The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 20, 1877, Image 7

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: NOVEMBER 20, 1877 7 Convention at Social Circle. Social Circle, Not. 9th, 1877. The Senatorial Convention of the —7th District, convened this morning at 11 o’clock, a. M. Jmlgc W.S. Montgomery, of New ton county, was called to the chair, and presided over the deliberations of the Convention. G. C. Thomas, of Oconee, was elec ted Secretary. The Convention being regularly organized, the Chairman stated the object of the meeting, and then called for the'roll of the delegates. The roll being called it appears that the delegates were from Walton—G. C. Sillman, W. II. Hill. From Clarke—L.W. Stephens, A. S. Dorsey. Represented by alternate Joe Barry. From Oconee—G. C. Thomas, J. W. Lea. From Rockdale—Elias Wooly, B. N. Baker. From Newton—Mansell Glass, E. F. Edwards, S. W. Hawkins, W. S. Montgomery. All of whom being present, the Chairman announced that the Con vention was ready for business. On motion the two-third rule was unanimously adopted. Mr. Wooly, from Rockdale, made a few remarks in reference to electing a Senator from Rockdale county, claiming by the method of rotation that Rockdale was entitled to it. After a tedious debate by Messrs. Wooly, Sillman, Hill and others, by vote of the Convention, it was conceded that the Senator now nominated was for an unexpired term, caused by opera tion of law, and that the question of rotation of counties could not prop erly come before this Convention ; as soon as this question was so decided, Mr. 1). N. Baker, very abruptly left the Convention. On motion of G. C. Sillman the delegates hound them selves to abide the result of the Con vention. When this motion was put ^before the Convention to be acted •»on Mr. Elias Wooly, the last rein- nt of the delegation from Rockdale, k bis recently purchased bearer, d apparently in great baste took french leave ot the Convention, in sisting that the Georgia Legislature absolutely needed a (Stuard.) The Convention being reduced now to ten in number, it proceeded to elect a candidate for the State Srnate of the 27th Senatorial District, which resulted in the election of the Hon. Henry McDaniel of Walton. On motion a committee of three was appointed by the Chairman to in form Mr. McDaniel of the selection of himself as a candidate to represent us in the Senate, composed of E. F. Ed wards of Newton, .Too Barry of Clarke and G. C. Thomas, of Oco nee. The following resolution was now offered by Col. Edwards. Be it resolved, by the people of the 27th Senatorial District of Georgia in Convention assembled, that it is the sense and desire of this Convention, that the Hon. John B. Gordon, shall be his own successor in the Senate of the United States, and when that question shall bo submitted to the Legislature of Georgia, we hereby earnestly desire onr nominee, if elec- ted, to cast bis ballot for that gentle man as long as there is any chance for his election, and to use every available means, consistent with duty to secure the re-election of Senator Gordon, which was unanimously ad opted. It was, on motion, ordered that the minutes ot the Convention be furnished each newspaper in the dis* trict, with request that they be pub- Being no further business before the Couvention it adjourned aine die. G. C. Thomas, Secretary. —Sir Robert Walpole was the only «• >i unoner who, in modem days, has Knight of the Garter, and his possession of this honor evidently excited (although he was a Prime Minister) much bitter comment. A writer, in 1719, says: “ A late enor mous commoner, in the wantonness of bis power and contempt of the nobility, obtruded himself into the oi dee. ” The Garter was offered to Sir Robert Peel, but declined. Lord Palmerston, an Irish peer only, had it: Lord Russell had it, and perhaps Lord Beaconsfield intends to have it. Tumpnis A Noted Divine says They are worth their weight in gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS: !>•<. TITT•—Dear Sir: For ten years I have -rt n a martyr to Dyspepsia. Constipation, and Tiler. X-a.-'l sprint; your pills were recommended to mo; I iircn tliem (but with little faith). I am now a well man, have pood appetite, digestion pertect, re-rlar r.'ooli, piles pone, and I have pained forty pounds solid flesh. They are worth t-i-.r wel-i't in -old. Itr.v. It. L. S1MPSOX, Louisville, Ky. TUTPS PiLlS rum pills CUS2 DYSPEPSIA. TUrPSPiLLS cults CONSTIPATION TUTPSP1LLS CUBE PILES. TUTPsllLLS Turn PILLS CUBE BILIOUS COLIC: TUTP$"P1LL$ Turns PILLS CUBE TOBPID LTVEB Dr. Tutt has been eo- Raged In the practice of medicine thirty years, and for a long lime was demonstra tor of anatomy in the Mcdica] College of Georgia, hence, per. E n using bis Pills ve the guarantee that they are prepared on scientific principle?, and are free from all quackery. He has succeeded in combining in them tire heretofore antag onistic qualities of a strengthening, purga tive i purifying tonic Tlierr first apparent effect is to increase the appetite by canringtha food to properly assim ilate, thus the system is nourished, and by their tonic action on the digestive organs, regular gt healthy cv- aeuationsare produced The rapidity with which persons take on flesh, while urdcr the influence of these pills, ol itself indicates their adaptability to nourish the body, anJ hence their efifeacy I a curing nervous debility, mel ancholy, dyspepsia, wasting of the mus cles, sluggishness of the iiver, chronic con stipation, and impart, ing health and strength to the system. Soli ev erywhere. Office, 35 Minay Stree*. New York. S. C. DOBBS Has on Hand, and to arrive, his Mammoth Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part of the following articles, viz: Calicoes, Brawn and A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN Brown Drilling, Osnaburgs, Wool, Jeans, Linseys, Flannels, Spool Cotton, Factory Checks, Factory Yarns, Ladies’ Dress Goods. Hosiery, etc., etc. Hemlock Sole Leather, Harness ana Upper Leather, HATS OF;EVERY DESCRIPTION, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. ALSO Paper and Linen Collars, Undershirts, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies’ and Gents’ Shawls, Bed Blankets, etc., Men's and Boy’s Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Saddles and Bridles, 10,O0» YARDS BAGGING,- SD1> KEGS NAILS, 200 BARRELS F.I.OIJR, assorted. 50 BOXES OF TOBACCO, MACKABOY jars and packages WASHING AND TOILET SOAPS, 50 BAGS RIO COFFEE, 50 BARRELS SUGAR, asrurled. ROASTED COFFEE, 50 BOXES CHEESE. 500 Bags Liverpool Salt, (ground \ course) 200 BAGS VIRGINIA 8ALT, 1000 BUN DELS COTTON TIES. SSOltr EDPICKLES CONCENTRATED POTASS, BHOOMS, Castings, consisting of Pots, Ovens, Spiders nnd Odd Lids, Manilla Rope, *’rom 1-2 t<> 1 1-2 inches, Cotton Rope, Goshen aud Country Butter, Green Tea, Powder, Lead and Shot, Buckets and Churns, Machine Needles, Pens, Ink. Paper, Envelopes and Spelling Books, and many " " * ‘‘ he has a large variety of all classes of CHILDS 1 NICKERSON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IROH, STEEL HAILS, HORSEiAND MULE SHOES, {HORSE SUOE NAILS, Agricultural Implements, Lends, Oils, Glass and Varnish, Harness Leather, 1 other nrticl'-s too tedious mention. It is sufficient to sa; GOODS adapted especially to planters’ use. vinced of the fact. He means just whnt he says. GF SCIENCE.] Gray Hair can be changed 'otsjf black by a single application off r.TUTT’s Harr Dye. It acts like magic,! 1 is warranted as harmless as water.| . Office 35 Murray St., N.Y.f Read the Answer It is a plant that grows In the South, and is specially adapted to the cure of diseases of that climate. ]t is „ NATURE’S OWN REMEDY, Entering at once into the blood, expelling'all scrofulous, syphilitic, and rheumatic affections. Alone, it is a searching alterative, but when combined with Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and other herbs, it forms DR. TUTT’S SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT, The most powerful blood purifier known to med ical science for the cure of old ulcers, diseased joints, foul discharges from the ears ana nostrils, abscesses, skin diseases, dropsy, kidney com plaint, evil cflccts of secret practices, disordered liver and spleen. Its use strengthens the nervous system, imparts a f;>ir complexion, and builds up t.’ie body with HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. As »n antidote to syphilitic poison it U atrong- 1 ;• recommended. 1 tundreds of cases of the worst type have been radically cored by it. Being nur:V vegetable, its continued use will do no harm The best time to take it is during the cummer and fall; and instead of debility, bead- relic, fever and ague, yon will cnyny robust h-jult'.i Sold by all druggists. Price, $1.00. OTice, 3- Murray Street, New York. to say he HE DEFIES COMPETITION Cull and be con- Excellensa sep25-3m He also sella the celebrated and Dobbs’ Chemicals. Ho! Northeastern Georgia! Look To Your Interest! Ike Old Fredericksburg Dry Goods Store, Is Aliva to B ESIDES now opening to be found South of Baltimore we bav AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. til Spirit of one of the moat tb. Times! "W anted- TO RENT or buy a small cottage home, con •nient to the business portion of the eitv. Ai. unimproved lot, if desirably located, might be sold. App'v a' Georgian office nivzS-l* 4’4, the best bleached Long Cloth at 8 ami Cambrics 6)4 and 9c, Large Shawls 50,75 and $1.00, aud New Paris made Cloaks $2.50 to the finest $10.00 aud $50.00,10-4 Extra White Blankets $1.75 to $2 00 mid $2.50 up. D!RY GOODS AEE SEAT 3 ! Handsome New Shades, colo'ed Dress Silks’50, 75 aud $1.0*', don’t pay! more for tho.-e goods when you can get them from us so cheap. OUll BUYER 153 N THE NORTHERN MARKETS, And Goods arc declining in prices evert' day, those who purchased early have goods uow at high prices, we were fortunate to hold off mid can now and will exhibit goods at bottom prices, Black Silks C5, 75andS5cpi»ryards, Gros Grain Black Silks $1.0*',$1.25 nmi$1.50, double width Black Cashmeres 35 and 40c, nil Wool Black Cashmeres fine, Venice Bombasine only 50 an l 6*)c Ex. Super. Ex. Ex. Sublime and Gold Medal, Black Alpacas frotr 25 to most handsome at 4*> and 5o, Dress Goods 6)4 to 9 ami l*'c, with (lie elegant Frer.oh MaSelassc at 20 amt 25c, 10-4 Blotched Sheeting 20c, till Wool Filling Jeans 15 and 20c, Fredericksburg Cassimcres 75 and $1.00. When, you Visit Augusta Don’t fail to see onr immense display of Dry Goods, you will save money in your purchases with ns. We pay ull EXPRESS FREIGHTS on orders of $10.00 or more, the freight paying and sample order busiuess was introduced in the South several years ago by us, many persons arc imitating onr method and advertising to pay freights Ac., but like all imitations they in the end fail to give satisfaction. Write us a postal for sample* of anv goods you wish. Otlr New Prici List aiul Buzur arc just out, ask tor copies. Address, V- E1CEAEDS 5c DEO. Oct.2d. Augusta, Ga , 301 Broad Street. Cotton, Manilla & Jute Bone, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. HUBS, SPOKES, BUGGY WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, VICES BELLOWS. HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., Manufacturer’s Agents for the salo ot , Fairbank’s Standard Scales. • ••• ' 7 •: . / . > ; • 1 .1 » * : * . ;f • ** . I WINSIIIP AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED Cotton Gins, Cider Mills, Syrup Mills and Evaporators, Watt Plows^ Farmers' Friend Plows, Pumps, Circular Saws, etc. tiT*Any article in onr lme not in stock, will be ordered when desired, with the leaa possible delay. sa declO-ly Call and Examine Onr Stock and Prices. 2STotice. , i • t r * All persons having certificates of stock in Athens Street Railroad, will please preset t them to James 11. Huggins tor record, so that the proceeds of the salo of property of said road may be delivered among tlie stockholders on t he first day of November. This October 7th, 1877. JAMES II. HUGGINS, R. K. REAVES. octO-lm. J. D. P1TTARD. R. Will practice in the Su|ierior Courts ot Jack- son, Madison, Banks nnd Clarke counties. Special attention giveu to collection of claims. Refers to Judge A. M. Sneer, Griffin, Ga., and lion. J. T. Spence, Jonesboro’, Ga. octil-tf. T. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Harmony Grove, Jackson County, Ga., UOTICB! F rom and after this date all persons are hereby forbidden to limit with ’ or Gun on my plantation, situated in the t of the Oconee River. Any one disregard ing this notice will be prosecuted. Oct2-2in. JOHN R. WRITE. BLACKSMITH’S TWO SHOPS FOR 1877. Ouo ut the old stund in front ot Messrs. GANN & REAVES, The other on the road to the upper bridge and op]iosite Mr. JOHN Z. COOPER’S, Livery Stable. We have first class workmen HORSE SHOEHTG of every description, Plating and Coxcavk Shoes Manufactured to order. WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, And all kinds of Farming Machines and Im plemenls repaired on short notice. janD-tf. ■Wanted. EMPLOYMENT either as a Tanner, Engi neer, or Carpenter. Good references irivcu, and wages reasonable. Address, J. 11. R., cure of Athens Georgian, Athens, Ga . jnv22- tf NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. WILEY F. H000 AND 'LINTON W. STEPHENS HAVE OPENED A MULT AND FANCY GROCERY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS STORE, “ K,SG ' UNDER THE FIRM OF HOOD c&3 STEPHENS, AT BARRY'S CORNER, SP.OAD STR1 ET, NEAR NATIONAL BANK,: IWliere You Will Always Find a Splendid Stock of £ FLOUR, BACON, LARD, SALT, SYRUP, MOLASSES. CHEESE, MACKEREL, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, ElC., ETC., KE ROSIN E OIL AND LAMPS. CIGARS & TOBACCO, POWDER, SHOT AND CAPS, OYSTERS, SARDINES, LOBSTERS,BJ * PICKLES, JELLIES, FRUIFS AND VEGETABLES, FANCY CANDIES, RAISINS, NUTS AND CRACKERS, Of all kinds, and all other coods usually kept in a Grocery Store, as well a* a selection of the Best LI COES, BLEACHING, CHECKS,STRIPES, JEANS, LI SEYS, TICKING, THREAD, SICES, etc. We sell GOOD- as cheap as any llou-e in the city, and rcsiec-tfully solicit a share of the public patronage. naTCOUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FO.. GOODS.TPB Remember he place, BARRY’S CORNER, Broad street, Athens, Georgia. sep25*3ni Hood <& Stopnons. body in- CalL Broad Street. Over Burke’s Book Store. Athens Foundry and Machine Work STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! I am now offering for sale at Low Prices, The following celebrated Cook Stoves, all cf which are warranted equal toauy offered in this market. GATE CITY, BEST, CRICKET, PALMETTO. Cull and see before purchasing. J. C. W ILKINS. * Pew ’ HE ADQUAR1 ERS For First Glass and Fashionable Dry Seeds In opening the Fall Season, wo take pleasure in placing before our friends and the public generally, the most complete stock ©f Dry Hoods ever displayed in the Southern States, consisting in part of a Magnificent line of Black Silks. All the new shades in Colored Silks—various grades. The most decided novelties in Colored Dress Hoods. Black Goods of every description. Hosiery, Notions, Corsets, Ties, Gloves, Linens, Damasks, Cassimeres, Flannels, etc. Our Cloaks—to arrive—will be equal to any ever exhibited in New York, London or Paris. To summarize: v Ve offer a stock of Fall Dry Goods which, in every department for variety, elegance mid cheapness, stauds un rivalled. oct2-3m. JAMES A. GUAY & CO. LIVERY, FEED HD SHE STABLE, Athnaa, Georgia. GANN & REAVES, PROPRIETORS. Will be found at their old stand, rear Frank lin House building, Thomas street. Keep aj- ways on hand good Turnouts and careful dri vers. Stock well cared for when entrusted to our care. Stock on band for sole at all times. deelStf. A-THEilsrS, <3- .A.. General Founders nnd Machinists, Pattern Making, Smithing and Repairing, Mining and Mill Machinery, Manufacturers of • Circular Saw Mills, Steam Engines, Horse Powers Threshers, Fan Mills. Bark Mills, Cauo Mills’ Gin Gearing, Cotton Presses, etc., etc. ’ Agent for Cook’s Celebrated Evaporating Pans, Cardwell’s Separators, Turbine Water Wheels aud Agricultural Engines. Prices sent upon application to 1L NICKERSON, Agent. jnne26-2m. For Sale or Rent! A small house, convenient to the business portion of the city. Also, For Sale Only, A cottage house containing seven rooms, with all necessary out-buildings, and two acres of land attached. M. C. SLEDGE ang7-4t. J, As General Insurance Agent, STo. 5 Broad St, Athoa3, Ga , gs and Mcrcliandis . espectfully solicits a lusnres GINS, Dwellings Mid Merchandise, Res in the city or country, share of your patronage, Represents first class Companies only, oct'.S-lm SEND IN YOUR Subscription for the Georoian Por 1878. WILSON & COMPANY, Bankers and Brokers, Dealers in Stock Privileges, U. S. Bonds, Cotton and Miscellaneous Securities, etc. The greatest opportunity ever before offered for investment. 1,000 dollars made from investment of 200 dollars in 30 days. Smaller amounts invested will pay in proportion. Investments, Urge or small, can be trebled in 30 days. We sett or purchase as desired 5 shares of stocks and upward on margins ot from one to two per cent. fiy-Lettera of Credit and Drafts payable in any part of Europe and America, issued for the convenience of travelers. . Full information sent on application. WXX.SOXT c& CO., 35 and 37 Broad St., P. O. Box 2485, NEW YOHK, Near Gold and Stock Exchange. octl6-8m. For Sale. A second-hand Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine; has been bnt little used and is in per fect order. For sale cheap for cash. Apply at augSft-tf. THIS OFFICE Auction! I have associated W. A. England with me in tlie Auction business, who will give prompt attention to the sale of property and ’ - oil kinds. VERONEE & ENG -ulyl7-lm. goods ot LAND. BURPEE & BRO., Carriage, Buggy and. "Wagon Alakers, At the shop lately occupied by P. Benson, nea Gunn & Reaves’ stable, ATHENS, GA-, Are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line at short notice, in the most SUPERIOR. STYLE, and at os REASONABLE RATES as the same class of work can be done. They are prepared to pat up Carriages, Bug gies and Wagons in ANY STYLE, and invite those having new work put up, to call before its imperfections are covered with paint, and BESTQUALlTY. eri,a4 ° f **** REPAIRING AND PAINTING A SPECIALTY. Ail work done in this line warranted to give satisfaction, both aa tc style and price. Harness Making and Repairing. They arc also prepared to make or repair Harness. Having secured the services of a Thoroughly Competent Workman in this branch of the business, all they ask is a trial, that all mav be convinced of the SUPE RIORITY OF THEIR WORK and the Reason ableness of their Charges. |gy~Be sure to call on them and examine, their work and prices. julySl-Sm