The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, December 25, 1877, Image 7

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GEORGIAN. DECEMBER X. K. CHILDS. ICKERSON CHILl> Mammoth Stock of NICKER'ON & GO, Jirnve, W1IOLKSA1. AMD RUTAIL DKALKRS IN the following articles, viz HOUSE IAND MULE SHOES IHORSK SHOE SAILS, Paper aud Linen Collars, Undershirts, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies’ and Gents’ Shawls, Bed Blaukcts, eto.,j Men's and Boy’s Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Saddles and Bridles, Agricultural Implements, Leads, Oils, Gltss and Varnish, Harasss Leather ALSO OX) BARRELS El.OlK, assorted. SO BOXES OF TOBACCO, M ACKABOY SN U FF, in jar* and packages WASHINU AND TOILET SOAPS. ASSORTED PICKLES Turkey’s Troubles. AN OMINOUS GROWL FROM JOHN BCLL. London, December 14. A special dispatch from Erzeroum to tho Lou- d,»ii Times, stales that Lord Derby has telegraphed the British Consul «!>C1 c to leave the town. This is cor- ' h*red in Krr.croum as foreshadowing a declaration of war between England and Rnnfu A dispatch from Belgrade, an. nouncen officially that Servia has tie- e’arcd war against Turkey. A despatch from Erzeroum dated yesterday says, in pursuance of orders horn Lord Derby, the British consul left here this morning with all archives of the consulate. Pour fourteen-emt- timetre siege guns have been brought by the Russians from Kars to Hasem Koleh An attack upon Erzeroum is momentarily expected Gen. Ter- gnkas3ofl' , 8 division from Rnyoziil is threatening Van, the Turkish hind quarters. Ti e Times’ correspondent,' from Plevna telegraphs that the Grand Duke Nicholas told him that Osman , l'aslia reported his force at 27,00b. At the sxinn* time ti e Grand Duke seemed to bo doubtful if there were so many, and I have heard this doubt expressed in several quarters since the surrender. Alnmt sixty cannon and many hundred wagons are among the trophies Osman Pasha had three weeks provisions on hand aud ten, days rations in bis transport train for th« vvhoV army. TW immvdi-te van,*! of abandoning ll.t- vbtreach* omi ts win the breaking out of >ut epidemic among the troops. There were forty or filly dead bodies a day in Plevna, there were no men availa ble to bury them, and,the mortality was inctcasing. Eight hundred sick and wounded are in the hospitals. VhH afternoon the Pall Mall Gazette has a dispaich from Copenhagen say ing it is bhlieved that the Russian Minister is negotiating with Denmark with a view of propo ing Prince Wal- demar of Denmark, or Prince Join oi Glucksborg, as the ruler of Bul garia All. accounts agree that Osman Pasha’s army did uot reach 30,000 men, aud probably, did not much exceed 26,000. Osman is expected to arrive at Bucharest to-day. About the 1st or December it was stated (bathe had sent intbrinatioi:. to Con stantinople of his ability to hold out indefinitely. The reverse was true. His communication was a severe nr- ratgmnv&t of the Turkish administra tion for incapacity and Intrigue, as he wished to retreat to Orkinhilh before Plejna wa- entirely invested, thus uniting with Mehemet All’s army, and saving his own. He refu-ed tarther obedience to the Conatantino- pic Government, but said that he should hold out Jto the laHt for the sake of his own reputation. The bulk of the Russian troops at Plevna will go to reinforce the Czare- witch though possibly he may not need them. Particulars of the battle on the River Loin have not been re ceived, but it was a serious affair at Bucharest. It was reported that Elena lias been recaptured with 1,200 Turkish prisoners. Important, orders were dispatched tv the Uritidi fleet at Besika Bay, at i be close of the Cabinet meeting yes- u rday, and the war steamer Rupert ■ha* left Constantinople in haste to convey orde s to the Admiral. An other Cabinet Council will be held to morrow, at which every member o Hie Cabinet will be present. Special Queen’s messengers, having been sent to each Minister, it seems impossible Hint. England should take any war like steps. j-. General la Marmora, who, while in the field, always displayed the ten- <1*jwt interaet in the hospital and am bulance departments has,on inheriting il ’arin fortune, devoted n very con sult ratio sum to the great hospital of Sun Giovtinna in Turin, which was also lienefitted by the munificence of the Duke deGalliera. —{Switzerland 1ms passed a law prohibiting children under the age of fourteen from being employed in jitriiufactoiies after the 1st of next May. I* Hie m< ml Ken lei ulnam ej *r used by sufferers from pulmonary riltrain. I*. I’.compoiMl nf liernnl products. WBlth htn Mprafi«eir<et on the throat and lung*; iletsehei. from tlie air colls hII irritating matter; Ic to b<* ex pectorated. and at oner check* the In flammation which produce* the ronirb. .4 single dour relieve- the most dlatres*- Ib* paioffMn, soothe* nervousness, and enable* tlie aiifferer to enjoy quiet •out at nlg!it. Beitiit a plea* »ut cordial, it tone* tlio noU stomach. and :l* tpeclnlly rcroutim-nded foi children. What other# say about Tatt’8 Expectorant. Had AslhmaThirlyYears Baltimore, Frhuary3,1875. U I have had Asthma thirty yiare, and nerer round a medicine that had »m h »liunw rfl« t " W. F. HOtlAN, Charlaa St A Child’s Idea of Merit New Okleans, November n, 1*76. “Tutt’i Eepcctomrt H a famil ar mime in my house. My wife thin naittbeheir. medicine in the world, and the chil lrt-r. lay it is * nicer than molasses candy.’ ” NOAH WOODWARD, 101 N. Poydrat St. “Six, and all Croupv.” •*I atn 1 >.e mother of si* children; all ofnJiem have trouj'V, Without Xu U*m Kx pec to rant. I don’t think they have survived some ol the attack-;. It in a mn:her*« lries»ing.** MARY STEVENS, Frankfort, Ky. A Doctor s Advice. 11 In my prat tice, 1 advise al families to keep Tull's Expectorant, in stiddei eim r/cn i,., foi Couchs cretin, diphtheria, etc " T. P. FLU9,, Nef.trl*. N. J. Sold hi/ till drugglaia. J*r. re 5- Office SA Murray Street, liter York. I Brown Drilling;, Oannburgs, Wool, Jeans, Linseys, Flannels, Spool Cotton, Factory Checks, Factory Yarns, Li llies’ Dress Goods. Hosiery, etc., etc. Hemlock Sole Leather, Harness aha Upper Leather, MATS or; EVERY DESCRIPTION. HARD WARE AND CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. 30 BAGS RIO COFFEE, 10.0(b) YARDS BAGGING, 30 BARRSLS SC GAB, 11 .sorted. jlMl KEGS ROASTED COFFEE, 30 i’OXES CH EESE, 309 Bass Liitirnool Salt, (ground A.course) SOW BAGS VIRGINIA SALT IOOO bCNDEISCt)TlON TIES. aowgsBTTRATiED tpotash, brooms, Cutlinv*. coi*i*tiog of I’ot*, Ovett*, SyUm and Odd Lids, Manillr. Rope, trout 1-8 t>. » 1-2 ~ "oj--, Gonlicii aud Courtry Butter, Green Tea, Powder, Lend mid Shut, Bucket* [•nine Needles, lVns, Ink, Paper, Knvehipee and Spellitiif Books, aud many of ull classes of C l! and be von THE TREE IS KH0WN 3Y ITS FRUIT." “ Tull’s Pill, are worth th« Ir weight in cold." REV. I. II. SIMPSC N. Louiivilla, Ky. ••Tut 1 !'* Pill* trr a ,|>cvi;ll blrsving of the >■ .n'.-i-'-.'* esv. r. A OSLO?;. Kew York. “I hare used 'fatt'* 1‘illt for torpor of li-er. They are superior tc any utedicise Jar tvliarv .11-,ir,tec. '*vcr mad**. 1 ' I. P. CAS8, AltorneyaH-aw, Arrut’j, Ct. “I have used, rultinWTE^i vc yar-In my fate- 5!y. t hey are nniqualcd tor roviivcne*-nnd Ml- itiusi.c.'' — F. B.WILSON, i;aorfl«town,Ts*t;». •’I ItRvn v ' '1 cre.t bent lit .V-W.W. HAN N, Editor Mobil* BtigUtor. “ We sell tlltv ; ho!r»niit'* Pill* to five of all oilurs.T’—8A7R^&CO., Cartaravilla, Ca. •• Tutt'* 'Pills havc"on!y to he tried to es tablish thrir Vneiit*. They work like rnairlc." W. H. BARRON, 98 Summer St., Boston. •WThiee (S' no t ledleinc su well adapled to the r -tc ot bilious di orders as -'’.ill's Piils." JOS. BB'JMMEL, Bicbmoad, Virginia. AND A THaU^AUD MORE. Sold by druggiato. 9S cmla n box. Office as Marritg Str ut, Xcw York. Ilr. Kone, incites, Colton Ko|..”Gouhcn aud Courtry Butter, Green Teg, Powder, Lend and tikut. Buckets and Chnms, Machine Needles, Pens, Ink. Paper, Knvel.Ries mid Irpellinif Btstk*, aud tanny ' other articl.t too twHont mention. It ,s sufficient to «sx-he%u a lsnre tarie.v of ull classes of GOODS adapted especially to planters’ nse. HE DErtE^' COMPETITION. vinced of the fact, lie mean* just whut he sava. He also sells the celebrated aep23-)tn icellenssa and Dobbs’ Ohomioals. iitt s mi mi nsn>OR3asD. HIGH TESTIMONY. FROM THE PACIFIC JOVRXJL. baa hreo'5,^?^Tu!«^m»Jw ork. which restore* youthful Isianty to the hair. ^~hst eminent chemist has succeeded In ' tmol ee." .. A! $1.00. Cffitm 35 Mutton St., York. Bold by till druggirta. Ho! Nortlieastern Georgia! Look To Your Interest! The Old Fredericksburg Dry Goods Store, 4 PGPSTAyte EOUt»l A. Zs unlive to th.<3 Spirit of tbie Timas I ■y” ea s B ESIDES now ojiemngrO’ « Of the tioat Extensive. Cheapest and iS to hr found South of Badiimore tre Itave Sea Island'Sinrtii 41$, the h.**r bleVchrd Ir>n/ Cloth at t- and 10c, in the *Ute, (! Cambrics R\ and 3c, Lntre Shuwls 50,73 and #1.00, and Sew Paris mode Cloaks $£.&) to the finest #40.(h) an 1 *30.0>, 10-4 lixtr 1 White lilankets $1.75 to $4.00 aud $3.30 np. TDXl*Z GOCODS iLZnLB STiSJUP X Hindsotne New Shinies, oohre l Dress ’’•0, 75 and $1.00, im’t pay more fur when yo’.t van tfvt llie:u from us so cheap. icest Stock of Dry Goods hirting 4X, W’hitoBleached Shirting in the *t£e, Calicoes 4, 5, to #^ic, 4-4 Feuliura & these goods Cotton, Manilla & Jute Bo»^ CARRIAGE AND .SADDLERY HARDWARE, HUBS, SPOKES,, BUGGY WHEELS, AXLESy SPRINGS, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING* ‘ ■ BALL’ SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS^. TOCES * BELLOWS,-HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., • Manufacturer's Ageuts for the sale of. Fairbanks Standard Scales. WINSHIP AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED ^ r . ) c T Cotton Gins, Cider MilE, Syrup Mills and Evaporators,.Watt Plows, Farmers' Friend Plows, Pumps, Circular Saws,, ete. 1ST”Any article in oar line not in etoek, will be ordered when de*ired, with the Iran ' possible delay. t decld-ly Call arid Examlne Our Stock and Prices. Wan-ted. TO KENT or buy a email cottage home, con t cniriit t<> the baa ut-a* portion of the city. At. ■mimprovs.l .ot, il desirably lococ.l, might be sold. Apt**\ at GHir.isn oltce • r.iv22-tt Za’o tico. AU perwms ha .'ing oertitlcatee of slock in Athena SI reef Ksil.-oail, will please presevt thorn to Jamea II. Hitf gins for rcconl, so that the proceed* of the s» Ie of projierty of said road may be delivered among tho stockholders on the Aral day of November. This October 7tb, 1977. JAMES li. HUGGINS. E. K. REAVES, oeMMin. J. D. PITTARD. OUR BUYER IS IN THE NORTHERN MARKETS, And Goods are dediuii.i' in price > v*rv d.»v, fin-- who parchs.sed early have goods now at higli price*, we n«re Idrtuuut.' tunold off /.ltd can now ul will exhibit goods rt Imttom prices, Black Silks 65, 75 aud il-'ep' r yards, Gro* Gnaitt JSsck Silk* $!.**>, #1.25 aud f 1.50, double width Black CtiaUiiicnia S3 and 4<>c, till Wool Bind: Cash mere* «*jc,. Vcnico Bomb,nine only SO uni SC'S Ex. Super. Ex. Ev. Suhlimv and Gold Medal, i lucV Alpaca* fro r £5 to most handeotno at 4» an l 6*», Dree, Gouda 6*x to 3 and Kc, with ti>» elegant French Matulasae at 20 aud 28c, 10-4 Bleached Sheeting :h)e, all Wuol illling Jeans ISaiul 20e, Fredericksburg Caaeimares 73 aud $1.(10. , Wb.fiwa .y6u Drn’t fail to see t.ttr inini mae display of Dry Goods, ye n will *av«money in your purchases with ua. i W« pay all EXPRESS VKEIGHTS mj OTUera of $H)^» or more, the freight. paying and 1 ample order bu-iuesa was intrrrluerd in the South several > ear* ago by us, many twnon* tire imitating 1 oar method and advertising in nay freights &c~, but like all imitations they in the and fail to give satisfaction. Write u* 1. postal for samples of anv guods you wish. Our New Prioe lost Mid Bexar aw just out, ask *>r eopiee. Address, . . U. ZUC5ARSS & SHO. Oct 2d. Augusta, Ga, SOI Bros! Street. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOOD. WILEY f. 11. JfELM-*, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Harmony Grove, Jackson County, G* n Will practice in the Superior Court* <>t Jack- son, Madison, Bank* and Clarke counties. Special attention given to collection of claim. Refers in Jndg: A. M. Speer, Griffin, Ga., and Hon. J. T. Speuc-e, Jonesboro’, Ga. ootD-tf. 3STIDXICS!! 1 ,5ROM AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL ' persM i* ars he vby forbidden to h»at with Dttg or 0 tin on 01;/ plantation, situated in the fork of the Oconee River. Any one disregard ing this notice wil. be prosecuted. 7)ct2-Stn.. JOHN li. WHITE Meriwether c&2Tew, BLACKSMITH’S TWO SHOPS FOR 1877 One at th< old stand in front ot Messrs, gann a reaves, The other ou the road to the upper bridge and opposite Mr. JOHN Z. COOPER’S, Livery Stable. We have first ,c!a*a workmen son e nosziTGi of every description, Plating and Concavc Shoes Mntinfnctnred to order. WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, And all kiuds of Fanning Machines and 1m ■ plcmenis repaired on abort notice. {anO-tf. House and Lot for Sale T WO acre lot—one o! the most desirable jn the city—occupied at present by the subscriber —situate on Hancock street. The house lie* six good rooms, nancy and all ueceasary out-build ing*. A well ot very superior water on aaitl place. F»r priot and tenna, apply In deck—2m LC. MATTHEWS. DAVIS. boil SAPP m A Citll. Broad Street Over e'8- STOVHS! STOVES!- STOVES! I am now offering for «ali> at AND UNION W. STEPHENS HAVE OPENED A FAMILY AID FANCY GROCERY AMD STAPLE DRY GOODS: STORE, l*NDE* THE FIRM OF HOOD d) STEPHEKTS, AT iSARRI ’S CORNER, BROAD STRH ITT, NEAR NATIONAL BANK, Where’Fou Will Always Find a Splendid stock oltjl FI.OUR, BACON, LA1SD, SALT, SfRUP, MOLASSES, CHEESE, , MACKEREL, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, Kite., ffTC It KU0S1NE OIL AND LAMPS, 4'1GABS & TOBACCO, POWDER, SHOT AND CAPS, OYSTERS, SARDHajKL-LOBSTKUS, PICKLES, JKuUKS, FRUlDi AND VEGETABLES. FANCY CANDIES, RAISINS, NUTS AND CRACKERS, Of all klnda, nail all other good* urually kept iu * Grotory Store, ra sell a* a wlectian of the Best L1CUES BLEai-UINi}. CHECK*.eTBIl'ES. JEANS, 11 SKYS, TICKING, THREAD, SiF'ES, etc. Wo acll GOOD > aa cue ip a* any H iu-e in the diy," sad Mi ertfully solicit a share ot the publle Mtronaxe. ■*-t:OUNTKY l'ROlit CE TAKEN IN JOtCHANGE FOi. t.OOOS.'WU Reiocmbnr i firplare. HARRY’S t ORNEB, Broad tsreet, AttenvOeriiyia. Sood <fe HEADQUARTERS For First Class and Fashionable Or) Goods In opening tho Full Season, wo take pleasure in placing before our friem'lti and the public generally, the most complete stock of Dry t woods ever displayed in tho Southern States, consisting in part of a Magnificent line of Black Silks. All the new shades in Tolorcd Silks—various grades. Tho most decided novelties in Colured Dress (iooda. Block Goods of every description. Hosiery, Notions .Corsets, Ties, Gloves, Linens, Damasks, Coasimeres, Flannels, etc. Our Cloaks—to arrive—will be equal to any ever exhibited iu New York, London or Paris. To summarize: We off-r n stock of Fall Dry Goods which, in every department for vari* i t. eieyaitWv cheapness, stands un rivalled. JAMES A. LiUAY & CO. The following celebrated Cook Stoves, all of which are warranted equal to any offered in this market. IRON KING, CRICKET, < oct.51.Cm. BEST, GATE CITY, PALMETTO. C. WILKINS. Athni Foundry 2d Machine W«h* ATi33msrs,<3kAL GANN A REAVES, PROPRIETORS. Will bo found at their ohl stand, rear Frank lin Hottao building, Thotraa street. Keep al ways on hand good Turnouta and careful dri vers. Stock well cared for when entreated to our care. Stock on hand tor sale at all time*. deelStf. a, A. Mt&sixi&if, General Insuraac- Agent, STo. 5 Broad St, Aihtma^ Gat , Insures GINS, Dwellings end Merchandise, iu the city or country. Respectfully solicit* a share of your patronage, taf Represent* first das* Companies only. cotr$-lni ml Founder* and t. Smithing and Repairing, 1 Mill Machinery, Manufacturers of Circular Saw Mina, Steam Engine*. Bore* Powers, Thresh era, Fan Mill*, Bark Mill*, Cane Milla, Gin Gearing, Cotton Pleases, etc.-etc. Agent for Cook’s Celebrated Evaporating Pans, Cardwell’s Separators, Turbine Water Whs..-!* and Agricultural Engines. Price* sent upon application to june26-2m. ■ r-P-. For Sale or Bent! A small house, convenient' to the busincs* portion of tho rity. Abo, For Sale Only, A cottage Lhim containing seven roon.*, witK all necesMty out-buildings, and two sores of land attached. M. C. SLEDGE aug7-4t. Auction! I have associated W. A. England with me U the Aactiou business, who will give prompt attention to the sale or property and good* ot all kinds. YKRONEE & ENGLAND. 5 oty 17-lnt. oct2-3m. ■iiH SKISI' IN YOUR ShibscFi ntion for tlie Geomaia For 1878. WILSON & Bankers and Brokers, Dealer* in Stock Privilege*, U. S. Bond*, Colton and Misceilaneoua Securitiea, ete. The greatest opportunity ever before off* red for investment. 1.000 do. tars made from investment of 200 dollars in 50 day*. Stnjller amuuuta invested will pay in proportion. Investments, large or small, can be trebled in 80 days. We aril or parchaae as desired 8 share* of stocks and upward ou margins ot from oue to two per cent. I3?“Letters of Credit and Drafts payable iu any part of Europe aud America, issued for the convenience of travelers. Full information sent on application. WZZiSOlT A CO., 35 and 37 Broad St., P. 0. Box 2483, NEW YORK. Near Gold aud Stack Exchange. octlO-Sm. Wonted. EMPLOYMENT either as a Tanner, Engi neer, or Carpenter. Good reference* riven, and wage* 'reasonable. • Address, J. 11. K., cure of Athens Georgian, Athena, Ga my22- tf BURPEE & BRO., Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Makers, At the ahop lately occupied by P. Benton, dm Gsnn & Reaves’ (table, A.THZ2TS, QA- , Are prepared to do all kind* of work in their Hue at short notice, in the mo*t SUPERIOR STYLE, and at oa SEASONABLE BATES a* the same das* of work can be done. j They are prepared to put up Carriage*, Bag gie* and Wagon* in ANY STYLE, and invite those baviiig new work pot np, to Call before it* imperfections are covered with paint, and see that ALL Material* used are of the VERY BEST QUALITY. REPAIRING AND PAINTING A SPECIALTY. All work done iu tbk line warranted to give satisfaction, both as to style and price. Harness Making and Repairing. They are also prepared to make or repair Harness. Having secured the service* of a Thoroughly. Competent Workman in thb branch of the business, all they ask isr that - all may be convinced of the trial, fFat -all maybe convinced of theSUPE- RIORITY OF THEIR WORK and the Reason abieneaa of their Charge*. garBc sure to call on them and cxnmiq their work and price*. uly8l-8»-