The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 30, 1877, Image 5

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THE ATHENS GEORGIA# OCTOBER 30, 1877. Rat** of Local Advertising <Jt Job Work paper. Marriaeo an>J death no tins are published free of charge. Obituaries are -.‘barged for at the ratca of ten cents per line. . , Announoey^uts of oandidatea and oommnni- evtioM favortnkVniiVidual candidates, must 1m paid for in advance. Advertisements not marked for any specified timt. wiU be charged for untU ordered out. All Job work must be paid for upon delivery. Emotion tickets, cash upon delivery. Laws Relating to Newspaper Subscrip tions and Arrearages. deoisiom or Tiic rams RO STATES SCPBEME iipxja 1 then d£ their periodicals,' the publishers i o send thorn until all arrearages are'paid 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse totakethelr periodicals from the of directed, they ere held have settled their bills continued. 4. If subscribers move toother places without notifying publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held respon sible. 5. Tho courts have decided that “refusing to take periodicals from the office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for is prims tads ovidenoa of intentional fraud.” 6. Any person who reeeiyes a newspaper did makes nae oWt whether he has ordered itbr not, is held in law to bo a subscriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher, at the end of their timer if they do not wisl tinue taking itf otherwise the pub authorised to send it on; and the subscribers will be responsible until an express notice, with payment of all arrearages, is sent to the publisher. THE CLOTHIER, i mm. ;<iV.IIi b.ilia? THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Tte Ollf Exclusive Ming 1 Emporium" in City THE MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK OF and, v , •) 1*1 ■ XlKj $ 3iJ5 . Notice the following figures which wo enamer Goads in tie City. on a por -w*ey A 1 WjpqJ Cassimere Suits at $8, $10, $f250, DiaAonal Coats, and Vests at $7 50,$10, $125dWd 00. 300 Overcoats from $4 Tip. A splendid assortment ot Boy’s and Children Suita and Overcoats at Very Low Prices. We give the publiothe a dvautage of AUL DECa^DWB IN GOODS And have therefore ireefaced tfmaundried Shirts, Finished Complete, to FIFTY CENTS. * r V° an invtagofc to ONE and ALL to examine ourstook. WE DEFY COMPETION j i ± CH-A RLE8 STERN, POPULAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, BROAD STREET, Opposite College Campus, Athens, Georgia. agaiaa LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Our Agents. Thrift kindly the Georgian. All contracts, either for subscription be recognized by us: J. P. Shannon, Esq.^at Elberton,Ga. A. B. Brock, Esq., at JfcfJers^jCjliL Sir. U. C. Stephenson, Hartwell, Go. oMm ***** Death of John R. Whitehead. We dip the following obituary no tice of the above gentleman from the who will deeply deplore his untimely “Departed this lite, June 5th, on. iplauunion Jn. Miller,. empty, Jolm Randolph Whitehead, a' faithful and devoted husband, a kind and af- Mr. W. J. Goss, Postmaster at Harmony Groye,ffi|y ^ y. ^ Thankw. We arc under many obligations to our. distinguished ( $enator,Hon. John B. G&r (fon,4$r, VSlanbl^pfSlie 1 ’ do*? ments. Ineuranoo. ;'•»»> u J. A. Madden, Esq., general in surance agent, anno onces to the peer pie of the city aud county tbat he represents only first-cl ass companies, and that he Huge, merchandise, gins, dwd Call at No! 5, Broad street, aud get his rates. O Ooonoo county Fair. TdHhFdr in pooiye ^ntyyf at Watkinsvillo on Thursday,Novem ber first. every thing usually offered to exhibi- tiou, and promises to bo quite a suc- cess. . . . , Miss C. James. This lady’s store was crowded with the lovers of fashion Thursday to ex amine her select assortment of pat tern hats and fashionable millinery. She will display her goods again to day, where nil are invited to call and sec for themselves. social relations, making home happy ^^is jti^ly^^i^ nature and loving heart, he has left a desolate household to mourn his irreparable loss, and many warm friends who leaung qualities to “ grieve t •jsball ses his face no ipore.’’ yiiougii ,nost fiaturallj of a vigorous constitution, Miss .McCartney yi[l display her elegant Preach pattern bonnets mid want a perfect fovnoftA hatoaHaw examine her atock. bs-rifujr »» ...- I —' 1 ■ V.-. * » '•! t. I . ___ -mbhA .--irr „i.., . Death at JMCiuLWia.JBarrlw | This lady died at her nnddeHce in Jackson coutfl^aASegMoSB 30th, 18 ?7- ; . tyT tye^eatb the communii has lost a wann-heaffea and'xealou’s w^oif^r ' i Christian, and her husband k’true and the devoted wife. Mrs. Harrison, early — ' " in life, professed religion, and was a Special Dci»uties. At,ithe district grand .lodge: at Belton, a resolution was passed au thorizing me to . appoint , .as many special deputies, iu different parts of the Ninth Congressional District, as | thought well, to assist in forward ing.tyemperanen work. . ,, i In pursuance of said authority, I had thq., pleasure of nominating the following gentlemen, who have been commissioned by the G. \V. C. Tem- P lar: ,-ir ' i, J-"- Dr. TVip. King, Athens, j ' liev. Joel D. Gunnels, Banksville. Clias, A. Wilder, F.ort Lamar, Thos. ^Johnson, Jefferson. B. F. Woftord, Harmony Grove. , Dr. J. T. Rogers, Polksville. D. Saye, Mulberry. I have also tendered, my resigna tion, apd recommended Rev. r J), Q. Oliver, ot Banksville, as district dep uty, for the Ninth. M. P» Caldwell, Dist. Deputy. A large stock of Enaitfeled and Plain Grates just - received 1 at J. C. Wilkins. 1 • ■»'* v f if Wiioolor <Sfc Alison A.»ieadI iV If lie Wheeler & Wilson' sewing Communicate*. Notice to Subserlbera. Subscribers to the Georgian who j live in the vicini.ty of Athens, and T d tb* Voter* of Unbewbim, FhmfeUa and. who are indebted for their subscrip- Hart: ’ tious, are hereby informed that wood I As tho question is agitated: as- to will be reoeived in payment for their ] which connty is entitled to the sena- ii their Died rpod f - —.. conclusively that Hart is clearly entitled td it: In I860, the State was re-districted. In Athena, Georgia, »t W residence, on the I Habershaib, Franklin and Hart com- gggffiMgqfgl f • 3I “ first honor in the class Of 1848 in the XJinversUy I ^ _ le “ rs ® 1 election, Col, John E. of Georjris- r . The writer knew him from a boy, j Patrick, of Franklin, was eleci ed to large -part of bis oorase, from a school boy to j . ® a,t » elected to fill hia unex- graduation. He was the .moatindefatigable atu- J P lre< * term for 1S62. Spring that* dent the writer ever knew. Many time* daring i yearj ‘ an arrangemept was made be- aU bis professor* protested, and did all they ot Habersham, was then elected could to cheek him in this suicidal habit. Bnt | for two years, serving for i863 and ho could not be satisfied with anything le* 1864. Maj. J. M. Freeman was thea tlianaperftetrecitation. ■ ' > 1 AIaa.aA ij Having graduated^ M hie added new laurels 1 to ife ready brilliant record, by sWeepiiig the field' for preniiams of' woT^'dbnh mludiinlesl J Hif premiuni was f oK forad for hiachlni^islt ie4rHfc to be Though confined-.lo -her 4 twelve - disease had silently, but surely his- strength, and without a ;ie, he yielded up his pure life to Him who gave it agiov waste murmur or a struggl happy, guileless ohild, through his bed intense agony durmg*lier long illness, sho lievir foi died to save her soul.: »ot 'that Jesus <fa*dl siiaili ms name, was ever.npperpiostr ^ ihatlq her dying moments peacefu and happy. Mrs.’ Harrison was horned April 9th, 1848. May a kind Provi dence that doeth all thingswell, cheer and comfort her saddened relatives and friends. in? already stated, at the J ,ec ^; from Franklin; and served bead of hia class, ho was recotmoended by tho f° r the y^HTS 18^5 and 1866—rup to writer and others of his professors for the pro- 14 Reconstruction.” i Tpjjjjtfa Co^tu^of 1868.1t as a student, soon I tion, the 41 oaa districts should have » A.illA.ifnr. in tlm I ^yQ ..n... ' L'_ ' , 1 . t"—^ . OiU pliidi distingnished him placed him among 'the best educators lit the dcpsHtfient* dflllfilhfemilMtfo'THfr'cfeiiialeyapvown — being an odd distnet years, or fiaif term, and the. Ours. U)in July, Wilson always carries off all prizes einselves or their, operation. The :rtti*ilhiitl award 1 .-'nijtdh after weeks . a r .tinmaiMiMai , close scrutuiy, appears to nave tlcAthn Act ■' that thu Whaler & the^ test 1 AftiahbV *<kI sho# under trial. The WhCelefl& Wilson having con^ uniformly tafyd -repeatedly in' ite field, did nok'hibft^te-to raeetf^ts contpetitbrb'iiV' the riew field of “best w<frk dt>nc, w -find edme 5 , dff -victW^ witlnihg four out of fifx prCmlams that dW^eAfifr' add’ lcisih* ah hither pranftfht*'idrfl^ : thri>h^h / a mi6rrf84hi standing/*Vltby ^ook “the preminrrt ' on dressing. go\Vn, on diV«, arid on*' finest! duties wMehhad always eharaeterized Ua r j , -\. r ^ f The beginning of the summer Mm very muoli exhausted and- 'Uisoaae.'! Just bofptw.tbo^flpeying-elfhe fall^tp^^. wfi lattacke^^^ TO’et^gjOp, which prevent id him from en^ ' ’ duties on the 3rd of lUtobbW I tertainod of hia recovery,'rimt vVwo- relapses franklin hrid 'two one. wo years each to Hart’s u m -Mini-i insUnn.:! -,>a“ duties as student and pritfeM#/ neglect i the greet salvation.” AJ1 who. knew pin}, will moarq'j^ia loss, jbnt the;v;^rm j“npt mourn as those who .have no hope.” He leaves ler, 4s«f*y •f ict e d -j^K LU .Xrsovi Miss MoCaktney begs to 2 notify her numerous friends and fsytrposibat l | T. Fleming <&• Co. The above firm have purchased the entire stock of hardware from Bell & Co., and will carry on the business &V the old stand, Deuprea. buildiug. See advertisement in another oolumpi Planters’HotoL The advertisement'^ of^ this^well known and popular house will found among tmr new advertiserrien in to-day’s paper,.to which WJM our readers’ attention. TThere is better liote! in the laud, ahd ter proprietor than A Pretty Fawn. A fawn was captured at a water b&O I R H. Latnpkin, Esq., is now sell ing at ins stand, on Wall street, the famous bottled beer from tho house of Frank Felir’s, Louisville, Ky. Good judges pronounce it the best ever offered in this market. Mr. Lampkin will supply families with this excellent- beer on short notice. At this house will also be found Pilsencr beer and Deidora whiskey Consumers and dealers would do well to examiue bis stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. ca machine took four out of six prenri- uins-that they «utered-;for .'at-the Georgia State Fair. They also took the premium on braiding, on dressing gown, on embroidered dress and ou finest skirt. Mr. J. Winn, the gentle- mat ’ agent at this point, can be forthJ at M. Myers’ store, 011 College, avenue, where he exhibits this spendid machine. Call and be convinced of their excellence over all others. ihrrounded atijMutttUj, Wtieelor &-Wilson '8tancl *«. Thar^Ootol** ^!,, »be will I General tstfrrdAy \t*H ’fftferids w thrihf 8ri their Brillifint virtqries, lin'd Ihe’'»^euf6 n< \rifl'il^ oi»?‘‘ljf. VursWy’j'ttio hero of the hour, took Ms honors smiliu^tyV and wore them nsiHhe were used to tiiem. Miss Scheen, the mbdest ahd pretty operator who had manged the -machines with imperturbable good nature aud'wbiiderful skill during the beaked contest, sat quietly h”, flashed with triumph, but retiring withal The Wheeler & Wilson has gained Bet-tie. Call and Sottl* .a huge number of our Athens who are in ith their subscription. We inest all snch to (call and > expira- wliich they sub- Call arid settle, we need wn. l “?pey. The Southern Enterprise. The October number of this journal is on our table, and is full of cho ; ce information for the fanner. The Enterprise is the cheapest paper now published in the State, and the pro prietors arc determined to make it a success. The subscription price .is only* one dollar; Address S T. Uenlrns,,^^^Xj i<} I Down at the Corner. There must: % ; oharti Of some sort that attracts the oouritryman to' this notorious ■plricoyMaBriyptiCever tankL near LuliTCity^lasl It wjis a perfoot- beauty and, was greatly admired by all who U. Mr. Galloway, the engineer on>he evening train, took charge of the pet and brought it to town. Gin House Burned. T. 1 -j steam gin lionse and corn mill belonging to Mr. John Matthews, seven miles from the city, was con sumed by fire last Wednesday night. Mr. Matthews had twenty-five bales of cotton in the gin house which were swept away by tho fiery element. I’rictiou from the gudgeon pin was the cause of the disaster. There was no Insurance on either the gin honso or cotton, and . the loss falls very heavily on Mr. Matthews. Tlxroo Thlnaa. Three things to love—courage, “ ‘ n*. dignity and gracefulness. Three things to hate—cruelty, ar rogance and ingratitude, Three things to delight in—beauty, frankness and freedom. Three things to wish for—health, friends and a contented spirit. Three things to like—cordiality, good humor and cheerfulness. Three things to avoid—idleness, loquacity and flippant jesting, Three thiugs to cultivate—good books, good friends and good humor. Three things to contend for— honor, country and friends. Three things to govern—temper, tongue and conduct. Three things to think of—life, death and eternity. new ground, as it alwn vs 'does when it is brought squarely and «iirectly into competition with ’.he other' ma chines. An honest trial is all that it asks; then it goes in for a fair fight and “let the best machine win.” Weeler & Wilson’s office at Moses Myers store, Athens, Ga. : ; J. Wikir, Ageiit . Grates from ,|8 812 at , J^. C. WUkins. j’'.--,v. • -j X-vloslu Sc Wars, A.frhenu, GUui 1 Are now opening a splendid Stock iff dry goods eihbriicing the new and le styles of Ladies* Dress goods, shawls, »trimming ~goods} Black cashmere*/ Empress; - • cloths,- of the stores are always filled with wagons loaded down with cotton and merchandise. At all times, it presents a lively, business air, and the mer chant* have their hands fall from morning until night. With suck vim as is displayed by Messrs. Reaves & Nicholson, S. C. Dobbs, Esq., aud A. S. Dorsey, the trade that volunta rily goes there is not to bc wondered at. All the gentlemen above alluded to are fine business men, and deserve the success their untiring efforts have accomplished. Lucas & Wake, Athens, Ga.— See the elegant, new suits now being made at Lucas 6b Ware’s Tailoring Department. Parties from a distance invited to call and examine styles and goods, which satisfy all who vrish to 1 buy. oct!6-4t. tiionahf bV -tyas so^dUly iaigS^d^iStjiaV ' tjnd^r fftie ^OnStllntioh^C)^ 1868. * » air strife* to* mum ['which 'has Just' rotated dneointhe last 1 nine^yea^ Hubersliam lms liacl .... . foor'yeprsi I)ranklin threeyearsV and 1 . yoang wife^Ahe dangli'Wrc»#ReV:'Dr. 'Wlnk-j Hart two years. * ***“ > a-, of Marion, Alabama, iad .both ,parents, ' JJ'i B'<- , • » i uj course, no county can 1 elect for « swaj ifvt hi .»>. A , «ne r year, or onp session, ap tho Toc- coa Herald claims. if Under the new Coristi adpp.ted, Ac fir^t election^kes plac^ ip December next for memb for'members of tha sort Wl; Koli until ... -ilk! have on .exhibition the finhtt stock :of French Pattern Bonnets and Hats ever-1 to .Atoe^- A,«rftol 45as^sacf«^f ! c-- Titatton is extended to aU. ^ ifW^Conaita. ■ Ttibn is adopted; tho term of aU sepa- ' Astonishing Success.—R is the jg reduced' from four to two doty of every petaon^who hasitiMid pnddich term : Wili'cozened Boschee’s German Syrup to let its | anew at the adoption of the new Con- wonderful qualities be known to their ! * friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate stitution. Habersham and Franklin has had senators two years to our one, sinbe the adoption of the rotation system.' '* *’ In justice to Habersham as welt as relief. Three doses will relieve any to Hart> Franklin should not have case, and; we consider it tl»e duty of two terms succession. If Franklin all Druggists to recommend it to the should get the next term, until 1880; poor dying consumptive, at least to*try one bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were k>ld last year, and no one case Haft coming in next, would throw Habersham one terra farther off. We do not believe the fair-millded where it. failed was reported, v Such a people of Franklin county war claim medicine as the German Syrup can-1 this, when they know how the matter not be too widely known. Ask your ] gtantfa. Druggists about it Sample Bottles to trysold at 10 cents. > Regular, rise 75 cents.For sale by .tjsbo-yj’iai L-.n-t ‘>ii ^ R T. Brumby <fc Co. 'Now. and Then.—It is only now that such men as Hon. Alex. ith *and morse a ry, Gloves, Hahdkerchiefe, Neck Ties, arid'* large-lot of cloths and suitings for men arid-boy&i ' - ■ < vti vu-w* In the Tailoring Department they; make up the 'most elegant suits—‘in- the best stylo and on the most reas sonable terms. Measures with'or ders can be sent from-a distance and . any desirable suit obtained at the lowest prices. Call and see the new styles and prices. 4t. A fine assortment of Heating Stove s for coal or wood, for sale, cheap at J. C. ^ tiki is- A. It. Robertson, ; lj*-elp;«v'in Marble and Granite, has piov«.d to be the most reliable builder - of monuments and tomb stones in Georgia. Specimens of work on hand and for sale. Give nie a call when you visit Athens. Defies competition in workmanship and prices. octl6-4t. t Ex-Gov. "Smr Elx Govl Brown of Giu, euu. that cure of eeugbs,' c-olds and lung afieo- tious. They recommend th^r. Globe Flower Cough Syrup, and their testimonials are to be seen found the fon cent sample bottles of the Globe **Wer Syrup, 1 Dr. G. W. Long & Co., Athens, Ga. A* sample bottle relieves the worst cough and will cure sore throat Regular size bottles, fifty doses, SI. The editor of the Cinthiana. Ky., Democrat, : exhibits with pride quilt of worsted patch work, made by himself when 14 years old. contains 12,000 pieces, and has taken four premiums at ftirs, beating a to tal of about 100 ladies. Nearly eight hundred thousand persons have thus far died from fara ine in India. Respectfully, Hart. —The greatest viefofy man can Ob tain is over himself. . : He-that disdaia- eth to feel an injury retorteth; ikupon him who offereth lt.IT 4^760 1 IJ a —Have the couragei.H Speak ? to a ffieud iiia f* seedy” coat; even .though, you are in eompauy witty; rich one, and richly attired.. I i I s •^-Deceit and foJsehood, : Whatever convenience they may for a time proni- ise-or produce^ afe, in the sum of life, obstacles to happiness. i> , : • ; —Only when the. voice of duty is silent, or when it: has already spoken, may we afiowahly think of the conse quences of a particular action. —The severest punishment of an injury is the consciousness of having done it; and no <one but the guilty knows the withering pains - of repen tance. General Forrest, who has been very sick, is recovering. From two hundred, his weight has been reduced to one hundred aud tweniy pounds. The great fight between the Iron Mountain and Memphis and Little, Rock Railroads has been amicably adjusted and peace rclgna again witjv those companies.