable E. H. Pottle, Judge Superior Court, N. C. Jonii J Dove, 1 Libel for Divorce in Madison, vs. f Superior Court, March Term, Nancy Dove, J 1877. i^It appearing tothe Superior Court bv the return of the Sheriff that the defendant tfancy Dove does not reside in this county and it further appearing that she docs not reside in this state, it is on motion, ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this court, or that the ease bo considered in default and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. It is further ordered (bat this uotice be publish ed in the Athens Georgian once a month -for four months before the next Term of Conrt. Done in open Conrt. JOHN T. OSBORN, Attorney tor Petitioner. E. II. Pottle, Judge Superior Court N. C. I hereby certify that the above is a correct extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Madisou County at March T«*rin, 1877. S. C. O’KELLY, C. S. C. mareh20-m4m. Oconee Go'uxvby. vrOTICE— GEORGIA OCONEE COUNTY.— ill Whereas, R. B. Murray Executor of John O. Thrasher deceased, applies for .leave to sail the real estate of said deceased,'therefore alt poisons concerned arc hereby notified to show cause at un office on or before the first Monday in November next why said leave should not bo granted. Given under my baud at office this 29th day of September 1877. >ct2-S0d. * J. B. LYLE, Ordinary. apri!9-tl S. K. Johnson’ Superintendent. The Hob. H. B. Piyne, of Oh{ Democratic member of jtlie F«ty- fonrth Congress from'mat State, and a- member ; of,tbe Electoral .Commis sion, made iv speech nt. Sandusky, in which he gave the following account of his experience as a member of that body: “ As certain members of the Elec toral Commission and certain of the distinguished conrisel who appeared before it. have freely critized its ac tion and discussed the merits of its decisions, it is not- inappropriate for me, upon this first appearance of mine before the people 'of Ohio since my return front Washington, to relate my experience aqd publish my views re-pectincr tbat most remarkable drama. I learn, too, that among Democrats, there exists some misap- nreliensiorts as to the motives and considerations which induced the creation of the Commission, and the hope is indulged that a brief narra- live from one who was present, as a witness'and ao' or, front the concep tion to the final consummation, and who has no cause or inclination to conceal or withhold any fact or oc- CJrronce, will dispel -all doubts and suspicions as to the fidelity and courage of the Democratic members •tnd Senators. Let me recall the sit uation. ATLANTA & CHARLOTTE Air-Line. CONDENSED TIME CARD. ATLAN Vj\ —TO— TT! ART-HjRNT CITTHlSl! VIA ItlCUMOND. Leave ATLANTA 4.00 r x Arrive at Charlotte ...6.15 p m Arrive at Danville 1.16 p m Arrive at Richmond 8.28 p m Arrive at Washington, D. C., Via. B., F. & P. R. R 1.10 a m Arrive at Baltimore 8.15 a m Arrive at Philadelphia 6.40 a m Arrive at New York 9.45 A M Arrive atBoston 8.30 r m Leave Atlanta 4.00 p m Arrive at Charlotte ; .6.15 a m (VIA. VIRGINIA MIDLAND ROUTE.) Arrive at Danville.... 1.16 p m Arrive at Lynchburg 4.00 p m Arrive at Washington City 1.80 a m Arrive at Baltimore 8.15 a m Arrive at Philadelphia 6.40 a m Airive at New York 9.45 a m Arrive at Boston 8.30 p m Through Tickets on sale at Union Passenger Depot. Baggage Checked Through. G. J. FORE ACRE,'General Manager. W J HOUSTON. Gee. Pass. A ticket Ag’i Executor’s Sale. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of Oconee county, and in pursuance ot the la*t will and testament of John O. Thrasher, deceased, will be sold before the Court-House door, in Watkinsville, of said county, on the fiist Tuesday in November next, during the legal liouiaof sale, the following propi r.y, to- wit: one tract of land known as tlie John O. Thrasher home place. There is a good two story dwelling, a gin house, packing screw, and all neoessary out-buildings on said place, .here arc three hundred and sixty-five (365) acres wore or less in said tract ot land; two hundred acres original forest, a few acres ot good branch bstton, the remainder in cultivation and old Arid pine. Also, at the same time, before the Court- House door, in Athens, Clarke county, Georgia, three lots in the city of Athens, formeriy owned by John Bird—one Known as the Bird lot, and one as the Aaronjot, improved; one vacant lot —one acre in the Bird lot, and one-half acre in each of the others. Said property sold for the purpose of paying the debts of said deceased. Terms—note with approved security, payab’e 25th day of December, 1877. sept25-4t. B. R. MURRAY, CL‘RKE COUNTY. C LARKE SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold before the Conrt-Ifonse door, in the city of Atheus, Clarke county, Ga., on the first Tnea- day in November next, within the legal hoars of sale, the following property, to-wit: One lot ot laud, situate, lying uud being in the county ofClarke, and State of Georgia, adjoining land of Uni], Taylor, Smith, Hamilton, Holbrooks, and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a maple corner on a branch and running thence north, 70; east, 400 chains to a red oak fetish; thence north 102, 417 chains to a red oak; north, 85; west, 450 chains to a red oak; the! ce north, 88';'west, ( 880 chains to a pine; tlienoe to the beginning corner; containing nine and one naif acres, more or less, with ml the improvements thereon,' and levied npon as the property of Marcellus Beal, and for the purpose of making the levy, a deed was made and filed in the Superior Court of Clarke county, and deed recorded Isaac M. Kinney, treasurer and trustee to Marcellos Beal, before this levy was made, by virtue ot a fi. fa. from Clarke Snpe rior Court, August- term, 1877. Isaac M. Kin ney vs. Marcellas Beal. All to satisfy the above stated fi. fa., this September 26th, 1877. J. A. BROW N ING, Sheriff. OC! 2—sod. 5TI i GEORGIA-- CLARKE COUNTY. Whereas John E. P*pe, guardian of his wife, Mattie A. Pope, applies to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause at my office, on or before tlio first Monday in Novembet next, why said letters should not ha granted. Given nnder my hand, at office,'this 19th day of September, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. sept25-lin. Clarice Govua.-fcy- ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold before the Court-Honse door, iu Athens, Clarke county, .Ga., within the legal hoars of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following property, to-wit: All that tract of land belonging to tbe estate of Giles Mitchell, deceased, known ca the Holsej place, adjoining lands of F. Phiuizy, James King, J A. Kinney, and containing three hundred and seventeen and one-half acres, more less. Sold for the purpose of division. Terms cash. S. D. MITCHELL, Administrator do bonis non with the will an nexed of Giles Mitchell, deceased. oct2-2Sd. Printer’s fee $4. ■ C LARKE MORTGAGE SHERIFF SALE.— Will be sold before the Court-House door, iu the city of Athens, Clarke county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in November next, within tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to- wit :-iOne-<bundreidi and tivo acres, more* or less, with all the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the county of Clarke, and State aforesaid, formerly owued by John H. Christy, lying on the waters of North Oconeo river, and on the road leading from Athena to Georgia Factory, described uud conveyed in n certain indenture of mortgage bearing date 9th of April. 1875. AIL levied upon as the property of the defendant, by virtue of two mortgage tb.fyg.; one .Thomas & Fleming, and .CJjfccso- - ’-^- 4nr * {ZJ.EORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. Whereas, Eugene W. Brydye, adminis trator of Samuel Freeman, (colored,) deceased, petitions in terms of the law to be discharged from said administration— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause at my office, on or before the first Monday in January next, against said discharge. Given nnder my band, at office, this the 4th day of September, 1877. ' aSA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. sept25-3m. S. CLRSbeso vs. IndihnlfV. HobWer,i aud one fi. fa. TifomAs & Jackson*vs. Indiana V.' Hoover, in County Court, and others. AlMo satisfy the above fas., this September 26th, 1877. J A, BROWNING, Sheriff. cct£- SOd. G EOROIAOCONEECOUNTY.—Ordinary's Office.—John B. Il- pkins has applied for exemption of a homestead of realty and per sonalty, nnd I v ill pass upon the same at my office, at 12 o’clock, m., October 13th, 1877. JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinary. sept25-8t. KOKU1A—OOUNKK COUNTY.—Whereas, Kisia Harris, Wife of Bon Harris, applies to me for Letters ( of Administration on the estate of Barr Harris, (late of said county,) de ceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in October next, why said 1 etters should not be granted. Given under my han-i, at office, this first day of September, 1977. J. R. LYLE, sept4-4w. ■ - Ordinary. Uoticc. Whereas, Mary A. Thrasher, administratrix of Barton C. Thrasher, deceased, applies for le vo to sell a portion of the real estate of sai l deceased—therefore, all persons concerned, re hereby notified to show cause, at my office, on or before the fint Monday iu October next, why said leave Sfiokld not be granted. Given nnder my hand, at office, this first day of September, 1877. J. B. LYLE, sept4-4t. Ordinal y. G eorgia clarke county, —ordina ry's Office, September 14th, J.877.—Or dered that sixty pier cent, be levied npon the State tax for the year 1877, for connty purposes, to be divided into specific per cent, to each particular object and purpose hereinafter speci fied'- so as to ruise for tne several objects and purposes below enumerated the following re spective sums or amounts: To pay interest on bonds of the connty.$ 2,500 To build or repair Court-House or jail, bridge or ferries, or other .public im provements, according to contract: . 500 To pay Jailor’s, Sheriffs, and other officers’ fees that they may be .legally entitled to out of the county7iuclu- "" ding-salary of Connty Judge. 2,200 To pay Coroners all fees that may be dne them by the connty for holding inquests....... 50 To pay expenses of Bailffat’ednrt, non resident witnesses in criminal cases, fuel, stationery, servant hire, and the like U..< 700 To pay jurors 1,650 To pay expenses incnrred'in supporting tbe poor....,, 1,000 To pay ny other lawful charges against the county 400 •' il • $9,000 T ; e balance of this levy, if any, to DC applied to legal indebtedness of the county dne or to become due during the year, or past doc. A true copy from the minutes. ABA kL JACKSON^ Ordinary, THE WAR. Till: 1USSHN ATTACK OX OSMtX PVs;U ttE- Pl’LSKP. London, October 1.—This morn- inn’* Simulat'd )»ublidtes t,he follouitm tqier.ial dispatch: Sophia, Sunday Evening, Septem ber 30.7— 1 *f rustworthy information has been received hero that Osman Pash it has repulsed a Russo-Rotimmtimi at tack on his front and left, inflicting heavy losses. It is also said that he attacked the Russians on the Lavntz Road and recovered several positions This seems to agree with the re port published in tho Constantinople newspapers yesterday : that Osman Pasha had defeated the Roumanians before Plevna; but there is no more reason to believe oue than the other. Tbe Standard’s detail resemble tbe A REVIEW. The excitement of the election had been rolmigcd and was intense. The House was Democratic, the Senate Republican. Each claimed that its candidate had been elected. Each thoroughly understood its own position, its strong and weak points. Never did it underestimate the fact and resources of its opponents. The returns, single and duplicate, were in the actual possession of the President of the Senate, and he was ready to count or dispose of them at such time and iu such manner ns bis party friends in caucus might direct. The Democratic members ot the two com mittees assented'to this measure with the full belief and expectation that Judge Davis, would-be appointed the fifteenth member and umpire. He was the senior oi the remaining asso ciates, was the only one qnulitied by freedom from political bias, which, together with his learning and integs vity, eminently fitted him for the place; and when, in addition to all this, two of the four associates were Democrats, it was not strange that we were all confident that no one else than JUDGE DAVIS woul i in any event he placed on the .1 cel warranted in af- Tlie Gainesville Eagle. lias II,.' Largest Ch-rnUtiun in Northeast (irorci.i And is Read by over 0,000 lYrsuns! It is the best advertising medium of any pa per iu existence, for seven large counties, and equal to any other paper in ten other counties. It Joes the county advertising for Hall, Bunks, Towns, W hitej Union and Dawson coun ties, the city cl Gainesville, and tho internal revenue department for the division of the 2nd district. Now is the Time to 8ihsck ee.—The Consti tutional Convention will assemble on Wednes day, 11th day of July next, and it is the inten tion of the Eaule to watch the proceedings and post its readers. It will contain a weekly let ter from nil nble correspondent, who will not only give the proceedings of the Convention, m a condensed form, but the current news of the NOTICE! F ROM AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL persons are hereby forbidden to hunt with Dog or Gun on my plantation, situated in the fork of the Oconee River. Any one disregard ing this notice will he prosecuted. Oct2-2m. JOHN IL WHITE. C LARKE MORTGAGE SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold before the Court-House door, in the city of Athens, Ga., on the first Tncsdsv in October next, 1877, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: The entire stock of jewelry, silver ware, plated ware, hardware, fancy goods, jeweler’s tools and fixtnrcs, show cases, safes, and all other property belonging to and conncoted with the jewelry store and business of Frank P. Talmadge, at No. 8, Broad street, Athens, Ga. This stock embraces fine gold watches and chains, silver watches, all kinds and styles of ladies’ and gentlemen’s jewelry, gojtl eye glasses, gold pens and pencils, sliver and plated iork3, silver and plated table services of all kinds, pocket-knives, pistols, gnns and accou trements, clocks, card stands, toilet stands, o ike baskets, fruit stands, vases, guitars, banjos, violins, harmonicons, and a large number of articles of jewelnr and fancy articles too tedious t"> mention—such as arc usually kept in a large, first-class jewelry establishment in a city. The stock is very large and foil, and the goods new and of the latest styles, enu of the best quality. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi- fa. issued from Clarke Superior Court in favi'r of Asaph K. Childs and Rufus L. Moss, versus said Frank IV Tulmadge t to sa'isty said fi. fa. Pronerty pointed out in the fi-fa.-and two distress'war rants, one in favor of A. K. Childs and the other in favor of R. L. Moss, against slid Tal madge. J. A. BROWNING, Sbcriftl aug7-Sw. sept25-303. G eorgia, clarke county.—whereas, Stepney Jones, (colored,) administrator o John Jones, (colored,) deceased, petitions, in terms of the law, to be discharged from said administration— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause at my office, on or before the first Monday in Novem ber next, against the granting of said discharge. Given under my hand, a» office, this 19th day ' ’ ' . 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. of July, 1 j$v24- THE BUN. 1877. UEW YORK. 1877. The different editions of The Son during the iext year will be the same as during the year mat lues just passed. The daily edition will on week days he a sheet of four pages, and on Sundays a sliest ot eight pages, or 56 broad columns; while the weekly edition will be a sheet of eight pages of the same dimensions and character that are already familiar to our friends. The Sun will continue to be the strenuous advocate of reform and retrenchment, and of t DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Pursuant to an A order of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke County, will be sold before the (hurt House door of said county on the first Tuesday in November next during the legal hours ■ f sate the followirg lauds to wit: one tract lying iu said county known os the Helicou Spring' place; containing 61 acres more or less, (reserving one aero, embracing the burial ground) also one other lot, lying in said county containing 100 acres, more or less, lying East of and adjoining the above and known in the plat of the survey of tho lands of Everett Ycrby deceased by the No. 1. Also at the same time and place oue note on J. C. Turner A Co., for principal amount $260,41, dated June 13th, 1867, and due four months afterdate, on which has been paid at divers times $252,5G; one note on J. II. Wilson A Brothei’sforSTSl'.OOO dated 1st July 1866, and due one day alter date. All to tie sold as the property of Everett Ycrby deceased, fot the benefit ol hisd’ist.ibutors. Terms Cash. THOMAS F. HUDSON, Adutir. Sept. 25—SOd.—Printers Fee $10. QE9RGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. Whereas. Nathaniel Richardson, adminis trator of Jane G. Richardson, deceased, petitions in terms oi the law to be discharged from said administration— These are, therefore, to cite nnd admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Monday in January next, against tho granting ot said discharge. Given under my hand, at office, thisTSlst day of August, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, septll-3ni. Ordinary. inte, fraui Capitol, in the most attractive and interesting 1 the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and style. l '‘” * u J ‘Iy 13 Valuable as a Family Paper.—Farm and household interests are carefully provided for in its columns, white the education and the morals of the country receive, and will continue; to receive, the most careful consideration of the editorial management. Mining, mechanical anct manufacturing industries will on no account be grity for hollow pretence, imbecility, and ia in the administration of public ufiiurs. It will contend for the government of the peoDle by the people and for the people, a3 opposed to government by frauds ia the ballot-box and in the counting of votes, enforced by military violence. It will endeavor to snnply its readers lillien of i body now not fur from n mill ’ souls— neglected, nud the mercantile and market in -j with the most careful, complete, and trustworthy terests will also be particularly attended to. 1 nccounts of current events, and will employ for The News Department will be kept up t 1 this purpose a numerous and carefolly selected the highest standard of country journalism, I staff of reporters, and correspondents. Itsre- and neither enterprise nor expense will ba 1 porta from Washington, especially, .will be foil, spared to make the Eagle one of the very best 1 accurate, and fearlessand it will doubtless weekly newspapers iu all the land. I continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred ot In Politics, the Eaglx will adhere to the I those who thrive by plundering the Treasure or ••Old Guard” Democracy, approving whatever I by usurping what the law docs not give them is good, nnd censuring* whatever is bad, m I while it will endeavor to merit the confidence ol State and Federal Administrations :.ond, on the I the public by defending the rights of the people progressive theory of a “Solid South,” will I against the encroachments of unjustified power drive straight ahead for the complete rescue ot I The price of the daily Sun will be 55 ceuts a American institutions, a return to constitntionid I month or $6.50 a year, post paid, or with the methods, and tho'election of a representative | Sunday.edition $7.70 a year. C lLARKE SHERIFF SALE—For November, j 1877.-—Will be sold before the Conrt-House door, in the city of Athens, Clarke county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, tl.e following f iroperty, to-wlt: All of that tract or parcel of and, together with all of the nppertainauces thereto belonging, situate, lying and being in the city of Athens, Clarke conntv, Ga., and bounded as follows: On the south, by Hancock Avenue; on the west, by Harris street; on the east, by fot of Hartwell Jackson, and on the north, by street dividing pro; erty from the wood lot formerly owned by Mrs. Baxter. Said street also being the dividing line hetween lot of B. A. Stovall and Mrs. llowell Cobb, and levied upon as the property of Samm 1M. Hun ter, and for the purpose of making this levy, a deed was made and filed in the Clerk’s office of the Superior Court ofClarke county, and deed recorded. S. E. Smith to Samuel M. Unntcr, before this levy was made, by virtue of a fi. fa., from Clarke Superior Conrt, August term, 1877. S. E. Smith, vs. Samuel M. Hunter. AU levied upon to satisfy the above stated fi. fa... this September 26th, 1877. Notice given to S. M. Hunter. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. oct2-S0d. Democracy in 1880. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE t One year $2 00 Six months 1 00 Three months... "50 Remit by Postal Order, Registered Letter, or through Agents, at our risk. Address, CAREY W. STYLES. Editor and Proprietor Eagle. • Gainesville, Ga. Fashionable uoods. Commission, femiiur that had it .Won proLabk? j that Judye Brmlloy or either of the f other Judges would have been at - T ft-VVE JU»T K TURNED FROM NEW . , , .1 . . -i ‘,11. iork with a full uud carefully selected line point' d to ,1 H to that tribunal, I <„• cloths, comprising went of Kurland Lovcr^ that electoral bill would never have Wen reported to the twp Houses or GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNT Y. ^ Whereas, Nathaniel Richardson, adminis trator of David Richardson, deceased, petitions in terms of the law to be discharged from said admistration— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Monduy in Jauuarv next, against the granting of said discharge. Given under my hand, at office, this 31st day of August, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, septll-3m. Ordinnxy. G EORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY.—W hcreas, Thomas A. Hodgson applies to me for Let ters of Administration on the estate of William V P. Hodgson, (late of said connty,) deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause at my office, on or before the first Monday i" October next, w’liy said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, Jun, 5, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON. Ordinary. 8eptl SOd. unaoltHl into a law, The selection of Judge Davis was expected by both parties in Congress nnd by the equn- try at large. It is but justice to Messrs. Clifford and Field to make public the fact tbat at tbe first meet ing of the four Justices tlipy voted for Judge Davis and persisted in so doing, though Judge Strong assured them that Davis would not accept; and it was only at the meeting on the following day, when Mr. Strong pre sented a written communication from Davis, peremptorily declining tho position, that they reluctantly voted for Judge Bradley. Urns, VeiK-tious, Doc«<stor, Saiting-', cte., etc., all of tlio best quality mi<l Latest I jndou Stylis. Also a fine lot of American fabrics, prices to It the times. Fancy Susjicnders, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs &e., that comprises novelties not to ho found elsewhere. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to And satisfaction guaranteed. Particular at tention given to cutting and making of children’s clothing. J. C. FERRIS. No. 7 Law Range, McIntosh St., Augusta, Ga. Oct2-lm. SA.1S(L HARRIS, Boot and SHoe-lAaHsev, ATHENS, GEORGIA, (Oveb Jacobs & Michael’s Store.) First class work tamed ont on short nodoe, at liberal prices. Give June a call and get gcoJ material and fine work. marchlS-tf. Tbe Sunday edition alone, eight pages, $l.iJ a year, post paid. The Weekly Sun, eight pages of 56 brood columns, will be famished daring 1877 at tire rate of filayoer, post paid. The benefit or this large reduction from the previous rate for the Weekly canbecnjoycd by individual subscribers without the necessity ot making up clubs. At the same time, if any ot our friends choose to aid in extending our circu lation, we shall be grateful to their, and every such person who sends ns ten or more sub scribers from one place will be entitled to one copy of the paper for himself without e‘ At one dollar a year, postag paid, tlio expenses >f paper and printing are barely repaid; nnd, eotsidcrintr the size of the sheet and i he quality of its contents, wo aro confident the p> ople will consider The Weekly Sun the cheapest news- pa er published in the world, and we trust also oue ol tiie very best. Address, deel9. THE SUN, New York City, N.Y Chicle ahq sehtikI, Is Published Daily, Tri-Wttklj and Weekly, A-fc Augua-ba, Gsu, j BY -Walsh & Wright, Proprietor*. Fall telegraphio dispatches from aU points. Latest and moat accurate market reports. In teresting and Reliable Correspondence from all j parte ot Georgia, South Carolina and Washing ton City. Georgia and Carolina news a specialty. Daily, oue year, $10, six months $5; Tri- Weekly, one year, $5, six montfep $2; Weekly, i «ne year, $2, six months, $1. dec5 C LARKE SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold oefore the Court House door in tbe City of Athens, Clarke Connty Ga., on the firs' Tuesday in |Novenibcr next, within the legal hours of sale the following property to-wit: fifty two veres of land lying in said connty and state, and bounded as follows by lands of James King on East, by land of James Dyer on North by land of Joseph Kin'iy nnd on South by land of Clias. Kitin) and James Wages on west. Sold as the property of defendant James Wages to satisfy a Justice Court fi fa, from 216 District, G. M’, Richard Boggs vs. James Wages. Levy made and turned over to me by W. A. England L. C , written notice served on defendant Get. 1st, 1:77. T. A. BROWNING, Sheriff «ct2 SO.'. ' GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. Sophie Whitlow, 1 Libel for Divorce, in vs. > Clarke Superior Court, Gilbert W'hitlow. J August Term, 1877. It appearing to tho Court by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant, Gilbert Whitlow, does not reside in this county, and it further appearing that he does not reside in this State, it is on motion ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Conrt, or tbat the case be considered iu default and the plaintiff be allowed to proceed. It is further ordered that this notice be pub lished in the Athens Georgian once a month for four months, before the next term of Court. Done in oi>eii Court. JACKSON & THOMAS, Attorneys for Libellant- Granted: GEO. D. RICE, Judge S. C. 1 hereby certify that the above is a true extract from tbe minutes of the Superior Court of Clur e Countv, oi Allans" lenn, 1877, JOII' I. HI GGINS, Clerk. QEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. Whereas, Albert it. Edvards,administra tor of Richitld Huglres, deceased, petition: All persons having demands against Mrs. una> the" he "diJehurgea'from said Lucy Y. De-.pree, (latetof Clarke county,) fie - ., dmiBlstrilt ; on — cca-ed, are hereby notified to- present tne same for payment to either of the undersigned within the time prescribed'by law, ami those indebted to said decea-cd are requested to make imme diate payment. August 18tb, 1877. JOHN A. HUNNICUTT, THEODORE E. ATKINSON.» ®* sept4-6w. UcticQ- Wherea8, Barton E. Thrasher, executor of I safe Thrasher, deceased, applies for leave to sell a portion of the real estate of stud deceased— therefore, all persons concerted, are hereby notified to Bbow cause, at m v office, on or before the first Monday in October next, why stud leave should not be granted. Given tinder my hand, at office, this first day of September, 1877. J. B. LYLE, acpt4-4t. Ordinary These are, therefore, to cite and admonish aft persons concerned to show cause, iit my office, on or before the first Monday in January next, against the grauting of said discharge. Given under my hand, at office, this Utli of August, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, septll-Sm. Ordinary. All persons having demands against John F. Streekfuss, deceased, are hereby notified to present the same to me for payment within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to stud deceased ore requested to make immediate payment. Sept. 4th, 1877. CHARLES F. STRECKFUS8, Administrator with the will annexed of said deceased. septll-6w.