The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1875-18??, January 20, 1881, Image 2

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The Caitersville Express. COIiMEL lUS WIL LIXGIIA M, Editor. For the cause that lacks assistance, For the wrong that needs resistance , For the future in the distance , And the good that ire can do. ( iii leisville, Ga„ Thursday, Jan. 201 h, 1881 Mr. C. H. Williams is redeeming the Atlanta Gazette. It is now the paper it ought to be and the society people of Atlanta ought to sustain it. The Thomasville Enterprise boasts that Thomasville is one Georgia town that is out of debt. You may score the same thing for Cartersville. Bhe doesn’t owe a cent. ... Up to the hour of going to press Garfield’s cabinet has not been filled. If all the men who have been ad vanced for cabinet positions were put together in Bartow, the old county would run ovei at the brim. — ———— ———— The Slate papers have already gone into Governor-making. Probably it is the fault of the papers after all that elections in this state have got ten to be so disgraceful. For de cency’s sake, gentlemen, let up. Thojeditor of the Sunny South no tifies the country press that it can no longer exchange with them. Will Mr. President Estill please call a meeting of the Georgia Tress Asso ciation immediately, that appropriate resolutions of thanks to the S. S. may be passed. They had a gauzily dressed bur lesque opera company in Atlanta re cently. One of the actresses lost her costume and the show wa3 about to stop, when the Coroner-General of the city, who was in the audience, kindly loaned a white necktie and the performance went on as usual. The people of Home will not be idle. They are now going to have a lager beer brewery, an ice factory, a cotton factory an extensive flour mill, a grain elevator of large di mensions, another daily paper and the Georgia Press Convention. — <>► The remainder of the State press have had so many good things con gratulatory to Harry Edwards, city editor of the Macon Telegraph , upon his happy marriage to Miss Roxie Lane, of that city, that there is noth ing left for us but to waft from a sin cere heart the simple God bless you and yours. The Atlanta Post-Appeal keeps up splendidly, contrary predictions to the contrary notwithstanding. It gives the very latest news served in a style combining raciness with proper dignity. A splendid weekly edition ot this paper is also issued. Parties wishing them can get The Express and the weekly Post-Ap peal one year for two dollars. From our court proceedings it will be seen that Mr. J. M. Elliott has Again received a verdict against the Western & Atlantic Railroad—this time for $-1,750. This is the fourth verdict in favor of the complainant and proceedings fora new trial will doubtless begin immediately. If this thing is to be kept up wo cry for a change of venue. The case has cost liar tow hundreds of dollars and the tax-payers arc; awfully tired of it. * * * “With energy, iudhstry and per. severe nee, coupled with ability, The Express can bo vastly improved, as there is sufficient room for it since June 1, IS7B.— Free Press- As* the present editor of Tiie Ex press was an humble participant in producing the excellencies of the old paper during the year mentioned it is altogether unnecessary for us to tax our modesty by saying that per haps some of the old life will return to the sheet. Cornelius "Willingham Las takeu charge of The Cartebsville Express, and will buck against bis father, wlio is running the Car tcrsville Free Press. Both arc lively jour nalists and will have a lively tilt.— Albany Neics-A iser. Several of our brethren have made similar allusions as the above in re gard to our editorship of this paper. We desire to say that we do not, nor would we, had we the ability, “buck against” our respected father. As long £S the town lasts there will doubtless be published two papers here. They have both, heretofore, gained a sustenance for their respec tive publishers. We see no reason why either should discontinue or why we shull not bo allowed to go along quietly iu our humble effort to present a readable village paper with our having it “norated” that w*e are “bucking against” our father. As The Express is twenty-four years old and the Free Fress only a two year-old bantling it is not wild to say that it is the the latter paper that is doing the “bucking.” In the meantime our job presses are turning out the finest job work. SWEET CHARITY. The beuevolent citizens of our cap ital city, Atlanta, have for the past three years been engaged in a lauda ble effort to establish an hospital. To-day the only one that exists there is the one now in charge of the Sisters of Mercy, and is called the Sisters’ Hospital. The good it has accom plished can never be told on earth. The good it is doing can only be told by those suffering ones whose needs are being ministered to by the loving hands of that noble band of women upon whom the world looks with such love and admiration. Their work is arduous, and to carry it on requires the aid and encouragement of every citizen of Atlanta. A con. stant outlay of money is required and no hand should be stinted w hen it responds to the call of these noble women. We are sorry to learn that the Sis ters’ Hospital is meeting with oppo sition,—from those, too, who profess to call themselves Christians. The ground of opposition is that the in stitution is one for the inculcation and promulgation of Catholicism. Au effort is consequently being made to establish another one. The most meagre financial support has been given this, the only hospital in the city, and now that little support is sought to be divided. Suffering will go on while Christians struggle as to which religious denomination will give relief. The result is plain: a consummate failure to provide for those who may be unfortunate enough to seek the shelter and care of au hospital. Be it Catholic or Protestant, let Atlanta support the only hospital it has or probably ever will have. New Advertisements. For Sale! A Half-Ayrshire Cow with young Calf. Apply to Dr. J. T. SHEPHERD, Cartersville. E, P, GKAHAIL A. M. FOUTE’ GRAHAM & FOUTE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CARTBIIBV ILL E, GA. Practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. OFFICE UP-STAIRS, Over First Door South of Post Office. SCIENCE vs. EPILEPSY f OR, DOCTOR assist QUACK!! A LEADING LONDON PHYSICIAN ESTABLISHES ANT OFFICE IN NEW' YORK FOR THE CUKE OF EPILEPTIC FITS. ( From the Am. Journal of Medicine.) DR. AB. MESEROLE (late of London), who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and cured mote cases than any other living physician. His success has simply bt eu astonishing. We have heard of cases of cases of over twenty years’ standing success fully cured by him. He has published a valu able work ou this disease, which he sends with a large bottle oi his wonderful cure free to any sufferer who may send their express and P. O. address. We advise anyone wishing a cure to address Dr. AB. MESEROLE, No. 90 John St., New York. PLAYS! PLAYS ! PLAYS ! PLAY'S 171I 71 OR Reading Clubs, for Amateur Theatri ; cals. Temperance Plays, Drawing-Room* Plays, Fairy Plays, Ethiopean Plays, Guide Books, Speakers, Pantomimes, Tableaux Fights, Magnesium Lights,Colored Fite, Burnt Cork, Theatrical Face Preparations, Jarley’s Wax Works, Wigs, Heards and Moustaches at reduced prices. Costumes, Scenery, Charades. New catalogues sent free containing full de scription and prices. SAMUEL FJIEFCH & SON, 38 E. Fourteenth Street, New York. Advertisers by addressing george p. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce St., New York, cau learn the exact cost of any proposed line ot advertising in American Newspapers. s@s°* One hundred page Pamphlet, 25c. EAST CARTERSVILLE INSTITUTE, MALE AND FEMALE, turner of Gilmore and tarter Streets. Will open regular Scholastic Year of ten months Monday, January 10th, 1821. Suit able vacations will ho given during the year. Patrons may rest assuied that solid, careful and usefnl instruction will be given, and the strictest decorum enforced, RATES OF TUITION, PER MONTH. Primary Department, - - - &1.50 Intermediate Department, - - 2.00 Academic Department, - - - 3.00 Tuition payable monthly. We respectfully solicit patronage, hoping to be able to fully merit the same. Parents and guardians wishing to enter pupils will confer with Prof, Mathew Marshall, Dec. 16th, 1880.1 m Principal. Improved Excelsior CURB YOUR BACK ACHE. And all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Uyrnary Organs by wearing the Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad. It is a MAItVJSL of HEALING and RELIEF Simple, Sensible, Direct Painless, Powerful. It riTTTI TANARUS! where alt else fails. A REVELATION ;uid REVOLUTION in Med icine. Absorption or direct application, as op posed to unsatisfactory internal mcdiciues. Send for our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent free. Sold by druggists, or sent by mail, on re ceipt of price, *2. Address The ''Only” Lung Pad Cos., WILLIAMS BLOCK, DETROIT, Mich. This is the Original and Genuine Kidney Pad. Ask for it and take no other. s3octGm MHB9 0V A year and expenses to agents, jv // / Outfit tree. Address O. YICK ▼ ■ ■ ■ ERV, Augusta, Maine. (1 EORGTA, BARTOW COUNTY. JT Ordinary’s Office, Jan. 10,1881. James Bell has applied for letters of admin istration on the estate ot V. P. Bell, deceased. This is theiefore to notily all persons con cerned to file their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, else letters will bo granted applicant as applied tor. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. (~TEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY. Jf Ordinary’s Office, Jan. 10,1881. V. A. Heath has applied for letters of guar dianship of the person* and property of Wil liam G., Charles E., and Carrie Helms, minors. This is therefore to notify all persons con cerned to file their objections, if any they have, in my office within the time prescribed by law, else letters will be granted said applicant as applied for. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. Georgia, bartow county. Ordinary’s Office, an. 10, 1881. John S, Ilollinshead has applied for letters of guardianship of Minnie C. Rowland, minor. This is to notify all persons concerned to tile their objections, if any they have, in ray office within the time prescribed by law, else letters will be granted said applicant as applied for. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. BARTOW HOUSE Cartersville, G-a. RECENTLY RENOVATED. JAS. D. ENJLOW, Prop. CLEAN BEDS AND FARE REASONABLE. Jan-G. 1881. 1881. THE CONSTITUTION. Never in our history has a reliable, FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER been so essentially needed by the southern people as at present. Never has THE CONSTITUTION been as THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED and so fully prepared to furnish such a paper as at present. With TEEEGRAPH SERVICE UNEQUALLED by any Southern paper, With trained correspondents in every locality iu which its readers are interested, With a Capable EDITORIAL Staff a corps of efficient reporters, and the best of “special” contributors, THE CONSTITUTION can promise to its readers that it will be better than ever before, and will confirm its position as the LEADING SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER, While THE CONSTITUTION will carry the general news of the day, and express its opiu ions frankly on political topics, it will devote special attention to the Deyelopent of Southern Resources in all legitimate channels and directions, Every Georgian and every man interested in Southern enterprise and growth, should read THE CONSTITUTION in one ot its editions. TERMS—DaiIy, one year, §10; six months, $5; three mouths, $2.50. Weekly, one year, $1.50; six month, $1; to clubs of ten, one year, $1.25; to clubs of twenty, one dollar a YEAR. SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR, one year, $1.50; to clubs of ten, $12.50 ; to clubs of twenty, S2O. Weekly Constitution to same address, one year, $2.50. Address TIIE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. The Savannah Morning ITews. This reliable newspaper combines every feature calculated to make it POPULAR WITH ALL CLASSES. It is independent of cliques but extends an earnest support to the national democratic party, Published at the principal seaport of the south Atlantic states it gives prominence to all matters relative to Commerce, as well as to the Agricultural, Mechanical, and Manufac turing interests of the south’ Its State, General, Local and Market depart ments are acknowledged to be the best iu this section, while its Telegraphic Reports of the news of the day are full and comprehensive. Price of Daily, $lO a year ; $5 for six months. SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS. Contains 8 pages of reading matter, compris ing all the news of the week, telegraphic dis patches up to the hour of going to press, ag ricultural items, original serials, etc. Only $2 a year; $1 for six months. SOUTHERN FARMER'S MONTHLY. An illustrated Journal, containing original and selected agricultural matter, suitable for the Farm and Fireside. Also an illustrated Fashion Department for the Ladies. Price $2 a vear; $1 for six months. J. 11. ESTILL, SAVANNAH, GA. THE Telegraph&Messenger For 1881. More Editors, More Telegraphic News, More Correspondents, and New Type, All at a Large Additional Expense. We promise to spare neither pains nor ex pense in making our DAILY and WEEKLY among the most reliable papers iu the south ern states. Our Daily is published every day (Mon days excepted). It contains the latest news of the world, full market quotations of all kinds, changed daily. It is iu every respect a first class daily newspaper. Our Weekly is the largest paper published South, containing sixty-four columns, eight pages—tilled almost entirely with choice read ing matter. Every farmer especially should subscribe, TERMS: Daily— one year, $10; six months, $5; three month, $2,50; one month, sl. Weekly— one year, $2; six months, sl. To clubs ot five, one year, $1.75; to clubs of ten or more, one year, $1.50, Address, Telegraph and Messenger, Macon, Georgia. GILMORE fe Cos. Law and Collection House, 029 F Street, Washington, 13. 0. Make collections, negotiate loans and attend to all business confided to them. Laud Scrip, Soldier’s Additional HomestpaU Rigtatp, ,qnd Lttnd Warrants bought and eold. dcc‘23’Botf KIDNEY PAD ® l ', :: Cures Dy ABSORPTION, fflatnre’s Way.) itt LUNG DISEASES, lIJjHROATfDISEASES, llLLbreathing troubles. It DRIVES INTO the system curative agents and healing medicines. , .. It DRAWS FROM the diseased parts the poisons that cause death. Thousands can Testify to Its Virtues. Yon Can Be Relieved and Cared. Don’t despair until you have tried this Sensi ble, Easily Applied and RADICAII.I.Ti EF FECTUAL. Remedy. * . Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of Price, 8>3.06, by The ‘‘Only” Lung Pad Cos., WILLIAMS BLOCK, DETROIT, Mich. Send for Testimonials and our book, “Three Millions a Year.” Sent free. 28octfim MAIL LETTINGS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Post Office Department, Washington , D. C. t Oct , 15,1880. Proposals will be received at the Contract Office of this Department until 3 r, M. of January 10,1SS1, for carrying the mails of the United States, upon the routes, and accord ing to the schedule of arrival and departure specified by the Department, in the State of Georgia, from July 1,1881, to June 30, 1884. Lists of routes, with schedules of arrivals and departures, instructions to bidders, with forms for contracts and bonds and all other necessa ry information will be furnished upon applica tion to the Second Assistant Postmaster Gen eral. HORACE MAYNARD, nov!8-6w Postmaster General. AGENTS! AGENTS! AGENTS! JOSIAH ALLEN’S WIFE HAS “ROTE’’ A urui pnnif The best and funniest (/ lw C. Ww DUUIII all. ‘My Wayward Pardner.’ Or the Account of Samantha’s Trials and Suf ferings with her husband Josiah, etc. This Avill be tlie leading Book of tke Sea son to sell. Agents wanted in every Town. Don’t miss it, but send lor circular at once, and secure territory, to AMERICAN PUB LISHING CO., HArTFoRD, Conn. CENTRAL HOTEL, ADAIRNYILLK, FOR SALE or TO LET. The proprietor. Mr. Juo, C. Martin, desirous of retiring from the business, offers to sell at a bargain this hotel, or he will lease it on good terms, sell the furniture, all of which is first class. and take board for himself and family. This is a good opportunity for any one who de sires to embark in the hotel business in a thrifty town midway between Atlanta and Chattanooga, For further particulars address JNO. C. MARTIN, aul2tf Adairsville, Ga. Gii in: to success AVITU FOR EfIRMQ BUSINESS and rUillYlO SOCIETY. is BY FAR the best Business and Social Guide and Hand-Book ever published. Much the la test. It tells HOW TO DO EVERYTHING in the best way. How to be your own lawyer, llovv to do business correctly and successfully. How to act in society and in every part of life, and contains a gold mine of varied information indispensable to all classes for constant refer ence* AGENTS WANTED for all or spare time. To know why this book of REAL value and attraction sells better than any other, ap ply terms to Douglass Bros,, Philadelphia, Pa., and Cincinnati, O. Ell STIC TRUSS H** a differing from &l I olbsn, is cup shape, wilt Saif-Artj.tstine Bal 1 in center, adnpw 1 tee I fto *ll HA SENSIBLE W P< llion * m the body, while the y} ...... B Kallt n the enp preesea baek the BPBS ■ nUSSjW Ijktooiluuijiiet atutpertou would X. with the rlngor. With light m pressure the Hernia it held eerurely ley and night, end e radical care certain, ltia easy, durable •ad cheap. Sent by mail. Circulars free. EGeUBTOR TRUSS CO*. Chicago* 111. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Best in the world. Lasts longer than any other. Always in good condition. Cures cuts, sores, bruises and corns. Costs but little more than the imitations. Every package has the trade mark. Call for the genuine and take no other. MIDWINTER FASHIONS. We have just received our usual supply of Demorest's Paper Patterns' For the Winter Season. o A complete assortment of patterns for under wear now on hand. Call or write for catalogue. H, M. MOINTCASTLK k CO., No. 17West Main sfc, Cartersyille, Ga. The Voltaic Belt Cos., Marshall, Mich. Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to tlfem without delay, novsl, , VIRCIL L. WILLIAMS, MANUFACTURER OF TIN and SHEET IRON WARE, AND I>EAL * H 1N Stoves, Hollow-Ware, Stamped Tin P|||||pi** SASH, DOORS, BLINDB, Qiieensware,Glassware, Lamps,&c CARTERSVILLE, GA. Market Price given for Cotton Rags, Beeswax, Tallow, Ac. nov2s-3m fain PH iif Tim A JLIj JL ml JL JL iLi vJ BEP+HE DONE AT HOME! AT BOTTOM PRICES! tST The present proprietor of the Express is pleased to an nounce that the office is now better than ever prepared to turn out jjtam and |)rmtmentel SUCH AS Bill Heads, Bnisness Cards, Statements, Note Heads, Address Cards, KnvelopeS) Letter Heads, Pamphlets, AND Every Kind of Printing;, t from the tiniest card to the largest POSTER! USE? Give me a Trial I Satisfaction guaranteed, or no money asked. CORNUS WILLINGHAM, PROPRIETOR.