The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1875-18??, January 06, 1881, Image 2

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The Caitcrsyillc Express. CORNELIUS WJLLiyf/f^ For the cause that kL^^assi : mmpe\ k \ For the wrong tha ßyßk* 'v < For the future in tW distance , A nd the good that ire can do. - .0 appeared at the head of these col* nms, lor the past two years, retires frftm the management, of Ul9 Ex- Much of the time be has been engaged elsewhere so as not to be able to give the paper due atten tion. This admission is made with ifn expression of thanks to the gen tlpmea who have kindly assisted him. .Tffankvare returned to patrons With the issue of the 23rd of De cember, mtf ftnineCtidn with Tnf! K*rtsl %ed i tor, ceased! Mi ex r3 $ • x* u 1 . <0 * #■#..* m has beeu short though much longer than I anticipa <ed f :feavitig taken charge of the-pa* tor my friend, Nr.Htr A. Comfirtg* gSwlfakW si4lVr stardilM iiiy'. earnest eudeavor, as it has been, to deal courteously and tairlT with- all persons and Pfh)e<Af wiK which l came in contact, and iht r< ••'iV;- i.f Tm; Exru*>s ami th public JfiVi-uiiy have my aincoro thanks for;the Überaipatronage given the pMpcr during myronnepuori with gyft .laavltlM Sm writ MM Liirn 44 Jbm jtspuUtii k'j •dftt m w*MvA*M\\ 4Cim< & fey* wen*' \ ~— 4-thli #& With tiffs issue of Tat v%e \Wntf'huo I arm ifo pdQkeM* ' •* kl^ylA In vuU-nug upon its publication 1. hgv%> veiy little to nay. You all know mo and 1 know you.’ T do not consider myseif running ftfrany office and therefore do not f(4t ca!!dd iijpbrt tcßmalve ariy “gfeKY .m , fm tpw m|o iw * ) number of pre If will be my sfejidiast purpose ip pr(^fi4.a ; Vi;ec;kiy publication in Gai* tersviliu that will participate in the progress of this progressive age. t'will serve to the refers \it Tsi*. mrnW m si #l*o-* uvxJ HXPRES : - wo| >H-P % w r , njr 1. The current pews of the day from the outside world. ‘ 2. ‘An epitome of the daily events of this city and county* 2. A collection of farm hints, uso fii! recipes, etc. rolled from the most popular agricultural periodicals. •>; A family journal that no’ patron need hesitate to read out loud at the family lireside. tTntli I -hall be able to enlarge it Tin: Express will remain at its #>. • siy.e. Men aud event? w ill bn dtalt will) in the briefest and b**4snf*t manner. No reader* will lx* forced to wade* through a four* colhmt! paraaffaph to "get one solitary u © id jits fasj. * • As is an off year in polities it wMfehartity bnecessary to inHict-onr reader- wit if a gfiaf; draPof political matter. r papers rnay A* •* ¥ ■ ■ s 4 4C nogriy everything it will duubt letc be m pleasuro to turn- tomne pa pdrth?rt'i4 not entirHy giveh lip to 1 tbIMnKM . W.‘ oalfl^or^dTj ‘.wave the H4oie’ M j Ami s now i** the of tW i&\ , <Hf<jcffrr-^ ll,# **• mtS % {HM*!-*?* ******* ~. 'vl tre |*xtn he f kit wd #t i Goutsklius Willingiia*. , 3 4 w ttk 1 HH ’’ij* m UuA tel iuky*treatintill Of uewapn pordonp, and w*Hb *4*r. ixsffefc** 4s a Haw V .tuigiH b °)Utt} ppiifeMJ9Jtf iimtU&m, wwmjMW\ire&efowl b a%SjUu toaatf-’.fc* ha ftAvT l f J w , '‘Mttow c '•allw/ Bf r f§iW i'Ublialiiuj; GWgl* weekly MUMfe, anajjucngcttoiy ( ‘ lli i 0 ll ll l li i !fll 'Mir -r*‘ *m yt *M*m:***ft# friirflwif ■ tifseVM a lt#<* MMftrfM M H(itirfnji fmW*- 9i* retetffcM/Wa to cate mwiMi Bnt we jt'ls IedH!OV. h* fare anc woum t# •** m h+*u OH\ FOR ANOTHER "JEJMS” V’PRv WPr naw Veemff Jl tlw dec^p^l it(■ o yJT ‘ ftoundea me dea®-tnell (o fulsome accounts of wed Jpgs in high life in Atlanta., Jl.u k*ii f ° r while, but the nauseating custom wouldn’t die out anu has lately broken out afresh. The. Inquisitive importer is agkin com pelled t 6 rush around ana get the minutest description of the bride’s stockings and petticoats, and the family genealogy of the high-born groom. We do not presume to dictate to our city-brethren how to run their business, but if they did know how disgusted and surfeited the outside world is with these too sweet-sugary nauseating arrays of minute details of a wedding they would desist. In ope of thyse column accounts the other day we noticed a stick full oi description of the elaborate toilet oi a lady we have seen,on the streets i>f Atlanta wearing her rings on the outside of her gloves and another whose taper fingers wo have seen encircled with asoitaire arid under the nail of which it would have taken a skooter j>luw to remove tie dirL *|| i*w .•. t)li! “Jeem? ’ to rjac up ;.tud wb.aek such shotfdyisiii over thv heacj]with aide toditd jpgncih # ■ mm VO UNTY OFFICERS An kidiHeri min ate selection, leav lug auf a fw name? from the oppos ing candidates oi yesterday have given Bartow ceuoty a go*>d t may of county ofiieer. The . resuii n a iistands may will please every man who has the gOi*i*t>fdho couruy ;k in art Xu tne of tho c uoty, that of the ordinary, the v<# s\n 4>ld * tficiaut wi vynrthy seixanj. Oge wfoo has pro tided in that office lurAfiapy years*. a4id w T ho has in these % yeara made him§<4t Uh*roughly faunliHr rwii<fotfr ;l nif bii dftltesk fipwpsftd hy jat9nfte3t m*m pNb* naps d)?m ngjainpt him—a may., in Ihoiougiy compdeni uioi a polish) and, gentleman. The re* MAit Wiii (loublless put a stoppage p 1 future efforts to unseat Juu*.- itw>4 •** ad f An old eei yaut, is ai.-w reUuned in Coi. A. M. Erankiin, the sheriff, ily justly desei v* o a lifo tpuum to the office. w ti lo*k&m for tffe above two offices and for the offices of tax collector were the most hotly fikachf candidate made a good and we trust none of thorn have lowered themvelves in the esteem ot their fei low-citiaens. Bartow county is safe in hands of the elected. We hope of our readers the Express doe- not entertain will quiet about it. It is impossi hie to get up a paper to please every* | body. A newspaper is not all for ! everybody, some things in it are for 1 you, some lor me and for oth ' ers. We can readily tell what be longs to us and what to somebody 'else. Take your part and dop’i grumble. „ , t A kart of (he edition of the Con j atltutlon was excluded from the marts i last Sunday, because of the appear ! ance of a local item upon which ! could be placed au obscene construe i tion. It was a heavy piece, hut the i responsible party couldn’t be found within forty miles of the Constitution office, we warrant. The type in suclf literature, when it gels into re-pecki blti publications, al ways hops up out t of the ease's of its own accord. It seems to be a settled fact that Sat a Bernhardt U to play in S!i.ejs to appear Aery upder pices '(jf Ao A r ouug, Men‘s Librnyx i How el] Glc.n will, rup , ffn 11 r "4 {SI W w reputati a: 3 itjtlHiii'i i .that *\e w&VP tf e |jfcj> k Harry* EriWAiiiw, of the Mae h \ TttegrapH. hri£ recently inl/'rf ievve 1 ! Or! Fuller Ti rtf o, nnrFthe ol<j map 1 'am? ns' lorfpM ( .f;-n<f*fls ; F-cliMiic H*WJ, IfHft feHb% if*fc him !f *be ,f*Pf baftWfle Jl'tfjj Is many pm # ' tan jytJdMttMteflKJlJP XtlaytL buttftfe wf*#Miy AvHH* can 1, •1 i v § % Kbtfti^wot** A t -* fed for the perusal efits tooth pages knocks BWU*~tlrue out of Ilv**we***Hfeitemst fMi tuai * tin f ** i u ‘K l ; l* §f 3t . <*#*•*** I article the .C4*Q#4§* i/te/e relative 4> too )uuioai©<i aCuJ. ( Aker man. It u iUJUfiyftL- interest to * tils iMiuiAfeis | uud llri<*r.du 14 Jhfe co jikiy,., a ~,- piAiaflNi HAs ttiP brf'Aj? amt sprtriAlng sam 1 mirety evßpcrotifti'T ■ Capt. Richard Ij£ e4liBH, edi- Br of the Bs dBl <|jr flit- E-day lastJsJU® Bed to work forßam. hMglip. HJ ithm a kind, ''f*mTl will fiud it hard to do without him. Xha !&**&&**' a weakly pap*#, heretofore published in in this oouty, has beau 5 moved to Kiugcjtou. Wu wiak-Um umerprismg young pfopriutefa Uui greatest prcx pority.^^ Get On board our lightning Ex press and we Will run you into En lightenment for fl 50. Our fare is independent of any Railroad com mission that ever existed. Be quick! we are about to pull the throttle. M*t. Bex F. Perry, has retired from the editorship of the Canton Advance, and R v\ R. P. Martin, o! the North Georgia conference, mounts iu his stead. Another daily paper is to be started in Rome. (Notice to com poaitur: Alark thia “t. f*” and iet ’er stand 0 ‘ ♦ - ♦ Sara B rnhardt will seek refuge from the broiling suos of the sunny south beneath of an Atlanta telephone wire. GEORGIA GRAPHICS. Asbestos is found in some por- of Georgia. The town of Etowah, in Cherokee cdtmty.Tiafl been incorporated. Charles Davison stepped fold* a hblein Rome, on Ctiristmas day, and broke his Tog. Vhe hoHdtiy of our exchange crakes anew? uUrn builder tear Ids heir. 1 Tom Belt/, the negro who WHed Mdofe in Glayten comity, is sctitene#e to be trenfy*d eti thn 21st' 't rffs 'idMh tlM* YrtßMr 1 ! mmm !WB n n ivor oPßome yy ;h infMfefl Tat s dav; W. W. ?SV ht* been re-elect s&&/£&&&* h***4i*fO TA r<‘ Rook* has iiiado the startling iMtiM A ooivp Miuu • ,v* ipa ifTscove?y that me call oecx|iuguisn ;; by IV. phr. *A mail'by that naim .lias been oi its Tiro de i*. ■% tim r-*u *4 pariment. While in a PeterC lltetaWfi Tliffiy Spryms, couutvt froie* to death. ITis * body, vvas ft>u u and ter I Tb Iy muf 11 att'J by * , , , T kJW • < T MB nogs and hogs. . X * M** • 1 Samples of Chines# tea grewn in Dooly eoutjty, are pronoimeed very fine, The plants are three years old, iu a healthy condition. and bearing.. profusely. r Mrs. Peveher, of Baxley, was shot and dangerously wounded by her spn-in-Yaw, Bill Young. This is omj of the raisfortunes*of motherß-ih-law, whose daughters have married men who drink whisky. A negro man was froaeo to death in on last Wednesday night. He was discovert and before death, but survived only a short time. His name was Henry Douglass and he had been intoxicated. The colored people of Macon, have signed a recommendation for the ap pointment of Judge Sima *! F. Rice, of Alabama, ex chief justice, to fit' the vacancy caused by the promotion of Judge Woods to the Supreme court. “Mr. Mulhenn who, as stated in yesterday’s paper had his leg broken in a fall,through the fl >oring of the w ater tower which was afterward* amputated” etc.— Augusta News'. Great Go h, Judge, how did your doctor go about amputa ing a water tower, He probably cut off the water. Oi Tuesday night last, Mrs. Gen ernl Lucius J. Gnrtrell, of Atlanta, wiw) hasl>ei sick for M>me time was given ik> as dead and aisnouncement £hS (hdy her decease. Rc- BHtoralives were applied 1© her h<w* >‘ver, and to 4ho greiit joj T of her 11 id apd flie eec wered, kUid yvf) as reported sis^ni fi g 'rtliriHr f ha * an^f J'* GMorffi f* v . ry i r * t rtwHh#lrtfpst<f tfbftrt fo tTfe f ! i -1 ol *NNM. *¥* Kwt4iitt spawfmi p^fPtKwt^frca Mhbtauttfortiwf. 1 ftfe thc ; kf)l tt< f M Mfcina! ffr^br' <t !Ml*#iP*rs#wcl hi*r fn * ViivtnN has* fallen hehma h#r. An * pave fliu iito a pl^^alwytt ‘in thh nnion-. Tire tfld ‘stsrbe liicypvef, no* rca 'l) to WcTj pvvr :im‘ progress;* for Sbe ha^,iacrossed fuort c*f*iily than any e?istern or midrib uHitn—*more r t triply "Micfii£at£ ildijo ejJpr'pUd, and hiis only beep mpeh nice lied by the siHcft iyia# weet of t be Muaiwippi Ttw, * - ix iVIr. John SouuruTfoclJLsH'fferin' Klvi^ahaXtliicticaE 'Ml ttfttT fturainV can he made to pay in southwest Georgia. Mr. Somtnerford conduct* off h truilo farm, mid'. 1 flft 'en anrl a half bates of-cotton |o the and etiough'born, plas, and potatoes “and syr<n> to fttfffftfi file place anolh year. The Uad planted’ in cotton averaged a bale to every one and a half acres; and notone dollar’s worth of commercial fertilizers was bought. br. Stephens is a warm advocate of home made fertilizers, and positive* ly states that under his system of manuring his land has been improv** ed one hundred per cent. Mr. Snm* mrrford, the superintendent of the place, Is only tweenty->three years old and has already gained the aepu* tation of being one of the most sue cessful of our planters. —Alh ,ny News and Advert m\ Chris ian K. H *ss, the father of Charlry Kow, who is on a visit to Pittsburg, is quoted as saying : ‘ The only tidings I ever received of (hur ley since he was stolen wa- the de mand for a ransnu of f£O,(X)O. If I had paid that I would l ave had him kwig before this. As it is, l have spent $60,000 and have not got him. lamstili engaged and have detectives employed, and hope in time to find bun. I have examined over 300 lost children in the search, some of whom had been stolen, but none of tlieiik. was Charley. I .would not. pay, the ransom; I wanted to protect the com munity awl secure thf3 thieves. A* it Is, I have lost my fortune and m; Mtm*m J! lu m \l* J ffhof*, schools and amal! f**nn nr* things that the sour hern jwwple hftflW- desire. They want’ shops 4n \tl.lcff to treble the vane of their raw hiiflfeftal;'schools In which to pfefmre children of all cohrrs and ibndftlnftfs for titifettfbMw and small Wmlfft* Which to lilustratfe what IsrtAhVfd St ilsnnd sun* are oupubte of. censtituttf the heet impe and ret HvnCeof4feo 80uth. — {Jon*- stitution. rs *">'*.* s'ew Advertisements BA RTO W HOUSE ! pamarf tZrW'fmw;*-: Oartersvlllo, On. | iw #*tw SiftgtO \<J iw RECENTLY RENOVATED. JAS. D. ENLOW, Prop OLFAN BEDS AND FARE REASONABLE. Jau-8. f a OR'Y’S SPECIFIC MRDIOINK. TRADS MARK Thk Gkxaj TRAOt MARK B OUSW filM follow h t.* 1 quenee of f-el < - BEFORE TARIM. A. Ouse: a? Lo- AFTII TAVIM. oi Memory, t.niversal LasM, u ..i, . ir. the Bark, Dimness of V sion, Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Coniumption and a Premature Grave. gWFull particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to seed free by mail to every one. Specific Medicine is sold by all druggi-ts at (l per package, o: six packages lor $5. or will he sent free bj mail on receipt of the money, by add re sing THK GRAY MEDK'INR CO , No. 108 Main St. Buffalo N. Y., sold in Car tersville, Ou., by D. W. Curry. ~ TSrßest Paper! Try It! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED 36th YEAH. The Scientific American. Th* Scimt'Jlo A'oitt'icam is h large First-Class Weekly .sow-pa/ier of Sixteen uuye*. urintt-d hi the most beautiful stylo profusely illustrated uiUkepUmlid enyravinff*, representing th new est invention-, and the most recent Advances in tile Arts and Sciences; including New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture. Horticulture, the Home, flenHh. Mcolca I l*i'ogrti/ isodal lii'torv, UeyUjgy. Aswopotuy I' rhvtnoM vulrtanli? praetie and p pets. Tiy *e*tni- I neiu writers in ail depa'-tmeuts of Siuence, will be round in the Sclent flic American. TWna-, Jii.Ji'J per year, <1 tie hah' year, which includes postage. Discount to Agents. Single CO, lies, ten #*Ats. Shift hv all Nl*\Vs deafen. cu ~ n*- PATENTS "fu: Mews. .M nau MC&.ufttWMftui t*r- American and Foreign Patents, have Ui<i2s , \ euM ex (*orfc‘ute; and n*w hatfe the largest rr,^ : r:s; Ar^rrtar il*V |WM* rt-gSteiioe fi th JfM utof. v Tin.' immense circulation thus given nuiilui ;u,- *teijt*>4is WlHofcd to the or&e rfow *frecto. iU % al^^i: ZtwmvvwtK frets? #**<#*’ a patent citMUobalfty lie •hfc'ffm-4. bv w Xmr* itommh 6xue% cur. r 4nd tu mJ l . nm n ***^***♦ rill I I ll 111 || f° r .M* UK***! <?bei)e*Njli!i Ifl nest lilusfiated lamily imh- W W IwM |i -*tiha in tlw wovkh Anv Uuo a?yt>t reports t M)’> A lady agenf irip Mating over -■#**' erear profit in ten .ij T all who engage make “tone* few. Yeti c• Wevot® *ftr\6ut ti* fr# the business, or oa’y Ai>ur yuir® lime. You Gun do it as u#ll a- diftvi*.* directions and term* Iran EJetsUH aud ekpehstiw. outgt lire. If you wan* pr fituble woi k - tad u > on* addieis at once,. J* costs *ot|ws,' to trr tb® bvsioS6, hlo c?o wh * engages tads to make Kwi£|’kaw“* WoV “ ! a v i ftp iu\ .rw Il 11 AjM s, ■ i W n u P l r (rr l E 1! OF S Tm-rtM SHEFrimm WARE, ' Rlovcs, IloTfo” Wa^J^EmpSTTiji . SAHH, DOORS; BtfNDZ, mi% I Queensware.Glassware Lamps,&c M&jM caktersvilli:, ga. J w —— —p- j*^fv Market! Frice girea for Cotton Hags, Beeswax, YsDotr, Aa. nov2s-3ra „ r * Cures ht ABSORPTION, dhinre’s Way.) HI LUNG DISEASES', 11.1. THROAT D SEASES. ft DRIVES INTO the system curative agents aud healing medicine*. It DRAWS FROM tfe di-eased parts the poisons that cause dealh. Thousands can Tcatlfy to Its Virtues. Yon Can Bs Relieved and Cur; and. Don't despair unt.l you have tr cd this ensl ble, Kasilv Applieil aud RADICALLY IF> FKCTUAL Remedy. Sold by Drnsrgists. or sent by r mail on receipt of Price, *8 00. by The ‘ Only’’ Lnng Peel Cos., WILLIAMS BLOCK, DETROIT, Mich. Send.for IY*M nomais and our book. •* I‘ree Millions a Year.” . -ent free. c i m MAIL LETTINGS. . #*# * * J t *4 , % #V >4,4 # v * . ’ -4 m*v*• i t4s 44§ •■*-s •% ■ M ,4? # ' gg MS# 4 44 ■- * i * m , m m - , - ... 1 •<* • * S* ... . ** * A** • - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. a* ..... *• *• -4J gkkv * 4F ..•Hi 9 iff* OT S f 4UI ■ 4* ■ 9 Wf V 44 4HH 4 JoAtft * ** * - iaAJ jEI -i X3r?T .* -J I*-- 5* * ' ' # g • *MI Post Office Department, Z>. C., Oct 15, 18SU. , ijfc 4f . g *' ''4 * i •Nx MNN * * : JJ FTtor*Os vr* "'ill t’p received at the' C’on-.rat: ! f-|ti| f 444i-' A -an 4 - Mlft AaA'%' -U -4 | Office of’ this-Department until % r. of , | Jnm% "* •* * * •* • sat *• ' * 10,18S1, for etrryhtjf the mails of the • *'■*•* •* T* ,v ! * ** ** *' “t,' **’ I ..[kll /l 1 M A ,)MMn§ -'** ■ W l ‘ * Ignited State*, upen the routes, aud accord ing tf> tUc scliedide of arrival and departure specified by tire Department, in the Statu of ; v . .’ ■ +\ . * Georgia, from July 1,1881, to June 80, 1884. Eista of routes, with schedules of srrivals and departures,inslructionp to biddes, with form for contracts nnd bonds and all other n. cesaa ry information will be furnished upon applica tion to the Second Assistant Postmaster Gen eral. HORACE MAYNARD, novlß-6w Postmaster General. AGKNTS! AGENTS! AGENT'S! JOSIAH ALLEN’S WIFE HAS ‘‘ROTE” A kICIAI Rflfll^ The best and funniest o f Iwfc Ww DUUAI all. ‘My Wayward Pardner/ Or the \ccount ot Samantha’s Trials and Suf ferings with Imr husband Josiali. etc. This will Be the le .(lint Boole , f (he Sea son to sell. Agents waited in evei \ l'oun. Don’t miss it, but send lor circular at once, and cure territory, to AMI RICAN PUB- I.ISDING CO., lIAITFOKD, CONN. BARTOW INSTITUTE. MALE AND F, I LE. ADAIRBVI GA. i A SCHOOL FOK THK TIMES. A good Diisieess or a thorough Classical Editca [ tin can he acquired at th least possible cost , ot time and money. The course is i aiui extensive, cmbraciiig the usual curricu lum in English, Latin; Gieek French,Os nnan. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Mathematics, andihesciences. *■ Thm-ongh course in ho< k *“keepinr and Penmtnshii . B<mrd and tnrtiqr. ‘.ire vi-.fy tow. Faculty full and eMßei*nt. 9<t israction guaranteed in every department. Pa ftroiiftg® <jftcir< and. For-cat a;.'*gW ; or • tb> ro - forma ion, uldres.s at bn%e. L, C. DICKEY, A. JM,, Atkairswi'ite, tta. dec9-intf* ,j_4 t *' ’ EAST CARfERSVIIIE INSTITUTE, UAL E AAIJ FEiIALE, foraer of Cilnore aud Carter Aid open imrulwr* Y-or*V4' moUhs MiHirtiev* Jvnunrf K iJ ■Oifl useinT instruelton w ii! t,® given, and Uie Uit#nun aiifofe©d, : 3 * - 4 ' * s * * [ Jrrlmary Department, *•* 5T3i ****&£& 1 ttiit#4n4e D<partmemt, " * * *2.00 i Depan theiit;' - J • ' • &00 . -mb M, Jv ,, itrfltW p&tfbhagc, Hri h#titd.--®> Itrily fWerft (me Pifrglns gtMMrdkia# lb. etrtser cnnlif.wfilb Piw>l>. M.VTa#vMABHHArv f J *■“ m* Pritwip**. >*\< J y |w -rrv*’- —* n •'•mu I TRKIt. l-j " *Biprfft%Hifu3 Mxnufai pf Plain Furfei* W 1 /I 4m iSmWL < J ot* •• w t Supped piUApr coffins to thf can?#. Reda'f. ing lurmt id a *peciaUj. AH work low. *ugl4.lhTOti, . our LWT wggg PtfßJnhn t. an Newspaper Improved Excelsior CURE YOUR BACK ACHE. And all diseases ot the Kidneys, and Urinary Organs by wearing the Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad, Ii is a MAKVGI. of HKAI.I<\G and RELIEF Simple, Sensible, Direct Painless, Powerful. I' CUJRES where ;,ll else lails. A RK\ fcd.ATloi Mel liKVOLDTfONiu .Me - iciue. Ab orptiuti or uirecC ui/plicaumi, op tiosfcd To uusatiYacun intern,l mciiiuiiies. Semi lor our tie itii-e on Kblnei tron lci>, sent tree. Sold by druggists orseui-by mail, on re ceipt ot pnee, S?. Addrgss Tie'‘Oiily u Lurg Pad Cos., .WMdAMS IIDKK, DEIKHir, Mich. iiu> i> the>rigjn ; o i,eauiue Kid,,evpVitf. Vsk. for it uiid tune no ulker. dldocittui UEORGii BA4ITOW C(AUNTIiWtN heweu deliecua L?. U*jgy has apjdiSD Hor le*i*;s ~ji 'uiiiuinhgi ulioil m itli the. a ill afl uexea.T >n o' Julia lit idgieLOuttoawl, lfvt*oi -aid oouury: ju- >*. .. i <444 mm g* ;#*m i** I beiefeieo all iie>so .<-au. c#agd are he#iy notiiied and cited, to flic tDeit oiijtfefciotKV if •ny they hare, t.r my*tr® e, WTThln the tme >re-< i ib<!<i by law. eUfeferSN* *fll he grant.-d pplieant. as applied for Oil the tirst .Monday .a Jaiuia’V,slS9l* VhitMKSAmber 4. IFBi>. -J. A. ID >WA It D (Inti^ry. fWißVi'f rY-.nfo'v roi : \7l ~— •• tit liAftrow'srpLdibft CfbvSttJtLW term, {fei twcrt-* if• •; v. “^■l VS. D I. W-ibel inv*n'ce. W Willis Gilbert, ) nule .iojid rect*rvice tfJw#4bif- iriu £ V 1 Die court uy the ce.i'rn of the sliein uiat i-'.ie it: docs **ot , .-vide in s-r d-wrtl th;^#. ( m-a-A,. V and .n- u't*i*e *i4e tiwßb> e iu de> id cTTTU*ib rani- Dff irocied. 'nJ ft'T'PW. )cr or- -L liirf IC(TTT tl ;i'' J. a, CjA,. c. InfS tin* .at ' l - *l-. 1 >r,;u l!erk f f4*ft*fA* jd .1 tc i o w •( fWre--e<l. h_? anplicrt fOfTt^Fl^jdhjiQiij,. air done "s.rt beiebf norPlfcd to ftltrxtrMf object ton?, if any . dter hWifffa itifp&oe fftinf Unm pre .-Ci’ibcd <vjatv, ei-e tfL£,ej> iwJL be r^Ptctrwi on the first flloiutay in Jna- Uu V, 188 L October 4tff; 18SD. ........ -*- A - HOWARD. OrOinary. J 4 EOKUIA. Ii A Itg'OL.W COUNTY.—Whereas vl W’lfiam f. Jtiiasell h.*s *,oiie,l su)>- t jleun nt f l P‘JI e i> o **a4il, 4 w# pass ."i on luo same c/n tnr 2(Jn day TJT .Dci-tmoir, l#8(, at my office, i'tm Novet/Yier 2T, taSo J. HtiWAlil), Ordirt.ity. 1 CIEOIiGIA, BA RTO IV GO UN i’Y.-Wnercas W WD/.a-telU Kte' e.t lies stiM-v* or spnpie ueutiil exemption of personeicv. I w.di j>uU .n>on the s.rme on the "Oili day ol December, 1883, at my ofii e. i’iiis fioveniber r .T. IBiio. J. 11 * TY vltD, Oi din ury. 11EOI GTA RAF ’OW COUNTY. Whereas VT J-V Shepherd having a-oiil ed t 6 be ap poiu ed gur’dir.n of ttoe pei son.nad prooeity of Es- ell* Sheohcttl, a minor under fom eea ears of ajre, idsiu-nt of said count , this is to cite all persons concerned to be aud aopeai at the tc.ui oi the cor tofoulinacy to be bft’o oa the first Monday Ju January, 1881, aud snow cause, if r nr they can, tvlit s; and J T. Shepherd not be enn usted the guardianship of the pe’-so* and property of E-felle Sbepiierj uafio>*. Wiinc s my offisial -iinatoie thii NoyeraberSh, ltepo. - A HOW ARD, Ordinary. r BORGIA BARI OH COUNTY—’' Whereas, \A Charles Srxon has npulud for exemption oi personally, 1 will pass upon the same at. 10 o’clock, a. m., on the Ist day of Jaauaiy, 1881, at my office. This Decernucr 10.1880. J. A. HOW \Ri>, ordinary, CENTRAL HOTEL, ADAIIISVIIAi;, FOR SALE or TO LET. The propviefor. M** J no, C M-irtin, de.-ivous of from ihe budne.'-. offers to scl at a t>,is hotel, or Uc will lo se it on good Dmuis, <ll the i’/romire, a*l of wtiich | •luss and lake ~ouvl i r bim-elf and r tnily. I'iiis i- a good oj)Mortunity for uiiv one who </e - embok in the hold business in a ihiiity ta>w ii midtv.iv he tween Atlanta and liaitanooga. For Junhei part iculars mutress J>:o. C. M MIT IN, aul2tf Ad.iii>vilh‘ Ge. a IJI I> K r F O SUVV Ks s CfIRMQ BUSINESS and rOiiiVld SUOI^TY. is HP the best business amt Sfeeitd Gtifde .no tl > no-Hook ever pulilif hel. Mt eh tle la u st. ii Lett* Himv tti lo fcVEDYTHiJJG in ike he-t way. How to l*n \ur own ftfcr+er. •tow to do business ooirec'ly and sucCCSSI:. 'ly. lotrttmcrfir society anti n; every part oj life, aad •n-ains a poM uNiiieot vm ie Pfftfbi + •' Idi Sp 1 us| Ujt 4jx i||a|R - '< -*m 'At yuif pi,y terras to DilrUs,, kikUdeliihi.i, 4'n. in.ii t.incirrffMi'TJ: ' I J*w#mm** * ***&#£■ m ■*#***.&&&: Xs9fh” .**s JSST y. -a fcfce W/sgtr, R*tu f LyKn#iprfyiL®< w**4liPWlw , to.. psa.'sb Em \*ltatfc9AuL.'&r i .oinert *MV#ll^-iflHlW l l'()hifyo9^%iSnOß (l ; bruises**j|'<m*ti*. dwA Han tWB -imitations, bsfity nA> tlif tiitd(ylnurk Cfd 1 XorlikeJ|e n u**ie andatake no* /other. JlTl AiRKK)^ J We ropdved v of Ssoiorcst s Paper ttcrcs J ojf th*l jflr iUDfitd^iiaUfiU. — A cduit lete N^rtment^p artn. tjt A*des MW % fi KIDNEY PAD