The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1875-18??, December 12, 1879, Image 5

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The Cartersville Express. Friday, December 5, 1879* POST OFFICE DIRECTOR*. Mails North open 7:30 a m 4:52 p m Mails South 0pen..... 30:10 am 0:04 pm Cherokee R. It. 0pen........ 6:55 p m Malls North close 7:ooam 4toopm Mails South close 9:45 a m Cherokee R.R. c105e.......... 7•30 am i Rock Mail, via leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at iffiu&wj&JKk - W*o*—*y* and - Montv Order and Registered Latter iroui 8:45 a ia to 5 p n^. Delivery open from 8 a m to 6 pm, Open on Sunuay irom 9am to 10:30 am. 1 j. Tj. AVIKLR, P. M, •Western & Atlantic Bail Boad. felt May £ aSsenger bcbcdule took el " V NO - 1--NOUTH ROUND PASSENGER Ueave Atlanta 3:00 pm Passes, CarttrsvilJe 4:53 p m Arrives at Chattanooga 8:47 pm NO. 2-SOUTH iIOUND PASSENGER Leave Chattanooga ..a 5:25 p m Passes Cartersviile .O’OBum Arrrivdsat Atlanta li ; (jo }, w NO. 3-NORTH ROUND PASSENGER. Leave Atlanta. s:2oam Passes Cartersville... m&S a m Arrives atChafctajaooga,. v '. *IO:SG a m NO. 4-SOI TII ROUND PASSENGER. Reave Chattanooga '.. ...7.. 0:1*5 a m Passes Cartersville " 10-Yl a m Arrive at Atlaqta !.:r;.12:05 pm CARTERS*!LLE ACCOMMOD ATIO> r . „ GOING SOUTH. ' ' 'r Leave Cartersvil 1e i ....... 6:05 a m Arrive at Atlanta 8:45 a m - returning. . f Eeaye Atlanta 5:10 p m •Arrive at Cartersviße 1 7:22p m CHEROKEE RAILROAD. •Offiee Chkrokepßailuoadj August 30th, 1879. . { ON AND AFTER Monday,September 1,1879, the train on this road will run daily, ex cept Sunday, as follows: . LEAVING. Cartersville a ra Arrive ao Stilesboro 8:30 a m Arrive at Taylorsville. 8:52 a m Arrive at Rockmart ..10:00 a m Arrive at terminus. 10:50 a m RETURNING. Eeavd terminus 1 3:00 p m I Arrive at Roekmavt 3-40 p m Arrive at Taylorsville 4-45 f, m An ive at Stiles b0r0.5:13 p m Arrive at Cartersville 6 :00 p m ROME RAILROAD COMPANY. On and after Monday, Nov. 17, trains cn this Road will run as follows: . MORNING TRAIN—EVERY DAY. Leaves Rome 6 30 a m Arrives at Rome... 10.00 a m EVENING TRAIN—SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, Leaves Rome . 5:00 am Arrives at R0me....: .. 8:00 p m. Both trains will make connection at Kings ton with trains on the W. anil. A. liailroad, to and lrom Atlanta and points South. _ '' Eben Hillyer, Pres, j Jas. a. Smith, G. P, Agt. BARTOW COIiYTY— OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. County Officers. Ordinary—J. A. Howard—Office, court h ouse.‘ feherlfl—Jas. Kennedy. Deputy sheriff—A. M. Franklin, Clerk of Superior Court—Thos. A. Word. 1 Treasurer—Humphrey Cobb. Tax Collector—W. W. Rifch. Tax Receiver—W. W. Ginn. Commissioners—J. H. Wikle, secretary; J. R. Brandon; W. I. Benham ; A. 0. Trimble; T. L. Moore. CITY OFFICERS—CARTERSVILLE. Mayor—John Anderson, sr. Board of Aldermen—E. Payne; A. L. Barron; W. C. Edwards; T. W. Simpson; Jno. A. Stover:' G. L. McDonald; L. A. Chapman; J. C. Wol ford. Clerk—Benjamin Maun toastie. Treasurer—William H. Howard. Marshal—John Gladden. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist—Rev. -P. M. • Rybarny pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 o’clock a.un. and 8 o’clock, p. ni. Sunday school every Sunday at 9 o’clock a. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday night.. Presbyterian--Rev. Tlieo. E. Smith, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 o’clock, a. m.' Sunday school every Sunday at 9 o’clock. Prayer meeting on Wednesday night. Baptist—Rev. R. B. Headen, pastor. Preach ing every Sunday at 11 o’clock, a. m., and 8 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday at 9 o’clock, Prayer meeting on Wednesday night. Episcopal— A. W. Rees, Rector. Services oc casionally. SECRET SOCIETIES. CITA RLO DGE, No. 322,1. O. G. T. Meets at their hall, over Curry’s drug store, every Thursday night. J. T. SHEPHERD, W. C T. W. It. Shockley, Rec. Sec. Among the Useful Toilet Articles. We notice a much-liked preparation for the hair, possessed of properties so remarkable that no one who cares to own a clean and healthy scalp with beautiful hair should pass it untried. Its properties are cleansing, invig orating aud healing, and after a few applica tions the hair ceases to fall. Dandruff and Humors disappear, and the hair grows clean, soft and silky. It keeps the head cool aud comfortable and gradually restores the hair if gray or faded to the natural and life-like color, beautiful to look upon. It is Parker’s Hftir Balsam that has won such popular apprecia tion by its many excellent and healthful prop erties. Sold in large bottles, at only 50 ctt. and SI.OO, by all first class druggists. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discov ered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rbv. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. Feb. 6ly. Carpete! Carpets! C, H. Richmond, of Chattanooga, offers the following bargains in carpets and mattings: Hemp carpets, 30 and 35 cts; Ingrain, two-ply carpets, 25, 30, 35, 45 and 50 cents; Wool fil lings, 50, 60, and 65 cts; Extra super., 85, 90, $1; Three ply,sl, 1,20; Brussels, 85. 90s aud $1; China, mattiug,white, 20, ct;s, Red check, 25 Fancy, 35; Curtain Holland buff, brown, white and drab 15ct. per yard. Other goods in proportion. Write me before purchasing, get better goods and save money. au22tf Wanted. r Sherfnan & Cos., Marshall, Mich., want ah agent in this county at once, at a salary of SIOO per month and expenses paid. For full particulars address as above. nov2l-lv TAKEN JMOTES. —Cajl and have one of those beautiful pearl j types made for your girl at Judd’s. —Don’t forget that Wikle & Cos. have an | Immense display of holiday goods. —The Cherokee railroad has anew passenger coach. —Don’t wait until the last day, but come at once and have your pictures made at Judd’s gallery. ’ 1 i —Jtfdd will remain in our city but a 6hort time, Ayail yourself of the opportunity and have your photograph made. —Mrs. L, Laramore, and family j left here Tuesday last, for EareKa, ; Fla. I Miss Lizzie Benham accompanies Misses Loyd and Happoldt to Charleston, S, C. —Wikle <fc Cos., next door to the postoffice, have a lasge stock of picture frames aud mouldings always on hand, i 1 —A nice picture is the best thing you can j select for a Christmas present. Call at Judd’s | and let him make them in first-class style. —The social club will hold their next meeting at the residence of Mr. U. Stephens Tuesday evening, Dec. 16th. ’ f * ; —Have you seen and read it ? No ? Then go to W. H.Wikle <fc Cos. forthwith and speure one for the little ones. We paean “Annie and Willie’s Prayer.” Suffer not disappointment by employing too many “caresbut for the disease of Inlau ey use Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup which never disappoints, dnd costs only 25 cents a bottle. —One of most handsome, convenient and suitable Christmas presents is Mark Twain’s Scrap Book, “It is the most convenient scrap book made.” fiW, H. Wikle & Cos, have a sup ply of them for the holiday trade. —Mr. J. F. Wikle, after a three days stay with his many friends in this city, returned to the Selma and Dalton railroad. —For the past eight years W. H. Wikle & Cos. have furnished the toys, books, candies, etc., which have made the hearts ot thousands beat with joy on Christmas morning, and they now have an unusually large stock of holiday goods. ' • * —We announce this week the name of J. M, Neel Esq , as a candidate for County Commissioner, to fill out the unexpired term of Mr. J. R. Brandon. Mr. Neel is a young at torney of this city, and is well quali fied in every particular for the office See announcement in another column. —An attachee of the Express is in trouble. He wrote two Misses, and not having stamps on hand, put both epistles in one envelope and left it on the editor’s desk. Unfortunately one of the addresses had been written on it. The end is not yet, but the writer, in his grief, says, “She never will answer.” —Prof. Piano,representing the well known and reliable house of L. Frey er, of Atlanta, Ga., has located him* self in this city, for a short time, where he now offers his services tq any who may want their pianos, or gans, etc., tuned or repaired. / This house is too well known to send out a second rate workman. See advert tlsement in this issue. —An exchange in a neighboring town contains an account of a sad affair. It says that a certain man in that town, who has never advertised, was found dead under his counter where he had been lying for two days. He was accidentally discover ed by a small boy who went to get a nickel changed. As he never adver tised, people had forgotten where his store was, and hence nobody hap>* pened to discover the corpse until decomposition set in. —C. H. C. Willingham, our con temporary of the Free Press , announ ces himself a candidate for County Commissioner, to fill the vacancy oc casioned by the resignation of J. R. Brandon. Mr. Willingham is emi nently qualified for the office he asks, and should he be entrusted with the honors and cares Sought by him, it could never be said that they were gratuitously bestowed; having serv ed the people of this county faithful ly for a number pf years. The elec tion takes place Monday, Dec. 22d, :■ * • Portrait Gallery of Georgia Baptist Ministers. The Christian Ittdex Publishing Company have undertaken the grand work of collecting intb tiGallery.the portraits of the distinguished ministers ot the Baptist denomination inGa, eaGh portrait accompanied by a biographical sketch. This sjilendid work of the engraver’s art is of great size, 33 inches by 47 inches. The biographies are to be published ip The Tnde*c h from time to time, and then permanently in book form, Every Baptist family in the South will be glad to have this precious art-w{>rk*lt is beau tiiully engraved, in three colors, and is well worth twenty-five dollars a copy. But in order to increase the circulation s of their excellent paper, the publishers will send The Index to subscribers, for one year, and a copy of this grand Portrait Gallery, for three dollars. The Index of December 4tfi contains twelve portraits of eminent deceased minister, and, as specimens of the “Gallery,’’ they artj superb. T&e-rnSkm, in all respects, is one of the ablest and best religious family papers in the .United States, Send $3.00 to The Christiafa Index, At lanta, Ga,, P. O: Box 24. and. get the paper for one year and the “Portrait Gallery.” KINGSTON. Kingston begins to breathe easy again since the g/eat distress caused by the rumor that two of our young men had been connected with the sad tragedy in Gordon county a short time since. Business is brisk; cotton booming. Over two thousand bales shipped from here to Rome alone. Cotton is bringing a good price, and our far mers are happy. All of them have some of the “dollars of our daddies,” —we judge in their pockets. Some improvement is going on. T. V. Hargis, who had his cotton gin burned a few weeks since, is, putting up a splendid building on the ruins of the oid one and will soon be ready to work apain. He has the pure vim about him—don’t believe in the old saying, “J can't.” Several small buildings going up, among them Bartow Harris, colored, has put up a store house,and lias now a small stock of Christmas tricks ready to tempt buyers. , J Through the the energy of Mrs. Piper we are adding another room to our house. Our place is healthy this season. Pleasant weather. Rev. J. J. Singleton has been as signed to this place by the conference of the M, E. church, South. He seems to be a very acceptable minis ter and the church and community are satisfied. We part reluctantly with Rev. Wm. F. Robison, who has been our pastor for two years. He goes to Conyers, and in a tew days, we will all have to bid him and his interesting family adieu, and trust they will be kindly received in his , new field of labor. 1 Peter Piper. -' . : Headquarters of Santa Claus. Christmas is coming and of course the little ones are quite jubilant over au expected visit from their friend Santa Claus. This mythical old gen tleman has established his headquar ters for Cartersville and vicinity at the store of H. M. Mountcastle& Cos., where he has displayed toys of every description, dolls, picture-books, and in fact everything which can be de sired to please the little ones. Young men will also find a large variety of novelties with which to make pres ents to their lady friends. Young ladies can find suitable articles for gentlemen friends., Children will be able to get something that is suitable for parents. In fact, all ages and classes can be accommodated with something appropriate for holiday presents. Remember the place: H. M. Mountcastle & Cos., West Main street, Look out for a big sensation next week. Municipal Election. The election for mayor and council of Cartersvillej took place Wednes day. As will be observed the race for mayor was close. The two candi dates are conspicuously known as two of our most reliable citizens. It made no difference how the election went our city would secure a faithful man for mayor. The following is the of ficial vote: ; FOR MAYOR. R. B. Trippe 160 A. M. F0ute......... 158 FOR ALDERMEN. Ist ward—J. C. Wofford.. 309 Ed. Payne 277 2d. ward—C. B. Conyers 167 L. A. Chapman 193 A. L. Barron. 176 H. Henderson, (c 01.)... 54 3d. ward—C. L. Attaway............ 22 J. A. 5t0ver........i 143 T. W. White 103 M. H. Gilreath 128 r. jr, cooper lip 4th ward—W. C. Baker 105 D.J. Garrett..,. 84 R. W. Satterfield 218 W. C. Edwards.....lß4 Fogs and Bogs. n Stagnant pools and swamps generate miasm winch produces biliousness, aching of the joints, and chilis and fevpr, and the great wopder among men has bsen, that no purma* cent and certain remedy has been found uutp the recent introduction of Day’s Ague Tonic. It instantly cures the most troublesome case of chills after all other remedies have failed. Its pleasantness and freedom from evil eymp tuous render it quite a favorite for children and females who cannot retain quinine. An other advantage is that you are not required td take any other mediciue, * because Daps Ague Tonic acts thoroughly upou the secretions— tones and builds up Che weak and feeble, en abling them to throw off the disease and to recuperate. t / FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ; WE are hereby authorized to announce the name of J. M. NEEL, a candidate for County Commissioner to fill vacancy occasion ed by the resignation of J. R. Brandon, Elec tion Dec. 22nd, 1879. Habitual Constipation. Drastic purgatives fall to relieve this troub lesome complaint, which now afflicts thous ands of males aud female* throughout the country. Strong medicines do more harm than good, and only tend to weaken the tone of the bowels and paralyze their action. Mild remedies only will core it, and for this pur pose nothing equals Bailey’s Saline Aperient. It is a pleasant and cooling purgative for the relief of constipation, biliousness, sick head ache, acid stomach, heartburn, dyspepsia, etc. It sells at 50 cents per bottle, and no family should be without it. —We were exposed last week to a pitiless storm, that wet onr Let aud stockings, and in* deed our person all-over. In fact we took a. cracking eold, whioh brought sore throat and severe symptoms of fever. Tbe good wife as serted her authority, plunged our feel into hot water, wrapped us ia hot blankets, and onr faithful son for a bottle of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It is a splendid medicine—pleasant to take, and did the job. We slept soundly through the night and awqke well the next morning. We know we owe our quick re cov ery to the JPectoral, aud shall not hesitate to recommend it to all who need such a medi" 1 c iae t— Tehua can a {Texas) Presbyterian. English Female Bitters. This is now conceded to be the ouiy female regulator and uterine tonic in the United States, Physicians all over the country who know of its many cures have no hesitancy in giving it a hearty recommendation. Dr. F. L. Sim, of Memphis, Dr. TANARUS, -C. Thompson, of N. 0., Dr. Alexander, of Austin, Texas, and j the druggists throughout the South can be referred to. For the speedy*cure of monthly female troubles afflicting married or single ladies—for leueorrhoea, ulceration, prolapsus, hysteria, and all similar diseases it has no equal. 1 • ;i \-v • ? i (•• : * L FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I respectfully announce myself as a candi date for County QqmmissibueV to fill the vacan cy caused by the resignation of Mr. J. R. Bran don. C:.11/C. Willingham. One Experience from Many. “I had been sick and miserable so long and had caused my husband so much trouble and expense, no one seemed to know what ailed me, that 1 was completely disheartened and discouraged. In this frame of mind I got a bottle of Hop Bitters and used them unknown to my family. I soon began to improve and gained so fast that my husband aqd family thought it strange and unnatural, but WfcNta I told them whnt had helped me, they said “Hurrah for Hop J3itters! long may they pros per, fpr they have made mother well and us happy.”—[The Mother. —No household is complete with out it. No druggist can afford to omit it from his stock. It has be come a necssity, for it never fails to cure Neuralgia and Headache, and it is called Hutchison’s Neuralgine. Sold by D. W. Curry, Cartersville, Ga. i sepl2-ly .. t , 4 4 Christmas is Coming. The s’eqson of joy, affection and every kindly feeling. Nothing contributes more to increase the pleasurableness of this happy season, than a good, useful and handsome “Christmas Gift,” something of permanent value and high merit. Therefore, we call attention to the fact that the publishers of The Christian Index, James P.. Harrison & Cos.. Atlanta, Ga., offer to send: to new subscribers to thisr sterling Christian family paper. who will remit $3.60f0r oneyear’s subscription, a copy of “The Story of tlie Bi ble.” a splendidly illustrated work of seven hundred pages, as a Christmas Gift to the sub scriber. We advise our readers to take advan tage of this extraordinary offer. Subscribe for The Index, for yourself, or some friend and make him or her a present of this book as a “Christmas Gift.” It contains7oo hun dred octavo pages, and. 270 illustrations. COMMERCIAL EEPOET. Good Middlings : : : : : 12^ Middlings :::::: 12 Eggs per dozen, 18 to 20 cents Butter, per pound, 20 to 25 cents Poultry Hens Bto 12 cents; Frying 10 to 15c Beeswax per pound, 18 t 6 22 cents Feathers per pound. 40 to 50 cents Dried Apples peeled, 6c; unpeeled, 5c Red Wheat, $1.25 to $1.35 White Wheat* per bushel $1.35a51.45 Wheat Bran, Ber cwt $1 00 to sllO Oats, per bushel, 50 cents Hay, 90a$l 00, per cwt. Corn, 55a60 per bnshel. Corn Meal, 75 cents per bushel. Grits, 3c to 4c per pound Peas, mixed, 60 to 65 cts; clay, 75 to 80 Potatoes, Irish, $3.75 to s4.ooper barrel; sweet gOc to $1 00 Onions, 75c to 90 Cabbage, 2)4 to 4c—good demand Molasses. 35 to 40 cents Syrup, New Orleans, 45 to 60 cents; Flori4a, 50 cents Flour, per barrel $7 to $8 Dried Peaches, sas}£e per pound Coffee, 13}£a20c per pound Sugar, Standard A, 11c: white extraC, 10c; extra C, 9; yellow, B>i Bulk Meats, 7j£c to 8c " ' Laid, tierce 9aloc Cheese. 16a20c Salt, Virginia, $1 50; Liverpool,.sl 25 Nails, $3 75a54 50 per keg Powder, blasting, $4 to $450; rifle, $7 to $7 50 Shot, $1 50 to $1 75 per sack Leather, Bole, 25c to 45c;. Georgia upper 30c to 40, , It.. p- , PIANO TUNING, AND RBWOVATIWO. THE citizens of Cartersvile and vicinity Will be pleased to learn that Prof. Elwood Piano, has established himself in Cajtersviile for the purpose of tuning and renovating Pi anos and Organs. He takes pleasure in inrorm iner the community that he guarantee every in strument put in his charge. Secan be found at Mrs. Stephens’ private boarding house, on west Main street/. Orders left at this office will receivepropt attention. y,..-- MIDWINTER. FASHIONS. DEMORRST’S Patterns for Midwinter, ia new and elegant designs, have been re ceived. Call or write for Catalogue, t-0 ; ; < ,j Ik M. MOUNTCASTLE & CO. • The Autograph I rpHE above worfdei-fnl copying invention is X now on exhibition at our store, where it can be seen at any time. It is specially suited to tl)6 southern climate, is the most durable tablet awl costs less than a fry Other like inven tion; besides being .guaranteed by one of. the leading stationary Arms ol the sputh—Walker, Evens & Cogswell, Charleston, S. C.' ‘ Lawyers, county officials, and others whq have a great deal of copying to do, will find it invalua6rar H. H. MDUNTCASTtE & CO., Agents. •• The Best Agriculturarjdafnti Published la' , . T the South.” •' ■ - ’ THE SOUTHERN FARMS MONTHLY. r fnu _ A LARGE QUARTO of 32 pages, handsomely print*: BHICT/y"* ed, filled with choice road-* 'ing of interest to the far mer, with an illustrated; fashion department forth* * ladies. $2 ft year, $1 a % year. Sample copy 15 cents. Address; J. H. ESTILL, 3 Whitaker street, Savannah, Ga. Semple copy of-The Savannah Weekly JSTewt,” a mam • moth 8-pcuw newspaper, or of the “Daily hfominfi Newt,” the leadine daily of the Southeast, tent a* receipt of Soent stamp. Address as above. fl DP A IIC 13 Stops. 3 set colden Tongue UtiuAiiO Reeds, 5 Oct’s, 2 Knee Swells, Walnut C ise, warrantee 6 £ears. Stool & Book, only S9B. New 7 Oct. Pianos, Stool. Cover and Book, only $14375. Latest Illustrated News paper sent lree. Address Daniel P. Beatty, Washington, N. J. 1 A !. 01 invested in Wall Street; 3)XU wO ip * UUU Stocks makes fortunes everv month. Book sept free explaining every thing. AdilrCsS BAXTER & CO., Bankers, 1 Wall St., N. Y. ' • 4 ' Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Sprnre,N.Y “HILL’S MANUAL.’’ Social and Business. For Everybody! Agents wanted. Wm. Shep ard. 96 Fulton St., N. Y. A GOOD PLAN. Combining operating many orders in oue vast Bum has every advantage of capital, with sitlllfnl management. Large profit* divided prorata on in vestments of $25 to slo,©oo. Circular, with lull e*- ptanaMons how all can succeed in stock dealings, mailedfri®. I A.WRKNCJS k CO., 31 Broad Street, New Yoi*. BARTOW COUNTY. ,T. A. HOWARD, j vs, I Bill for Foreclosure W.J. HOWARD, ( and Relief. .and others. j It appearing to the court by the sworn alle gations in the bill, and by the affidavit of J, A. Howard, that John H. Howard, one of the de lendauts to this bill resides out of the State of Georgia, it is ordered by the court that service of this bill be perfected by the publication of this rule and. order, once a mouth for four months prior to next term of said court, in the CARTERS'YILL'S ExPIIUSS. This, Sept. 4,1879. C. D. McCUTCHEN, J.S. C. B. C. A true extract from the minutes of Bartow Superior Court. THos. A. Word, Sept. 4,1879-oam4m Clerk. (GEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY-Whereas T G. B. Elrod. Administrator of the estate of John M. Elrod, late of said comity,deceased, has applied for letters of dismission. Therefore all uersons concerned are hereby notified, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, within the time prescribed by law, else letters will be granted applicant as applied for on the first January, 1880 Witness my hand and official signature. This Oct.-6th. 1879. ; ■ J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. C'i EORGIA, BARTOW COUNTS - Mary A X Anderson, wife o£ James Ansl. ison, of said eounty, has applied for exemption of per sonalty, out of the property of said James An derson, and T will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. M. on the 22d day of December, 1879, at my office. This November 29th, 1879. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. /GEORGIA, BARTOW COUNT Y.-Joseph Johnston has applied for supplemental exemption of personalty & I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. M., on 27th day of De cemper, 1879, at-mv office. This sth, December 18i;9. J, A. HOWARD, Ordinary. (GEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.-Singleton X S. Bianson has applied ior exemption of personalty., and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. M„ on the 27th day of December, 1879J'at my office. This December 6th, 1879. ,r f ' J. A. HO WA,RD, Ordinary. MStSf ■Will be mailed rag* to all applicant*, and to customer*"without ordering it. It contains four colored plates, 600 engravings, about 200 pages, and full iescriptions, prices and directions for planting 1500 varieties of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Plants, Roses, etc. Invaluable to all. Send for it. Address, 2). M. FERRY & Co. t Detroit, MioL s2stosoOOj^S^ - week, wnd pays immense profit* Uv toe New Cnp!itaizatioii System of operating in Stocks. Full explanation ou ippUcflr tion to Adams. Brown & Cos., Bankers, 28 Broad St.,N. Y. The Atlanta Constitution. During the coming year—a year that will witness the progress and culmination of the most interesting political contest that has ever taken place in this country—every citizen and every thoughtful person will be compelled to rely upon the newspapers lor information. Why not get the best? Abroad The Constitution is recognized, referred to and quoted from as the leading southern journal—as the organ and vehicle of the best southern thought and opin ion—and at home its columns are consulted for the latest news, the freshest comment, and for all matters of special and current ihtferest. The Constitution contains more and later tele graphic news than any other Georgia paper, and this particular leature will be largely added to during the coming year. All its facilities for gathering ihe latq*t news from all parts of the country will be enlarged and supplemented. The Constitution is both chroni cler and commentator. Its editorial opinions, its contributions to the dritt of current discus sion, its humorous and satirical paragraphs, are copied from one end of the country to tbe other. It aims always to be the brightest and the best—newsy, original ami piquant. It aims particularly to give the news impartially and fully, and to keep its readers informed of the drift of current discussion by liberal but con cise quotations from all its contemporaries. It aims, in short, to more than ever deserve to be known as “the leading southern newspaper.” Bill Arp will continue to contribute h?s unique I letters, which grow in savory humor week by | week. “Old 8i” will add his quaint fun to the ! collection of good things; and “Uncle Remus” has in preparation a series of negro myth legends, illustrating the folk-lore. oJ, the okl plantation. In every respect The Constitution, : for 1880 will he better than ever. ~ The Weekly Constitution is a carefully edited \ compendium of the news of the week and con tains the best andixesbest matter Jo be found in any other weekly irom a daily bfficte. Its news and miscellaneous contents are the iresh est and its market reports the latest. XUe SoutJieraCuJtiviitor. This, the pest, the most reliable, and most popular of southern agricultural Journals it issued from the printing establishment of The Constitution. It is still edited by Mr., W. L. Jones, and is devoted to the best interests of the farmers of uia south. It is sent at deduced orates witn the Weekly (ion of The Constitu tion. . , TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Constitution. .'slo 00, a year. “ “ 5 ou, months “ . • 2 y 0; 8 months Weeklv Constitution 1 50, a year. “ ' *■ 1 00, 6 months “ “ fJhib ot 10, 12 50,year. , •• * “ Club Of sg, 20 00, . “ Southern Cultivator 150, - Clubs oflW, 12.50, “ ' •• Clubs of 20, 20 00, . ■ ■' ” ’ i Weekly Constitution and Cul- t fivator to same address .2 50 for One vsar, Adress THE CONbTf f CTioN. Atlanta, Ga.