The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 23, 1877, Image 5

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN OCTOBER 23, mt. WfttM of Local Advartuing A Job Work Load Keliaa* iJ ttuU par Um, 10 «anta for tach additional psblieateo, a* diiptay allowed fe UM VMkl coUmtu mt till* papar. Marriage and death netieea are pnhlbhed fine ofoherge. Obituariaa ara ihtrgad for at the ratee ef Ua eante jer Hue. jf.UJi AaOMtnoauienta of oandidate* ajid oommuni- Swft/?n 0 K«. iVid "‘ 1 °“ did * t * e ’ *“ tb * ^AdTWtiswnopt* not marked for any apeclfled rtaM, willbeehaifedfhr nntd ordered out. All Job work mnat be paid for upon delivery. Election tickets, cash upon delivery. Lowe Relating to Newspaper Subscrip tion* and Aneamgea .isciatoa or v*a vairsn acaaae amuta oooxr. 1. Subscribers (•the bob tinue the! If • ■I fflp-E SStfe^atg ,ieal 1 all arreantat;' ke paid. 3. If eubacribera neglect or ref>.-toUk«*iUr periodicals from the ofllee to wt>>bh they directed, they are held reappudble .until ■ have settled their bills and ordered them oontinnod. 4. If auhacribera move toother places without notify inf publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direotion, they are bald aibln. 5. fiio courts have decided that “refusing to take pcriodicala from the office, or rexroving and leaving them uncalled for is prims tncia evidence or intentional fraad.” * «. Any person who reeehres a newspaper and make* use of It whether he.liaa ordaiaB .pt p^ u3t, it held in law to be a snbseriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to tfivc notice to the publisher, at the end of their time; if they <lo not wish to con tinue ta'eiug. it;- otherwise the publisher ta authorised to send it on; and the subacriber* will be respeusibla until an expreaa notice, with payment of alt arrearages, is sent to the pnoUsher. THE* CLOTHIER, : THE LEADER, OF LOW PRICES. The Only Exclusive Closing Emporimn in the % THE MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK OK Goods in the City. Notice the following figures which we enumerate on a portion of our FALL GOODS: 200 All Wool Cassiracre Suits at $8, $10, $12 50, $15 and $20. 100 Diagonal Goats and Vesta at $7 50, $10, $12 50 and $20. 300 Overcoats from $4* TTp* A splendid assortment ot Boy*** and Children Suit* and Overcoats at Very Low Prices. We give the public the advantage of Andlppre therefore reduced Unlaundried Shifts, Finished Complete, to FIFTY ,CENTS. We extend an Invitation to ONE and ALL to examine on.* stock. WE DEFY COMPETION / CHARLES STERN, - FOPCLAB CLOTHING EMPORIUM, SEOAD STBEKT, o»-8m a Opposite College Campus, Athens, Georgia. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Our Agents. The , following , gentlemen -have kindly* Consented to act as agents for the Georgian. All contract*, either for subscription or advertising,-Will be recognized "by ns; J. P Shannon,Esq., at Elbert on, Ga. A. B. Bro<-k, Esq., at Jefferson, Ga. Mr. H. C. Stephenson, Hartwell, Ga. 8. T. Flemming, Esq., Eagle Mr. W. J. Goss, Postmaster at Harmony Grove, Ga. CommiinicatedL Oconee County, Oct. 15,77. We take pleasure in announcing the name of onr worthy fellow-citizen, i. Y. Elder, aa a candidate for the Legialatare at the ensaing election. Hb is tf»f[people’s choice—an old and honored citixeu of the county. His life among ua speaks for itself without comment. Many Voters. Death OF Mr. Wiley SI' This very highly respected and aged citizen of Athena died in this eity, on Saturday morning last, after a very brief illness. Mr. Sledge was the oldest of our citizens, having reached the advanced age of ninety* three. His funeral service* were largely attended at the Methodist Church, on Sunday afternoon, end a $oaot$fi$ and touching diseoumoupon hit irreproachable Christian life and eharibdMr preached by Her. Doctor Potter. He weawaative of Franklin county. North Carolina, and emigrat ed to Georgia more than fifty years ago. Hie whole life was an fllnstya- tion of an immutable “Faith in God”and *‘Confidence in man/ For forty-seven years he was a member of the Methodist church in Athens. He leaves many devoted friend* in onr community to mourn his loss— and his bright Christian example will long lw» remembered. Oglethorpe Superior Court Was in session last w°ek. Judge Pol tie presiding. The . trial of John N. Eberhart waa completed on Sat* unlay evening. Verdict of the jury, «• Not guilty.” Solicitor-Goner .J Reese and Cot. J. D Matthews for the State. Gen Toombs, J. C. Reid, J. T. Olive and Pope Barrow for de fendant. To Greensboro Fair. Barns’ Silver Cornet Band will delight the citizens .of Green county with some of their excellent music daring Fair week, which comes off on the 23d and 24th of this month. 'IV members of this bend are composed of some of the beet young n en in onr t _. irnefin * city and who will, no doubt, meet with 1 rortkoXMliM. • —The short aaeque will be fashion ably worn by yon* mums only. -Satin and plash bonnets, as well as silk one*, will be again worn. —Narrow silk and satin ribbon will take the place for lace for bonnet strings. •■^•Alpacas, mohairs and brillian- tftiM"‘ill be in great favor for ‘ser viceable suits. — Among the late importations iu millinery are gilt and silvered wings ‘ r misses* hats. —Young girls are now dressing the hair in. two braids, or three curls tied together low down. —Stylish yon tig ladies fasten a bow vf bright ribbon to their whips when or riding. Brooxe shade* promises to be the universal favorites. These come in gol^ grecn, brown, etc. ^Nearly all tho 1 new fringes have ui. vttnmnre 0 f heads, which, in fact, trim nearly every thing. —Ruches of- narrow black lace, or of fringed silk, will be the most styl ish trimming for silk costumes. —Stylish coiffeurs for evening wear are composed entirely of ostrich plaices, and nro very becoming. Fashionable materials for polo- -.raises for the coming season arc said, 1 hy rifo gentiefoeo, to rawmble rag Random Readings. An angryman opes* month and shots np lr» B*-M the greatest who choose* to do right at all times. Good nature, like the bee, collects honey from every herb. An obstinate man does not Isold opinions, bat they hold him. 7 The spir it of self sacrifice is one of the great beauties of holiness. The art of conversation is the ar Entorprlse. Onr enterprising cilizcu, Prof. C. W. Davis, eleana .the field in' all ou tlies for photograph* and paintings at the Atlanta Fair. vS , > Abk Yourself these Questions. —Are you a despondent sufferer from Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart ? Have you Dizziness of the Head ? Is your Nerv ous System depressed? Does your Blood circulate badly ? nave you a Cough? Low Spirits? Cuming up of hearing as well as of being heard. [°f *he food after eating? At, A& Ail The most valuable part of a mat education is that;wkkh herecetv.., from himself , land Indigestion. Green’s August .iljvjxjrt.W. U— rt. , ** .P** 1 iye cure. —• burfricsnU upon them. I ^ .*•*“ « Th«e ,vl,„m6.d l,a« jomeJ .d a. a trinl. T»« do*, -ill malnmoy, .looked joints and ,11- . a tisfy , v person of iu woodertol 1 • P° j * < j 8 . ; . °, n ^ Ut (quality in curing all forms of Icdiges- a8l,n er * | tion. Sample bottles 10 qte. Regular With increase of famo too; often L- ?5 ctg 8cld positively’^y all comes addition to care; and sorrows I g re t j) rU ggj gt8 j n ^ United grow out oi the sur eits of enjoy-1s^tes. R t. Brumby A Co. ment. Tiio atheist, vainly seeking God | through navura, is Jiko the shadow denying the existence of (be m l cause it neypr sees it, . .. 1 Oconee County, Out. 15, *77. Mr. Editor—The question, “ Who •hall represent this conntv in the next Leguiaiare?” should be one of deep interest to every good and intelligent citizen. Never before, I believe, have the people seemed so determined to pot into offices of trust and honor the very best melt only. Men who are the living embodiments of the new spirit of the! South; men of the peo ple, thoroughly undemanding the necessities and. wishes of their con stituency, and who have the spartan firmness*tO do right and maintain the eausitfat every hazard. Those lifications are found in Andrew B. >n; who, besides being as well qnalified a* any other man we could get, b;ut the advantage of having been q' a warm reception during their visit. We commend them to the, citizens cf Green county, satisfied that they will give them entire satisfaction, both in deportment and fine music. The Augusta Music House. We invite the special attention of the readers of the Bazar to the new advertisement of Messrs G. O. Robin son A Co. The reputation of this First Class Music House” for the largest and best selected stock, at prices successfully competing with New York and Boston, » already establish ed. Their motto—LowPricca, Quick Sole*—bring strictly adhered, to is rapidlymcreariqgjheir burinaaL jBftfc regard It as The Music House qfthe South, and advise our musical friends to visit or correspond with Mr. Rubio, son before purchasing. —Black silk will be more generally worn this tall than for several seasons; Astonisuing Success.—It is the duty of every person who has used Bo8Chee t s German Syrui* to let its wrmhartul qualitiesjbe known to thrir friends in caring Consumption, severe Vainglorious men are the score o* | Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, men, the admiratiou of fools, j >U) d in fact aU throat and lung diseases, idols of. parutiiet, and the - slaves I No person canusedt without immediate of their own vaiuitfcf | relief. Three doses will relieve any Perhaps there are few lews happy case, ami ws consider it the doty of ^ than those who are ambitions without l ail '■ Druggists to recommend it to the * I who wi!! not run the rtoe. •; 1 -ne bottle,' as 40,lKK) dozen'bottles 'iUageiiU-pogMbr KT,ral AmIB nl bShMU *32^ ago, but one of the most trying of all I vr, ‘ 1 exat *ny«nng permanently noble 1 nie dicine as the. German Syrup can- colors to the complexion—is to be I an ^ exce ^ ent *° W riiarirtfr wU®k .punwon, -Cloaks, jackets znd mantillas for | 0,ute • clMemal ; .. fell wear are almost nnexceptionably M oral education is a better spfe- plain; ccmfort bring mamly studied of liberty than a standing army, in their design. If we retrench the wagea of the —Fashion decree, that egg wpt **oolmarter, w^p,urt raise those for the breakfast table must be in thc ™rmtmg*ergcant. colored glass —blue and golden bronze The best of men and the most earn- bring the chieflavorites. • j** 1 worker* will.,make enough mis- J^Vdvet brocade promises to be? ^p (He^ humble. '' ~^lar ^or^* winter w<*r, tfej most * attractive patterns being l Regular size,' Brumby A Co. COMMERCIAL m ATHENS MSBKBTS. COTTON—MMdllas ;Khu Let everybody in Clarke county member of tho late Constitutional 1 and Northeast Georgia attend the Convention and is familiar with the ] Oconee county Fair at Watkinsrille, changes necessary to be made in our statute law to meet the requirements ui the iii-w Constitution. What say you, ;reople of Oconee ? Bates. on Thursday week, Nov. 1st. Exhi bitions of cattle, aheep. swine, chick ens, crops, garden—orchard: Dome industry, needle work, painting and drawing, agricultural tools and ini- floral designs on axtin groundwork. . Raw Mlk is thene*«l ccering Th. <Mid,.im,, iirniinr.. h 'S h I">™« «•>«* «<«''■> «»><** for furniture. Old-fashioned leather. ...... . , . ..... ,—.. . covetig, MW ii in no*, brtl^ FjWW - very richly ornamented m gilt. -^-Ostrich down, which oomea in gy and elevation of pupose mean, not te;: less by example than by precept. I »' He who learns and makes •»« t,.«l Urd —A fashionable and popnlar amuse ment among the ladies at present is I H*bartiiam Superior Court, Judge George D. Rice presiding, fn the case of the State vs. William Griggs, the jury fonnd a verdict of “ Manslaughter." Sentence—Peni tentiary forseveuyear*. l^xlngton Hotel. We are greatly indebted to our kind and hospitable friends, Mr. R. G. Rowe and lady, for courtesies re ceived during the past week. They Ireep n-good house,’and we recom mend our friends to give thorn a call. Personal* - • Mr. Robert. . Drakes, of Oconee eoantjr, sold Messrs. J. C. Pitner & Co., five bales of the prettiest cotton feronght to this market, averaging $1l| lbs. per bag^ t Fa tbls True? A certain young gentleman of this city, of financial prominence, has re cently purchaoed a fine tnm-out in the way of a ffiOO horse. It is also said that he is playing the roll of Morpheus, and rocking ye little ones io rieep witlV an unosnal degree of success and aptness. What does all this wean ? Won’t - tho “ Ides of November’’ givo the wanted informa tion r 'Fite Georsla State Fair. D vis’Premium Gallery again Wins. Qne of the most successful exhibitions at the State Fair was our wide awake Photographer, Mr. C. W. Davis who took premiums for best Photographs, Purtd Photograph, life size Crayon Photograph, Photograph in Water Colors, and this sweepstakes premium of beet display of Photography. He just walked away with the. whole thing Mr. Davis went into the contest to win, takjng *8"fhis mottoe “ Fbrti Nihil Difficile," abtl came out as his friends predicted, with the highest honors. plemento, Raoes—trotting pacing-and j porcelain painting, entire s tsof china running. L. Durham, Pro*. Skull Shoals. G. C. Thomas. Secretary, Wntkinsville. A. R. Itobertson, Sculptor in Marble and Granite, has proved to be the most reliable builder of monuments and tomb stones in Georgia. Specimens of work on hand and for sale. Gtvb me a call when you visit Athens. Defies competition in workmanship and prices. octl6-4t. bands of suitable widths and in all the new colors, will be a favorite trim-1 0 ™ 1 * l^rmug is a beast of burden 1 ming for expensive materials. J ^ a books. Comprchendetb J xorkays the ass whether he carries on his back I HutUr a library or a bundle of fagots? Tliere nre two ways of getting through this world. One way is to make the best of it, and the .other is to mdke the worst of iu Thdsc who take the latter course work hard tor poor pay. , „ . ... , , Peace of conscience is independent -ftping. -m ufc . Iea3mg pl*c. l ■ ^ ^ muh h , .Mong *« Dr«W •(L, SL, i, th. hnmblett being decorated in tl manner. —Fashion orders the displacement I of silver pictures for rbina and glass ones-of English-manufaeture, which [ are of the inelegant jag shape. “owo LEATHER. Hemlock Leather.. Upr. Leathf Ham. “ .. Calfskins... Kip Skins... Dry Hides...... •ireen Hides— bagging, ties, rope. Tagging pr yd — Bias. Rope, co(too — -ope.graaa • The abort aaa retail prices. Special rates tm a. • ' * • - H'iBOCEBIKS. Grand Opsinlng. Mtss McCartney begs to notify her uanatuii f riends,and patrons that on Thursday, October 25th, she will have on exhibition the.finest stock of French Pattern Bonnets and Hats ever displayed in Athens. A cordial in vitation is extended to all. oct!8tf. A beautiful complexion depends upon tho purity of the blood. Tokeep the Wood pure r wnd healthy use Dr. Buffs Blood Mixture. . James A- Gray A Co. In another column of our paper will be found tho advertisement of the above firm. This house is so well-known throughout this section of country for good goods and fair deal ing, that it is almost useless tor nt> to sound its praise. When yon go t Augusta call and wo them, or if you Avish to order any goods in ilieir liu* correspond with these gentlemen, an our word for it, you will he sure t« be well pleased with their figure*. —— 1 Notice to Subscribers Subscribers to the Georgian wh< live in the vioiui.y of Aiben , an* who are indebted lor their subscr - tions, are liereby informed that wood will be received in payment or thi-.. paper*. Others desiring to suiiscnW and pay in like manner, w 11 please | -bribed. Call and settle, we need come along with tlwir w«hk*. the money. bias. —Bourdte it the name given to all of the new Ires* goods that show a plush-tike Aurfece. Bourttteneiguese when the snow fiake is promiBent. Oconee • A" as much happiness . as might stock a Spend.not nor spare too much—(be To .the ' Coanty- Arall advertiiements of my offiee have to be; accompanied wit J‘ ? h ® I t bia thy care; spare but to epend, ca*.Jwmetmfatnre^ ap^d to spere; be that Adnff for inyjme m the eeu^r en-^ ^ less the snare ^ Pnion, J plmn, but he spends best that spares Sheriff Oconee county. | to spend again. Lucas A Ware, Athens, Ga.— -> e he elegant, uew suit-, now being ua le at Lucas A Ware’s Tailoring Dep irt menu Parties from a distance invited to call and examine styles and goirtbv whidi satisfy all who wish to ,uv. octlfl—4t. Revenge is n momentary triumph, of which the satisfaction dies at once, and is succeeded by remorse; whereas forgiveness, which is the noblsst of til revenge, ‘entails a .pfrpetbal Jlow and Then.;—It is only now and then that such men as Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Ex-Gov Smith and Ex Gov. Brown of Ga., endorse a medicine tor the throat and lungs, and when they doi* is pretty good evidence that the remedy mutt be good for the Call and Settle*. ‘ cure of Roughs, *»tds and long allee Tlu-re are a large number of onr j Th'-r rocoataeod the Globe j-.'iKcribers in Athens who arc , m | Fx.oW'r: L’oruH Syeuf, sad their ,rr**ars with their subscription. We i tcstiwouialii are to be men round the irm-stly request all snch to call and •.utile Remember subscriptions are a ways due in advance, and not as .-mne seem to suppose at the expira tion ot the *erm for which they sub- teu mil sample bottles of the Globe Flower Syrup, for sale by Db. C. W. Long a Co, Athens, Ga. A sample bottle relievos the worst cough and will euro sore threat. Regular size bottles, fifty doses, 11. ISal* *• Ha «, Xit» flftltj Pfii Chewing toteec*— an'n^jficciboj..- American,. AMMUNITION it!?- Shot Lead *■ •• — Cap*, per box...——: ' UGl'OUf- Corn whiskey.— — French brandy........ ....... ■ Holland Gin—- American Gin.....« Bourbon whiskey - Wines...*— * .. . HARDWARE. «■ :« *r*» Arc now opening*a splendid stock of dry goods embracing the new and desirable styles of Ladies’ Dress goods, cloaks, shawls, trimming goods, i Black cashmeres, Empress dqths, iron,sw^«f, prih........ Flannels Cloakings, Blankets; Hdsie-1 gamSyiTlIL-— ry, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, NeckTjes, oSttoaSSaL^yT and a large lot of dothi and suitings H *”* 8ho *'" for men ana boys. j 1 * • In the Tailoring Department they make up the most elegant suits—in style and on the most rea sonable terms. Measures with or ders can be sent from a distance and any desirable Suit obtained at the lowest prices. Call and see the new styles and prices. l . - 4t. ti s «x* 5 <K< 8 V • 8 : 00oi< S • . « » f \ 7ft t o. o». % 2< W. B. COX. w. Mm -ULIXX* J03.” THOMPSON. ¥ s COX,HILL & TIIOMPSfc \, ; - Wxolssau Dxazxbs is FmiEifii ing Domestic UQions a .. No 8» PEACETREE ST., ATLANTA GA. And DUtillcrs < t Ci Stonrf Mountsi^ ( ootjl-lyl W . ' . , , ^