The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, October 13, 1876, Image 4

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VARIETIES. Our Military Mtiiiunivrea!- 1 1 <l l II sorQ;(*fliit, (to squad of militmmen) “PrVnt 'U Old" (Antonixliimj result.) —ll iv’n.s! what a ‘prisint!’ ,1 ust. atipoiU litre now, m;il look ut yerailvo!" — Punch. - "——<-<>■ ~~ A lady, in describing to u irrever ent buy ii occurrence in wit eli bis fathei figured, closed t>y remarking: 1, l am sorry to say that tho tiling ended hy your father losing his temper.” “Did i'atiicr lose his temper?” exclaimed the young Rcnpogiftoe; “then I hope he'll never tind it again, for it was ihn worst temper I ever heard of.” An exchange-says: ‘‘Wild animals ar<> getting thick ill New England;” and adds, “a hear seven feet long was slut near tho Twin Mountain House th* oth er day.” Wo are left to imagine how “duck” it was. “Oats wnntO'l, enquiro within," whs inscribed on a placard hung to tho riba of a scrawny nag. that some wag had thrown adrift in tho streets of Rochester, tho othoi day. ‘•I don’t think," saya old Mrs. Prawn, “that book-keeping is a very s dative employment. They must gel,"she add ed ibcnigh'fully, “so much e.xaicise run ning up the columns.” An Atlanta correspondent of the New York Hulled li states that the average cotton crop of Georgia is 520,000 bales; nnd lie estimates the crop of this year at 675,000 bales. Tho postoffiee department is now known as the department of lfuliana. Match factories are the beat places to look for amateur pugilists. The em ployes are constantly engaged in box ing matches. Cost Too Much. —lt was :i pungent answer give I>y a Free Kirk mem ber who had deserted Jiis colors and returned to the old faith. The minister bluntly accosted him, “.Ay man, John, and ye’ve left us; what micht be your reason for that? Did you think it was na a guid road we was gawn.” “On I dawrsay it was a guid eneuch road and a braw road; but O minister, the toils were unco high.” Avery modest young lady, who wanted a pair of garters, addressed the shopman thus: “It is my desire to obtain a pair of circular clastic awpendages, capable of being con tracted or expanded by means of os cillating burnished steel applian ces, that sparkle like particles of gold leaf set with Alaska diamonds, and which are utilized for retaining in proper position the habiliments of the lower extremities, which in nate delicacy forbids me to men tion.” A married couple were attacked in the street by a dog. r ihe wife screamed and tried to run, hut her husband caught her by the should ers and held her firmly between the infuriated beast and his person, while he whispered in a hoarse voice: Don’t you dare let go of me, darliiur. I’d stand by you, even if he does bite.” Never losing Isis presence of mind for an instant, the daring man baffled- every attempt „ " -"o brute to get at him. oi the im,,.. i..... The owner of the r ’ and. as the couple moved .cm, mo husband was heard to say: “If you had only let that clog Lite you, Matilda, I might have sued the city for SIO,OOO damages. But you never did have much sense. A knowing Dog.—There. is mo- dog, mays iheNorwick i>u. °“ n > who lives on the West. Side, A ‘lay-' l ' two ago, his master feeling too i'll to go out, edit a negro boy to buy meal for the Jog. Being unable to obtain the meat at the nearest market the boy undertook to go lo another, but the dog refused to let him come out ot the first one without the meat. At length the bov showed him the money which lie still retained, and the dog permitted,, him to go, hut instead 01 running before him as at first, kept by his side giving an accasiontd growl as an indi cation that he was not to be trifled with, and evidently under the impression hat his funds were iu danger oi being, embezzled. Hog Chnkra Remedy. Air. Daniel Adams, one of the most successful farmers in Houston county gives the following as an infallible cure for hog cholera "Ho say be has never lost a single case. Sulplior, charcoal, ashes, tar, spirits turpentine, lo be put in trough with shelled corn and dam pened with little greasy water or mol asses. Wash hogs with kerosene oil and sulphur and you never loose one with the cholera or other disease. All the literary history of the world proves that the noblest and most benefi cial sentiments can be uttered by the basest, and most selfish of human beings Miser llaiitMins Advertisniieiits. j 3 SQUARE GRAND Pianos Retailed at Wholesale Prices i iwlOO (or IjjiiSO. if.rioO Cor fjiOJTs. UtiOO Cor sSOi>. !p*oo Cor tiitJ.H) | the “Mendelssohn'’ Piano (; ni[)i!iiy i r< rvi! sTitrcK ji v tin i.\x i iitt n; • 1 Only One Price for (dash, and a LOW ONE NO DEVIATION! AVe give no discounts. Wo pay t.o agents'' commissions, which double the prices of nil Pianos. Wo look to the, who want a (iiHt-ebiSs Piano at a fair prr li; over cost of inanusttcture, We appoint, the peo ple our mgt.nls, and give them cm Pianos ns loav ns any agent can buy equally good Pianos of any other inanuftieliiter, giv ing tho People, in a reduced pti-e, what is usually expended in commissions, rent, freight, 'raveling and irtcideiilal ex ponses. ■ The “MENDELSSOHN” PIANO CO. .'.an sell vou74 octavo, tosowood ease Piano, li feet 10 inches long, with front round corners, carved legs, serpen tine and plinth mouldings, with all im provements, including I'iill lronKi umc, Ot it Strum; lt< Ayriillc Ti i blo, him! li iiiiijiit Action which otilv accompany the best Pianos of the most celebrated makers, at the very low pi ice of '25 n, *275 or *3OO, ac cording to stylo of ease, or with four round corners and full ngrnflc for SBSO, and guarautco tlieiu in every respect . qual to any Piano made of similar style, or no sale. Tho “MENDELSOHN” Piano is manufactured front tho very best tna terials, and by the most skilled and fin ished workmen. Tho manufacture is conducted by cite of the most experi enced Piano manufacturers in the coun try. This is no new enterprise, turning out a poor and cheap piano, made from green wood, and by greener mechan ics. Our Piano is unsurpassed by any in the market for its rich and powerful j tones, and its adaptation to the human voice in sympathetic, mellow and singing qualities. It speaks for itself. We are willing to place it beside any other make of Piano on its merits, cither in beauty of ease, or excellence of tone, and “at half the money” of equally good instruments. “The best is the cheapest’ - When it costs the least money. All Pianos fully warranted for five years. Send for on r Hindi ated and Descrip i live Circular. | The “Mendelssohn” I*l ano Cos., j Office of Maialfltotoiy. 50 ItROADWAY. . jtiea-ty Now York. Unabridged Biotic nary 10,000 Words and Meanings not in oilier Dictionaries. 8000 Engravings; 1810 Pages Quarto. Price sl2. ebater now is glorious—it leaves notb- V ? ing to be desired.— Pr< s Hagiuvml, Vamir Colic'jo. T7'very scholar knows 1 10 valtie of the J, .J work—li". //. PtchcoU, ihr J! J"*' Relieve it to be the most perfect dielioiu 3ry r.f the language— J)r. f. G. llolluml Ouperior in most respects to any other o known to me —George P J Tar sit. ''lie standard authority for printing in tsh* JL office —A // Got < runout J'rlnU ri 1 Excels all others in giving and defining sci llw entifie temis — J'aeddent JJachcock. | 2* enanrkable compendium of hm.uiu knowl- J. edge—l V S Clark, I'res t Agricultural “The best practical English Diction#, ry extant,’’--{London Quarterly Review October, 1573. J A NEW FEATURE.—To the Boot illustrations heretofore j u Webster's Un abridged we have recently added four cages of Colored Illustrations, engraved expressly for the work ufc large expense, ALSO ‘WEBSTER'S LVHOSAI Picl trial DICTUXaIIV 10i() Pages Octavo. COO Engravings. Price 85. ley The National Standard; Pitoor?: 20 r xo 1 The sale of Webster's Dictionaries throughout the country in 1873 were 20 times as large &£ the sales of an v other Dictionaries lu proof we will send to any person, on application, the state ments of more than 100 booksellers from every section of the country Published by Q A. C MEPvRIAM, Springfield, Mass /Sold by all Booksellers ISlstcMs&g;. A COlfimVKD POLT V! < f f * * Anis JjK A TH E n P! IE its BUY ATI\ h* • Experts and professional Bootblacks m acw York, and all other largo cities whore this Slack ing has been introduced, acknowledge its •‘■upe* riority over all imported or domestic Blackings in use, as an Elegant Polish and Conservcr of Leather. NOTICE* „ , . Dixby’s “Best” Blacking has a Red and Line Label. Bo not be deceived by accepting our ‘•Standard” Blacking in place of “Best.” Ihe Standard has the label stamped into the tin cover This brand is mado to compete with other Amer ican and French Blackings, but is inferior to our “Best” Bixby’s “Best” Blacking will save its entire cost ill the wear of your boots and shoes. HOUSEKEEPERS Try Bixby’s French Laundry blue IN SIFTINg BOXES. The most convenient and economical package, and the only combined Bleaching and Blueing Powder in use. S M BIX BY & CO'. . . Jiaiiuiactiii'nit; k uuumns, it 2 m Sfoo. IT J & 173 Wiuhingtou tfb Hew York Newspaper Advertisements i TIM!i!UI‘i: & SIMM FOR ISI. (W n*cißti JE6< k cSiicgßon! On and alter Ist January,. 1870, out d/ammolli Week y, Tho (beat Ei.inily l';.per of tioigia, eonlnitiing til col limits, and idio largest in the South, will bu bent to stibscidietsat $2 a Year, nil postage. This is but a small ad vance-on cost of blank paper. Weekly fir six month*, *1 and postage is ‘.’o cents it year. Tlic So mi Weekly Will he seduced to Till!EH DuLLAUS a veaf and postage —20 cents. For dx months 01.00 and postage. Daily Edition Ten Dollars it year and postage. Five Dcliars for six uunnhs - . . Two, Dollars and lfifty Cents for three ntctulis. *-1 (■ ■ < l >. Tho stiring events of the Great Cen !i:a!,i:ii Year of A Dean History, which include the Ptuaulohlbil sting glc, v til render l87(i one of the most in our annals. Everybody in this region will need the Tei.kcihaiui, and wo have pur, down the price to ac coittmo ate their neecrsities nud peett maty status. CUSHY, JONES & REESE. Jan2t-i-tf. IT PAYS. IT PAYSf IT pays every inuiul:idtiroi\ mechanic, in- ; wntor, farmer or professional man, to keep informed on .ill the improvements and discoveries of the age. It pa a s the heml of every family to introduce into his household a newspaper that is in structive, one that fosters a taste no 1 inyesti o-mion, and promotes thought and discussion aiuoiio the meniLois THE SGIEHTiFIC AMERICAN which lias be u puulism-o weekly tor the last thirt y ns. <lo< s this to an extent bf ;• and llißtof any other publication, in fact it is jhe only weekly paper published in the Uni ted Sin tea. devoted to manufactures, mechan ics, ii| vi-.nlions and new discoveries in the Arts and Sciences. Every number is profusely illustrated and its contents nibracn the latest and most in telk stin,u information pertaining to tic: ludas l and Scientific/"pi the world; descriptions, with beautiful eu i;i.ivinys. of new inventions, new implements, new processes, and improved industries of all kinds; useful notes, recipes, .suggestion-, and • advice, by practical writers, tor workmen and employers, in all the various nils, form ing a complete repertory of new inventions id and i 1 ihin aw< .;. record Vi the •*.. ;■ O ;]■ m-l ’ - in our ..wn country, but :iln or nil now .In covoritmi,-l invv-iti'wlk Hi' jtin- of v:i;;ir.orriiio, jm-olmnics RTtrt science ntm.iwl. The f’cieiitiffcSaxaertean lun. b.ou the foremast nf nil i>.ulilieutioii..fnr U• ■ • past thirty y.-ai'T TANARUS! istb,- olilt .-.t. Itighaf ehenjicst and ft o licrt w. eld;, illnatratedpfl]a-r devoied to r:')o, media:..ea. elii-mi.-.iry j ißUvicv ntjoi;.. s'-'-'Uce :r■.! indu.-tiial pro- | l yress. pnUHslt *d to ti'e world, j Tile practical I' COipts are v.-irth ten linns th i ijubiß ripti-in p/i-ieo And tor the house J and shop will stive many thu s the cost of j j atili: rnption, j ! J'ti-.'hanta, fariii-. ra, meelmnit'S, vtij'iueeiv. I I inventor... luahnthytur. •••. ehemisls. lay. m; ■ f j laaiener, un'4 p. of all i,n .a-yooa, i I tind tl'eS. ieiilin-.' 'uaei'l-iin nt! (-■ ' a-aj : It utaiuldluve i place in evc.y iamdy library \ ! si-: I-. oIT-e ~u>l mutiiiir ro:u, ia eviry i i reiuhug rour.i, ,■ and .-choc,l, A n-.‘.v i \ uini!: ', a. ■ s .January Ist. 1 170. A yii:.r - :-: numbers contain f'O pagea mid | several hundred eir raviupa. Thonaands of I l voluincanro pwseiwed fm- binding mid ivfer- I j eiu-j. Tcriiia, Pa an a year by snail, including j poatage, Discount to clubs. Special circn-I ' : ira a'i Vina; club rv.tes scut fre.. Hitede ("'p. i | iea mailed ort the rveeipt of XU cents. May | j lie iiad of nil news den)sirs. i Pi li "T h id 't In eauaeafi as-.viti; ttio .Veiontific I If At til I h jAr viiaiii, Messrs.' M.n.n S' iiviit.;-.; . i .iiuo ii i.n iukl Foreign Patentaiul liave tin: latest e-rtaidif-’Dcent in tho world. More than lifty thousand epplicatioiia have been made for patent*!! through Uiei: u;at Patents are obt.iuietl on the beet terms, Modeln of New Inventions and Sl< t- Ues exiiminod and advice free, A s|;eeial notice is made in the SCTid.YXii'IO Ad/ISIUCAN of nil luvenlioiiH Patent' and through this A“eiu:y, with name and residence of tee Patentee, patents are often sold in pari or whole, to persons attracted to the invention bv. sind: notice. Send f.,r Famplilek eoiitaiuing full direction;-; for obtainiri" indents. A bound volume containing tho Patent Lavs, Census of the U. S.. and 142 ihigritYings of in- linj.ii :A i’riee 2J cents. Ad(trees for the Piiper, or eoimornin" Patents ?.tl NX ,1: (iy. iW Park lU.v, New Vork. P.viu.-h 01- lliit. Cor. y k 7lh St- ~ Jrasliiinjt- n, 1). C. THK 6uthbort Mossonger. Offere great, indtveementsto advertisers desiring the trade o! llandolpll ami ad joining 'conn'tics. Our Subscription list has greatly increased within the last twelve months. . Acknowledging our appreciation of former favors,- we most respect.!itily so licit continued patronage, believing that future transactions.>yill'prove beneficial to both parties. A.ddiyss J. L.-Tuckur, I’KOt-'n, Cuthbcrt, G. C3olt-X353.'?3X3.55 5 &a. T- K- VJYNW2.& J, H ftSARTIK I'BOMUZttOBa AND EDITORS. To secure n still wider circulation in this centennial year—a year of most important events and exciting popular issues—we otter Til ft. WFIEKIY TIME a at the following club rates: For ton or more copies, $1.50 eacln To any one sending us live subscribers at regular rates for Angle copies,’ a copy of iho ■Weekly will be thrown in. The Times hay the best and fullest tele graphic dispatches especially in its reports of Georgia and Alabama nows- -of tiny paper in the State. This is no empty boast—we re fer to our columns daily for proof. Our commercial dispatches tire now ample and re liable. Price of the Daily Times, $8 per annum, $i for six and $2 for three mofiths. WYNNE & WiARTIN. Aliscdlaiioiis AdviTlisciiicnt fiSlllilfC Savannah, Ga. - "" W. : ' ' 1] i ■ T' A p if:; TIIK POLITICAL CAIMI’AI'.JN 0FL C 7(V whii li include'- Xatiou.'il, Stnto nml iiouuty id. q tlmis, aml which will iimlonln edl.y bo tlm mod active ntid butly contested of nny since tho me morable oanv*a<s of lSOft is now fairly oj-emol The National Democratic Party wPI this year make a hold, viirorons. and douldless successful stru^elo for tho maintenance and *upicmacy ol those principles which arc vital t** tho prosperity of the ltojiuhlic and essential to tlic well-being of the people. In addition to the Presidential election, tlic people in (iuorgia and Florida will elect new .Slate governments. In Florida the campaign premise*! to be unusually vigorous, and there is a probability that for the first, time since the war the people of that lladioul-riddon State will elect a Democratic State government. In these campaigns the people ef tile South are deeply intocsic'.!; and every intelligent, citizen, who has the welfare of his country and his section at heart, should acquaint himself with every detail of the great w ork of redemption and reform tha is now going on. To this mid lie should subscribe to and assist in circulating the Savannah Morning News, an independent Democratic newspaper, of pronoun e lid opinions and fearless in their expression; n paper that is recognized everywhere as tho best daily in the South.. Jis editorial department is rigorous, thoughtful, and sonsistent, while its news am! local departments are marvels of in dustry and completeness. Its department. <>l Georgia and Florida alfaits is not confine!l to a mere batren summary of events transpiring in those {States, but is enlivened by comment at once apt, time’v. and racy. The ample resources of the establishment will he devoted to furuisbiug the readers of tho MORNING NEWS with 'he kite •. intelligence from all parts of the world, through tho press dispatches, speci-i! tei i'rams, and by means of special correspondence; and through thes • agencies tho paper will be the earliest chronicler of every noteworthy inci dent of’iLo political campaign of L T'd. scusckiption : Daily, J .. SIO,OO “ (I months 5,00 41 0 liionfclis 2,fio Tri-AVookly, 1 year OJM “ (j months . . il. lit) “ '6 in*Hi'.iis .. Lot) Weekly, 1 ; mu* I>,<o i - (*> months 1,00 “ 3 months .5 l:\'V. ian n copies sent free on receipt of 5 cts. ; f -Money e;.u lie sent by V -?t Olfice Order. Itcgistered Letter, or Lx press, at. our ris-k. J. N ESTiL.L, Savsifinah, Oa. Thcticoi’.'-iii J/uilyConuHonwcnith 1,-:, x'UBLDiiPn entry BYt'.MNi; (1 .'./•.•)•{ Sunday) By we ('.or.uu: :'.tai/lh Ptumisuiyo Company ATLANTA, BKOROIA. .Vn• 1 i- u.litivl !iy CM. Cai’.y IV. S'n i.fis, bite o i.,io Ait-any Xoivh, with iml'm iot:t a-’.-i/Uaiit... Tho (hiuiuionwealth gives the current news of the oily, State and cist-where, mrtrko.t leporls. mid vigorous editorials mi Municipal,Political mid General si:b~ The coming canvass, State and Na- , tiuaal, will be closely watched and pro. peri.y presented, while the Mechanical and Agricultural interests of the State will not be neglected It has a largo and rapidly increasing airculuiion. Terms - One mouth, 75 cents: Two months ■ St,-2o: Foul months, 52,00; line year, >sMil). COMMON WEALTH PbIiLI.SJIIND Cos., , Atii.vxt.y, CfnoimiA 1 OlTflrlolPc: a 4? aCP TtfAp UKI'P I'-h'P) A ‘£> ! Tho C g pest Soap that can j be used for the follow jng j Reasons: Ft.- 0r..: bar will go as Jar as two of any j other. 2nd—Only half the il3ual rubbing being re quired, there is a saving of more thau liie entire cost* of tin* Soap in labor alone i The clot,lies arc made SWEET, CLEAN j and WHITE without: Boiling or Senldn.e | Mills all injury to them is avoided. There j is a saving in fuel and hard work, ar.d the washing in done in about half the usual • time. | It is idso guaranteed under a penal tv of i fifty dollars not to injure the clot nos or ha r*d.-l and as one trial will enable any person to as- j certain the truth of never pay the proprietor to engage in an tensive system of advertising sin<\ bbdm eueb decided merit for ids Soap bo. k;i{;,\vj from positive eqpericnce that ft wmi hl'^ rove’ to be in every respect whet *s .i,k|J This is a superior SoHp iwT iuiicL and Ehav- ; inf' purposes. WAR NEK. ftHOptS S: CO., Wholesale Fancy grocers i General Ayi'nix, juue2-Bw PMWilcll'lM ll . kpVv '□fg* ® jfi i IJE C-k A i%.Jj £5 iaA X j A safe and sure (Jure for Worms. Harmless in Us effect mi the system, and sure to improve the condition oj the Patient. Sold b y dealers in Drags ar.d Mod-! icines and by T. E. UENiIY, CLII IIAN A CO., 8 College, I’laee, New York. i_j k & u: js .wisiaCi-r. w MOl/IiSA SjK StSLT </) (n a Sts Krv 11). ALUJ.Xr.OA. TRANSPORTATION ARRANGEMENTS OF TII (sjrmd \iTa:du’ ITaiisf TJft con a*inn Aooommodation of Visitors from all Points South *• Tho I! Mu'iys ami StP>tinslil|> Ciiiii|ianlos kolwOen Aiiviuti, Ga., mul l’lij. Htlbtphia, citit>tisitttr llio Ati.aniig (Joam’ Link, will during the progress of tho '®ntrmal (fxluMtimt of the United J'vatesi prosont. for the patronscre of tint South, rnutos of transportation ami foims of' tickets upon which to teach Philadelphia, that ititine isurahly extol all other lines in point of Direct Daily Movement) Comfortable Accommodations Variability of Transit Economy of Expenditure. To onaliio litis to he done, the combined resources of the Railway Lines'- -South of Norfolk, together with tlioso ol tho Baltimore Steam Packet Company? and the Old Dominion Steamship Compjny will he employed'fintl the individ ual tout ist, the sordid party of ten, twenty or more, of the civic or toiliiary organization of 100 to 300, cau each be cared for in a manner that will satisfy ibeir desires, Price Lists, Time Cards and a’l need fill information are now in tlio hands of our Agents, it will be to the interest of every indiv'dnal and each organization propos ing to make litis trip to communicate with the tlttde signed. A Centennial Exhibition Guide Hook as authorized by tlic (-ommissiou will be given to the purchaser of each Centennial Ticket. s§. ram, May 5-4 m General Traveling Agent- Gall on or address the following named agents of the Atlantic Coast Line: .Immh li. W hite, Macon, Gn.; A. L. Itecil, Favatmah, Ga.; 1L V r . Tompkiiis,. Atlanta, (fa.: M..L Divio , \iaoon. On ; W. .T. VValker, Montgomery, Ahr. IXL 06f TOI G3H. s yii ;i cll6 kr M oji bar ak s thk it ot. r. i’itks file Bee<l eloiin, r.HUsdiglit, gins fast, Makes lint l lint from poor seed cotton Separates Motes, Small Seed, etx, from the lint,, And all else being ctpitll, ie gutiranteed To be Hccond fo no gin in the United States, either in speed of ginning Or qualify of sample. FEEDERS AND CONDENSERS FURRNISHED 05 APPLICATION- Iti:i J A I ItlN'U flljNl-; A'J' I.lVIXti J’ltß'KS. (Mil jnuf ,seu tin 1 X Liu op.*ttimi before pureliasing elaawhere, or send lorVuUubir amt .Sample Gitieau lieseeuat F S Johnson & Sons' il.irdwarw House. C S & G W. PmBLAY 1 fi. ;,.f .i'Xhlrd Sti'diit,Mactm Utt. Hen 22 —dins. eeuunm<rr>ssewwmmbbivto jji.i ■jjiicitMti'ijKggißWr'iiM’jiiij-uiMJ im J fiJjvV |j Jsj fe. !>> k . J s3l A '&<aaP • Lendl s 6,'JJP LsgEl Blanks I iL “2? TII 23 A SGI m JOB OFFICE. j }LiiUlllU% in*J ; o 11 ■** ' . ■ :o: w u have <nj hand and for palo at tho Avgns Office, a large number of Leg.". 1 Rl.anks, which we offer at One Dollar per Quire, Cash. 'They consist of the fol lowing named blanks: Garnishment-Affidavit and Bond.. Summons Carnish ment Attachment- &ciero Facias. Bill of Iridlct rrsent. directions for taking, interrogatories And interrogatory Commissions. Stare Warrants. Mortgage Fi, 6-a. At tachment for Contempt, Wlagistrate’s Summons, Fi Fa and Subpoena, Sup. Court Subpoena. Summons befofe Grand Jury, t'ierk’s.Certificate to Juror. ‘ Waiver of Homestead” Motes Cost Executions. Land Deeds- De clarations Bond for Ap pearance. Address A- 3V. €. HUl®ro|r BUENA.WISTA GA,