The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1875-18??, January 01, 1880, Image 1

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VOL. XX.—NO. 49. —Mrs. Brame will resume her school on the 12 th of January, 1880, —lßßo —leap year. Date your letters accordingly. —Miss Carrie Field is visiting rela tives in Marietta. —Miss Sallie Hardy has returned from a pleasant visit to Cedarfcown. —Miss Carrie Hoss is spending the holidays with friends in Calhoun. —Mr. W. H. Hackett Is proud of his Christmas day is a boy. —The Social Club meets next Tues day night, at the residence of Mrs, Warren Akin. —Why let your Baby suffer and perhaps die, ■when a bottle of Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup would at once relieve It and effect a cure. Brice 25 cents a bottle. —Don’t be annoyed with cuffs too low down on your arms, but go to W. H. Wikle & Co’s, and get- sleeve elastics. —Mrs. A. P. Jones of Lagrange, Ga., who has been visiting Mrs. Col. Jones, of this place, returned home Thursday. —We learn that Mrs. Klngsbery and family have moved to Fair mount, where the young ladies will take charge of a large school. —Chas. C. Parrott, Esq., is home after several weeks absence at New xian. He looks older but no less happy. The junior is a fine fellow. —Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup is fast taking the place of all the old fashioned Cough remedies, jit never i ails to relieve the mo6t violent Cold, and lor Threat Diseases it is invaluable. Brice SB cents. —Miss Fannie Johnson left on last Sunday morning for Macon, where fi he will enter the Wesleyan female icoHege. May success attend her there. —Misses Joe Gray, Marie and Nina Hearing, of Adairsville, after a visit of several days to the family of Frank P. Gray, Esq., returned home Satur day. —The Good Templars, of this city, gave an entertainment at their hall on last Tuesday night, which was en joyed by themselves and a large Dumber of their friends. —Ed. F. Sisson, of Chattanooga, hack now with his first love, the St. Louis and Iron Mountain railroad, begins the new year with as much seal as if it was his first. He is a prince among agents and deserves to be king among managers. —Blessed are you if you don’t ex pect much in this extra, for you won’t be disappointed. One of the com positors has been on an extended Christmas tour and another has been sick, while, there has been no diminu tion in Job work. —The “pound party” given by the Methodist Sunday school on last. Friday night, at Millican’s school house, was well attended by the young people. Plenty of fun and a nice supper was enjoyed uutil a late hour, when all left well satisfied with the entertainment. —Patrons of the Express must indulge us this week. They will, we are sure, be pleased with the new order of things for the ensuing year as we purpose to make it brighter, and better than ever. There will be eonie change in the form and the price put at $1.50. Subscribers who expect to renew are reqosted to do so at once. —We were shown, last Tuesday night, at H. M. Mountcastle & Co’s, book store, in this city, one of the most exquisit pieces of mechanism that we have seen recently. The ob ject in question was an oblong flower vase, unique within itself, yet bear ing the impress of other centuries. It was manufactured by Mr. Jas. T. Mountcastle, from white holly wood, erected in three section and contains 60 pieces. Cali and see it. —Our business men of every class give a mo9t favorable report of their trade Christmas week. It is generally conceded that more money was spent With our merchants last week, than on any Christmas for years past. The notion housee of W. H. Wikle, H. M. Mountcastle & Cos., as well as the other merchants who had adver tised so generously, were crowded With good humored cash customers. Everything passed off quietly; no fires, no fatal casualties of any kind happening to mar the pleasure of our happy people. I Si JS pS P* ■ 09 . fs EXPRESS-IONS. —A fire at Chattanooga, Wednes day night, damaged the Wason car works to the amount of about $50,000 —The death of Senator George S, Houston, of Alabama, is a national calamity. For, while not a brilliant man, he was a safe counsellor, and a conservative with sufficient courage to do right . —The new year with its responsi bilities is upon us. “ Like all new years, made to grow old, it should cause us to enter with new resolves, and firm ones, to do all we can in every department in which we have to act.” —A large and spirited assembly at Macon, Tuesday, resolved to sustain the governor in his resolution to car ry out the will of the people, in leas ing tho Macon and Brunswick rail road. Besides it denounced the ac tion of Mr. Wadley, president of the Central road, in his persistent efforts to prevent the spirit of the law be ing carried out. —The Maine trouble is now to set tle whether there shall be the same liberty maintained in that State as has been advocated by the republi can party in Louisiana. The “fusion” ticket shows, clearly, that the demo crats and green backers, united, are stronger than the Stalwarts. Yet the great and good(?) patriots are disput ing the count, and the resort to arms seriously threatens Yankee tranquili ty. At a large democratic mass meeting, the governor’s attorney said the other day, that there had not been a fair count in Maine for twenty three years. —The suggestions heretofore made in behalf of Hon. Amos T. Akermnn, so far as we have been able to learn, have met with the heartiest com** mendation from the most uncompro mising democrats. The idea is as agreeable as novel, that the stongest democratic district in the south should send a republican to congress. It would do more to counteract the prejudice against a “solid south” than anything that could be done, so gracefully and so well, and without compromising principle or jnterest. Then, wouldn’t it be a deligtful change to relieve good men from sailing under false colors and this large community from dissension, bitterness and strife. There would be no compromise of “principle or in terest,” because the party would not act as an organization to secure his election, and we verily believe Mr. Akerman could command more in fluence for good than other gentle* men, in the district. “He is capable, he is honest,” and the issues that he would make with the party may de serve a little rectifying. Reception. At “Etowah Heights,” near Stiles boro, on Thursday eve, December 25, 1879, a brilliant reception was tendered by the father and mother of the groom to Mr. Pleas. Shelman and his charming bride, nee Miss Leila Dallis, late of Lagrange, Ga. At 8 o’clock the guests began to assemble, and ere long the parlors were filled with a joyous, happy throng partici pating in the delights of the fcerpsi chorean art. At 11 o’clock, the guests regaled themselves upon a most bountiful supper, at which were spread delicacies sufficient to tempt the epicurean. The evening was de lightfully speni:, and all left wishing long life and happiness to the young couple whose new career commences so auspiciously. Favorite Minstrels Coming. Messrs. Durez and Benedict’s troup of celebrated minstrels will make merry our lovers of fun on the night of the 23rd inst. Let the boys begin now to consider how much dignity of manner they will be able to exer cise. No more Hard Times. If you will stop spending so much on flno clothes, rich food and style, buy good, healthy food, cheaper and better clo hing; get more real and substantial things of life every way, and especially stop the foolish habit of employ ing expensive, quack doctors or using so much of the vile humbug medicine that does yon on'.y harm, hut put your trust in that simple, pure remedy* Hop Bitterer that cures always at a trifling cost, and you will see good times and have good health. See another column. CARTERSVILLE, GA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1880. Begin with the New Year. . 11. Wikle & Cos., will receive your sub scription to any newspaper ct magazine, at the publishers lowest rates. This department of their business is now perfect. —Among the most remarkable productions of this age and country is Hall’s Hair Re newer. Its success is unparalleled. It is sought after by rich and high and low. young and old. Inhabitants of foreign lauds—the people of Australia, of Europe, and of South America find means to get it at whatever cost. It is because it works liko magic. It restores the hair to its youthful color and beauty, and robs approaching age of one of its disagreea ble accompaniments. If you are getting bald, try it. Try it if you are getting gray, or if you have any disease of the scalp. Try it if yon wish a good hair dressing. It will not disap point you .~Munice (Ind.J Wewa. [janl-4. “Love me Darling.” Ail singers and their t; sister and their cou sins and their aunts,” will sing this charming new song written by I. Edward Orchard and just published by our great Southern Music House. Why? Because not one new song ont of a thousand is so pleasin£|and its popu larity is only a question of ment melody and harmony, it! satisfies both singer and hearer and once heard will be called for over and over again. For soprano or tenor. Easy accompaniment. Elegant title page. Ask your music dealer for it or send 40 cents to the publishers, Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ga. Guard Against Consumption. That life destroying scourge, by promptly sub duing with the aid of Parker’s Ginger Tonic every attack of Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat. There is nothing like it. Actitt£ powerfully upon the blood and skin, and the imicous sur foces of the throat and lungs, ifclpeedilv over comes these dangerous disorders* prevents the development of the dreaded Consumption, and removes all pain and soreness from the lungs. It is wonderfully efficacious in Dyspeptic af flictions, and gives the most comforting relief from Headache, distress in the Stomach,Nerv ousness, Low Spirits, Wakefulness, Palpita tion of the Heart Heartburn, cte. It regulates the Bowels, corrects both unnatural looseness and cynstipatien and stimulates the Liver to healthy action. Buy aSO cent or $1 bottle and try it. Sold by all first class druggists.—cow Sm. —Exposition of 1876. Wandering through the United States section of this truly wonderful Exhibition, hyperornamented and over-dis played as the most of it is, I came upon an ele gant glass case, whoso modesty was the more conspicuous from its neighbors’ finery, sur mounted by the motto Dignis Prcemia and dis playing, in neat packages, the medical pre parations of the house of Dr. J. C Ayer & Cos. Lowell, Mass. I was aware of the world- *-*****<rtl mml this eminent firm, for the character and quali ty of their goods, and remember well their agents in London, Messrs. Newberry, in St. Paul’s Churchyard. Having a leisure hour, I determined to examine the contents of this case, myself, and I was surprised to see the del icate perfection to which they have brought their household remedies. I was chagrined at the reflection that, while we have at home the most skilful and,pre-eminentl y. the best physi cians in the world, these Yankee doctors dis tance us so fa; in the line of pop ular medicines for family use. They have the sharpness to take advantage of the high rrientiflo discover ies among us and make pills and potions as palatable as they are salutary. I was told by a leading druggist in Philadelphia, that Dr. Ayer’s manufactory was the largest in Ameri ca, giving employment to hundreds. I must go t o Lowell and see it, on my way horne.—Corres pondence London (Eng.( Telegraph. A €4ltD* To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &e., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discov ered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. Feb. 61y. Carpet o ! Carpets! C. H. Richmond, of Chattanooga, offers the following bargains in carpets and mattings: Hemp carpets, 30 and 35 cts; Ingrain, two-ply carpets, 35, 30, 35, 45 and 50 ceuts; Wool fil lings, 50, 60, and 65 cts; Extra super., 85, 90, $1; Three ply,sl, 1,20; Brussells, 85. 90s and si; China matting,white, 30, ct;s, Red cheek, 35 Fancy. 35; Curtain Holland buff, brown, white and drab 15ct. per yard. Oiber goods in proportion. Write me before purchasing, get better goods nod save money. au32tf COMMERCIAL REPORT. Good Middlings : j : : : 12# Middlings :::::: 12 . Eggs per dozen, 18 to 20 cents Butter, per pound, 20 to 25 cents Poultry Hens 8 to 12 cents; Frying 10 to 15c Beeswax per pound, 18 to 22 cents Feathers pe*- pound. 40 to 50 cents Dried Apples peeled 6r ; unpeeled, 5c Red Wneat. $1.25 to $1.35 White Wheat, per bushel $1.35a51.45 Wheat Bran, Per cwt $1 00 to sllO Dats. per bushel, 60 cents Hay, 90 :$1 00, per cwt. Corn, 55n60 per bushel Corn Me and, 75 cents per bushel. Grits, 3c to 4c per pound Peas, mixed, 60 to 65 cts; clay, 75 to 80 Potatoes, Irish, $3 75 to $4.00 pe barrel; sweet gOc to $1 00 Onions, 99c to $1 Cabbage, 2>*s to 4c—good demand Mo,asses. 35 to 40 cents syrup, New Orleans, 60 to 75 cents; Florida, 50 cents Flour, per barrel $7 to $8 Dried Pe cbes, 5a5)4c per pound Coffee, 13^ a2(Jc per pound Sugar, Standard lie: white extra C, 10c; extra C, 9; yellow, Bj4 Bulk Me ts. to 8c La-id, tierce 9a.10e Cheese, lfiaSOc Salt, Virginia. $150; Liverpool, $1 25 Nai'i. $3 7 .*s4 50 e. keg Powder, blast i g, $4 to 4 50; rifle, $7 to $7 50 Shot, $1 50 to $1 75 per sack Leather, Sole, 250 to 45c; Georgia upper 80c to 40, Western & Atlantic Bail ."Hoad. The following passenger schedule took ef fect May 25, 1879 : NO. 1.-NORTH BOUND PASSENGER. Leave Atlauta 3:oopm Passes Cartersville 4:53pm Arrives at Chattanooga 8,4 i p m NO. 2-SOTJTH BOUND PASSENGER. Leave Chattanooga.. 5:25 pm Passes Cartersville 9:05 p m Arrrives at Atlanta 11:00 p m NO. 3-NORTH BOUND PASSENGER. Leave Atlanta. 6:20 am Passes Cartersville 7:23 am Arrives at Chattanooga..... 10:56 am NO. 4-SOUTH BOUND PASSENGER. Leave Chattanooga 6:15 a m Passes Cartersville 10:11 am Arrive at Atlanta...... ..12:05 p m CARTERSVILLE ACCOMMODATION. GOINS SOUTH. Leave Cartersville . 6:05 am Arrive at Atlanta 8:45 a m _ RETURNING- Leave Atlanta. 5:10 pm Arrive at Cartersville 7:22 p m CHEROKEE RAILROAD. Office Chebokek Railroad, i August SOtb, 1879. { On an.D AFTER Monday, September 1,1879, the tram on this road will run daily, ex cept Sunday, as follows: LEAVING. Cartersville, 43 a m Arrive ac Stilesboro 8:30 a m Arrive at Taylorsville 8:52 am arrive at Rockmart ~..10:00 a m Arrive at terminus 10:50 a m RETURNING. Leave terminus 3:00 p m Arrive at Rockmart 3:40 p m Arrive at Taylorsville 4:45 p m Arrive at Stilosboro 5:13 p m Arrive at Cartersville 6:00 p ra SOME RAILROAD COMP AITS. On and after Monday, Nov. 17, trains on this Road will run as follows: MORNING TRAIN—EVERT DAT. Leaves Rome 6.30 a m Arrives at Rome .10.00 a m EVENING TRAIN—SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leaves Rome 5:00 a m Arrives at Rome ... 8:00 pm Both trains will make connection at Kings ton with trains on the W. and A. Railroad, to and from Atlanta and points South. , . „ Eben Hillyeb, Pres. Jas. a. Smith, g. P. Agt. To Hiinlat Enjoys floof Reading. Greeting and Congenial Salutations from The Detroit Free Press. From the unlimited words of praise thathave been bestowed up in it, the conclusion is fixed that The Detroit Free Press is the most popular Journal in existance. Not that it has the {jreatest circulation—though for that matter ew papers have a more extended one—but that the most profound affection for it exists among those who read and know its merits. Certain it is that no journal contains so many attractive and original features. Enjoyable in the highest degree, its tone is the purest, its literary standard the most ex cellent. It combines to a surprising extent in its well-filled pages the grace, learning, wit, hn mor, versatility and genius of the American people. Unique among newspapers, sprightly and readable in every portion—it is edited with so much tact, intelligence and care, that readers of every class find it, above all others, the one that satisfies! Varied are its departments and its contents— the whole a most judicious combination. If any one may liken intellectual to material things its field of story, poetry, correspon dence, anecdote, wit, humor, sentiment, histo ry, belles letters, knowledge m its illimitable extent—may be compared to a well ordered banquet. And around this superb feast in all its completeness bounteously laid with contri butions from every clime, sits the blessed spirit of fraternity and good fellowship! And then “The Household,’’the bright, sym pathetic and kindly “Household!” No de scription should be offered of “The Household;” it is a feature original and unsurpassed, and none can fail to appreciate it. BLUB MOUNTAIN HOUTE, Selma, Home and Dalton B, B OCHJEDULE Since Sunday, May 25th, - - ~ ~ i no .2~ NORTH. j STATIONS. J SOUTH. 6:00 a.m, I Lv. Selma .... Ar. 8:00 p.m 9:35 a.m. Ar, Calera ... I “ 4:35 p.m 4;2G I Lv, Rome j “ 9:55 a.m 6:15 a.m. j Ar. Da1t0n..... j Lv 8:00 a.m —£ - N0 4 NORTH. STATIONS, j 80UTH. 4:00 p.m. I Lv. Selma Ar11;25 p.m 10:U0p.m. Ar, Calera “ 6:00 a.m 9:55 a.m. | “ Rome “ 6:35 p.m 12:5U a.m. | Ar. Dalton Lv.3:10 p.m No. 1. Connects closely with S. N. & Gt. So, Railroad at Calera for all points West. With E. T. V. & G. Eailroad at Dalton lor all Eas tern cities, Tennessee and Virginia spiifegs, and with the W. A A. road foi Chattanooga aDd all points northwest. No. 3. Connects closely at Dalton With the E. T. V. & G. Railroad for all Eastern cities, Tennessee and Virginia springs, and with the W. & A. Railroad for Chattanooga and all points in the northwest. No. 2. Connects closely at Calera with trains of S. N. A Gt. So. Railroad fc'* Mont gomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points in La. and Texas. No. 4. Manes close connection at Seim,, with A. R. Railroad for Maridian, Jackson, Vicksburg, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points in Mississippi and Louisiana RAY KNIGHT. G. T. a. Norman Webb, Sup’k LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN LINt! Through sleepers and quick time from Chattanooga to Mobile & New Orleans, As well as Vicksburg via the Alabama Great Southern R. R. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO 3MCO 3XT T O- OMXSH.7, And the quickest and shorten line to EUFAULAand PENSACOLA O— Connection at Birmingham at 2:02; pm with the South and North Alabama railroad for Montgomery, Columbus, Eufaula and Pensa cola. At Meridian with M. A 0., and V. &M. railroads. Leave Chat* anooga, daily .. 8:15 am Arrive at Montgomery 6:40 p m “ “ Mobile 1:30 am “ “ Pensacola - 3:30 a m “ “ New Orleans 7:soum “ Eufaula 11:43 a m Arrive at Meridian .... . 8:35 pm “ Jackson .... . ..12:30 am “ “ Vicksburg 4:20 a in * < . P. BALL, Geu’l Sup’t. RBAU CAMPBELL, Gen’l Trav, Ag’t. L. B. MORRISON, G. P. & TANARUS„ Agent. S. A. CUNNINGHAM A Golden Opportunity Wanted Immediately on the line of the International & 61 Nerthem R, S. In Texas, where it is healthy, with excel lent Freestone water, 200 GOOD FARMERS to rent lauds upon the following conditions : When the landlord furnishes the land and improvements only, and the tenant the team, tools and provision, the landlord receive?* from one-fourth to one-third of the crop, and tenant the remainder. Where tho landlord furnishes everything necessary to the making; of the crop except the provision fc r the fam ily of the tenant, the crop is usualy diviieti betweed the two parties. The two systems Of leasing offer industrious poor men, and e~ Serially those with considerable families, gol en opportunities to become independent and the owners of farms at an early day. Thousands of men in Texas, who are to-day independent and the owners ct fine farmt. made the first step towards success by renting land in the manner described, ami many of them purchased farms with the profits of a single year’s lease. Of course if fa more profitable lor a man to buy land and im prove and work his own farm, if he has the means to do so, but for those who are dc titute of capital and possessed of industry and some knowledge of farming, the system of renting land tor a share ol the crop cannot be too highly commended. PRINTED LIST OF FARMS FOR RENT AND LANDS FOR SALE FURNISHED FREE. Wanted also 500 Colored Families . As tenants on Corn and Cotton Plantations. For further information call on or addres A. A, GALLAGHER, Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. 11. JENNINGS, Passenger Agent, Little Rock, Ark. > S. H. SHOCK, Southeastern Passenger Agent, Chattanooga, Tennesse. YELLOW FEVER—Black Vomit. It is too soon to forget the ravages of tht* terrible disease, which will no doubt return m a more malignant and virulent form in the fall months of 1879. MERRELL’S HEPATINE, a Remedy dis covered m Southern Nubia and used with surii wonderful results in South America where tho most aggravated cases of fever are found, causes from one to two ounces of bile to be fil tered or strained lrom the blood each time passes through the Liver, as long as an exceß3>~ of bile exists. By its wonderful action on the* Liver and Stomach the Hep a tine not only pre vents to a certainty any kind of Fevt and Black Vomit, but also cures Headaches Cor.sfa {tation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia and all Mal arial diseases. No one need fear Yellow Fever who will cx-> Jtel the Malarial Poison and excess of bile from he blood by using Mekrell’s Hepatink, which is sold by all Druggists in 25 cent and SI.OO bot tles, or will be sent by express by the Proprie tors, A. F. MERRELL ACO., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Merton’s Stillinria or Queen’s BeligM. jflgjf 0 The reports of wonderful cures of Rheu matism, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Syphilis, Camcr Ulcers and Sores, that come irom all parts ctfi the country, are not only remarkable but so* miraculous as to be doubted was it not for abundance of proof. REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA,Ac. Case of Colonel J. C. Branson. Kingston, GA., September 15,1873. Gents:— For 16 years I have been a great suf ferer from Scrofula in its most distressing forms. I have beet? confined to my room antf bed for 35 years with scrofulous ulceratiorso- The most approved remedies for such cases had been used, and the most eminent physician* consulted, without any decided benefit. Thu* prostrated, distressed, desponding, I was ad vised by Dr. Ayer, of L'loyd county, Ga, to* commence the use oi your Compound Extract; Stillingia. Language is as insufficient to de scribe the relief I ob tained from the use of the Stillingia as it is to convey an adequate idea of the intensity of my suffering before using your medicine; sufficient to say, I abandoned ail other remedies and continued the use of your Extract oi Stillingia, until I can say truly, *•£ am cured of all disease, with nothing to ob struct the active pursuit of my profession. Mare than eight months have elapsed SiHap this remarkable cure, without any return fSi tilio disease* For the truth of the above statement, I refer to any gentleman in Bartow county, Ga., and to the members of the oar of Cherokee Circuit* who are acquainted with me. I shall ever re main, with the deepest gratstude, Your obedi ent servant, J. C. BRANSON, Att’y at Law. A MIRACLE, GENT 9 daughter was taken on the 25th day ol June, 1868, with what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was treated for the* same with no success. In March, following* pieces of bone began to work out of the rigba arm, and continued to appear till all Itiw bone from the elbow to the shoulder joint cama out. Many pieces of bone came out of tho right loot and leg. The case was then pro nounced one of White Swelling. After hav ing been confined about six to her bed. and the case considered hopeless, I was in duced to try Dr. Pemberton’s Compound Ex tract of Stillingia, and was so well satisfied with its effects that I have continued use of tho it until the present. My daughter was confined to her bed abonfc. six years before she 6at up or even turned over without help. She now sits up all day, and 6ews most ol her time —has walked across the* room. Her general health is now good, and £ believe she will, as her limbs gain strength, walk well. I attribute her recovery, with thw blessing of God, to the use of your invaluable medicine. With gratitude, I am, yours truly, W. B. BLANTON. West Point, Ga , Sept. 16, 1870. Gents:—The above certificate© Mr. W. B* Blanton we know and certijy to as being true- The thing is so; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. Yours truly, CRAWFORD & WALKER, Drnggists. Hon. H. D. WILLIAMS. Ha. PEMBERTON’S STILLINGIA i* prepared by A. F MERRELL & vX)., Phila*, Pa. Sold by all Druggists in SI.OO bottles, pr sent by express. Agents wanted to canvas* everywhere. Send for Book—“ Curious Story”—free to all. Medicines sent t© poor people, payrbiu in in - stallments. For sal by D. W. Curry, Cartersville. Ga. NATIOIVAL HOTEL, DALTON, GA. J. q. A* LEWIS* Proprietor. The only first class hotel in thug City. Large, well ventilated rooms, splen did sample rooms for commercial travelers, polite waiters and excellent pure water. Rates moderate. sc:>l9tf ST. JAMES HOTEI/, (OARTERSViLLE. GEORGIA,) The undersigned has recently taken charge of this elegat; new hotel It has been newly furnished and is first- class ra all respects, SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Favorable terms to traveling theatrical com panies, L. C. HOSS, Proprietor. J. R. OR AY* ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA, GA. Office, No. 3 Centennial Building, Whitehall BL Prompt attention given to all business on usted to me. J- G.