The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 07, 1876, Image 2

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She igwemi Ifeta A. M. C. nrSSRI.L, Rilltor, HtFUI A. UIbSICI.L, Kilitor llitonn 'VTfcftf, 'M*rio>i O *> e , ■ "itv FRIDAY M OHM NO, JANUARY 7th, 17. Argua Premium. The editors of tho Buena Vista Aii ,ci'P are resolved to make it equal, in every respct, to the bent weekly newspapers published in tho State. We intend that no subscibera shall soy at the end of tho rear that be has nut bad th* worth of bis money, in the paper. While we are assured that such will be the esse, yet for the pur pose of attaining a largo circulation outside of the county and securing three thousand yearly subscibers, paid up cash in advance, we have con cluded t.o offer, with the paper for one year, the following UXTRAOnUtNARt PREMIUM ♦ pint. Fire Black Ink worth $25 8 quires extra note paper “ 76 4 packs fine Amber Envelopes “ SO 1 fine metal Penholder “ ‘-5 1 doi fine steel pens “ 2n i do*, fuber cedar pencils “ 60 The entire worth of premiums t'2.86 All the articles are inclnded in one Premium. This premium is open on ly to new subscribers, subscibing on and after this date, who pay 2.25 in ad vance for th a paper, for one year. To those whodoonlv an ordinary amount.of corespondents?, t his premium is sufficient to furnish them with stationary for one year. Address all letters and communica tions to A. lb C. Russell. Editor A Proprietor, Jan. 7th, 1876. —tf. Thß Hew Year—lts Responsibilities. 1575, with all its cares, sorrows and joys, reverses, successes and triumphs, has faded away and become a thing of the past, remembered only as the cause of present circumstances. The New Year is upon us, with its responsibilities and expectations. The experience of the old year should teach us how to avoid in the future the errors of the past. Scan each transaction of the last year and note its result. If this is uot done the dead past will not be of much value, for by the past we must leant bow to utilize the present. This new year is one of unusual importance to every American citi izert. Being the one hundredth year of his national independence he feels that he has cause to rejoice- He breathes the air of freedom, and is jircteefed in all his rights and privi leges. lie can retrospect the past and be proud of his forefathers who won, by their blood and heroism, his birthrig lit of liberty and Republican government. As he meditates upon the advance in civilization, arts, sci ences and government, he is admon ished that there are duties incum. bent upon him which he must dis charge faithfully. The first is that he be a good citizen, performing all the requirements ol his government, which is said to be the best that the sun shines upon. Another duty he is called upon to sacredly discharge, of equal force with the first, is to exercise all his influence and ability in securing for government wise, faithful and capa ble officers and an honest administro tion. The elective franchise was not delegated to him to be exercised wantonly or in his own individual in terests or favoritism irrespective ot the welfare of the commonwealth. Tie is expected to vote and labor fur the election of those best adapted, by reason of sound principles, superior judgment, fine mind, pure motives, high moral character and unimpeach able integrity, to sustain the stand ing and dignity, make and execute the laws and abide by the Constitu tion of his country. To properly discharge his duty as a voter, he should qualify himself to distinguish the qualifications necessary lor a statesman or an officer to possess. He should be able to read, write and think forbimself, to receive advice from men in position to give, and to act upon that that is good, and reject that that is bad. A third duty,—and the most important of all—is that he make good, honest, industrious, law abiding, citizens of his children. Of all the duties and responsibilities of an American citizen, this is by far the most binding and important’ This is the only means of perpetuating good government and human free dom. Whoever is careless or dere lict in raising up his children “in the way they should go,” is traitor to his country "and unfaithful to tho great trust confided in him. These are the three great respon sibilities of an American citizen to day. There are macy others but those are of the utmost importance, in respect to the government and its perpetuation, This year tho heavy responsibility j of electing president, vico president j members of Congress, Coventor, members of the legislature and all county officers, rests upon tho shoul ders of tho pooplo. It is one in which the lives, liberties and property of all citizens of tho United St ates are in volved. Let the people prepare themselves to discharge this duty like men, exchanging the present corrupt and rotten administration, for one pure, sound and reliable. Correspondence of the Argus. Macon, Ga., Jan. 1, 1870. Dear Argus: Wo write you from this city, after a sojourn of a week and more. The Southwestern train brought the wri Ur here on Wednesday, the day af ter the adjournment of the South Georgia Conference, at Amcricus. We had a pleasant ride on that smooth ruuning track, and, finding ourselves at the spacious Passenger Shed, just before night-fall,, we made our way, as usual, to the justly cele brated traveler's home, tho Brown Hotel, immediately opposite. Au examination of the Register, before retiring, disclosed to us the names of fifty arrivals that day, which did not indicate but a slight falling off' in the travel of a year ago; and since we were here last Winter there have been several new eating houses open ed near by, and in the same block of buildings with the hotel, Wc find the trade ol Macon uni versally and 11, and many croakers afloat, without remunerative employ ment. But who will say that croak ing and prophesying of evil improves the forbidding aspect of the ever hanging clond ? Hoes it not, rather make bad matters worse f Your cor respondent, having visited the coun try adjacent; and conveised pretty freely with the people with who in he has come in contact, is of the opinion that, both agriculturally and com mercially, this section of the State is in a far more hopeful (.condition than poor cotton-ridden South Western Georgia! We have not heard of a single fanner who has lost his land and stock, his inability to meet his mdebtedness to Warehouse mer chants. There has been a partial failure of crops this year and a conse quent strhigencj r in money masters, but Lhe people are neither broke nor within the encircling rings of that engulfing maelstrom. Indeed, there are evidences of prosperity to be seen, bere and there, in the 1 * i erection of new and costly residences, in tho city, and repairing of fences and faun houses, in the country. We regret to learn that a mania for fashion and worldliness prevails to an alarming extent, here as else where, among many of the professors of the religion of the meek and lowly Jesus of Nazareth, as well as others of the church-going men and women, of this city. So much so that many arc detered, on that account, from attending divine worship. Two Methodist ladies, one of whom is con nected with one of the first families— so to speak—and the other with no mean family, informed the writer that they were too poor to afford the nec essary apparel to attend church. One of them bad not attended the house of God (?) in three years, the other n two-, and the children of one of them (the other did not inform us) were taken away from Sunday School on the same dep’orable < x cusc. While it. is doubtless true, these absenting ladies will find, should they persist in disobeying the Almighty by neglecting His house, that their excuse will not be accept ed in the great day, the writer is dis posed to fear that pride and partial, ity have far more, to do (if not with the pastors,themselves; yet with the people, in this city, ihan accords with the will of ihe Master, who will oave the whole heart or none ot it, and who has declared that, ‘‘Ye can not serve God and Mammon.” A visit to the Orphans’ Home, near his city, will afford matter for an other communication. Suffice it to say, that at this time, that without a more general interest is taken by the Methodist people within the bounds f the South Georgia Conference in behalf of this glorious institution, the Home will soon go down with its precious freight of twenty-five father less and motherless children, whom we have invited to trust in our Chris tain liberality and sympathies. Alore anon. Yours, &c. Quinxet. GEORGIA NEWS. Prof. George T 5. Atkisson, tho new ly elected President of Lumpkin Ma sonic Female College, arrived in town, with his family, on Wednesday last. The exercises of tho College will begin on Monday tho Stli in stan t.— Lumpkin Independent. Died, At Weston, Webster coun ty Georgia, on the morning of tho 26th ult. of consumption, Mrs. L. E. Huff, wife of Dr. J. A. Hull.—Lump kin Independent. Wc heard it stated yesterday, says the Columbus Times, on the authori ty of a gentleman who had taken the trouble to ascertain the facts, that tho money value of the whisky receiv ed at the depots in this city during the year is at least equal to the mon ey value of all the corn received dur. ng the same period. Mr- James Powell, of Sumter coun ty, wno has been blind for the past six years, has had bis eyesight re stored. The Legislature meets on the 2nd Wednesday in January. Two Atlanta firms killed 4,150 hogs last week. The Houston Home Journal fig ures up the coct to the county of the late eight days session of the Supe rior Court. It is as follows: Jury $409, taking testimony $25, witnesses r;m otter counties $32; bailifls S7B, Solicitor General’s fees $5lO. Clerk s costs $l7B 50, Sheriff's costs sll2. Total $1,314 50. We regret to learn, says the Au gusta Chronicle and Sentinel o: Thursday, that the health of Hon. Alexander 11. Stephens, in- toad of improving, as we had toped, is grow ing worse. A gentleman just from LibertvHall informs us that he is con fined to his bed and threatened With pneumonia. The Griffin News has the follow ing: Riley Hays, a young man 18 years of age, a son of Air. Washington Hays, who lives near Roach's Mill, on the Ocmulgee, in Butts eounty, accidentally shot and killed himself on Christmas day while out hunting. He was standing in a stump reload ing one barrel of his gun, which he had discharged, when tiie gun slip ped and, the hammer of the loaded barrel coming in contact with the stump, discharged the remaining load into h's abdomen, inflicting a far fui wound, which caused his death in three hours. This is the third son of Air. Washington Hays who has come to his death by accidents from gunpowder. The following dispatch to ttic Gal veston News, from San Marcos, Tex as, the 27tb, may be interesting to someone in Georgia: A young man of good personal ap pearance, and not mote than 21 years of age who arrived here on the 23d inst. ■ nd registered as Charles DeLeo, of Georgia, committed suicide at 9 o’clock this morning by shooting him self through tie heart. Maj. R. M. Orme proposes at an early day to commence the publica tion of a morning paper in Savannah, to be called the Free Press. Wednesday night 118 whiles and negroes, mostly the latter, left by the Western train for Mississippi and Texas. Another large ; arty of col ored people left yesterday. It will not be many months before they will wish themsc ves back in Gto-gia. Mrs. Elizabeth Ward, of Stew art County, is dead. TSie United Friends of Temper ance held a convention at Provi donee, on Friday, Dec. 24th,1875, which was a grand success. Mr. Dav'd Th Gawlev of Colum bgs, is dead. Congress met again last j day, much dilapidated in appear ance from the effects of Chrismas holidays. Rev, E. J. Ifentz will arrive and enter on tho discharge of his pastoral duties today. We notice some Macon Drum mers in town this week. Macon merchants would do well to con sider the claims of the Auers to advertising patronage. Buena Yista is nearly equally distant from Columbus, Amcricus, Geneva, Butler, Lumpkin and Preston. A good modiurn wo think. H Sf Q WIM! Your Dwellings Your Stores Y our Stocks of Goods FTour Gins and Gin Houses. From, loss by Fire. General Insurance Agent, ggu _ —!-i- ^g S'Jjf Jgst {£niiip allies gUp^entdl, Settlements glade and j§?aid at my (Office NEW IDfERTMIENTS, BUENA VISTa Hip-li School o The Spring session of this school will begin on Monday, January Srci, hddolose onTlmrs day. July ISth, with a public examination, (• inert and exhibition, embracing two a3. The Fall session will begin on Monday ■September 17th, (tnd close Friday Decem ber Ist. RATES OE fciTION PER ANNUM. I’rimany Class $20.00 Intermediate Class So.oo Advanced Class 40.00 Music on Piano Forte, with use of instrument 55.00 Board can be procured in the most respect able families at from 10 to 12 dollars per month. Tuition has been reduced to the low est ante bellnuT 'rates, to meet the stringency of the times and the poverty of our people, so that nil who attach any value to education may avail themselves of its advantages. It is believed that the rates of tuition in this school are less than in any of like pre tensions in the State. The Principals are southern men, of large experience, well known in Middle and South West Georgia as faithful and efficient instructors of youth, and are determined, in renewing their old positions here, to make this Seminary second to none in the State or country, where the young of both sexes may tie thoroughly pre par and for any class in College or any pursuit ui life. J. M. Dunham, IP. W Kennirly, I Tiucipals. Burma Vista, Ga., Dec. Ist, 1875. PEA COCK'S S UPE KICK asl €3. I received a single 801 l of Cotton from my •Son in C'dnniluiN four yeais since, it ij- of green or brown seed variety. I have planted of them ever since .*nd believe them to be moie prolific than any cotton I ever planted. I sold a few bushels of them last year, I can spare this win ter 100 Bushclf and will .sell them at Two Dol lar per Bushel if called f<r by the fu st of Feb ruary. I have made on one extra ace this year two thou.-and pouiidg seed cotton, and I will >fiy this, that I have faith t‘> bulimic that these end are so far ahead of any I have planted that I an willing to pul in $25.00 with any num ber ol men who will plant any oilier variety of seed -n one acre of land, and the one making tho in .st take all the money. liKNAJAU PE ' COCK. Four miles Westofßuena Vista, Matioa Cos G i. Sioicl AdrcrtisruirntN. H. L. Fi i > < it. J. S. Eason. FBENCH H 077 U, Pabiic in*, iliner French & Ea*on, Proprietor. Firs 4 Class Accommodations. Two Dollars per clay " ‘ : '>* S® : ---V 7 -’ - ' Mo Afco House Smirhville, Georgia. je@-ATcals on the arrival of all trains Fare as good as the season affords Price, 5o cams a meal. ’ EMMiSlSste&r COLUMBUS, - - Ga CORNER NEXT BELOW WATT & WALKER First Class A ccbinmofiations Supper, Lodging and Breakfast *I,OO Single Meal, 50c, tied, 50c 1,00 Board per fifty 1,50 Board per week 7,00 at all kour.s"ftS: i Sa ffi J - 140 & 112 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, - - GEORGIa MRS- S- F. WO L DHIDGB, PROPRIETRESS Boarfi per clay, - - S2 00 Single Meal ... ,50 Lodging, ’ - - - - ,50 Xov. lily L. I. HAKVZY, Clerk. Welcli’s piimiH lifilHT, M.AKOR jB-EAST. Always Alleviates and General!) Cares RHEUMATISM. SORENESS and S H r ELLIEU, of the Breast, PA IE and WEAKNESS in the. t Hack and Joints, The severest BURNS can Speedilij he cured and should he Applied i t tuned it i tel y. Pm Horses & Sales, IT STANDS WITHOUT A RIVAL! And Speedily Cures Most, of their Diseases requiring a Lminiment. •u s ;b r a And you will Never he Without it. Ask your Merchant for it. Sold by Sealers 1m Brags, And By L. E, & H- E, WELCH, Sole Proprietors and WI TOL LTSA LJ 7! DriiKffists N >v. AJGBAKY, GEORGIA. MASON WOEK I hike this method of informing the eitize„s of Buena Vista and Marion county, that lain prepared to do any hi mi of mason work, such as plastering, brick laying, building chimneys or brick houses, any kind of stone work, the I am prepared also to do any kind of work on graves, as walling them up with lirick, e'e. LEONARD C'UQUILLARD j BiiiMih Vista, l)cc 2tih 1875 1876. THE 1876. KiLLIMUif i il miK Located Near TALUOI TO.\, GKOUGIA. J. T. McLAUQIILIN, Principal cfe Proprietor G. \V. MAXON, Associate Principal. Graded High School for 13oys A; Young Men Spring Term begins Jan. 17th, ends .Tune 30lh Fall Term begins August Ist, ends Nov. 17tli Tuition in Piim<uy Department, per year, $20.00 “ Intermediate “ *’ 00.00 “ Grammar “ “ 40 o 0 “ High School “ “ 60.00 Incidental Fee. per month, 25r 250 Hoard paid in advance.for the Term, per mouth 10. no All expenses for Six Months, including Hoard, Tui tion, Washing fud Incidentals. SOG, $92 or 98. For One, year, paid iu advance, sllO, !SI6U or SIOO, accord ing to Class. Dec. 24-1 tii* ,0^" 1875 1876 ’’ OUR Scholastic year is divided into three terms! beginning September 20th, January 3rd. April Ist, and closing Commencement Day, liio last Wednesd2y iu June. CHARGES PER TERM. Board and Tuition $f9.00 J/usic aud use of Piano 19.00 Payments in advance or monthly. A. ii. FLEWJSLLEN, President. CHEAP ffil, ~f„ /a? _• I A Up 9 W. tSJVSLEY, DRUGGIST ft GROCER 61 KM tM l. Cl. DRUGf? i MEDICIWB KEROSENE, PATENT MEDICINES, POTASH, SOAP, STARCH, COLOGNES, FANCY SOAP, PAINTS, OILS, GARDEN SEEDS, PIPES, CIGARS, ~,4 TOBACCO. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, WINDOW GLASS, CONFECTIONERIES, BACON, FLOUR, LARD, WEAL, CHEESE, STTOAR, COFFEE, CRACKERS, SALt, Ac., fta. l .rmjed Ilf H S SI M IHMB, Am 9 Hats, Boots, shoes, Tinware, Hardware, Cutlery. Crockery, stationery, and ■< Notions Generally. <t I have removed from my former stand, South of the public square, to Wiggi&’s 0 cl Stand, West of FuMe Sfuit where I will be pleased to serve my old friends and as many new ones M wid favor me with their patronage. I have made a change in my business, discontinuing the sale of some articles and substituting others in their places —have ordered a line ot loading articles of Staple Dry Goods — all of which I intend to sell cheap. J. W. ANSLEY, Oct) ber 15th, 18i5.-ct Buena Vista, Qt. file Place to Buy! We keep on hand and are constantly receiving from liasterh and Wnton inmkets all goods usually kept iti a first-class House Furithisg nods E-i tablishment. I?ITT> 'VITIT l? P r umNll UivJi. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS, LOUNGES, *e.. Dressing Case Suits Cojmnxsn: Bod Room Suits, at Prices from SSO Up/zards; Dining Room Chairs, Tables end S?ifesi Office Desks, •and "i Counter and Desk Stooi3 and Chairs. Chair?.' Fine Cane Seat, Wood Seat and Cottage; Wash Stands, Table#, B* reatts, Bedsteads, Lounges, Malttesses: Spring Beds, Feathers, &c.; Ba#k* best assort in cut ill the city; Brushes: Ilai. Clothes. Shoe, Dusting and Shaving; Brooms: 1 oni or Sweeping, He alth and WhWk; Upholsters Goods: hair, doth, reps, buttons, gimp, tacks,ike.; Picture Frame?: picture frame moulding, im frames made any size desired; picture cork, nail? ari l tamels; ' ISA 131' CAKmACHE3; Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plate in piece, Window Shakes, decorated and lain; Window shade goods, various widths, and colors cut and mado to fit ony window. CHINA. CROCKERY i GLASSWARE, China, dinner find tea sets; china by piece or dozen, decorated or plain; lamps lanterns, chandeliers, wicks, chimneys, kerosene oil and lamp good# generally; Fancy and holiday goods, fine variety; Cutlery: table and pocket, fine assortment imported and American, both direct from manufacturers, and sold very low. Spoons, forks, castors, Ac BITEIAL GASES & CASKET 4 Metallic aid Wood, all sizes, at prices ranging from six dollars to two hubdro r dollars; full lino of cheap wood coffins always on hand, for ladies, gentlemen o children; Buriol robes, and unkertsktrs harkware. next door north of Waxelhaum <k Gyles’, Cotton Avenue. Residence close to store in bourn of Judge S - S. Boon, Calls night or day, by telegram or otherwise, attended faithfully. S. Anthony ft Sons, §h'OteioMl €mh. D3?. E. T. MATHIS, IJuena Vista, C*a- Calls left at my office or residence promptly ti ended. Dec24-ly a - ATTORNEY AT LAW, BUEVA. VISTA, GA. F. L. _ WTs,D BUENA VISTA, GA. fi©“Calls may bo left at my resi-j lonce at all hours of the day or night.“©a October Sth, 1875.—1 y | 6T& *QT ¥1 EffIFUGE. A safe and sure Cure, for Worms. Harmless in its effect on the system* and sure to improve the condition oj the Patient. Sold by dealers in Drags aid Med icines and by T. F. HENRY, CU&- RAN & CO., 8 College Place, New York. I. K & H E WELCH. WHOLESALE DRVITB, Kov. D.-lf AI.BJ.yr, GA.