The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 26, 1876, Image 1

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SI. ✓ EdUor \ Pnoiaf ff**s*---=^r-Jv'- tr/^T illuoim Vi-tWv3'W ( iS ' *• apaagf, t*r<Mo*Jdfr#it£^fi ft<e (*f|!lio#e "**!) I taken by the Prti* of aoorfiU ft* &trjr />r.* jrfcy'* „ Bill, for adetrtMtnjWP dips bn 1 th&Aret ui. oMb* drU|woouti.jfcj#lii> m|esol>tfd, V)/ My< h" (xihnuyl lor. '1 f I :' ‘-v — : - ; " J #y B. B. Hiuloy%JV. fl W tw,, j| ATToiy^ijs^ BUENA VJJSTfe- eft. * . m y jpt.x? * / # <* Will practice in the Oonrfy' (/ tMtsß6M<y and jio District and Circuit, Eom.s of Iff., Uitated States. ~* A 4 j. XiTcj. AT TO A iiß lirTl, . v - * „ • ! _ 1 7 -Vssi # ATTOKNHV AWIiAW, / ... •' <1 jrUEJf A VlSTjyGa;.^./ V"t jgT&-: a-ttorney ; sr>aw,! am*: rue us. efubuorA- MarcQ 10-1 yr. , t " DR. E. T. Bucnn ,Ga^ Culls left at my office or E(Ki3fenee priJmptly •Mended. >-' Bec24-ly * * **;- x 7. L. W-iSDOM, Bt B> )t / u Tgt*N A yisair'Crtr' > .v iSgP’Calds may be at resi-* /uenctydT all hours of the day or nlgb£“Qß •>, October StpfU.B7s.-ly V • W/ L BEET jaemtist, AMERICU3, - - f - - - GA. THANKFUL, for past fa'fcn-s I respect fnlly solicit a coutiuuauuo of the patronage of the good people of Ala rion. Prices reasonable, and extra in duoements offered those at a distance to visit iny office. Rooms on Lamar Bt ? two doors from R C Black’s Shoe Store. September Bth. Hotel Advertisements. BARLOW HOUSE, * AMEHICUS, GA. WILEY JONES, Proprietor. HEW BRICK HOTEL Siliuttd is thecenicr of lie Business part of tlic city Tha proprietor flutters himself, from an expo rtenee of 0 years, that bo can and will give sat ijfactioo to all guests. KATES OP BOARD. Board per day $ 200 Single meal 50 Hlngla lodging 75 ]>ay /?oard per month 20 00 I)ay Board per month with lodging.... 25 00 Transient board, per month 30 00 Persons engaging board by the month and boarding less than a month will be charged the weekly rates. No deduction for lost timo lees than a week. Terms strictly eah. March lO.lyr J. B. JOSSEY, Clerk. Taiimi satm -140 & 142 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIa M KS. 8- F- WOLDItIUG E> PROPRIETRESS Board per day, - - $2,00 Single - ,50 Lodging, - - - - ,50 Not. 15-ly 1.. I. HARVEY, Clerk. Brown’s II otcl. Opposite I'asscnger Depot , MACON, GEORGIA. firat-dase and well known Hotel has been Rittirely Renovated and Kctitted. in tho most elegant stylo, and is prepared with every facility to accommodate its old friends and the public generally. It is CENTRALLY LOCATED, and . ’ Imeiiately Opposite the General Passer Depot This Hotel presents unusual advantages to viators to the city. Tha rooms are constructed and fitted up with a tiew to the comfort of the guests, and the table isal way* supplied with every delicacy of the season E. E. EKOWN & BON, Bpt24-lyr Proprietors. H. U WIRKOH. J. S. Eas N’ FRENCH HOUSE, Ptttiwo Square, Americas, Georgia. ■ §_ French & Eason, Proprietor. MoAfee llOuso Smithville, Georgia. HSrSfcals on the arrival of all trains Fare as good as the season affords Price, 50 cents a meal. 4>irh. OOOpar day at homo. Samples worth $1 V*) W v£,ij free. Stinson to. 00., Portland. Mali/o S~ USD sc. to 0 P. HOWELL (c CO., New York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, coutainiug lists of 1.1000 newspapers and estimates showing coat of adver ising /jt a <to.y at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and $>- Witua fire., CO., Augusta Maine. I-’ A. VI iA' 0 A ic? FA ’.IILV Sub^do^’lSj^ ’ ik M s ■ XWwfy j f tbjjhieifs V jj ~ -‘‘Meim et an *'i i - jfrfi iJLing fyafare rffirfbrs. T^i%-]rn/ toe J o *? p a)ati } Urn l <Fi s agai i|d. #+£ii fri J ;yiilsff- <>jf t Fj£ of m i the 5F jnymmitfons jH ]fii<fen£ J^i/• id.• ButfiH J^'sta,,4elF* ’‘' -' 3Rr ’tijott, yv&l will n<A JiSm'hl vouiJ editorial jvitir'fli^ ruder' ’of that the is strong ttf strike. Your cofresporulrffitj Union, is; beautifully brief anchelegantly~ com' acisey so to but penrfe- j aites eve% his compact.^yiticyt’iu.. to o not consider myself' a-"fiiHj’ ! fledged critic as he intimates. J claim to be nought "but an impas sioned lover of my .mother th!)go and a modest champion ofits “right to be used and not abused.” llc* cauterizes me for christening the tender infant, Incognito, an “April Fool,” as though the use of pet names had ceased to be fashionable Poor Incognito! I am charged with displaying a heartless disregard lbr his-feelings. Iso one hut ray pa tient wife and fourteen little child ren know how I have wept over his short-comings. Union says of my first artitle : “In bis first sentence there is a ‘phenome non’ of tautology; in his second tlicr- is a phenomenon of redundancy; ami, in his third here is a ‘phenomenon’ of the improper uso of the tenses.” Tautology signifies “A sameness of expression which adds nothing either to the sense or the sound.” Or as Southey says, “That is truly' and really tautology, where the same thing is repeated, though under never so much variety of ex pression. ” In my first sentence there is but one repetition—that of the word, ‘‘Who,” which neither detracts from the sense nor the sound, but is necessary for its grammatical integrity. My second contains three distinct enunciations, and no tautological “sameness of expres sion.” Union, the model gramma rian, to whom /Smith is but an ig noramus, must remember that all repetition is not tautology. There are many honorable exceptions, os he will find out by carefully con suiting the rhetoricians. Some of the grandest climaxes in our lan guage, have beeu attained by suc cessive repetition of the same words and forms ot construction. In re gard to redundancy, I claim there is none. His final charge is, that I atn guilty of the improper use of the tenses. The passage, complained of by Union, is composed of two distinct parts, the first reading “can find,” the sect nd “where is.” In the first I wish to know where I can find a nominative case; in the second, I ask where is a rhetorical rule. No improper use ol the tenses occur in the passage, when tried by my grammarians, and I oiiyjFlN MAIUCfT COUMY, GA., IfiAlflC, Jm£! . —i —————■*—-■--•*■ ——— IffbMbrccd t<) the conclusion fat aw, hwncTOTiticaUuitagoiiiat. is mis ajKn. jjpfi,, tScusctny hasty con* rfnjj may he the 'dnif %p!Tect work kind ex ihmtf * *,* \ I. Wah’s in regard ■to Smithh’ (ifajtojwar, ‘ loads me to ho has imbil .•.<] the o(‘Jlorris (or Alun;ay), of considerable that his model 1 tli the mnni .•n-a^V9-/;. r gftogpther. Wuafi this there wilHie rejoicing tun on g Jibe <jffpie graat”unUhiriU'd. jAef appreciated the lettering thought with any way. gMfc’vAßr; them, with roy- BCjeifcgativß'Wo n.- r: Hm ihouqht? fu 1 have m* law: ,hut their.arbitrary dvrew. En Ixircy'they. usn^pyjiisol comma:: .1 commend fapucir (:• •:■ : de>,:it,V Rllull’s quoted truism,; iviug if. in “ifafWnfaesl ■ <‘.r,, Sri: ' '-- r j* -*- enfis vero jperse-vZrare.” Leaving By stylus piercing the broasKbfTOwpu, I take up my •gloaming K\<cf?T!bfir, for a ]>.- sf lim with Buena Yiita. t: e \ oun writers’ laerinionions apnologist. This chikli^h/>ld "imtlwuun lev comes lachrymose over my mild reproof, and sheds poetry, tears and biographical incidents, with reck less disregard of future reward or punishment. Most philanthropic of critics! Ido not deem my seif cruel, acri monious or splenetic. Did I not as a kind father call Incognito's attention to his loose style, that he might correct it ? Did I not ad vise him to avoid publicity until his literary culture improved ; Have not I shown remarkable in terest in his welfare? Have not I ex’ orted him to pray like Solomon for knowledge/—to see himself as others see him I* Yet, am 1 lect ured by Buena Vista and Union for ray acerbity! Alas! my cup of affliction runneth over, and my feet have well nigh slipped ! My sorrow overwhelms me like a tur bulent sea, and my sighs tush from me, like a whirlwind from the mountains. 8.. t while the bastinado falls upon my bleeding shoulders. 1 see flaws in its fibrous texture. Buena Vista says: “The Use of opprobrious epithets cannot pass for critic; 1 acumen.” Yet, lie calls my article a diatribe, and me an ambitious fool, a cruel jester and an unmannerly coward. How does these terms compare with “April fool,” in my soft ad monition? O, Consistency, thou art a jewel, but Buena Vista pos sesses thee not. In point of animus my exhortation wa. as pacific as his tear-stained but indignant protest. In dwelling on the persecution? of men of genius by envious critics, Buena Vista rises to the sublime ; but when it is remembered that be covertly ranks their immortal pro ductions with the ephemeral essays of Incognito and the "rough dia mond” element generally, he be comes fantastically ridiculous. His quotation from Goldsmith, ‘ ‘Cautious stupidity is always in tho right. ” seriously mars the beauty of his performance, for it is not apt. The pbca! m of'tffc quotation to the fftdjcct ■ annot be made, without V c.nurse f reasoning qot crly irfv <^i+ T -fl by the coiifext. lie jirolA ally inserted it, lr* tui’ n ••i!irce k of bi-tt. do imnsolf tiejs. and knew to bostur* ’piA; he thcreffe took it. for granted ti* it he was “!wa<s in the rUrliU inr not skilled iy literary tm’ght" errantry-, as Bncita. Yists i supposes. Seldom do I enter the nr 'flit of letters, ayd never witho”uf“ go >d deploraidy hlun de s, vrhen h’ufJaVA.lownlthe osition as a fact, tJisK. Incognito is a ;• t.nng writer, just assaying tiie ascent of litorrrv eminmtea. F , Incognito . 1 1 3 v s p::litiyt;>et he ha* tmAliten-d tl'-A yc”"V~q£' both sexes in t! e three “R’s” - ••p...0.i;, TANARUS?• •., * . n ,,i i* i .-5. i’ !:as cW h on of Ids cwn, a M' has grazed like Isebfteli r. the p, .far.; i t.f c:; position that !i • vy.s ‘nnfl ..’gel ' a youth, was writfen ir. a sr.r castc’ vv'u, to show the puerile H of his {fusion. Lhteua V r, lias Idimdered beyond all css. iso course is left for t;t pursue, but to--?,?;;> ad for ttv. -cy. tg the voxpopuli, crawl out ,■**& Hmphjfhfatr ■ n-nj, §*&.*&'■:■ ■ ihe sword to a literary gladi.-tror of j more mental muscleand less bowels ! of cmripassion. Tiie most radical error of Buena ! Vista's article, is the position lie takes and attempts to prove, by sub le ar guments and touching illustrations, that young writers should not be fore and to undergo the same ordeal of review, as veterans of the pen. is a dangerous literary heresr, and if! acknowledge-! and enforced, would j irredeemably vitiate the literature of j our land. Such a course would be j grossly unjust, both to the old and j flic young, the writer ami the reader. The sweeping criticisms on the old. writers placed in contrast with the serai-complimentary notices of the young, would mislead both the pub lic and the youthful authors. The old authors would bo criticised into disgrace, and young genius, not be ing shown its errors, would never know or correct them. The public gazettes would be flooded with insip id and nauseating’ trash, and unlimit ed lice e would be given to medioc | rity and ignorance. Erecting a high 1 and faultless standard and requiring all to conform to it, is the way, par \ excellent, to keep literature pure and I unspotted. If this is done, no writer ! • ill appear in public without due ; preparation, and merit will have its j reward and demerit its punishment. I have, I think, shown satis facio i rily that Buena Vista has < ndeavored Ito establish a dangerous heresy, and jt>ae that every true lover of our lan jguagoand literature, should eomba •vitii tint energy of Achilles and the j s rength ol Samson. My motive, in entering the lists, has not been to de | mat and humble Incognito, but to de | ftnvl from pollution the purity, virtue I and exalted character of my lady-love, i Belles Leltres. Ido not pant l'orglo !ry and fame, nor woukl I sacrifice my pcn-onnl comfort and the pleas ’nres of my vocation, for the loveliest j and brightest, chaplet that, the god- I dess ol lelteis ever held out to aspir ing genius. PiN'EVIXLE. j Take the Buena Vista Argus. It will take the rough edge off of hard times. NlTMßUjf^fcvU ** s ! A lamk TAM/- czvmT, W&4& J f * • v — J f. jjpr | Old JoMljiwson hfid flcrit.onJy^ : J jc-ijittS the Mu^tie:J(v’ the ip#’wr® WtliaAl:vf cr ■ JWJt <pn'a<t<te<rjytf at* J -ifli. J:b y St/a I^lll^'^ immrt Utfrteur, and h#l4i y f the'lofiw peijkC | n’.ijf iiglwiig janfUis owuJ 'yor.d'iA-'siiyJrjdani wasrn ■wff’td/A ihat rc-gli crime Bgam*t. ftfonwAyfat v jorj mmerof a' iß haijßlt.'#Tec,i’ hiWj : thought oK*i Vkt*\m insiaHte,a- #i|A kiad ijjfu frt^fe'oifi j ment.-’had been |” an'dilu <|qnj)b< lApJilg | to a neighbm iArt|iicunyiivtAUec n | ’ pursued, ajjd brJfcb£!pHe;ls.d ! Old Job wh.- sSflJe,oluA trt V (|f *fil J fculpri 1 , and 11 f4t tP& jt-4 ! gulclunoar thot®yire> S UJ ! eted for thAsiTc of h -n. lu^tfmn e IttflMff rantfLjiosJT^Wo W( ■ f. and j - m :■!. Joo <i>'oiu #ame lh-fl t-M ; w?rtl.s the yun, aw/wfup'. (UnifiedJ j :<:c, seat and iiinme.f bouldeiv’ | :t> kjfrf lift he “-skin cjjpjfiid ‘ kyA -j tlie equfjpTiro ITU-ii' t/ 'nW‘\ to biz, nn l I want vr 4d! t§* ujese y r racket. n..'i up oaVlfft. e 1,1 • if 1 ' ' s "g ,0!a “- Throw ycr hair : ■ itgat ffii, nay 'tonflon to. j Every hat came off at this com | maud, and His Honor, glancing i around the c re'e, arid : j “What is the cuss.’' The nt •umdineers, armed with i Henry rifles and six shooters, step* j ped forward with the thief, a young ! man wearing a devil-may-care es ■ ■iv y'y v g,'j'o.. spgarftly - skin thongs. Clad in buckskin from head to f iot, he presemed a pictur es:; -o appearance as he faced the Squire. “Wat do vor name bs when yer at home ?” asked the court, “Ain’t got any home, leastways in the - o parts,” sullenly replied the prisoner. “.din.t hey? Well, what's the unmo y r ink when yur left the States, then ?” “The boys hyar on the hills call me Tiger J m.” “Wed, Tige, yer spotted as a boss I l hint, an’ I recon thar’s something in ! it, or the boys wouldn’t have brought | yer in. You can’t expect a trial like you’ll get. down to L ir.unio, or in env |of ihem towns along the road. We | haven't eny paper, pen or ink, or env of that foolishness up hyar in the hi ts, an’ thar ain’t one of us coflld engineer 'em if we hud, so we’ll just grind yer through an’ do the best we can lor yer, did you collar that hoss —but stop ’or tight thar, doggone it I forgot to swar you. Cum mitey near forgittin’ it. Hold up yer'right ban !” “Ho’d up nothing’. How kin 1 when they arc tied tip titer’n blazes!” “Thatso. Yer k’rect, Tige, but guess eny member of the body’ll be cording to law in extreme cases. Steddy him a little, fellers, so’s he kin hold up his right foot.” Tige raised it is moccasin-covered foot, while a guard on each side held him in position. ‘ Now, then, I aint a fly on them nr lawyer alfydavys, but I’ll make her stout enough to hold a Mexican mule. Tiger Jim, do you swear by tlic holy Moses, according to the laws of Wyoming Territory, that ev eie time yer chip into my racket that ye’ll give us a square truth ? An’ef you don't, do yer hope that yer may go; chawed up by a grizzly, chopp ed to pieces by a Sioux, strung up to a puto with a rope ’round yer neck, an fail t> connect in Heaven when yer light go* -a out, to the best of yer understandiu’ as provided by law, s’help God. eh?” “T-at’s jist w’at I does, Pardv.” “Now, Tige, yer under oath, an’ ev'ry time yer speak yer want to hit the bull’s eye. Did yer hear that boss ? ’ “Wall, uncle Job, there’s no use o' lyin’ ’bout it, an’ I’ll tell yer jist how it war. Las’ night you know thar was a jamboree over to A1 Mi icings’ ranch in Miller’s gulch, an’ I war thar. All had been in Laramie City an’ got a keg o’ good old budge, an’ we all got puny lull. After the the dancin’ war over I pulled out for Bowles’ rauch, wkar I am. hanging out, an’ as I war staggerin’ down 'round Mountain Cats Hill, I run i Ifcf Ej^rv^K^iday. I f ’ sYns cHiptrou j fv ‘tNjmiJtxn.'rosT-y^. I < ' !,ie 'l •• ■ <-w * • •••••• s,ooi LSi.^ionM... .-.Tv. .. .**.;.. .1 00 | TAW?) wWhilia ..'. di , Alyjf^teinAKyrgj^^AH ' - Aii. Cash ;.v ► m f , Vjf ' KpsUJpfrtiafnM jßyam in ' # g-!v ■ if. •>! rkAj■ l ll lotyCko war pkJ' Mil- fljitmrtWfe fl-asu, AaL*" If war | ji%d^t jWxw 1 Kt#lii< >ini an’ li! j>* &SMr\< n o w UfmgomP to swing jjfcdr tpm I ain’t cf 1b j M-arnißpf *rtwj,her imek fciT I vofy'jj&nitfjf-fn-ijiy/yA l*solts], wiro HnuSiiratJßani n*4help tiro 1 dart. a .wofuul iat rQ 1 . * j y... .ve, filers, TW Sbfcejy sfruciv i*s’ppso h Tfiojtt tif‘ in in fSji' l know that l —iff. kail ftnv sent Jter ><vifM&liiV<lo4’ iHisUtriat I could gcKid iM&— C< and tbJeS iw-TOflm J Havenit *tc<d’t,-^Hj;esJfoward or^j®4think Wcßrf<y4Eg'u‘ the imuudjurOlive (is nre, y&itea’fe. I’m aVp” v f ' S>uiß)g ~ Jijut eygs were * nd a eftse (rfaMph-'vp. wotA'.ted weqi - ingA on SPbijji drd “motli* cr TOd attyfl-:cp-fdjkndi^coltftetigns liaidw*'fijountfiplers. ’ Men" yvho couSi tae'e^deatli i< any wrfh* parttele of feeling nof try* to !*<! ■ tgcLr tear at theAjnentiOn of that ...i'ed name, * f t',] ear’!. It carried them back to the happiest days in tlie dead past, when they were blessed with the love of parents before the insatiable thirst for gold had led them into these mountain wilds. Not a word was spoken for a few moments, then old Job drew his horny hand across his watery eyes, and said in a husky voice: “Tige, ye wouldn’t break an oath, would ye?” “No, Job Dawson, not for friend or foe. There ain't a boy in the bills as can say that Jim ever went back on even his given word. I’m a rough tin an' do some mitey mean things, but when I say a thing, you can gamble every dollar you’ve got upon its bein' straight.” “Well, Tige, we had intended to swing ye, an' ye deserve swingin', but 1 can’t git rid o’ that mother chinning ye gave us. I s'pect the old lady set her heart on seeing ye again, an' is wearin her old eyes out lookin' fer yer. I've got an' old mother myself, an' though I heven’t sot eyes on her since ‘49, her picter’s right hyar in my heart, an' its a pleadin' for yer old woman, Tige. It's ruff, Tige, ruff, an'—lets see— yes darned if I don't du 'it. Jack, cut them string so's he can get his hands loose. Thar, that's it. Now, Tige, bold up your right hand, an' cf yer ever swore strong do it now. Do ye swar by the great God and yer blessed old mother, that if this (Joint discharges ye, ye’ll lite rite out for the Slates an' go home to tho old lady, an' love her, comfort her as long as she stays out of Heaven ? Do you swar to this, Tige, before Al mighty God and this Court?” “I do, Job, and thar my fist on if. Put it thar. I swar it, an' I'll pull stakes right away." "Then ye're released on them terms, an' the boys'll help ye git yer traps down to the station; but mind, I tell ye, Tige, ef ye’re ever caught in the hills again, ye‘ll go up a tree. Fellers, the Court's over and tho prisoner is discharged. “ — Marion County (Cal.) Journal. Tho Argus is now otic re date to the first Friday in Decembers next, which will include the entire po litical campaign of 181(3, at tha, very low price of one dollar, cash in ad vance. Subscribe now and get tho full benefit of tliisgreat reduction. It will well repay you co take and read the paper during the canvass, for it will be the most exciting that has oc curred for niapy years.