The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1875-18??, December 12, 1879, Image 4

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The Cartersville Express. Friday, December 18, 1879. - v ‘' EXFKESS-IONSr ±We have yet to find a gingla per. son in Georgia, or in the south, tfho has expressed approbation of telegram to the Chicago News. His “death to the union” has died void ofTeeho. 1 , ! r-Hot Springs, Arkansas, is excited over the discovery of gold eighteen miles south of that place. The mat* ter was, at first, kept very quiet, and a number of claims were secured by the discoverers. Is being eagerly pursued. . j —lt would be a fortunate coup d'etat in* the indignant seventh, for the Felton democrats if they would coid elude that, as the next is presidential year, they had better organize to counteract the Akerruan boom that is certainly rising. Let that be done, thsn choose ye between them. —An Atlanta special to the Couri er-Journal says: “It is Currently re ported here that the Louisville and Nashville railroad has purchased a controlling interest iq the Mobile and Montgomery railroad. The an nouncement created some sensation among railroad men, as it gives the purchasing company a strong hpld on the southwest.” —lf a financial commotion could shake this continent, we should look out for it now. Vanderbilt and Gould are making pigmies ot Presi dents * Cole, Wadley, and others. TVhile they handle ihillions, the oth ers are exchanging scores of millions of dollars worth of stocks, .and con trolling lines from ocean to ocean. But the world moves on in its maj esty and equanimity. —Under the act of the legislature and the instructions of Gov. Colquitt, the attorney-general is preparing fi. fas. against the treasurer and his sev eral bondsmen. The amount sued for will be between twenty-two and twenty-three thousand dollars. The cases will give rise to the liveliest litigation, and be most stubbornly resisted. —Telegraph & Messenger. —The Memphis & Charleston rail road company held its annual elec tion Tuesday of last week. The old t>oard was “endorsed,” as politicians would put it. The directory was empowered to increase the nominal value of each share of stock from twenty-five dollars to one hnudred dollars, making one share represent pne-fourth of a yote instead of a whole vote. .. < . x a.j —“Good morning, Mr. Griffiu.” “Good morning, . What’s the news?” “Nothing at all of interest.” ' “I’m glad to hear it,” said Mr. Griffin. The remark suggested the “expres sion” that he was right. We don’t expect good news. It is first murder, then rape, then follows a railroad disaster, shipwreck, conflagration, or something of that kind, so if there be '‘no news” let us be thankful. i —ln the last two years the city of Memphis is said to have buried six, thousand of her people and lost near ly $8,000,001) in capital and business, through the yellow fever epidemics. The Appeal asserts that filthy gut ters, bad drainage and accumulated garbage caused all this distress and ruin. That paper now demands all methods of purification by fire, drainage, fumigation, street paving and the most rigorous enforcement of the well-ascertained laws of health as shall insure the city against a re currence of the epidemic. Other wise, “Memphis is threatened with decay, if not extinction,” —Edison promises to show his electric light, perfected, on Christ* mas eve, at Menlo Park, N, J. He t will illuminate all the buildings in the modest little hamlet in which he lives and works. To that end wires have been run from house to house and connected thence with his labor* atory. “I shall send invitations far and wide,” say3 Mr. Edison, “in order that all may see that what has been considered as visionary and im possible has been accomplished. Let the gas companies reduce their price, and then reduce it again for it is well known they can still do this and make money; and I can undersell them, and make a large profit.” —The Savannah News 1 put this comment on Dr. Felton’s letter. Wje omit the “D. D.” s in copying. “A great many of our exchanges of inde pendent proclivities declare that W. H. Felton does not abjure the democ racy outright in his late letter. Of course not. Our champion political divine is too cunning for that. The time to jump has not come yet, so he sits on the fence awhile longer view ing the political prospect. He has. so far, only prepared himself to leap in to the midst of the radical fold if by so doing he finds he can better tho personal condition of Felton. One who so well understands how to serve God and Mammon at the same time can very readily assume the garb of democracy in which to Serve radicalism. —Two gentlemen ih discussing the Akermaa suggestions in the Ex press of last week, concurred hearti ly therewith. One of them is a former Georgian, a battle scarred veteran, and now a prominent,(thorough dem ocrat and eminently'Conservative), citizen of Chattanooga. The other is a prowineut citizen of Catoosa coun ty* well known as a reliable meipber of the democratic party. They con curred in the suggestion, thought Georgia should send one republican to congress from the “solid south,” and agreed also that Mr. Aker man is by far the ablest and most conservative republican in this com monwealth. Furthermore, all will agree that it would heal many { a breach in neighborhoods to make po ditical divisions of party instead of personal abuse. The lease of the road to the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, rail road was renewed for fifteen years. The East ; Tennessee and Virginia company obligate themselves to pro vide for the deficits on the interest of the bonded indebtedness of the Mem phis and Charleston company for three years, and get seven per cent, interest on all such assumed obliga tions. It may be stated in this con nection that this does not, and will not, increase’ the bonded indebtedness of the company, which is $4,200,000. Under the new provisions the East Tennessee and Virginia company can terminate the lease at the end of three years. Notwithstanding heavy losses by the prevalence of yellow fever, the deficit in operating the road for the past year waS only about seventy tho4sand dollars. The net earnings exceeded two hundred and thirty-one thousand dollars. f —Mr. Wm. Buie,“anative southern republican, and editor and proprietor of the only daily republican paper in the late confederate states,” in a recent interview with the Washing ton correspondent of the! Chicago Tribune , presents a very correct idea on the subject of Dr. Felton’s inde pendent boom. He declares in few words that there is no hope of the independents succeeding in defeating southern democracy, and in the course of his remarks he tells a curi ous story of Judge Loehraoe, one of Georgia’s prominent independents and Grant boomer, as follows: • “Lochrane,” says Rule, “is an ec centric fellow who thirsts for notori ety. Being in New York once upon a time, he gave a Herald reporter $lO to publish his name. Looking in vain for it next morning, he was very indignant. But a friend point ed it out among the advertisements, under the head of “Personal.”—/Son vamnah News . —ln regard to the Clement attach ment the Columbus Enquirer has this to say: “Before our planters engage in the purchase of these machines they would do well to have it exam ined by experts in manufacturing. We know that some among the most experienced in Columbus have no faith in the business, nor have we had the evidence of a single skilled, practical man who knows what cot ton machinery can do. We Simply advise our people w f ho desire to in vest in such enterprises to make haste slowly. Dp not trust newspaper ac counts. Take a manufacturer that is known and trusted, and get his opin ion. Get some of the numerous cot ton men of our mills to give their judgment. If this attachment will make the fortunes claimed, is it not strange that capitalists have not in vested? They delight in making enormous interest on a small amount of money. Correspondents may be paid to write up a thing to sell it. We desire our section to he on the safe side.” : ; J —-—' • • '—— J. J. Howard & Son. With a view of insuring absolute security for all deposits ldft with us, we have purchased a large safe with Hall’s double time lock attach ment, which is absolutely impossible to open, except during the hours when It is desirable to open it. The safe is tire-proof and burglar proof. Merchants and others who dcsuo.a safe place for their accounts and money, in vited. J. J. HOWARD & SON. Bar taw Sheriff's Sales. Will be’Sold before the court house door in Cartersville, Georgia, on the first Tuesday In January next, I*Bo, be tween the legal sale hours the following de scribed property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 213, lying in the 23rd district and 3d section of Bartow county, containing 160 acres more or less. Levied on and will be sold as the property of A. N. Marreli to satisfy one state and county tax 4i. fa, for the yea! 187S inlavorofthe state of Georgia and Bartow county vs. A. X. Merreil and Levi Yancey, agent. Also, at the same time and place, one acre of land, more oi* less, at Hall’s Mills in Bartow county, Georgia, bounded on the east by the wagon road from Kingston to Adairsville, and on the other sides by the property ot Robert Keer; said acre being known as the Van Bry ant place. Levied ron and will be sold as the property of Daniel Mize to satisfy a justice’s eourt fi. fa. in favdrof T. Warren Akin vS. said Daniel Mize. Property pointed out by plain tiff and in possession, of the said Daniel Mize. Levy made and returned'to me by H. R. Tow ers, L. C. Also, at the same time and place, one undivi ded one-fourth interest in lots of land, Nos. 1070. 1072, 1089, 1092, 1135,1143, 1144, 1156, 1159, 1160, 1162, 1163, 1214. 1215, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1231, 1233,1237, 1276, 1286, 1287, 1288, 1292, 1293, each lot containing 40 aciestnore or less, and the one undivided one-fourth interest in fifteen acres in lot No, 639, lying on the northeast side of the Etowah river, all lying in the 4th dis trict and Sd section of Bartow bounty. Levied oln!and will be sold as the property of,Louisa Rowland, principal, and 11. H. Thompson, et. al., guarantees, to satisfy orre Bartow superior court attachment fi. fa. in tavor of YV. 14. Hol liashead and W. T. Rowland, Vs. Fannie Row land, principal, audit. H.Thompson, et. al., guarantees. 1 : Also* at the same time and place, lot-of 1 ipd No. 47, lying and being in the sth district and 3d section of Bartow counity, Ga., containing 16d acres morC or less. Levied on and will be sold a3 the pvoperty o| Seaborn Dfsheropn, one of, the defendlaxvts, to satisfy one Bartow supe rior couvt fi. fa. in favor ot F. P. Gx*ay, admin istrator M L. Tumlih, vs. Dislieroon and Tum iift. Property. in possession of 8. Disheroon. Levy made "by. G. Franks, firmer deputy sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold one pile of manganese in the city of Carters ville, on east side of W. & A. R. R., being 12 yards Off north end of said pile ot manganese and containing 40 tons more or less. Also, the mineral interest in lots of land Nos. 473, 464, 401, andpart oi 53n, all in the 4th district and 3rd sectipu of Bartow county, Ga,,. which vyas leased op December 3rd, 1878, by plaintiff to del'endaiit for the ternl of ten years. Levied on and will lie sold as E. IL Woodward’s proper ty, ro satisfy- one attachment fi. la. from justi ce’s courß22d district G". M. in favor of H. A. Johnsey vt. E. H. Woodward. Property de scribed inVhid fi. fa. Levy made apd return ed to me hi J. G, Broughton, L, t; Also, at tne same time and place, the undi vided one-i\>urth interest in lots of laud. Nos. 1070 r 1072, m 1993, 1135,1143, 1144, 1158, 1159, 1160, 1162, 1163,1214, 1215,1217, 1218. 1219, 1231, 1233, 1237, 12% 1286. 1287, 4288,1292, 1293, each lot 'containing acres more or less, anil the undivided ony fourth interest in fifteen acres ol lot No. 637, lying on the northeast side of the Etowah river,Vli lying in the 4th district and 3rd sectibn of} Eartow county. Leyied on and will be sold as the property of John L. Row land to satisfy three BurtoW superior court fi. fas.( two in favor of W. H. Hollinsliead, executor of' R. H Rowland, deceased, and one in favor oiWm.L. Rowland, transferred to YV. H. Hollinshead, vs. John L. Rowland* A Iso, at tie same time and place,, the follow ing properly to-wit: Twenty acres of land No. 90f ? in the 4th district and 3rd section of Bartow county, Ga., the same being a frac tional pari of said lot, lying on the soutlfi or west side,of the Western & Atlantic railroad, the same side on which the buildings of the Bartow Iroi Company are located. Levied, on as the proptady pi the Bartow Iron Company, the defend aits, and will be sold as the property of said company. The interest, levied oh and to be sold njng said fractional part of said lot of land, excepting the right reserved by H , J. Bates in his'deed to said Bartow Iron C6m -1 pany, to ent4r upon said land for the purpose of getting therefrom sand rock or sandstone, with the privilege of egress and ingress over said land, oi whatever privilege may be neb ess ary in working or getting out said sand stone or setting same to market with the fur ther right of wood and Yvatfer necessary in operating said sand stone quarry.. Levied on and will ho sold by viitue ol'fi, fa. issued lrom justice court of 822nd district', B. C., in favor of YV. O'. Bowler, transferred to Emily Stegall vs. the Bartow Iron Company. Levy made and returned to me by ,J. G. Broughton, L. C. JAMES KENN ED Y, Sheriff. ‘ A. M. FRANKLIN, Deputy-Sheriff. tnrrt T~ —-— rz — r 77? —’ ~ rr**' Athiiiiiistrator’s Sale. Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM THE court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will he sold before the CQprtJiouse door in Carteis ville, said county, on the first Tuesday in Jan - uary 18S0, hetveen the legal sale hours, the lot lowing property, to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 56, 57, 72, 73 and 113, in the third district of Terrell county, in sail State, each lot contamg 202>£ bores, more erfless; a small portion in cultiva tion. Sold as the property of Col. Wm. H. Stiles, senior, tdeeased, for the purpose of pay ing debts. Tehns of sale,' One-hall cash, the balance on a iredit of twelve months note. Bond for titlesgiven. AlSo at the slme time and plhee, Lots of land Nos. 439 and 42'. in the 4th Dist.and 3rd. Section. Bartow countyeach containing 40 acres, more or less. Sold is the property of Col. Wm. H. Stiles, senior,-deceased, for the purpose of pay ing debts. Te*ns casl. This Nov. ?9th, 1879. VM. HENRY STILES, Admr. ADMLiISTRATOR’R SALE. BY Virtue ol an Order from the court of Ordinary id Bartow county, will he sold .before the court house door in Cartersvßle, said county, on the first Tuesday in January, 1880, Within tin legal sale hours, the follow ing property, t-wit: Ous dwelling house and lot in the towii of Adairsville, said county. Said lot lyingon the east side of the W. and A. railroad, and contains one acre ot land, bounded on the north by Straun’s lot, on the south by Riplep’s lot on the east by Dyar’s lot and on the wert by Leak’s lot, sold as the prop erty of W. H. iearden, deceased, for the pur pose ol paying debts of said deceased. Terms cash. This Ncvember 24th, 1879. Lou E, BEARDEN, Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY virtue (£ an Order from the court of Ordinary*)! Bartow county, will be sold before the coikt house door in Cartersville, said county, oj the first Tuesday in January, 1880' within tie legal sale hours, the follow ing property, to-wit: Lots of land No.’s 987, 1,C30 and the half of 986, in the 17th dist. and 3rd sectita of said county. The whole containing lOOacres, more or less. Good dwel . ing and gin hpuse and out houses, about 60 acres cleared, balance well timbered, being the residence If Edney F. Pipps late of said county deceasid, and sold as the property of the said EdneyF. Pipps, deceased, for the pur pose of payingthe debts of said deceased, and lor distribution Terms cash. This November 25th, 1879 I. N. VANMETER, n0v27.1869-4w. Administrator. \ EORGIA lABTOW COUNTY.—Whereas f Mary Shep.ierd, Administratrix of John W. Shepherd, dtceised, has applied for leave to sell a portion of ,the land belonging to the estate of said deceased. Therefore all }eisons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, Within the time prescribed by law, else leave will be granted applicant, as applied for,on first Monday ia January. 1880. This Noverfier 25th, 1879. T A. HOW ARP, Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. WILL be soldm the Ist. Tuesday in Janua ry, 1886, between the legal hours of sale, before the.court licise, in Cartersville, by vir tue of an Order frop the court of Ordinary, lot ot land No. <7B,> the (15th) fif teenth dist. and !rd)‘, third section of the county of Bartow, ontaining one hundred and sixty acres; more (■ less, being land belonging to the estate of- A N. Gaines, deeeasefi, and sold for the purpt e of distribution and pay ment of debts. Te ns cash. This December 2d 1879. fkROLINE S. GAINES, decs.Jß79. Administratrix Georgia, . baltqw county.—wm- f- Thomas, has aiplied for exemption of per sonalty, ana sett jig apart and valuation of TTni-nestend, and I till pass upon the same at ilu o’clock, in. oiithe 22d day of December 1879, at my oflice. this Eecemher Ist, 1879i I ’ JA. HOYVARD, Ordinary. XBW GOODS! BTUJW GOODS! ■- : • :.r t i;v ■■■ * v : . ... -7 -—> AT —r- . ~ ■■■•-,' , ■•■ T. A. FOOTE. to! READ AND REMEMBER! - . ♦ft'*' S 1 . t: + u + lAM NOW RECEIVING and opening a fail line of General Merchandise at the old stand of the NEW YORK STORE, such as PRINT’S, of all kinds DRESS GOODS, kt , NOTIONS, at extremely Low Priees. LADIES SHAWLS, at Bottom Prlre. A Splendid Line of LADIES HOSIERT, as Cheap as the Cheapest. FLANNELS, of all grades. . SHEETING and SHIRTING, very low. JEANS, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED DOMESTIC, BOOTS SHOES, Cheaper than they can be sold at apy other house in the city. HATS and CAPS? of the latest styles, at bottom prices. TRUNKS and SATCHELS, at prices to suit the times. I also make a specialty of SUGAR AND COFFEE, Of the very best. Also, a full line of Fancy and Staple GROCERIES, CIGARS, SNUFF, TOBACCO, OYSTERS, SARDINES, SOAPS, &C. tot R.BMEMBEB: At the old stand of the New York Store* Bank Block. lot Thanking the public for past patronage, and hoping by lair dealing and low prices, you will give me a continuance of the same, I am, very respectfully, _ ELECTRICITY Possesses the greatest power known'to man, once but little understood and for all time greatly l feared, is now being made useful and subservient to man. the new method Of protection againit lightning, on the theory and patent ot „ .O.Cnamoers,which lie has recent ly discovered, is rapidly takinv the place 01 the old rod. the old plan Of rodding buildings—connecting the rod with the earth-has been proven unsafe and even dangerous. The new method places the rod and points on the root at the house, old style, with Chambers’ Improved Insulators, >vith no rod running dOYvn the side ot the house to the earth. .' . rods and points Put uo on Chambers’ theorv, operate as active agents laeilitating the natural laws of e leetrici-* ty by a continuous dischai*ge or throwing off the negative electricity, thereby 1 positive in the atmosphere above, and particularly so during a heavy thunder storm, thus re pelling a stroke instead of inviting it. In the event these points should not throw off the neg ative fast enough and a stroke should take place atone ol these points, it simply runs off at the other points and is disseminated in the atmosphere above wnere it belongs. ' CHAMBERS’ NEW METHOD Has been examined and thoroughly tested by scientific men, and pronounced to be the correct principle for protection. We have accepted an agency, ana are now ready to pu up rods on the plan cf the new method. Any one wishing to see this theory demonstrated, can do so by calling at our store;whefp we will take pleasure in exhibiting the many advantages it lias over the old plan. , * , W. A. WILLIAMS A SON, Corner of Erwin and West Main Streets, augß-5m CAR.TEItSVIXjXiB, GA. 1 WlfiSON. —DEALER IN— Window Glass and Glasswares. Market Street, Cnattanooga, Tenn. To secure Lowest Prices, send Cash with your Orders. apr23 78 H. M. MOUNTCASTLE & CO., DEALERS IN SCHOOL, MISCELLANEOUS AND BLANK BOOKS, Music, Fancy Goods, Stationery, Newspapers and Magazines, Toys, Window Shades, Notions, etc., Picture Picture Frames & Mouldings, Fancy & Plain Confectioneries, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco and Sguff. They keep on band other goods incident to a general Variety Store, which arc too numer ous to mention, but wnicn parties,can see by calling at their store. They are alsosole agents lor l ; r T 3\Xxme. Beictxorest’si Bellatole! faper Bittern®. Anything in their Mne stock ;will be promptly ordered, without any extra expense to customer, -> r ■ WEST MAIN STREET, - - CARTERSTVILLE, GA. ST. JAMES HOTEL, (CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA,) THE UNDERSIGNED HAS RECENTLY taken charge.of this elegant new hotel. It has been newly furnished and Is first-class in all respects, SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Favorable terms to traveling theatrical com panics. L. C. HOSS, Proprietor. J. R. GRAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA, GA. Office, No. 3 Centennial Building,Whitehall St. Prompt attention given to all business en trusted tome. . J. K. G. NATIONAL HOTEL, DALTON, GA. J. Q. A. LEWIS* PrQprietor. THE ONLY FIRST CLASS HOTEL IN THE City. Large, well ventilated rooms, splen did sample rooms for commercial travelers, polite waiters and excellent pure water. mhderate. sepl9tf A YEAR and expenses to agents.Out ep i • ( fit free. Address P. 0.. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. sep!9-lm NEW TAILOR SHOP. JOHN R. HAYES, ST. JAMES HOTEL, CARTERSVILLE, GA. 0 ALL who wish to get well made clothing. and a. guarantee to fit, will do well to call on Mr. Ilayes. -ALL MERCHANTTAILORING Work done in first-class style, Garments al tered and cleaned on short notice. 0ct24.1879-3m. m t. tux, UyOEBTAKEB. Repairer and* Manufacturer ol Plain Furni ■ C:I O ) ture. ■ Supplies jiaupef coflins to the county, Repair ing furniture a specialty, All work low. aug15.1579-tt,