The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 09, 1877, Image 7

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN. OCTOBER 9, 1877 NEWS NUMMARY. —Twenty-one shots were fired in a Cincinnati street fight, and only three men were wounded. —The Paris Exposition of 1878 is to eost $8,OOO r OOO. Tito original calculation was acont $7,'000,000-. --Lynn has a brn.e, a lish peddler, who stabbed his horse with a large knife, because he walked away from the door whorl fie jtva4 : ■ —It is sad that Thiers had it in contemplation to write*a history of Florence and aJife of Michel Angelo. He was an able art connoisseur and critic. — Bets were offered ia Washing* ton, Warren c unty, N. J., last week that Gen. MoUlellan would carry the State by at least 20,000 majority. There were no takers. —Prof. Max Muller has returned to Oxford much benefited by his year’s sojourn abroad, and will de vote lnmself to the editing of the translations of the . sacred hooks of the world which ho has undertaken. —The father of a tall Howard family, living somewhere in Kentuc ky, is six feet four inches in height,; the mother is six feet one inch, the sixteen sons range from six feet three to six feet eleven, and the ten daughteis average six feet two. —Five thousand persons gathered in the Philadelphia Permanent Ex hibition building on Tuesday evening to bear music brought by a telephone from Giimore’s Garden in this city, but theic was a break in the appa ratus, and no sounds were trails- mittted. —In Vienna prizes were, offered for the bo«t new comedies, and 452 were sent in. Among all of these it was declared that there was no mas ter piece, and 420 were below medi ocrity. Some, however, were credit able, and will prove valuable addi- t 011s to the repertoire of the German stage. —Luigi Ci isoslomo Fcrnuei, the chief librarian of the Lanromian Li brary- in Fioivnoc, a few weeks ago, being the i nearly SO ye ns of age, put aa 'end to bis life by jumping into a well, lie was a distinguished Latin scholar and poet. A collection of Latin poems was published recently in Leip>iw. — A letter received in Odessa from a cavalry commander in the I7ns>ian ibrees tellshow the officers m the army of the south lack the commoner ne- cessario . They are often without tea, sugar, bread and silt, and it, occasionally, a sutler p.e-ents himself with supplies, they are forced to pay iho most prices for them. —Lord John Manners, the English Postmaster-General, lias appointed j Miss Civswell, daughter of the late post ma.-tcr at Gibraltar, to her fa ther’s post. The salary is §->,003 a \ear. Lord John believes- in the Government appointment of women, :,ud has appointed- a large number of, them to offices in the Post Office and telegraph departments. —The four hundredth anniversary o the foundation of the Upsala Uni versity in Sweden was celebrated on September 5th. The King sat on a throne in the cathedral, with the heir pparent on his right, and, after religious services, the Aichbishop of Upsala addressed the representatives of various nations. There were pro cessions and illuminations. —Col. Bee, attorney for the six companies that bring Chinese to Cali fomta, stands up for them in their time of persecution. Ho argues that Chinese labor has kept down the prices of many commodities, espe cially of vegetables and fish, and points for proof to the advanced prices of those things sinee the opposi- rion against Chinese labor has be come active. —House, a Bremen cigar manufac turer, bns published a book in which he says that oigar coloring is becora ing common. Most smokers prefer strong and dark colored to light and bright colored cigars, while the color of raw tobacco tends rather to bright than dark. Hence the temptation to resort to oolcriog, since poor cigars can thus be passed off for good S. C. DOBBS Has on Hand, and to arrive, his Mutnnioth Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, u\ Consisting in part of the following ai>tielcs y viz: A j { - '■* • ti* . • i -. Caiitaes, .Brown. and BMied Shirting and Sheeting, Brown Drilling, Osnabnygs, Wool, Jeans, Linscys, Flannels, Spool Cotton, Factory Checks, C; ; Factory Yarns, Ladies’ Dress Goods. Paper and Linen Collars, Undershirts, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies’ and Gents’ Shawls, Bed Blankets, ete., Men’s and Boy’s Clothing Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, etc., etc. Saddles and Bridles, 1-Ix ALwvJfvX I ('L* Hemlock Sole Leather, Harness ana Upper Leather, ETC. ALSO 10,001* Y All US BAGGING, 200 KEGS NAILS, 200 BARRELS ELOITR, assorted. 50 BOXES OF TOBACCO, M A OK AHOY SN U FF.ln jats and packages WASHING ANI) TOILEV SOARS, .STARCH, ASSORTED PICKLES HATS OK EVERY DESCRIPTION, HARDWARE AND' CROCKERY, ETC., 51* BAGS RIO COFFEE. 50 BARRELS SCGAR, assorted. BOAST Hi* COFFEE,' 50 BOXES CHEESE, ,50" Rags Liverpool Salt, (ground A course) J 21*11 BAGS VIRGINIA SALT. HitO RENDERS COT 1 ON TIES. GRIND SPRING uHSSls'f Qh-arli© Stsrxi’s CLOTHING EMPORIUM! I would call the attention of nav patrons oud the public general^ Jo joy if 1*9 f Clothing For Men Youths’ and Boys’, Consisting of French DLigoitai*. i, > Cheviots, Cloths, Melton’s Scotch Had snvy Bltto Flannel Suits, all of the Finest Material and the most fashionably stv!ns. Also. class stock of Gents’. Furui*hiu> ‘Cpoils • ill branches complete. Hats, Caps, Straw C„. ds, Umbrellas in Silk Alpaca and Scotch Gingham, Trunks, etc., to wlii-'i l invite the inspection of the public, gnarantecimr my prices to compete with any hou»e iu tlie State. Augusta or Atlanta Frioes SuplioataC OUR SPECIALTY — UnlanndereJ Q ' - rts, made complete, fine Linen Bosom and Cutf- for fl. A call is all wejfusk to convince oho uuaall. diaries Skerry, P-opular-Clothit*•*. Viop ii toii 1. Broa t-street, Athens, Ga. Next door to Long & Billups Drug Store RPSJ-lV A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN COZTCE1TTSIATED POTASH, BROOMS, CastfnLS, coi sistinri of Pots, Ovens, Spiders and Odd Lids, Manilla Rope,It inches, Cotton Rot c, Goshen and Conutiv Putter, Green Ten, Powder, Load anc and Churns, Machine Needles, Pens, Ink, Paper, Envelopes and Spelling B , from 1-2 t- 1 1-2 and Shot, Buckets ipes amt Speiluig Books, and many_ other articles too tedious mention. It is «,i fficient to say he has a large variety of all classes of GOODS adapted especially to planters’use. 1IE DEFIES COMPETITION. Call and be con vinced of the fact. lie means just what he says. He also sella the celebrated . &»,& Dobbs’ Gliomicals. sep25-3m Ho! Northeastern Georgia! Look To Your Interest! The Old Fredericksburg Dry Goods Store, ■w a SJPILLS A Noted Sivine says They are worth their weight in gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS: T> Titt:—Dear Sir: For ten years I have h ; a a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation, and I'd or. Last spring your {nils were recommended to r-c; I used them (but with iitUc faith). I am row a man, have good appetite, digestion rcr'ect, regular fools, piles gone, and I have L-.-.:- -d forty pounds solid flash. They are worth tktsr weight in geld. Rev. R. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO., wholesale: and retail dealers in HAMWARHIM, STEEL NAILS, HOUSE AND MULE SHOES, - : . •: ’HORSE SHOE NAILS, • « ,1 . - >! ■■ Agricultural Implements, M01T31 Is Aliv@ to AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. tb.@ Spirit of t3a© Times! TIES IDES now opening one of the most Extensive, Cheapest and Nicest Sto -V of Dry Goods J J to be found South of Baltimore we have Sea Island Shirting 4’*, White Bieaehed 'Shirting •i 1 the best, bleached Long doth at S and 10c, in the state, Calicoes 4, 5, to- 6Vje, 4-4 Kentsrd Cambrics C t and 8e, I.'.ttge Shawls 50, 75 and f‘1.00, ami New Paris, made Cloaks *2..'0 to the finest $40.00 and $50.00, 10-4 Extret White Blankets $1.75 to OOjand $3[.50 bp,. 1GOOSS CTTEILT l Ilaxiddomc New Shades, coLo^cd Dreaa Silks 50, 75 and don’t pay more f r these goods when you can gut them from us so cheap* « OUll BUYER IS IX TIIE XORTIIERX MARKETS, And Goods are declining in prices every day, those who purchased early have goods now at high prices, we were fortunate to hold off aud can now and will exhibit gotnls at bottom prices,Jiluuk silk-- 65, 75 and SScp-r yards, Gins Gram Black Silks $1.00, and? 1.50, rionVe width Black Cashmeres 85 and 4l’e, all Wool Black Oa-hmeres 6oc, Venice Houibitzity*.only &•’ an 1 60o Ex. Super. Ex, Kx. Sublime and Gold Medal, Buck ATpacas from 25 to most Lahdsunio at 40 auu 50, IT's- Goods O' •; li> S :.n 1 lee, with the el -rant French. Matelnsse at 20 and 25c, lo-4 Bleached Shorting20e, all Woo! Filling Jeans 15 and 2 'c, Fre leriehsburg Cassiuicres.75 and &1.00. ■Wh.©22. you Vi^it Augusta display of Dry Gtxsls, you will save money in vour purchases with ns. KR-EIGHT- - * ’ - ’ - • 1 • TUTTS PkLLS CVSS 21CK HXAD- ACtlBL -ViF^LLS cuim rr3PSP8iA* tuttFpills CUBE CONSTIPATION TUTPSPiLLS CDBB PU539. , a TOlfFpilLS Dr. Tutt has been en gaged In the practice of medicine thirty years, and for a long time was demonstra tor of anatomy In the _Tledical College of Georgia, hence, jper- ror.s using his Pills have the guarantee that they arts prepared on scientific principles, . and are Ilea from all quackery. He has succeeded in combining in them the heretofore antag onistic qualities of a Hremtt’.cnin^rzrgz- i iveil-isri/yt:gt?::;c Their first dJxareBt effect is rolncrUwStha appetite by car • ir^the food toproperiy a-.hitn- ilate, thus the'eyr-feat is nourished, and by their :'nic-ftS 1 ' - " * Gotten, & Jute Ho^e, TUTUS FILLS MSB Guns Eiiiotjg colic. - TUHiS P.ILS; |"ri ii-i'irirdicatwsbmtr CTTE.H KID'fEY COS1- |a.’up;:'.!.iii‘yty -murish TLAIIiT.' |t.!.- Vtv, r.i:i hence K their c2uau y > >i curing ■ nervous dcribty, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, HUBS, SPOKES, BUGGY WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, VICES BELLOWS, HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., Manufacturer’s Agents for the sale ot Fairbank’s Standard Scales. ,71 ft fI < . ? I I 1 9 l [ ' ' WINSHIP AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED Cotton Gins, Cider Mills, Syrup Mills and Evaporators,'Watt Plows, Farmers' Friend Plows, Pumps, Circular Saws, etc. jSfAny article in oitr line not in stock, will he ordered when desired,’ with the lcaa Call and Examine Oar Stock and Prices. arus misSSlIncS; Icles. slug gtlio liver, i Gu.n TOariD IAYEB Don’t fed to se nil EXi’R We pny all EXPRESS FREIGHTS ou orders of $10.00 or more, the freight paying and sample order h.v-infces was intro me.-J in tne South several years ago by ns, many oersons are imitating our method and advertising to pay freights ike., but id;s all imitations they rti the end fail to aive satisiaotion. Write us a postal for samples of any goods you wish. (Jar New Price List and "'azar are just out, ask lor conies. Address, NT. XliaECATUDS £; BHO, Get.2 i. Augusta, Ga , 301 Broad sitreet. TFwTMFa ND-Nlwmrr ' F. Hfili 000 ANO LINTONiiW. STEPHENS 1IAVK OPENED A FAMILY ID FANCY GROCERY AND STAPLE M GOODS STORE, UNDER T11E FIRM OF KCOD AT BALKY’S CORNER, FV.OAD FTR• I T, NEAR NATIONAL BANK, Where You Will Altvajs Find a Splendid ^tock of FLO^R, BACON, 1 ARDySAt.T. SYKUi slug^'ist mc£ s cf ver, chronic con- _siipation, nml hni urt* rength io the syblcm. ^ ! L tv- 35 A Ill r;:y S: r .-c*. Nyw Y. U. E: UGAK. ro , riiEKSE, ■TEK, TEAS, SPIC ETC., ETC*. K KUOS IX E OIL AND LAMPS, t-Hi A11$ & TOBACCO, POWDER. btH f AND CAPS, OYbTEBS 5 . K.MiDIM F. LOBSTERS. PICKLES, Jri.-i IKt-,. FRUi i - AND VEGETABLES, FANCY CANDIES. RAISINS, NUTS AND CRACKERS, Of all kimls, nral all other p. oils tonally ki) t ir- a Orotes t More r.s wet! as a rob open of the Best CALICOES, BLEACHING, CHECKS, -I Kll’l S, JEANS, i.l. M.VS, TICKING, 'lUREAD.SiD'BS, ete. We soil OOOl>- as cheap as any 'bui-e in the eitv, d resrectfallv solicit a share cf the public l>atr.>nt.KV. COUNTRY ITtODCCI'TAKEN IN EXcii ANOii EO G<.iODS.'en Remember the place, BARRY'S CORNER, Rrotnl Mrect, Athens. Georgia. sep23-3m 3Sood StapliQiis. KB5HHSei«eB . ■" ! ririclill^FSl ifa* pj Gray Ilair can be changed to £tcio:sy bl.ick by a single application ofu J’UJr.T'UTT’a Hair Bye. It acta hkcnwj'ic,g is warranted as harmless :»s vraicr.p v x'iIlc §1.0O. Office 35 Murr.iT it., N. Y.£ & What is Queen’s Beught r^-sad tb.© Ii is a plant that prows in the South, and is x.. 11 y adapted to the cure of t >cs of that 'liiiViVk’S ow*i prcispy, I’-i; r:ii-r at once into the > Xjsellinu •''** Err--tulons, syphilitic, and : :u affections. Alone, it is* a searching aU- rui’ e, hut when comhinod with Sarsapariih. \ U“\v Dock, and i o her herbs, it forms ra, TOTT’S Sh IftPARILLA ASiD QUEHM’S DELIGHT, ' Z :-.~ ir.ost powfcr&r! blood puriiier known to med- HUl • 1 for the cure of old ulcers, diseased '- * ; (■.; „ Iroiuthc ears and nostrils, .ii:. likratri, drftftty, kidney coni- - nl: : . i-.-i:, ;ii!. p. of s.cret practices, disordered l.v_. 6 deeii. 1-S r.seitrcnjflheusthe nervous imparts a fair comphxion, and builds up 1 .BOTHY, 'SOLID FLESH. * . iiiU.L’.D: t * w; luliiic poison it is strong- .•v : Vi* C i hi-: ds of cases of the worst i._. : ,.- ic-n radically cmed by it. Being - !c, it; eonlimied usa will do no tv* 1 -('ii;-,e to take it ia daring the :.. • ai;.'. iurdeat'. of debility, head- c>! f ver .-■■ f ra-v.e, to’i V-’I'I enjoy robufttft •- V ■ v alt i nM.i-ts. Price. .CO. < 'nrre.yttrwii, Nov.* York. BRIDYS llvoad Street. Over Burke’s Bock Store. stovss i Aftfins Fmmdry end Machine Works. o. flS! I am now offering for sale at IjOW Tprices, The* following celebrated Cook Stoves, all of which are warranted equal to any offered in this market. IRON KING, GATE CITY, \\ . BEST, CRICKET, PALMETTO. Call and see before jmreiiafliag. J. {). WILKIE. Athens Foun -cX.'X’XfTXDrcTS, C3--A-. Gcucra! Founders, ami Mjei.inists, Patteni Making, Smithing an.l Repairing, Mining and Mill Machinery, Manufacturer* of Circular Saw Mills, Steam Engines, Horse Powers, Threshers, Fan Mil’s, Bark Mills, Cane Mills, Gin Gearing, Cotton Presses, etc., etc. Agent for Cook’s Celebrated Evaporating Paps, Cardwell’s Separators, • Turbine Water Whc is and Agricultural Engines. Prices sent, upon application to M< EERSON, Agent. jdiH-SO-Sn*. ) - For hale or Bent! A Miml] ho use, convenient to the business ! portion of the citv. Abo, LIVERY; FEED 1 Fit S i ISLE, To Wholesale OF DRY GOODS! We have now open and ready for your inspection: 40 Cases Kentucky Jeans, all prices. 40 Cases Bleached Shirtings, all grades. 100 Bales Brown Shirtings, Drills, Checks, Stripes, etc. 40 Cases Prints, Hosiery, Notions, etc., etc. The above goods have been bought from the Manufacturers direct, thereby saving Agents’ Commissions, etc., and arc now offered to the Trade at less than New York Jobbers’ prices. JAS. A. GRAY & CO., oct2-3m. Augusta, Ga. s.rvfcscL TO RENT or buy a smaH cottap; koine con . jnient to the business portion of the citv. Ai* unimproved lot, if desirably located, mi ht be sold. Apply a* Oeorjian office .iviiiM* SKIS D 11ST YOTJR Subscription for the Georgian For 1878. M©riw©th.©r c& BLACKSMUE TWO SHOPS FO. One at the old stiUKl : Jlessrs. G^NN & 1* ! A The other on the road to the opposite Mr. JOHN Z. COOP! Livery Stable. Wo have Ar t HQHSE shoex: • ..f every desenppi,. j . f ^| I'l.ATlNtJ AND COSCAV Manufactured to <>- ' WAGONS, BUGGIES, OARl; A And all kinds of Farming M . plements repaired on s 1 or {aaMC VT, •l „£.-i;la.esX£J, Cl aoxgia- GANN & REAVES, PROPRIETORS. Will he found itl their old stand, rear Frauk- iia House builditt^TUoir-js stratt. Keep id- ways ou baud good Turnouts and careful dri vel’s. Stock well caved for when entrusted to oar care. Stock on hand for rale* at aii times. declStt*. For 1 Sale Only, ii i A cottage house containing seven rooms, with * I all netess: ry ont-bni!diit*:s, and two acres of ; laud attached. M. C, SLEDG^E aug7-4t* For Sale. A second-hand Wheeler <fc Wilson Sewing Machine; has been but iittlc used and is in per fect order. Fer salo cheap for cash. Apply at ' arg29-tf THIS Of Eft E 1877. Shoes 1 S77. and 1877. 9 Boots and TO OIL l> XT It. IT- W. Sa-u-dr-uip, Artist. Has removed his shop to the McDowell Build ing, on College Avene*. Prices liberal and fint-class woric guarantcue.. jane 16,187fr-86-ti ■I Im J OB WORK OK AL tion neatly *lony mi HP tstotige: to Clarke County Bondholders.. Toe interest: due July 1st, 1877, will be f romptly paid ip coin, at the National Bonk. am also prepared to take np bonds toThe amount of one thousand dollars. 8. C. REESE, Co ntjr Treaa.- ; inneae-ltn. , ’ ; W. a. COX. W. It. BILL. JOB. TBOMFSOI^ jr. COX, HILL & THOMPSON WnoLXSAUt DxALxna in AND No 89 PEACHTREE ST., ATLANTA, QAj that And Distillers rt tNa Stone WouctalpJ Corn Whiskey, • i octU'Iy »»> A'actLcal 1 have usscciatc.d W. A. England with nit, ia the Auction business, wl.o will give prompt attention to tin- sale or property and goods ot ail kinds. VEKONEE & ENGLAND; htljl7-im, - BURPEE & BBC., Carriage, ESuggy and A\ r agon Alalcers, At the shop lately occupied by P. Benson, near Gtnti & Reaves’ stable, jyriSEITS, GAv Are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line at short notice, in the most SUPERIOR STY LE, and at as REASONABLE RATES as thfe same class of work can be done. . Thcv are prepared to put tip Carriages, Bug gies'and Wagons in ANY STYLE, and invite those’ having new work put up,_to «pdl before its imperfections are covered with paint, and see timt-ALL Materials tued are of theYERY BEST QUALITY. | ffpffMMNG AND PAINTING , IX SPECIALTY.. AU wit done in tW%lino warranted to ^ive satisfhetion, both as to style ^f < ?||?' i4akin 'g: and B«PP»”“8v. . . , They are also prepared to make or repair Harness.'" Having secured the servicesf of & Thoroughly Competent Workman in this branch ofthebusiueM, all they askisa trial, that ,-aU rohy be convinced of the SUPE RIORITY iff THEIR WORK and the Reason- «■ iratadt'