The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 09, 1877, Image 6

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(3 The London Cu stom House- Curiosities in Smuggling Operations. s:> ue expvriciicvd cow to chew any thing stronger than cn 1 does not transpire; hut the real nature ot' the food was somehow ascertained, and what might have proven the staple of a lucrative trade was transformed from which it sprang, Tenacious Vi tality. The Custom House contains a mu- j seutn of curiosities—memorials ofj attempts at smuggling. Various ”' trt t * ,e original dttsr causes have ontrihntcd to the <ie- cline of contrabandist) as a;mean's of livelihood, fillet among which are the necessary reductions and alterations in the customs taiiff since the : dof>~ tion in' England of free-trade piima ples. When such valuable and port able articles ns watches and luce wd-e heavily taxed, the temptation to se crete them w s natuarallv v ry common. At the same period, too, the duty on spirits was about live times as much as its intrinsic iyorrii, and therefore this class' of goods afforded a rich harvest to the success ful smuggler. Things are changed -now, for lacc ami watches are duly free, and the tax upon spirits lias been reduced considerably more than one-half. Tobacco ami spirits, owing perhaps to the universal demand for them, have always above other things, •met with the smuggler’s particular regard; and such cases, as now come before the Police magistrates are generally confined to these two ar ticles. A matter-of-fact heavy fine and confiscation of the surreptitious goods is the usual result of convic tion ; and the smuggler—whom our childhood’s fancy painted ns a brave hero, fighting the myrmidons of an oppressive Government in some wild cave on the seashore—is quietly walked' off to prison until he can pay the forfeit.' “ The Smuggler’s Cave,” siill remains; for with that clinging fondness for past times, it is the fash ion to dignify any natural crevice i.i our cliffs with that title; imt now the modern policeman steps upon the scene, and poetical ideas vanish with the sound of his creaking contract boots. The chief evidence of ‘mug gling as it has existed within the present century is furnished by cer tain articles which have been siezed . from time to time, and which are now lodged in the Custom House Museum. It is to this museum that we now intend to direct our readers’ • attention, and more especially to a certain large cabinet in the corner ot the room, the contents of which sup ply a title to this paper. The first thing which is pointed out to us in a ship’s “ fender,” which .ve may re mind our readers is a block of wood with a rope attached slung over : he bows to prevent the abrasion which might bo caused by contact with another vessel. This particular fen der was found to bo hollow, an 1 to contain several pounds of compressed tobacco. The officer who thought of looking for the soothing weed in such a receptacle must have been an ex tremely’cute individual. But here is a still more extraordinary hiding- place, and one which must have in volved a journey aloft for its detec tion—a ship’s block, the sheave or wheel of which is actually made of solid tobacco. Here is an ornamen tal pedestal which once adorned the corner of a Captain’s cabin, and would perhaps adorn it still, had it not been found gorged with contraband cigars. Another commander appears to have been a more moderate smoker, for he Was content witli only two pounds of cheroots, which were found inside a sham loaf on his breakfast table. Here we have a number of cigars knotted singly on a string, like the tail of a kite; these were dropped bet wren the inner and outer timbers of a ship’s side; while holes drilled in the ends of an; egg-box furnished / lodging for several more. A broom Click docs not seem at first sight to offer much room for concealment, but here is one which, accidently broken, revealed a core of that rope-like com modity known to these to chew the weed as “ pig-toil.” Cakes of tobacco formed to fit into the sole of a boot show another ingenious mode of dis posal. But the priz* for inventive talent must certainly bo awarded to tho clever rascal who compressed snuff into slabs, and stamped them to exactly imitate the oil-cakes ou which cattle are fattened. 4 Whether the discovery or the deception was owing o moral objections on tho part of j^n old tilin'14m nui Knit in? mi. twit* • • ' " RKViVSs. r [Dayton (Ohio) Jourri-.t.] A most extraordinary tlifieof sus pended animation lViAHirty oeCitrr< Vi ’ iir Shelby county, ttiom thirty miles from DaVt"ii. Ah* old woman in who n the lamp-Of life wits*tfickering ready <0 expim *Ht the faintest breath-—was the subject, yet her lit tle spark of life clung to -Iter aged frame with a tenacity that-was re markable. Her name was Mary Slaughter; she was in her eighty eighth year, and was one of the old settlers of that portion of tine State. With the increase of years she be came weak and childish, and at times would remain for weeks in an uu- conscious state, taking 110 sustenance, and scarcely moving to show that she was still living. Thursday of last week hardly any life was percep tible. Her limbs and body grew cold, and every sign of life and breath departed, and the family assured of her death, sent the next day to Car lisle for a coffin, and notified her relatives. A hearse containing a coffin arrived from Carlisle Friday afternoon. But to the surprise of friends and assem bled relatives of the supposed de ceased, arid to the undertaker him self, the corpse he had come for was no longer a corpse, but was returning once more to life. No ice had been placed about the body when at first it had been believed she was dead, thinking, perhaps, that life might not be extinot; afterwards this was forgotten. The watchers, who sat all Thursday night with a cold corpse, had on Friday night a warm- body, with the blood apparently in good circulation. Friday, toward mid night, they found the eyes of the corpse of the night previous wide open, looking at them and conscious of what was going on about her, though she was unable to speak or to move. The physician was summoned by the family, and every effort ex hausted to sustain this life. Ibis appeared impossible, and it again disappeared. At 3 o’clock Saturday morning tb re were no symptoms of life, and the physic'ans pronounced her dead. This was sustained by the fact that the body had begun to mortify, and it was evident could not long be preserved Before the buri al her relatives at "Stringtown, who had not seen the old lady since her death, wished to take a parting glance at her. The coffin was opened, and the smell of mortification was almost too strong to be endured. But those who looked were astonish ed by the appearance of the eyelids which appeared to qniver, though they did not open. The body was found to be again warm and the heart beating. The funeral was postponed, but the warmth passed shortly from the body, and its death became apparent, while the odor of putiefaction was not to be restrained. Sunday there was no change or any indication of life, and in the after noon it was decided to bury the corpse. W. T. RICHARDS & SON., BOOKSELLERS ARB STATIONERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEKS IN \ > TAN-©AID AN© SCHOOL BOOKS, i l-l-AVKOUS HOOKS, ..a# «: iiiM ! FOOLSCAP, LETTER, AND NOTE PAPER, Fancy Paper in Boxes7££n^£oad$&t£, Ti iB Vc - A.UGUTTA, HA, > 11 Ui a; SftEsms ® pr 0i¥«« t? y Atlanta and Augusta Undersold. " u T$^BJ$IENDOUS. STOCK.OF ft igycroqnu, Bute, at the Lowest Market Trices. oct2-3m. fcteorgia State Fair | cash . m wooi,, Vritl b-.- lie! :*fi. A rLANTA 1 , beginning j - i ; ■—OR— ' ’ • Monday, October 15th, 1877,! CLOTH FOR WOOL. AN 1 GONT1N U i ,\ «.«> NK .WEEK. I'... Tite Athens Manufacturing Company are now' . . , , makinga much larger variety of Woolen Large an<i Liberal Premiums for Stock,Man- I than ever before, ami propose to i Goods u 1'aotures, Machinery, Agrh-ultund Implements, Fancy "Work of Ladies, Fine Arts and Farm i* oduets, are offered. Premium L>sts and other information can be Obtained by application lo MALCOLM JOIINSTON, Secretary sept4-7t. Atlanta,Ga. BLACKSMIT1IING. Exchange them for Wool, believing it to be- more to the interest of (life Planter to Exchange the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Carded and Spnn at home. Call for Samples and Terms ot Exchange. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent, may 19. 1875-29-tf occu cnipl I am prepared to do any and all work in the Bla.clsa«avb3a. Line at the shortest notice and at the lowest prices ot auy shop in the city. I have a Sbelli ad. Edga-tool 2&a2rer and make specialty of Axes, Mill Picks. Mat tocks, Picks, Garden Hoes and tools of all dea- cription and of the finest temper. WAGONS and buggies Ironed and Repaired, Tire Shrank, Etc. Plows of all kinaa mode and repaired at low prices. Also - First Glass Horse-Shoeing done by a northern sboer, Trotting Plates, Concave Shoeing Etc., in a manner nnsarpossca by any. All new work warranted and satisfac tion guaranteed. Gnns and Pistols repaired! John M. Bassett. - tnarchSO-ly. t 4--—— — Kentucky Horses and Mules Look out! On or about the 15th of Septem ber, I will be in the market with-a fine lot of horses and mules. All in want, can find me at Gann & Reaves’ stable. septll tf. W. S. HOLMAN. Miss C. Potts, Fashionable Dessmaker, (Over University Bank.) , Broad S-fcxao-fc T Athens, Ga. Would respectful!v- inform the Ladies and her triends generally, of Athens and vicinity, that she is now prepared to do Dressmaking in the Neatest and most fhshionable styles. With her experience in the business, she feels sure ot giving satisfaction. ' * may 14, L“»*5—28-tf. BanOASTS XXT New and Second-handed Articles. 14II. P. Port. Engine,Bookwalter, good order. .1* 12 H. P. Port. Engine, Wood & Man. 1 (H.F. Port. Eng., but little used. * 1 40 II. P. Stationery Engiuc. 2 SO inch x 36 feet Cylinder Boilers, with front. 6 II. P., ScliofleW patent, Portable, new. Eclipse Water Wheel, good order. Leffole Water Wheel. 4 Tyler Water Wheels, now mining. Gearing, Shutting. Pullers, etc. Oue 13 ius. x 14 ins. Oune Mill, horizontal, good as new. Horse Powers, Threshers, Fan Mill?, Cane Mills, Evaporators, at the] ATHENS FOUNDRY A XACHIXK WORKS. june2G-lm. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER X&illixLery Goods. Mna. T. A. Adams would most respectfnlly infortn the Ladies of Athens and of counties ad jacent, that she has now received and opened a most choice and select assortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, comprising in part the latest styles and fashions of Hals, Bonnets, Ribbons, Lares, Flowers, Gloves, which she will sell at reasonable prices. Give her a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a distance earcftally filled. Store located on Broad s’rcct, one door above National Bank, april *1, 1375—25-tf. , 1 NUUWIIUJ AND#AGK)NS, iOOttVO OOC .6,.; ; , q .... UF THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF- MARKED DOWN. '"PRIOES CBEATLV HEDT7CED. i. It » ,t - We have on hand the Largest STOCK SOUTH' OF BALTIMORE, and it must and will be sold without delay. Good Buggies, HODGSON MAKE for 0ME IWIBfliEft Milftitk ! *' ■ * .ft j ^ The Celebrated Hodgson Wagon, Knownhdl over the-Stabe for their durability and strength, and are beyond question the best . 1 WAGONS ever sold in this section of the Country. Parties wishing any sort of »751 Vehicles arc respectfully invited to look through our stoek.3 ALL WORK GUARAlfrEED. BEP&i'&iNG Job Wonm JA SPECIALTY.^ Skilled and Finished Workmen in Every Department. have >pccial{at been ret Mention will be given to EEl A'iE WORK, and tho scale of prices intbis branch reduced fully one-fourth. No 1 (■'!< Ii v<fh aliened in our shop—all First-class STOVES. The House-Keepers THE BEST. EHing LZsirlss' Exchange Haloon, COLLEGE AVENUE. The best Cinchinalti Lager Boor, Cigars and all kinds of Liquors sold cheap dcel9-ly. FOR CASH. WORK july3-tfut AND AT BOTTOM PRICES. AB.THTO EVAXTS, Practical Watchmaker. U AS removed to his old stand at the Xtw . Drug Store, where he will be glad to see his customers, old and new, who wish flue work done on Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry All work warranted. feb20-fim. ARTHUR EVANS. THE MOST DURABLE! Astonishing Success.—It U the <luty of every person who has used Bosch ee’s German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities he known to their friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fuel nil throat and lung diseases. No person can use ii without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the doty of all Druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were Bold last year,’ and no one case where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the German Syrup can not be too widely known. Ask your Druggists about ii Sample Bottles to try sold at 10 centB. Regular size 75 cents. For sale by R. T. Brumby & Co. Important to Cotton Planters. We have on linud a large lot of first-class Cotton Gins, made up in the best style and ot good material, which we will sell at the lowest market prices. All planters wishing to buy a cheap and good Gin, will find it to their interest to correspond with us, os we mean business to anit the times. We have over twenty years’ experience in tho Manufactory of Gins. Write for prices, terms, etc., and we feel cer tain we con satisfy you. By ordering direct from ns and giving satis factory reference, yon can thereby save your selves Agent’s Commission. J. I>. A II. T. IIAHMAVK. julj-2t-liu. Crawfordrlllc, Ga. The Gheepest and Best! I offer the aboTe STOVES to the citizens of Northeast Georgia, besides Tinware, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc., etc. Call and yon will bo satisfied. J. C. WILKINS, . Broad Street, SION OF THE BIG COFFEE POT. aug7-8m J OB WORK OF EVERY |DE Bcriplion done at this office. G. S. SUSIE’S Fins Wiilsk/aal Brandy. Parties desiring to purchase, by wholesale, pure Brandy or Whisky, will find it to their in terest to purchase from the undersigned, solo aifent of (1. S. Duke, to sell by wholesale his Fiue, Pure Whisky and Brandy. The pipes through which the G. S. Duke Whisky and Brandy are dist.ded, are made of woo !. Every gallon'warranted pure. Address. >1. R. DUKE, Agent, dee5-tf Jefferson, Ga. NOTICE- AFTER THIS DAT I-, COUNTY ADVER il 'tisements which have heretofore been pub lished in this paper, will hereafter be published in the Sun, u Gazette published in Hartwell, Jlart county, Ga. • V. C. -ST KPflENSON,' Ordinary, ung ‘tart county. Ga The Kennesaw Gazette, A Monthly Taper, Published at ATLANTA, C3--A_- Devoted to Railroad interests; Literature Wit and Humor. Fifty cents a year. Cbromo to every subscriber. Address . KENNESAW GAZETTE, nich27-tf Atlanta, Ga. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, ATJOUSTA., (GEORGIA. Kates .Xteduesd to $3 per Day. HAVING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I enter upon itsf management by Reducing Rates, and asking ot the Travel ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a continu mice of that liberal support they have always given it. jan23-5o * loKMI hA OF CHARLESTON, PROPRIETOR. rasss MEATS. j T ||f SOUTHERN MUM J. J. Heard &W. F.Hood,' CoSNEB FcU.SDP.l- AND OCONEE STREETS. FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, and SAU- sag?.( Fresh and Bologna Sausage). Our So licitor is always on the' street ready to .-uppi- the wants of’the citizens of Athens. Please give us v'our orders and we will guarantee per- ,cct Biit’afiictioii. The highest market prices paid for Beaves, Sheep, Goats and lions. J*. J. HEAD & CO. J-YTKRY AND SALE STABLE. Currlogds, Hutricles & liorees for hire. Terms reasonable. E. M. WHITEHEAD, (Washington, Wilkes county, Ga. iov26-1875-tf CHARLES F. STUBBS, (Successor to Groover, Stubbs & Co..) $aaTT<®N WA&SQm. —AND— General Commission Merchant, AGENT FOR THE Quitman Factory Yams, 94 BAY STREET, Savannah, G eorgia. Bagging, Ties,. Rope and other supplies fur nished. Also, liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale or shipment to Liverpool or Northern ports. Mr. A.'A. WInw, Cashier and Correspondent of the late firm of Groover, Stnbbs & Co., haa an interest in <he business. aug21-t£ INSURANCE ;co3^i , -A.3sr-5r, ATHENS, GEORGIA- YOUNGIL G. HAHRIS, president STEVEXS THOMAS, Seerctzrj. Orovi Assets, April 1, 1877, - - $7S4,5.I.- «*-’ Resident Directors. Youxo L. O. Harris, John- U. Newton, Dr. Hknrv Hbu, Alcin P. Dearino, Cot. Robert Tuomas. iu'-22-wiy Stevens Thomas, Eliza L. Newton, Ferdinand Phim/.* Or. R. M. Smith, John W. Nickoison, 3p. Soot and sboe COLLEGE AVENUE, |NEXT DOOB TO THE POST OFFICE, On hand, Uppers for making Low Quartei. Congress, Alcx5s-Ties, and Prince Alberto. Ke pniring promptly executed. Send tea dollar*, >er maU or express and you shall receive ft first pair of boo to. June 80187W6*tf»