The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 30, 1877, Image 8

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tH& Athens'' y bfebiifexM^^SrcSEtt 1 % ■NEWS SUMMARY. ~ —MuSG’tgr’s disaster. wiinbe'fol- lowed by ft (general laUingi of the TrfrkisH tro6ps in Armenfcl Mukhtar’s title is “ Ghazi,” the “Glo rious,” and it really - appears rather year on the coast of Denmark. Ifeh waqJbQynayjogpturies the chief "'sourceof revenue of the country, and the Danes naturally hope that it may not soon again disappear, as it did —The obelisk which is to be re moved from Egypt and: !*et up in. Chatham Square, New York, once stood before the temple at HdmoftK where Moses wt the feet Ijel and became, students, Agrippa andFestug, learned in the law and wisdom of the Azteea. The 6ite chosen is, therefore, remark ably appropriate; ' ..—Th'ere is si 1 prisoner in the Iowa Pennitentinry, Graham by name, though he calls himself- “ General Deathbell,” who, in 1860, was sent up for twenty years on a charge of criminal assault, the witnesses against him being his wife and another wo man. The wjfe subsequently confessed, that she naa'Ivrorri mreeTy, and his taken towards! figtablishingiMfeHnho- and^f weak mind. vlfhe^ha'd been,* -—A strange scene occurred the other day at Sierck, on the^Mosefle/ Herr Schmidt had a dog which he wishedta. - n-Us * >iSpBUttBBAfiX3UGDPy(SI9 ened a stone around the dog’s head and threw him into the water. The animal sank at once, but during his face and tried t<f gift ’back into the boat His master, however, contin* striM^^hmi with^fe oar,,.loftl^g self. He was unable to swim, but the dog, seizing him by his boat, sue- /ceeded in bringirig him to land, after having been repeatedly washed away by the current. The dog’s life was spared, we are happy to say.—Lon don Examiner. The Baltimore papers speak of the arrival of the race horse Ten Broeck, at Pimlico, last Friday, “in excellent'condition, and not in the least injured- by his long journey over the mountains from Dpnisville to Bal timore!” Teh Broeck is put on the track every , day, and racing circles are discussuig theproVabilitiea of the race between him, Tom Ochiltree and Parole heit week. The New York Spirit of the Times says: “The one thing to be desired iu the East has been to get Ten Broeck to come over the mountains. Is it posable, now that he is here and faces us, that It really was a mistake, and that we did not want him at all? or is it true that we really fear the result of the issue ? "What have we to lose in any event? Neither Tom Ochiltree nor Parole would suffer by a defeat from Ten Broeck. So far as Tom Ochil tree is concerned, he has hot been so nearly right, s6 perfectly fit for a hard bruising race. snob the Balti more spring meeting. He showed better iu the grand national handicap thnn he has done since the Baltimore cup. Parole is in good hands, one who knowahini, Jias prepared him ia every he h*#%VtWrM, and who thoi± ougply understands .how,.to handle •y CLAIM to have the Largest Stove [§r fcpmyftmffg’g i A CLAIM 'to have M* Heaviest Stove for the price in Athens. <1 St-: iHMiOTi . 1 j$P ‘CLAIM to have the Finest Ar ranged and most Elegantly v Finished Cook Stove Manu factured.. ;?» ■u SdiilBT HAVE STRUCK itwWiliSf > LARGE ARRIVALS DAILY OF ; .-birf- 'wwlst’stabO I»u/ si; fcJGOcf Com, > Flour, Meat, Sugar and Jf&tjBOlIqjjCI *mabx% ! ^aid^oso «'*< a' . > i.,4n r ;, ALL KINDS QP f)i;; ‘" r -• Provisions. We"control the product of the Finest Mills' in the South. AW, MARIETTA & EXTRA Sack Warranted to give Satisfaction. ,SlkfOZjfZcL ,^6ATC 88*.ppBoiailtya * r r I *c /-*’<.' # * f itifc foi*; Supplying grangers and ,Gin* thj AM nil! I t#t r ners iu, ,nr&r~l£,noD ,* Fyrn Cheap as inferior Tinware is ' now sold atin Athens. I?i ‘Jill/ K;4k»'.) ; 'CAN iSubstanfiaSS' the above dalmn and would be pleased to do so to unv one desiring to purchase.,' Call ami M‘convinced at the -Gl- « SIGH OF THE BIG COFFEE FOX. Brood Street. ithenaUeondi. ' aug7-8m ^ I^ts Cheapen fean^xWr- 'stcfcToCt biu» jspugeXJteoixtt Kerseys, ^ ‘pJdlMWrtdf ices 'iuc Y oT MooJ Be tUndea’sflldjKf^cn^s^ bio »*? •gnmuAI Meg ' 'd *!! T i* riii i;n- r s tiVni'itH MJ-..1 ,WU f. ,!i .7:' ANIL: l Jto'J looqr- -lomu.i’i . -iwiD. vkv.-o>-'-1 iv/ht .’(.•oil FRiilCi. VIOlUK* - r -no’x.1 r. I-!»k A :IV»* « it •'Wiejfljj- LIVE JOURNAL, 6 mT i -d &&v. ' ' l - dv •" Devoted to the Material Prosperity -OF- cid : r^^J r NOETHEAST,; IT 'KT-.JlK. »*I?W !«»•! r r.U' 't Vo Lt^ni* '.JjdiilJVtJi. bn»; ni)noo \k-.f 'll 1!>’I Jki&d iool v;-ca.j.’8 edj ,'fioil eiiiiVi Mt-li ■I Mm i i td'li ' fciij‘ ,H»ji ; lit jtlecruti i ---I »'-» I-s« YOUR COTTON ^ ' tJ UEEJfiSSSrHlSfwrBltSlNCASH^ «j*&t:a •wanmai*itt ik | nn if 11 * 1 . , -' 1 j . ,.. And have the Fipest^lTacilities for handling Cotton with Speed and Accuracy. him, and it is smd«Ten-Broeck is one than when he .was at Louu THE SOUTHERN SOS!; '' OK, r-; C AHDERS0KV1LLE PRISON: Compiled .from < A in the’hands of II. RANDOLPH STEVENSON, M. D, Formerly Surgeon ini the Army of the Con federate States of America:.Chief Surgeon of tb« ConfodahOefetates Priaofc Hoepfule, Ander- sonrille, Georgia; Surgeon and Medical Pur veyor of the Confederate States Prisons East of the MUsiasippi river. , Together with a review ef a portion of the works that have appeared on Southern Prisons by Northern Authors, WTIBASr APPE^SZZ, Containing the names of abont 18,000 Union Soldiers who died at Andersonville; riving number of their graves, their rank, the Compa nies and Regiments to which they belonged, and the date of their death, as registered by the incUent to Prison Life; Comparative State ments of Prisoners captured, and deaths in Northern and SouthemTFriaona ; A Chapter on theEsehangeBurpanillpctiet^vl V’ UJ new, clear.',typyin,^. ,, One Large Octavo 'Volume h>j •*T. riem!/ 50D 1 AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED OrangcuSlfle t»owder, The most satisfactory POWDER ever sold in Athens—Try it once and yonHl not nse any other PROCTOR & GAMBLE’S CELEBRATED SOAPS whei UMaain frrWwj CTTT -M^e you Hr despondent siifferer fnfm Sick-Hetidachl, Habitual Coetfveness, Palpitation of the Heart ? Have you Dizziness of the Head ? Is your Nerv OUS M depre«i£fl STDoes your Blood circulate badly ? Have you a Cough? Low Spirits? Coming up of the food after &c.,&c. All WITH SiMLL-PAGE : v ;;/ .itsm j * It" will be delivered to subserbers Besutindlj Bound In Eagllth Cloth, $300 is Payment to be made on Re ceipt of the Work. Persons giving their signatures to these conditions, will he considered ersto this Work. Bnt«no of these and muo^i more are the direct Obligation will rest upon any sub- n_ -rfL'-Qa&L' T • n sonber to receive the book unless it equals, ‘ in every .respect, description given and sample shown. results of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and Indigestion. Green’s August Flower is now acknowledged by all Druggists to be a positive cure. 2,- «4W,QW" bottles: tort, given away it ihe.U.». through Druggists, to the people as a trial. Two^ doses* will satisfy any person of its wonderful quality in citing all forms of "^diges tion. Sample hottleslOcts. Regular aize 75 cts. Sold positively by all Brst-dass^ Druggists in the United Statef. R. T. Brumby & Co. -w- A nice lot of Northern . Onions and Irish Potatoes* just- roceifed, at .j. H. Huggins, 4lo..7 Broad street, TURNBULL BROS., Publishers. J. E, BITCH, AGENT. ATHENS, <3A. . . - A- SOLD AT FACTORY PRICES. *’!• ; ■ ~ • - ROCK BOTTOM PRICES OH 11VERYTHUCO. JS&. Ml H I -"■UiKfjAl .uHm L .jlAf » ,r<vH lUU 19 Alabama Street. .- - ATHENS. ■piii ftavr ?! • .oi,sS*itML.,lh •Holto tu anolmq. ot ; : k«1 \ ’ v..-v &$c*Ui • : or si "IT ’ :ta&% • :r’j il.tin-o nio 't noou - ¥-.«•: • t-k •W.ilOlcrf: ,J»Y Wf*Wlo \£fr Y’f Tm: am 71 | crit wwii “ * -1/icil *i* tl , ' WfiKrinioilJV* : .»v.5> cojPoS * '• py-rm-t • t!‘l •!„l 3i4 V; ; liriio# i -. Vj’. . • - if :ov - - t’i iff TBI-WEEKLY GEORGIAN Will supply its readers ivith the most accurate, complete and trustworthy accounts of current events transpiring in different parts of the country, and in addition will contain choice selections of miscellaneous articles,,and it will be the aim of the publisher to make it an indispensable Newspaper e business man, farmer and mechanic. In, a BOB *(i: 4 Jllh i liill COM T1UDE XABK- ATvrHn=ti:qA3sr cotton A * I’CSIAIliiM Ji.-rwift'-' .-LIMITED. <& CO. General Agents DELET STREET, NEW ‘tiviT Arrow Cotton Ties—The. i jit. Sale Hcare and by McrcKimte ^ , ** il *' " ’ v rrifyr*»didjeiaand for, the CELEBBATK1) ARBOW TIE, intern, Cotton i Pressmen and Shippers of Cotton generally; being Jthe purpose of'ttto Company to merit the eontinued patfonage of the’ to defy aU competition thntmay arlse. their Agents are contract l CountryMerenanta*at Lhe above named price and terms for future delivery quantities »s msy be required'from time to time, settlements ijdngnisd^on I ■<■■■ »' ■ 'i ™ iim'" ~~ ‘ T'rn^li ;/• «•**> td»U14 tl-Gtrir. ayV vi TV T J[ (■T fTfeCXICf^ '** ti J * * rietor of the u . T ,t notwithstanding the great Euro pean .war, hia hotel ,wiU continue to ties and first-class accommodations, such us he flatters Himself has given gfeat^popularity aud success fo his house, and general satisfap* tion to those who have honored him<hy becoming his guests^ Board reasonable and accommodations first-class; a:i;i . JokaJB. Ow«as» Tropariotor. iMvta . Boot and shoe Haoufatkr, . THE r^ST OFFICE, .r. On hand, Uppers for making Low Quartets ’Ooogr^&Ppfc*' W' 1 Erince Alberts. Re pairing promptly executed. Send tea dollars. ■jct maU or express and yon shall receive a first chopturef twig. jtmcSO 1875-SH£_ J U! -aiwi>yi \F< rnie>6\ 1 1 5 ft ti h 1 Annum. 14 ■ 1 lu tiuyu UM ■ M U':- ® fitlt ‘will continue ^tiducendteia.t» • ta ndyortis^s^. <Wep havepfk subscrip.fcion -list of all the counties of Northeast WO'Wiil-Tnakeit, I Vdl nc v*it> aid* ni f/’Mnol CC t*f \J ll,!*? 19^ /v ; : -$ia;'.$WlilSH|jrt» vv. 1 till#'#!! • •HIM )■ J A splendid new stock ^ Paadb*^sundf Chamber Suits . ... From,Twenty-five to Five Hundred Dollars complete. DINING BOOM ANB UBEAHY FHPynjpTf^AJKflNUS. t|tum 0 ut, at short notice,^ description otwor With a. now supply ofJJob Type, rules and figures, wo aye - V’ ^ I’.i i’’t aiw ■MM. r vn Prices as "cheap as "any Fhst-class" House in thy South; s. e- ssarsRi©s & s _ r i«i iJA Id aa^SRfr ■^y;t««S v ^^AtiaS;a';t... :jt - - - - ia Atlanta, Ga. Cottage Suito $25*to ^60. Send orders or letters; in our line. • itftilroad Blanks, Abstracts, Tags, Bill and Letter d f sU-icilclai fir'i-lliJ (Heads, Poster, Handbill^. Circulars, Cards, Envelopes, etc. LHoncrnSSuBQl :•*?&» VL .*&**{ ***}•' ^ O^^gsesTlre new and our workmen unsurpassed. Broad Street. -A.thensi Georgia.