The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 27, 1877, Image 8

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/ THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: NOVEMBER 27, 1877. From Washington CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Washington, November 21.—-The House occupied all day in the consid eration of the deficiency bill, which appropriated $1,500,000. The two principal items were to pay judgments on court claims and the salaries of postmasters. On motion of Mr. Waddell, of South Carolina, and amendment was adopted, rendering available for the steamer service of the post-office, carrying the mails on other than rail road and steamboat routes, $700,000 heretofore appropriated, but not ex pended. The motion, however, was voted down in the House. No fur ther action was taken on the bill. Confirmation—The Senate was in executive session over an hour, and only succeeded in confirming Win. I. Hnnter as receiver of public monies at Hayes City, Kansas. The President ha9 signed the army and navy deficiency bill. The injunction of secrecy has been removed from ilie eifcoittiye proceed ings of the Senate regarding San Domingo matters. It * is unknown whether this action is'intended to unearth or to : bury scandal. 7 M. | < The Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shows an increase of a million : in the revenue from dis tilled spirits. The total increase in the internal revenue, from all sources, bacco, aaj the revenue tberJmotn is largely increased, especially on ciga rettes. <m • im * - iny The habeas corpus case of Senator Patterson wa3 Tosumed to-day. Ar gument was commenced to-day, and promises to occnpy several days. In the Scqate, tbi$ afternoon, Mr. Conk- ling, for the Republican senators, demanded' an immediate voters a motion of Mr. Hoar to lay on tbo table the resolution of Mr. Thurman to discharge the Committee on Priv ileges and Elections from" the further consideration of the credentials of M. C. Butler ns senator from South Carolina. The Democratic senators opposed this motion, aud io carry the matter over until to-morrow, Mr. Thurman submitted a motion for an executive session which was.agreed to—yeas 30, nays 29. Messrs. Cono ver, of Florida, and Davis, of Illinois, voting with the Democrats in favor of the executive session. Tim deficiency bill that was before the House to-day does ndt contain tlio item to defray the expenses of j {j£h , "K*2i 0ii< the President’s Louisiana commissian. There was such an item in the bill as originally reported from the commit tee on appropriations, but subse quently that bill was withdrawn and recommitted, and as reported back it omiled all reference to the Louisiana commission. It is surmised that this change of mind on the part of the committee was caused by a desire to avoid a text for a political discussion that might be both dilatory and ex ceed. The committee on elections of the House has postponed tlw Colorado case until the regular session. In the Senate, the Silver bill was reported after the executive session. Mr. Thurman’s resolution to dis charge the committee on privileges and elections from.further considera tion of the Senatorial contest from South Carolina, was discussed to ad journment The elections committee of the House appointed’s sub-commit tee composed of Turney, Cobb and Thornburge, on the Florida contest case, Finley vs. Bisbce. FOCRLITTLESENATOKS. removed without cause. The re maining thirty-four senators are so pledged. The four delinquents are senators Chris'.ianey, Hoar, Matthews and Burnside. They will not act under an arbitrary rule, but prefer to use their own judgment in reference to particular cases. The question of whether the Demo crats will vote solid to confirm the President’s appointments, but there is no that they will do all they can to secure a break in the Republican ranks. Senator Tliurman told a gentleman to day that while he did not vote lor the passage of ilie tenure of office act, he believed it ought to be executed as long as it stood upon the. statute books. This remark is regarded as an intimation that he will vote with Conkling and the Republicans to reject the Presi dent's appointments. As long as Christiancy, Burnside, Matthews and Hoar stand out, they have the balance of power, there being only four Republican majority in the Senate, anc! the question was put at them directly in caucus on Saturday, whether they would split their party fer the President’s sake. Another question put to them was, where would President Hayes’ di vision in the Republican party be when it would divide on the ratio of thirty-four to four. These questions were not answered, but will be the first time a lest vote is taken. The prevailing belief is that these four senators will not be compelled tp . array themselves against their party, because first, the majority will try tp prevent an opportunity occur ring, and the minority will try to avoid the opportunity should one occur. It seems very probable that_the York and Chicago Custom ise appointments, which would offer a test case in one of the disputed points, and Democratic nominations which would offer a test in the other points, will be buried in the pigeon holes of the committee room for the next week, when the Senate will adjourn, and they will die natural deaths. In this way, a split in the Republican party will be avoided, and time will be trusted to bring a solution of the complications and harmony. THE TRI-WEEKLY GEORGIAN FOR 1877. AND 1878, -A. LIVE JOURNAL, Devoted to the Material Prosperity OF- NORTHEAST GEORG JA -TO- hi a-13: RICES! I have the Largest and Finest. Stock I have ever offered to the public of READY-MADE CLOTHING, IIATS AND FURNISHING GOODS, and wiU sell them Cheaper than the same grade of goods can be sold by any bouse in tbe State. I hare also in my Merchant Tailoring Department a fine selection of imported Cloths, Cassiuicres and Fancy Suitings of tbe very neatest patterns and styles, which will be made up to order in the very best manner and a perfect fit guaranteed to all who will favor me with their patronage, Particular at tention given to making Large Men’s Clothing and satisfaction given. Also SHIRTS and DRAWERS made to order for Men and Boys. I have made great improvement in Manufacturing Shirts, and can get them up at short uotice. Open back and front. Novl3 S. iTOElSAXr, 228 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. COME AND SEE I • 9 A complete stock of Fall and Winter S t r n v j -AND- ; C j .es/rcXIecr: THE CITY OF ATHENS, .jasisim ‘mo x tm A _ ' r>. f* + «• V V V <K V: ' COMMERCIAL.. TUB ATHENS M A FRETS. COKKBCTED BY Til* MXBCHANTS EXCHANGE. COTTON—Middling 10c.. OT 5iCOk. ,U OJCli r j i'- . ■THE- FACTORY GOODS. Cotton Yarns Osnaburgs.—........ % Shirting l % Sheeting,.— PROVISIONS. Flour — Coro, pr bu - Meal’, •• Wheat “ —_ Bacon, Sides,- shoulders- ITIIO HOLD CHE BALANCE OF PONTO IN TOE SENATE I Washington, November 20.—The determined effort of the Republican senators to keep their caucus pro- ceedings secret, has been only par tially successful, and as more of what ■was said and done leaks out, it is seen that the original reports were very nearly accurate, ana the position of tbo senators towards the President bus not been misunderstood. Four Republicans decline to pledge themselves to vote against the con firmation of Democrats appointed to office and persons appointed to suc ceed good officials who bave been a Ho 10 a 12 « a 6% w » 86 00 a 8 00 85 85 • 90 l 85 1 25 n1 50 ;8a8H 5a 6 IS a 15 11 a 12 3 a 00 a 00 a 20 15 a 20 50 15a 25 Sweet Cotck c ns - Turkeys Butter.. ... LEATHER. Hemlock Leather upr. Leather...... Ilarn. •* Calfskins Kip Skins - Dry Hides Green Hides.....-..— BAGGING, TIES, ROPE. Bogging pr yd Ties — Rope, cotton — Rope,grass - i5a20 The above are retail prices. Sped ml rates to wholesale buvera. GROCERIES. Sugar, crushed, “ A “ B “ C •25 a 25 85 a 40 40 a 48 855 OOaCO 00 24 00140 00 8 OOalO 00 4 00a 500 12V A “ Honiarara. —.... Coffee, Kio Laguayra Java ....... Tea, —... Syrup, cane...... Molasses, Cuba....— Caudles, sperm— - adamant— tallow—— ............ Cheese, State English Dairy— Onions, per bu.—— Starch- —— TaUow. Rice, per lb— —. Mackerel, No. l.klts... •• No. 2, Kits... “ No. 3, Kits... Salt, Per Sack... Chewing tobacco—. Smoking. Snuff, Maccaboy.— American, - , Havana AMMUNITION. Powder— per lb - Shot •« » Lead •• 1“ Caps, per box. Com whiskey. —.... French brandy.. Holland Gln... L1QLORJ. American Gin.— - Bourbon whlakey Wines—— — HARDWARE. Iron, 8wedes, pr lb....... English..— Nails,*pr keg—— — . Cotton Cards—— Horse Shoes- — “ “ Nalls Mule Shoes, per keg——— 11%* 12 10a 10% 11a i2 ,! isl 25a 27 28a SO 75a! 25 !«a 75 60a CO 40a 50 16a 20 12a lb 10a 15 12a 18 75al 00 Wo « 1 75 1 50 8125 48al 25 60al 00 . r» 1 i 838 00a 60 . 75 OOalOO 25a 85 12a 10a 10a 20 61 85a 00 . 6 00a 12 00 8 00a 7 00 1 50a 8 00 1 50a 4 0C 1 50alP 00 3aS 3o5 (Si 2 75 CO 600 20a25 0 00 TRI -WEEKLY GEORGIAN Will supply its readers with the most accurate, complete and trustworthy accounts of current events transpiring in different parts of the country, and in addition will contain choice selections of 'miscellaneous articles, and it will be the aim of the publisher to make it an indispensable Newspaper to the business man, farmer and mechanic. TERMS-S4.00 Fer Annum. : • ' K n \ i ft Dry Goods and Groceries, Tobacco and Cigars i.r Fifty Boxes Assorted Grades. Saddlery and Harness. A^COMPLETE STOCK OF CHEAP SADDLES, BOOGY, HACK AND EXPRESS HARNESS. G.jJ'1 U i i (.A.good stock of SHOES AND LEitHER. TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY. A large and varied assortment. • , . A COMPLETE STOCK r id P “ J&&, ' OF ALL GRADES, FOR TABLE OR ORNAMENTAL PURPOSES. LAMPS. Glass, Brass nod Tin, of nil eta* 2nd prices, from 25 cent* to $10 each. A nice line of Perkins <& 1 House’s Saifcty Lamp’, bought since the decline in prices. Also, i. g«o<l stock of Lanterns w u., »«i Kerosirie Fire T«*t.t Ltobricating Oil for Gins, Mills, Sewing Machines and Tanner’s Oil. X,I3Vr2U- 11 - A good stock of Lime for Agricolt aral and Building purposes always on hand. I. will sell tho above stock of goods at lowest prices for cash, or exchange for country produce. I challenge competition in prices aUd quality of goods. Mr. JOHNNIE MOOBEis still with me. Mr. T. M. BROOKS, of Jefferson, will also be glad to fee ltia friends from Jackson and sniToumliu-r country. Come and see, and be convinced. Thankful for former liberal natronage and ask n continuance of same. oct30-2m. J. H. HUGGINS. Read the Mews! Strike in Athens! Talmadge, Hodgson & Go. HAVE STRUCK The Very Bottom Prices. LARGE ARRIVALS DAILY' OF THE WEEKLY GEORGIAN. Our Weekly will continue its present size, and offers great inducements to advertisers. We have a subscription list ot Two Thousand bona fide subscribers, and circulates largely in all the counties of Northeast Georgia, and we will make it, as heretofore, an interesting Fireside Companion. • TERM8~$2.00 3?er Annum. iDdflu vlti 11 Dll6 £86iU 1211110 •i -m. : • !i i.; F* •vxlq-i! - Notice to T&z Payers! I will bo found at the following places, upon dates given: ATHENS, until November 9th. BJBRADBURY SHOP November 10th. SAVE’S MILL November I2th. WINTERVILLE November 14th. | GEORGIA FACTORY...November 15th. F. B. LUCAS, fiTax Collector Clarke County’J OUR NEW JOB OFFICE. With a new supply of Job Type, rules and figures, we are i ' r ■' ■ prepared to turn out, at short notice, every description of work in our line. Railroad Blanks, Abstracts, Tags, Bill and Letter Heads, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Envelopes, etc Our presses are new and our workmen unsurpassed. Broad Street. ^Athens. Georgia. Corn, Flour, Meat, Sugar and Coffee, AND ALL KINDS OF Groceries and Provisions. We"control the product of the Finest Mills in tie South. CHOICE, KENNESAV, MARIETTAS EXTRA . Every Sack Warranted to give Satisfaction Bagging and Ties a Specialty. Special Arrangements made for Supplying Grangers and Din ners in Large Lots Cheaper than Anybody. EADQUARTERS FOR ATHENS FACTORY GOODS. Jeans, Yarns, Linseys, Kerseys, Shirting, Sheet- ng, Checks, and Stripes at Factory Prices. We Can’t Be Undersold. BRING US YOUR COTTON AND GET THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH. WE HAVEJJUST BUILT si mew mrroM w&eebi@wme» ■ i : And have the Finest Facilities for handling Cotton with Speed and Accuracy. AGENTS FOB THE CELEBRATED Orange Rifle Powder, The most satisfactory POWDER ever sold in Athens—Try it once and you’ll not use any other PROCTOR & GAMBLE’S CELEBRATED SOAPS SOLD AT FACTORY TRICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ON EVERYTHING. SEND IN' YOUR Subscription for the Georgian IFor 1878.