The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 13, 1877, Image 6

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i Aii'ff-} GLUUUSON. THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: ■■^iiguL. ' 1—*■ NOVEMBER. 13, 18/V A Savage Assault Vpc KIT"' the President and Hi* U 1 this tried friends .of freedom ev«tfy-'“ toffy &6H not aiahesrtened, by the imjiund- »iiier—The itepubiiean Party •• itetrajed into ing danger, and remembering that | | tw^#HdioMi^i:i*hiiB.tine*.” \ ‘ eternal vigilance is the jmctf of lib- [Cinciuunti Commercial.] • ortv.t ” William Lloyd Garrison has'writteh FRESH MEATS- J. J. Head iW. F.Hood, a letter to the New York Times, in whfth lie gobs tor President Hayes anti his Southern -policy JttFt lie' most enorgetfe fkahion. The letter » over ' two columns in^eifgfth. flle~|fiy§ that du ring his recent visit to Great Britain, he was frequent’.v asked in different? parts cf the Kingdom his opinion of letter is devoted*mainly to answering this second question. In the course of >^’ < $Ji*¥*£s > vl9A r ^^ eoi1 ^ Jb#ap. to^tHew i^yJfiwatnien t «o done under this administration as pertaining to the Sonth, l am metre deeply convinced titan ever, if possi ble, that wc- are botrayod into the hands of the Philistines; that the ties esseptial to meeting a tjrisis like the present, and that when he talks of his policy, it inojms this, and pnly this: absolute surrender to the uure- pcatent, mcrciless and haughty, defi ant spirit of rebeldoux, to the exclu sion of the general government from any chauce of. constitutional iflter- ferences in any part of the South for the protection of th°§e yrhosq rights ol‘ e&izenship are cloven down by a bloody process, aud tvlio may venture to approach tho polls only at the peril of their lives” Further on he quotes Mr. Evart’s speech bfefirre fhe' ElefttbVjfi OdfnmW- .<iou, and adds : “Net Mr. Evarts, as a . member of the Cabinet, has given his osnphatic approval to the ‘Jet alone* policy of the President, which leaves these unbefriended, un educated, simple black people to the fate from which the * Republican’ States strove hard to save them. Is there not pitiable official subserviency suuh conduct ? But” lie adds, “ the climax of President Hayes’ inconsist ency and inoral obliquity was reached in his alniost incredible speech at Atlanta, Georgia, which elicited the wildest outbursts, of applause by a large concourse qf the unreconstructed and unterrified.” , .After quoting tliq speech, lie says: “ Such a cpnfouudiug qf loyalty and treason, right and wrong, liberty and slavery,. and treating jhera all with respect and in the v same complimentr ary manner, is enough to stir a fevey in the blood of*age. Hail, judas Iscariot! Hail, Benedict Arnold! your reproach shall now be taken away. Yon npbly acted up to your conviclions,~amLaj'«Jib much entitled to commendation 1 the Apostle John or the patriot George Washington. We humbly beseech you to be equally liberal nndTgenefpns ana ^iist to the apostle and patriot .aforesaid, who were uo't-lees heroic and true to their TOirnwranp.;" yipur jiunywfS'fiiy- tliing to be ashamedof, bufcboth mnjr giory iii their ..achievements To compliment those wh'6se rebellion was for the 1 wickedest ends, whose con duct was marked by the blackest perfidy, whose, oppression of tlip.mi) lions,, qfy’ ( v^>tfih^ tvi^n .‘tjlffif was horribly inhuraaff, and whose treasonable uprising cost "the land hundreds of thousands of millions of ddlarf, s&- ^aVihg signalized thepy- aelv^rfbr their courageand devotion, as next to standing on tbe-same plane tyith thejn. ( It is a glatfng ’ raiShppli- cation an ( d perversion of hopest speeth is associated wltbmoble deeds.” 1 He res stilts of this boasted Southern policy: • ,Fira}f— v( '^IrtulB^’aiifraftchise- mmt of the ooilored population* in oil that tliem &> u i itatc pf. vassalage, , .... . *li *'**; J • 3 e ?$d^Tlie conseqppii^ dortin4> turn pf^heir enemies/ whose triumph inafcaaa.'coiisoHdated'Sbatb^iin^iji- acres them the neit -Presidential eleo- 4-» « (rtmrfiA -<va*J .K’flrvt.T .. *i«.*i u ; pn&r.Tho ^dptp^ration pnd de- . xaorahzation. of the Republican party. 3 * TYhetitftfhPJPPifl XfitiQV&jt, *eraqifis tf/bd seea It ij K time for'the lo~al aidrit of the edfcntry to be aroused, for A, Very Strange Story. Marked and (Saffitd from t'ittsliurgto Xew Orleans, and Home Acahi Insane. Cornee Fcosdkv and Oconee Stbsltb. £RE§HBEEF, MUTTON, PORfc.and SAU- sa^-,( Fresh uud Bologu* Sunsnare). Onr So- hcitor is always on the street ready to supply the wants of the citizens of Athens. Please give us vour orders and we will guarante.e per- •ect satisfaction. The highest market prices paid for Bcaves, Sheep, Goats and Hogs. junc20Ai8«if.n' : J: J. HEAD & CO. HVLJAIRIBXjIEI A. St. ROBBEtTSOH." .. [From the JTeivOjE^ns Democrat.J _ Willis M. Hatch, of Xew Wil- i Tinnlnn^ MfUlllTTlfintS imington, Pennsylvania, according to j - iTlUlllLIIlClIlo his statement, is the victim of a most taholjcal^ ou^ragdaLthe autifuT woman and three ruffiansi' Hut^ altbougbi biS-'story reads well, as regards actual fact} so far a« ios (a bis ailseptiyres in this city, Hatch,jty young man of exemplary iiabits, and tlie Pr'ohiliftion candidate for Lawrence county, Penn.., with SJ,70Q in his possession, on the 14th of September left the Young Men’s Home in Pittsburg, with the expressed pumose of buying a farm. From that tTtwuntil the 4th of October Hatch’s movements swere unknown, despite the search of the detectives throughout the State, who worked with that zeal and energy only inspired by the offer of a liberal rfeward. Oh October 4* letter reached Hatch’s relatives, in forming them that Hatch was at a point eighteen miles west of Galesburg, Ill., where he was sought and fouud, bntIn a terrible condition. <ti? . His mouth was lacerated by the gag used to stifle his cries; his body bore the'hvarks of most violent treatment, but worse than all bis mind was jun- hiriged, and instead of the intelligent young 1 taan he was wont to be, a helpless, semi-demented creature was all- that rettainedc His account; ot himself is to tbe effeet that as be tyas on tbe Duqaesne Way (in Pittsburg) a lady met him, and stating that she was lost, asked bis guidance to the Union Depot. As Bhe was young and beautiful, in pity for her trouble so beseechingly expressed, be assured her he would see her safely to her destina tion,* and together they started, Hear the corner of Liberty street he wp? suddenly assailed and robbed by three men, who bound him with -thongs, sinking deep into hiafiesh, and gagged him almost 'to suffocation. In that condition he Waa.htMrified to the Union Depots and placed : n the cars,; i After that he could not I collect Lip faculties. He has a vague recollection of travel ing on tbe cars,, then a broad expause of water, then a dreary blank, until awoke by the broad glares qf a (South-;, sun to find himself on the levee in charge of a policeman, who took him to the hospital Shortly after his arrival at that institution a boy brought him : his watch and some papers. While he lay . there a man namad Reed called, and Eayiug he was a friend of the family, made arrange ments to-forward Hatch, .to St. Louis. This was done as soon as Hatch was convalescent, and upon his arriyal in St. Louis Reed raethim and took him to within eighteen miles qf, Galesburg, where he. left Jiipi in charge ;of some friends.,. „■ pot.* $41 iwti * - ■ ..., .The other! side of - the sfei;y, the W sult of an Investigation by. detective Pecora, goes j to show, fifstly, that qo suoh name. as Reed is home op t the hospital i.hookij, secondly, no man au* 8wering his. description ,was a.patjent therej (Wndly* no wetch, ^pd papqra were .deUyered to, the, h oepit&l ,clpyk, fq'r any!of the i&matei ; ; fhuripiy, po jEpr. Sisson was lever attached’tq.that in» atitutiqpi ** b- there a that wame, In n the - cUy 4 n the, only unknown man picked up by .the policy? on the leyee during the 4 month of September ap^npfo.diito iu; sOctober, was a laboreB-ili- with.. feqer„r|rhq was found at thft heed pf Montpgnt street r «*,Jibe3d instqntj/by f and ,who is,now; iff. the hqsjfltpV . / X Unt(hJfetQhitqljs a mQfe.fqjinQOt^ and plausiblei.etfliy, hb whereabonts during his ebsenoeiwill Remain a mys> tsrjjm -• -.iti.rj .jmoO rH eaty/sv that aftet; m yqer on.j^hp can’t summon np enough .coniage to kiss the woman whdife ! lips, itt the vanishing past, were glued to Ifisf ur hours on[a stretch tlivee.timesq,'week. -«t»ilrV/ j .1 j A ND TOMB STONES, CRADLE TOOMBS, Marble aud Granite Bbx Toombs. A Great Reduction in Prices. Specimens of Work always ou band and for sale. Prices and designs furnished on. application at tlie Marble Yard, adjoinin'* Reaves & Nicli- olson'a cot?on wareliouse, Athens, Gn. juneSO'tf. BARGAINS XU New and Second-handed Articles. 14 H. P. Port. ‘Engine, Book\rrdt ef, good order. 1 12 I1.P. Port. Engine, W<«od & Man. 1 ' C II. P. Port. Eng., but little used. 1 40II. P. Stationery Kugiue. _ 2 30 ineirx 36 feet Cylinder Boilers,-witli fro*it. 1 6 HkP., Sehofleld patent; Portable, uew. X Eclipse Water Wliee>, s;*od order. 1 Leffek- Water \Vneei. 4 Tvler 'YiUer, .\\ T heels, now rr.nniiig. ,,, Gearing Shafting, Pulleys, etcl One 18 ins. x 14 ins. Caue. Mill, lio-izontal, good as new. Horse Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Cane Mills, Evaporators, at thoj ATHENS rOUXDItY it MACHINE WORKS. june26-lra. MARTIN^INSTITUTE. FOSTPONEUS1TTI Fall TemCf 1877, . Will open on the 29th of Augnst. The price of Board, with Tuition in the highest class, will be about $52, atcordiug to Dividend. yygend for Circular to J. W. GLENN, Prnicipel, or J. E RANDOLPH; Secretary of Board.' • sept4-4w. FOR SALE. Shafts complete, in perfect order. Also < Hood Bumry, new and complete. Cheap cash. S - J. li. HUGGINS, NE GOOD PHAETON, WITH POLE AND Alsoone for o6-tf No. 7 Broad street. , NOTICE. A fter this date, county adver tisements which have heretofore been pub lished in this paper, will hereafter be published in the Sun, a Gazette published in Hartwell, Hart county, Go. If, C.STF.PHENSON, OrSfcary, ang 'tart county. Ga a. S. DUKE’S Pine Whiskyand Brandy. .lull.-.; Parties desiring to. purchase, by wholesale, pure Braudy or Whisky,-willtftfd it to their in terest to agentof Durohose from the undersigned, sole <f. 8. Duke;’to sell by ^ritoTesale ' ' . S. Duke, to sen by Wholesale : hfi Fine, Pure Whisky and Brandy.The pipes through which the G. S. Duke Whiskv and Brandy are disMedf-are made of wool. Every gallon warranted pure. Address, If. j G. R. DUKE, Agent;. dge5-tf .Jefferson, Ga. 2Totice! We have sold out onr entire stock of Hard ware to T. Fleming & Sox, who will carry on the business at the old stand, Dupree Building. Thankful for past favors, we hopo the same liberality will be extended to our successors. Very Respectfully, BELL & CO. and BELL, FLEMING & CO. By strict attention to business and low prices we hope to share a good portion of your trade. S Respectfully, T. FILMING & SON. oct23tf. Successors to w Belf& Co. FC® SALE “ s Lets Stifle tonoi Seed. Every two and a half pounds of Seed warrant ed to make one pound of Lint. Price, $5.f6 per bushel. All brdera left at A. 8. DORSEY’S WiU receive pyompt. attention. . a?., w, D *- w ANDERS o N . t Crawford, Ga. ool23.1m. it -- Athens Wool Factory. 1 am now turning out daily n lotge quantity of Boils in the best of style. • Having secured tips services of a No. 1 Carder, I am bettor than ever prepared to give satisfaction to ML Bring on your wool fa Ali carding dene on short qo- tice. Also, a good lot of wool bats kept on baud. HEDGE FOWLER, Foot of Broad Street, • uPctfr&.L' .V.-iiti .Athens, jQa. X. iAJTJKSbTirSirrJii, <3-^. « ,, ihe Leiaduig Hotel of the City. (ilvttt 5*rit!o7 ntuKri-nv • - M d< of 1 &e“ nd tU ° , esco ^ n ? e • eU .u * £jfrjEs_4 s - p £ ^ i Dat; , „ i, »'>V Ihaw O '*’/ .J- " »,. V . ■ ; .iJhe Proprietor solicita from the citizens of •AVhhfts' ‘a cdntifiuance of that liberal patronage .they bava heretofore given him. twq ?* P" BROVyrlT, octlfi-lm. Proprietor. d#y dissolved by mutual wnsent eT?he busmess in the futnrd will be conUnned hnder the name and style of J. W. PRUITT & CO., Grove' will bd delivered any where oil * tbe ,Northeast Railroad. .Thankful, lor past fayors firm. April 12. 1877. "iTT .lj'ihn ;ti*pl7-3. ,1 W. PRUJTO &.00- Eentncky Horses and Mules Look out! On hr about the 15th of $ep-- ai- ber, I wili be in the dnrketjf with a tux- lot of horses and mule*. Al) in watt, epu (fiijd me at Gmm & Reaves’ stable. . „ septll tf. W. S. HOLMAN. w. b. cox. r w. «r. hill. *os. Tnonrsos, sr. COX, HILL & THOMPSON^ ^ . WuoixsAix Dealers w Foreign and Domestic liquors ac., No 29 FE^CIlltaE St-, e And Diitiflcrs 'tit'-*! Btoue Mot^tm.t'«<'o r d , Whiskey. r ' ^ 4 * 1 J .. , TO,II WORK QF ALL DESC^IF- dbiS' AS.TSVR EVA.ITS, PrMtteaJ.. W.Wlunalisr,. TTAS removed to iye old /tand l *‘2 ^’ ew CLTBrug * 1Store. whertT hfe**ffl W «lad tojme his customers, old and new, who wish fine work done on .Wirtches^Ctoisks, and J.ejyqlry All work warrawtfaft*’ . ,,5’k-orit, feb20-tim. ARTI1LR EV AN... J > i i;-a—• • i «r-*-4- Important to Cotton Planters* cheap aud good Gin, will find ltt0 ^y to correspond with us, as we mean husint.s to suit the times; • „ We have ovcrAwcqtv y»arjs’' e^Krieuoc in tbe Manufactory of Gins. ' ' Write far prices, terms, etc., attd we faei cer tain w« satisfy you. , ; By ordering direct from us ana giving flwwry TgfttrengBifywttwani mm ynnr- selves Age^a.qopjm^iou.^^ uly24-lm.<; tirsnrordillle. «»• » The Kennesaw Gazette A Monthly Paper, Pnblwbed at • ■ '' • Devoted to Railroad interests, Literature Wit and Humor. Fifty cents a year. Chrotao to every subscriber. Address •’ I ■ 1 3 KENNESAW GAZETTE, mch27-tt - ■ Atlanta; Ga.; Kiaag WCarjacs' Exchange Saloon . COELEGE AVENUE. J < . The best Cincinuatti Lager Beer,' Cigars and all kinds of Liquors sold cheap. . .decl^-., l ,.^OK.CASH,^, ; i | , | ,, CASH FOE. WOOD; —OR— “ •* .’ • ' CLOTH FOR WOOL. The.Atheus Manufacturing Company are now making a much larger varied of Woolen Goods than hver before, and propose to Exchange them for Wool, believing it to he more to the interest of the Planter to Exchange tbe Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Carded and Spun at home. Call for Samples and Terms o! Exchange- - u R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent, may 19.1875-29-rtf Miss C. Potts, Fashionable Dessmaker, (Over University. Bank.) ,, . . Broad SKar—■b) A-bfadwaa, Gbu Would r6spectfnllv intorm the 'Ladies and her friends scvuernHy, of,Athei^s and vicinity, that she is now prepared to do Dressmaking In the Neatest and most fashionable styles. With her experience in the business,, she feels sure of giving satisfaction. may 14,18“5—28-tf. ' CHARLES % STUBBS, (Successor to Groover, Stnbbs & Co.,) COTTON FACTOR » ' —AND— General Commission Merchant, AGENT. FOR THE - Quitman Factory Yarns, 94 BAY STREET, . Savannah., (Jeorgia. Bagging, Ties, Rope and other supplies fur nished. Also, liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale or shipmont to Liverpool or Northern ports. Mr. A. A. WInn, Cashier and Correspondent of tbedate firm .of Groover, Stubby *<: Co... has an interest iu the business. •' • ' hug21-tf. > BLACKSMITHING. Having rented the Blacksmith Shop so long occupied by the late William 1’. Tulmodgo and employed competent workmen from the North, I am prepared to do'any and all work ihl the BlaCfesnaii-bh. Zdsxe t: I at the shortest notice! and it the lowest prices any phop.ia tho city.. I have a 1UO? >;ft n .-M' • ’v t; < i < 777rv ' . :< t and make specialty of Axes, Miff Pickp. Mat- tbfekN; PStflte; Garden' noes - and tools Of nil ded- pr/ptiou.i^d qfjpie fipe^ttepiwr.j f , WAGONS AND BtTGGIES irofied attid •'Repaired. 1110 8hrirak, : Eto. 1040 and repaired at low P^wtof.idl) T pnccs. Also First dlass Horse-Shoeinl* done by a' indrtheib shoiri'^rfittinff Platei, . auianntf,, by any. All new work warranted and' saliafae- tiOn guaranteed.: Gnnsaud Pistols repeurod.!: ■-H ■ 2,* N E. maroh20-ly. 'Em ate::«R * DWELLING WITH EIGHT . GOOD to J. ‘jFaiPJtffiice .-has-been standing,for more than a year. I now give notico that every account not paid, or sat- - oSChSt? ...fvrti v mm icoUBf j^tl^tffjaijid'Augiista Undersold. > juiG/Swi :niT ( 1 THE TREMENDOUS STUCK OF u. - - - i [.i:t 001 : " ' . ~ O S-llDF THE OLD REIJABLE FIRM OF- i«> ht‘.i;iiti”! otq> L ••■In'l i j.jub' MARKED DOWN. T / r 10 ... ..... 1 : . PXtlCBS XtHATLT ItEETTC-ED. sold the best 1 TJiq tfiie.Drated, aodgson KnownfalWrthe^State for .^j^Wfanity end strength, and are beyond question tl W AfaORS everjold in this section df the Country. Parties wisliing ariy sort cf k ' chicles arc respectfully jnvited to look,through our stock. f-;f. r iYvU T<t,—K Job -■<>/ ; <» f q.-aiO r,l Lisii -r' oi j. I y-Hl A< SPECIALTY. • t ■ 1 ■ 1 L .. -y-.fa ,0 ti J x . o I !l -‘" '-Vdiv-’v .. ■ Skillediand Finished Workmen in Etrery Department. of prices in this b I» 0 p-pall Firet-elasi 11 PRICES. Special .attention will be given to, REPAIR WORK; aud the scale of prices in this branch have Seen rcauced fully one-lourth. No KOTCIl y 01 k allow ed.ip ouy shopEaU Ffret-eL^j . WORK AND AT jolyS-thn ' * -** S J „ ILU'.lt] .»•!*•» | AUGtJSTA, GEORGIA, ' • i > ? ; » # V. -"t ‘,i\i . | ,'l-} /I; -I • i *\- • -1 * -t. NEW Slaves Reduced to $3 per'Day. »• : f ; v • . -I .!*■ . ..... /// .>.0,! ■■ ■. ./ HAVING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I cuter upon Its taanageraent by Reducing Rates, and asking of che Travel- - ■ 1*11 ■ ' I . r -if - • - 6H . i 11| , .4 : t •' iug Public, especially luy friends!of Caroliua-aud Georgia, a continu auce of that liberal support they have always given-it. , -B. BROWN, ian23-5m ( FORMERLY OF CHARLESTON, PROPRIETOR. ...{.oi v !J*h >*»t . IhiI. ) -j.!; m r. . tuH ->a r *• t s '.'ill/. s fl i\mui n-;o ■ ; r:.:T~ ■ IV/ V J E .7/ RICHARJ)^ j(- h* ^•JCr.iUlirMi Pi:’ 7u li.’i W. IKK ;; ; ^BOOKSELLERS AHB %u,. MtdELLANEOUS tiOOKS, * fif I. . .*^v«r > ,»iwi-'a Hi si^ «BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY* - !- H ^ l M .*«' - jlieG w <! • ■ tV • •• -* * T. . Liu; ptrtf.’o Mt-J so C i ' u -U- - ■ i! :'; Fancy Paper in Boxes, Fancy Goods. Etc., v«»irr ' >-*V I lo Li- fwtitoH'* 4 *Iyi » ’ft Jodi hue -r*i io- hert'-v - S , r * . gsrcroquot, Bob'BttiWdifiatk;^ tiii»ii»v|»tMarketPrioea: ifl * ,K! ' i,t ' , - i: 11 u ''iffiMaiV —■—H;f ■■'tit ■■ T OB WORK OF ALL DE8<3ia& I'TSltL HEADS AND, LETTER ^ tion'neatly done at this office. I ■’ l~) Heads Jotie On short noticO. :.y XfizUft of n-.-'V ^jjr*0.T:,i9tri’t!- .vK H