The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 16, 1877, Image 7

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We hope the remarks of our New York correspondent, in his letter of the 2 evil el buying ducts to lie delivered at soi future date, will by duly he X ed. Vz TWP *ATHE1& r fotQBER IS, AV>§ wT'*ll ted Has on Hand, and to arrive, ig cotton, grain and othtfrpro- 1 JlJL1*iJ Vv 11 JLJjl Sis0«af3aa©3$ ted in New York a few years ago, the injurious effects upon legitimate trade were pointed out in this jpur* W** thei^jn ^fcgfefcly discountenanced here. The evil then anticipated from dealings id “ fntui-ea” has since become actual and its nas since neconie actual and its pro* sgniWttAJnc generated into a species of specula tive gambling, it* all essential respects similar to wliat had prevailed among nr«isu! ■ Consisting % part of Sli'iiftf # ’SWugF* Btfown Drilling, Osnabnrgs,' Factory Checks, Factory Yarns, Paper 4 -•ktshiSK' iM v Undershirts, Balmoral Skirts, — 1 TfldtieH"mnl Omito 1 Qliuwtei' ^r^niHeyiay’sSaWsj Boots and Shoes, In the actual purchase of grain or cotton which the seller undertakes to deliver at a certain price on a distant future day, where the trans action is in good faith and ends in an actual delivery, there is nothing in trinsically wrong or in itself deleteri ous to legitimate commerce If such a transaction is made public, the publication can do no ham? to other bonafide dealers or to producers. The transaction is a reality and comes within the circle of upright dealing. No one is damaged, because no one is deceived. The producer, the middlemen and (he holder may each derive actual benefit from knowing « aeftKEJK: Hemlock Sole Leather, Harness anq Upper £.eati}er, H^rs 01J:BVSKX DESCRIPTION, SO BAGS RIO COFFER, NtFOPENING CLOTHING EMPORIUM! the public generally to my fine stock of Clothing • - For Mo Ms’ d lop’. ^ ■2‘COT3is»?&4 of Freneh Diagonals,’Worsteds, Cheviots, Cloths, Melton’s Scotch and Navy 1 Bine Flannel Suite, all of the Finest Material and the most fashionable styles. Also, a first- class stock ot Gents’ Famishing Goods in all ta,rfciga3« l . <i .a llwWll'llllll^o which I invito Utminspaorion of Tranks, ete;, to which I invite thr-inej *Tipasr replicated. OUE SPECIALTY — Unianndered Shirts, Bri 4 * 08 - 1-10 ETC. ALSO 50 BARRELS s-UttAR, assorted, ROASTED COFFEE, 50 BOXES CHEESE. 500 Bass Liverpool Suit, (around A course) , 200 BAGS VIRGINIA SALT, , . , . ,l()l)U liUNDELS COTlON TIES. COlTCBIT'raATBr) HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, ETC., 10,000 YARDS BAGGING,.*; *.•;: 200 KEG8 NAILS, 200 BARRELS ELOCR, assorted. 60 BOXES OF TOBACCO. M ACK ABOY SN U FF, in jars and packages WASHING AND TOILET SOAPS, STARCH, ASSORTED PICKLES POTASH, BROOMS, Castings, consisting of Pots, Ovens, Spiders and Odd lids, Manilla Hope, from 1-2 t., 1 1-2 inches, Cotton Bone, Goalien and Country Batter, Green Tea, Powder, Lead and Shot, Backets and Churns, Machine Needles, Pens, Ink. Paper, Enveloj other articles too tedious mention. It is mfficient' GOODS adapted especially to planters’ use. HE vinoed of the fact. He means just what he says. He also sella the celebrated ai sep25-3m a and Dobbs’ Chemicals. , Ho! Northeastern Georgia! Interest! I Tie Old Fredericksburg Dry %ods Store, Popular Clothing Emporium, Brood street, Athens, Gn. Next door to Long <fc Billope Drag Store aoS-lv tnro value of a leading staple, Bet the misohief grows ni\t of transactions of an entiretv different familiar to those who aro conversant with the business of stockjobbing and dealing in fancy shares, and needs explanation only to thosv who do not understand this species of gam ing. It is a mere simulation of pur chase and sale, but in reality a wager n9 to what the market price of a certain article will ho on a future day. A purchase of “fuiures ” in New York divested of its fictions amounts to and signifies about this: A, of the first pert, says to B, an other broker, “ I will give yon twelve cents per pound for five hundred hales of cotton, strict low middling, delivered here between the 4 l^t ami 5th of December next.” B accepts, and both buyer and seller deposit (put up) a suni nf ! pl.m. to be found South of Baltimore wo have Sea 4V, the beat bleached Long Cloth at 8 and 10c, in; Cambrics CK and Sc, LaigaShawU 50,76 and 81.00, and IDES now AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. tKo 1 Spirit i one of the.most Extensi' \dHuunw V7» ww ov, wHiiu ci.uv, ttuu ivcw 1*118 UKlCie V $40.00 and $50.00,10-4 Extra White Blankets $1.75 to $2 00 and $2.50 up. DRY GOODS ARB CHEAP ! 4 6l!hl THE NORTHERN SfTlgff Handsome New Shades, colo-cd Dress Silks 50, when you can get lli And Goods nro declining in prices every day, prices, we .t ore fortunate to iiold eff ujnl e:m now end will exhibit Silks 85, 75 and 8Sc per yards, Grew Grain Black ^Ukar9TA0,$lJ5 £udj3 jjfe, double"« Cashmeres35anil 40c, nil Wool Black Cashmeres lp>c,vciiic§'^BotnSaziniohTy o') an Super. Ex. Ex. Sublime-ami Gold Medal, Blue.- Alpacas tYoir 25 to most handsome at 40 ami 50, Dress Goods to 8 and li'c, with the elegant French Matelasse at 20 uud 25c, 10-4 illeached SheetingSOc, all Filling Jeans 15 and 20c, Fredericksburg Cassimeres 75 and $1.00. TUTUiPHLS A Noted Divine says They are worth their weight, in gold. * READ WHAT HE SAYS: D<. Tirrr:—Dear Sir: For ten yean I have Ka a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation, and File*. I-vrt rpriatt yonrpillswcrc recommended to me; I uscit them (but with IltUe faith). lam train jA forty pounds solid flesh. They are worth E: -:r wri-r.-.t in gold. * Rev. R. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. fjrrs p;ils wtmus A. K. CHILDS. BSHSW iu itictfihisfcft 4 ." ■ 1 •J1 HttliBlaM a NICKERSON & CO. . WSQLUAUE ASD RETAIL DEALER. IH HORSE and MtTIiE SHOES, rtlnt w.rtjj t tili) -s/r.ti Idut yoil**] ttm (HORSE' SHOB N4up. Agricultural Implements; Lends, Oils, Glass and Varnish, UfiWeflB Leather* tins D COBSDTBPaPSXA. bis tills Gotten, Manilla & Jute Rone, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, HUBS, SPOKES, BUGGY WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, VICES BELLOWS, HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., . . * . « \ Manufacturer’s Agents for the sale ot Eairbauk’s Standard Scales. WINSHIP AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED " ! I •» ! Cotton Gins, Cider Mills, Syrup Mills and Evaporators, Watt Plows, Farmers' Friend Plows, Pumps, Circular Saws, etc. taT'Any article in our line not-in stock, will be ordered .when deolred, with the leu poeaible delay. , , decl9-ly Call and Examine Onr Stock and Prices. cuaEKiapmcoHft money as a guarantee of fidelity or indemnity against loss. B, (he seller, has no cotton, probably never a bale, and has no intention to dc liver the piotnised five hundred bal or any part of it. A, the buyer, in like manner neither desires nor ex pects a delivery of the cotton. In foot he has no use for it whatever, having neither vessels to load nor orders to fill and expecting none. If at the time of delivery the market price is above twelve. cents, lie only expects B to pay him the difference; if it is less than that price he will pay the difference to B. Thns what fig ures in commercial sports as a pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery is actually only a bet be tween two speculators as to what cotton will bo worth on a certain day. Transactions apparently Involving coantless ship toads of cotton are thus made and settled among specu lators without the actual handling of a single tale.”—N. O. Picayune. order burineaa our method and ion.. Write japtonr Gct.2d. W3i©a 'TOM Visit Augustii v iMmmeModbplaycf Diy Goods, you will save money in your purchase with us. BESS Fit EIGHTS on orders of $10.00 or more,<tb« freight paying and sample fob introduced in the South several years ago by ua, many persona are imitating I advertising to pay freights &e., hut like aillmitatioma they in the end fnii to give rite os a postal lbr samples of any goods you wi#h., Our New Price list and l at. ask tor conies. I! , Address. • 1 •* ■'•is ■ T - >1 >iLLS OOBE TORPID X2VXR rcgeluv® healthy cv- acitnlio-icarc produced llw r.’.nidi'.y with which p*rt0MS lahr on IMaaMhaaiap.c influence of these pills, bl itself irdlratiwtlicir „ addptubili'T _ _ - lhe*bo3y,' slil hence their cflicafy t n curing nervous deH’itv, mel ancholy, d^sgepsia. Hookiw, but inere i are not m^de fbr furh)(urc, e is nothing else beau tifully fnrnMies N WO*?.. The plain est row of books isfpore significant of refinement than the most elabo rately carved sideboard Give us a homo furnished with books rather furniture—both, if you can, b$t rhile th for something to read, trea4ii»g on owtly cari | on luxurious chairs and sleeping I down* is as if one were bribing you body for the sake of cheating your mind. Books - are the windows through which the soul looks ont. house without them is like a room without windows. No man has a right )9 bring'up his children without surrounding them with books if he has the means to buy them. It is wrong to his family. Children learn to read through being in the pres- eiue of books. The lovo of knowl edge comas through reading, and grows upon it; and the love of knowledge in a young h)ind b almost a warrant against the inferior excite ment of passion and vice. Thrash’s Consumptite Dube. Bure euro ior consumption, bronchitis, coughs croup, .colds, and all Iurg affec tions. Restores lost voice, ect. Call at Dr. Ed. Smith’s drug store, Dr. King’s old stand, and get a trial bottle for 50 <«nts. Large size il 50. ' Address, r i RICHARDS & BRO. Augusta, Ga, 801 Broad Street. new firm km&mmmzs • ✓ f; AND miPJV; STEPHEN! HAVE OPENED A ■> AMILY AND FANCY GROCERY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS STORE, | UNDER THB FIRM OF tiCOOD c&! STE HSNS AT BARRY’S CORNER, BROAD STRi ET, NEAR NATIONAL BANK, Always Find a Splendid Stock ot FLOUB, BACON, LABD, 8AL' .T. I MACK 8YRUP, MOL ASS I EKEL, BUG/ ■fUrsso, KEROSINE OIL AND LAMPS, CIGARS & TOBACCO, 1 POWDER, SHOT AND CAP8, OYSTEBS, SARDINES, LOBSTERS TICKLES, JElUEs’, FRUITS AND VEGETA-^. FANCY CANDIES, RA1S1N8, NUTS AND ip , and combined \ n-.her herbs. It farms DR. TUTPS AND QUEE Tiie roost powerful blood purifier known to: leal science for the cure of old uiceySidtiu joints,foul dischargestromthe earsand:. . _ , . abscesses, skin diseases, dmpsy, kidney Cota- rlaint, evil cflucto of secret practices, disordered ‘ HWTHY. SOLip •Vi an antidote to EyphHitic ly recommended, llnndied tyi*c have Urn radically imrcV vc^dfiHe, Us cont* stcVhs ! STOVES! STOVES! I am now offering for sals at' IjOW Prices, The following celebrated Cook Stoves, all of which are warranted equal to any offered in this market. IRON KING, GATE CITY, BEST, CRICKET, PALMETTO. Call and see before purchasing. J. C. WILKINS. oct.Sl.6m. the place, BARRY’S CORNER, Broad street, Athens, Georgia. sep25-3m XlOOdi To Wholes^lo layers OF DRY GOODS! '(rated. unimproved lot*, if desirably located, mUrbt be sold. Apr'v a< fleorpun office., mv22-t* Siteriwetlaer TO RENT or buy a small I vcnlent to the business -O We have 'now open and ready for your inspection: 40 Cases Kentucky Jeans, all prices. 40 Cases Bleached Shirtings, all grades. H)0 Bales Brown Shirtings, Drills, ( ’heckS, Stripes, etc. 40 Cases Prints, Hosiery, Notions, etc., etc. The above goods have been bought from the Manufacturers direct, thereby saving Agents’ Commissions, etc., and are now offered to the Trade at less.than New York Jobbers’ prices. oct2-3m. JAS. A. GRAY & CO., Augusta, Ga. SEND IN YOUR Subscription, for the BLACKSMITH’S I TWO $HOP8 FOR 1877 One at the old stand in front ot Messrs. GANN & REAVE*; | The other on Uffftoe^Jto the upper V * and opposite Mr. JOHN Z. COOPEV - j Livery Stable. We have firrt clai-s . ':m HOH33 SXXOSXXTO of f wry description, 1’i.atinu and Concave Shokk Manufactured to order. WAGONS, BUGGIES, CABRIAGES,. And all kinds of Fanning Machine*, mid Im plements repaired on short notice janAt to *Cafll. Broad Street. Over Burke’s Book Store. Athens Foundry ant! Mine Works. ATHHINS, General Founders end Machine Inking, S Making, Smithing and Repairiug, Mining and Mill Machinery, Manufacturew cif Circular Saw Mill., Steam Engines, Hone Powera, Threshers, Fan Mills, Bark Mills, Cano Mills, Agent for c »rasK£jssst.^ Paus, Cardwell’s Separators, Turbine ^ater Whe-ls end Acricultnrhl Engines. Prices sent upon application to . i l It. MCKKItSOX, Agent. june26-2m. - j.a j LIVERY, FEED ND SHE STABLE, Athana, Georgia. 4ANN & REAVES, PROPRIETORS. line Home huUdi%, Thonis# i For Sale or Rent ! • A small house, convenient to the bnsine mk- •1- dri- j!1 cared for when intrusted to onr cam. Stock op hand for sale at all times. » portion of the city. For Sale Only, a** . A cottage house containing seven rtteSfl, with all necessary out-buildiugs, and two acres of land attached. » M. C.SLeDGE ang7-4t ft A- Fur Sale. A inendliiedl Wheiiar; * Wilaou Sewing Machine; has been but little used and is in per- fect order. F.r sale ckea^ forite^.^A^jIy - it ±@W. 1877, Bobts : ' and SLoea TO ORDER. XT. W. Savidxup, ... , i Has removed his shop to the HcBoweliyfo ing, on College Aveni**- Prices liberal and OB WORK OF ALi DK tion M ttly done nt * RIP- . . .; TxTOTXCjHITO Clapke Comity Bcndkolders , The: interest dne July. ' ' promptly paid in coin, ut V &a also' prepared to 1 amount Of one 'Nationuf Bank. .1st, the take ' up bonds to the . lApUarsT 6. C. REESE, Co nty Trees. w. *. cox. , t ,W. ». (103. TnoMMOK. jr. COXHIIiL &TH0HFS0N, WnoiisAii pjLtnxns lit .Fhoh’im Domestic liquors&c. No ; 29 PEACHTREE ST.^ ATLANTA, QA. And bUtiliers'rx ti-ti" Stone MoUntaint Corn oetli-ty Whiskey. Aviotion! have associated W« A. Enxlan the Auction business, who will give prompt attention to the sale' of property and. Jpneds ot aU kinds. VEROflEK* ENGLAND. <niyl7-lm. i f • in prompt BUEFEE & BEO., Carriage, Bxiggy and Wagon Makers, 4 At the shop lately occupied by P. Bensori, near Grnn & Reaves', stable, ATHBITS; GA-,; Are prepared to do alt kinds of work*hit their line at short notice, in theTOoet SUPEpiOK STYLE, and at us t BEASONA^LB BATES to cal with fore and tjiose baving“ uc>v work nut up, i its imperfect ions-are ebvnrid wiiu. t aiu.,...... REPAIRING AMD PAINTING ■ . (■ <;. ■ •> A SPECIAI.TY., All work done in this lino warranted to gtvbssthtfetftion, both as to stylo and price. . Harness Making and Repairing. They aro also prepared to make or repair Harness. Having secured jtlie services of a Thoroughly Competent Workman in this branch of the business, s]l they tmkis a trial that til mav bo. convinced of the SUPE RIORITY OF TH"E1R WORK and the Reason- sss of their Cherves. , . , 3W3 prices!^ ° a tliem