The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 13, 1877, Image 7

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Fa hi lion Notes. Very large buttons arc all the rage. Moss green is the fashionable color. Cloak sleeves are rather large and loose. A Jacquard cloth is a new cloaking in at or THE ATHENS GEORGIAN; TUTPiPILLS A^^Dmaesajs ate worth their weight in gold„ READ WHAT HE SAYS: NOVEMBER 13, 1877 -i -L- S. C. DOBBS y • . . ■ 5. . *•,. . •• v ’ v Has on Hand, and to arrive, liis Mammoth Stock of novelties in bonnets. Cheviot^* tartans are among the ncveltv wool fabrics. Clair do lune, or moonlight gray, is the coming oolorl^r*—Tf**** 1 Carrick capos ind Carrick caps are handsome novelties. , , „ Slate, gray, and orange are fashion able combinations of color. Curled cock’s fcfljther^ tipped ,witl» jet are very fashionable* > n 'l 1 i J J;; • Neigeuese and bonrelte are the leading winter dress fabrics. Kilt itaats in the back of polonaise skirts are a feature of tlie moment. Oriental, torchon. Smyrna, and lltgusa point arc the laces ot the seas son. The prevailing colors for cheviot tartans are combinations of gray, bine and red. Side draperies are made of one large box or Watteau pleat on many stylish costumes. Cloak trimmings are large buttons, aigraffes, braids and passementeries, velvet, silk and fringes. New styles of underskirts have flounces trimmed with open work ehiboridi-ry in Fayal designs. Bustles are no longer worn f.. three flounces on the baek breadths of underskirts take their place. Anna of Austria cuffs, and large Puritan collors of sheer linen cambric are coming in vogue, trimmed with the finest Valenciennes. Waistcoat fichus of Valenciennes, Oriental, aud other laces, and gauzy materials are used to give ^ dressy effect to plain black or dark silk dres ses. Waistcoat fronts and pompadour squares, formed either by trimmings or by lace, velvet and silk fichus, which simulate them, are very popu lar. A simple deep bias flounce falling over a side or box pleating .is found to be the most effective skirt over which is displayed the long elaborately trim med polonaises of this season Cloth round hats, matching the terfect.r-'rufar V oolite, ^nca’ndlh^ rain.-d fortv nonnds solid flesh. » ->-r in -mid. / Rw. R. L. SIMPSON, 1 — ‘ uK’rntti TUTPS Pills COM tttCT^HXAP. vinriliLLs cnemtapnau. TBITS PIUS 55E 3UBB CONSTIPATION rum pills . OCBN PILES. TUTPSPILLS n?£fcd lntho practice of ■■dicjai thirty years, and for a long Umo was demenstn- SPSS’S Goosgia, hence, per. too* using his Pills have the guarantee Brown Drilling, Wool, jeans, Linseys, nnrs pills IJOBB KIPNCT COM- TUTTS PILLS <nntB toepip liver free frara all auackcnr. He has succeeded In combining in them tire heretofore nntnrj- Their Cm apparent effect is to increase the appetite by canringlhe food toproperiy ucsim- ilate, thus the svrtcm is nourished, and by their tunic action on the digestive organs, —plar & healthy ev- atioor arc produced 'be rapidity \yith which persons fait on fieri, while urtlcr the influence of these pills, ol itself irdicat ca tbeir adaptability to nourish the body, anl hence their cmcaryr > a curing nervous debility, mel ancholy, dyspepsia, wasting of the mus< Flannels, Spool Cottou,. Factory OifTckV ' * Factory Yarns, Ladies* Dress 'Goods. Hosiery, etc., etc. Hemlock Sole Leather, Harness ana Upper Leather, HATS OFJEVERY DESCRIPTION, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. ALSO SO BAGS RIO COFFEE, SO BARRELS SUGAR, assorted. ROASTED COFFEE, SO BOXES CHEESE. 500 Bags Liverpool 8all, (ground A course) 200 BAGS VIRGINIA SALT, 1000 BUN PELS COTTON TIES. health and tv.where. Office, attention, and impart, strength tolls s>a>iias E>li tv- :c ,3S Mu-ray Stree*. New York. , HUMPH OF SCIENCE I Gray Hair can be changed to a Iclo.-sy black by n single application of ■Dr.TuTT's Hair Dye. It acts like magic. Sand is warranted as harmless as waver. lFricetlAO. Office 35 Murray St., N. Y. Head the Answer It Is a plant that grows in the South, and is r --rially adapted to the cure of diseases of that ‘jS^hauntummL »-rofiilous, syphilitic, and rbenmstic affections, /.lone, it is a searching alterative, but when omliinedwith Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and o her herbs, it forms DR. TUTPS SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT, The most powerful blood purifier known to med ical science for the cure of old ulcers, diseased j. hits, foul discharges from the ears and nostrils, a >scesscs, skin diseases, dropsy, kidney com- plaint, evil cflccts of secret practices, disordered i.v.ruml spleen. Its use strengthens the nervous system imparts a fair complexion, and builds up b e body with HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. As an antidote to syphilitic poison it is strong- Ij recommended. Hundreds of casesofthe worst l) pc have licvn radically cured by it. Being nitre’;- vegetable, its continued use will do no harm The best time to take it is during the si mmer and fall; and instead of debility, head- m In- fever and ague, you will enjoy robust h - !-.h c “»hl by all druggists. Price, *1.00. OCif;. 3- Murray Street, New York. ■Wanted. HJ «' : •• . . ■ ■ ! Consisting in part of the following articles, viz: ">JE£ A. K. CHILDS. B. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN CHILDS NICKERSON & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN : .*»*>**;!» »J» vj . »■/. •,"> . J ;- 17 !rn:: t!t m fetal Shirting ai Sheeting, Paper and Linen Collars^ * Undershirts, Balmorul^Skirts, Ladies’nnd Gents’ Shawls, Bed Blankets, etc., Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Saddles and Bridles, 10,000 YARDS BAGGING, ? 200 KEGS NAILS, 200 BARRELS ELOUR, assorted. oO BOXES OF TOBACCO, MACKABOY SNUFF, in jars and packages WASHING AND TOluKf SOAPS, EDPICKLES COUCELTTHATED POTASH, BROOMS, Costings, consisting of Pots, Ovens, Spiders and Odd Lids, Manilla Hope, from 1-2 tv I 1-2 icbes, Cotton Rope. Goshen and Country Butter, Green Tea, Powder, Lend mid Shot, Buckets aud Churns, Machine Needles, Pens, Ink. Paper, Envelopes and Spelling Books, and many- other srtid s too tedious mention. It is br.fficient to say he has a large variety of all classes of GOODS sdapted especially to planters’ use. HE DEFIES COMPETITION. Cull and be con vinced of the fact. lie means just what lie says. He also sells the celebrated Ezoellsziza and Dobbs’ Ch.emi.cals. sep25-3m ■ v j ' •f .... !•<.! . / -fi, • . • -I »! ,|f; i-. ...ill nr/ ■ . J.-:. . ^QjiS^iAND MUL^ SHOES, (HORSE SHOE NAILS, -> »<i .iJu- / Agricultural Implements, Leads, Oils, Glass and Varnish, Harness Leather, Ho! Northeastern Georgia; Look To Your interes The Old Fredericksburg Dry Goods Store, Zs AUva to B ESIDES now opening to be- •“ ■ 3 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. tb. Sp irit of tb Times! found South 4%, the best bleached „ , Cambrics and 8c, Large Shawls 50,75 and $1.00, and New Paris made Cloaks $2.50 to the finest $40.00 and $50.00,10-4-Extra White Blankets $1.75 to $2 00 and $2.50 up.jj DRY GOODS ARE HEAP l Handsome New Shades, oolo-e-l Dress Silks £0, 75 mid $1.0-', don’t pay more for these goods when yon can get them from us so cheap. OUR BUYER IS X THE NORTHERN MARKETS, And Goods are declining in prices every day, those who jiurcliased early have goods now at high prices, we sere fortunate to hold off aud can now and will exhibit goods at bottom prices, Black Silks 65 r 75 and 85c pur vurds, Gros Grain Black Silks $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, double width Black Cashmeres 35 and 4oc, all Wool Black Cashmeres 60c, Venice Bombazine only 50 1111 i 60c Kx. Snper. Lx. Ex. Sublime and Gold Mcdul, Black Alpacas froir 25 to most handsome at 40 and 50, Dress Goods 6){ to 8 aud li'c, witli the elegant French Matulosse at 20 and 25c, 10-4 Bleached Sheeting 20c, all Wool Filling Jeans 15 and 20c, Fredericksbiqj^Cassiuiercs 75 and $1.00. Wh.en you Visit Augusta Don’t foil to see onr immense display of Dry Goods, yon will save money in your purchases with ns. We pay all EXPRESS FREIGHTS on orders of $10.00 or more, the freight paying and sample order bu-iness was introduced in the SJuth several years ago by ns, many persons are imitatiug our method and advertising to pay freight* &c., put like all iiuitatious they in the end foil to give satisfaction. Write ns a postal for samples of anv goods yon wisu. Our New Price List mid Buzar are just out, ask tor copies. Address, Cotton, Manilla 4 Jute Rone, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, HUBS, SPOKES, BUGGY WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, VICES BELLOWS, HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., Manufacturer’s Agents for the sale ot . Fairbank’s Standard Scales. WINSHIP AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED •. Cotton Gins, Cider Mills, Syrup Mills and Evaporators, Watt Plows, Farmers’ Friend Plows, Pumps, Circular Saws, etc. £I7~Anv article in onr line not in stock, will be ordered when desired, with the leaa possible delay. dcclO.-ly Call and Examine Onr Stock and Prices. * • • Tw&mxvmt $»c$> DA7IS, SAPP & BRIDYE Broad Street. Over Burke’s Book Store. TO RENT or bny a small cottage home, con . van ient to the business portion of the city. An cloth of the ulster, are now in ' favor unimproved lot, If desirably located, might be _ mi t_ i. s:M. Apr y u« Georgian otlice mvftW' for traveling wear. They have soft, round Derby crowns, made of many gores, the rims stitched by the sewing machine. A little wing makes them look less masculine. Get. 2d. V- RICHARDS & BRO. w Augusta, Ga , SOl Brosd Street. ITotics. All persons having certificates of stock in Atbi ns Street Railroad, will please prese t them to James H. Huggins for record, so thst the proceeds of the sale of projierty of said road may be delivered among the stockholders on the first day of November. This October 7th, 1877. JAMES II. HUGGINS, R. K. REAVES, oetO-lui. J. D. PITTARD. R T. NELM S ATTORNEY AT LAW, Harmony Grove, Jackson Conntv, Ga., Courts ot Jujk- WUI practice in the Superior C on,.Madison, Banks aud Clarke Special attention given to collection of claims. Refers to Judge A. M. Sneer. Griffin, Ga., and Hon. J. T. Spence, Jonesboro’, Ga. ocW-tf. Frozen Kindness. This world is full of kindness that never was spoken, and that is not much better than no kindness at all. The fuel in the stove makes the room warm, but there are great piles of fallen trees lying on the hills where nobody can get them; these do not make anybody warm. You might freeze to death for want of wood in plain sight of all these fallen trees it you had no means of getting the wood home and making a fire with it. Just so in a family ; love is just what makes parents and children, and brothers and sisters happy, but if they take care to never say a word about it—if they keep it a profound secret; as if it were a or;me—they will sot be much hap pier than if there was not any love | TW q SHOPS FOR 1877. among them; the house will seem cold even in the summer, and if you live there you envy the poor dog when anybody calls him “ poor-fellow.” WILEY F. HOD] AND 'LINTON W. STEPHENS HAVE OPENED A AMILY AND FANCY GROCERY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS STORE, 3ST OTICBI! F rom and after this date all persons are hereby forbidden to hunt witli Dog or Gun on uiy plantation, situated in the fork of tho Oeonee River. Any one disregard ing this notice will be prosecuted. U>jt2-2m. JOHN R. WHITE. Meriwstlior AFew, BLACKSMITH’S One at the old stand iu front ot When Englishmen first gaze upon Niagara they exclaimed, 11 By Jove! ’ Western men say, “Thunder!” peo ple from the rural districts, “ By Jim-1 Livory Stsble. We have first class workmen ‘ sozts* wshoehtg Messrs. GANN & REAVES, | The other on the road to the upper bridge and opposite Mr. JOHN Z. COOPER’S, incuic !*’ and the brides—bless ?en> say, “ O, hold me, Gwarge !’’ of every description, Plating and Concave Shoes Manufactured to order. WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, Why is Si young lady just from a boarding-school like a building com 1 mittee? Because she is ready to re ceive proposals. t ,* V!.. And'all kinis or Forming Machines and Ira It IS now an admitted fact that tiiC I plements repaired on'sliort notice. cotton; crop will fall tar below what was produced last year. ■WazrbecL. Adam was a slyltsu man in his day, i EMPLOYMENT cither as a Tanner, Ecgi- •nd ... a. first man to.f*. th. fall JgMgegSSS fashions. , - ' I Atn<u>s Cieorgisn, Athens, GajJ iuy22-tf NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. UNDER THE F1BM OF AT BARRY'S CORNER. BROAD STREET, NEAR NATIONAL BANK. BWliere You Will Always Find a Splendid Stock of * FLOUR, BACON, LARD, SALT, SYRUP, MOLASSES, CHEESE, MACKEREL, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, ElC., ETC., KEROSINE OIL AND LAMPS, CIGARS & TOBACCO, POWDER, SHOT AND CAP8, OYSTERS, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, PICKLES, JKl<LIES, FRUIl’S AND VEGETABLES, • FANCY CANDIES, RAISINS, NUTS AND CRACKERS, Of all kinds, and all other goods -asually kept in a Urocerv Store, as well a* a selection of the Best CALICOES, BLRaCHINU, CHECKS,f»TKIFEH, JEAN8,1.1 SEYS, TICKINtJ, THKEAU. S * ES, etc. We Mil MOOD - as cheap as any lfou»e in the city, and respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. SWCOUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXU114NME FO.. MOOl>S.*SW Remember .be place. BARRY’S CORNER, Broad street, Athena, (ieorgia. sep85-3m Hood €& Step^dns. sTovms r STOVES! STOVES! I am u<fW offering for sale at Low Prices, The following celebrated Cook Stoves, ail of wiiich are warranted equal to any offered in this market. IRON KING, GATE CITY, BEST, CRICKET, PALMETTO. Call and see before purchasing. J. C. WILKINS. oct.31.6m. , HEADQUARTERS For First Class asd Fashionable Dr) Goods In opening the Fall Season, we take pleasure in placing before our friends aud the public generally, the most complete stock of Dry Goods ever displayed in tho Southern States, consisting in part of a Magnificent line of Black Silks. All the new shades in Colored Silks—various grades. The most decided novelties in Colored Dress Goods. Black Goods of every description. Hosiery, Notions, Corsets, Ties, Gloves, Linens, Dttroasks, Cassimeres, Flannels, etc. Our Cloaks—to arrive—will lie equal to any ever exhibited in New York, London or Paris. To summarize: We offer a slink of Full l/vy Goods which, jn every department for variety, elegance and cheapness, stands un rivalled. oct2-3m. fokAJMTES A. OKAY & CO. "LIVERY, FEED ND SHE STABLE, JLtlie&g, Georgia. GANN & REAVES, PROPRIETORS. Will be found at their old stand, rear Frank lin House building, Thonras street. Keep al ways on hand good Turnouts and careful dri vers. Stock well cared for when entrusted to our cure. Stock ou hand for sale at all times. deciStf. Athens Foundry and Machine Works. -A-THBIlsrs, <3--A.. General Founders and Machinists, Patten Making, Smithing and Repairing, Mining and Mill Machinery, Manufacturers of Circular Saw Mills, Steam Engines, Horse Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Bark Mills, Cane Mills, Gin Gearing, Cotton Presses, etc., etc. Agent for Cook’s Celebrated Evaporating Pans, Cardwell’s Separators, Turbine Water. Wheels and Agricultural Engines. Prices sent upon application to R. Mt'KElSSON, Agent, june26-2m. <7. Ar ^ymGencrul Insurance Agent, ZTo. 5 Broad S-fc^jAthena, Ga , ^Insures GINS, Dwellings snd Merchandise, in the city or country. Respectfully solicits a share of your patronage. Of Represents first class Companies only. ocf-3-lm For Sale or Bent! A small house, convenient to the business- portion of the city. Also, For Sale Only, A cottage house containing seven rooms, with, all necessary out-buildings, and two acreo-of. land attached. M. C. SLEDGE aug7-4t. Auction! I have associated W. A. England with mt la. e Auction business, who will give prompt tention to the sale of property and goods oh MERONEE & ENGIjAflSlX. all kinds. , ulyI7-lm. SEND IN Subscription for YOUR : >04I‘.I For til 1878. WILSON & COMPANY, Bankers and Brokers, Dealers in Stock Privileges, U. S. Bonds, Cotton and Miscellaneous Securities, etc. Tho greatest opportunity ever before offered for investment. 1.U00 dollars nutdo from investment of 200 dollars in 80 days. Smaller amounts invested will pay in proportion. Investments, large or small, con be trebled in 80 days. We tell or jnirehot* as desired 5 shares of stocks mid upward On margins ot from one to two per cent. l-r*?' Letters of Credit and Draffs payable in any port of Europe and America, issued for the convenience of travelers. Full information bent on application.^ WlXiSOH <& CO., 85 and 37 Broad St., ' P. 0. Box 2485, NEW TOUR. Near. Gold'snd Stack Exchange, octl6Sm. BURPEE & BM„ Carriage, Bnggy and NVagon iMalfce-rs, At the shop lately occupied by F. Besson, netv Gann & Reaves’- stable, ATHEtTS» <SA>« Are prepared to do all kinds of work in theit- line at short notice, in. the most SUPERIOR. STYLE, and at as SEASONABLE BATES ss the same class of woijk gap he done. They are prepared, to put np Cexriagcs, Bug- gies and Wagons in ANY STYLE, and invito those having new work put np, to call before its imperfections ere covered with paint, end see that ALL Materials used are of the VERY BEST QUALITY- REPAIRING AND PAINTING A SPECIALTY.' All work done in this line warranted to give satisfaction, both as to stylo and price- Harness Making and Repairing- They are also prepared to mak6 or repair Harness, Haying secured tiie services of h Thoroughly Competent, "Workman acg29-tf. ■P IFTI abldncss of their Charm tSETBo sure to call their work and prices. too Ot the'Be SS. . V ....V; on tltem and examine jnl/Sl-Sm. .