The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 16, 1877, Image 8

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THE ATHJEKS. GEORGIAN: OCTOBER 16, 1877. .“*!S*rfcW #! -Relation to Athens, ,( i jfcom^icsted^ ( )/ * { f _ g»;»se that laid them. Mb. Editor: It ia a well known axiom, that the priraiples of justice are Jittle tedi- it because we see a similar case that will arise in the ih* distant future. Our growing _tbe ai * A clear cuticepfiou of this simple fact nn the ttfrfof the Rajli>»ad authorities would have, dictated an entirely different policy ou iheTr part -flV citizens motive, viz: self interest. But in plain view of this fact, and with the ;power to do so in their hands, i ot neutralizing the feeling agaiut 'T>wd, they liivi- adopted' the other, course and seeni to be trying by all tneane in their power to aggravate and increase the opposition of our citizens.' As we cannot charge the Georgia Rail road with a lack of business talent, we are forced to conclude that they are governed by a stranger motive than that of self interest, and that a blind thirst for revenge on our people, for withdrawal of patron a-e, has coused them t6 set aside their true interest. The immediate cause of this letter was the attempt made hy the Georgia Railroad a few days since to reduce Athens to a way station. For this is the plain English of Mr. Superinten dent •Johnson’s attempted discrinriua-. tion in freights against her in the meeting of railroad mauagers. Like the attempt to which we^ formerly attention, tliis.fdso, was failed the Northeastern Railroad, thus adding to the debt- which pur citizens owe that road. Such attempts as these can only result in intensifying, the antagonism now existing between our citizens and the Georgia Railroad. If a merchant wishes to attract cus tomers to hie store, it is manifestly his best plan to exteud them the largest amount of accomodation within his power—when the customers are se cured he will not allow n momentary sacrifice of his interest stand in the way of retaining them. Ail business men understand, aud practice this rule, and the fact of its universal adoption proves it to be a wise one. Bat the Georgia Railroad takes a different view of the matter. I*, says in effect to our people, here is our road, we want to carrv your freights, and as au inducement for you to give us your patronage we wiil do all we possibly can- with our large means and great influence to iqjure your city, we will do all we can to make you a way sta tion.. Our mighty Hercules will bare his brawny arms and strike blow after blow at your growing wholesale trade, nor will he relax his efforts until it is completely destroyed. The political ecououiist is satisfied with effects, he investigates the causes which produced them From the chain of cause and effect he dedaces rules for guidance in future cases of a similar nature. Retracing Outsteps then we find that, when busi ness revived after the war our city was left with an accumulation of capital which could not be profitably used. Under the old regime this surplus would have been invested in slave property. Uuder the new, this ave nue was closed and some other channel rnfist be found. Capital naturally turned to trade as the legitimate arena for its employment. At the very mil set it met an obstacle which appeared insurmountable. To maketradgjwof itablt it. was indispensably necessary that we should compete on equal terms with other cities. Here was the Geor gia Railroad's opportunity. If it had realized the situation it would have said to our people—start manufac tories, open wholesale stores, you are the natural market for Northeast .Georgia, although the Air Line Rail road may have temporarily diverted some of yonr trade from its natural channel; we will give you such freight rate as will enable you to com pete with other places and you will soon get it back again. It is our in terest to do this, every dollar you invest in this way will add to onr income as it will increase our carrying U railroad, now a mere speck on'bori- W/ wirf, ; if ihS* Georgia Railroad pursues its present policy, grow into a veritable reality. Should this result f ItieflhoMaRHi ftMiMUJealize -Ura HIPthntMrtfbXetriRh the fact that, although the mills of the bods grind'slowly, tliisy grind exceed ing fine. -b^Ua^HSFITTJ A splendid new stock $!!!j!From Twentyrifiye tojiljc H^njdf4*^ j4 £ DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE OF ALL ] Prices as cheap as any Fust-class House in the- South. Sf.6L ^SlT©XU03£;ii Cottage Suits $25 to $60. 21 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga, Send orders or letters if inquiry . Red tin Hews! Strike Is Athens) lift ■‘finer i&! tid Talmadge, Hodgson SO:. HAVE STRUCK was receiving from Athens were too precious and by its selfish policy, forcing as in self, defence to build the Obsereb. WBW8 SUttMABY. —A building has been erected near Brigham Young’s grave for the shelter of a party of men who keep a continual guad over it, day and night. —Full returns from the towns of Conueetieutt show th:;t the first con stitutional amendment, prohibiting extra pay to public officers, was car ried by 13,351 majority, and the one forbidding town aid to railroads by* 19,232 majority. y —Among the novelties of the coin ing Paris exhibition will be a youth ot fourteen with feet shaped precisely like his hands. He can use them for the same purposes, and plays upon the piauo with both bauds and feet, having a peculiar chair which enables jijpi to curl his bodyjuto the ueces- fj|r- performer, aud speaks both English and German.; Llis French is yet im perfect. —One good word is due tobacco. An Ohio couple quarreled, and in the heai of the nioatcut, the man packed his carpet-bag and left her forever. A riioit distauce from the house, he liscovered that he bad torgottcu bis tobacco-box. To go back for it was the work of a moment. Then, having filled his mouth with the weed, he looked upon his wife with modified eyes, and in another moment both were protesting that they bad only been iu-fun anyhow. —The French Free •> asons have long beeu divided upon the question ia to whether a belief in the. “Grand Architect ol the Universe” should be a dogma of their, order. At the re cent Masonic Convention in France, the second clau-e of the constitution, whiTran thus: “Free Masonry holds to the principle of the existence of God and ot the immortality of the' . r .. .. . . soui,” was altered by an immense majority to “ Free Masonry holds to the principle ot an absolute freedom of conscience, aud to the brotherhood of inaukiud. It excludes no one on account of his belief!’' —Thomas Belton bequeathed to the Ironmongers’ Company of Eng land, over one hundr'ed and fifty years ago, liis ent re estate, with REAVES & NICHOLSON, AGENTS. ixfok Cotton. Tios---£axfe£tfcLdt Specif fcTofcic«. '<"■ TRADE MAKK-XetilMR^ *" M: A.MBERIOA3ST COTTON TIK LIMITED. CO. General 1 47 CABONDELET STREET, NEW ORLEANS. Arrow Cotton Ties—The Best and Cheapest. For Sale Here and by Merchant. Generally. •' Xtr’Wi XLATT2TE A j and demand for the A ELEBRATEH ARROW TIE, ly recognized'&vorlte Tie of Planters, Cotton Pressmen and thlyper* of t'olton generally; i Cotton Tie Co., limited, sole proprietorsand niui-ufactuiei* <f raid 1 ie.«mmandin* unequaled tacllltles, hare, in addition to their large itock now «n Rai d, contracted for inert ated quan tities; Sufficient to tucet the largest demand for Cotton Ties, to cover the entire croj the coming season, and now, through their Agent a generally, offer the popular and irrepressible ARROW T'LatS250 per Bundle,-less VA per rent, discount for cash, In bundles complete, being less than the market vatuo of plain hoop iron; and it being the purpose of the Company to merit tbeconlinued patronage of the ‘anting'l to dery ail competition that may ante, their Agents are instructed to contract Itb Dealers, Factors and Country .Merchants at the above named t in quantities as may be required Horn time 4 plant witbl SP* 1 ? ■ery time, settlement* betrg made on j une7-tri-wA w6m. «i..' ■ Cora, ItwTp Neat* Sugar and Coffee, i .... . ■ rt«tai trro »|{T -not* i..)•,«< • 1 unii i /To.Jyn AND ALL KINDS’'OF >i. tno't i f.c ,- t( bill-: iy.i’l' 1 Groceries and Provisions. - -rf.rqntr- i,... ,,jut Wejcontrol the product of thegFinest Mills in the South. CHOICE ’KENNESAW,!MAEIEXTAI&EXTRA Every Sack Warranted to give Satisfactior. Bagging and Ties a Specialty. Special^Arrangements made for Supplying Grangers and Gin- r.ers in Large Lots Cheaper, than Anybody. EADQUARTERSF) ESTABLISHED 1NH5. TUB CHEAPEST BOOK AFP STATIDMiKy bTOKE PUlips d! Crew, Atlaxuta,Ga PIANOS KnI> bl&lAN^ : ^ 1 SEND FOB T&CE3.jg: CREW Sc FKEYEB. US YOUR COTTON {AND^ETTUE.n^HESTMABICETTRtOE IN CASH. WE HAVE JUST BUILT Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 19 •*» *wil triwo^f The proprietor of the. MARKHAM HOUSE takes this method ol ioformiug the tfaVeling- puhlic, that notwithstanding the great Euro pean war; his hotel wflEcontinuei to entertain with its usual hospitali ties and first-class accommodations, such as he flatters himself has given great popularity and sncOOss to bis house, and general^ satisfac tion to those who have honored him by hecoraing his guests. Board and accommodations first-class. ■ „«—m ,m. ■ provision that one-half of the proceeds should be applied to the redemption of Brittisii slaves in Turkey and Algeria, and one-fourth toward the of .the ponr ChuroIi. ot its to from the Turks ; the Courts, there fore, permitted the slave money, also to be aid of the schools. The ted - magnitude of the sum during one hundred and -accifuiulai d fifty v *ytan can bi-st lie appreciated by the state- tnei.t th.' thousand two hun dred schools are-now abided from “ Belton’s charity y —Mr. Max Strakosch, the known theatrical and musical mana ger, was married on the 1st of Angust last, to Miss Kate Neilson, a daughter ofjfr- Wm. II. Nelson; a retlrcAmer- c*»ant of New York.** The marriage W;i8 not made public at the time, and well til a "S none of his friends kitc w. .oj teleg am to her mother annoi the eaie m rival of his wife in San Francisco was received. Then some of his friends saw it, and made the newfi pal die. The couple was married moon «»f a m«mth he left for Califor nia, expecting HOTJSE JeaiiSj, Yarns, Xinseys, Kerseys, Shirting, Slieel- J ing; Checks; and Stripes at Factory Prices. h KEW CQTTQtf W&BMMmSB. And-have theFisesb Facilities for handling Cotton’with Speed and Accuracy. AGENTS FOB THE CELEBRATED The most satisfactory POWDER ever acid in AtW.?.—Try it ouce and you’ll not use any other PROCTOR & GAMBLE’S CELEBRATED SOAPS SOLD AT FACTORY FRICKS. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ON EVERYTHING. PIANO a ORGAN nEPOT ™^ Phillips, Crew & Freyer y*r Atsuzts^ Gtaorgia. Sole Agents for the World-Renowned EU A MS MS Grand, Square and Upright ! These mstmmenta have been before the pnblis for tuore than forty yean, and upon their ex* cellence alone have attained an (Jnpurcliased, Pni-eui'.nente which establishes them as nn-j O 2Sa&?.' lrT “"’ T ~ !h ’ u .Ttiey ..have’ received seventy-five gold and sil ver Medal*, over al 1 other competitors. ‘Clan lima DeMurakn, “ Mario” Mills, - Also secariug ti>e first and highest promimnsatthe England schools wilhin Lyndon and., XN-3?E5K.iT-A.TI03Sr-A.Is " ■* w> .. l ?y ' *" •?* eemtcnhlal EiUbitioii, bo any Engh^hiwvt’S to redeem Philadelphia. October. is7g.i PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER, 1876., The prices of these instramente are as low as the exclurite-Ase-.of first'-clasa materials wiU allow. ... . Catalogues and price lists mailed free on ap plications -estr-tj ■ I, tw j DH1LLIP8, CREW AFREYEB, General Agents, Atlanta, Gal 1 ', .^SOUMMlMSYtSEM. rt To the fltlmas of iUrke County, Also te the Adjoining Counties. n f) n Returns his sincere thanks for the t eral patronage be has received, i would call the publics attention to reduction In prices In X0N7XINTS AUJi TOVBSTOKZS. His work still nudntaliw the highest state of * “ peifeotion. ^ A. R. ROBERTSON, Sculptor and Monumental Builder, -ta- ATHENSj OA. i><|B>>|i ANTICIPATING to on a larger scale than ever following brands of Qgm at 10 per cent, dis count from onr usual qiriets so as to sell onr we offer the p rtffiOO&^lanldtibns.^ooXT 16,000 Phi-Kappa and Demos. 5,000 H. Upman. — 5,000 Flor de Menuel. GREAT CAUSE! D 5 - w > 5 Keyjrtftei ' oil • ^49,0(lO-€hoioe. THE SOUTHERN SIDE; , OR, AMRSONYILLE PRISGN: Compiled from Official Documents lpil . hi the hands of RANDOLPH STEIN, Formerly Surgeon in the IL % i Army of the Con- ; Chief Suqreon of federate States of America; Chief Surgeon or the Confederate States Prison Hospitals, Ander- sonville, Georgia; Surgeon and Medical Pur veyor of the Confederate States Prisons East of the Mississippi river. Together with a review of a portion of the testimony of the witnesses in the celebrated “ Wire Trial,” and brief notices of some of the work-that have appeared on 8outhem by Northern Authors, Prisons WITH AIT APPEXTSXSE, > Containing the names of jibout 18,000 Union Soldiers who died’ at AndersonVllio number of their graves, their rank, the nies and Regiments to whioh they belonged, -iO&2+***’*>*iM'* C L ..... fore the Court-house door in the LABKE SHERIFF 8ALE—Wil. be sold be- dtv of ou the first Tues- usual hours ...... !: Onetwo story brick store, house and'lot, store room be lov, sixty-five feet lo. g and the upper story has fipo, neat and comfortable rooms, with a nsll fronting said rooms. Said lot is seventy five feet deep; fronting on Clayton street, adjoining Talmadge, Hodgson & Co., on the wort, and John H. Newton’s other store room on the east and Dr. Sperr on the north. Said lot is now occupied by Parker A Brother, all levied upon by virtue o a fl. fa. from Clarke Superior Court, August term 1877. Eaves A McGmty vs. John H. Newton, all sold as the property of the de fender* to satisfy the above stated fi. ft. this Octoter the 6th 1877. J. A. BROWNING, ootSMOd. Sheriff. ( Clarke sheriff salb-whi be sold ybefore the Court House ‘ door in the city of Athens, Clarke county, Ga., ou the first Tues day in > ovember. next, within tlie legal hours of sale the’ following property to wit: AH the interest that L. Shevenell A Co. bas in fifty silver watches, seventy-four brass watches, four silver oases, two bras* cases, ten clocks, one Ac. All !>y virtut of k Nntberton vs L. Shevenell ACo. m Countv Tour and Werner A Bros. vs. L. Shevenell A Co. and L. Shevenell in Clarke Superior August Term 1877, and on* ^’^‘SB^k’Wsrst Term 1877, StnifbA 0>. vs.L. from Clarke Superidr Court Angust Term 1877, HeniyrPerliumc & Son v». L. Shevenell & Co. All levietl upouJj the interest ofL. Schevenell A Co. the d. flFndants hn- in the above named toners captured, an t aestns m nrooertv. to satisfy the above stated fi. fa-., this Southern Prisons; A Chapter oti ^tCW tiio 6^1^77. J. A. ABOWNING, Bureau, etc., etc i O g.go<l ’ Sheritf. ^ ments of Prisoners captured, and deaths in Northern and Soother ~ ‘ the Exchange Bureau, coirornojTS= This work is printed from new, clear type, in ' ' THE - J Human JIisery. Just Published, m s Scaled Envelope. Price six cents. Treatment, and or bp \ o. SelPAbW- ™ t be effectually removed witliont meditine, and without, dange: rous surgical operations, bongiue, 5,000 Figarj. 8,000 Partagas (Conchiu.) 5,000 Purtugas (5 inch.) 5,o66 Ready Relief. 5,000 La Esjianola. 10,000 No Brand. Kalvarinsky & Liehler, 1 it f. f fcfliTHFNS, GEORGIA. h.v , tnoda of curfTat once certain and effe* which every sufferer, no mutter whit dition may be, may euro, himself cheaply privately rad radically. 1 This Lecture will prove a boon to tliuusmids 'THE NEXT TERM OF THE HIGH SCHOOL » WILL begin Monrtttyv September 3,187'!'. He b managing lor Misses i Kellogg, ana is meeting with return East is postponed indefinitely. Scliolu*tic month mmiOij.ur life* (ten months) If payment for ihe uiade'tU H.ivancc. at the for Misses Cary and snecess. * Om Large Oclav^JTWblume 1iff nearly 500 Pages, WITH PEN FULL-PAGE liumims 00 a Mir It will be delivered to subserbers , the following prices; BeautIfrUIy Bound In English Moth,.. Sheep. • » Jlair-Cair, ...... ... $3 00 .... 4 00 ... 5 00 Payment to be made on Re ceipt of the Work. Persons giving their sigiutvjres to these conditions, will be considered’ subscribers to this Work. But no, obligation will rest upon any sub scriber to receive the book unless it equals, in evory respect, description given and sample shown. ' ' TURNBULL BROS., Publishers. tflftlft.'W J. E. RITCH, A< W'ATHENS, GA. scriplian done at this Dfc ! (ST RE SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold _ .re the Court -1 loose door, in tiie city ot Athens, Clarke ceuntv, Ga_ on the first Tues - day. IptNovember next, within tlie legal liou^ of sale, the. following property, to-wit j One lot as follow*: Beginning at branch and running thence to a red oak ’bush; red oak; _ red oak; north, 85; West, 450 chAins to a to a pine; * nine rt.Angu^.TsnriraacM nev -'vs. Marceilu* Bea^. All to satisfy_tbe octa-SOd. ;’8 'SlE: Aokr Pursuant to au Court, of Ordinary of Clykr 1 or lets, ly *<tSK .{fd Or.s* 35,'i’tJ