The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 23, 1877, Image 6

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I tfij HENRY n*v>>' fb ni bhfr •'■rtuArtb' ««fl *F ; inl'SH^-u^bc doo^of^gpttagQVan *'***'"* M -' n ' h ***** shetfpKed, •‘You arc t.;o*t!n?4i,n W ,iaus 1 Hen- '' mc ** bim ehu ***&& MW*fcf ry *i T saiiF Mfr. ^)i*!~ancy*tocuie ojf j i ^ ii c- -. r ■ , *$H^b^W3S3Sl»CWt e " te, ‘* H *Mthe invitation- Mk<M !ggj ^ m 8 °*g£*? 'sWdfcKh hSb»* ! ^PWHJLiK and here a scene of poverty and neat- btw never «ud that it was returned. jpwp * »S The fofni- mc,leave to sajf ih^ you ,4b not <lr,a8k sufficiently genteel to appear as clerk in a fiwiii6uab'l.e Mow*.’! .Henry’s &po *wa* *utfuse«l with ajl<*op jtjlusji, ami, ; y w^i^SSb ' “’ASK “ Did I not know Ufa** your emary was sufficient to provide moregeu- teel habilimentscontinued Mr. D., : ■-) ■ 'ov- a. •! ■:.! “ I would increase it.” nave ever ireareu-vou wun Kinuness, anvtWflfeiWftf>«#«tl^r?5 liidio35h«r lace in his bosom. “I do luosi' rely-uc^vem km; Wt do never before witnessed. tiir$ ^rnch fdrtstertd’ofbotliin^More than wa8alisdtuVeiy* liecebity? wa’4‘fco exquisitely clean that if give elikmis to povWtj*, jAftf’hast an iiir of conifbrt on nii armmtl. ! A venerable looking old man; who • had not seemed to notice the entrance of'Mr. D;, sat leaning .his • head-on his «laffi bis “Mv salary is sufficient, amply were clean.mid whole, but so «* v • ■•■'-•5- patched that you could jialja scarcely to]d which had ;I»pen the priginal P¥&rm\>L . ;• That L your lather ? I presume,” said Mr. D., addressing the mistress ot tfie lipusc. , . - f v ‘•Itis, sir.” . ' - ' . * • v r~> «»t r , • 4f He seems to be quite aged.” “ He is in his eighty-third year lie has survived all his children, ex* Cfeptirig myielf.” •*" “ You■ havk—‘ one6 seen better rj^iyrK^ li •' ;fcix sufficient, sir,”fMplie<I H^r& lu ik * voice choked >vttli|:^mot.ion, titAwitty that proud independence of‘feeling 1 which poverty had not b^ii^le t<> divert him of^ Hw employer noticed his a^tatioh,' a^id immediately change ed the subject.’ , Mr. D. was a man 'of imiaeiisc wealth and ample benevolence '; be .was a widower, and had but one { child, a daughter, who was the pride »©f his declining years. ' S l 'e was hot ras beautiful as an angel,, or •aVs n©cence,the intelligence of her mind, .^oft.ijibeiiiPPunteitlBigo^and.ypu •had but to become acquainted with, /few admire, to love her. Such, Iwas ■5 Caroline Delaney when Henry first * became an inmate oi lier, lather’s house. No wonder, then, -that h soon worshipped at her sbviaemrob '• wonder dnftho-WOOn 'WedheP^Hith ' a deep iiild devift^d nlfeqdpn'| H knd reader,, had # yog r kuqjjrn mtj^ j^ou would not have wondered %Miiat love’ was sooh returned' for th^irsouls were congenial ; v ihpY WeVe dASt’in i> + iSujs.Ji .1 • j • goodness,. the in* “ I have—my husband was wealthy; but 'false friends rained him; he endorsed notes to a great amount, ■which stripped ua of nearly all our property, and one misfortune followed another until \ye were reduced to oomplete poverty. My husband did npt long survive lira losses, and two of my children soon fidlowed him ’’ ’ ‘‘Hay^ you ^ remaining ^ij- dren ?” * * . w-ftiifeliiiidfWii awTOB win Ikwj . ,*‘1 uavo one,, ana be is my only support. ■ i^y heaitkis soTeeble t£af I cannot do ntuch; anc^'iny fuller, being blind, needs great' attenVon. Pledge batflrthi their Utterance 'roy«lu6unroi Jms Mratyj nnt. 1 to what-thatr- .hearty fpll^yet,. thia ^oi^rindB3PSK^^e l ^®ffl^n»f l1 h^iy soul of honor, qgd although he peiS? ^ ^ ^ r “Clerk for a mi«JHwit V^Phila- indifferent to Caroline, he still felt. mart c^tbAtllBWaai tt.i.3hap^wi gjH " ‘ ' ' £ io his bowm.. “I.raust 5888^8 '*«»"■’PWllg.^ * ** * • . 1 name w ssiw .Poor fellow, lie had tn • or-to wiu her young and' artless ,,a u»y» »• - ».•. •• , tfet out, and replied ij^e father,' leaving the room, 0 , n . Henry ” said lie, as he eitered the^couiitin^l^omiej..«yott expert visit the country shortly,doyt'iinot?” “ Yes, sir, in about four weeks.” ; “ If it ^ilfiidt be too inconvenient,’’ rejoined Mr. ^ should like to have you defer it a week or two - 1 ‘“It wifi be ho inconvenience, sir; and, . if it will obligo y6ti, I will wait wiih pU»asare.” “ It wHt most certainly oblige me for Caroline is to lie married iikabout five weeks, and I would notjtiiiss of liaviqg yon attend the wedding’’ “Caroline to be married,- sir!” said Henry, starting, as if by an elec tric shock; “ Caroline to be mar* ried!—is impossible!” “ sure it is. But what is there wonderful in that?” Nothing, sir, only it is rather sud den, rather unexpected—that’s all.” “ It is rather sudden, to be sure,’’ replied Mr. D.'; “ but I am an old man; and wish to see her have a pro* tector; and as the man of her choice Vl . • J is well worthy of her, I see no use in waiting any longer, and am very glad that you can stay to thojwcd* ding.” • VI cannot, sir, indeed, I Cannot!” replied Hemy, forgetting what he had previously said;t “ Yon, cannot ?” rejoined Mf\ D “-Why, you said y.6u>would.’» is “-Yea, six;; hat,business, requires oiy presence riu the country,; and mn&Lgo.” .., a ->-i^i ^. fl .“ But yon isaid it would put you to no incoiivegjeiice, and.that yon would •»H& with ^e^ore.’ his word—*yuu apparently -recoil -imu'g.VtHwv- have to^defisHfe, |afterjaHrfo|ry|u | have ir^iwi tkat' Unsimfc fin tbekoims. X \ry about-that.time.” •• b« smiling, “ I did not wish to witness the sai^ie gentleman reasop would not wish to put you to the in* young artless. ^ ; . hearth’ thoUglit am^eivgylqtip^ n*!t^l»CP*y<pvM id* J9* I bf*> *f and eannot^^ expart:;Til^;hti«ig^r “rj wpuld eygr.. consent lo oar j^p£>n;' 'cleekrl^—Ijief^ He has ever" treated mo ,with 0 kj6<jl”* nijft hdnsej. laotii^ fiwtnight dess, and ’Twill.; not be;;ifngritefuli”, Sin 9*i*‘> : ’ v ; { ?;-. f 'P'»x> jdar»:J Thus he reasoned, thus he;hehiyially u «^ ere f°Uowpd^aj^mxe^iou of in- endeavonred to subdue what 1^ Coik sidered an ill-fated passion. 'Caroline had many suil,on<, some of wliojn were worthy of her, but she refused all their overtures with a gentle, yet decisive firmness. Her fattier won-, dered at her conduct, yet would not thwart her inclination. He was in the decline of life, and wished to see her happ'ly settled ere lie quitted the stage of existence. It .was pot Ipng ere he suspected that young Henry was the cause of her indifference to others: the-evident pleasure she tor^ i' Ah ‘ *’ * ^ . overspread their cl ■ ‘ ^ their eyes met, all served to^coiwrinee • the old gemlemaii, who- had«ofei^i^ ^gotten that l:e was onoe«in>nng*%im. J Jjpeif, that they felt . lnotiJSuMMBrtfif, [ 4600 interest in each othe^shwSfarV. He forbore making, any remarks ’up? os the subject, but-was uot ^ ' ‘ ’ ,Tf. tnpLher',only,could, feel; A*-pH o which Sir- D.’ replied to her perfect satisfaction. .Skamil “ Yoa knoiv our Henry ?’’ ?aid the old man, raising his head from his staff “ Well, sir, then you know as worthy a lad as ever lived*—God will bless him—he will bless him.for his goodness to his poor old grandfather. 1 while the^e^g^.^pwn^ch^ek*? m rVSSd&fo m' ‘’^^^s^a'^wbrt^VJfalldw. and shall not want friends.” fe .at the supposition*** *tw penmh>M ! does^fe'shall ihafve' her^SM^all Henry would havp imagmcnJ.' ’ l‘f nrhn^kv in t’afernfimi’ > '■ ^ i “So,Henry isabQnttoleave us, and go to England to try his fortune,” he Henry had now been: al>dut"a! year in his"employ. Mr. D. knew nothing of his family; but his strict integrity, • hir irreproachable morals, his . pleas* lng manners, all conspired to make^ jpg after. hij| amypLpt home, him esteem him highly. He was*" ~ w 4 proud of Henry, aud wished him to appear in dress, as well as w, man ners, as respectable as any one. * He had often wondered at the scantiness of his wardrobe;though he dressed with die mort scrupuloiM '^wdto to neatness, bis clothes were almest tone which evinced 1 ) thmdhmre. Mr. D. did not wish to " think that this proceeded from a niggardly rdispori^cpj jgindr ^ic, de termined to broach ihe snhject, anil, if possible, to ascertain the real cause —this he dfffl^'the manner wu fiave before related. Soon after this conversation took place, Mr. D, left home on business. As ho waa returning, and riding _ is better than riches. I was only property in tTdbargaitt’’ Filled with this project, and de* termined, if possible, to ascertain the the trne state of their hearts, he entered the breakfast*room the mom- e ( “Henry about to leave ns!” said Caroline, dropping the work she held in her hand^’aboirt to jeav^ us,‘and going^ckEnglan^l-’ she added, in a “Tobcsare. Whalifheij.'ohUdf “Nothing, sir, notlimg; only I thought, we sgp^ld be rather ione- sorae; 5 ’ tiirningjlaway^q jiide the. tears which she. could not suppress. , “Tell me, Caroline,?’ sard Mb D., tenderly embracing her, “ tell me, do yon not love Henry? You know I i •*-ti siSisvi! f.-ynwIrW «m»m if«,” old “and for ,|)>at & WSm gflL—- that you wonld willingly oblige me, but you could hot, indeed,'you could not.” ■ - * • 1 ' ’ *■*’■ V ; ' ' - " -' ^ ‘f You l.aveosce been youngs sjr,’’ said Henry. _ “ I know-Jt,” replied h^,-1SbgRng heartily.« “hrt I ,«nj, afraid, tlpat too many of us, old folks forgot it—Jbo^r* ever, if you can postpone your jour* ■jjl^«^b£jrdSbtSlS3[ 5 ding.” • | W UU A , We have only to add, that the friends of Henry were sent for, and the nuptials solemnized at tile fp* pointed time; and that, blessed with the filial love of Henry_and_Caroline, the otf, p^jpje.pas^d, the remainder of tfieir 4^ys in. peaL-eandhnppinert. !ci!'»h «r Dot BV CHARLES V. ADAMS, d'llft r- ' ' l- n'-rff/n Mine gracioM 1 Mipe paeioos g ahast leek here und see , A Deutscher so habby as tabby can* pe, r Der peoples all dink dat no prains I baf got, sgrazymittinking, or somoding liko dot'; vaisn’t pccanse I trinks lager and vine,. It vas all on aggonnt of dot baby off mino. ■ or Dotechmall leedle vellow I dells yon vas queer, Hot mooch pigger roundtas agoot glass of been Mit a bare-footed bed, and cose bnt a schpeck* Amont dot gpgf .mosttoffsr paofe*i£4titf stock, Und bis leedle pink toes mit der rest all combine To gife soocbVcharmto dot^ba^off ypqe. I dells you dot baby was yun off ^er poyp, Und beats leedle Yawoob for making a noise; He sbnst bos pectin toshbeak goot English, too. Says “ mama,” jiydsf* ptfs^R nrid- somedjfees “»hgoo!’?. jjJ Yon don’d find a baby den dimes out of nine Hot vos quite'SO Bchmilrt as 5ot baby off mine. He grawls'der vloor ofer, nnd drows dings « abondt. s • v ’' ‘ • W~- Und poots «&y , fling he.cdtt find irvhis inoat; | Ittd Ailgnsfar Hiid’ers'M. ji:ui/3vl 3BT [ owistyr '{is w-t ii&iH&isi two —‘.j W-t •«« 11$ c5 AOTi WAGONS, n t. i, 4feLll'BL^ ElRM OF- Tr? „r •MARKED DOWN. JPSXC2&& < ’ ! i/wi'Anm i; a We have on band the Largest STOCK SOUTH OF BALTIMORE, and it must and will be ! 8 ft l^.witbqjit4^ay. r (? o 9 d ( pnj ? gj*| t ?I^GS^N MAKEfor . ^ft */ u O CUE HSdBBi g-ta-'-Mi-.f -tfis ..5b '■.'isr'r.feig'i.I : Hht Celclirated ,ti...->{j i.i ;.riifi L’.'tiiins j question the best any sort of Hj»9 W I AXEWORK GUARANTEED- • * 1 Ul VJiUKriri!11 ilKlf* i ,.4 v T .Jsi.l 'T f>: tig ■ft;t '^«Hy.f'I *r^'SPEfcfAi^J^ ' ' ^ 7 -foam***? ..rft ‘"-hw.-ibir ,i>& «•. . I Skilled and Rjiighed^Werkrifen in Byerv Department. 1 t oHw a»H • .-flat v»>m ;*•$ti ypeyt'*** **«»*®if- .7w• ■■ j •■•< i,- Xlnli t1iHgliiBiis/niU ilreii iiwi till dWP^iife'scale of prices in this branch ’ ^ rkh moi . BBB thnu^t^fis r i passion 'sui*<lnc<l - ^»ut when lie fouild. I.-Mri' ^hat Cnroline'wdl so ’TOOn, so ^rrevo* » ■ 1 tsfhly ^5 n heeo1ih‘‘ ikoVriSfa, th^ftept sp$fk,_15ui^, ihfo an' urfextih' f guisK^lc 1 '4aihe ; £ff5-‘ fm fCu&l THn vnin ’to e'rideavoi to conceal his’ emo- THe 1 . old* gOiitfeman regarded’him- with^rlook blfcarnestness. “ HeUry” said he, tell .me frankly, do yon not love my girl ?” . .4 “ I will he candid with you; sir,” replied Henry,- coifsoious that his agi tation had betrayed him. “Had I such a fortune as $he merits,—as you, sir, hqve a right to expect* I should think - myself the ln»ppiest .of, men, not a word My liwr Bhtanda like sliqnills on a 'feat bbfen- t>ine, > % *j _ « • it' Vbn l'dinks off dose ojat^ka pffglot babp o^ f'' * *■<■'* ”• i -l vas sotneding, you pet, I don’d likes oobtv rfi- • w «*•- veil; •. ■#■ To hear in der nigttt dimes dot young Deut- aoheryel|; i .' t {»1 ,-»w* 4».f i a Und dravel der ped, room midout ^nany clo’es . Vhilo (Jcr chills doVp der slipine off mine back quickly goes'; ‘ V r\ Dose leedle sbimnasdie dricks vasn’t so fine, - Dpt I cuts oop at nigbdt mit dot lwby,off mine. Veil, deseleedle schafcrs vas goin’ to pc men, Und all off dose drouble will peen ofer dea; Dey vill vear a vhite shirt vront inshted off a bib, ‘ ‘ ? •* ’ Und voaldn’t got tncked oop at night in deir crib— Veil 1 Veil! ven I’m foeple nnd in life’s decline, May mine oldt age pe cheered by dose baby off w num I’.lilt- ^.aJTiQs.'ir 3srass s ^c r J| ^ourse^ <’? ThftniailsfSon ‘to any otlrer v.- vr*p -in jiop- _ ^ ^.-'^n^rVl^ff^*tibble sir,^. said he, am poorer lhon you suppose—I have a mother and grand- fitther whtiare”— /■■.. yf, v..,., I know it, I know it all,’’ replied Mr; t>J f interrupting him, “I know the reasoift of jour parsimony, as I called it, and I honor you for it—it was that which first put it in my head to give you Caroline—so she shall be yoprs, and may God bless yon both f* , , , Shortly after this conversation, Henry avowed his love, to Caroline, soli^.ted her hand, aqd it is needless inter- thgt.lm did not. solicit in vain. Caroline * wpiifl have deferred their uniqa until thcCsuccjeeding spi|Dg,^fe herjfcher 'yasincxorable. Hcjaupposed he shonld^ve to o wn ,one .falsehood, bo » ^ajds, ghd^Key -jypuld willinhiy liayo Jum, /shoulder two; bnt it' was too .-much,! entirely too much, and ho would not endure it. He had told Henry she was going to bo married in wish your happiness, my child; I‘five weeks, and ho would not forfeit The. Georgia State Fair Will bo held in-ATLANTA, beginning Monday, October 15th, 1877, „ AHB^pN^UIUlJ OSE WEEIIi* ' LMge anftLiberal Praminma.forStoek^ ekiJMen- id other inforrmirton can be obtained by application to : MALCOLM JOHNSTON, Secretary, sept4-7t. —*•- V «nr , occretaiy, Atlanta, Qa. «K BLACK-SMITH IN Gr. •ing. rented tlie Blacksmith Sii'op "so long ied by theWeiWilliaofihjlifimadge and employed competent workmen from the North, H am prepared'to do; any and Ml wbrk ifi the at the shortest notice and atthe lowest prices ot any sbopinthecity. I haven Shrilled Edgwteol XdCalcor and make specialty .of Axes, Mill Ficks. Mat tocks, Picks, Garden Hoes and tools of all dea cription and of the finest temper. WAGONS AND BUGGIES Ironed and Repaired. Tire Shrank, Etc. Plows of all kinds made and repaired at low prices. Also First Class Horse-Shoeing done by a northern shoer, Trotting Flab Concave Shoeing Eto., in a manner nnsnrpass._ by any. . All new work warranted and satisfac tion guaranteed. Guns and Pistols repaired j John M. Bassett. marqhSO-ly. ' } ‘-' ' FOR SALE. O NE GOOD PHAETON, WITH POLE AND Shafts complete, in perfect order. Also one good'Baggy, new arid complete. Cheap, for • . J-if-nUGGINsfr o#-tf* No. 7 ,Broad atrek. > ! ■ i in ' i.—— i f ,, POlt SAIjWORRENT. A DWELLING WITH EIGHT GOOD iA-rooms, - fire place ip each of the rooms, good double brick kitelfon; stable carriage arid Ant- houses. Location, oq Ham Lucy Cobb Institute. oO-tf 6nb avenue, near J- H. HUGGINS, No. 7 Broad -street 7-5^ ski -j vwf ‘ni liiigm i'iT' ^i^iiUTPaik p ! HAVING LEASED .'enter upou its inanagefpcnt by Heducing Rates, and asking ot che Travel ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a continu ance ot that liberal supptirt they have always given it. B. P. BROWN, jan23-Sm , FORMERLY OP CHARLESTON, PROPRIETOR. —r — - f r~-', ■■ ' ■' i.,'1 ■ V W. T. RIGHARDS & SON., BOOKSELLERS ARB STATIONERS, WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN MICELLANEOUS BOOKS, • BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY,: *ovf ‘ i«n ~‘#*r w*q •* «tft t iJ«V WF< - nt Jitirm ii'w a: V HP, LETTER, AND NOTE PAPER. ■fifiiH u jitf/ Fancy. Paper in Boxes, Fancy Goods,* Etc-.; AUGHTTA, 263 Broad Street, r ’ ' a *• ' • * ' 1 '*1 . Jo'i#.',' KKirdqnM, Base Balls arid Bats; at the Lo west Market Prices. ——"" ' , '-‘l '"t r ■' I 7' ; j =~ oet24m. T^£. Of every de \ tob work of all descrip ^cripusn done at this office. J tion neatly done at this office.