The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 17, 1877, Image 2

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lit* gujjuji, -A-. C. RUSSELL. Editor & Proprietor. Uitonn Vintu, Marion C-'o., tin. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 17, 1877. Dr. J. W. Ansley lias closed out his business and sold out ltis mercan tile interests, in Buena Vista, and moved to bis farm in the country. We are very sorry that the Doctor has decided to retire from public life. We tope that his retirement is only temporary. In his departure, Buena Vista has lost a successful merchant. —Mr. W. B. Hinton and Dr. E. T. Mathis have bought out the mercan tile interest of Dr. J. W. Ansley, and will run a first-class drug store. • —The books and notes of Ansley Bul'ock, and J. W. Ansley, are in my hands for collection. Come up and settle.— st O. C. Bullok. , ALBERT. MIX E. KIRTLAND. Mix & Kirtland, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Boots and Shoes, Leather, Findings, &c 3To. 3 Cotton Avenue and 60 Third Street, 4IA-CON. GEORGIA. MIX AND KIRTLAND Wonld invite all Dealers in Boots and btioce to examine their fcjtcck, and they arc confident i Aat they can please those who want good goods at the lowest cash prices eiher at No* 3 Cot lon Avenue, or 66Third St. At 66 Third street we have a fine assortment of Boots, Shoes M ,nnd Hats. Also’, a .arge assortment of Atlfskin, Lining skin, Gaiter Uppers, Ac. Sorts of (lif erent Goods and Shoe Findings of nil kind*, to which we .invite all in want to call and see us. IMITIX: Sc KIRTLAND. 4 September 22, 1876-3 ms. .-DAVENPORT & SMITH, tasHiia st-, --■- i&Emosua, ©a. Offer the following articles at LOWEST CASH PEICESI GUARANTEEING THE QUALITY TO BE THE BEST. 100 BOXES CHEWING TOBACCO, -=&a 120 BOXES PERFUMED STARCH. “©a J6@“ 10 000 SEGARS. 500 lb BLUE STONE,“©a £©* Green and Black Teas, 75c. SI.OO, $1,25, & $1,50 pr lb Potash, in boxes. Bar & Toilet Soaps, "©a SS?* Kerosene Oil, Machine Oil, Linseed Oil, fig?" Varnishes, Paints, &c. ©a Largest Stock of Lanterns, Lamps, Chandeliers, and Fixtures in the City, in Handsomest Designs and at Lowest Prices. Buist’s Fresh ami warranted Garden Seed, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Per fumery, Quinine, Morphine, Opium, Castor Oil, Spices, Soda, Brushes, all kinds, Besides a full stock of Drugs A Medicines, <te. fair to smsmssiwb , December 15, 187ti-2m I\ F. BROWN’S Boot, Shoe and Hat Store, hue stoss v. <momm. KEEPS constantly on hand n large stock of .Boots, Shoes and Hats of All .Kind, and will sell to the citizens of Marion and surrounding counties, for Cash, at Veipy 5a 1 3 B g> B p ggi g*, GRANBERIiY & BIRLOW, Amcrk'Ui, Have just opened at their One Price Cash Store —A Splendi of—- Brij Gaatls, ©arpetings, ©lathing;, Hats, Shoes, Umbrellas, Soda. Notions, Tobacco, Starch, Potash. Blacking, "BA/Olt STEEL” SCISSOKS, Pocket and Table Cutlery, &c, &a WE have but ONEIPRICE thinking it best and more satisfactory to give our friends the Lowest Cash Price at Once. While we do not pro pose to sell a few items at less titan cost, for effect, we pledge ourselves to sell our goods ut Prices that will Average as any House in Georgia. J J Ganbeum; W W hAßtow Tlic l>cuth of an Ilnlii-e I’iiiiiily frwai Want untl Exposure. La9t week, lour children of Simon Johnson, a colored man of this coun ty, died from want and exposure, and himself and wife arc beyond recovery from the same cause. —Never will this section of Geor gia he relieved from the outrageous extorlion of the Watttey monopoly, until an independent lilroad is built from Hawkinsville on the Mucon & Brunswick Railroad to Columbus, or some other point accessible for Wes tern freights. A road taking the course indicated would duvelope a section of country which verj much needs it. —Gov. Colquitt handed in four ap pointments on Monday last, for the consideration of the Senate. That body deferred action. It is not known what the appointments were, but it is generally understood that Maj. It. N. Ely was appointed Attor ney General. YOTT 11 Goods from M. HAIR & SON, on the South sido of Public Smiaro at Harvoy <fi Story's old stand, where you will find a complete stock of ull kinds of CMI®3SS usually kept in a store either iu country or city, which Imre boon bought especially to nwo ho wants of the people of Muriou county. BELOW You will find enumerated some of the articles we keep constantly on linud, which wo will sell at a very small advauco on Our stock consists in part of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, ITats, Ready made Clothing, Yankee Notions, .Saddles, Bridles, Hardware, Family and Miucy Groceries Christmas Tricks in great variety, Ao At M. Hair & Son’s Ij’battxfjrapbio firaiiainj, AMERICUS GA TO TITE CITIZENS OF BUENA VISTA & SURROUNDING'COUNTRY HAVING purchased and refitted the Photographic Gallery in A-If ERIC US, t am prepared to execute every style of Picture in the best maim r, and at moderate prices. SMALL PICTURES copied and enlarged to any desired size. A visit to his Gal lery and patronage respectfully solicited. G- W. MJNNIS Americus, Ga., December 15-3 m Photographer. J. C. ANBBEWS & o©,. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple anil Fancy; Groceries, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, BACON, BAGGING, ROPE TIES &C, No* M 2 CoLVMinrs* dccß-3m fi&ySpecial lduccincuts to Couirry Merchants. A mum m— mommas ■■■■■ i 101 Broad St, Columbus, Ga., Gold Watches, Jewelry and Diamonds, giver Amu m&mu wm%, lil€l4C£ll® (A Spec-alty) which do not tire the Eye, ajd last many years without change ENCRAVINC NEATLY DONE., Jewelry and Clocks repaired promptly. All orders will receive pinmpt attention A. M. BRANNON, iiii® in, J 35 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. The old and well-known V.. 'I - - \ ; V v : , & A, M. Braiuion, Proprietor, Which has been dispensing medicine for the many ills of mankind for the'last twenty years still continues to solicit the patronage of its many friends. It is unnecessary to enumerate the many inducements to buy from me “sufficient to say,”it will make it to FOUR interest to buy whatever you wish from a FIRST-GLASS DRUG STORE come aud tee me at 107 or Bts BTtOAD STREET, flwr?s2** I urn Prepared now toOfict Greater In<l l* to COUNTRY mmitllANTS than ever Before. Very Respectfully, A , M • BR A N W 0 N . Importer of andTDealer in <ft IWm, tektg & Jkrigii (Bcvmun itrnl fvcmh tmq film-jitaUd Wave "jPABLE jDIJTLEf\Y SjC, J£S~ I have just opened a large stock of VASES, TOILET SETS, German China Toys and Fancy Goods. I oiler a large variety ot Lampsc at very low figures for cash. SALESROOM—I2O Broad St,, Columbus, Ga. Columbus, Ga., December 8, 18V(i-lm r M?. ISTEW FUBNITUEE STOEE No. 98 Broad Street\ Columbus, Ga, Is well prepared with a full stock of fine and medium FURNITURE, to snp ply the wants of his customers. Bedroom Suds, Parlor Suits, Office Desks and Chairs, Mattresses, Bedsteads, Sofas, Spring Beds, &c., at Low Prices. New Goods constantly received, Country order/} solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. McGough & Cos. Cull attention to the following lines of Goods which they hjivj iu store and must ho sold to close the business: 10 pieces of the best Black Cashmeres for the price ever off this market 50 pieces Bluo Black Alpacas 25 to 75 cents per yard—os good as usually sold from 40c to $1,25. 10 pieces Black Silks at old cost prices. 150 pieces Fancy Div** Goods front 10 to 50 ets per yard, similar to tlioso being sold in Ibis market from 25c to 81,00, 50 pieces of tho choicest Rufflinm. 25 doz Ladies <Wnt Silk Ties all the new shndes at. half price. 50 new and liuitdsotuc Cloaks—prices lew than over known in Columbus. Gar Slmwl Department, both Colored and Ti'ark, is simply complete, and at price* lowot Ilian can be bonght in N, \. 25 pieces 10-4 lileae.hcd Sheeting just rewived; lust bran.b Crom 20 to 30 ets per yard. 5(1 pieces White and Red Flannels, nil wool; costrron. tfi to m ctsper yard. Dur stock of Chmimeres and Wool .Tcnns, the best in the city, and iiriee* amch lower than ever known m this market A choice stock of Water-proof Cloths he. sales everything made in Hosiery and Gloves, Under Shirts and Drawers, Table Linen* Irish l inens, 'towels, Tlandltercliiufs, Ladies Collars and Cuffs, in nil kc new colors Sha Bosoms, Comets. Bod Comforts and /flankets. a full line Goats’ Furnishing (to oils Notioni Dices, Ac; all at prices lower than ever offered iu Columbus to close out Tho \ invest li u, of Bleached and Brown Domestics ever offered at retail in i tolnmbns at factory prices 500 pieces ,-standard Prints just opened; best styles from Cl to 1\ ets per yard. The stock of Ladies’ and Misses’, Men’s and Boys’ Boots and Shoes, Servant Shoes, Ac, is simply complete, ami the goods and prices are guaranteed. N< shoddy, no trash, no paper solo Shoos,‘all first-class, from the best liandmad to the common Brogan. M INY GOODS not. mentioned in this advertisement, we will sell seventy-five per eon less than cost. ITe advertised some weeks since to retire from the Dry Goods trade an wc mean what we advertised. Onr goods must he sold; this is in.Liimhtig. But shall continue to koep our staple stock iu all departments complete until we can and pose of tho Fancy Goods, and we invite the public to call lieforo buyino. Wechnrgo no t iug to show goods, and will he pleased to see yon all. Jsao. Mc(niis;li & Cos. Colmnhns, Or , December 8, 1870. C. A. REDD & GO. mmmL ewuvmma, : ; : &&. i/ i *: li "•) j) n* r. PLANTATION AND PAULY SUPPLIKS 100,000 pounds Bulk and Bacon Sides, 300 -fiarrels of Flour at $6,00 to $8.50, 500 bushels Seed and Feed Oats, 10 hogsheads New Crop Louisiana Su >-ar 50 barrels Florida Syrup, ’ 50 sacks Rio Coffee, CALL YLTSTID SEE U S BBT GOODS IT BOTTOM PRICK, We will not bs Undersold. AGEMTS Fon Watson & Clark’s Guano, no Dcccm),or g KEDD &. CO. | ' VO ‘SnpvnTOO 't"B--948[ ‘8 -03(1 I 190-lIS puojg 6SI 2s 481 * || ' SS> |93 ~BP V* ;0.- M£L - ' 4 9 IUJBj 49JBM e)ll)M (r Q P9iejqo|o O oq A * SMOId puaijj s " jauuej dub 1 Vi J °|s|.3X3 WM * su !o sJibh pub S gf S4d ‘SJU9U4ojdui| pUB Ajauiqoet/U f? ' xjujuhbj ‘posg uapjßo puß pioi j .if /A . Qui/i IBJnisnouSw ” |j\ fo°. b" °i on or supun.uvi)‘Susisodutoo ioi p P UBi I B U OOS g)S and f I •e, ei| c! 6 o Md PPV°o a pw3* , 4l,} | n<>| J ejn <* | | pCv>)S[o|J I I l r^T 1 " 1 . V’”" 1 " ■■ -jr 1 ?A J EXCELSIOR I! CLOTHING AND HAT STORE THORNTON & ACEE, 3STO. S3 & c 85 IBIRO ONTZIB FIJ OZtNJTT, ltooncy Building, Broad SI., Coin minis, Ga. DE/iLEU IN— | Men’s Clothing, J Boy ‘s Clothinar, 8 Children’s Clothing. * MEN’S HATS, BOYS’ HATS*’ MEN’S anil oys’ Furnishing Goods, Tranks, Falises, HBT We are eoiwtautly receiving new goods oi allkimls, and will sell m low m wy arneua the btete, dee 8, 187 G-9 '