The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 16, 1877, Image 4

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«fa wm . ,t>i : j£I'Ai)>UX‘ii) UZHHTA UliT THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: OCTOBER 16, 1877. _ _ Terms ot Hubscrlptlon. t st COPY, One Ye»r..,.i........ ONE COPY, Six Month*. .......... ONu. COPY, Three Months..™ $2 00 , lOO CO legal advertisements. Citation forLeMer.orOMraimn.blB.;. , W 00 Blutlon for Letter, of AdminUttmtlon . ^. ... 4 00 Application lor Letter, of Dismission Admin- r ^ Kn^timtSpLM^noj DUntlssfonOuardian 6 25 AppilcUM tor UsT. t®t*ll Lands..........— 5 00 S 60 Noticeto Debtor.andCreditor... P.req~ I « The Extra - Session of Con gress and its Duties. In accordance with a proclama- tion of the President, Congress will be convened next Monday, tin-15th instant. The last session of Congress having failed to make an appropriation »or the support of the 3beri&lldM?^r%oare ^!"“ '.'"'"~'". ’-- j so army, this fact probably induced the i .'’ociiector’Vs^o.r per*” “.re** 1 5 oo call fur the extra session. The in tor-] Foreclosure Mortgage, per square, each time. 100 Exniautlon Notice, (in advance) * » Bole Nisi’*, per square. each time.. .. r —J MT The sbjre legal rate, corrected hj Ordinary of tlarke county. Rates of A-dvertlstnfiC. Advertisement* will be Inserted at ONK DOL; r.A K per square lor the first insertion, and FIFTY CENTS per square for each continuance, for any time under one month. For longger periods e lib* era! deduction wiU be made. A squsreoqual to ^Notices Yn^local column, loss than a square, 20 cent.- a line. At^nvs dcorijian. 'll. H. CARLTON, - Editor. The Augusta Chronicle and Con stitutionalist vt-rvappropriately terms Gambelta the Toombs of France. Geo. Bob Toombs is in New York, and his utterances seem to find es pecial favor with the New York &im, the hot-headed denunciator of Hayes, his administration, his cabinet, his policy and all that pertains to the presidency. General Toombs informs the Sun that General Gordon cannot he re-elected to the United Stales Senate, ihat he is too erratic. Well, well, how the mighty have fallen. The cotton receipts in Athens are steadily on the increase, And bid' feir to be larger than any previous year. The Russians end 'Turks are still pegging away, though approaching winttf lengthens , the intervals be tween their bloody engagements. Senator H. 0. McDaniel, ot Mon- l oe,. Wallen county,, js a candidate a tor re-election to represent the 27tli district in the next Senate of Geor gia. Major McDaniel has proven liimsei*' one of the ablest legislators the Suite has ever had in her General Assemblies, and he certainly deserves to he re-elected. So far as wc have learned, there will l.e no organized opposUimt to bis return to the Senate. Mr. H. Greug Wright, of the Augusta Chronicle and Constitution- alisty t» suggi sled as tore of the rep- ' ri«»'Ui»livcs from Richmond county in the next House of Representatives. This would bo an admirable choiceVm. th« part ot the people of that county, and believing that Mr. Wright Would wield an influence in the legis; iaiiire commensurate with that he exercises through his ably edited journal, it would bo a good choice for the whole State. The New York Herald says that if Ross Tweed and John Kelly had lived mation comes truin' Washington that the President’s message to Congress will anticipate no other business than that for which it was calh-d together. Be this as it may, certainly no more important session of Congress was ever held. Questions involving the gravest interest to the whole country will engage the attention of the members, especially the Southern members. The appropria tion to the army will develope a movement for the increase of the army, which it is thought will bejp augurated by a combination com posed of Railroad magnates and polit ical leaders. This movement is in-ligated by the recent strikes throughout the North which have, and do, so directly concent the rail road and political powers of that section, and will eventuate in bringing directly to the attention of Congress, the labor question, the dealing with which, will require an Amount of cool judgment, wise deliberation and statesmanlike ability, not so abundant, lv manilested in the legislation of tiie past few years. This will indeed be momentous quest on, and one, while Congress cannot'avoid its con sideration, involving the most deli cate points of government. Upon the solution, the wise disposition of the labor problem rests in no inconsider able degree the very safety of our institutions. Congress, especially when its past history demonstrates the great influence, which the inter* ested monied powers of the country, aided by designing and corrupt po litical leaders, have had over its legislation, and more especially at this juctnre, when the action of Con gress upon this question will enlist the r more determined efforts, cannot afford to disregard tiiose principles so embodied iu our republican form of government, and which must restrain the general government in disposing of those matters which belong direct ly to the local or State governments. Still, -when we reflect that under the present disturbed condition of the country, there are 1,000,000 of ttidn in the United States idle, the loss The Yellow fever still prevail? at Pert Royal, with ho abatement as yet. The. authorities jiafft.,petitioned aid for these sufferers from New York city.. An arbitration has been agreed upon between the strikers aud En glish ship-builders. It seems to have, produced satisfaction on both sides and from it the labor question in'this country may find a happy solution. M. Gambotta makes another tell ing address to tha French people, which stirs anew his avowed and en thu&iastic tollowers aud makes the political condition of affairs in that country still more un'£?tnin and un settled. mmm Will the, President Become ‘ ***< Alarmed P V,,..,4 K' The loss of Ohio to the Republicans will no doubt make the anti-ad minis tration Republicans double fierce upon the President. Will this have tue effect to alarm him and make him less determiti'ed ;'in earrying out, that polioy-which he has so successfully inaugurated .arid widen iu its restora tion of confidence is fust establishing an era of better fueling and wanted pro8|ierity throughout the country ? W« believe itpl, and feel assured that the Democrats in Congress, availing themselves of ihat conservative ele ment amongst the Republicans which Will be at trTt^ lMtsy corotnaito, will speedily inaugurate such legislation as will give no uncertain support and encouragement to the President, thus securing and coutinuing the good results which have come of the growing desire tor a return to the better days ot the Republican Strictly constitutional administration of tli government. Ohio Democratic. a few centuries ago, Tweed would have been a renowned loader of free booters, whose sole object was booty and plunder; while Kelly,: who is not «o sordid, would have been a capture r of cities for the pride of ruling them. The difference then between these New Yorkers of such notorious rvpu- lalionsi?,. that Ahe oue sought plutuk- r, while the other figures for glory. Without seeking to prejudice the claim of either Atlanta cr Millcdge- ville for the future capital of Geergia, we would simply say in behalf of the tax-pa^ era of the State, that it is a great mistake to be talking abont building a new capitol costing front one to two millions of dollars, when the capitol building^at either plage, is sufficiently good for. many years to come, leav ing the expense of erecting a capitol building which would gratify'-the pride of our commonwealth and become the cynosure of the artistic world, fir the better and more pros porous days, which we trust are in store for our grand old Georgia. The people of Augusta are very much stirred up, about the freight discriminations practiced upon them by the recent “ pooling convention ” which held its session in tiie city ot Atlanta. Athens extends her sym pathies to her outraged friends of Augusta. Brothers. E. P. How-ell and E. P Speer, of tiio Atlanta Constitution and the Old. Capital^ have made themselves the subjects of much comment recently. Now,-hoys, just quit - this foolishness and don’t do so any more. It don’t hplp the Capital question one bit on either side. mm -. :tC \j'j 7 ( > -[iff ^ • ,|C| Bi'opening the Fjrfl ! Sea«6ft, r Wbrt«Vftmegsui’e in placing beforeour friends and the public generally, the most complete stock of Dry Goods ever displayed in thaflSoutberu States, consisting iu part of a Magnificent line of,BlackSHksv 'Jr ' All the pew shades ,in> jQolored Silks-—various trades* The most decided. noveltie?.iu Colored Dress Goods. Black Goods of qvery. description. Hosiery, Notions, Corsets, Tie?, Gloves* Linens, Damasks, (jussmieres, Fianheis, etc* - >; r*; i> i , .- i) Our Cloaks^—-to fimve-~wilt be. eqqaVr, WX pveg exhibited iu New York, London Or Paris. :i . - v 4 To summarize: We offer i a stock of Fall Dry Gjpods which, in every department for variety, elegance and cheapness, stands un rivalled. oct2-3m. JAMES A. GRAY & CO. Thu manifesto .*t the lute Ex Presi- dent of Franee, M. Thicre, is an able paper ami exhibits qu.te a statesman like view of th<* political- troubles amongst the French n.Mion. He makes an earnest and most remnrka- blo appeal to bis people. Tells them that a monarchy is impossible. That France lias been deceived and mocked by her statesmen. He defends the action of the last chamber of depu ties. He pronounces France a Re public govi rin d by Anti-Republican ministers and says that MacMahon must submit, and furthermore that the French nation is mistress of her own destines. thereby caused to the country, at $1 50 per day, being about $1,500, 000 each day, and $450,000,000 per annum, coupled with the taestim* ble amount of crime engendered thereby; it would appear that it is the highest ditty which Congress owes to the country to devise some wise. and. successful .plat) .by which tot put these idlers to work. Besides the above issues which will have to be met by the present extra or called session, is the question of the Texas Pacific Railroad. This ques tion particularly addresses itself to •ur Southern representatives, sinee the supposed benefits of this enter prise, it is argued, largely .acme to par Southern section. .Drift:,.ft at least a questionable proposition, and inasmuch as it so iinportaiitly con cerns those po icics Qf government which, arc essential safeguards^routid government appropriations for inter nal iikip.oveiuenU>, our representa tives should weigfi well t' u question in all its bearings before they deter mine upon their final action. With these mailers of. grave im portance, aud with the disposition on the part of the extreme Republican leaders to antagonize the administra tion of President Hayes, we may ex pect an animated, interesting and important session of Congress; one which must iu its final results, either promote or retard the promised prosperity of the country. Tho extra session of Congress con venes on next Monday tho 15th inst. The show business iu the South lor the approaching winter season, bids lair to be larger than ever before. While these exhibitions are not in many respects best fin- the country, still their increase may be taken as an evidence ot a better .financial con- in the land. Let us only see to it that they leave in our niiest as much money as they carry away aud all will be well. ‘ .. ., '..■■■ ' -.T" ; Moffet’s “Bell, Punchy whiskey ar rangement, in Virginia, promises to liquidate the public debt of that State, through the tribute of the dram drinkers. Moffet’s “ Muric Box ” will make him famous, while it will make the “ Old Doiaintou ” notorious for having lifted its financial burdens in such a novel way. This arrangement it is estimated will pay off the public debt, at the rate of a halt million dol lars a year. The, .State. Fair, will ope/i io ; the city of Atlaiita on Monday* the 15th inst. ; The Fair promisdi to be an interesting and enjoyable occasion Die authorities of Atlauta together with the officers ot the association have spared no puins to make this exhibition an honor to the Stole. An unusually large crowd is expected to be iu attendance and let all who desire a good rime be sure and be among the number. The returns from the Ohio election, while not positive, are yet sufficient to settle the question, beyond doubt, tliat the State has gone democratic between fifteen aud twenty thousand majority. The legislature will have a majority of some thirty or forty ou joint ballot, while Bishop (Dent.) beats West (Rep.) tor Governor by a majority surprising to all parlies. This result iu Ohio must be taken by all preqier-tliinking persons as an en doraemeut of the President ami his administration so tar as it establishes an era of good feeling and a restora tion of prosperity in the couutry, notwilhs.unding the Blaines, the Butlers, the Coukliugs and their fol lowers may couut it as a loss to Mr Hayes ot his own State, aud attempt to turn it against him by holding it up as a proof that his policy has dr touted his own party even in that Salute w htl o lie is supposed to be held iu greatest esteem. With this view and attempted presentation ot' the re-suit, i the Republicans in Congress limy become exasperated and make a fierce fight upon the administration; but such antagonism will prove but passive in its effects and duration, the ultimatum, of which will be to uuite the conservative element of the Re publican party with the Democrats in the support of the President aud his administration. Thus, with au effective blow given the corruptionists, aud with a grow mg conservatism ihroughout the couutry, such as will unitethe better Repuhliuau elements with the De mocracy in the support of the Presi dent and li|s policy, we may hail the democratic victory ta Ohio as but an earnest of that solid support which houest, constitutional government ?s to receive throughout the length and breadth of our land. When he advocates of both At* lanta and. Milledgcville st^h-to^qrgo their churns for their respective cities as the ftitnre capital of Georgia, upon tHe score oF economy, let them cease to talk about erecting aud improving capitol buildings costing thousands atia millions of dollars.' Tho people ot Georgia are too poor for such extrav agance at this time; The capitol huildiugb at either placo are sufficient ly good for all preseut or immediate purposes, and it is no time for extVitv agauce or the gratification of pride Tiie Norlheasteru Railroad is doing a fine business, controlling about seventy-five per ci nt. of tho freights to and from Athens. P too H SPECIAL. Hammerslough. Brothers, 478, 480 and 482 Broadway New York, Bos T o Offer THroush M. G. & J. COHEN, THEIR SOLE AGENTS IN NORTHEAST GEORGIA, A CHOICE SELECTION OF TI1E1R FAMOUS CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING Men and The.high reputation which .their goods have attained, furnishes , sufficient guarantee, that none But the Best will be Exhibited to the Public. Before purchasing elsewewhere, call and inspect these goods NO. 5, BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GEORGIA. oct2-ltn. America’s Grand Novelty l|lt. T - II II II fi i I AIL Af|ti , ATTORNEY AjP”LAW t Deuprec Hfllij S3.iurdflj) October 20tlli liarmony Grove, Jackson County, Ga., The justly celebrated and great original MAPAME HEXTTZ’S FEMALE MINSTRELS. __ »y of iog the finest Mil id Beauty, preseut- ever witnessed. A brilliant array of Grace neat Minstrel & T^e Dashing and Peerless MABEL, SANpDEVtS London Enrlesqs .Troupe In the great sensation Bnrlesqne (first time in America) translated from the Trench, entitled FORBIDDEN PLEASURES Witn a superb Cast, Delightful Muaie, Grace ful Dancing, Splendid Marches and Augmented by A Sdptrior \Corp* of Specialty ArtitU forming together the most Mar velous aud Attractive Enter- ,j tainmuit in the World. Notwithstanding the Immense expense, the Prices will Remain as Usual. For full particular* and ^ist of artists, see small Reserved Scats secured 8 days in advance, .without extra charge, at; Burke & Fleming’*' Book Store. . ,. . A.- H- LEAVITT, General Agent. I OCtl6-8L Will practice in the Superior Courts ot Jock' * * CI: son, Madison, Banks and and 0Ct9-tf. arke counties, collection of claims, Griffin, Gn.. Ga Athens Wool Factory. I am now turning ont daily a large quantity of Bolls in the beat of style. Having secured the services of a No. 1 Crider, I am better than ever prepared to rive satisfaction to all. Bring on your wool. AU carding done ou short no tice. Also, a good lot of wool bats kept oo hand. HEDGE FOWLER, Foot of Broad Street. octS-tf. Athens, Gs. J^ltEHV AND 8AI.K STABLE. Col, Toni Golding, of Mississippi and well-known in this community, was murdered at his home on the 6th inst. It is thought he was murdered by a young man whom lie had raised, and with whom he had some misun derstanding. He was killed instantly, receiving eight buck-shot in iiis body. We have not as yet learned nil the particulars. The news of his death will be received with sadness and regrets by his many warm and at tached friends in this community. Singular Presentiment. Col. Eli Shorter, the father of the late associate editor of this paper, in formed Messrs. Howell and Dwinell, who accompanied his son’s remains to Moutgomeiy, Ala., that on the night of the death of his son here in Rome, bis wife awoke him, asking the time of night, saying,/* Wibiais,dead; I feel that Willie is dead.” He looked and found] it f: 15by his time. , Our young friend died at 1:10 by the'-'time here Mrs Shorter knew of her icon's illness, but, nevertheless, it is very strange that the impre»»iop should have been vivid enough just at the moment of his departure fo cause her. to arouse her husban^l y> nrdyr to get the time of nighH^-fftolde 1 Criurfer ; •A Trim for 1 'EVEitYTHiM;.—All kinds of labor should he done at that time in whieh it’ will yield the largest -tefurhA The work of winter outside of the regular feeding of stock is not of that.iraperative kind belonging to other months of the year, and therefore win ter affords an opportunity in which to prepare for the remaining portion of PLANTERS’ HOTEL, ATTGKJSTA, GKA.- The Leading Hotel of the City. Noted for its cleanliness, and tho excellence of its table. RATES—S3 00 PER DAY. Tho Proprietor solicits fh>m the citiaens of Athens a continuance of that liberal'patronage they have heretofore given him. B. F. BROWN, . ojtlfl lm. Proprietor. WOOL CARDINS. . The undenigued, having newly fitted-up’fri* Carder, near Harmony Grove, is now prepared to card Wool in a very superior manner. He will, faruiab oil. etc., and card M 10 cents pound. Wool left anywhere at Harm tirove will bo taken to the carder aud returned free of churg . Couutry produce taken in pay ment for carding. B. C. WILHITE, pcll6-lm. Carriages, Bugglesdc horses for hire. Terms reasonable. E. M. WHITEHEAD, Washington, Wilkes county, Ga. 10V28-I87M* CTotLoe. All Athens Street having certificates of stock io will please preset t them to James H. Huggins 1'pr record, so that the proceeds of tlie sole-of property of said resd may bh delivered among the'stockholders os the first day of November. This October <tn, 1877. ... JAMES H. HUGGINS, R. K. BRAVES. - octO-lm. J. D. P1TTARD. MARTIN JNSTITUTE, POSTPONEMENT! Fall Term of!877, .Will of Board. on the 29th of August. The pnes with Tuition in the highest class. to Dividend. J. W. GLENN, RANDOLPH, Secrctsiyel sept4-4w. OHAS. C. JON-ES, SB. • JT03ST3ECS X. X. xvs. «Sc BJV25, ATTORNEYS AND COUSSILLORS AT LA • StBfoEV^U new buildinc, ACGl'KTA. GKOBIJU. 241 BROAD STREET, oS-6m < WILSON Bankers and Brokers, Dealers iu Stock Privileges, U.S. Bonds, Cottor and Miwcll.ineous Securities, etc.' Tho greatest opportunity over before offered for investment. 1.000 do lurs mndo from investment of 20*> dollars iu 80 days. Smaller amounts invested will pay iu proportion. Investments, large or small, can he trebled in 80 day*. Wo tell ur purchase as desired 5 shares of stocks and upward on margins ot ftom one to two per cent FOB SALE. ,NB GOOD PHAETON, WITH POLE AND — ~ ... . . . Alsoone Cheap for 0 Shafts complete, in perfect order. Alsoone . l i i i ot Crod A nnd Dra, 1* payable in the year. Rails are to be hauled, apypartof Eurojie uud America, issued for the wood provided, clearings made, im provements finished and a position reached from which the farmer will be amply ready to begin farming opera tions when the proper time and season arrives. convenience of travelers. Full information' sent ou application. WZXiSOlT <& CO., 35 and 37 Broad St., P. O. Box 2485, N KtV TURK. Near Gold and Stook Exchange. octlfi-Sm. cood Buggy, new ani casii. 08-tf . complete. J. H. HUGGINS, No. 7 Broad street. FOR SALE OR RENT. A DWELLING With EIGHT G"OD rooms, fire place in each of the rooms, good double brick kitchen, stable carriage and out houses. Location on Hancock avenne, new Luoy Cobb Institute. J- II. HUGGINS, o8-tf No. 7 Broad street MEDICAL NOTICeT At the solicitation of n<sny -f my former p»t rous, l resume the Practice of Medicine from this date. I will pay especial Attention to the disense of Infants and Children, and tne Chronic Diseases of Females. _ WE KING. M. D <nne 16 1875—83-ly