The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, December 08, 1877, Image 3

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-Jfcr .QQVYEJEEHL .MW 4 smiia, Schedule Norttieaslim Railroad. A. LIVE JOURNAL, Devoted to the Material Prosperity .SBSMUJ On 13d , 011 North row teru Railroad will rim as follows. All trains daily exoupt Sandal Leave Athens. 4.00 A. M Leave Allantu via A L. R. K 6.00 A. M‘ £ St EVENING TRAIN Leave Athens...........1...... *.00 Br M. cave Atlanta via A. L. R. R 5.00 P. M. i.eave Luia 3.00 P. M. Arrive at Alliens.. j 10.45 P. M. Both trains connect ut Lula with passenger ruins 011 Air-Line Rai road going botu .North md West. J. M. EDWARDS, je5-tf Superintendent. >■ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN^ * ' ,:l WHISKY HRjkttDY AND WINE. THE CAPITAL., M 11 "ftiffiftcd Weekly bf ,,ri " LME.OAPltAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, ; , t» Street, Washingtofa D. C. I i 0.?*K 3'IATT— -.Editor '.inns: Ivr year, (including postage) $2 50; « . uouths, *L 50; three months, 75 cents—in a . ,<uee. Single copies, five cents. , . ’i». obi': Teu copies to one address, $20 in ad- , vi; ,yo, with one copy free. Twenty! copies to ■a ddress, $85 iu advance, with one wv f*ea. \ ) -OF NORTHEAST GrEORCxTA. •AND- THE CITY OF ATHENS. . » gMuiMMMWi—Hi:iWaWnMM 0 TIIKIB STOCK ITIUi BE CLOSED OUT COST. We have now on hrnd a large.lot of the best BRANDIES, WHISKIES, The different editious of Tug fctnrdtjring the next year will be the same as during the year that has just passed. The daily edition will on week days be a sheet of foitr pages, and on Sundays a sheet of eight pages, or 56 broad the weekly edition will bo a TWIT’S TUTT’S T1 IT’S Trrrs TWIT’S tu r rs TCTT1 HEED THE Words of Advice, PILL* PILL: pill: PILLS PILLS PILLS •s-RESPECTFULLY offered by illLS TWIT’S "■ W. H. Trrr. M.D.. for many pn.LS tiitt's years Demonstrator of Anatomy in pi, t g »*>” Medical College of Georgia. TUT I 3 Thirty years’cxiierlence In the EJI'fS TOTT’Spni t .ucc of medicine, together with PILLb j TUTT’S nfti«u years’ test of Tutt’s Pills, PILLS TUTT’S ami the thousands of testimonials PILLS of the same dimensions are already familiar to <«r ■THE TRI-WEEKLY GEORGIAN Will supply its readers with the most accurate, complete ;,ml trustworthy accounts of current events transpiring in tliftcrent-parts of the country, and in addition will contain rh'/ice selections of miscellaneous articles, and it will be the : .\, n „f the publisher to make it an indispensable Newspaper i 1 the business man, farmer and mechanic. TEE?MS—S4.00 3?er Annum. MITIOE. Augusta, 6a., May 1st, 1876. On alter Monday, May 1st, 1*76 ■ lie Passenger trains on the Georgia ilailroad will run as follows, viz: JDav Passenger Train wilt| Leave Athens at 9.00 A. M. Arrive ut Augusta at 4.00 P. H. Arrive at Atlanta at 4.00 r. si. Leave Augusta ut....... 8.00 a. si. Leave Atlanta ut 8.00 a. si. Arrive at Athens at x.55 p. n Nl«ur PASSENGER TltAtS. Leave Athena at.... 9.50 p. si. Arrive at Augusta at 7.35 a. si. Arrive at Atiauta at 5.25 a. si Leave Augusta ut 8.20 P. SI. Leave Atlanta at ...10.30 p. v. Arrive at Athens at 6.50 a.m. Passenger* from Atlanta, Athens, Wash- ilgtoa, or any point on the Georgia Railroad ind Branches, by taking the Day Passenger .’rain, will make close connection at Cainak vith Train <or Mili.-dgeville and Macon, deeping Cars on Night Passenger Trains. S. K. Johnson’Superintendent. aprilO-tt OfTTiMM Air-Line. CONDENSED TIME CARD. ATLA.N lb\ —TO— pSlA.STJdiS.l'NT OITX2U55 ! VIA KICUMOND, Leave ATI ANTA ....4.00 p x Arrive at Charlotte 6.15 p v I Arri.’e at Danville 1.16 i» m ! Arrive at Richmond 8.23 i* si Arrive at Washington, 1>. C., Via. R., F. & 1*. R. E 1.10 a v Arrive at Baltimore 3.15 a si Yrrive at Philadelphia 6.40 a vi Arrive at New York 9.45 a si Arrive at Boston 8.30 p v Leave Atlanta 4.00 p si Arrive at Charlotte 6.15 a vi (via. vikoima midland EOCTE.) Arrive ui Danville I.i6 p si Arrive at Lynchburg 4.01) p si Arrive at Washington City 1.30 a si Arrive at Biltimore 3.15 a si Arrive at Philadelphia 6.40 a si \irive at New A'ork... 9.45 a si Arrive at Boston 8.30 c si Through Tickets on sale at Union Passenger Depot. Bagg ge Checked Through. G. J. KOREACKE. General Manager. W J. HOUSTON, Ob”, '‘ass. ,0 Ticket Ao’, WI$F2B„ -^AND— ' diseased liver. They are not rec- , 2 •J.CTT- onmiended for ail the Ills that afflict * }f' , | TCTf’S humanity,hutforDvaiiepsla. Jairn- PILLS TUT rs dice. CoiHtlpatlc-.. Piles, SViu Dis- TU TT’S cases. Bilious Colic. Khe.imatUm, PILLS TUTT’S Palpitation of the Heart. Kidney PI 1,1,8 columns; while sheet of eight and character th friends. The Sun will continue to be the strenuous advocate of reform and rfetrenchmcnt, and oi the substitution of fiptfqgm«p»hir» ( Integrity'for hollow pretence, Imbecility,' and fraud in the administration of pbblic affairs. ’ )t will contend lor the government of the peen’e by the people and for the people, as opposetf to government by frauds in the ballot-box anil in the counting of votes, enforced by military violence. It will endeavor to supply its readers —a body now not far from a million of sou Is— with the most careful, complete, and trustworthy uccouuts of current events, and will employ for this purpose u numerous and carefully selected etaff of reporters aud correspondents. Ita re- Imported Brandies. AVe also have a large lot of CIG-ARS, which will be sold out ut COST between thi and the First Bay of January. Come and examine our TU IT’S WWT vegetable' lives pills TUTT’S PILLS. PILLS TUTT’S : S PII.L8 TUTT’S •: TUTT’S PILLS : PILLS TUTT’S : CUKE SICK HEADACHE. • PILL8 TUTT’S 1 : PILLS TUTT’S : - : PILLS TUTT’S : TUTT’S PILLS : PILLS TUTT’S : REQUIRE N » CHANGE OF , PILLS TUTT’S • DIET. : PILLS TUTT’S ! ,,,, ,,, * PILLS TUTT’S — : PILLS TUTT’S : TUTT’S PILLS 5 PILLS TUTT’S -ARE PURELY VEGETABLE.: PILLS TUTT’S ... PILLS TUTT’S : — - PILLS TUTT’S ! TOTVS PILLS • PILLS TUTT’S • NEYEB GRIPE OR NAUSE- • TILLS TUTT’S : ATE. • PILLS TUTT’S : > TILLS TUTT’S “i PILLS TUTT’S j THE DEMAND FOB TUTT’S: PILLS TUTT’S -PILLS I* not confined to thU- TILLS TUTT’S .conntry.bntextendstoallparts* TILLS TUTT’S -of tho world. : TILLS TUTT’Sl - - PILLS TUTT’S • - - j PILLS TUTT’S • ACLEARHEAD.-tMttclimbs,: PILLS TUTT’S ieood digestion, sound steep,: PILLS TUTT’S :buoyant spirits, fine appetite,: PILLS TUTT’S rare some of the results of the* PILLS TUTT’S i use of TUTT’S PlhliS, SPILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TUTT’S ™' : PlhLS TUTT’S : Afl A FAMILY MEDICINE : PILLS TUTT’S : TUTT’S. PILLS ARE THE ; PILLS TUTT’8 : BEST—PERFECTLY HARM- ; PILLS TUTT’S : LESS. : PILLS TUTT’S ..a : PILLS TUTT’S : : PILLS TUTT’S : SOLD LVERYWHERE. • PILLS TUTT S : PRICK, TWENTY-FIVE CTS. • PILLS TUTT’S : —.* PILLS TUTT’S : ''ILLS TUTT’S : PRINCIPAL OFFt t E : PILLS TUTT’S : 18 MURRAY STREET, : PILLS TUTT’S : MEW YORK. : PILLS TUTT’S : — PILLS ports from Washington, especially, will be foil, TUTT’S humanity, but for Dvsiiepsla.Jami-PJbtia accurate, nnd fearless; aud it will doubtless TUTriSdlce.Coustipatjc-j.PIhj^ykin^DD-PiLLS coutiuuo to deserve and etyoy the hatred ol those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurping what the iaW does not give them while it will endeavor to merit the confidence ot the public by defending the rights of the people against ,the encroachments of unjustified power The price of the daily Scn will be 55 cents a month or $6.50 a year, post paid, or with the Sunday edition $7.70 a year. The Sunday edition alone, eight pages, $l.Sj year, post paid. The Wezklv Sum,"'eight pages of 56 broad columns, will be furnished during 1877 at the rate of $1 a year, post paid. , The benefit of this large reduction fi om the previous rate for the Wskkly can be enjoyed by udividual subscribers without the neeersitv ol making up clubs. At tbe same time, if any ot our friends choree to aid in extending our circu- ation, wo shall be grntefhl to them, and every tncb person vvlio sends ns ten or mere sub scribers from one pl:« e will be entitled to one copy of the paper for himself, without charge. At one dollars ycur, postage paid, the expenses of paper uud printing are barely repaid; and, cot sidering the size or the sheet and the quality of its contents, we are confident the people will consider The Weekly Scn the cheapest new-s parer published in the world, and we trust also one of the very best. Address, ■Vet9. T'flRSUN, New York City, N.Y and secure BARGAINS. The Gainesville Eagle. Has the largest Cir.-a’.ation ia Northeast Georgia, Anil is Read by over 9,000 Persons! SCUPPERNONG WINE A‘L25, BBSS., Etc., idways cn hand. I STERN & SAULTER. - . ” -iSr Athens, Nov. 13th.- THE SOUTHERN SIDE; OR IHOESSOIIIILLE PH: THEWEERLYGEORGIAS. Our Weekly will continue its present si/e, and offers great inducements to advertisers. We have a subscription list ot Two Thousand bona fide subscribers, and circulates largely in all the counties of Northeast Georgia, and we will make it as heretofore, an interesting Fireside Companion. TERMS -S2.GO Per Annum. It ia the best advertising medium of auy pa per in existence, for seven large counties, and equal to any other paper i:a teu other counties. I. doe* the county advertising for Hall, Banks. Towns, White, Union and Daws 'u coun ties, the city of Gainesville, and the internal revenue department for the ^»i«ion of the 2nd district. Now u tiii: Time to Suiia ’—The Const!- ! tutional Couvemion will assemble on Wiidnet* I day, litli day of July next, and it is the inton- f the Eagle to watch the proceedings and post its readers. It will contain a weekly let ter from an able correspondent, who will not only give the proceedings of the Convention, in a condensed form, but t he current news of the nnitol, in the most attractive nnd interesting style. . It is Vau’able as a Family I’apsk.—Farm and household interests are carefully provided for iu iw columns, white the education and the morals of the country receive, and will continue to receive, the most careful consideration of the editorial management. Mining, raechauical nnd manufactniingiiidastriea will oa no account be neglected, and the mercantile and market in terests will also be particularly attended to. The News Department will be kept up t tho highest standard of country journalism, and neither enterprise nor expense will be spareil to make the Kaolk one or the very best I weeklv newspapers in nil the land. Ix Politics the Ragle will n lliero to the - Old Guard” Democracy, ap’ roving whatever is goad, and censuring* whatever is bad, in State and Federal Administrations; and. outlie progressive theory of a “Solid South,” will drive straight ahead for the complete rescae ot American Institutions, a return to constitutional methods, and the electim if a representative Democracy ia 1880. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ’.t) One year $2 00 Six months 1 00 Three months 50 Remit by Postal Order, Registered Letter, or through Ageuts, at our risk. Addrrss, CAREY W. STYLES. Editor and Proprietor Eagle, Gainesville, Ga. Compiled from ^Official Documents in the hands ot Is STEVENSON, M. 0 BE, TUTT’S EXPECTORANT. This unrivaled preparation has per formed some of the most astonishing cures that are recorded in the annals of history. Patients suffering for years from the various diseases of the Lungs, after trying different remedies, spending thou sands of dollars in traveling and doutoi-t ing. have, bv the use of a few bottles, entirely recovered their health. “ WON’T GO TO FLORIDA,” New York, A-ignat 30.1870. D R. TUTT: Dear Sir :-W6a in Aiken, last winter, I used your Rxpectoran: for my couch, and realised more benefit from it than anythin? I ever took 1 am so well that I will not go to Florida next winter as I intended Send me ot-o dosen bottlei. by express, for som. friends. ALFRED CUSHING, 133 West I nirty-ilrst Street “ Boston, January 11,1374. This certlfles that I hsvo recommended the use o' Dr. Tutt’s Expectorant for diseases or the lungs for the past two years, and to my knowledge many bottles havo been used by my patient, with tho hap piest results. In two oases whore it was thought oon- flrmed consumption had taken place tho Expectorant effected a cure. &• H. SPRAGUE, N.D. "We can not speak too highly of Dr. Tutt’s Ex* pectorant, and for tho sake of suffering humanity hope It may beoome more generally known.”—CuatS Formerly Surgeon in the Army of the Con federate Stated of America; Chief Surgeon of tlieCo itederatc States Prison Hospitals, Auder- sonville, Gcotgin; Surgeon and Medical Pur veyor of tlie Confederate States Prisons East: of the Mississippi river. Together with a review of a portion of the testimony of tho witnesses in the celebrated “ Wirz Trial,” and brief notices ot some of tbe works that appeared on Southern Prisons by Northern Authors, WITH AXT APPSamCSr Containing the names of about 13,000 Union Soldiers who died at Andersouville; giving number of their graves, their rank, the Compa nies and Regiments to which they belonged, and the date bf their dea h. as registere'd by tbe anther and others. Also, Cause aud Classification of (bo Diseases incident to Prison Life; Comparative Strti- ments of Prisoners captured, and deaths in Northern and Southern Prisons; A Chapter on the Exchange Bureau, etc., etc CQXTBXTXORTS = This work is printin'!, from new, nlear type, in Price •1.00 One Large Octavo Volume nearly 500 Pages, l OCR NEW JOB OFFICE. With a new supply otJTob Type, rules and figures,iwo are prepared to turnout, at short notice, every description’!* work in our line. Railroad Blanks, Abstraets,Tags, Bill and letter Heads, Posters, Handbills. Circulars, Cards, Envelopes, etc Our presses are new and our workmen unsurpassed. BroadHStreet. Athens- Georgia. ItXilliEkOi y Opening I ZNffISS O. JuSwiaCHlS Will open a select assortment ot PPATT33RN HATS, On 24th and 23th October, And all the rovelties in New York Millinery and Ladies Neckwear. LATEST STYLE HUSTLES. Best: Berlin! Zip’nr at I5e nsr «vmm Canvas Perforated Card board, Crooliot Net sib-* Ac. Special attention given to order*. Call early id bf: convinced, i.t auccsa cs. jamss oct23-2m Atbsns, Georgia For Sale. WITH SEVEN FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS AND A MAP. * % It will be delivered to subserbers al the billowing prices: Beaattfilljr Bound in Enzllah Cloth $3 «0 “ ” Sheep, 4 Oh “ “ llalM'air, 5 00 Payment to be made on Re ceipt of the Work. Bensons giving their signatures to tnese conditions, will be considered snbsciibcrs to tliis Work. But no obligation will resf npon any sttb- <cril»er |o receive the book it etjualii, in every respect,.deseriplion given And 'simple shown. TUENBULL BROS.. Publishers. i. E. BITCH, AGENT. ATHENS, GA. For the Efuefit of the Trade of And Northeast Georgia. - BDWHT 2D. WLWTOli, j salesman fop Messrs. Qpdycke. Terry & Steele, White Goods, Notions, Linens, laces and Em broideries. / —AND— General Merchandise Broker. OFFICES: 375 Sr0a.dwa.3ry New TorM —AND WITH— Messrs. Thomas & Fleming: OCK. ATHENS, GA PROSPECTUS OF ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY. Washington, Wilkes Comity, (in. B anling ami Day Sclion I For Young La UNDER THE DIRECTION OF The Sister’s of St. Joseph. T ills INSTITUTION IS PLEASANTLY situated in the suburbs of the beuutifu wii of \\ mriiii gton, one of the mo*t healtliv .pots ill Georgia, having 11 delightful climate tree from all malaria. A beautiful and retired grove, adjacent U> the Academy, will afford, ample facilities for h< aithy rocreiitiou. Parents md Guardians may rr*t satisfied that theSislcrs who direct the i. stitutiou consider thcmsclvea ■aiuud to respond to their coiifideiict- bv strictly ittendiiig to the mor i aud iutcUcctunl improve- I iient of tl cir | n> i!s, and giving them tliat ilivsical cate they would receive ut home. Each oiing ladv must be provided vvitli six toueis. our inbie uai kins, knife, mrk, sjmioh, tun LW, oiiet • oap. etc. The Sc! elastic 1 car is divided lo equal sessions oi five ruontl s each. Fall ession begins • n tl e hirsi Monday in Septcm- ’ r , Spring session begins on the First Monday I ri bruary Pup'-ls ure, howevei, rtceivn. ..t nv time during the • cur—tl i-ii session com oeiicii’g with tl <■ date of th.eir cntrai ce. COURSE OK STUDIES- Orthography, Beading, ritii.g, Grammar, Itlictorie, t oniposiiioii, Hiatoiy, Natural I Idl- sopliy, Geograjihy, Jiotauv, Aiiihuictic, Aige- tra, Ucoim-try, French and Latin Languages, •toe 011 Piano ami Organ, Drawing and l'lrinl- y n \\ titer Colors. Fai.cj \V« rk hmbioidi rv, 5'ax h 'uwers. I : ce. Plain 1 nd Kuncv Necala Work, form no extra charge to Po: rders. TERMS—Payable In Adrance. Board, Tuition, Yv ashing. Use 0/ and Bedding, tor one session 01 5 ui'jiitha.$80 Oft Music on l’iauo. lucluiiing use of instru ment 15 CO Crnvon Draw ing and Painting iu Water Colors 10 00 Vacation of two months, if spent at tlio Acudemy ; 25 00 terniK fer Day Scholars, per (Juartrr in Advaxre. Tuitior iu English aud Freneli t Elementary Class $ 6 CO Intermediate Class 9 00 Senior Class ij to sepll-4w THE NEW YOltK WEEKLY HERALD 4 ABES GOIilKIN BEX NETT, Proprietor.: ; TI10; .Best aud Clieajiest Newspaper TublGhed. POSTAGE ir>RSiE:.. SAM HARRIS, Boot and Slaoe-Malsag, ATHENS, GEORGIA, (Ovlb Jacobs «fc JIiciiabl’s Sro**.) First class work turned out on short notice, ht lilicral prices. Givo ipeaealland gut good material on*l fine work. marcblS-tr Fashionable Hoods. A second-hand Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine; has been bat little used nnd is in per fect order. For wte cheap for easb. Apply at scg29-tf THIS OFFICE J OB WORK OP ALL DESCRIP tion neatly d»ne at this office. HAVE JUST RETURNED FBOM NEW * York witli a full nml carefully selected line of Cloths, comprising west of England Lover- tons, Venetious. Docastor, Suitings, etc., etc., all of tbe best quality and Latest I jndon Styles. Also a line lot of American fabric*, prices to suit the time*. Fancv Susncnders, Neekwesr. Ilsndkt-rclii f* dw., tint comprises novgUies not to ba f juml elsewhere. Okpcju bt l4K. h»«ntT Attikdep to And .«at : sfaction guaranteed. Particula.- at tention given to cutting and makin^ot’chdd ren’s Nm't'Siw Range, Meintoali St., Augusta, Ga. Oc’di-lni. PtR VEAPr 50 CENTS FOR 6 MOKTHS. An Extra Copy to every Club of Ten. 1 Tie H Y. Daily Herald. Vuhltolied every day in thejyeai: Postage Free st o pays for one year, Sundays included. 4B pays for one veai, without Sundays. $3 puys lor six months, Sundays included £4 pays fbr six months without Sundays. £2 payt lor one year for any specified day o. tit week. SI (ays for six months for any specified day ol £ 1 pays for one month, Snndsys included. NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED. Postage Free. Tl ally edition. 2% cents per copy. Sunday edi tion 4 cents per ccpy. YY'eckly edition 2 cents per copy. Address NEW YORK IIEIIALI’, jan23-4m Broadway sod Ann street’’t Y . c%m K1 FGANT CARDS, no two alike, with Zjf) name, 10c.; or 15 Comio Photos or Ac tresses, 10c.; or 20 Fine Scroll Cards, 20 styles, GEORGIA.—Clarke County.— Whereas, Jjlin A. Hunnicntt and Theo dore E. Atkinson, Executors of Mrs. Lner Y Deuprec, dec : d, apply W me for leave to sell, for purpose of division among legatee* of said de- eeastsl, tue folk.wing pro|ierty, to-wit i 2 bonds of the State of Georgia, $1,000 each; 4 bonds of the City of Athens, $500 each; 1 bolid, or se- cqrilv, i f the New Orleans, St. Loais and Chi- cago R. R. Co., tor $8,200; 29 sbareu Bank of the University, ot Aibens, $100 each ; 1 share of Georgia Railroad stock and one lot of land lying in the town ofSeuoia, Coweta eonnty, Ga. containing two acres, more or less— Therefore, all persons interested Arc bereb notified and cited to show cause, at my tffioe, on or before tbe first Monday in Jann&ry next* wbv said leave should tot be granted.. Given under my hand, at office, this 26th day of November, 1877. d4 $5 ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y.