Newspaper Page Text
f " >- *--• v v "■ *- "'■ I ■' '-"■■■ W- u.. j
rauuv lJrmxo, .Tanu.uiv m, ltu.
Agents for th Argos.
The following are our duly author
ized Agent', to reoieve anil receipt for
snbaor iptions, advertisement* anil Job
Work, ut their respective plnce.
L. W. Wail Tazewell, Ga
,C. Roy alls .Retlbone Ga.
A gts r ear. cm.
Too editors of the Buena Vista An
oub arc resolved to make it equal, in
every respect, to the best weekly
newspapers published in the Si ate.
We intend that, no subscibers shall
slty at the end of the year that be has
nut had tlie worth of his money, in the
paper. While wo are assured that
such will be the evse, yet fur the pur
pose of attaining a large circulation
outside of the county and securing
three thousand yearly mibseibers,
paid up cash in advance, we have con
rltided to offer, with the paper for one
year, tile following
4 pint Fine Black Ink worth S2S
3 quire* extra note paper “ .76
4 packs fine Envelopes “ 80
1 fine metal Penholder “ 25
1 dux fine steel pens *• 20
•$ dins, fuber cedar pencils “ An
The entire worth of premiums $2.86
All the articles are included in _me
Premium. This premium is open on
ly to new subscribers, subscribing on and
after this date, who pay 2.25 in ad
vance for the papet, for one year. To
those who do only an ordinary amount of
corespondence, this premium is sufficient
to furnish them with stationary for
One year.
Address all letters and communica
tions to A. M. C. Russell.
Editor & Proprietor,
Jan. 7th, 1876.—tf.
—Planters in this county have about
s tiled down to their farming opetations
for the present year.
—So little suing isdone in this conn
ty that the Sheriffs advertising amounts
to a mere bagatelle.
—Nico fresh country butter sells in
this community at twenty-five cent 6
per pound; Chickens and eggs ptopor
tionally low.
• —The children’s serial now run
ning through the Argus, called
“Adolpho,” has been unavoidably
crowded out of this issue. It will
be continued in our next.
—Many of the farmers if Marion
have been so successful the past year
as to have a surplus of cotton on hand,
after cancelling all their obligations,
besides having enough of corn, bacon
nnJ syrup to carry them to the end of
the year.
—We have in our town, lor a few
days only, a good photographic artist.
Mr. It. Z. Bowman has had severa'
years experience in the business, and
now has in his pavilion some fine speci
mens of iiia Art. Call on him earlv as
he expects to leave soon.
—While in Amerieus on Monday
last, we learned that Mr. 11. C. Kin
chen, formerly of Buena Vis'a, had
moved to that city and established him
self in business. We wish Mr. Kin
chen abundant success in his new ven
—A desire to have a law passed, for
the utter extinction of the dog species,
obtains generally in these parts. This
is a fine sheep raising country, but the
<Ggs are as pestilentia l as the locusts ot
Egypt. They are a heavy expense
•without one iota of profit. Let them
be exterminated immediately if not soon
—Tborntonvill?, /acksonville, Wig
giusville, Pineville, Glen Alta, R.el
bone, Fort Perry, Taxewell, Buena Vis
ta, and several sections yet to hear
from! What an array of places for
one small county to environ! Come on
immigrant and select your town.
—Mr. E. J. Stokes, a son of our town
man of that name; has set up a black
smith shop on the public road, haling
from Americas to Lucna Vista via El
laville, in Sumter county. If he is as
good a blacksmith as hi*. father, Sumter
county does not contain a better work
man in his line—and he appears to be
a worthy chip off the old block.
—A colored woman went to Mr.
Bowman to have her “picter took.”
It required much argument to convince
her that the artist's camera would not
fire off and hit her in the eye. At
last she was prevailed upon to fit still
until her ferreotype was taken. When
shown to her she exclaimed, “Why,
bress do 'ord! I felt it pealing offT’
The Coilnty C#yjt.
The office of County Court Solioitof
has recently changed hands. The for
mer efficient occupant of the office, Mr,
J. L. C. Kerr, finding that his othei
business matters required all his time,
resigned the position, which he had
filled with credit to himself since it was
incoi porated among the offices of the
We are pleased to announce that the
Governor has chosen and appointed
Mr. W* B- Hinton to fill the vacancy,
occasioned by the resignation of Mr.
Kerr. Thoappointment gives general
(satisfaction, as far as we can learn, and
wo feel assured that Mr. ITinton will
discharge the responsible du'ies of his
position acceptably to all. The respon
sibility of the position is great, for upon
the Solicitor principally depend the fer
retting out of crime and the successful
prosecution of it. •
One of the objections frequently urg
ed against it, by the opponents of the
County Court was, that it could not
make its sentences to the chain gang
effective, because there was no chain
gang. This objection has been render
ed groundless by a recent communica
tion from Mr. B._W. Adams, Traveling
Guard for the Georgia Penitentiary
to lion. Wm. B. Butt, Judge of the
County Court, in which he is informed
that if any criminals be sentenced to
the chain gang, they can he transferred
to the Penitentiary chain gang, without
any expense to the county whatever.
Whenever there arc any such in the
jail. Judge Butt notifies Mr. Adams and
he sends, without delay, at the expense
of the State, guards, to convey them
wherever he may direct. These con
victs are leased out to reliable persons,
at a sufficient price to insure the State
against loss in keeping them.
The convicts thus disposed of, will
receive good treatment. Mr. Adams in
Ins communication says: “I will see
their sentence executed, and have them
treated with humanity, clothed and
fed will/’
—A communication on the subject
of 1 Book Farming” has been crowded
out of this issue. It is good enough to
keep till our next, It contains sugges
tions which should claim tho earnest
consideration of our fanners.
—We have been informed that our
clever and talented young friend, Rev.
A. J. Ilarvey, has accepted a flourish
rig school, in Sumter County, on the
road leading from Amerieus to Kllavillc,
and has removed bis family thither. In
his removal, Buena Vista loses a good
citizen, and in the removal of his lady
society is deprived of one of its most
genial ornaments. We hope that good
fortune may attend them wherever
Providence directs their footsteps.
Our community has been much
distressed over the critical condition of
the esteemed consort of Rev. W. A.
Singleton. She lias been on the verge
of the grave, for several days past, her
many sorrowing friends expecting hour
ly to hear of her decease. Before this
paper reaches the eye ol its readers, hi r
immortal spirit may have taken its
eternal flight to God, who doelh all
things for the best.
—Rev. M. Hair has on hand a se
lection of those reliable medicines'
prepared only by Messrs. L. E. & IP
E. Welch, of Albany. We have purl
chased medicines from these gentle
men, for several years, and know from
experience, that they are pure and
come up fully to their advertised de
scription. Their O. K. Vermifuge
and Plantation Liniment have always
given satisfaction, in the section where
they arc almost universally used.
—Dr, F. L. Wisdom has turned over
his accounts to Col. E. M. Butt for col
lection. O, ye delinquents! where is
your gratitude? He has quelled the
mad revolt in your members, yet you
do not pay him. He has calmed the
troubled waters of your nervous system,
yet you do not render unto Ceasar the
things that are Ceasar’s. He has pluck
ed you as a brand from the burning fe
ver, yet you forget him in the hour op
his need. He lifted you aforetime out
of the valley of the shadow ot death
yet you would leave him in the talons
of the hungry creditor. He has answer
ed your call in the hour of your extrem
ity, go thou and do by him likewise.
Pay him and bring us two dollars—
'hen he will continue to doctor your
bodies and we will doctor your con
science. Seriously, e hope that the
Doctor will not he compelled to resort
to the law to collect his just claims.
Ladvertisemrnt ]
A Flagrant Delinquent Advertised
and Wanted.
Ran away from the subscriber, nbout
tho 22nd of December last, Frank P .
teiman, who is about 5 feet 8 inohes in
lcngtß, of a black complexion, quick
spoken, stout built; will weigh about
180 or 190 pounds, and is about 50
years old. He is remarkably sensible
and fast talking.
The negro claims to be a wheel
wrigbt, caipenter, huJ almost any kind
of a hand a man wants. Has been
gage I, for the last two years running a
saw, and is one of the most skillful hog
tl laves, sheep, cattle, corn, cotton, co
- seed or any other kind of a thief a
man may ask for, that this or any oth
er fertile thief producing country could
bring forth. He has been living in
Oglethorpe county, and claims to
have Ik]' nged to a Mr. Peterman—
has lived In Alabama, Columbus, and
other pin, os, and has had to leave
every place he has ever been to on
account of being detected in stealing.
He is wanted now for stealing
hogs, sheep, co ton, cotton-sced
and corn.
Any information of his where
abouts will be thankfully received
The subscriber especially requests
all editors that are fond cf eating Log
meat, mutton, beef, potatoes or
chickens, to publish this notice, and
if they want compensation, to stop
whenever they are passing and board
it out. Respectfully,
G. W. C. Mcxuf -
r. S.—The said Frank lefl ,e
direction of Eufaula—he haq wife
uamed Emily, a boy named Ben and
a girl named Laura, besides two
smaller children whose names I do
not recollect. I emphatically pro
nounce it a family of thieves, which
will prove a nuisance to any commu
nity. G. W. 0. M.
—We hope that our delinquent
friends will come forward prompt
ly and pay us “that little bill.”
We are very much in need of it.
We are doing the “very best we
can” for you, and we expect you
to do the same for us.
Barboursville, VV. Va., Janury 54.
—A hundred men suiiounded the jail
where Mrs. Meeting and her paramour
were confined. Rev. Geo. W. Young,
wiio was witli the prisoners, persuaded
the mob to wait till he had lime to pre
pare the prisoners. When the preach
er retired the mob rushed in. Wil
liams was taken to the Court House
Yard and hanged. The woman wa
taken to where the man was hanging
and confessed that Williams and bei
self murdered her husband with three
blows on the head with an ax and cut
ting his throat with a knife. The wo.
man was taken back to jail.
New York, .January 24.—A Rio Ja
neiro letter says Emperor Don Pedro
will be accompanied, on liis approach
ing visit to this country, by the empress
and a numb, r of immediate friend ,
Also by threo of the most powerful
ships of the Bmz-lian navy. He will
depart about the end of March.
A Suicide ’B Fortune. —Newman
Leopold, the Brooklyn broker, who shot
himself on Sunday afternoon at hie re
idenco, 142 Adelphi street, died on
Tuesday night. In his ante-mortem
statement he said that he shot himself
because be could not endure his wife’s
temper. His property is worth SIOO,-
000, and, there is no will, a contest for
it is predicted.
The officers of the direct cable ex
pect to connect with Newfoundland, the
terminus of the line, within folly-eight
hours and resume work.
Halifax, January 25 — Herring fish
ing in Bone Bay and Bay of Islands,
Newfoundland, is a complete failure.
Mules sold at Aucion in Eufaula,
on Tuesday last, at from sl6 to $lO.
Some good mules were included in
t he lot.
The Republican National Conven
tion is called in the city of Omcinnaii,
on Wednesday, the 14thday of June,
at 12 o’clock noon.
According to Gov. Tilden, the tax
es have been raised from $4 90 per
head of the people, in 1860, to $lB 91
per head in 1870.
St. Valentine’s day comes on Mon
day this year. And it’s leap year,
too. All Fool’s day, May day and
Christinas day also occur on Monday.
The fourth of July occurs on Tuesday,
ns also docs the anniversary of the
birth of Washington.
It may interest many to know that
Judas Iscariot’s thirty pieces of sil
ver wero worth $lB-25.
New Advertisements-
Creditors Lookout.
I have from nerrssity placed mv books in
tho hands of Col E M Butt for collection. I
am compelled to make collections—my duty
to iriy creditors require it and my necessities
at home require it. Lookont then or you will
be sued immediately. Call on Col. Butt and
pay part if you cannot pay all.
•January 28, 1876. I'\ L. Wisdom, M. D
Offer from date their Stock of
For tlhe Casla.
OT® OS £s CM&.
January 2i, 1876.-tf. •
emr tmb bbsT
-a (l
Unabridged Dictionary
10.000 Words and Meanings not in other
Dictionaries. 3000 Engravings; 1840
Pages Quarto. Price sl2.
Webster now is glorious—it leaves noth
ing to be desired.— Pres Raymond,
Vassar College.
Every sclioler knows the vshie of the
work—W. H. Prescott, the Historian.
Believe it to be the tnUst perfect dictions
ry if the language— Dr. J. G. Holland
Superior in most respects to any other
known to me— George P Marsh.
r jTV|je standard authority for printing in this
L office—. 4 H Clapp, Government Printer-
T Tercels all others in giving arid defining sei
-K entific terms — Paccident Hitchcock.
Remarkable compendium of I, ir.,au know 1
edge —W S Cldtrk , Pres l Agricultu. ,and
“The best practical English Dictiona
ry extant,’’ —[Loudon Quarterly Review
October, 1873 ]
ihnstrations heretofore in Webster's Un
abridged we have recently added four
pages of Colored Illustrations, engraved
expressly for the work at large expense.
1040 Pages Octavo. 000 Engravings.
Price $5.
HfiUThe National Standard.
Proof: 20 to 1
The sale of Webster's Dictionaries
throughout the country in 1873 were 20
times as large as the sales of any other
Dictionaries In proof we will send to
any person, on application, the state
ments of more than 100 booksellers from
every section of the country Published
by G & C MERitIAM, Springfield,
Nold by all Booksellers
Hotel Advertisements.
U. L. Fufnch. j. s. Eason.
Public ijquurc, Amerieus, Georgia*
French & Eason, Proprietor.
Firs 4 Class Accommodations. Two Dollars per day
Mo Afee House
Smithville, Georgia.
figy Meals on the arrival of all trains
Fare as good as the soasou affords
Price, 50 cents a meal.
MirMß mmx
First Class Accommodations
Supper, Lodging and Breakfast ...... SI,OO
Single Meal, 50c, Bed, 500 1,00
Hoard per day 1,50
Board per week 7,00
jMT-Open at-clt - hoursTtfe^
Brown’s Hotel.
Opposite Pcutsenyer Depot,
This first-class and well known Hotel has been
Entirely Renovated and Kclitted,
in the most elegant Style, and is prepared with every
facility to accommodate its old friends and tho public
generallj. It is
Immediately Opposite tins General Passenger Depot
This Hotel presents unusual advantages to viators
to the city.
The rooms are constructed and fitted up with a
view to the comfort Oa the guests, and the table 1 ah
ways supplied with even’ delicacy of the season
E. E. liKOWN k SON,
Sept24-lyr Proprietors.
140 & 142 Broad Street,
Board per day, - - $2,00
SingleMMeasl s -- - ,50
Lodging, - - - ,50
Nov. 15-ly 1.. I. HAITVEY, Clerk.
Bmw.aEss, ■
am hr reus j ano ra.
W ley Jones, TB Joisur
Proprietor Cl k
Rato* and Bule'if or Legal Advor
Sheriff Rale*, each levy... *•....$ 4.00
Mortgage fl fa nutas* each levy 6.00
Tax Co!)IK-(or 1 * unit**, each levy.. 4.00
Citation for Letter* of Administration and
Gtlardlaiiahin ...*.... *..,.*..**..... 4.00
Application for diHiuiMHi in from AdoiiuiatrtUon
Guardianship ami Executorship,... 5.00
Application for leave to aril land forono aq'r.. 600
Notice to debt,ora Ittnl crodltora* 4.00,
Land sales, Ist square, #4, ouch additional... 5 00
Sales of perlshuhlo property, per square..... • 1t.50
Kstray notice. 60 days 7.00
Notice to perfect service...*.... 7.00
Rules ni si to forecloso mortgages per aq’r.,., 3.50
Buies to establish lost papers, per squure.... 3.50
Rules compelling titles 3.50
Rules to perfect services in diverse cases,... 10.00
Application for Homestead 3.00
All Legal Advertisements mast be paid for In ad-'
Sales of land, &c., by Administrators, Executors
or Guordians, are required by law to be held on the
First Tuesday in the mouth* between the hours of
ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon,Jat the
Court TJouso in tho county ill which the property is
Notices of these sales must be given in a public ga
zette in the county where the land lies, if there he
any, and if there is no paper published in the county
hen in the nearest gazette, or tho one having the
argest general circulation in said county, 40 days
previous to the day of sal#*.
Noticesforths tale of personal property must be,
given in like manner ten days previous to sale day.
Notice to the debtors of creditors aud an estate
must also be published 40 days.
.Notice that application will be made to tho Court of
* dinary for Leave to Sell land, &e., must be publish
ed once a week for 4 weeks.
Citations for Letters of Administration, Guardian
ship, etc., must ho published 30 days—for Dismission
from Administration, Guardianship and Executorship
40 days.
Eules of Foreclosure of Mortgage must be publish
ed monthly for four months—for establishing lost
papers or tne full space of three months—for com
pelling titles from Executors or Administrators,
where bond has been given by the deceased, the full
space of three months.
Application for Homestead must be published twice.
Publications will always be continued according to
these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise or
ders 1.
Marion County Sheriff Sales.
Will be sold before the Court House
door in Buena Vista, Ga., on the first
Tuesday in March next the following
property, to-wit; The west half of lot
of land No. 175 in the thirty.first Dis
trict of originally Lee, now Marion
County. Levied on by virtue of a fifa
issued from Marion Superior Court in
favor of E. W. Miller, Transferee, vs
John H. Watson. Tenant in Possession
notified in terms of the law*
At the same time and place. One liun*
died and fifty (150) acres off of Lot No.
255 in the fourth District of originally
Muscogee now Marion county Levied
on, with a Justice Court fifa in favor of
Morgan Kemp, as the property of S. W.
Mitidrow—it being the place on which
saidMuldrow resid-d before hisdeath and
on which A. C. Maldrow resides. Tenant
in possession notified. Levy made and
returned to me by J. C. Rigsby, L. C*,
this the 28'h'dav of Jan. 1876.
jan2B-lm. Sheriff,
WILL be sold before the Court Horse
door in Buena Vista within the legal
Lours of s-de on the first Tuesday in March
next, the following property, to wit: J of lot
number ninety-oSe in sth District of Ma
rion county. Sold as the property of James
L Landcaster, by virtue of a fifa from Marion
founty Court in favor of Hinton and Butt vs
J imes L i-andcaster. I). N. MADDUX,
Jan 28— lm. Deputy'Sheriff.
GEORGIA— Markov County.
Whereas, Airs. V. I’. Jon.*, Admr x.,-of
Geo. W. Jones, has applied for dismissions.
All persons interested in said Estate are here
by notified of said application.
Witness my hand Jan 2G, 187 G,
•January 28— 3m. Ordinary.
GEORGIA--Marion County.
Whereas, Robert Crawford has applied for
the administration of the estate of Cyrus W.
Ross, dec’d, notice is hereby given that Let
ters de bonis non will be granted the. appli
cant on the first Monday in March next unless
good cause is shown to the contra rv.
Witness m j hand, January 21, 1876.
l?-3<td JAS. M. L()WE, Ordinary.
GEORGIA--RTarion County”
Martha A. Crawford, -widow of John Craw
ford, has applied for exemption of personalty
and setting apart and valuation of homestead
and I will pass upon the same at my office on
first day of February next, at 10 o’clock a. m.
January 21, 1876-2 t Ordinal y.
T'',. ILL bo sold, agreeably to an order from
* the Court of Ordinary of Mursogee
Cos: uty on the first Tuesday in Febcuary
next, before the Court House door in the
town of Buena Vista Marion county, within
the legal hours of sale, the north half of lot
of land No. 164, in the 31st District of Ma
rion coi •n :y containing one hundred and ft
quarter acres more or less: Sold as the prop
erty of James Ennis, late of Muscogee coun
ty deceased, Terms Cash.
Jan. 3, 1875 Administrators.
On the first Tuesday in February next wil
be sold at the Court House door, in the tow
of Buena Vista, Marion county, between the
legal hours of sale and to tho highest and best
bidder, one bay horse named Logan, and one
bay mare named Mary, levied on as the prop
erty of Wiley Wyatt by virtue of a mortgage
fi fa, issued from the County Court, of said
county, in favor of O. C. Bnlloch vs Wiley
Wyatt. This December 2, 1875.
Pec. 3-60d. Deputy Sheriff.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEOlttllA —Marion County—lsy virtue of
e last Wilt of Simeon Lawh >rn, dec'J. will
e sold on first Tuesday in February, 187(1 be
fore the Court House in said count; , one hun
dred aud forty LUO] acres of land Jeff lot no.
one hundred and forty in the thirty first (31)
Dist. of Buid county as the property of said de
ceased. Sold for tho benefit of creditors and
heirs. Terms one-half cash and the other half
to bo paid on the Ist of October next. Sold at
the risk of the former purchaser.
Dec. 31st, 1875-?,Od Adm’rwith Will, Ac
Bill to Marshal Assetts in Marion
Superior Court-
Jan. R. it W. A. McVlichael, Executor of
John McMichael, vs. M. E. Peacock, Adams,
Bazemore, et al.
fjTHE undersigned having been appointed
JL at the Inst Term of said Court, a Master
in E piity, to bear and determine upon all
evidences of indebtedness against the estate
I--, eased.
.til' persons holding claims against said
Estate are hereby notified to be and appear
before me, at my office in Buena Vista,
said county, by 10 o clock, a. m., on the first
Monday in February next,
Jan 14—it. Master in Equity.
New Goods!
Cheap Goods!
ATT ....)
A C^cmsaHa.
I am now receiving a WELL ASSORTED STOCK of
FILL | WINTER 6003>5.
Which I will sell at greatly PRICES. + .
My Stock consists of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, HA IS.
and has been bought with SPECIAL REFERENCE to the wants and
of the community, and will be sold AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOHOHT
anywhere in any regular house.
Having bought them in person, I am prepared to sell
Calico (> to 8; Soda 12 pounds to the dollar; Genuine Collins Axe
81.25; and other goods in proportion.
Cgiih* lsiii>, ( ohii* All, ami See lion cheap
can he sob! in JSaiena Vista*
Buena vista, Georgia, October 2.5, ISFdb
■T mtrxcrm. iinm—'i run eemi mmhi i—w———
Great Reduction
\ V
30 PATS,
In Standard Calicoes from 6c to 8 cents per yard; Shirting from
8c to 9c per yard; Sheeting from 9c to 10c per yard; E. and P. Checks
at 12c per yard; Bleeching from So to 14c per yard.
Groceries always 'at Bottom J&^ases.
OUU SUOCK of Boots, .Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Clothing, Hardware, Hollow-ware, Tinware, Patent hi cat 4
cines, Family Groceries, Tobacco, Segars, &c. include a variety—which you will 2nd bargains in
for the next thirty days. Respectfully,
7 Mlf ifO •
MM bwb
Americus, Ua ,
**“ - 1 -' yted to the wants of our otomor and at oxtraordinaw prices. Wo hav till >■ t
splendib: ctTarrK!^S
In which will be found suits of the. very finest southern Doejkin Jeans ever brought to this market, n k
o order especially for our trade, at prices lower than they were ever known. Our stock of
the largest In South-West Georgia, and will be sold as lowaß the same quality can be bought in Macon J
or Atlanta. Wo have never had ap large a stock of JE APTS, ndi k as cheap as how. Home of Extra
Quality, the beat we ever sold. We have a beautiful stock of Dross Goods—our
AL.IPACAS cannot be excelled, they are very handsome—.so are our
Shawls, besides we have Dbmestic Goods in great variety, &i*l
many of them corresponding with
Our stock of Table D amiskwasTJeverao good.
We keep also a line stock of Shoes, Hats, Umbrellas, Table and Pocket- Cutlery, Extra Fine '*Rakor Steel’'
Scissors, Tobacco, Fi - e Soao, Starch, Soda, /Slacking, as well as many articles not enumerated.
$1! cheap! 3fertj ©heap! Extra ©heap!
* cash;.
We respectfully invite every in Jy to call and examine our stock before purchasing.
Nov. s , i875-im (HRAHBEIK R 1 & BA REOW.