The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, December 18, 1877, Image 1

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PWYERS1TY Of GEORGIA LIBRARY Another \ij|Ste';\ made thj^srJi' . some oite to : it dism^ert for §15,000 tlnoi^O t lio 4iU>' : n0v Gyneis. al’s office/ JfTr. Laiimr cli l not tjtkc offer, oii adiV^e. .Stiil n.iiotlier ^^.vras^)^tef^|j^000y « l!^» he accefAeiV;3Vr«i)s». n»V, ailvirt'i'tyitit ‘V-and Uiqrj.I drew < juhVh' thifrf teacher V came to'not King. • I told Lmti^phaP- lifc -tliose -wetA •gof|^j£«»£*[I* igr&jW- • •*ave vtf0i»ig ity do with •>!fe »$£• I can’t lio Cap " .tain I vetiifil sup” Mr ; Lnmur'.s yacht -AVanricrer was taken, frenv him in the war, and was jiaid for. Sornu p inners of his were got one half of it, and procsiriMlnii order restraining film . fryui getting his gudgnu nt. mi dec , t lie., Court / of ' "hith Jllijfieral ijcrdej* AppOsi-iiu., i<Vrfja ,H *snit ; JnVoiywig •S670»€M.H^ lii-thc. Unitc<i t '^t^tes.'UWrt" in Boston, iur.whicri !u/. ..ahfoytijfcarod as 'counsel for.Lamar •anti inf : the cotton o!ayi&.j^».^ S*, tics • nJai‘Kl'cd^$25.0tf0i. amK got it^gmfg a ref Used tqvjeatftx^tfe^ euiim of/$?£ Herbert .*^»t>fec»^aK<i tiild' Mr. lieHiCi ti ’that lie. had^d- anotrvie tbr hint, and that 8ia Imdr/h j$$r< received arty money piihr for, |Wnv. ^ Mr. Tier,; r " 'i* *1. ^ ten^^lii^JTebcift'a /ja following ?v\ ik ralifis citMentof ’ Qiiacken Y\> have4ake'n 'part uiraaetioiK Natu- over 4 an office, and if j tJfme that heis ex*. JlpOlL ! it - Pit. take thmlB^a Squire ^saidv it-wRl hardly do, and said wo wohjd'coinmetice all again, and ho Indian nrtine al- lowed in the hat. So every person wrote hew names, and the preacher' saysr ‘Now,, no jokea-ihis time$, ate appr'ipt-hrtcv' nud the tided oniv ’ dthciiMbe applied to thisddiv-'dfopfresh -from -heavefi ’ .‘.ygs,! 1 says old Grant, furnished us by he fails, we .'1^, disable for tliawUg a long bow old recollect ns /| One beaut if ijt ymniuic some years ago,, j/ was r my neck ia a larAc ann my fee; resting efyussingl niaiitlepiece, whim I wai interrupted fromgjgr rev only son—i-ommorjty cal (smart child) pushing, liirough the hali-ppen door iltuVslmiK ing at the top of Ifisyoicc ; 4i Ohl Grant. €§Gi||Kt byr- j fliB'oomijWMnton staitled^ii^ not that I was alavvied- at the' tora-h * ' *. # ‘ ’ i S ‘ '• • Mr. Grant bcit|^yttcli aprrejltfgg condition, fbrJEjp 'V that my si*u lav Mm At#** : ‘ Scratehm^backandiHsci-atciis’ yourliaekisUGrant,’ iuidth«:seeond ,pnc w»s r ^pSf!|nra:^frgitt^rant;^uid ^ tv , vv ‘Xiysses .Smith for tm 1 $flu;t,’i aav«"l while ‘ every toiiji -was t " r ® > l ; j. HoUer’Iii' -* jiaHy U bully1’ * old Grant: j said that h^hceir 4>;nikd^»,edinto for the taKeh i i aWofit^thc^ rei 4*‘>ar> 1 consider- ' c0! ( ! ii f ^jS th«?|ivil' sbrvicv >d#irsjf^icak»MB fr^Tcgard'to so'metliinj^ (wi otlier., ah^;, j-fi,,', that hv \youhi '^et: /a name for-that i'h • d leliild ‘ifh.lookhia!'';'.!! record .». ol the i A Suit Abtfilt lawyers’ Fees, pl cy . I In- Sill.flOO tlir.t l I'.-I. Ipstlt r Gi>t anJ in.Wlileli . / / ,i . Mi- Ucrl.K-rl. W.iiUn tSrShiirf. - 1 G.THOMPSON, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, I made them long given legs of 6f-e.\c&j tone 1*. ATTOBNKY .»T LAW, Tociju City, Oil. , Will pntctiuo in al! the counties of tiic Vi’cst- ra Circuit, Hurt and Madison of the Northern hircuir. Will give spcifal Mtluniou to nil chums intrusted to his care. tSl oet2«)-lS75-ly. Lamar Cob». Howeix Cobb. ivaltwuJ-along. ift^gjit jp would Ifc- ! t goed trick to sling one of my long, 1 green legs, circus fashion, over the 1 green lgu*e> vvnsVi ’eaj^I toiiglit nave my trouble. As they iiTr for*]‘ sound I rant’s this city) sued Gen.- 'Berijuinm ktT Butler in the United States Circuit Court of the Eastern District, before iidge Bslropet, ■ y&te rtf:fy 1 a decision denying '.Ire nio*> i liberty to have it renewed ic recCi'd is* 1 back Atheni*, Ga Mthco in Douprec Building;, ■lS76-ly POOR COPY VOL. 0. NO. 13. ATHENS GEORGIA. DECEMB LAW ITOTICBS. Bml Crownei at the Ball. b !S. DOUTCII, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Carncsville, Ga. anlS-lS7S-lf IJACKSON Jk TIIOJIAH, ATTOF.MEY S AT LAW, Atiunp, Ga. TJIE CDSTT ME HE DANCED IN AT HANG- | TOWN AND WHAT HAPPENED TO IT. [From the Virginia (Nev.) Knlfrprse.j Up ill tlie ludi of the l’aeific Coast Pioneers a few evenings ago, several Oi'ftoo South Wciit Cornor of Collego Avenue, j of the “ old boys and a number of aid Clayton Strctt, r.lso at the Court Ilouac. ■ , _ jilt parties desirinc Criminal Warrants, can pet 'alor cOillUlOliers, tilell tl lends ail.l Ihem a-.anv timeby applying to the County j a ,iniirers t were talking over early pilieitor at this ofnee. ilwl'j-lS74-:t ’ ^ J — i days in California. ' “ l shall not forget my lirst ball in LAW, l». Illlil,, ATTORNEY Athens they bad set up a lot of crotches in NAMING Gl^ANT'tS BABY..! Wilkes Booth Grant,’ .and then the which they had laid poles, coverin’ •—-V' Jjf - -! Squire said, ‘ Nowv be-careful, sonny.- the whole with pine and spruce ihaway in \vM.h it—ons ,.r u„. v...v ■ Kememl-t-r, the iiftl( on'Osicjt’i's the boughs, inakin’ a s<ut of canopy. The oi<ie»» iBhabtiaai- t : M«» ti> yiti» u.c t^- pfiii .... , „ , , v . | Story—It' l» Pcrl-y.Ti-AVlMi & p^tes'Sc&t^far * ground h ad ^ been levelled oil and! «c«oiWfviA*toik>?" -*"*****' beaten down till it was like a brick j v yard. ‘i “I found two or three fiddlers w 1 •=»'»■■ »t,.ur .L_ mounted <>n ]iine boxes an i with them a felier wilh a clarinet. Tliey Ohio, who eh in the alleged ttraiisaetion. Natu AT , Ga. Proaipt ativution pven to all iju>ine.<s and nam.1 respectfully solicited. janll-ly DI E U.IIWIOW. [arrow ltros., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1). C. BARimw, Jk. Calilbrira,” said Bad Crown at. “ It was at llangtown, in 1S5'2. Incrossiu’ the plain- 1 , we had al! kinds of bad luck. We had some of our hosse- Wu need ha^fcc not vouch for lb were making jiretty fair music, and a gieit crowd was dancin’away for dear life. ‘■I looked on for a time, blit pretty soon I got excited like, forgot all about my drawers, and sailed into the thick of the business wilh a big Pike stoled by the Injuns, some died, and county : gal, with sun bonnet off | at last we left behind wagons and | everything but what we could carry j on our backs : “It was every feller fur himself in | a short time. I traveled on fofet and | tuck the desperate chances of (hidin’ I grub among sieli wagons and camps ! as I passed. Nearly naked and half starved, I finally got to the Humboldt. 1 found a large party ofleniigrants camped thar for a day or two to rest, , , .. . . ... I wash cloth s, bake bread, and the Si'vmj! attention paul so crmmal practice, i 'or vufc-renco apply to Kx-Gov. T. il. Watts j like ml Hon. Davitl Olopton, Mout^wncrv, Ala. 1 . . . JfRceov.r Po-iomcc Atbcns. Ga. j 1 was a rough lookm eu-toim r. 1 fob: • j imd on an old roumlabmit or waimi* oil.> W. OWEN, that I had wore all the wav from Athens, Ga. Office over V'almadgo, Jlotli'Pon & Co. jjuul-ly j;.TTIU AHHElt, 9 . ATTORNEY at law, Y,’atltins\illf, Go. Onicu in former OrJiimrj’s Office. .ia.n’5-lS7C-ly and hair hauiii* hair way down to lit r he Is. “I can tell you we made the dust fly, I soon saw that, though, my drawers might be a little tight, I had on about the soundest arid gayest rig in the whole place. I looked as though in some kind of masqueradin' outfit self dr mine fly in swingin’ on the corners, and was the wonder ol every man, woman and child at the. ball. I got i so excited about the sensation l was j Pike, trousers that was ready to drop J milkin' that I dll a l kinds of pigeon j oft me, and a pair of moccasins I got | wings and fancy flourishes, bringin’ from a Shoshone Injun for an old j down the .house every time, jack knife. | “‘Go in, green legs!’the fellers “A man at the camp took pity on [outside would holler, and go in I did. me, and, showing mo two^pair of j Fnally a , couple, ^ children eonrie |Fjri.U S. Fitly IN. !RW!N A COBB, attokxkts Askkew .1. Cobb. AT l.AW. Athcus, Ga , and much lietter than inv ohl panta loons 1 j imjicd at t!i<- chance. I washed llie articles and lmng ’em on ' a bunch of willers to dry. “Presently the feller came and Jficc oil Comer of lJioaJ autl Tliomas steeds r Child- 1 , Nickcrion Co. K^SbSi!-! 37ii-l>' FM. < < X ’ll It A N. rTORXTEY £ST I-AW, Gainesville, Ga. heads of the little couple. “I tried il, and left that hall, rmiiiiii’ like a skiercd kiotee, and don’t know that I’ve ever sot eyes on man, woman or child that was thar .took one pair, leavin’the other for j f rom t i, at day to this.’’ jmc. He was a little, spindlin'bit of j *• Guess you have,” said an old la cuss, while I, even at that time, i C l :: p among the listeners. “I was | s tu!\ cd as I was, weighed nigh oil to 1 thar aiul saw the whole performance. 1 “ri l 1 * j l <u pouiu.r. was my oldest gal you was a, “I took the drawers and went j dancin’ with.” some distance down the river, behind j “The little gal you tried to swing tilUsd r.-iaic mi i Gvncn.l Land Agent tbrtlie i !l ,lUIU '* ! o! " diet s, to make my toilet, j y 0U i- log over,’ said another old cock, 8fe; mi ^t^otw "lumiofS I i hti ' vas,,i "’ anJ , ‘ ,r y in ’ had shrunk I “ "ns my child, and she is now the Gpoivin. Mineral ores testeil anti titles to i tilC (IniWOl'S t«> siell Hi) CXtCIlt, tluit it j wife ot* SoiiJltor W S of Cilllfor^ ■firoprlv investigated. Sneeinl attention ifivcn ! . ^ i. i. gPtttc paivh.-t.v. and sale of city property. . LO«)k me halt ail llOtll to git !l)lO 0)11. i ma.” ijaa'.K old lime rariu’ round, ami he wants the child named Dan Webs'.er Grant, while . # . „ Mrs. Grant’s ma wants him named ! f !* r ^^XOOO, being [., caso Uic recei d is tiausini Otjorgo FriuiSs T. On.,,.. -81,0 *>,„ i Sy' He'S ,n ^ ll '° Co,U ' 1 she thinks George Francis Train is an was in t ho employ of Gazaway li Lamar, who was endeavoring to se cure the dismissal of an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States from a judgment obtained by Mr s ma says ‘call him j Lamar in the United States Court of Henry Ward B. Grant,’ and then old j Claims on a cotton claim against the Grant says ‘ mad’ backwards again, j United Slates for over S579;000. , . .. .. . Lamar agreed to pay 620,000 to have i He doesn’t care what they call him, lhe ^ j. Mr . L amar then, as he alleges, employed General angel in disguise, and old Grant says ‘mad’ backwards ‘George Francis Train 1’ ’’ Mr. Grant’s ma says ‘call him Ailed. Special attention triven [ . , < t.. and aide of citv property. • tnok me halt all .T. N. DOUSEY. Attornev. only so tkey don’t call him too late for his willies. “Tlie baby’s r.iint Jeuiiiitha says to call him Hannibal Carthage Grant, and then old Grant says why don’t “ I am the very man that gave you j they call him Beelzebub at once, if qpUUUYG. JIcCUIlKV, A-trfcsrniy c-c Law, Hartwell, Georkia, J Will priielieo in iho Superior Courts ol* Norlli- loost Geoisria and Snpft-tnc Court at Atlanta. [ Ail)! S. Is7 • tf hour to git into ’em., „ ia . ! They was skin-light, and lacked six • : inches of reacliin’ down to my ankle j those green baize drawers,” said an-1 they want such old-fashioned names? James K. Lyle, Watkiiuwille. Alex. S. Kirwis, Alliens. r I I Will practice in pnrtnersliip in the Superior TConrt of Oconee Couuty, aud attend promptly Mo all hu-iness intrusted to their care. YLK KltWIN, .1TTORNETS A T LA IP. j ,nts - j other of the party. “I remembered “I walked up and down the bank j you as soon as you mentioned what of tlie creek a long lime before I happened out there on the Htiin- could make up my mind to go back | boldt-” to camp. I went and looked for my j “ Wonderful 1 wonderful 1’’ cried old breeches, but I had thrown ’em j ibid; then, turning to a “pioneer” into the creek in tlie star;, ami they ; sitting near, he said : “And you?’’ had floated ofl or sunk somewhere. “ Damfino,” said the man ad- “ As 1 walked up and down thar by the water, my long, slim, green legs made me look like a fly-up the- j creek, a crane, or some sieli water-! — fowl. “ When I went to camp, everybody rollin’ [ StrSXXTE£33 C-&T03S. ||jp A.-11. Kit, Wntohm^karSc Jawaler j roared and iaugheU, some [At Michael store, next door to Leaves & ISiicli- * ° ^Uou’s, Broad street, Athena, Georgia. AU themselves on the ground and roarin’ Tiu“ d 12 n, ° nlh *- ■* j till they was black in the thee. “ To keep the sun from burniti’ my ankles I got some cloth aud made SlTIAKFKK, COTTOIT BTTYER, Tocoa City, Ga. lliffhcst cash price paid for colt on. Agent Wins hip’s Gins and Press. oe20-lS76-tf J ]{. L ITTI.E, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Carncsville, Ga. eplS-1373-tf |«! C. JOSES, J11. *'• E. EVE. JONES <Sc ZETV'IBJ, \EY8 AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW SIBLEVS NEW BUILDING, 11110ID STUF.F.T, AC6CSTA, OEORUIA. 06-6111 KALE STABLE. horses straps so I could strap tlie drawers down to my moccasins. “ In pas-in’ along by tim wagons I overtook I had to stand all the fun that people saw fit to poke at me. ‘ Here conics tlie great crane of the desert!’ some would say, while others called me the ‘green dragon of the plains.’ “ When I got to Hangtown I found out that there was to be a grand ball that night in the edge of town. Be fore scatterin’ out into different parts of the country the people were goin’ to have a big dance together. “ In the evenin’ I thought I’d slip down to where the dance was to come off and look on awhile. I found dressed. “ I guess I must a bin the Injun that traded you the mocca sins !’’ I A Gentle Hint.—In our style of climate, with its sudden changes of temperature—rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day—it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds, half the deaths resulting directly from this cause. A bottle of Bos- chco’s German Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor’s bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Consumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup or any disease of the Tiiroat or Luugs, its success is simply wonder ful, as your druggist will tell you. German Syrup is uow sold in every town and village on this continent. Sample bottles for trial, 10c.; regular size, 75c. For sale by R. T. Brumby & Co. Atmore’s “ Mince Meat ” in half barrels on Retail at Hood Stephens. “ And then in comes the preacher and says, kind of solemn-like, ‘call him Obcdiali Ezekiel Grant,’ and then the Ohl Man says, ‘ O, gosh!’ and then the preacher says, ‘Mr. Grant, I am ccme over at such lan guage,’ and then old Grant put on his hat and went down to the tannery awful mad. “Then the baby’s aunt Vcmes says, • look at the old fool; lie’s indi gent because we don’t call the dear cherub Jesse, as if we would call him that outlandish name. I want to know if we haven’t got something to say about that child, when it’s my sister’s own. As for me, I propose Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., Grant, 3»d that’s what the child’s going to he called, you bet.’ “After a bit, old Grant comes vusliin’ back, brings an awful lot of people with him, ami after a good bit ot talking, they got a hat and every body wrote a name on a piece of paper, aud Squire Qiiackcnbosli says: ‘Now yon all understand, the fifth one draws the prizeand then lie says to me, ‘ Sonny, come up and pick out five slips of paper, one at a time.’ Of course, I did as I was told. ‘‘The first one I handed to the preacher, and he read out loud * Claude Melnotte Grant,’ the second one ‘Richard Plantagenety Grant,’ and the third oue ‘ Charles Spurgeon Grant,’ and the fourth one was * J. Butler. An examination of the rc cord showed that the appeal had not been docketed in the Supreme Court, and General Butler, on hearing this, said that Under Rule 9 of the Su preme Court the case could be dock eted and dismissed. Butler n-ked, “What about fees?’’and Mr. Her bert says lie agreed to divide bis fees of 8200,000 with him. Whet, the time came to docket and dismiss the motion under the rule, r. Herbert said that lie was a mem ber of the bar of tlie Supreme Court, but that he had i ever had occasion to appear there, and lje desired to ap pear and argue the motion. Butler told him to keep his hands oft", and had the case dismissed himself. Tlie cause was subsequently restored to the calendar, but tlie consent of the Attorney General was afterward ob tained to have the appeal dismissed Mr. Lamar paid Butler 820,000, and Mr. Herbert did not get bis fee. When he applied to him for it Mr Lamar said that he had given Butler 832,000. When he applied to Gen eral Butler he said that he didn’t have one cent for Herbert, that the 820,000 was all his own. On the trial of the case, Gen. But ler testified that about the 1st of No vember, 1873, lie was asked by Mr Lamar to meet the Attorney General’s motion for a new trial ;’ this was after his interviews with Herbert. Attorney General Williams bail served a notice on him stating that the ground of the motion was newly discovered evidence. Just at that time Liimai gave General Butler notice that a proposition had been made to him that, by the paymeut of 25,000 to soino party or an other, the njipcal would be dismissed. Gen eral Butler testified: “ I informed the Attorney General of this offer, and showed him how the dates co.- responded with the offers of new.y discovered testimony, and asked to wait teu days. He did wait ten days, but uo new testimony came. Noav and Then.—It is only now and then that such men as lion. Alex. II. Stephens, Ex-Gov. Smith and Ex-Gov. Brown of Ga., endorse n medicine for the throat and lungs, and when they ko it is pretty good evidence that the remedy must he good for tlie cure of coughs, colds and lung affec tions. They recommend the Globe Flower Cough Syi;ui*, ami their testimonials aro to be seen round lh* ten cent sample bottles of the Globe Flower Syrup, for sale by. I)r. C. W. Long & Co., Athens, Ga. “ German Sy; No other medicine in the world was ever given such a tost of its curative qualities as Boschcc’s German Syrup. In three years two million four hundred thou sand small bottles of iliis medicine were distributed free of charge by Druggists in this country to those afflicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and other diseases ot the Throat and Lungs, giving the American peophf undeniable proof that German Syru|J will cure them. Tlie result lias been that Druggists i:i every town and village ia the United States arc re commending it to their customers. Go to your Druggist, and ask wha’ tliey know about it. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cent-. Three doses will relieve any ease. For sale by R. T Brumby & Co. CSsod Farms for Sals- ’ Jarrell’s Mill' Poml place, and a number of farms, from P'0 to 590 acres each, in tlie Tugalo Valley, lower part of .Hubei-ham comity, Ga., can lie obtained on the most favorable terms by applying to , F. W. Lucas, Adm’r, Athens, Ga., Or C. P. J a brett, Tugalo Station, on Air-Liue Railroad. nov27-8w. Atmore’s “Mince Meat” iu b If barrels on Retail at Hood & Stephens.