The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 24, 1877, Image 3

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gfu Wteta LOCAL DEPARTMENT. •'ednksua y moiini o, jamvabt uu,. tm. liOUSIkS ANI) niLEI For salo very cheap. duel 6 6w O. C. BULLOCK. w '*s The book* and no tew of Anslcy A Bul'Oek, and J. W. jftsley, nr* in my bands for collection.' CifKno up and settle.—st v 0, C. Bullock. *• *j —Dr. Mitclnji} preached in Buena Yistn, on S-iturehiy and Sunday last. .* * —Kerosene has risen to 50c a gal lon in this burg. —A balloon was billed to go up in Ellaville to-dtiy. —Very little preparation lias yet been made by our larmers, towards beginning another crop. This is ow - ing to the almost unprecedented bad weather. We were plased to meet Mr. W. L. Wingate, of the firm of Messrs. A. C. MyerACo., of Baltimore, in At lanta, on our recent visit to the latter city. —Whorvi r has a disorganized clock or a debilitated watch, should get Mr. A. C. Adkins, of Buena Vista, to at tend on them. He executes his re pairing cheaply, satisfactorily and in a workmanlike manner. iYc just couldn’t do w.thout Willie Sing'eton, so he is back in the “Argus'’ office, “sittin’ ’em up” again. —The weather this winter has been the ugliest, nastiest and meanest, we’ve had any dealings with lor sev eral generations. —A Buena Yistian young man thinks Butler, Ga., is “just lovely.’’ We surmise it’s the jewel it contains that renders it so charming to the aforesaid Buem Vistian. —Wo wire pleased to meet in our city this week, Mr. Anslcy, of Cuth bert. brother of Dr. J. W. Ausley. He leaves tc-day for home with his charming daughter, who hr.s been spend ng several weeks in our com munity. Sudden Death off an Old Citizen On Monday night last, Mr. Andrew McGnrrah, an old and respected cit izen of this county, died- suddenly at Its home. During Ihe day, ho bad complained of pain in his shoulder and chest, but it was not sufficient to detr him from laboring with his ax. lie retired as usual, and got up about ten o’clock at night anti smoked awhile. He thin went back to bed. Later in the night the family wcue aroused by a noise in Ids room. When they reached aim, he was gasping his last. Mr. McGarrah bad been a citizen of Marion county for more than thirty years, and was a good and upright, citizen and a hard working man. He was between sixty and seventy years old at the time of his death. Death toy Accident. Mr. Charles Green, living in the lower part of this county, was killed on the sth inst., by the limb of a tree falling on him. He and a negro man were out in the woods splitting rails. It appears that the negro cut down a tree, and, as it was falling, one of the limbs fell upon Mr. Green’s head, breaking it and scattering the brains He died almost instantly. He leaves a wile and two small children to mourn his loss. Wc had the facts in our possession the day after the occurrence of the accident, and expected to publish them in the paper, which should have been issued on the 10th inst. As wo lost that issue, we had no opportu nity to publish them until to-day, hav ing prink'd only a half sheet last week. — Rev. Rufbs A. Russo! 1, form erly the beet edit ,r of the Buena Vista Aaors, is teaching school at Baconton, Mitchell county. KKAKRItoD. On the 23rd inst., at tho rosidance of tlio bride’* brother, J. 11. Hogg, by Jaasr* U. 0111, Notary Public A ex-officio S. P. t Mr. James A. l’ay lor, to Miss Fannie Hogg, of this county. £ Atigmt Flower. The most iniseraltie being* in tin world are those t>ff sing from Uys paMin ami Liver ConpdHinl. More than soventv-fivo per cent < f the people in tho United States ate afflicted with these two diseases su<l Intelr effects; such a* S ntr Siomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costivenes*, IVpitation of the Heart. Heart-Burn, Watet-brash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and disagre nb'.e taste in the tumult food after eating, to McMichael'A Stevens and get a 75 cents Bottle of August Flower or Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Try it Two-dosea will relieve you. AMUICUS PRICES CURREWT. CORRKCTKD WEEKLY BY D. C. N. BURKHALTER,' rou tue bukna vista ahgijs. Americus, Ga., Nov. 22.187(1 Macon—C It Sides, per ft> 11J@11J Shoulders ... 9c Bulk -CR, Sides 10J@10J Hams —per fc , 18@20 Coffee Choice 25030 , Java 35 Corn —per bushel 60®75 Flour—per bbl #7,00011,00 Lird—per B) 15®lfic Potatoes—lrish, pur hitsli *2,On Sweet 40e Itice —per lb 10c; per 100 lbs. 8e Field I'ttte —per bush 75c Eggs—per dozen 20c&25c Chickens—apiece 20c@35c Butter—Coaatry, .1 2d@35 Goshen, 40c Hides — Pry 9c Green 6c Mevl—per bushel 75(n,80 Syrup—TVc-w Orleans, per gal, SI.OO Country “ Go@7sc Sugar—per lb 12J@11 per bbl 11(3,121, COTTON Good Ordinary 8 Low Middlings 9c Middling Uplands 9c Good Mddlings ..loi CANDY KliulPEe. Taffy.—Either kinds of molasses candy, if poured from the kettle into tin trays without working, will pro duce a fine, plain taffy. It may be left in one sheet, the size of the tray in which it is poured, or, when slight ly cooled, may be mark off in squares. Everton TaWT.— This is a favor ite English contention. To nuke it, take three pounds f best brown su gar, and boil with one-half pint of water. Then add one-half pound ot sweet-flavored fresh b..tter, which will soften the candy. Boil a few minutes unt l it again hardens, amt pour it into trays. Flavor with lem on if desired. Peanut Candy. —Prepare the men's by removing the thin reddish skin in which they are enveloped, ami fill a tiu tray to the depth of about, an inch. Pour over them the hot can dy, made as above directed, stirring the meats that each one may be cov ered. A little less candy should bd used than will suffice to er the mass ot meats, though each j seperatc one should be coated, the object being to use just enough of the candy to cause the meats to adhere firmly to each other, thus forming a i large cake, which when nearly cold may bo divided into squares or bars with a sharp knife, Almonds depriv. ed of their skins, or the meats of any nuts may be u ed in a similar man ner. Walnut Candy.-— The meats ol hiekorynuts, English walnuts, or black walnuts may be used according to preference in that regard. After removal from the shells in as large pieces a * pract’.blo, they are to be placed on the bottoms of tins, pre viously greased to the depth of about a half inch. Next boil two pounds of brown sugar, a half pint of water, and one gill of good molasses until a portion of the mass hardens when cooled. Four th.! hot candy on the meats mid allow it to remain until hard. Of coiifso it. is needless to di rect regarding tho proportion of meats to tho cand.v, it baing a mat ter of faste entirely. Molasses alono may be used to prepare tho candy, but the use ot sugar gwes a more satisfactory result. SDK I OIL r ft On yesterday wo received the parti.Mil irs of the suicid tof a for mer resident of this county, on ac count of the profligate, and licen tious practices of her husband, it is supposed. About eight months ago, Miss Sarah Smith, of Marion county, married a man of Tay! >r coun- name of Sheppard. she discovered that he had a living wife, an ) live 1 in a most infamous manner. On Sunday las" she ro3oive:l to termi nate her troubles by soil-destruc tion. Late Sunday night when all wore asleep, she arose irotn her bol i a id, taking down a ride in the house, shot herself, the ball enter ing just below tho right ear and passing out at about the same post tion below the left ear. Sue had not e\| ired when nur infi r uant heard from there, but she was dying. The inhuman fiend, from whose dishonor an I heathe i ism, she sought relearn by death, is, sup pose, still disgracing the neighbor hood with his presence. It is sure ly a nice (?) neighborhood that will permit such a monster to live in it! yls the lutsband-avas the only oc cupant of the room when the deed was done, it is not unreasonable lo suppose that he fired the rifle him self. A man guilty of the crimes alleged against him would not hes itate to ad i that of murde. The Acts of our Stepreseistativc. Hon. nowell T. Hollis has introdu c'd three bills in the House, die opening of the session—two o 1 them very important, which meet the approval of an overwhelming majori ty of our good citizen- 1 . The fir t was a bill to abolish the Marion County Court. 2nd. A bill to regulate the sala of whisky in said county. Brd. A bi'i to allow Mary Collins to get married. The latier bill ought not lo have been introduced. It is of no impor tance to ihe State, mil is a question over which it ha*, no control. Mary Collins is not - ivorced from h<-r first husband and cut not get a legal ili v..>rc . It is .untli'.-funa'.: to - Maty, yet her an-ea- -h ml 1 be made to the Superior Coart and not to the State ot Georgia. Yve recommend that the bill do not pass, and that no other unimportant local or private bills be introduced. MhAfe. Hot*"* 1 * *** We are under a iditional obliga tions to Col. John Screven, of tee Atlantic & Gu'f Raiiroad, tor an un~. solicited complimentary pass over the road Tor the present year. In view of the recent selfish action of the Wadley monopoly, we had resolved not to return any passes for renew al, Lot caring to be a burden to the railroad corporations. The action of Col. Screven and the stock holders of h's road, iu continuing to issue passes to editors, afer the Georgia nud Cen tial railroads hare declined to do so, show that they do not consider the i Toss a burden but a needful auxilia ry- ‘A frien 1 in need is a friend indeed.’ Such a friend is Dr. Bulls Cough Sy i up, winch shou’dbe in every family; it only costs 25 cents a bottle and may save many a doctor bill. To the MethodUtsof Buena Vista, Sla rion and Cusseta Circuits. Dear Brethren : In [vrosenting you with first round of Quarterly Meetings, permit mo to say that your presence always glad dens our hearts and strengthens our hands. In seeking to do pood our strongest emphasis is in tin* n and of the Holy Spirit; next to this we place your presence and prayers. The late Conference made some changes in your charges that mtiy surprise many, and not give universal satisfaction. We thought we were acting aihis eJ.l\ ii is characteristic of mu' sys tem to “prove all things, hold last that which is good,’’ and lo modify or eliminate nil that is found to bb a failure. Let us as luiuiaicrs, churches and members improve, and occupy this year of grace, 1877. Our personal and family religion should be prayerfully revised, nnd our ptay er-mceings and Sunday-schools should fill our hands and fiords ami hearts. Tho momentary interest*, I turn over to the Financial Boat 4, merely, yet strongly, recommend that each church resolve to pay one half or two -thirds of its assessment at the first tuid secondly Quarterly Meetings. This can be done. It will prevent any embarrassment. It is beautiful —scrip: ural—safe. Suppose wo toy it. What say the stewards ? Le l us heir from the churches. Yours Very Truly, J. B. McGehee, P. E. ■ TxlboUon, Ga., Juu., ’77. COLILUSiUS USA i'ltß'T—4nar terly .Heeliiigs. Geneva A Talbotton, Jan. 6, 7. 8- Trinity A Broad St, Juu. 12, 13 14. C’i S;eta Ot.—Ctissota, Jan. 20,21. Ked Boue, Friday, Jau. 2(5, 7 i J . M. Marion Ct. —Union, Jan. 27, 2 P. M Buena Vista, ....Jail. 28, 29, 2 P. M Butler Ct.—Butler Feb. 3, 4. Cataula —Glowers, Feb. 10, 11. St. Luke A St. l’aul, Feb. 10, It, 18. Hamilton- Hamilton, Feb. 24, 25. Talbot —Providence, ....March 3,4. J. B. McGeiike, I*. E. —We have received a copy of “Bridges Smith's Paper, recently started in Atlanta. It is n bright, fascinating, humorous sheet, and de seives .success. It is, every way, worthy the pa ronage and support ol tie public. It is a twenty-eight col umn folio, full of interesting, spark ling reading, and only cost SI,OO a year. — Ben Iliil spoke in the Representa tive Chamber at Atlanta, on Saturday night last. The tinsel and glitter of Ills sparkling eloquence possess Ihe power to blind the judgment of many wise and good men. It is said, that the Siren's song was very sweet. •=*&> 9 Sp alter Bacon is thirty-eight years old. CUT THIS OUT. 3! ITlizy av Yobv f.ife. There is n<> person living but what , vi,T:s more or .'ess with Lung Dis eases, Coughs, Colds or Consump tion, yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents tor a ho tile of medicine that would cure tncm. Dr. A. Bos CHt k‘s GeßmaN SYRUPhas lately been intioduced in t- country from Ger many, and its wondeious cures as tonishes every one that try it. If yon doubt wlmt we say in print, cut ilii- out and tako it to Messrs. MeMKJiI \EE A STEVENS, and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it. Two doses will relieve you. Regu lar s ze 75 cents. ;n n u M To tilt; Work ng Class. —We are now prejJhr ed * ' tarnish all classes* with constant employment a. home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business nev., light and profitable. Per sons of either so easily earn from i>o cent.- to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. • oys and 4gff)h earn nearly as much as men. That ail who setiwS notice may send their address, and test the buwmesß fce make this unparalleled oiler: To such as are not Well satisfied wo will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work* on. and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and V". n Illustrate* 1 . Publications, all sent free by mail. Header, it'you want permanent, profitable work, address, George St’nson &00., Portland, Maine. fth T\ I’an’t be madT by every agent every \ 111 111 month in the business wo furnish, but • q # /| / • /those Avilling to work can ea -ily can- . W dozen dollars a day right in their own localities. Have no room to exnlain here. business pleasant and honorable. IKomen, and boys and “iris d> as well as meu. Wo will furnish you a complete Outfit free. The business pays better than anything else. We will bear expense of star ing you. Partic ulars free. Write and see. Farmers mid mechanics, their sons and da- ghters. aud ail Glasses m ceed of paying work at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now is the time, Don't and day. Address TRUE & 00., dugusta, Maine. ALU£BT MIX E. KUtTLAMfc Mix & Kirtland, 'W.'ioi.t’.HAi.E and Retail Db ale its In Seals &c t No. 3 Cotton Avenue and C3 Third Street, AtAOON, GEOEGIA •Mla A DKIRTLANO! h Shoo gd ,t!a! rlln \V ouM iL>ms u cm. hub itieic Sicok, and (lioyj aro confident uthcynm plco v DcalorFiue horn v).<. natil. tooUd ut ih lowest cash priced ciliof at No* . Out ell j 4 v* tut' or 6 til hi rd *t. At (id Thiid sr.n. > afer%<'hare a fine asfforuueut of Bunts, Shop* unci lluti*. Also, lavg'i assortm nt ot <!t eki n # fidntng .-.kin, Ac. Softs of dif l<iLt Goods and Shoo I'iudiugf* t nil to which we invito all in want tu call flttcl mo us. :(VLT2S: Sc KIRTLAND. September 22, !S"r> Om '. f-r --nirwtTno'nm .f, cwTGvsjr JJciM. 1/ jiuLr Uji I fis LiuliM, DPyUGGiSTS & Apothecaries Offer the following articlsw at LOWEST GASH PEICES: GUARANTEEING -THE QUALITY TO SI THE B£2T. S®r 100 BOXES cnEWING TOBACCO, --©a 12t) BOXES’ PFItFUeiEI) STvlltCir. B&- 10 009 SUGARS. 500 in BLUE STONE,-®a £■'&- -it ud Black Teas, 75c, 81.00, $1,25, A $1,50 pr lb )&" Potash, in box-s. Bar A Toilet Soaps, IFT* Kcrosctie Oil, Machine Oil, Linseed Oil, f*}?“ Yaruislte-, Paints, Ac. Largest retook of Lantern*. Lamps, Cha’ide'iers, and Fixtures in the ln Handsomest Designs anct at Lowest Prices. Bnint's Fn.sli anil ivurrantcd Gatdeu Seao, Drugs, Patent Medioinos, Toilet Articles, Per iumtrv Quinine, Morphine, vtpi 7 'in, Castor 101, Splui Soda, Brushes, all kinds, l'k-s:.lts a ,1 sto.-k of Drugs Mudioities, at- December 10, 187b-2m Ri ad t It. Is' €. a ihT s . r -' S\ I<\ BROWN'S Boot, Shoe' and Hat Stor©- tAum surest. KDTP.'ifconst-ndly on I„-:,d a lurpi- stoi-kof B >ots, Shoes and Hate of All /find, and will sell to tl.s l idy.i ;.s . f Mar.' n and surrounding counties, for Cash, at ( - h P £$ V t, paIS a taw U* m-Aii sit £ i m> OMiJLff If, A522458*1€355, ©IS. Have just opened nt their Uilu a J. JiljO ydSfl wtOfy A Pplasdi -jlwe!; of— Btftj ®ro;o,de, Oarpctiugs, Glathina:, Bale, Shoes, l i!i--elhii Sr.Jii. Notions, T'.bneeo, Starch. Potash. Btsckitig, “XtAZOIt STMCL” SCISSOHS, ’ i’oeket and Table Cillery, &■•, <to linve hut thinking it best and more satisfactory to -ive v V om- u’l-ii is It,.- Lowest Cash Price at Once. Whiiowc do not pro pose to rdl „ tew j, < rt.jW ?£■■>. we pledge ..or-elves to s, 11 our s,.„.| g at Frtces that will Average as Low as any House in Georgia J J GaXBEKBX w VY li AELOW TO iitfOS IS BUSTS, SHOES l MTS. WE DESIRE TO CALL YOUR ATTJgNtION TO OUK STOCK OH’ B€9iP Ts, HIIm Si H Ai¥ £> MATS I OK THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE, WHICH HAS BEEN CARIfULLY SELECTED WITH A VIEW TO THE WANTS OF THIS SECTION And request that you cal and examine them before milking your purchase a. We Ihiy bought, goods cheaper thau heretofore, aud propo-o to give our customers the benefit of the decline We Tfave Always UndeaveiKl to Give Satisfaction 10 THOSE \\HO HAVE SO GENEROUSLY PATRONIZED US ANDEAN ONLY RROMLSE THAT NO EFFORT "WILL BE -PARED ON OUK PART Tv 1) THE SAME IN THE FUTURE. - OUR GOODS WILL BE OF GOOD QUALITY AND NO ONE AN SELL [legitmalelv] AT LESS PRICE FOR SAME GOODS THAN AYE WILL. A Call Before You Buy is Solicited. It Will Save You Money SIS&X.EIOH, IXTNT & CO. iept£2-3m I'IUA.VUUI'm HLOIK .JIAIO.V a.